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Oct 25, 2016

Who Started The Destruction Of Public Trust? - clip (plus, Astrology)

Destruction of the Public Trust has been a topic through the years here on SO'W so I'm glad to find that progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann and Professor Robert Reich have something to say on the subject. In the brief video, below, Thom discusses Professor Reich's recent article which points to the win-at-any-cost antics of Republican Newt Gingrich during Bill Clinton's presidency as one of, if not the, culprit.

Remember that destroying the American people's trust in the US government is an integral part of the Global Government plan for domination so that when the dust clears after the chaos they create, we'll all say, Oh, please please establish a One World Government for our problems are too difficult for Washington politicians to handle, or something to that effect. Puh! Well, there are many examples of dry runs on behalf of this devilish Hegelian scenario but one that comes to mind is the creation of a "super Congress" in 2011 so that sequestration (austerity measures) could be shoved into place, funds diverted, and 'Congress' wouldn't be blamed for the results.

If you recall there was even a Sequestration Solar Eclipse in November 2011 with sinister vibes of "a peculiar turn of events" to reflect in the heavens the non-traditional behavior on earth of our infiltrated US government and its 'officials' who continue to act in breach of the public trust.

Also note that Mr. Trump and Mr. Gingrich were born under the exact same personality blend of Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius, if that tells us anything. See Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper for more details. Or view A Natal Chart for Newt Gingrich where you'll see his Sag Moon that will soon (Feb 2017) be hit by a transit from restrictive Saturn (same as Trump's Moon but earlier) followed closely by Saturn opposing their natal Suns.

This transit would be doubly difficult for anyone--unless in the realms of Politics, Saturn brings them authority and responsibility instead of, or along with, loss, ill health, family concerns, broken relationships, and/or an end to their shared desire for power. Whether the Saturn transits are positive or negative for them, I Do Not Want Gingrich, Cheney, Rove, Delay, or any of their particular criminal brotherhood in power, do you? As if all they perpetrated is now okay. It isn't.

So in spite of all globalist ploys to undermine our trust and betrayals of American sovereignty, their Hegelian tactics don't work with this Child of the Revolution because I continue to esteem our form of government while calling foul on the corrupting infiltrators and agents who work from the inside to dissolve our Republic on behalf of a 'new order'. (Perhaps you've seen my 11+-year-old blog description under the title, above--it has not changed!) Do globalists underestimate the fervor of those of us whose ancestors sacrificed, fought, and died for the sake of America? For that is my suspicion!

Now here's Mr. Hartmann:

Astro-Notes on Solar Eclipses of 2015--2017.

Oct 24, 2016

A Major T-Square Marks Winter Solstice 2016

Winter Solstice 2016: Jupiter Opposes Uranus While Both Square Karmic Pluto

by Jude Cowell

Having previously viewed the Winter Solstice 2016 horoscope, you've noticed that expansive Jupiter in airy Libra will line up in opposition to radical Uranus in fiery Aries and, with apex Pluto in Capricorn, form a Cardinal T-Square of dynamic energies. Below again is the December 21, 2016 chart set for Washington DC and here is what I wrote about it way back in September before I knew what I didn't know then:

As you see, Jupiter rules the chart and the winter season on into 2017 but the first planet to rise is legalistic Saturn in Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, suggesting delay, hindrance, or some other kind of limitation or suppression. Wealthy Pluto is in the 2nd house, which in American mundane charts points toward the coffers of the National Treasury and those who control or feed from it so naturally the role of 'the Fed' is indicated.

And with the pairing of Jupiter and Uranus in opposition, we may expect events to involve such matters and people as fortune hunters, adventurers or explorers, inventors, and perhaps those who organize large endeavors or projects. However, this planetary pair may also express via freedom and independence issues, philosophical arguments which may include zealotry and its one-sided viewpoints, obstinate adherence to principles that do not stem from real convictions, farsightedness, missing one's best chance, successful speculation, a blissful realization, and/or a fortunate turn in life.

A sudden release of tension may accompany any of these potentials and as always, an opposition (180 degrees) suggests a sort of culmination, fulfillment, or a situation in which complete awareness is forthcoming. See below, for dates when the 'Full Moon' of the Winter Solstice 2016 Jupiter-Uranus opposition had planted its seeds during their three-fer conjunction/s.

Jupiter-Pluto; Uranus-Pluto

Then there's apex Pluto, the isolationist, who can act as a dictator when plodding through Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Here His Creepiness continues a karmic role in the turbulent yet weakened Cardinal Uranus-Pluto Square while also squaring Jupiter, a marker for what may be overly high expectations that need dialing down if real progress is the aim. And while it may inspire some folk to take themselves very seriously, the Jupiter-Pluto square denotes a time when there are frustrations and obstacles in Politics, diplomacy, finances, publishing, religion, group organizing, and other cultural matters. In addition, energy consumption and supply (gas prices?) will continue to be in the news, and new forms of energy are part of the picture as well.

Although large projects are not necessarily doomed to failure under a Jupiter-Pluto square, higher authorities may interfere or refuse to authorize the project's needed funds; or, powermongers may challenge the influence or authority of others, particularly those who have boastfully exaggerated their own importance or their extraordinary strength. Abuse or misuse of power is a caution under the sway of this square, and curiously, Alan Oken has labeled the Jupiter-Pluto square as an aspect of "the false prophet."


By the second half of December 2016 the Jupiter-Pluto square will be past its orb of influence so now let's consider the Jupiter-Uranus opposition. As you know, their cycle began with three conjunctions, the first on June 8, 2010 (conjunct the Aries Point of Global Manifestation), the second on September 19, 2010 @28Pis43, and the third on January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. And since their cycle is about 14 years in duration, 2016 is imprinted with their opposition.

(Note: the next Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus won't occur until April 21, 2024 @21Tau50, a one-fer encounter).

Restlessness, a sense of adventure, and a deep thirst for knowledge and education usually accompany a Jupiter-Uranus contact along with scientific or other breakthroughs, and free or reduced college costs and loans in the US may be what is described here as well especially with powerful manipulator Pluto in a money house and squaring banking Jupiter and rebel Uranus.

All in all, Winter Solstice 2016 basically times Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto vibes to usher out 2016 and the trio sets us up for the start of 2017 so if you wish to read more information about the Jupiter-Uranus duo, I recommend Anne Whitaker's research study in book form Jupiter Meets Uranus: From Erotic Bathing to Star Gazing.

In 2016 Even Dead People Don't Vote Republican!

In These Late Days Mr. Trump Sees Zombie Voters

Over the weekend, former NY mayor Rudolph Guiliani continued his advocacy on behalf of Donald Trump and the candidate's "rigged election" claims that include the idea that dead people vote. However, Mr. Guiliani puts a finer point to the argument by noting that dead people tend to vote Democrat which must fairly suggest the opposite--that dead people (who usually have sent in their ballots and then had the misfortune to achieve their demise prior to Election Day with many states counting their votes) so that a compelling argument may be made for the idea that even dead people don't vote Republican, a wise choice which this blogger heartily yet belatedly agrees with.

As he increases the odds for a future status as a sore loser (and in this he is definitively Republican), you may wish to check out Mr. Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims at

Oct 19, 2016

The Real Vote Rigging: Republicans Make It Harder for Millions to Vote in 2016 - clip

Posted October 19, 2016 President Barack Obama advises Mr. Trump:

A study of Election 2000 and we can see some real rigging by multiple players. Tamper tamper!

Oct 17, 2016

Oct 19, 2016: the 'Mars-Pluto Debate' of Clinton and Trump

Image: Walter Crane: The Fate of Persephone (1877);; {public domain}

As Election Day 2016 (November 8th) creeps up on us, one more 'debate' is set to take place Wednesday October 19, 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in Las Vegas, Nevada (9:00 pm edt). Astrologically, it would be easy to suggest that Mars represents Mr. Trump with his Mars rising along with royal Regulus in egoistic Leo while powerful Pluto represents power player Hillary Clinton who is supported by big banks including the transnational banking syndicate now strangling the world.

And perhaps on some level things are that simple though I hasten to add that Mr. Trump is under the sway, or perhaps thumb, of the foreign banks he has habitually borrowed millions of dollars from. So who can say which planet signifies which candidate? Do they alternate on various levels or at different times? Meanwhile, some folks could say that what amounts to a political scare tactic--the Trump campaign--is being performed for a wider purpose than for Trump to sell books and scam money. It has been to persuade voters toward Mrs. Clinton, a candidate who would have had to limp to Election Day 2016 were it not for the huge, abominable circus act put on by Mr. Trump since June 2015.

Now, dear reader, I don't know where you stand on such issues especially since Stars Over Washington (11 years old this very day!) seldom receives comments or queries on the topics and viewpoints published here. Therefore, the Mars-Pluto encounter shall be allowed to debate for itself on Wednesday evening as Mars, planet of aggression, quarrels, and desire (and still OOBs), conjoins creepy Pluto (aka, Hades, kidnapping god of The Underworld), the puppeteer planet of power grabs, secret manipulation, and the dragon that guards hidden wealth @16 Capricorn.

Plus, as you know, the combo of Mars-Pluto, the 'might makes right' duo, is forceful to the point of brutality, assaults and attacks, chaos, mayhem...and rape. Ask Pluto's victim Persephone about such caddish behavior if you require a refresher concerning the myth. Or maybe it will suffice if Mr. Trump tells us more about his magnetic attraction to beautiful women and how he inappropriately and lustfully reacts very much like Hades toward Persephone.

Additionally, the intense pair of Mars and Pluto prominent on October 19th (in the sign of government, law, and business, Capricorn--the 'old goat') may also indicate that war veterans and/or disabled people may be mentioned during the debate which to some of us, oddly enough, includes the unprepared draft dodger, Donald Trump himself. Perhaps his previous mocking of a disabled reporter at one of his rallies will come up. What a man child! Or, at least, he plays one on TV.

And yet this election remains a 'granny vs grampy' affair with an alleged Global Government fighter on one fist and a shill for the New World Order on the other. Not much of a choice, is it? But I believe this has been the global corporate plan all along--to ruin our election process for good--and if their secret 'trade' deals are shoved into place (as they soon will be due to our own apathy), 2016 will be the end of our democracy and the last US presidential election the American public will ever have to groan through as US sovereignty is tossed into the dust bin of history and corporatism finally takes over the US Government completely.

If this turns out to be the case, will it matter very much who's playing mouthpiece in the White House when America's Great Seal turns over? Maybe, but I know whose voice overly grates upon the ear to be withstood for four long years.

Now if you've already consulted the Sabian Symbol for the Mars-Pluto conjunction degree of 16 Capricorn, you know that it pertains to the "maintenance of a healthy society" (Rudhyar). Sounds good but let us also consult Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac:

16 Capricorn: "A man riding a reinless horse."

This degree and symbol, Carelli says, can produce "The Anointed One" and can indicate "faraway travels and independence." That's the positive side; the negative side points toward "sensuality" of a "carefree epicurean forgetful of the morrow," and "sportsmanship (that) will lead to horse racing.." other words, a reckless gambler which is how this particular Child of the Revolution must feel on behalf of our country if I should dare to vote for wrestling promoter Donald Trump.

And with that in mind, it seems that holding the last of the Clinton-Trump debates in risk-it-all Las Vegas suddenly makes some sort of perverted sense.

Related posts include: The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump (hint: it's Pluto and Mercury for this bounder)...and for Hillary: A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her.

Oct 14, 2016

Ed Schultz and John Nichols - video (plus, 'Trump vs GOP' Astrology)

Natal Charts Reveal Differences Between the Republican Party and Nominee Trump; Schultz and Nichols Discuss GOP Coup and the Party's 2016 Nominee

With much confusion reigning these days between Donald Trump and the Republican Party, can a brief comparison of their natal horoscopes reveal the whys and wherefores? Below is a brief list of chart factors between them which describe, I believe, at least some of their difficulties.

And please check out the October 13th video of progressive broadcaster Ed Schultz speaking with The Nation's Washington correspondent John Nichols concerning troubles within the Republican Party and the Party's issues with its own 2016 nominee Donald Trump.

A bi-wheel image of the natal charts of the Republican Party and Mr. Trump shows some of the planets and points between the two that conjoin although opposing planets reveal some of the turbulence between them. (Remember earlier in the 2016 campaign when 'Trump is not a Republican' was a prominent talking point heard regularly in the news?)

Yes, both entities have the same Sagittarian Moon position which conjoins Trump's natal South Node of neurotic behavior and (Saturnian) separation! Fixed star Ras Alhague is also there (see 'Sapphire Star' post, linked below). But as current political events (to endorse or not to endorse, that is the Q) confuse, we see the nominee's natal Neptune (5Libra50 Rx) rising in the Party's chart (ASC 4Lib23) in opposition to the Party's natal Mercury (5Ari18 Rx) suggesting misunderstandings, confusion, deception, illusions, errors, and loss. This condition is worsened by the fact that Trump was born with a Mercury-Neptune square of distorted perceptions, gossip, and a problematic relationship with the truth.

With Mercury square Neptune, discreet he is not yet this relates to what so many Trump supporters admire: that he 'tells it like it is' (or, how he and they think it is). Well, at least some of his observations are correct enough to discomfit The Establishment and the GOP hierarchy (and Democrats!) as Mr. Trump inconveniently reveals information that Washington is desperate to keep hidden from the masses.

A second factor of note is the Mars-Ascendant-Mars trio at the end of Leo (conjunct royal star Regulus, the king-maker) and the Party's natal Mars @00Virgo21 Rx in the 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, and Politics. Mars also acts as a Bucket handle for the GOP with Mars in Virgo exploiting every situation and criticizing every opponent. Meanwhile, Trump's chart shows a Bowl shape of planets with quirky rebel Uranus leading in Gemini, sign of deals and commerce. This denotes one who is a 'convincing' orator who scatters his energies. Plus, as you know, Gemini and Virgo square one another though both signs are ruled by shape-shifting Mercury who knows a lot about lying.

Now here are Ed and John discussing Trump and the GOP:

Image: natal charts of the Republican Party (inside) and Donald Trump (outside).

Let's close with another chart factor which is penned across the top of the image: the Republican Party's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) @8Sag33 and Donald Trump's Pre-Natal Eclipse @8Gemini48 precisely opposing one another--and both eclipses have themes of 'endings, partings, separations' attached. Plus, Trump's PE is also his Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to birth) which emphasizes the importance of his eclipse--and 8Gemini55 is the position of America's 1776 'totem' Revolution planet of radical reforms, chaos, and disruption, Uranus (also a planet of separation).

So in charts from 1854 and 1946, the degree range of 8/9 Gemini-Sagittarius spotlights fixed stars Aldebaran (success through integrity) and warring Antares (obsessed with success) as the Republicans attempt to win the White House (and down-ticket slots) on November 8, 2016 (not November 28th, Mr. Trump!) with their candidate constantly making headlines that simultaneously offend and distance large groups of American voters.

And yet...Nationalism promoter and protectionist Mr. Trump does talk big against the New World Order globalists, doesn't he? As if he alone would be able to act on America's behalf and grasp control of the transnational banking syndicate that he himself has taken huge loans from! Perhaps someone should tell him that the role of US president has become more of a facade of power in the world than it is the real thing.

A few related posts, videos, and Astrology:

Life Themes: the Pre-Natal Eclipses of Clinton and Trump; Donald Trump: Natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; and Trump Campaign Chief's Strong Ties to Putin Revealed - clip (w Astrology) which concerns Paul Manafort who 'stepped down' from Trump's campaign but remains behind the Russian curtain.

Oct 12, 2016

Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If ...

In black and white, we read Mrs. Clinton's email exchanges with John Podesta and learn what most Americans already knew: politicians lie, politicians illegally coordinate their campaigns with the media, and spin must be spun in an attempt to re-cover what's been uncovered (and possibly manipulated by the hacker to look worse than it is).

One point of interest to this astrologer is how such inconveniently uncovered truths tally with themes of the current the Solar Eclipse which perfected on September 1, 2016 @9Vir21--and with the September 16, 2016 Lunar Eclipse @24Pis20 which fell within or very near the degree range of Hillary Clinton's natal Moon in Pisces in most of the multiple natal horoscopes with varying birth hours. Ah, secretive Pisces and reality-based, health-conscious Virgo! Actually, Virgo-Pisces eclipses continue into 2017 beginning in February so that, tiresomely, this sort of leak may continue to uncover worse warts than we've so far seen at least until The Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017 in Leo.

More details: September 2016 Eclipses: Two 'Wild Cards' of the Universe.

Now here's a report from Democracy Now! asking if these in-cahoots emails had been leaked prior to Hillary's nomination at the DNC, could Senator Sanders have won the nomination? By popularity he should have won, yet t seems doubtful to me for who knows what tricks and spin would have been perpetrated by Rockefeller-Rothschild media shills in an attempt to force war hawk Mrs. Clinton into the White House, a position she's waited for these many years?

Note: although many Clinton supporters are all-in, 'at least she isn't Donald Trump' is sad consolation to those of us who will vote for Hillary on November 8th. And do you ever feel purposefully swayed to vote for Hillary due to an opponent whose behavior and rhetoric put him out of contention for a job at 7/11, much less the US presidency? (Credit to President Obama or whoever wrote his remarks for the 'job at 7/11' perspective).

Related: Life Themes: the Pre-Natal Eclipses of Clinton and Trump.

Oct 9, 2016

Oct 19, 2016: Mars-Pluto Conjunction Hits New Millennium Chart

Here's a re-publish of the New Millennium Horoscope set for January 1, 2001 12:00 am est White House Washington DC. My primary concern is the October 19, 2016 Mars-Pluto conjunction which occurs upon the South Node at 15Cap31 in 4th house of Domestic Scene, Homeland, Foundation of the Matter. And of course, the 4th house is also about Roots, Endings, and The Drain.

Trump and Clinton, Clinton and Trump

Now if you follow politics and the 2016 Campaign, you know that October 19, 2016 is when the third and final presidential debate occurs between Republican nominee Donald Trump (who just may be represented by the Scorpio Mars leading all the planets in a Locomotive shape from the 2nd house of the National Treasury (US SP Jupiter Rx = money, corporatism, the politician, and The General)...or not, since perhaps it's Mrs. Clinton whose natal Sun is in early Scorpio, and both candidates have the executive ability a Locomotive shows).

Also, Democrat Hillary Clinton's natal Moon in Pisces is represented by the Moon in the New Millennium's 6th house of the Military, Police, and Civil Service (and Pisces = the server). Yet as always, her aggressive Mars-Saturn-Pluto trio in Leo 'runs in the background' of her political career and falls within the 11th house of this chart which to me suggests her neocon/war-hawk stance and the people and groups she associates (11th h) with who have similar goals of world domination.

And as you see, the New Millennium's difficult Mars-Saturn midpoint at 14Leo49 is also in 11th house and conjoins Mrs. Clinton's natal trio in Leo. In 3rd house you can see Mr. Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction which conjoins the New Millennium's Chiron and this may signify the crises and wounds that many Americans intuit a Trump presidency would bring, and/or the 'blindspot' (Chiron) of some voters who have fallen for his promises of Making America Great Again.

Additionally, the detached and out-of-bounds Mercury at 14Cap36 conjoins the Saturnian, separative South Node in the chart which is a 'natal echo' of Clinton's Mercury-SN conjunction in Scorpio. Mercury-SN tends to have ideas ahead of its time and/or may signify past ideas and plans which here relate to the Pentagon since the 10th house North Node conjoins both the Pentagon's natal Ascendant and US SP (progressed) Jupiter Rx at 15Cancer--tragically describing America's past and future war path.

Now my assumption is and has been that the war costs of global conquest and other Pentagon programs (ex: black ops, invasion and occupation) have drained America's National Treasury and other resources, a condition hidden by our fiat money. So basically, the South-Node-Mars-Pluto condition indicates the US military chiefs falling back on past behavior (SN) and suggesting turbulent, possibly violent, events (Mars-Pluto) timed by the conjunction's Saturnian (Capricorn) hook-up with the New Millennium Nodal Axis of meetings, encounters, and past vs future direction...Mars-Pluto = SN.

Or, perhaps this is merely a cosmic picture of Campaign 2016 and the ruthless rivalry between our two political parties for control of the White House megaphone and our political discourse.

Now here are what I see as the stand-out planets in the New Millennium chart and why they are prominent:

1. Mars in Scorpio conjunct 2nd cusp because it leads all other planets via the chart's Locomotive shape and describes people with executive ability who command success;

2. 3rd house Pluto in Sagittarius (conjunct US Ascendant in the late-afternoon 'Sibly chart') because Mr. Underworld, planet of hidden wealth and criminality, is unaspected and therefore isolated from the rest of the planets (actors), a condition which denies them the benefit of plutonian regeneration;

3. Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius in the 5th house of Speculation, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits because Uranus is a reformer, a rebel, an anarchist, and a troublemaker and is the Final Dispositor of the entire chart since the 'trail of dispositorship' leads back to Uranus in Aquarius.

A Tragic Synchronicity?

Naturally there are many other chart factors of note than these but my main purpose today is to re-post the New Millennium Horoscope for you and remark upon the significance of the October 19th Mars-Pluto conjunction perfecting on the very day of the third and final presidential debate of 2016--and add that the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series of the New Millennium (2 South on December 25, 2000 at 4Cap14) repeats during the last year of the presidential term of whoever is (s)elected on November 8, 2016--because 2 South manifests once again on January 5, 2019 at 15Capricorn25 which echoes and conjoins the 2016 Mars-Pluto conjunction.

Oct 8, 2016

October 9 and 19, 2016: the Clinton-Trump Debates (Mars-Pluto)

Two 2016 Presidential Debates Left: How Awful Will They Be?

Well, the controversial 'TrumpSniffle' the Lewd has bumped up voter interest in the second of three presidential debates via a leaked tape from 2005 of his remarks about making 'moves' on women--as a "star" he can "do anything". Then his recorded 'apology' had to include mention of Bill Clinton's past behavior toward women (predictable) and Trump offered the excuse that his remarks were a decade ago (even though Bill's behavior was twenty years ago but still blame worthy--Trump's, according to Trump, is not because he's "different" now). No more groping of women for Donnie!

As you know, Republicans are deleting their support of the vile Mr. Trump in a hurry though no word on how the ones who are Republican misogynists themselves will manage this situation for it must be a real inner conflict for them especially the ones up for re-election.

Astrology: Mars and Pluto on Display

Debate number 2 of 3 October 9, 2016 St. Louis, Missouri at 6:00 pm CDT: astrologically aggressive Mars remains out-of-bounds (like Trump's comments--he and his brash Mars rising in proud Leo) and rising in St. Louis is Mars-ruled Aries bringing disruptive Uranus in Aries (blind zealots, radicals, anarchists, and Utopians--Ebertin) in tow. Mars and Pluto, 6 degrees apart, are in the 10th house of Public Status.

But what's rather amazing is that the third and last of their debates on October 19th happens to fall on the day that Mars, planet of desire (and still OOBs), conjoins Pluto, planet of power grabs @15Capricorn. Now as you know, the combo of Mars-Pluto is forceful to the point of brutality, assaults and attacks, chaos, mayhem...and rape.

This intense pair prominent on October 19th may also indicate that war veterans and/or disabled people may be mentioned during the debate which to some of us includes the unprepared Donald Trump himself--or perhaps his previous mocking of a disabled reporter at one of his rallies will come up. What a man child! Or, at least, he plays one on TV.

And awful as either or both debates turn out to be, one thing is fairly certain: they will be watched.

Now here are details on where to watch Sunday's town hall style presidential debate via TV or Internet streaming, and the October 19th debate as well.