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Apr 5, 2010

Pluto Rx Station @ 5Cap25 April 6, 2010

Update April 7, 2010: Funk Astrology has an informative article on the Pluto Rx Station which contains links to various astrologers' views on the subject (including this post, but skip it because you're already here.)

Original SO'W post starts now:

The first minute that Pluto enters retrograde condition is on the evening of April 6, 2010 @ 10:34 pm edt, 5 Cap25. Of course, Mr. Underworld, the saboteur with the invisible helmet, is actually stationing on that degree/minute already, with its rather mysterious Sabian Symbol...

'6Cap' = "A Dark Archway and Ten Logs at the Bottom"...THOROUGHNESS...

positive expression: high competence in the interpretation of life's purposes or unusual persistence in employing its ramifying potentials effectively;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: fear of experience and bondage to mystery.

That's from Marc Edmund Jones yet perhaps Dane Rudhyar's analysis fits Washington politics and the new-economic-order type of plutonian puppetmaster even better...

'6Cap' = "Ten Logs Lie under an Archway Leading to Darker Woods"...

'Keynote: the need to complete any undertaking before seeking entrance to whatever is to be found beyond'. Rudyar goes on...

"Number 10 is a symbol of completion; it symbolizes even more the revelation of a new series of activities just ahead. Yet unless the concluded series is brought to some degree of fulfillment, nothing truly significant is likely to be accomplished by a restless reaching out toward the as-yet unknown. Number 10 is a symbol of germination, but the seed (Number 9) must have matured well. No natural process can be accelerated safely beyond certain limits."

(That last has me looking askance at You, Large Hadron Collider. jc)

(This symbol) "establishes a foundation for what will follow. Here man reaches a THRESHOLD on which he may have to pause in order to safeguard his further advance."

Well, Pluto now pauses in what astrologers call a 'station' which occurs when a planet changes to Direct or Rx motion. And the symbol for the degree Pluto will next return to in his backward motion ('5Cap') speaks of warpaths and the 'spirit of conquest'.

At the White House, April 6, 2010, 10:34 pm edt, the rising degree 23Sco21 is ruled by warrior and instigator Mars, and co-ruled, if you will, by Mr. Underworld himself. So when we look for applying aspects of either planet in the Rx Station chart, we find only one: Mars inconjunct Pluto (1A07) with Mars 4Leo18 in 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, Higher Education, Higher Mind, Long-Distance Travel, and Jurisprudence, and Pluto 5Cap25 Rx in 2nd house of Money, Resources, Earning Ability, and Values.

By itself, Mars-in-9th-house signifies conflicts in spiritual matters and/or severe educational disruptions; here Mars is having trouble 'adjusting' to Pluto in 2nd house of Money - Pluto's Rx Station represents a 'pause'.

For America, this may relate to the Obama administration's overhauling of student loan programs, the continuation of campus riots and protests, and could very well emphasize wars (Mars) in Foreign Lands (9th house) - where, imho, the wealth of the American people is being funneled toward bankruptcy. (We are bankrupt, actually.)

The aspect Mars inconjunct Pluto, (150 degr, aka a quincunx) has a workhorse mentality with a compulsion to take on more responsibilities than it should - depleted energy is the result. This is an aspect of self-persecution! It's the 'so much to do, so little time' aspect. A bad-tempered arrogance is evident (but when is it not in Washington?) and efficient management of time is difficult under the rays of a crisis-promoting Mars/Pluto inconjunct. (paraphrasing Rob Pelletier.)

Well, hopefully by the end of this week my scanner will be repaired for I've not been able to scan and publish new charts (or new drawings!) for over a week now due to mischievous scanner gremlins.

Looking ahead, there are many more things to blog about including the proposed dates of Nov 8 - 11, 2010 as a period when a possible false flag op may occur on American shores and which some assert will put the attacks of 9/11 'in the shade'. (Thanks again for the heads-up, Mr. Smith!)

So if you, lone reader, have studied the horoscopes for this time period and have an interest in Mundane Astrology, please share, if you will. A big factor then will be Pluto Rx @ 3Cap+ conjunct the transiting North Node, the Head of the Dragon.

Therefore, the Dragon's Tail (SN) will be pointing to America's natal Venus in Cancer, our nation's chart-ruler if you use the Sibly version with '13Sag' rising (or the slightly earlier Rudhyar version.) This emphasizes the ongoing transit of Pluto opposing US natal Venus as our financial problems persist through the disastrous transformations of sabotaging forces. In fact, the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse may bring again the specter of total global financial collapse before the Eclipse's 6-month influence has faded.

Yes, the July 11 Solar Eclipse is in the same Series as America's Pre-Natal Eclipse (12 South), as we've discussed previously, so it's a 'biggie' for America: similar issues from the time of our nation's founding will resurface in order to be rehashed - and hopefully will be better dealt with on various levels. Plus, the Eclipse's crisis-ridden degree 19Can24 conjoins the UK's natal Moon.

The Pluto/NN Combination:

Besides 'powerful connections', Pluto/NN = sewage or waste disposal (including nuclear); agreements or treaties about reciprocal rights for data obtained through clandestine methods; violent criminals who enter the country secretly at any given opportunity; people who do not have the nation's or business community's best interests at heart; security or treaty breakdowns due to the actions of others.

Plus, November 2010's transiting conjunction of Pluto to NN is actually a Nodal Half Return to the chart of 9/11/01 - not comforting at all, is it?

That said, I leave you with the Fire-Earth blend of Sun Aries/Moon Capricorn energies in effect at the Rx Station of Pluto on the evening of April 6, 2010. If this happens to be your natal blend, here ya go, with my compliments...

This is the aggressive combo of a good organizer who is domineering, tough-minded, unstoppable, enthusiastic and forceful. It describes a pragmatic intellect...the boss and the winner with a too-blunt, businesslike manner, and an overpowering need to be recognized as 'tops'.

This blend's 'Images for Integration' are quite telling considering our topic of a Saturn-ruled Pluto now strengthened by Station Rx...and if you've ever read this blog before, you'll notice the 2nd Image in particular:

'A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom and individual human rights...Columbus discovers America, and a new world order is born.'

Under the rays of Pluto's Station Rx perhaps we all are feeling poised or 'paused' at the Edge of Petrified Forest and wondering what lies beyond...


Books used, but not harmed, in the writing of this post: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; Planets in Aspect, Rob Pelletier; An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, and Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, by Michael Munkasey.

Apr 3, 2010

View Sunset Planets Mercury and Venus: Apr 3 and 4, 2010

SUNSET PLANETS: This is for everyone. Venus and Mercury are having a close encounter on April 3rd and 4th. Look west at sunset to see the two bright planets beaming through the twilight only 3 degrees apart.

Sky maps, pictures and more information may be found at


And to all my readers who take to heart His Rising: Happy Easter 2010!


Apr 2, 2010

A Shadow Government free from the law itself

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

Senator Daniel K. Inouye, during the Iran Contra Hearings and former chair of US Senate MKULTRA-era hearings in 1977

(Above quote courtesy of - click on the tab, upper right for Shadow Government.)

This is the kind of thing that makes me want to keep using America's 'Sibly' version natal chart with its Saturn in 10th house, Neptune in 9th...Saturn/Neptune, among other things, is 'secret' or 'shadow' (Neptune) government (Saturn.) Michael Munkasey gives the political implications of Saturn/Neptune as:

Thesis: Delusions among the real leadership; long lived programs that have no real purpose; policies that restrict spies; misuse of law officers; inefficient use of capable expert advice; mistaken religious leaders.

Antithesis: Leaders deceive about the exercise of control; deficient practices exposed; respected persons involved in questionable practices (most of the US Congress and White House? jc); a leader capitulates; reliable equipment failures.

Now I know Mr. Munkasey doesn't prefer to be quoted yet I did it anyway! That America has a Saturn/Neptune flavor to our Midheaven (Goals; Aspirations; Public Standing), the most visible point in any chart, is no surprise to the larger world.

It's the citizenry of America going blithely on their ways while ignoring these important issues that alarms me.

Then this morning I received a forwarded email from a friend concerning the immigration legislation that Washington is cobbling together under the auspices of Senators Graham and Schumer - and their stealth move to insert a provision making private-info-embedded chips in National ID Cards a must for every citizen of the US and without which no one - no one - will be able to get a job or buy even the most basic items.

Does this sound like Revelation's mark of the beast without which 'no one will be able to buy or sell'? Does to me.

Apr 1, 2010

Determining when we-the-people lost America

Astrologically I have tried for some time to date the primary sea-change in America, when our democracy - or 'republic', if you prefer - turned into a Frankenstein-esque creature unrecognizable to most Americans.

But it isn't that easy because a time-dependent discipline such as Astrology magnifies and illumines best when a precise date is known. Knowing an hour and minute of an event focuses its study even better and it is in this spirit that I have previously titled a post on the assassination of JFK as "The Day America Died" - this was a televised, time-stamped murder!

But even that heinous, disillusioning event was only one marker on the usurping path to total oligarchic one-world-government control and there have been other events with obvious coup d'etat signatures.

Well, Len Hart presents here interesting political insights into our loss of America along with informative quotes and video from E. L. Doctorow who dates important 'sea-changes' to the 1970s, particularly 1974 and the SUN-PAC decision of 1975, which is said to be similar in its impact to the recent SCOTUS decision that 'corporations are people' too - a brazen sell-out of American democracy if there ever was one.

In addition, you may wish to listen to a YouTube audio of President John F. Kennedy concerning his opposition to "secret societies," a sentiment which may have contributed to his cruel assassination in 1963 - as perpetrated and televised from Masonic Dealey Plaza, Dallas. And just like the attacks of 9/11/01, TV networks and stations played the tape over and over and over...

(A Dealey Plaza Note: I personally find the making of a nude music video in that particular place to be a crass exploitation, if not an honoring, of an illegal act which grabbed the helm and changed the course of America. And where America goes, so goes the world. Even for desperate-for-attention singers, talented as they may be.)

Mother Jones vs Sarah Palin?

So here I sit awaiting the arrival of out-of-town company, no time to blog though I'd like to, and I run across a fabulous article comparing Sarah Palin with a radical figure from US history.

She's Another US Radical: Mother Jones with two versions of natal charts shown in this informative article.

Is it possible that Sarah Palin, who's taken to the Tea Party movement as if it were her idea, is on some level a modern day embodiment of the famous Mother Jones?

Mar 30, 2010

Reconciliation Bill signed w/ US natal Jupiter rising 3.30.10

March 30, 2010: another 22-Pens Day for President Obama!

At 11:33 am edt today, President Obama signed the Reconciliation Bill for Student Loans and Health Care Reforms even though 'Lack of Care' seems more where we're headed due to a sparse primary care worker force. For too long those who went into Medicine went in for the big bucks yet not all go into service for this reason - some actually go into service to go into service for the common good. But many doctors in America do have their Porche payments to make, you know. And exotic isles with glimmering golf courses may await them.

NPR has a Health Care Reform round-up of articles in chronological order which reads in large part like a schedule of March 2010.

Ascending today at Nova Community College, Northern Virginia, for the signing ceremony at 11:33 am edt is 4Can05 bringing America's natal Jupiter upon the scene (Venus having just arisen - money and valuable things.) And confidence is jovial Jupiter's forte!

Well, if the President's plan to take out the middle men in the student loan industry does result in the savings he envisions, students will benefit along with society. Our country needs the upgrade of community colleges which the President proposes for medical professions may be prepared for there and computer technology has been a staple of these institutions for years - why not ramp things up?

At this Hour of the Moon (changes; publicity) the serious leader Sun/Saturn midpoint also arose, so we have...

Sun/Saturn = ASC: possible health threat (plus, SN is in 1st house conjunct asteroid Hopi, keywords: ambush; prejudice - but the Secret Service is on the case); being misunderstood; separation.

South Node is a separative point, it's true, but near ASC it may also mean 'outstanding in his field' and may represent an unusually successful achiever.

With US natal Jupiter...

Sun/Saturn = n Jupiter: break-up of an entire value system for eventual recovery and gain (!); cloud with a silver lining; a fortunate separation.

Perhaps this is the 'separation' of middle-men bankers from the student loan process thus saving money.

At Midheaven (Goal; Aspirations) 12Pis42 is another midpoint, one I keep a squinty eye on as it traverses the heavens: Uranus/Neptune, significator of the NWO, timed by their Great Conjunction/s of 1993...@ '18Cap'...where tr NN has been hanging out for several days now.

Uranus/Neptune = MC: guidance sought from never-before-taped sources; inner vision; dissolution.

And Uran/Nep = NN: meeting with people who care about one's future.

The Uranus/Chiron midpoint at MC implies new reforms and innovations and possible political chaos. We'll see what hay the GOP tries to fork Obama's way as the hours go by while they defend Republican staffers' running up tabs at bondage nightclubs. (Diverting story that, but I have no time to follow up.)

Chart-ruler Moon makes only one applying aspect in the 11:33 am edt chart: she opposes Mercury (7A55) with Mercury 25Ari13 in 11th house of Groups and Associations, and Moon 17Lib18 conjunct 5th cusp 17:13. This is the head (Merc) vs heart (Moon) aspect and may symbolize the left-right brain split which continues to bedevil this nation's Politics as it is continually acted out with tiresome 'Rs v Ds' quarrels that divert the players so often and completely that they can hardly find time to 'serve' the people who sent them to Capitol Hill.

Now for the T-Square patterns involved in the signing's loosely knitted Grand Cross (if you count the ASC as an outlet for the planetary energies)...

Pluto/ASC = Sun: seeing a whole new avenue for development and success; 'full steam ahead': attaining respect and esteem for physical prowess; ruthless conduct toward others.

Pluto/ASC = Saturn: oppressive dealings with others; high potential for great difficulty and loss; subjected to coercive measures or forcible suppression.

Another picture tells a tale of inventions, inspirations, and new ideas: Mercury/Neptune = Uranus.

What? ASC '5Can' = " At a Railroad Crossing, an Automobile Is Wrecked by a Train" which describes the bad stuff that can happen when an individual pits his will 'carelessly' against 'the power of the collective will of society.'

Other than increasing the deficit, I can't imagine that a majority of Americans can be against the student loan part of the Reconciliation Bill the President signed this morning. It's the Health Insurance Reform parts of it I'm not so certain about.

However, this very day, transiting Mars 2Leo31 (in 2nd house of Money at 11:33 am edt) is triggering Mr. Obama's natal Mercury, planet of signings, bills, laws, agreements, announcements, speeches, discussions, crossroads, trade and commerce. He did sound a little revved up during his speech, didn't he?

Perhaps this evening at the White House French President Sarkozy will notice a certain verve or force in Mr. Obama's repartee over dinner!

Mar 29, 2010

Libra Full Moon 3.29.10, Cheney's role in 9/11, and the Vatican

Now both readers of this blog thought I'd lost my marbles a few years ago in asserting that then-VP Dick Cheney was a major orchestrator-enabler in the attacks of 9/11/01 even though they too could view Cheney's Secondary Progressions set for 9/11/01, and see his Secondary Pluto/Chiron midpoint at Sec Midheaven (Goals; Aspirations) -- on that very morning.

Were Pluto/Chiron's primal violence, oppression, disenfranchisement, fascism, and corporatism his goals? Have those outcomes transpired?

Synchronistically, on the morning of 9/11/01, the transiting midpoint of Pluto/Chiron 17Sag51 conjoined Cheney's natal Mars (in his natal 4th house; Sec IC 28Cap43 conjoined his Sec Mars 29Cap26, degrees which conjunct US natal and US Sec Pluto.) There are other correspondences between the charts, yet I leave it to you to check out Dick's 9/11 progressions with 9/11/01 transits and the US natal chart if you will.

Enter 2010, and there are military folk more involved with such things than this blogging gnat can ever be, people who are coming out point blank and saying: Cheney Responsible for 9/11.

One thing I always marveled at during the days, months, and years after 9/11: that Cheney's well-known role in standing down America's air defenses that morning (as if it were a game) wasn't addressed in the mainstream media - at all, that I could find.

There were so many large birds killed with 'one stone' on 9/11!

Ex: invading Iraq in order to fulfill an over-arching agenda to plunder resources of the Middle East and establish yet another imperialist power base, an extension of the process of gaining global domination through perpetual war, and an attempt domestically to legitimize the Bush-Cheney administration after its squirrelly installment by the SCOTUS - those, and more, are the Zionist neocons' alleged 'new Pearl Harbor' justifications for a violent false flag op being perpetrated against the American people on 9/11/01 which, as global Vulcans expected, allowed them to lead us into war by utilizing an emotionally based patriotism.

Yet these days, it's become a very tattered cover-up (see above article.)

However, this evening at 10:25 pm edt over the White House (White Lodge - this is still a debateably Freemason Nation; Hour of Saturn), a Full Moon 9Libra17 (Sun 9Aries17) - spotlights her separating T-Square with apex Pluto 5Cap24 (in 2nd house of Values, Relationships, and Money) when the Full Moon perfects; Full Moon in DC occurs across the 5/11 Will axis which includes Groups and Associations, and Risk-Taking and Gambling.

(Pluto's '6Cap' = "A Dark Archway with Ten Logs at the Bottom"...THRESHOLD...(on which man) may pause in order to safeguard his further advance. My reading of Pluto's current symbol within Mundane Astrology? NWO types have lots and lots of patience.)

Yes, the energies of tonight's T-Square are passing, yet with Full Moons indicating culminations, fulfilments, or endings of something begun at the last New Moon (March 15 @ 25Pis10), we might reasonably check out the midpoint picture's interpretation while considering all that obsessive, one-track Pluto has accomplished so far in his de-structuring process while traversing Capricorn's Saturn-related realms such as government, law, and business:

Sun/Moon = Pluto: changed circumstances or biased attitudes lead to critical phases of development in life or to separation from others; separation in order to start anew; potential new perspectives in relationships; drastic measures toward self-protection; focusing attention on one's own goals; making startling new plans for enhancing life quality. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey - any, all, or none may apply.)

Relationships, Partnerships, and/or Alliances may be what's culminating now and Full Moons always highlight them. But it doesn't mean they will be permanently broken even though a point of widest extension has been reached for those affected by the degrees of this Full Moon (plus, Moon conjoins Fixed Star, Vindemiatrix: 'loss of partner'.)

In the US 'Sibly' chart, the Full Moon falls in 10th house of Public Status and Career - the wider world. And transiting Saturn is again dancing across the US natal Midheaven 00Lib53, a time when individuals or entities tend to be recognized for past work and actions which usually entail more responsibilities - and public accountability - as one's past actions are open to plenty of public scrutiny.

Well, with Sun (leader) and Moon (the people) both squaring off with Mr. Underworld, Pluto, the anciente regime may not be too happy with us at the moment...primarily we represent blockages and obstacles strewn along their path to total control. And since he's the wealthiest of the wealthy actors in the planetary panoply, we may expect the obsessive string-pulling of secret hand Pluto to continue as his agenda's claws close in on the world's collective trachea.

So have I ever told you my personal opinion on who ultimately is described by Pluto in mundane charts? If not, I am remiss.

After blogging since 2005 on political and social issues, my experience is not extensive and perhaps not the least bit insightful, but from Astrology studies and other readings, I think Mr. Hades signifies a continuing network of those who have orchestrated world events (riots, revolutions, market bubbles, banking system collapses, assassinations, and bill signings) for centuries based on their self-imagined exaltation as carriers of the royal Merovingian bloodline. If I seem to be implicating the Vatican, Pope, and the Jesuits in the NWO agenda, so be it.

Toss the saboteurs into a boiling cauldron with other Illuminati-ists and the Rosicrucians and you've got quite a stinky brew of win-at-any-cost monsters of the deep reveling in their 'special' DNA that supposedly marks their lineage passed down from Lucifer. But to me, no matter which Satan worshiper slept with whom through the centuries, it's a ludicrous theory that 'Jesus Christ fathered a child' during His time on planet Earth, and I scoff at the theory's seeming undermining (as if!) of the Universal Godhead. Such a daft theory gains no hoofage around here so move along, nothing to see, find another place to peddle your Jesuit madness and bloodline bamboozlings.

And then, if you were around in the 1980s and early 90s, you may remember that George H. W. Bush was an admitted friend and associate of Anton Lavey (Levay, Lavay, etc), founder of the Church of Satan in America - years ago, I heard Bush described in such terms with my own ears. Yet Bush Sr's sex scandals while in the White House were quite successfully hushed up. So Thanks, Press, for another example of your dropping the ball when it comes to the common good of the American people. For all I know, most of you are coven members, too. (Though some might cite you as members of the Trilateral Commission and say, same thing!)

Pedophile Vatican with a Shaky Pope on Top

Of late, and for tonight's Full Moon, Pluto (which can also signify The Pope) rises with Altair, the Eagle. In the US we're accustomed to thinking of the Eagle as being a peculiarly American symbol. After all, tonight's Full Moon chart has an Ascendant (in DC, edt) of 15Sco22, known as the Eagle Point, the mid-degree of Scorpio, with the Oxen Point '15Tau' upon Descendant.

For me, this relates to the August 11, 1999 'Mother of All Eclipses' - aka, 'The King of Terror Eclipse of the Century' - but it's beyond the scope of this article. And yet a mention must be made for 1999's Mars 16Sco51 is rising tonight along with a few of 1999's midpoints: Sun/Uranus, Moon/Uranus, Venus/Neptune (Ven/Nep is a significator of the Vatican), and Neptune/ASC. 1999 Solar Eclipse's Saturn was posited at 16Tau53 placing the 'hard work/hardship' opposition of Mars and Saturn in 1999 across the ASC-DESC axis for this evening's Full Moon.

This opposition of Mars/Saturn formed two points in the rigid Fixed Grand Cross pattern of energies which is the hallmark of the difficulties from the August 1999 Eclipse with which the world greeted the New Millennium. No, I don't believe the sensitivity of the degrees of this particular Eclipse will be fading any time soon and thus they remain ripe for activation from transits and progressions (Sun/Moon 18Leo21 - tr Venus triggered this Eclipse degree by conjunction on 9/11/01.)

Yes, others used 'the Eagle' pre-1776 (and our Founding Fathers were surely aware of prior uses of the bird as symbol and of its cousin, the Phoenix) so it represents several entities through the centuries. Prime among them is the Roman Empire, that fascist melding of Church and State we call 'Vatican City' or 'the Vatican' - now under fire, along with a complicit Pope Benedict, for priestly pedophile activities and the previous hush-hush status of their crimes against children which existed, or exists, within Vatican hierarchy and below.

As you know, the constellation Altair the Eagle is one of the Stymphalian Birds along with Cygnus the Swan and Lyra the Vulture - birds of a feather! Altair now gives Pluto boldness, forthright actions, and strength each morning (as if saboteur and thief Pluto needs more ruthless brashness. However, 'he' can certainly use the current Altair-rising-with-Pluto for timing his subversive activities.)

Now. If you've read thus far, congratulations, I heartily salute you!

And if you can still enjoy and marvel in the moonbeams of tonight's lovely Full Moon after reading my mundane grousings, please do so, in a location of your choice. Because Luna has a lovely Sabian Symbol for this evening's celestial show and I wish you and yours just this sort of experience:

'10 Libra' = "Having Passed Safely Through Narrow Rapids, a Canoe Reaches Calm Waters"...Keynote: The self-control and poise necessary to reach a steady state of inner stability.

The inner 'revelation' which brought about dramatic confrontations can now be meditated upon as it is reflected in the calm waters of the mind.

Keyword: RELIEF. (Source: An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)

Hmm! Reminds me of the 6 of Swords card in The Enchanted Tarot deck I use (by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber): "PASSAGE" indicating a time of transition that brings new vistas and fresh solutions to old problems - and perhaps preparing us for some 'breakthrough' transitions of Uranus-to-Aries-Point which will soon be followed by Jupiter meeting Uranus at the Aries Point of World Manifestation...and it's all happenin' conjunct US natal IC 00Ari53.

Mar 27, 2010

Earth Hour tonight! And SAG, not Sagittarius

Tonight @ 8:30 pm edt is the annual Earth Hour so make your candling plans accordingly and chalk one up for global climate change. Check out the Earth Hour website for more information.

Meanwhile, just when I think my list of frets about this changing world is as long as it can reasonably get, along comes What in the World Are They Spraying? and I'm up in the air over something else again: SAG.

You know how the New World Order types (the ones wanting to impose global chaos so we'll accept any serf system they have in mind - for serfs who are still around) bombard us with 'satisfy your senses' messages and enticements in the media?

A society of folk who careen from one satisfaction to another is a society that notices only what is right in front of its nose, when all the while a variety of events and results are happening just outside their the fields of vision. Things that would alarm if noticed.

In that spirit, I recommend that you to read the above article concerning out-of-sight-out-of-mind SAG. And remember to Look Up and don't accept what you see as someone else's prerogative over your and your descendants' very existences - for those are what plutocratic string-pullers have placed on the line.


One of my favorite resources for information or news about the global eco-system is Living On Earth. Fixing Earth's climate is a favored topic there and today on the radio program they're featuring chef Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and interviewing him. Now I don't know if you've been watching the TV show where the British Mr. Oliver goes into US schools and turns their menus into decent grub, but I have. And I appreciate it.

It just began airing so you can catch up if you've missed it.

Yet no eye opener is needed here about processed 'foods' but those busy satisfying their cravings for foods laced with mace, sugar, salt, and who-knows-what-else are in process of having their taste buds re-educated by Mr. Oliver! Of course, the schools' budgets are not up to the challenge so I'm not sure where the show is going with Oliver's Food Revolution unless towns he visits decide to make important changes after he moseys into the sunset and the camera lights go down.

But I do hope the spotlight helps. Feeding our school kids nourishing chow would go along way toward scholastic achievement along with the many health benefits this would bestow...too numerous to list.

One of the craziest days my ears ever perked up over concerning Politics was the day the media began reporting that President Ronald Reagan's new adjustment in balancing America's school menus was that ketchup is a vegetable. How's that for Orwellian?

Or, as I adore saying: I knew it was you, Reagan.

Mar 26, 2010

George Washington: hero or traitor to his country?

While searching for something else entirely I have come across an interesting page concerning the Military Rule of George Washington and how our government was set up in secret with Freemason George Washington being nominated president of the Constitutional Convention, and later serving as our official first president.

(President Washington took the oath of office on April 30, 1789 with a YOD pattern in effect: Saturn/Mc = Neptune: a lack of clarity. Precise time of the 'oath heard round the world' is from historical record; click or tap the link to view the chart.)

So was George a hero or a traitor? You decide, for the halo round his head has been blinding me for decades and I firmly believe that placing any mortal human being upon such a high pedestal is always off by a mile from the truth!

On June 19, 1787, delegates voted to create a new form of national government which they separated into the three branches we ostensibly retain today. The establishment of a centralized government had to be kept secret, for others were opposed to setting up a system so similar to the British system we had just overthrown! A "storm of controversy" accompanied the public announcement of the US Constitution as copies were passed around on September 19, 1787 - a reworking of the Articles of Confederation was what the public had expected, but...quelle surprise!

(And perhaps the secrecy was important for guarding Freemasonry rituals which probably attended the proceedings. Make no mistake: this is a Freemason Nation! That certain 'founding fathers' injected Rosicrucianism and Illuminati-ism into our country's governmental establishment is factual but beyond the scope of this brief post.)

Back in the day, it was James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay leading 'the Federalists' with the anti-Federalists of Massachusetts, led by Samuel Adams and John Hancock, favoring de-centralization. (Thomas Jefferson was ambassador to France at the time so he had no say that I know of, other than to favor an agrarian society which the anti-Federalists favored. His colleagues must have known his views.)

And of course, pertinent for today's economic issues, it was the Federalists who 'won' on the Constitution and brought an over-arching, money-minting, NWO-inspired central banking system (a la Britain) to America in spite of much opposition. See how we suffer now as foreign debtors determine many of America's decisions and hold too much sway in our destiny.

The term "sold out" hardly describes what subsequent secret-society types on Capitol Hill have wrought through the decades, and the iceberg's tip of one-world-government now peeks out more and more brazenly in the New Millennium.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Sun Aries-Moon Scorpio

Happy Birthday to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who was born into a political family in Baltimore, Maryland, on March 26, 1940, debuting as the youngest of 6 children.

On March 26, 1940, the Moon remained in Scorpio for the 24-hour period so without knowing the Speaker's birth time, we may confidently surmise a Fire-Water Sun Aries/Moon Scorpio personality blend. And as you know, Fire and Water equal steam.

The Sun Ari/Moon Sco blend is one of personal integrity, open-mindedness, a biting wittiness, and deep passions. This combo is highly motivated, forceful and powerful, self-dramatizing, and has much charisma. Drive, energy, and tenacity are evident as a person with this natal combo finds direct or indirect ways of achieving goals.

There can be an upfront impatient, naive, trusting approach to the world yet backed underneath with suspicion and doubt. Slow-burning determination melds with a go-for-it gusto - for if they don't meld, relationships fall apart amid bitter conflicts.

With its act together, a person with this combo becomes an unstoppable, co-operative leader determined to 'set the world to rights' while leaving its mark. Some people see this blend as brash and pushy yet none can doubt the strong commitment to aims along the chosen path. Yet Sun Ari/Moon Sco does care about others' good opinions because it longs for approval and applause from others. But when plans are blocked, bitterness can set in.

A secret weapon is self-belief which bestows a formidable will to achieve and a natural gift for strategy for this is a combo of a natural leader. And yet Nancy Pelosi wants to be thought well of as she puts causes ahead of herself. This blend gives a talent for psychological insight and is supported by her natal Sun (5 - 7 Aries) conjunct asteroid Psyche. (A prominent Psyche may give her psychic abilities, too.)

The tendency to take a real disliking to certain people may result in an arrogant, rude, and bloody-minded approach which opponents have certainly noticed before now. A belief in the worth of the individual is a strength along with a capacity for pushing through ideas and plans against all obstacles and this may cause others to see Speaker Pelosi as overbearing and ruthless, for she can be.

(Of course, Independent me says 'good' to the last part because at least she isn't a Republican.)

Images for Integration: Charlie Chaplin saves a maiden in distress...A passionate woman sells herself for her cause...The Godfather films. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Does she make offers her opponents and colleagues can't refuse?

The Sun Aries/Moon Scorpio blend is shared natally by Charlie Chaplin (obviously), Warren Beatty, Julie Christie, Anita Bryant (!), Francis Ford Coppola (hence The Godfather films), Thornton Wilder, David Frost, Henry James, Leslie Howard ('Ashley' in Gone with the Wind), Hayley Mills (a 60s fave of mine), Arturo Toscanini, Dudley Moore, and Wilhelm Rontgen (discoverer of x-rays.)

Well, Nancy Pelosi held a Reconciliation Bill Enrollment Ceremony which she signed at 10:16 am edt this morning (C-SPAN) so it now goes to the President to bolster his Health Insurance Reform law. And now you know a little more about our determined Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of Baltimore, Maryland.

Mar 25, 2010

Ron Paul on video: executive orders unconstitutional

You and I already know that 'executive orders' are unconstitutional and I lost count of how many of them George Bush signed. President Obama signed one yesterday to make his Health Insurance Reform law more acceptable to those who object to federal funding for abortions. It's the fancy way he got enough votes to pass the law, as you know.

Well, here's Rep. Ron Paul discussing the unconstitutionality of 'executive orders' signed by presidents to bypass Congress.

Congressman Paul was born August 20, 1935 and you may wish to read a brief analysis of the birth chart of this Leo Sun individual here.

Why does he keep airing out things that other congress members don't wish to talk about? Perhaps it's his stubborn, value-preserving Taurus Moon!

Mar 23, 2010

Maoists terrorizing India

Are you aware that Maoists are terrorizing parts of India? Well, I wasn't and am saddened to hear of it.

In fact, I have missed the ball on the Naxalites all together, lucky you're there to guard my back on the throw. Turns out, the Maoist political party was founded on September 21, 2004. It was in mid-August 2004 that Pluto and Chiron were parallel for two days and of course, Pluto/Chiron is the epitome of disenfranchisements of all kinds with oppression tossed in to make certain those victimized go down and stay down.

(Parallels may be used as timing devices in Astrology and are similar in nature to a strong conjunction.)

You will notice, if you click on the Maoist info link, that 'Sept 21, 1967' falls under the spell of the major Great Conjunction which defined the energies of the 1960s: Uranus conjunct Pluto.

Disruptor Uranus met saboteur Pluto 3 times in the mid-60s:

1. Oct 9, 1965 @17Vir10
2. April 4, 1966 @16Vir28
3. June 30, 1966 @16Vir06

My point is that astrologers tend to look at the beginning of planetary cycles to see where in that cycle the same planets are on a particular date. Similar themes, issues, and concerns will come to the surface especially during 'quarters' times...the waxing squares (90 degrees, crisis in action phase), the opposition (180 degrees: stand-off, culmination, and/or partnership), and the waning square (also 90 degr, crisis in consciousness phase.)

The long-term Cardinal T-Square pattern (Spring 2010 - 2014/15) contains within it the ongoing Saturn-Uranus cycle now at opposition phase off and on, the Saturn-Pluto cycle, now at waning square phase (Libra to Cap), and the Uranus-Pluto cycle, now approaching exact square (partile) with one another in this their dance of shockingly deep energies. As Uranus screeches across the Aries Point from sedate, surreptitious Pisces, 'scientific breakthroughs' will be announced or discovered (as noted on this blog previously as, Uranus = AP.)

Aries to Capricorn: hard work, frustrations, and delays? (Mars-Saturn)

Once again the Saturn-Uranus puzzle of old vs new supports the prominence of the current Uranus-Pluto square - it is the most prominent of the titanic battles going on over our noggins for it is the rarest of those now in play. Aries, the first sign of Spring, the pioneering adventurer discovering and claiming new vistas -vs- Capricorn, the manager, so set in his ways and fond of tradition, status quo, and gilt-edged securities.

So we are now called upon the deal with and hopefully successfully manage the energies of the crisis in consciousness phase of the electrifying, stupefying Uranus-Pluto Conjunction of the 1960s with all the issues, themes, and record albums of the day. Oh, and the protests, demonstrations, and riots from those days, too.

This is well the time to get questions of equality and freedom right!

image: Flowers of India.