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Mar 20, 2009

Spring Equinox 2009 Astrology Chart

The horoscope for 2009's Aries Ingress - aka Spring Equinox 2009 - with chart details has been published but I'm republishing the chart image here because it can be clicked to enlarge for easier viewing.

The chart is set for the White House, March 20, 2009 7:43:34 am edt:

The Sun Aries-Moon Capricorn combination of the chart is a Fire-Earth blend of tough-mindedness and ambition. It's sensible, persistent, and a good organizer and has these Images for Integration:

'A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom and individual rights...Columbus discovers America and a new world order is born.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And if you've ever read any of my grousings before, you probably know that I consider the second image to be a doozy especially considering how the power elite's plans are steamrolling along these days...over you, me, our children, and our formerly decent social fabric now tattered and torn by politicians and the warmongers and social engineers they enable.

Mar 19, 2009

Bush-Paulson Bailout Bill a scam

Yes yes yes! A mega-heist has been perpetrated, as I keep complaining, and here Paul Craig Roberts asks if the Bush-Paulson Bailout Bill was a scam...yes!

NPR is reporting as I type that the deficit is 'far worse' than was expected...$2 trillion, as we'll hear tomorrow when the report is released. Can't wait.

So as Mr. Roberts mentions in the article linked above, there is no money for social programs (only for war.) They're getting ready to turn the screws on the ill, the elderly, orphans, and on anyone else thinking the US government has the integrity to honor its agreements with we-the-people.

Nice crowd. The renting of our social fabric is going well - for the power elite, thanks.

When are the heisters of Capitol Hill and their lawyers and ritzy friends going to return what they've embezzled for decades? Puh!

Of course, stirring up our emotions and indignation and sending us out onto the streets is part of the plan so being the meanie that I am, I refuse to give them the satisfaction!


Btw: did you ever read FDR's test of our progress from 1937?

Obama Stimulus Bill ok'd AIG bonuses

Thanks to Jax, a reader at Jude's Threshold, I have a link for you to a Fox News video and article concerning the fact that Obama'a Stimulus Bill explicitly grants AIG bonuses as inserted by Sen. Chris Dodd.

Be sure to scroll down for the mocked-up active pic of the primary recipients of AIG campaign donations riding in what favors a dune buggy, sodas in'd be hilarious if the circumstances weren't so undermining for America.

You know the Inauguration 2009 chart wasn't so marvelous with its Mercury Rx under the Sun's rays, that Venus in Aries is Rx, money is being requested to be returned (Rx = re-this and re-that) and Venus, one of the money planets, was in confusing Pisces on Inauguration Day...near quirky, willful Uranus.

The Venus-Uranus pair often indicates being erratic, extravagant, or wasteful with money.

And with May 27 being the first of 2009's three conjunctions of Jupiter (large amounts of money) with inflationary, veiling Neptune, planet of excess liquidity, the entire year will be about speculations and large promises not so easily kept.

Once again, here's the midpoint picture of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which lands all three times on US natal Moon (we-the-people in our national chart):

Jup-Nep = Moon: going with the wind; dreaminess; little sense of reality; losing oneself in plans; becoming involved in speculation, instability, wastefulness.

And so far, 2009 is panning out exactly as the above midpoint pic describes, don't you think?

Destructuring America

Here's Joe Brewer explaining How to Destroy the Government in 3 Easy Steps but with some good ideas for how we can rescue our nation.

It took years for America to come to this pass - purposefully done by a certain few, as I always grouse - and Brewer lays it out clearly for those who don't believe that there is a larger agenda being followed.

You, lone reader, may be someone who doesn't believe there's a one-world-government plan but you can't deny the events of the last several years - and the results we must now endure because of our past apathy toward the power elite's totalitarian designs which have been greatly 'upped' since the New Millennium.

So do you still want your MTV?

Mar 18, 2009

AIG's CEO Liddy on Capitol Hill 3.18.09

As Congress revs up for Wednesday's performance at the Capitol Hill Theater today, AIG's CEO Edward Liddy makes ready to participate in a shadow play 'duel' with our erstwhile representatives.

Since the out-of-bounds Moon will remain in the adventurous sign of Sagittarius today until 5:18 pm edt, I thought to look at the Sun Pisces-Moon Sag blend to see what's afoot on the political stage - and if anything interesting is peeking out from the frilly undergarments of political thespianism.

Will all actors manage to save their bacon and cover their culpable patooties? Will thongs get themselves in a twist before the curtain lowers? It promises to be an emotionally volatile day, so read on...

Sun Pisc-Moon Sag is a steamy Water-Fire blend that can cleanse, sterilize - and scald. Known for moodiness and passionate emotions, this blend can be courageous and vulnerable at the same time.

The ability to step back and take an impersonal view is lacking and volatility of fanatic proportions makes cool reasoning capacity next to impossible to achieve.

This results in instability and impracticality, two traits the American people often witness coming from Capitol Hill, much to our dismay. Today's congressional sessions may not run smoothly, m'peops with much drama in the script and out own outrage fueling the proceedings.

Yet with Sun in Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius, there exists social awareness and generosity, but perhaps the generosity has already gone into the wrong coffers, many of them in the UK.

Yet today's show must go on so that Congress can look as if it's making efforts on behalf of US taxpayers. The natives are restless and so is the Sun Pisc-Moon Sag combo of energies.

This is a humble and noble blend that judges others' weaknesses generously to the point of being a real sucker for a sob story, so we'll see what justifications Mr. Liddy comes up with.

Sun Pisc-Moon Sag needs to pin itself down to dealing with manageable-sized problems and must pay attention to details so that something productive may result. It's a very creative, poetic blend but when dealing with crooks, embezzlers, and syndicate types, naivete must be avoided.

This blend is shared natally by several notables: Copernicus, Billy Crystal, Jackie Gleason, Victor Hugo, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Rupert Murdoch, and...

Albert Einstein, who said, "The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Quite appropriate for today's Capitol Hill Theater performance, Albert, thanks!

Images for Integration: 'Einstein's Theory of Relativity...A black woman priest in the confessional hears a tale of woe from a white converted scientist and they fall in love.' Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

A virtual lovefest isn't on my menu for today's questions and answers, is it on yours?

Now given that in recent days Congress tends to go into evening hours, we see that the Moon reaches World Point 00Cap00 at 5:18 pm edt which changes the atmosphere into Sun Pisc-Moon Cap, a Water-Earth blend...the day goes from steam to mud!

Sun Pisc-Moon Cap's Images for Integration: 'An old freighter chugs toward the port, bringing in the goods...A famous actress leaves her estate to the Actors' Pension Fund.'

(It's very sad for me to note that Natasha Richardson's catastrophic skiing accident could be indicated here and my heart goes out to her and her family at this difficult time.)

Sun Pisc-Moon Cap is shared natally by: George Washington, Samuel Pepys, Percival Lowell, Anais Nin, Philip Roth, Walter Schirra, and Dinah Shore.

Well, the 'goods' have already been distributed by the Bush administration's 'Bailout' heist so whether Congress can call AIG bonuses back to port is doubtful. That Congress can invent some other method of calming the natives remains to be seen.

Peek from the Jungle, a drawing imported from Secret Moon Art for restless natives everywhere.

Mar 17, 2009

Ben Bernanke: firefighter or arsonist?

Economic propaganda is on the loose and distorting realities of the 'financial crisis' for the consumption of the American voter.


On a somewhat lighter note, a new limerick has been published in honor of the Jack Bauer character on 24: That Kitten Named Bauer - plus, you'll inadvertently view a photo of Princess Grace the Cat if you click the link to Lim's Limericks.

When Jupiter met Saturn: May 28, 2000 and the econo-crisis

On May 28, 2000 at 12:02 pm edt at the White House, Jupiter expansion and Saturn restriction, aka in Political or Mundane Astrology as Republicans (Jup) and Democrats (Sat), met for a strategy session for ushering in the New Millennium of even deeper pocket-lining.

The chart's final dispositor (the planet upon which all depends) is dualistic Mercury which represents such things as commerce, trade, communications, messages, speeches, & more...Mercury resides at '28Gemini' a degree of Bankruptcy in the Sabian Symbols.

Check out this ancient post of mine from 2007, if you prefer, for it contains a paragraph from Gore Vidal's The Decline and Fall of the American Empire in which Mr. Vidal asserts that Henry Adams had figured out that America has "...a single system, and in that system the only question is the price at which the proletariat is to be bought and sold the bread and circuses."

Also involved in my Jupiter-Saturn article is what I believe are the most comprehensive definitions of such minor bodies (however theoretical or 'Uranian' as they may be) as: SIGMA, Nemesis, and Cupido.

So with our current econo-crisis~financial collapse (which I continue to assert is manufactured by one-world-government types) we may wish to consider the hook-up of our solar system's two societal planets which relate to financial cycles (due to their basic principles mentioned above: expansion vs restriction) as being apt for today's pay-off for the mega-wealthy, monarchy-adoring banking class - to ascertain whether their meeting of May 28, 2000 (when the cosmic clock began running on another of Jupiter-Saturn's 20-year cycles) has merit worthy of your attention.

One of the 'clues' Astrology gives into an astrological window of understanding is the word picture, or Sabian Symbol, for their Great Conjunction at '23 Taurus'.

Taurus is one of the money signs with a shadow side that attempts to hide gold-loving King Midas' greed while practicing Taurus the Bull's stubborn intolerance and prejudice such as seen with the elite class' contempt for the poor whom they imagine to be beneath them.

And Taurus, a practical Earth sign, likes to get things done in the manifest world. Ruled by Venus, a planet retrograde in Aries as I type, Taurean energy must be sparking this post, a self-inflicted replay from 2007's financial concerns! (My natal North Node is in Taurus, but no natal planets - in my Secondary Progressions, Moon is near mid-Taurus in natal 9th house and in Secondary 7th house.)

'23Tau'..."A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"...

positive: a happy gift for shaping all vision to larger dimensions and directing all aspiration to more than trivial ends;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

Yes, 2008 saw the world's high-fallutin' social tinkerers and chaos-creators move their plans into "larger dimensions" all right, and I suppose their pocket-lining (USA's natal Jupiter degree of 1776:

'6 Cancer'..."Gamebirds Feathering Their Nests") must be nearing completion - because anything of real value has now been heisted and spirited away to certain lairs while the US Treasury's printing presses have orders to churn out stacks and stacks of worthless paper for the masses to crave.

Voulez-vous a dry biscuit with your circus?

Mar 16, 2009

In This Corner: the stars of Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer

Master astrologer Mary Plumb has written an enlightening article on the natal charts and personalities of The Daily Show's Jon Stewart and on his recent TV interview meal, financial commentator Jim Cramer.

The article is published exactly where you'll usually find Ms. Plumb: on the website of America's premiere Astrology magazine, The Mountain Astrologer.

Read Two Free Spirits for more details on the Sagittarian Mr. Stewart and the Aquarian Mr. Cramer.

Jon Stewart
Nov 28, 1962 NY
(time unknown)

Jim Cramer
Feb 10, 1955
Wyndmoor, PA
(time unknown)

Sunrise is used for both natal charts, aka a Solar chart.