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Apr 26, 2019

America's First-Ever Impeachment of 1868

Andrew Johnson; Mathew Brady, Retouched by Mmxx [Public domain]

The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson occurred on February 24, 1868 and qualifies as America's first-ever impeachment of a president. (130 years later, President Bill Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998 although no crimes were found by the Starr investigation so Republicans impeached a Democratic president over infidelity; meanwhile some of them were busy doing the same thing--ex: New Gingrich.)

Andrew Johnson Impeachment Timeline.

A prominent feature of a noon horoscope set for February 24, 1868 Capitol Building Washington DC is a massive Pisces line-up of planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and even Chiron. The Sun @5Pisces (the leader) conjoins the transiting South Node @4Pis59 = lack of popularity; (and with Pisces, use of alcohol is suggested) so that a T-Square pattern is formed made up of Sun-NN = Saturn (5Sag23): 'separation; disadvantages in dealing with the public' (Ebertin); 'weak influence within groups' (Munkasey); 'reserve in relationships; patience' (Tyl).

We should also note that for Andrew Johnson, born December 29, 1808, with Neptune @5Sag34 (in Raleigh, NC from where I now type at you!), the period of his impeachment was a time of transit Saturn conjunct natal Neptune, the "grim face of reality" transit--a time of disillusionment and of misinterpretation of one's responsibilities.

So for President Johnson we may substitute his natal Neptune for impeachment Saturn in the T-Square and midpoint picture it creates potentials for:

Sun-NN = natal Neptune: disappointment in associations; an inability to adapt (Ebertin); deception from allies; indecision over one's destiny; finding important secret societies (Munkasey); feeling let down by others; feeling that relationships are threatening or bothersome (Tyl).

Well, there's a mini-portrait of America's First Impeachment from a cosmic angle. Is it nearly time for another one?

Apr 25, 2019

Trump's Retaliation Against Don McGahn

A former lawyer for Richard Nixon says that Trump's Retaliation Could Land Him in Jail for Ten Years so on Astrology's behalf I'd like to point out the message of a previous post which follows along similar lines:

Trump with Regulus Rising: Revenge Time!

And of course this could still happen - should happen - in spite of Donald Trump: Don McGahn to Testify May 21, 2019 (+ his natal planets).

Apr 24, 2019

US Mercury-Pluto oppo to be 'hit' by Saturn and Pluto

Since all my current notes on this topic are penned upon the US natal horoscope, below, I'll add no text today other than to say that these Saturn and Pluto transits begin in February 2020 (the last of which perfects on January 1, 2021 conjunct and opposing our July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT positions) and their karmic energies will directly affect America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition which is already no picnic in and of itself for its manipulative, controlling, and surveillance activities against We The People:

A related post: Horoscopes: 1982 and 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions.

Apr 23, 2019

Donald Trump in 2019 and 2020 - The Astrology (Will He Get Re-elected?)

The following is a view from abroad of US Politics for today Stars Over Washington is very pleased to present a Political Astrology article authored by British astrologer James Lynn Page whose brief bio and website link you'll find posted, below:

What about the astro-predictions for Donald Trump in 2019 and 2020, when we have the US Presidential elections? If you just assume President Trump won’t be re-elected on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 in the 59th four-yearly elections, read this from the Forbes website:

‘Donald Trump’s presidency has been so widely derided in the national media that a casual observer might easily conclude his prospects for re-election are dim. However, that is not what the odds makers are saying. They give Trump a solid edge over any Democratic candidate in 2020 … Only two chief executives seeking reelection over the last 50 years—Carter and Bush 41—failed in their bid for a second term. Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama all won reelection, even though at least two of them were highly controversial. In fact, the most controversial presidents tend to roll up the biggest reelection victories. Second, Trump has presided over the strongest economy in living memory. Unemployment is at record lows, inflation is nearly non-existent, and new jobs are being created at a startling pace. Anyone who studies presidential politics knows that strong economies are the most important factor driving support for the incumbent.

Elsewhere, Elizabeth Drew reckons that the Democrats possibly need to do more:

‘Trump’s success at solidifying his base could be his salvation in 2020 if the Democratic nomination process doesn’t produce a strong enough opponent or ends in hostility. And, though Trump appears to have committed several impeachable offenses – accepting “emoluments,” or gifts or income from foreign sources, and obstructing justice, among others – the Democrats are reluctant to be seen as seeking his removal from office, owing to the fierce opposition of Trump’s base. (Fanatic Trump supporters have threatened literal civil war if their hero is impeached or convicted.)’

It seems not to matter how widely Donald Trump is derided in the Press, nor how many ‘false or misleading claims’ (the Guardian) he makes, or how politically incorrect he may be, the train keeps on rolling! Lately, we have seen the results of the Robert Mueller investigation into Trump’s possible collusion with Russia over the election campaign in 2016. Many opponents had hoped for his impeachment, but as Reuters reported, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House said: ‘Trump is unfit to be president but she is “not for impeachment.” This is because: “Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country,” Anyway, Pelosi added, “He’s just not worth it.”

In any case, the Mueller inquiry – which ended on March 22nd 2019 – found no direct evidence of any illegal activity on President Trump’s part. Interestingly, the final report concluded just as ‘lucky’ Jupiter had transited (by opposition) Trump’s sun at 22ยบ Gemini. (By one degree of orb.) This is significant, as Jupiter has long been a key factor in the fortunes of the Donald as President – it has been conjunct his ascendant by progression since the start of his presidential campaign on June 16th, 2015 (starting within only two minutes of arc.) Obviously, each subsequent progressed chart shows the orb for the Jupiter-asc. conjunction getting wider and wider. This means that the reality checks will, incrementally, get more urgent.

The Solar return for Donald Trump in 2019 and 2020 shows two important oppositions: a Mercury-Mars conjunction (opposed to Pluto-Saturn conjunction in the 10th house), plus sun opposite Jupiter. Mercury-Mars opposite Pluto-Saturn is fiercely combative, argumentative and divisive, a situation where both opponents dig in their heels, assume strong positions, and refuse to shift ground. Tough opposition in other words, and this can apply just as much to Trump’s personal life as it does the day job. However sun-Jupiter will also provide some self confidence, if not actual protection. We’ll see more instances of Donald Trump in 2019 and 2020 thumbing his nose at convention with that Teflon coat (and delighting his supporters). Here, he may ride the storm just as well once more!

2020 is unlikely to be as smooth a ride as it has been, however. On Donald Trump’s 2020 Solar Return (from June) a different picture emerges when Chiron sits on the MC, whilst Saturn is now in the seventh house of relationships. The MC symbolises the public image and profession, and Chiron energies can bring out the worst in a situation. Saturn is all about having to realise limitations, and so its placing in the seventh may mean that even trusted advisors could be found wanting as loyalties are stretched. However, we must add that both Pluto and Jupiter are also conjunct the descendant (making it technically a stellium with Saturn) so that we have a case of both powerful friends and powerful enemies.

Of further serious weight in 2020 is transiting Pluto (once more demanding his pound of flesh) in late January to early February (also, throughout July) as it opposes Donald Trump’s natal Saturn. This is an extremely tense transit and not easy to bear – the weight of the world is on one’s shoulders and the forces of opposition are strong. Something has to give! Something may now backfire, and this also coincides with the major, historic Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January (which has a universal effect but applies especially to right-wing conservatism and strongly capitalist agendas). Charges of corruption or racism may occur, press freedoms may be under attack, oppressed minorities may be yet more oppressed. The Saturn-Pluto transit in the sky bespeaks of right wing empowerment and its iron hand, authoritarianism and the removal of liberties by those in charge as they push their agendas (or worse). Human rights often go straight out of the window. For example, the last time this conjunction occurred (separated by only one degree) was in late October 2001, coinciding with the appearance of the US Patriot Act, in the wake of 9/11, the previous month. This was:

‘signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001 in order to strengthen national security … Those opposing the law have criticized its authorization of indefinite detentions of immigrants; the permission given to law enforcement to search a home or business without the owner’s or the occupant’s consent or knowledge; the expanded use of National Security Letters, which allows the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to search telephone, e-mail, and financial records without a court order; and the expanded access of law enforcement agencies to business records, including library and financial records. Since its passage, several legal challenges have been brought against the act, and federal courts have ruled that a number of provisions are unconstitutional.’ (Wikipedia)

Its also gonna get interesting in late March, 2020 (and early July) when transiting Jupiter opposes Trump’s natal Saturn – one step forward and two steps back! This is the old expansion–contraction dichotomy when, with an optimistic attitude, you try to accomplish one goal but end up mired in something else quite unforeseen. Decisions announced by Trump, despite popular base-support, may fail to get the blessing of Congress. By the time of the Uranus square to natal Pluto on July 6th (and late September) there is massive tension seeking a release! Whatever has transpired lately – maybe new laws or policies put into force – can no longer be sustained, and President Trump may have to change tack. It might, for example, be time to forget about the border wall, for good! This high-pressure situation should come to a resolution finally in late September as it re-occurs, not least when the concurrent transiting Jupiter squares his natal Jupiter. Here, though, the President will once again be in a confident, nay bullish, mood.

So what does the astrological picture indicate regarding Donald Trump’s possible return to the White House in January 2021? And will the Democrats be able to field someone who can capture the popular imagination, given that populism is what seems to work best these days?

Democrat Party Chart – 17/2/1801, 13.00, Washington D.C.

‘Since Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal coalition in the 1930s, the Democratic Party has also promoted a social liberal platform, supporting social justice … The New Deal Coalition of 1932–1964 attracted strong support from voters of recent European extraction—many of whom were Catholics based in the cities. After Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal of the 1930s, the pro-business wing withered outside the South. After the racial turmoil of the 1960s, most Southern whites and many Northern Catholics moved into the Republican Party at the presidential level. The once-powerful labor union element became smaller and less supportive after the 1970s. White Evangelicals and Southerners became heavily Republican at the state and local level since the 1990s. People living in metropolitan areas, women, sexual and gender minorities, millennials, college graduates, and racial and ethnic minorities in the United States, such as Jewish Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans and African Americans, tend to support the Democratic Party much more than they support the rival Republican Party.’ (Wikipedia)

The more community-oriented, ‘all-comers welcome’ element, where minorities and those of foreign birth are drawn to the Democrats, reflects perfectly the Aquarius sun and – in one sense at least – Cancer rising. (The sign of motherhood, caring and support.) Aquarius is the sign of collective idealism, community, brotherhood and sisterhood. Humanity coming together as one. The sun is also conjunct Pluto, and my researches show that strong Pluto aspects are always necessary to an entity like a political party – for wielding great power, what else? On election day, 2020, the progressed sun is exactly conjunct natal Uranus, hence the urge is to reform and break up the old order. There will be much talk of a ‘revolution in politics’ from the Democrats.

Likewise, the solar return 2020-21 chart for the Democrats has Uranus conjunct the MC (to within one degree) emphasising the theme of drastic change (which will require drastic moves) that will possibly extend to their final choice of presidential candidate, possibly a maverick, ‘Uranian’ type with truly innovative and radical ideas! Someone to shake things up. Transits for election time for the Democrats are unhelpful, though on a Tertiary Progression I chart (something I haven’t used for ages) the sun will have moved to an exact conjunction with Pluto. And, as mentioned, Pluto is almost always present where the taking of power is involved! Also, the Solar Arc Direction chart has Jupiter conjunct the natal sun for the time in question. The Democrats astrologically speaking, are well placed, then. So what about the Grand Old Party?


Republican Party Chart I – 20/3/1854, 18:30, Ripon, Wisconsin

‘The GOP was founded in 1854 [and] … originally subscribed to classical liberalism and took ideological stands that were anti-slavery and pro-economic reform … After the 1912 election, many [Theodore] Roosevelt supporters left the Party, and the Party underwent an ideological shift to the right… The liberal Republican element in the GOP was overwhelmed by a conservative surge begun by Barry Goldwater in 1964 that continued during the Reagan Era in the 1980s. After the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the party’s core base shifted, with the Southern states becoming more reliably Republican in presidential politics and the Northeastern states becoming more reliably Democratic. White voters increasingly identified with the Republican Party after the 1960s. [In 1973] the Republican Party made opposition to abortion a key plank of its national party platform and grew its support among evangelicals.’ (Wikipedia)

What the Wikipedia piece above doesn’t mention is that the Republicans have always been the party of big business, self-determination, the corporate and capitalist ethic and essentially, the upholding of conservative values. This is hardly reflected in the ‘official’ chart of the Republicans – illustrated above – set for 6.30 p.m., Ripon, Wisconsin (March 20, 1854), the venue for the first meeting for a new anti-slavery party when the name “Republican” was suggested.

Rather, I suggest that a chart for the ‘first statewide convention that formed a platform and nominated candidates under the term “Republican”’ (Wikipedia) better describes the character of the GOP. This occurred at a venue near Jackson, Michigan on July 6, 1854. If we use the time of the traditional chart (18.30) we get Sagittarius rising, though a little later gives us Capricorn rising:

Republican Party Chart II – 6/7/1854, 19:00, Jackson, Michigan

This chart seems to tie in with its perceived character as the party for the ‘self-made business person’ who favours pragmatism, profit and low taxes. The ‘rectified’ chart I have chosen is set for 7.00 pm. Even if this time is wrong, a chart for the Republicans with sun in Cancer (tradition, ‘family values’), moon in Scorpio (reactionary and hard-headed) and a Venus-Saturn conjunction (social conservatism) seems more apt than the first one with sun in heroic Aries, moon in idealistic Sagittarius and ascendant in light-hearted, diplomatic Libra rising.

How are they going to fare then? Well, the Republican solar return shows the sun conjunct to Chiron on the IC – a ‘wounding’ at the heart of things. (See last paragraph.) Then again, we have the Jupiter return occurring at 23ยบ Capricorn in the wake of the election in November 2020 – hardly insignificant, and one of the two major factors suggesting a successful election. Pluto also moves to a powerful conjunction with Jupiter this month – and this has massive significance. It may well help return Trump to power. The Solar Arc Direction chart also shows Jupiter making a square to the natal ascendant. Squares are not necessarily obstacles, but they do always lend plenty of energy and impetus to a situation!


At the end of the day, enabling and empowering Jupiterian energy assists both party charts and the election result will be very close run thing (much closer than the Democrats would expect). The whole thing could easily swing Trump’s way because of the strong economy, low unemployment and the fact that the nation is nominally at peace. However, on election day President Trump’s progressed chart shows pressure involving taskmaster Saturn and the progressed MC as they form a conjunction. Some astrologers may see in this a suggestion of karmic just desserts. But – remember – the strong Jupiter-Pluto configurations on the Republican chart may swing it for Donald Trump, not that a return to power for him in 2021 will be anything like the proverbial walk in the park.

Many left wing academics have commented on how the whole spirit of democracy itself in the US has been affected lately. It’s interesting to note that, on the progressed US chart for 2020, Venus is conjunct Chiron, which – in turn – is also conjunct the natal Chiron! On a mundane chart, Venus is collective common discourse (how a nation communicates and relates) and Chiron is the wound that requires attention. These latter suggest something ‘wrong’ at the core – something that requires healing. On the progressed Sibly chart, Uranus is conjunct the MC (government) and the faster moving moon is conjunct Pluto. Here, we have tension and pressure building up to the point where the energies are ready to burst forth. Something new wants to be born. Something’s gotta give! People are ready for big change in the US, and something will arise from that gnawing sense that one is living in unusual times!


James Lynn Page is a consultant astrologer, tarot analyst, teacher, lecturer, and author of Mind-Body-Spirit titles, who received the Faculty of Astrological Studies’ Certificate in 1984. His first astrology book, Jungian Birth Charts, was published by Aquarian Press in 1988 under the pen name Arthur Dione, and was called “one of the better popular astrology books to see print in this decade,” by Horoscope magazine. Prediction in the UK labelled it “one of the best books to date to bring added depth to the art of horoscope interpretation.” Soon after going to work for W. Foulsham Publishing, James co-authored their annual 12-volume Old Moore’s Horoscope and Astral Diaries, and is now one of the chief astrological consultants to Foulsham’s annual Old Moore’s Almanac. He has authored the monthly astrology newsletter for Raphael’s Ephemeris and is a guest blogger on the Health and Wellness site HealthyTreeFrog. His website is Astrology, Magic and the Conscious Universe.

Don McGahn Testifies May 21, 2019 (+ his Natal Planets)

It is being reported that former White House Counsel Don McGahn will testify before Congress on May 21, 2019. Donald Francis McGahn was born June 16, 1968 and grew up in Atlantic City, New Jersey so his natal planets based on 'noon' of his birth date are placed around the 10:00 am edt horoscope, below, set for May 21, 2019 Capitol Building according to the subpoena issued by House Judiciary Committe Chairman Jerrold Nadler; please enlarge the image for better reading of chart notes if you wish; note that many of Trump's natal planets are penned around the chart with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio missing for lack of space; both McGahn and Trump are Sun Geminis and McGahn's natal Sun @25Gem32 conjoins the 12th cusp of the 10:00 am edt testimony chart.

And as you see, Luna is chart-ruler and there's an applying Moon-Mars opposition (Mars "4Cancer" = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse"..JUSTIFICATION--Jones) which denotes testy emotions and quarrels (plus, an angry public?), yet Trump's natal Sagittarian Moon (conjunct his SN) is again being transited by jolly Jupiter Rx indicating a period of happiness which Trump has recently avowed himself to be feeling (has an offer been made for his retirement?).

Yet Jupiter with South Node suggests this is also a period when ethics conflict with societal standards, endeavors may be blocked, and there are problems in relation to foreign lands. Loss (SN) of money (Jupiter) may also be in the picture along with Trump's diminishing popularity. More 'positively', broadcasting Jupiter in his role as politician will tend to repeat words he's mouthed in the past (SN) although, as you know, Mr. Trump repeats himself all the time--at his rallies and elsewhere. (It must be really annoying to be around grandpa telling the same story he told ten minutes before.)

Now one interesting planetary aspect between Trump and Don McGahn, a "real lawyer", is that their natal Saturns square one another (Aries/Cancer) which suggests conflicting values and disagreements (penned on the chart, upper), and in Astrology Saturn is legal planet of the law and government. There are other aspects between them, of course, but since my blogging time is brief today, I'll leave them for you to ferret out if you're curious!

Funny how Mercury-ruled Gemini is the sign of records and note-taking--Gemini McGahn takes them and Gemini Trump disparages them due to the record of his words and deeds they keep for future reference.

Apr 19, 2019

Summer Solstice 2019's Planetary Patterns

The Planetary Patterns of Summer 2019 with Jupiter Leading the Throng

by Jude Cowell

In a previous post we considered the DC Horoscopes of Spring Equinox 2019 and Summer Solstice 2019 with both charts set for the White House and both having the same signs and degrees on their angles (14 Virgo rising, 12 Gemini at MC) which spotlights astrological Mercury--retrograde in Pisces and hangin' with deceptive Neptune in Spring but speeding through Cancer during the month of June.

As I type, we're in April and poised within the Spring season as we look ahead toward Summer so let's take another peek at the Summer Solstice 2019 chart with its Mutable Grand Cross, dynamic T-Squares, a focussed YOD, a Mystic Rectangle, and a Locomotive shape of planets chugging along behind Jupiter Rx.

Plus, Summer 2019 as a topic must include the karmic July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in Cancer and the July 2019 Lunar Eclipse (DC Horoscopes shown). So that's two disruptive Uranian 'wild cards' or 'cosmic blinks' in July, plus, America's 243rd birthday!

And mention should be made that in this chart Uranus @5Tau34 in the 8th house of Corporatism, Transformation, Debt/Credit, Insurance, Shared Resources, and the Occult is unaspected. Yes, Trump is a Jupiterian (natal Jupiter Stationary, materialistic and large) and a Martian (Mars rising with royal Regulus in royal Leo) but he's also very much a radical Uranian with his 10th house Uranus in Gemini behaving as his 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption. When unaspected, the independent nature of planet Uranus is intensified along with its tendency to be unaffected by outside influences. Sparks of intuition may occur but won't inform the rest of the planets so that rigid, self-defeating, unconscious patterns of behavior are enforced rather than improved upon. And as you know, Uranus in money-oriented Taurus denotes a period when unusual sources of income are sought and speculation risks all in one roll of the dice. But with quirky Uranus in staid Taurus, premature action often leads to failure (Ebertin) making prudence and caution necessary.

Horoscope: Summer Solstice June 21, 2019 11:54:30 am edt White House Washington DC with my messy notes penned on as usual; please enlarge the image if you dare:

Prominent Planetary Patterns of Summer 2019

First, Jupiter Rx is the engine leading a Locomotive shape in the chart and this denotes high-powered executive/s ruthlessly determined upon success (Trump?). Yet with Jupiter retrograde, his plans may be delayed, interrupted, or somehow debilitated. Perhaps things will more easily progress once Jupiter resumes direct motion and trundles on his way forward after August 11, 2019. Note that astrological Jupiter may play many roles: politician, banker, corporatist, religious figure, judge, lawyer, military general, a wealthy person, a civil servant, an explorer/adventurer, and/or a fortune hunter.

A Mutable Grand Cross (Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, ASC) spotlights conditions of extreme restlessness and nervousness yet if the energies are well-handled can instead denote alertness and mental vigor. However, plans under its sway tend to be implemented inconsistently, indirectly, and by using impractical methods. Concentration is often lacking or is vacillating and indecisive. Needless to say, conditions are frustrating and, similar to the sign of Gemini, mental focus and actions tend to be spread too thinly in multiple directions to be as successful as they could be. Of course, the Grand Cross's oppositions describe a need to integrate logic and reasoning ability into circumstances and relationships in order to mitigate at least some of the instability and unreliability suggested here.

Add to this the muddled thinking and dreaminess when it comes to facing harsh realities embedded within a Jupiter-Neptune square, plus, a Venus-Neptune square's difficulty discerning the difference between reality and fantasy--with both squares and the people they represent affected by watery Neptune in its own sign of secretive Pisces--Neptune, planet of deception, lies, fraud, confusion, the media, the masses, and propaganda so it seems that we have a continuation of the Trumpish atmosphere of fantasy and deceit we've been mired in since Summer 2015.

Now naturally, any Grand Cross contains a few T-Squares, and the primary of which here is Venus-Jupiter = Neptune (conjunct the Descendant axis) so that foreign capital investments and/or foreign raids on the treasury are potentials. As a midpoint picture, possibilities include expansion, inflation, weakened limitations (such as laws?), and illusion and confusion delaying real progress. Also note that value-loving Venus is in duplicitous Gemini at the top of the chart for the entire world to see. Therefore, currency issues may also be indicated and be a goal (MC) and a topic of public discourse (Gemini). But Venus can also vengeful (especially when scorned) so retaliation may be on our Summer calendar as it always is for Donald Trump.

Then opposite Venus is banking planet Jupiter at IC and retrograde until August 11, 2019 (stations @14Sag30) so finances are in process of being reviewed, lessened, delayed, and/or retracted. Jupiter in 4th house suggests the involvement of Real Estate and/or Mining. Also in 4th house is Summer Solstice 2019's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of January 5, 2019 @15Capricorn which imprinted upon the 116th Congress with its theme of 'joining new groups and gaining a great deal' ( Brady). Having two money planets opposing one another sounds a lot like a financial stand-off of some kind, doesn't it?

The YOD pointing toward the North Node (and Focused YOD pointing toward Saturn) show that a turning point or crossroad has been reached, a special task must completed, and/or a crisis awaits which must be dealt with. Plus, a combination of Saturn and South Node (of the Moon) is extremely limiting (cooperation needed!) and suggests some form of separation. However, at the base of the YOD the Moon-Jupiter sextile (60 degrees) suggests a ray of hope (A. Oken) yet we cannot ignore the fact that the Moon (the public) is apex of the socially concerned Saturn-Neptune midpoint which can indicate people with low character, pessimism, depression, and/or activities that serve no real purpose. And as a midpoint picture, Moon-Jupiter = Saturn also suggests limiting conditions; luck in brief spurts; lasting emotional misconceptions; negligence; inner conflicts; social disadvantages; and/or liver or gall bladder disease (Ebertin). Moon-Jupiter with NN merely hints at associations and new contacts that are 'on our path'.

As for the Mystic Rectangle (a pattern which always sounds rather groovy to me!) between Saturn, Neptune, NN, and ASC, its 'practical mysticism' vibe and karmic implications (Saturn, Nodal axis, and even slow-moving Neptune) can usually denote those who use mystical and/or astrological principles to guide their plans and actions so with Washington DC and our Founding Fathers well known for their mystical and astrological tendencies and interests via secret societies (ex: Freemasonry), I'll leave it for you to decide what and who in our present day may be hiding behind the scenes and manipulating outcomes during Summer 2019--or if the mystical pattern even applies to our circumstances at all!


Read more about the Mystic Rectangle planetary pattern.

Apr 17, 2019

Could Impeachment Force Release of Mueller Report? (w/ Mark Pocan) - clip

AG Barr's Cover-Up Tactics Continue so Mr. Trump Must Be Having the Vapors!

This makes sense really, since everyone knows that bullies are big fat cowards...

And considering what threatens to be a very disappointing "release" of the (overly redacted) Mueller Report in the morning (April 18th--with AG Barr promising to hold a press conference at 9:30 am edt before the report's release tomorrow in order to take (evade) reporters' questions before they have time to actually read the report--so slick, thinks he and Donald--another stalling tactic!), we might appreciate the interesting information and commentary within the following Thom Hartmann segment with Rep. Mark Pocan:


So with the ongoing square (blockages; obstacles) from transit Neptune @17Pisces to Trump's natal Uranus @17Gemini (his 'guiding planet' of chaos, disruption, and oddballness in his 10th house of Career and Public Standing) his nibs could turn out to be the leader of a failed social movement.

Okay, I'm cheering for that--no neo-fascism or otherwise, please. Will either of you join me?

Redacted Report planets vs Mueller Report Submission

Assuming that AG Bill Barr (a Sun Gemini like Trump!) releases a redacted version of the Mueller Report tomorrow morning (Thursday April 18, 2019), a quick peek at tomorrow's planetary positions reveals a couple of interesting transits to the Mueller Report submission planets of March 22, 2019.

MRS = Mueller Report Submission; BR = Barr Redactions April 18, 2019.

BR Neptune conjunct MRS Mercury (in secretive Pisces) suggests potentials for covering up or veiling the report in order to confuse issues (or deep-six them), deception, erroneous conclusions, and/or mysterious communications.

BR Mercury conjunct MRS Sun indicates potentials for strong and dramatic expressions in a forum (the public discourse? in congressional committees?), hiding difficult conclusions, taking the ideas of others and adding your own (Barr's) input to create something entirely different (the goal of Trump's man Bill Barr as was his earlier "summary" letter/s that allowed Trump the opportunity to brag about being "exonerated").

This transit info sounds accurate to me, how about you?

Plus, there are the increasingly harsh energies of the Saturn-Pluto duo in process of aligning for their January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction and now oppose Trump's watery natal Saturn (authority; accountability; limitations) in Moon-ruled Cancer. As previously discussed, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction when exact @22Cap46 will conjoin the natal Vertex of Mr. Trump, a sensitive point of fated encounters. Significant? Karmic setbacks? Both? We'll see.

And perhaps a midpoint picture involving the planet of reports and communications is revealing of current events for it forms tomorrow...Mars-Saturn = Mercury: loud shouting at formal speeches (Munkasey); bad news; separation; bereavement; murderers (Ebertin)--surely murder doesn't turn up in the Mueller Report!!? If so, that would be something worth hiding at all costs. Additionally on April 18th, the transiting Mars-Saturn midpoint conjoins the March 22, 2019 Sun (1Ari55): inability to meet all demands or master all situations; weak vitality; death or illness of male persons (Ebertin).

Now data for both horoscopes are listed, below, if you haven't already set up the charts and looked for more transits that apply to the Mueller Report Redaction situation once it drops tomorrow-if tomorrow! will its edge be softened by dropping just prior to the holiday weekend? I used '12:00 am edt' for April 18th but perhaps we'll have a definite hour of its release once it's done.

And to paraphrase one of the political truisms I always go by (even if FDR didn't say it as has been asserted through the years)--that whatever happens in Politics is meant to happen for nothing in Politics happens by accident (note that astrological symbols and signs are found embedded all over Washington DC--and that Astrology adds the element of Time and timing to any circumstance, in 1776 and in 2019). This follows along with the political use of the Hegelian Dialect: create chaotic problems then offer the solutions you wanted all along. To me this a large part of Why Trump As POTUS--to create chaos and massive problems so that Americans and the world will accept whatever draconian 'solutions' the puppet masters of the Universe decree--perhaps with Trump continuing as their shill and instigator or perhaps with some other raptor-brain of low character.

Now as you know, the Sun conjoins quirky Uranus (Trump's 'guiding planet') on Monday April 22, 2019 @2Tau31 and when we round up the conjunction's degree to '3 Taurus' we find, "Steps Up to a Lawn Blooming with Clover"...Keyword: HOPEFULNESS. Positive expression: a creative optimism brought to embrace every facet of everyday living; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): an unwarranted self-indulgence and a disregard of all practical reality through a concern over the phantasmal and impossible. And of course, this symbol (word picture) always reminds me of the White House lawn! Do the 'clovers' suggest good fortune for Donald Trump? Well, Sun to Uranus hints at potentials for stubborn pride, loyalty issues, and uniqueness that invites further scrutiny.

As for Barr's release of his version of the Mueller Report tomorrow, it was noted on The 11th Hour with Brian Williams that we Shouldn't Put it Past Trump to Distract from tomorrow's release of the redacted Mueller Report for distraction is one of Trump's go-to political tactics meant to soften criticism of whatever jam he's in at that moment. Yes Big T or a minion of his will think of something!

Horocope data used in this post: Mueller Report Submission March 22, 2019 4:00/4:35/5:00 pm edt Washington DC (4:35 pm puts Trump's natal chart angles on the Submission chart's angles); Barr Redaction Release April 18, 2019 '12:00 am' edt Washington DC. Also note that on March 22, 2019, the Sun and wounded healer Chiron conjoined @1Ari51/55 which suggests someone with a strong will on a mission seeking recognition and positive feedback, someone for whom "pride and power may lie in wait"--R. Nolle, Chiron The New Planet in Your Horoscope, The Key to Your Quest.

Above portrait: Attorney General William Barr.

Apr 16, 2019

April 15, 2019: Saturn and Pluto to France's Ascendant

In 2015 the September 21, 1792 horoscope of France was published here with a few notes penned on the chart. Have a peek if you wish for its Ascendant (the French Republic itself) @25Cap33 is disturbingly near the current positions of the difficult karmic duo, Saturn and Pluto ('turmoil in any rigid or older structures; lengthy consideration of methods or removal or destruction'; conjunct ASC: 'concentration upon important matters which lie before you; an environment which gives you the impression of silent power or continuing influence'--Munkasey). Silent power and influence of the Vatican? Wealthy international bankers and societal tinkerers? Grand Orient movers and shakers? All of the above? To Saturn-Pluto = ASC, Ebertin adds potentials for: 'being placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation, mourning and bereavement'.

Another coming-from-the-outside transit is France's 1792 Saturn @00Tau55 receiving multiple visits of late from transit Uranus, planet of sudden shocks, disruption, chaos, separation, and potential explosions. This old vs new transit suggests the alteration of traditional structures but without destroying them altogether which is the case with yesterday's tragic burning of Notre Dame Cathedral left a shell of its former glory, for centuries a marvel of Western architecture. Now this fire is a sad example of what most rational people would call a true national emergency.

Yet happily its valuable artworks are to be sent to the Louvre as donations pour in and rebuilding is promised.

And most fortunate of all, no lives were lost in the fire and for this we may be grateful as hearts around the world go out to the good people of France who now have a tragically wounded heart smoldering in the center of Paris.

Note: the 1792 horoscope for France, linked above and referred to in my text, is chart #106 in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes based on the Proclamation of the First French Republic (historical record). Plus, coming soon to a Cosmos near you and me is the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2020 (DC Horoscope shown).

Apr 14, 2019

Recognizing The Primitive Uranian

A Voice from the Past Informs Us

by Jude Cowell

In the AFA's journal Today's Astrologer (July 29, 2003 Vol 65, No. 8) appeared a reprint from its September 10, 1942 issue of Charles E. O. Carter's writing on the topic of astrological Uranus. The venerable Mr. Carter (born with Uranus in Libra rising) notes that Uranus was discovered in 1781 while in Gemini (24:27) and "it quickly became known as the planet of revolution, personal liberty, self-will, and even rebellion." Naturally its resonance with both the American and French Revolutions has been frequently noted through the years. Also note that 25Gemini07 is the degree of Trump's 'prez-bid' New Moon that morning of June 16, 2015 when he paid actors to sit in an audience at Trump Tower NYC watching him and his 'better half' descend from a gilded penthouse to the rabble below.

The Carter article then goes on to assert that there are "three kinds of Uranians: primitive, ordinary or normal, and the supernormal, with many intermediate shades."

Here yours truly shall inject the fact that Uranus @17Gem53 in the natal horoscope and psyche of Donald Trump is oriental (last to rise before the Sun) and thus is considered his 'guiding planet'--Uranus, known for its sudden 'wild card' capacity for creating chaos, shocks, and disruption, and primitive planet of revolutionaries, anarchists, and blind zealots everywhere. That's his nibs and the whole world sees him that way. Do most Americans recognize him? Yes, because it's nose-plain. His antics, criminal and otherwise, are shoved in our faces 24/7 unless we take serious measures to avoid being 'shoved' via propaganda and sly, oft-repeated rhetoric a la Joseph Goebbels Reich Minister of Propaganda 1933-1945 (he of 'The Big Lie' fame, a tactic his nibs follows).

And so here is an excerpt from Charles E. O. Carter's description of The Primitive Uranian as reprinted in Today's Astrologer July 29, 2003:

"He is very vengeful, very bad-tempered, being uncontrollably furious on occasion and completely unreliable. Sometimes the malice and ill temper come from a prominent Mars" (Trump born with Mars rising in royal Leo--jc) "are absent" (it isn't--jc) "and we merely get perversity and untrustworthiness" (yep, those too--jc). "This variation is not bad-natured" (Trump certainly is--jc), "but is incapable of common sense" (ex: Trump--jc), "wearies his friends with his inconsistencies and lack of reason and is forever 'going off on a tangent' and leaving whatever he was engaged upon, often just at a critical moment" (we can hope--jc) "when by using ordinary reason he might have achieved success. Perversity--that is a Uranian keyword.

This type will never admit its own folly but will try to justify even the silliest of its acts" ('Tim Apple'? 'Oringes'? sad--jc) "so that sensible people soon tire of its ways and write it down as hopeless ass or something more lurid. Lack of patience is perhaps the other primary fault of the type, which loves to act, think and feel quickly and with intensity and is irked beyond endurance by those who move to a slow tempo."

Yet we must take it easy on his nibs of the Oval Office for emotionally he's hypersensitive (or plays one on TV). Plus, he does, after all, constantly spout his own talents, approval ratings, and 'accomplishments' ad nauseum while offering the public bromides such as "Believe Me" and "Trust Me" so, if repeated often enough, won't such bromides and slogans make his antics okay, no matter how chaotic, shocking, and disruptive?

Above image: my pencil drawing, Uranian Road. And Trump is 'guiding' our way!**#!!