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Dec 20, 2010

Heathrow Airport turns off heat on stranded passengers!

London's Heathrow Airport has turned a viciously cold shoulder to travellers stranded there as victims of the huge snow storm that has shut down and cancelled air flights, plus taxi, and bus services! No escape for you, my little blue-nosed pretties...

Sleeping on an airport floor is something I've never done and plan to never do but a floor turned cold from a massive snow storm and lack of heating has to be a hundred times worse than your average crick in the neck. Airport PR tells a rosier story, however, than what stranded passengers report themselves. Click to view a snowy photo from the airport tarmac and get the scoop.

This situation gives a new level of meaning to tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse @ 29Gem21 with Gemini being the sign of air travel and flight, and 29 degrees indicating crises or critical conditions.

My thoughts and prayers for safety and warmth go out to all my friends in the UK!

Dec 19, 2010

The secret background of Julian Assange?

Someone seems to have ferreted out and leaked details on the secret background of WikiLeaks' leaker-in-chief, former hacker, Julian Assange.

I have no idea if the account is true or if any of it has merit so take it as you find it.

Many Faces and Races run the NWO (video)

Here in three parts: Alex Jones and Bob Chapman discuss A Scientific Eugenics Elite That Believe They're God!


And you know what 'believing you're God' is, right? Lucifer's delusion.

Reminds me of the days when the media would occasionally mention the close friendship between George H. W. Bush and Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey...which then reminds me of Bush Sr proclaiming the soon-establishment of the New World Order, the topic of the videos above, and of this little charmer...

My promise to you: if you watch this video of a wonky-eyed, smug, determined Bush it will supply 100% of your daily minimum requirement of creep factor.

As you know, Uranus-Neptune, the illumination pair, began the modern NWO clock in 1993, at '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER (Rudhyar)...."The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...from Marc Edmund Jones we find its:

positive expression: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: smug or strong-armed paternalism.

"Smug or strong-armed paternalism" covers many people and things such as the NWO types, Hitler (whose second book was entitled, The New World Order), the Roman, British, and American Empires, CIA assassinations and overthrows of duly elected foreign presidents, and the current beefing up of a police state in the US.

As Bush Sr announced, "If we're successful - and we will be..."

Now in his excellent book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey describes the Uranus-Neptune duo in the realms of Politics and Business as:

Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolution or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Antithesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems.

'Nuff said?

SpaceWeather News: Lunar Eclipse Dec 21, 2010

Space Weather News for Dec 19, 2010

LUNAR ECLIPSE: For the first time in many years, northern winter is beginning with a total lunar eclipse. On Dec 21, 2010, the date of the northern winter solstice, the full Moon will pass through Earth's shadow, turning the lunar orb a delightful shade of coppery-red. Sky watchers in North America are favored with an overhead view as the eclipse unfolds on Tuesday morning between 02:41 am and 03:53 am EST.

Visit SpaceWeather News for full coverage of the event including live webcasts, observing tips, and a look at the surprising connection between lunar eclipses and Earth's climate.

SOMETHING NEW: is proud to announce SpaceWeather TEXT, an innovative alert service that turns your cell phone into a real-time space weather monitoring system. Subscribers receive text messages announcing X-class solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and CME impacts as they are happening.

Learn more at SpaceWeather TEXT.


Scroll down this blog's sidebar for Astrology-with-chart of the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @29Gem21.

Dec 18, 2010

A Lunar Eclipse @ Winter Solstice 2010: 1st since 1703!

As you know, there's a crisis-degreed Lunar Eclipse on December 21, 2010 @ 29Gem21 occurring a few hours from Winter Solstice 2010 (Sun 00Cap00) and it will be the first Lunar Eclipse at Winter Solstice since the year 1703!

On December 23, 1703, a Lunar Eclipse occurred @ World Point 00Can49 conjunct North Node, along with a Great Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries. Now history repeats similarly but with differences and there's an astrological similarity between Dec 21, 2010's Lunar Eclipse and the Lunar Eclipse of Dec 23, 1703, apart from their occurrences at Winter Solstice: both fall into the same Solar Eclipse Series, the 12 South - the Series we're in now!

Synchronicity lives! (You may wish to click above for historical events of 1703: does pamphleteer Daniel Defoe = leaker Julian Assange?)

To recap: 12S manifested on Dec 23, 1703 @ 15Sag56 and on July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 conjoining Fixed Star, Castor (crippling of limbs, murder, mental illness, fame or loss, to write or create; A. Louis; B. Brady.)

Traditionally, DeVore's Encyclopedia gives '20 Cancer' as a degree of hindrance and limitation and is President Obama's current Progressed ASC degree when his progressed chart is set for Washington DC. (His progressions still show the fretsome midpoint picture: Saturn/NN = Neptune: emotional suffering through fraud, lies, deception, separation (Ebertin.)

Is that separation from his political-financial base? Private sources tell me that Mr. Obama in his extreme arrogance is reviled in DC and across the nation by former financial supporters whose wallets will remain decidedly closed to him for the 2012 campaign! And btw, they despise Michelle, too. Apparently, it's primarily the media talking her up. Plus, Inauguration 2009 Moon's void-of-course condition indicates a 'falling away' from his administration and policies, as previously noted.

So! A Lunar Eclipse at Winter's Solstice has come again as in 1703 and both fall into the 12S Series with its 'draining, long term worries at first seem worse, then clear with successful outcomes" (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Hope 12S's improvement vibe applies to my previous remarks concerning the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse adversely affecting financial markets!

Of course, being in message-bringing Gemini at a 29th crisis degree (and with a new Solar Eclipse occurring on Jan 4, 2011 in the 13N Series), one thinks of the WikiLeaks embroilment as the whistle blower organization continues exposing the US government's frilly if torn underpants - and, what could bring both realms of crisis together at the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse?

WikiLeaks' promised revelations concerning the shady dealings of Bank of America!

112th Congress Jan 5, 2011 @ noon w secret plans of the GOP

The GOP has a secret plan brewing to push states to declare bankruptcy and to smash unions and we will begin to see a ramping up of such unAmerican tactics implemented come January 5, 2011 when the 112th Congress convenes, teabaggers and all.

Check out some astro-info on Mitch McConnell now published by Alex Da-Atria writing from budget-strapped California and displaying my own version of a natal horoscope for Mitch McConnell. (I might have marked the chart less messily if I'd known it would be published elsewhere! Or not. Artists are a little messy, what can I say?)

112th Congress Natal Horoscope

A quick peek at the 112th Congress horoscope for January 5, 2011 @ 12 noon est, Capitol Building, shows 21Ari19 rising with *US natal Chiron and 11Cap54 at Midheaven. A 10th house Moon (we-the-people, but also publicity) @ 00AQ27 precisely conjoins US Inaugural Sun (the leader) with Moon ruling 4th house of Domestic Scene.

At IC, the Foundation and HOW? Point of any chart, is '12 Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" - a Sabian Symbol often noted for its reference to Christ or to the Dalai Lama. But in Washington DC? It relates more closely, imho, to our nation's biggest debt-holder, China, who undoubtedly sends the US Congress messages all the time on how they're doing and what to do next.

This chart and congressional session puts all US natal Cancer planets at the Foundation with our natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx at top where the whole world can 'see' and fear it. (I first typed 'despise' but changed it to 'fear'.)

Snugged around Mc is Sun 15Cap00 and tr Pluto 5Cap30 so we have a midpoint picture which affects and reveals the Goals and Aspirations (Mc) of the 112th Congress; this chart (unless they convene at a different hour than the 'noon' I've seen stated so far) is in effect for the entire session of the 112th...its natal chart.

Sun/Pluto = Mc: striving for power; consciousness of purpose or objective (to see Obama fail? jc); vocational crisis; changes to adopt new perspectives; power games with important consequences.

Also at Mc are three other midpoints...

Venus/Neptune = Mc: lost in illusions; Mars/NN = Mc: teamwork; and Moon/Mercury = Mc: independent thinking; making professional decisions. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Chart-ruler Mars 22Cap01 in 10th house, makes only one applying aspect: the testosterone-laden one's conjunction with the Sun (7A01) which occurs on Feb 4, 2011 @ 15AQ31. '16AQ' = "A Big Businessman at His Desk": ACCOMPLISHMENT...

positive expression: effective self-realization through achievement of consequence;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: ambitious superficiality.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Well, many more factors are of interest in 112th's natal horoscope including opposing transits to the US planetary line-up in Cancer, but Georgia is under a storm watch so I must shut down for now and talk to ya later for I have a deep and healthy respect for Uranian lightening!

Image: '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" from my Secret Moon Art collection of pencil-on-paper drawings.


And check out my latest blogging effort at Woolly Mammoth Chronicles if you wish, and please take a moment to vote in SO'W's poll concerning the prosecution of Julian Assange (sidebar, upper right.) jc

*US natal Chiron 20Ari08 in 4th house of the US Sibly chart: Chiron in the sign of the Pioneer and Explorer, Aries, indicates that a search for identity is paramount for the US. This tallies well with America's fight for independence from Great Britain and shows the life and death conditions at our nation's founding. Chiron in Aries is 'the trailblazer' with courage, restlessness, and idealism highlighted (Clow.)

In more recent years, Chiron has traversed Aries off and on (due to retrogression) in 1918/19 and 1926/27, and 1968/69 and 1976/77 which gave the US Chiron Returns to figure out who she is...that the American people often have trouble understanding just who our nation is (democracy? republic? oligrachy? Roman Empire revisited?) has become a major problem for many who are deeply concerned about our nation's current trajectory which has been a long time forming (often behind closed doors and in secret chambers.)

You'll find more such topics detailed in my article American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun published recently in the Fall 2010 issue of Julie Demboski's Eclipse e-zine which covers November 2010 through January 2011.

Our nation's next Chiron Return will occur 3 times in the years 2024/25.

A 4th house Chiron echoes a similar Arien theme since 4th house concerns 'roots' and heritage and who we really are - our psychological roots. A 4th house Chiron indicates a need for deep connections with our true identity in order to heal. There is a wounding of The Tree of Life (4th h) with this position which points to Ecology and the wounding of our environment. One might say that the 'settling' of America involved much damage to our natural environment and the wounding continues as corporations have put profits above protections for so long that we are forced onto the verge of terracide.

This is a nervous, brooding, and intense house placement for the Wounded Healer and adds to the world's view of America as a land of selfish, resource-wasting belly button gazers; the idea that climate change problems and emissions reductions must be led by America's example may also be attributed in part to our national Chiron in natal 4th house - in Aries, the me-first sign.

Dec 17, 2010

The latest newsletter from Visual Astrology is a stunner.

It contains Bernadette Brady's analysis of Julian Assange's natal chart in relation to fixed star parans (her specialty) which explains Mr. Assange's and WikiLeaks' tendencies to speak in 'a confronting manner, struggle with new or unusual ideas, take a contra argument, be verbally aggressive and a lover of mental challenges,' and to have 'a military mind' while being 'playful with truth and facts' with 'a different way of seeing the world' (different from the false reality the public is constantly force-fed by a complicit media.

Mr. Assange was born with several fixed stars in paran to his chart but difficult Capulus stands out with the tightest orb to natal Saturn 1Gem41: Capulus is a nebula in the Sword of Perseus, the Prince!

Brady's Book of Fixed Stars gives Capulus' keywords as 'male intense passion; rage' which can bring strong feelings and turbulence into the life (Rigor); Robson adds "blindness" to its influence which may be a tradition in archery since nebulae were allegedly used by the Roman army as tests for good eyesight.

Capulus is the male counterpart to difficult Algol (intense female passion; rage) and indicates focused and clear action; hastiness and rash anger should be guarded against for such actions will have far-reaching and possibly negative effects. A picture of ruthlessness appears when the action-oriented energy of Capulus is involved and destruction may be the result.

Linked to Assange's Saturn in Gemini, we see Capulus busily at work that involves mercurial communications with a decidedly Saturnian sense of restriction, delay, and something karmic afoot...Saturn's insistence on realism and truth has come to US governmental communications in a way that vexes the raptors of Washington, a town of secrets best not revealed if one wants to stay in office and keep a grasp on the globalist reins of power.

You know, America's fear-as-national-policy has gotten mighty old around here! In fact, it now sports graying whiskers just like old man Saturn, the senex, who is also our favorite stand-in at this particular season: as Santa Claus who brings rewards - but only for upright behavior!

During this time of our US Saturn Return (Dec 2010 into 2011), we might wistfully pine for our government to own up to its past actions which have not been upright. But even with the golden and karmic opportunity posed by WikiLeaks revelations, we instead get only messenger-shooting from a plutocracy insisting on endless war and US imperialism!

The rest of the newsletter concerns a timely consideration of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 (in the Reagan era), the Mayan Calendar and the collective fear vs hope issues surrounding the year 2012, and the Star of Bethlehem, so I hope that if you haven't, you'll check out the Visual Astrology newsletter for December 2010!

For further reading and video-viewing on such societal topics as WikiLeaks, illegal wars, and the Orwellian-labeled 'War on Terror' you may wish to visit Democracy Now!.

Dec 16, 2010

Is government shut down Dec 18th a bad thing?

Perhaps Capitol Hill Democrats shouldn't be too hasty. Maybe full throated instead of reserved Republican bluff-calling is in order as many people have mentioned before now. But really! This evening's Reid-McConnell fireworks on the House floor should be savored not decried! (Link to text below.)

Shut Down Time has rolled around again and politically its 1994-esque vibe lingers over The Swamp like a wayward wisp from a Georgetown condo bong. The natives are in high gear for their performances in Capitol Hill's Political Theater in that Masonic Temple of deliberation and legislation we call the Capitol Building.

I'm looking at a horoscope of December 18, 2010 midnight when the governing money runs out. Looks magical with US Secondary Progressed (Sec) Neptune (the actor or pretender) rising along with tranisitng Juno (abuse; legalities) at '27Vir' = "Elderly Ladies Drink Afternoon Tea in a Luxurious Home." Well, I'm sure they do but one thinks of teabaggers rising in protest or...something.

Mars 8Cap32 conjoins what can only be called a 'nasty' Fixed Star, Facies (ruthlessness; the victim and our hotheaded planetary troublemaker is still out of bounds, and it's an Hour of the Sun; Sun 27Sag10 at IC, of course (midnight), is near Mercury 29Sag12 Rx; Mercury conjoins another difficult Fixed Star Acumen (enduring attacks which weaken) and Sun, as you know, represents the leader in a mundane chart.

You may be interested to know that in 1994, the Republican Party's natal Moon 27Sco50 (I know! conjunct Obama's natal MC) was induced to expand on a large scale the party's reigning need (Moon) for control and big money (Sco) because tr Jupiter and tr Pluto paid natal Moon visits during the year:

Tr Jupiter to n Moon: desires become grand; emotional levels rise; lavish spending and extravagant gestures gain the admiration of others; popularity; higher social status may be attained.

Tr Pluto to n Moon: environments shift; emotions intensify; turmoil but with potential fulfillment; powerful motivations lead to success; emotional manipulations used against others.

Another double transit to the Republican natal chart took place in 1994 providing them with advantages then that they don't have now involving the Illuminati planets (or illumination planets, if you prefer), Uranus and Neptune, then traversing and shaking up Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business:

Tr Uranus to n Jupiter (in n 2nd house of Money and Values): horizons broaden; circumstances bring chances to choose brand new paths; a new or unusual type of training is taken up; freedom and independence are demanded in political and religious endeavors; great potential for intellectual and economic growth.

Tr Neptune to n Jupiter: intellectual, spiritual, and economic growth are focused upon; illusion is combined with exaggeration and extravagance; idealism turns into fanaticism; the legal system and stock markets are affected or clouded in some way; get-rich-quick-schemes should be avoided; more is promised than can be delivered.

Transparency in government is one casualty of the GOP's 1994 'Contract with America'.

At midnight on Dec 18, 2010, the Moon 00Gem44 is in 9th house (chart set for Capitol Bldg) conjoins a difficult Fixed Star of sorrow, Alcyone (something to cry about) in 9th house as the American people (Moon) do without while partisans indulge their dueling ideologies (9th h) and vie for the chance to boss the other party around and strut like kings and queens of the Hill.

Ever since Barack Obama took the Oval Office he's had not just the worst conditions to deal with (and yes, I too blame the Washington political class for creating the conditions of collapse and for enabling others to profit obscenely off our sweat and interest rates), but he's had opponents under his feet at every step, intent on ruining whatever chances the American people have had these last almost-three years for getting back on ours...Rush Limbaugh announced the script from the start, as have other GOPers who'd rather see the US totally fail and our children starve in the streets than see President Barack Obama succeed.

Or, at least that's their globalist script and they're sticking to it.

Well, I'll hush for now. It's late, it's a busy December, and my blogging time just ended (plus, Craig comes on in a mo!) If you like, we might discuss what astrological advantages the Republican Party enjoys now based on the natal and progressed charts of Washington's Party of Oilcan Harrys.

But getting the Pearl Purehearts to complain loudly and often enough is a real challenge for the retaining of our nation.

Read more here...

Shrinking the US economy IS the point! (video)

The president's deficit commission and the actions of the Fed, Wall Street, corporate America and others are focused on shrinking the US economy and hurting labor so that power elite fatcats can continue skimming trillions a little while longer even though they know the jig is up.

Today Timothy Geithner sang and danced on Capitol Hill trying to boost the idea that the TARP (black hole) did what it was supposed to do. Perhaps it did but was any of it paid out on behalf of the American people?

Now here we have Professor Michael Hudson (University of Missouri) offering his assessment of what's going on and why as the Fed's 'quantitative easing' sends more US billions abroad to purchase foreign stocks and assets. With so many connections between the White House and Wall Street (Goldman Sachs) it seems a no-brainer to me that the president had to know what he knew when he knew it - about the true financial condition of the US and what his bosses expected from him as he played the role of president 'going forward'.

Puts me in mind of the Inauguration 2009 horoscope that glorious January day full of Hope for Change (suckas! the ruse works every 4 years!) with moneybags Jupiter '3AQ' in 10th house next to the president (Sun '1AQ'.)

Dane Rudhyar gives '3AQ' as DESOCIALIZATION. Don't know about you, but as an American, I'm feeling quite desocialized by my own sorry, traitorous government right about now as our social fabric - what used to be a contract between the generations - is 'under scrutiny' and in line for being ripped apart by Catfood Commissions, party politics, secret deals, and in-cahoots presidents.

Yes, the world's financial party has been sent elsewhere (watch the above 10-minute video) like a rave though most Americans refuse to admit such things if they can see them at all. However, it will be impossible to ignore such new perspectives much longer.

And Inauguration 2009's Midheaven, the goal/aspiration point of the Obama administration? Besides having US natal Pluto upon it, there's a disturbing midpoint picture: Pluto/Chiron = Mc.

Assange, Manning, California austerity, and bad Republicans

Breaking News Dec 16, 2010 11:10 am est: Looks like Julian Assange is about to be 'freed' on bail (with conditions) in London, according to Amy Goodman's broadcast on Democracy Now! The possibility is ongoing as I type. 11:19 am: looks like he's a fairly free bird with an ankle bracelet!

Meanwhile, in California, Alex D'Atria has taken a look at new Governor Jerry Brown's austerity budget including an article round-up on California's condition, and American Patriot ponders the enduring legacy of George W. Bush and the threat to our nation posed by the Republican Party.

Two articles follow, one by Salon's Glenn Greenwald, concerning leaker Bradley Manning and the draconian conditions under which he has been kept for seven months, plus, John Pilger writes on a deeper meaning to the WikiLeaks phenomenon:

The Inhumane Conditions of Bradley Manning's Detention

By Glenn Greenwald

Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, has been detained at the U.S. Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia for five months -- and for two months before that in a military jail in Kuwait -- under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture.

John Pilger: Global Support for WikiLeaks is "Rebellion" Against U.S. Militarism, Secrecy

Democracy Now!

Pilger's latest film, The War You Don't See, includes interviews with Assange. Pilger says that WikiLeaks is revolutionizing journalism and galvanizing public opinion to stand up to global elites.


Well, I'm all for standing up to global elites and I think we now know (if there was ever any doubt) whose side they're on (hint: it isn't yours or mine.)

As to the Obama-GOP tax cut extension, it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and I hope at least a few Washington politicians have the grace to be ashamed.

Dec 15, 2010

If Ron Paul runs for president in 2012 (video)

Here's a video of 2008 candidate Ron Paul where he expresses precisely and succinctly what an out-of-control US government has done and why the Republican Party cannot fairly exclude him for his conservative views: of all the Ron Paul videos, this may be my favorite and shows why Dr. Paul's candidacy should be viable in 2012 if we want America to continue to exist as a nation.

Not that he'll be the next war profiteering GOP neocon warhawk candidate, of course!

Even then-super-popular Barack Obama had to play ball with the global elite bankers and be bankrolled by them in order to get himself installed in the Oval Office with the Fed's collapse-and-bailout deals made before and during the 2008 campaign. :-(

Why Michael Moore posted bail for Julian Assange

Allow film maker Michael Moore to explain why he has put up $20,000 as part of the bail for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.

And journalist John Pilger says that global support for WikiLeaks is a "rebellion" against US militarism and secrecy.
