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Apr 26, 2016

4/26/16: Seymour Hersh Exposes the Truth About Obama’s War on Terror - video

April 26, 2016: First, news about Campaign 2016, then guest, journalist Seymour Hersh, speaks with Thom Hartmann:

Prince Charles: "I am descendant of Dracula" - video (w horoscope links)

Now some folk might generously put Prince Charles' admission that he descends from Vlad the Impaler in the 'At Least He Admits It' cartegory--I don't, but you might. Actually, this reminds me of how related are US presidents to the 'British' royal family. Wait. That could explain a lot if genes have anything to do with murdering millions of people in wars and other 'presidential' actions--all without blinking an eye. Often I've wondered if our presidential candidates and subsequent Oval Office victors must swear an oath that they will kill any number of people, whoever and whenever their hidden masters deem it necessary, and without losing a night's sleep over it. We Americans have seen, however, many a president's hair turn gray while in office:

As of yet I have never studied the natal horoscopes of Prince Charles (and/or that of other royal family members) and Count Dracula together as a related pair but I now deem it necessary. Or at least intriguing. After all, our second President John Adams is known to have been a member of the Dragon Family himself and perhaps you've read of the granite column erected by John Adams to the memory of his ancestor Henry Adams, their family's first migrant to America due to the Devonshire Dragon Persecution, as the stone column's inscription states.

For more on such topics try: Snake Princess Lilith, brief notes on the Dragon Persecution, Devonshire, and a Wiki page for Thomas de Strickland who at the Battle of Agincourt carried the Banner of St. George (who according to legend slayed the dragon and was martyred by Diocletian for his Christian faith). And of course, the history of the Merovingian Kings (with lineage from Clovis I to Charlemagne and down through other blood-spillers) links to satanism and to US presidents--all this a part of the reptilian topic of this post including the bogus Merovingian claim of descendancy from Jesus and Mary Magdalen to which this Christian says, Puh!

Apr 25, 2016

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Puerto Rico (HBO) - video

Somewhere between the US Congress, Wall Street hedge fund vultures, UBS, and the ghost of Senator Strom Thurmond the island of Puerto Rico and its 3.5 million American citizens are twisting in the wind. Allow HBO's John Oliver and Hamilton's Lin-Manuel Miranda to explain...

In case the video is disappeared at some point, you'll find it at: so if you missed this Last Week Tonight segment, it's brilliantly amusing and informative yet enraging so please check it out. To me it sounds as if Strom and his colleagues in Congress in 1984 fashioned Puerto Rico's debt time bomb to go off about 30 years later...after billions of dollars had been made by the villains involved. Depopulation of the indigenous islanders seems to be a part of the scheme as well.

Apr 22, 2016

On May 9, 2016 Mercury Transits the Sun

On Monday May 9, 2016, the Great Cosmic Clock that is our Solar System provides us a rather rare view into its machinations via a Mercury Transit across the Sun. The last one occurred on November 8, 2006 with Mercury at 16 Scorpio. On May 9, Mercury will be opposite its 2008 degree at 19 Taurus (Tropical Zodiac).

So if you're as curious as a Mercurial person can be about this 13-to-14-times-per-century spectacle, check out Brian Ventrudo's Guide to the May 9, 2016 Transit of Mercury.

Actually May 9 stands out for another cosmic reason because giant Jupiter performs a Direct Station that very morning at 8:14 am edt on the 13 Virgo degree. Somehow both events in the heavens seem to me to relate to Campaign 2016 in the US--Mercury rules voting, voters, speeches, rhetoric, travels, plans, actors, tricksters, thieves, traders, and such while Jupiter plays many roles in Mundane Astrology--among them, politicians, actors, bankers, and financiers.

If you wish, view a horoscope set for Washington DC of the May 9, 2016 Jupiter Direct Station with Political Astrology details spotlighting America.

Apr 21, 2016

Where US Politics Came From: Crash Course US History #9 - video

Do you wonder why Campaign 2016 is such a hot mess? Are you dreading or perhaps hankering for July to arrive when both political parties will convene at their national conventions in order to nominate their 2016 Republican and Democratic presidential candidates? Need inspiration?

Well, to get in the mood there's a whole bunch of American History stuffed into the following Crash Course video with actors and topics such as Hamilton, Jefferson, Adams, political parties, the electoral college, tariffs, women's equality, and more!

And why not check out Crash Course on Facebook.

Harriet Tubman - Great Choice for the $20 Bill - video

Well, I'm glad somebody in Washington finally decided who the lady shall be!

Apr 20, 2016

Apr 18, 2016

GOP Doing Everything Possible to Dismantle Democracy - video

Although I personally tend to blame both political parties for breach of the public trust in a multitude of ways these last decades, there does seem to be a particular leaning on the side of the Republican Party's anarchists and zealots wanting to "dismantle", shut down, obstruct, undermine, drown in a bath tub, destroy, and/or otherwise coup the US government as discussed here by Farron Cousins and Howard Nations:

Talk about a previous post! Here's one from December 2005 when Stars Over Washington was barely two months old concerning a similar anti-democracy topic: Chiron-Uranus Types in Government. Its points may sound familiar these 11 years later especially since transit Uranus in Aries (anarchists, Utopian zealots--Ebertin) is conjoining off and on America's natal Chiron @20Aries. Uranus in Aries describes, among others, the tea partisans who infiltrated the US Congress on the Koch Brothers' dime and would rather shut down the US government like cowardly traitors than actually govern our nation which imho puts them in breach of the public trust.

Apr 16, 2016

The Fed's New Moon, Mars Rx Station 2016, and Yellen's Secret Meetings

April 2016: Is a Global Financial Collapse on the Horizon?

As you may have heard, Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen this past week called to order a few secret emergency meetings, one with President Obama, as detailed in an article from ZeroHedge: Day After Obama Meeting, Yellen Confirms Fed "Focused on Main Street...Helping All Americans" yet such an altruistic aim is quite a different story compared to the Federal Reserve Bank's usual modus operandi.

So with tomorrow's Mars Retrograde Station @8Sag54 it may be 'profitable' to have a look at the Fed's New Moon horoscope of December 1, 1910 when Senator Nelson Aldrich, German banker Paul Warburg, and the J. P. Morgan agents and other New York bankers masqueraded as "Hunters Starting Out for Ducks" and left New York City by midnight train for a few days in order to hold their secret meetings in private on Jekyll Island, Georgia. While there, a New Moon perfected, as you see below, and this darkened period is when feathers flew as plans were hashed out to form America's central banking system, the one Janet Yellen now heads as 'The Fed'. Of course, at that time the Banking Panic of 1907 was used to justify such desperate and aggressive action:

Also note that there is a T-Square between the Jupiter-Saturn opposition with its energies expressing at Midheaven, the Goal Point of the chart. This culmination of Jupiter and Saturn by opposition had begun with their Great Conjunction @14Capricorn on November 28, 1901 so things had been simmering for some time; Jupiter-Saturn relates to government officials (ex: Senator Nelson Aldrich also 'hunted ducks' and his name was placed atop the 'Aldrich Plan' to hide culpable bankers' fingerprints) and to philosophers, to checks and balances, and to issues of expansion vs restriction. Of course, 14Cap opposes US natal Sun (the president) which spotlights Woodrow Wilson 'taking destiny in his hands' with this bankers' charade--one of them was his son-in-law.

Now you know that in Astrology Mars acts as a handy dandy trigger of events. You also know that a planet is extra strong when stationing on a degree as Mars will do Sunday April 17, 2016 @8Sag54 at 8:14 am edt--conjunct the difficult star Antares (good fortune but sudden loss) and the Fed's New Moon of 1910 @8Sag49. Is this significant? Well, there are echoes from 1910 to 2016 since the Fed is now having secret meetings. Especially when we consider that many economists (and astrologers) have been prognosticating financial collapse in 2016. Will this year (or 2017) bring the complete collapse of global markets and currencies that Neoliberal Utopians of the von Mises-Hayek persuasion have long planned in order to fully implement an agenda of World Government via control by money? The US central banking system was implemented in order to control money, the US government, credit, and gold/silver markets. If the Monetary Trust's incremental plans aren't timing out quite right or a bit too soon for their ultimate purposes it won't be for lack of planning.

And yes, Tyler Durden's article linked above includes Janet Yellen's gentler Main Street objective for "helping all Americans" and it would be super to be able to believe that the current threat of collapse is not merely a timing issue. But if you believe her concerning Main Street, it might be good to first consider the above chart in light of the April 17th Mars Rx Station hitting the Fed's New Moon at its inception, plus, the knowledge that testy Mars will Station Direct @28Scorpio at the end of June, re-enter Sagittarius the first week of August, and join this New Moon's meeting and planning Mercury @19Sag28 (in the corporate/big business 8th house of the chart) on or about September 11, 2016.

Significant? Well, both New and Full Moons can behave much like Eclipses with a New Moon acting as a Solar Eclipse, a 'wild card of the Universe' which can cause disruption in similar fashion to bolt-from-the-blue Uranus while uncovering inconvenient secrets no matter how long they've been hidden.

For one reason, 2016 Mars to 1910 Mercury seems significant to me because trickster Mercury is apex planet of a YOD pattern (special task; turning point; crisis) as you see, highlighted in pink--with Mercury in the 8th house of Finance as noted. So before I close this fussy post, I'll add a few midpoint picture potentials below for 1910 Mercury and for 2016 Mars as apex planets of the YOD between secretive, fraudulent dreamer Neptune (@21Cancer, near US natal Mercury Rx--and soon to oppose US natal Pluto in Capricorn, a power-and-resource-eroding transit) sextiling both the 19Taurus Ascendant and North Node, a point of encounter and future direction. These wayward bankers in 1910 redirected America's future direction all right by finessing a central banking system which the American people never wanted--see the cartoon, below. NY bankers and their allies illegally and surreptitiously shoved a bill through Congress on December 23, 1913 and President Woodrow Wilson doltishly signed it. Then they pretended it was law.

(And this illegal banking system is what 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders argues against on the campaign stump though he must be aware that 'breaking up the big banks' will never be enough to stop these crooks who embedded themselves into the US government and took control of our economy decades ago in the shadow of a New Moon when things tend to go bump in the night. Hopefully, transit Mars won't trigger the bump or the night.)

So here are the YOD's midpoint pictures using Ebertin and Tyl for guidance; see if you think any of them applied to circumstances in 1910 or apply now to the big mess they've engineered and which seems to be nearing a major tipping point:

Neptune-NN (lack of community spirit) = 1910 Mercury: making secret arrangements and deceiving others; false expectations; unreliability. With 2016 Mars: inability to adapt to circumstances or conditions; disharmonious working environments.

Neptune-ASC (exploitation, illusion, deceit, abuse or betrayal of confidence; liars and crooks) = 1910 Mercury: malicious scheming; exploitation of others; guided by wrong impressions; misconceptions about other people; taking the wrong path. With 2016 Mars: angry upsets or quarrels; suffering harm or damage; primitive or instinctive urges wrongly expressed; unpleasant teamwork.

And now we could do worse than to close with an often cited statement by Rep. Charles Lindbergh Sr from December 23, 1913, and one of the famous cartoons of the era:

"This Act established the most gigantic trust on earth. When the president signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed..."

For more information you may wish to check out The Fed Octopus.

Apr 15, 2016

Complete MSM Blackout as Americans Protest Their Fake Presidential Election Process - video

After years of blogging on how the American election process is only political theater staged to give the public the illusion that presidents are elected by the many rather than selected by a few, I'm glad to find this timely presentation from Truth Stream Media:

Be sure to visit Truth Stream Media for more reports.

Video posted under Fair Use educational guidelines.

Apr 14, 2016

Washington DC Horoscope of Inauguration 2017

For Inauguration 2017 (January 20, noon EST, Capitol Building), the American people may expect a horoscope and planets that look like this:

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbles of basic information and scroll below for the midpoint picture potentials active during the day.

Providing the cosmic conditions for the 2017 Oath of Office and the 4-year term of the next president is a 5th house Solar Eclipse @9Virgo and if you're curious, here is a previous post concerning this 19 North Solar Eclipse which describes background influences for both Election 2016 in November and Inauguration 2017 in January. According to 19 North it's time to 'tackle the truth' though with our nation's capital city running on lies and deceit we must wonder how politicians will deal with such a frightful experience of the truth getting out. Unless, that is, the presidential victor is one of 'the outsiders' like Trump or Sanders. For my dime I prefer plain speaking Bernie Sanders over showman Donald Trump whose Mercury-Neptune distortions of facts and indiscretion are well known now in April 2016. Plus, Mr. Trump may not make it beyond the RNC 2016 nominating process so we'll see if any other truth tellers come forth for consideration in July and on November 8, 2016. After all, there will be a Capricorn Full Moon during RNC 2016 so facts and secret information may be cast into the public spotlight, and very inconveniently for some.

Another caution in the truth-telling department is that deceptive Neptune @10Pisces is the chart's and the inauguration's final dispositor--everything comes back to Neptune which is not a stable planet--strong and contagious in its own sign--on which to pin our hopes for increased realism and truth. Actually, stark Saturn favors realism, truth, and accountability and there he is in the 8th house of Corporatism near the political asteroid Juno. Conservative Saturn can be quite doubtful and doubt-provoking when in Sagittarius (sign of the truth seeker!) and often describes those with a strong sense of justice, prudence, and possessing legal talents. Will this be enough to satisfy the impetus of the 19 North Solar Eclipse?

Looking back, 19 North is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of America's Great Seal (June 20, 1782), the Republican Party (July 6, 1854), and Inauguration 1981 of Ronald Reagan. Quite a trio! And not necessarily a trio of realism and know.

So as you see in the horoscope, the Oath of Office will be taken during an active Hour of Mars, and there's a Bowl shape to the planets with the 6th house Jupiter in Libra in the lead. This shows a Jupiterian person who advocates for a cause, deals with needs, and is challenged by the empty area of the chart--here, it's Taurus through Virgo which includes America's natal Uranus and Mars in Gemini, our Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury in Cancer, and our natal Neptune in Virgo (sign of The Worker and Critic.) A major agenda has the next president but don't they all? Yet we know that global government types bedevil the American people who prefer the nation-state we're accustomed to! It's a long process forcing something upon people who say, No Thank You, and the Hegelian Dialect has been one of their favorite methods as the power elite 'solve' the very problems they themselves created and engineered.

As for Jupiter in Libra, we know that this placement denotes a strong sense of justice and fair play. An example is Mr. Trump whose natal Jupiter in Libra is quick to shout, "it's not fair!" when things aren't going his way. So we may be tempted to prognosticate Mr. Trump as our next president due to his Jupiter Return/s (17Lib27 Rx) which manifest three times: December 4, 2016, April 13, 2017 (Rx), and August 4, 2017. This should be a time of rewards for him.

However, there are other transits causing frustration such as disruptive, rebellious Uranus in Aries opposing Trump's natal Jupiter (a money planet that also relates to thespians and politicians--his Gemini Sun is an actor and a juggler.) Plus, there's a square from transit Pluto in Capricorn to his natal Jupiter. This imposing square denotes that his exaggerations of self-importance bring obstacles to his political aims and are not favored by those with more power and influence. In short, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square in Cardinal signs has engaged his Jupiter off and on so I'm guessing it's the dynamic T-Square the trio forms which played a part in encouraging him to (finally) make a run for the presidency.

(Jupiter-Uranus = Pluto contains potentials for: far-seeing creative activities; a change of fortune; tremendous drive to success; great gains. On its own the Jupiter-Uranus pair indicates optimism and lucky breaks--but can also involve conflicts, holding one-sided views, and a lack of compromise--Ebertin; Tyl.)

So let's not redecorate the Oval Office in gold gilt just yet! For on the cosmic agenda in 2017 Mr. Trump will experience difficult transits to his natal Sun-Moon opposition: truth-bringer Saturn will conjoin natal Moon @21Sag and oppose his natal Sun @22Gemini during his three-fer Jupiter Return. Ouch! These are periods when one's ego, integrity, leadership, and generosity are challenged by those with more power and seniority, and feelings of emotional deprivation and loss bring worries, depression, and a potential for illness. Now some pundits say that Donald Trump doesn't actually want the job of president and with this doubly difficult transit coming it seems to me that if he's (s)elected, the restrictions of living in the White House and the rigors of the job itself will be greatly disappointing for his nibs--in part, thanks to old man Saturn affecting his natal Full Moon. Personal relationships and family may be affected as well and it will take other more positive planetary input to relieve these stresses along with a letup of Saturnian energies thanks to retrograde periods which will allow some respite.

Now I didn't intend to type this much about one 2016 candidate but there it is. I compose at-keyboard so I'll not delete my Trump remarks now. However, we should consider the applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus @17Pisces, a critical degree, in the wishful 11th house of Groups and Alliances (where 'she' usually is at inauguration time: money/relationship planet Venus is exalted in Pisces, as you know.) There are two Ptolemaic aspects made by Venus in the horoscope that give hints as to how the 4-year presidential term will proceed:

First, Venus squares restrictive Saturn (5A46) which is in a Money House, the 8th, as noted above. This suggests difficulties in cooperative endeavors and in gaining favor and/or material assets, and a preference for isolation instead of attending social events. Legal matters, debates, and taking on responsibilities may not bring satisfying results, or the costs may simply be too high. Rough sailing? Yes, but things can still work out okay in the end especially for the win-win class of power elites.

Next, Venus conjoins Mars (6A37), a transit denoting joint efforts with partners and/or allies are pleasant as is travel--perhaps Air Force One is suggested since luxury travel is indicated and a meeting is in the cards. Is this a lady (Venus) president meeting with the guys? Perhaps. A reporter (perhaps Robert Costas on MSNBC?) said this week that Wall Street titans "are not afraid of what Hillary will do" if she's elected, whereas Bernie Sanders--well, that's a candidate of a different stripe all together, isn't it?!

To close, here are the previously published midpoint pictures for January 20, 2017 noon EST Capitol Building Washington DC; please enlarge the image for reading purposes and note that all, any, or none may apply and are subject to activation by transits and progressions:


Note: the rim of the Bowl, the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, is the culmination of their current cycle which began in 2010/2011 with three conjunctions: June 8, 2010 @00Ari18 = Aries Point and conjunct US natal IC; September 19, 2010 @28Pisces, and January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. This marks the period when 'Tea Party' candidates infiltrated the US Congress intent on shaking things up, plus, it relates to the debt issues that Congress pretended to 'deal with' in 2011 so with the Jupiter-Uranus opposition we may expect more financial stalemates and fiscal difficulties as a new president accepts the baton and runs with it, taking We the People into what the transnational Money Trust intends to be a global new world economic order--allegedly legalized on December 23, 1913 with the surreptitious and illegal passage by Congress of the NY Federal Reserve scam.

And with this post and many others since 2005, this American demurs and dissents.