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May 10, 2019

A Powerful Senator Richard Burr takes on Don Jr

Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) was born in Charlottesville, Virginia on November 30, 1955 with his natal Sun in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius and Moon in Gemini. Serving since January 3, 2005, Senator Burr, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is now under attack by the GOP in yet another of their desperate attempts to circle the wagons around a lame Donald Trump due to first son Don Jr now under subpoena by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Here's Chris Matthews in a Hardball segment (May 9, 2019) reporting on the circumstances of the subpoena of Donald Trump Jr which was served upon him by Senator Richard Burr.

Note that when we first discussed on SO'W the controversial June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians that the senators want to ask Don Jr about (again), the Astrology showed that Papa Trump did know of the meeting, was told of it, or had perhaps okayed it. Why? Because that day transit Mercury, planet of meetings, negotiations, plans, and communications, was @25Taurus and poised directly upon the natal Midheaven (The Goal Point or Point of Aspiration) of Trump Senior.

Well, Putin and the Kremlin have known all about the meeting from the start. Now Senator Burr and his mates want to know more about it as well, plus, they have a few more questions for sprout number one--for the purpose of clarification, of course.

Yet as Politico reports, Senator Burr is holding firm despite GOP anger over his Don Jr subpoena, a firmness which may be attributed in part to Burr's Station Direct Pluto (28Leo36) conjunct royal Regulus and in a dissociate conjunction with his natal Jupiter (00Vir59). As you know, the Jupiter-Pluto is one of the significators of plutocrats, and as the Cosmos would have it, this mega-powerful trio happens to conjoin the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump himself and ropes in Trump's rising Mars @26Leo. And, depending on how events on Capitol Hill turn out, these planetary conditions suggest that Senator Burr has the power to best our 'intrepid' POTUS when all is said and done if that is indeed what he intends to do.

A perennially popular post: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?

May 9, 2019

Astrology of an American Constitutional Crisis

May 9, 2019: The Trump-GOP Alliance Sparks a Constitutional Crisis

by Jude Cowell

Once Trump was installed in the Oval Office by shady operators both foreign and domestic, we discussed the symbolic Progressed New Moon of the US Constitution. Today many voices call constitutional crisis which is precisely one of the things Trump and his backers had in mind all along, as previously stated multiple times here on Stars Over Washington and elsewhere across the interwebs. This very day Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi agrees that such a crisis is, in fact, the case due to Trump's refusal to honor his Oath of Office.

And with the secreted Mueller Report as sketchy justification for GOP action and non-action (ex: Trump's assertion of executive privilege to stop various testimonies), such a crisis is in plain view for all but the most ardent Trump worshipers who apparently are fans of sabotaging our nation's three co-equal branches of government meant to keep an eye on each other as the Founders intended. And it seems that weakening the US Constitution and our Congress are 'necessary' steps on Trump's and the GOP's rocky road to authoritarian dictatorship--with a GOP-packed SCOTUS depended upon to further their draconic aims. Even powerful Pluto 'agrees' as he creeps through Saturn-ruled Capricorn on his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022 for Pluto in Capricorn suggests "the dictator" according to Reinhold Ebertin.

One of the anti-constitutional arrows in the GOP quiver is to call for a Constitutional Convention so that saboteurs can tinker away on the document and undermine its concepts which for over two centuries have made America 'great'. How ironic for MAGA heads, isn't it? But if or when Trump's remaining dupes ever realize his true aims, it will be too late for America.

And so, the squeaky wheel that is Stars Over Washington is compelled to present yet another posting of the US Constitution Horoscope set for September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT (approved and signed) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Highlighted in green around the chart are scribbled today's planets -- as you see, transit Mars now conjoins US Constitution's ('USC') Jupiter (25Gem22) denoting the energetic pursuit of goals, tr Mars also squares USC's Sun (24Vir49 conjunct 1787 Nemesis) activating an urge to fight, and tr Uranus sextiles USC's Mars (3Can05) which calls out those with iron wills for a period of problem-solving. Sorely needed in the most positive way possible.

In USC's Secondary Progressions (not shown) we find a YOD pattern of crisis, a turning point, and karmic opportunity with a Neptune-North-Node sextile at base which points toward USC's progressed ('SP') Venus which happens to conjunct US natal Moon (We The People; @27AQ). On its own, the Neptune-NN pair itself indicates such things as cheaters and other anti-social elements in society along with a lack of community or team spirit and if we add SP Venus as apex of the YOD, plus, our natal Moon and we read the result as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for: wrong liaisons, unfaithfulness (ex: treason), misconceptions about certain relationships, disappointments, and a lack of community spirit, according to Ebertin.

As for a constitutional crisis (and the timing thereof) we may look toward a 'cosmic time link' Solar Eclipse which counts as the Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the US Constitution's Secondary Progressed chart timed for the moment the document entered its symbolic 3rd Quarter phase (the 'crisis in consciousness' stage) on February 28, 2017, just after Trump's Oath of Office was taken (apparently with his fingers crossed behind his back). USC's SP 3rd Quarter Moon @12Sag22 squared its SP Sun 12Pis22. In real time, this Solar Eclipse manifested on January 9, 1777 @19Cap50 in the 13 South Saros Series with themes of: constitutional crisis and striving for group endeavors either positively or negatively (Brady). A 13 South eclipse last occurred in 2011 and will next occur in 2029.

Naturally, during the American Revolution, several historical events took place in 1777 under the Saturnian rays of the 13 South Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (19Cap50--where transit Saturn today, and recently Pluto, have trod) and you may wish to check out the year's Wiki page for a list. A few such events include January 2, the second Battle of Trenton (Washington repulsed a British attack), January 3, the Battle of Princeton (Washington defeated Cornwallis), January 15, Vermont declares independence from New York and becomes the Vermont Republic until 1791 when it became the 14th state, June 13, Marquis de Lafayette lands near Charleston, SC to help train the Continental Army (Thanks, France!), and significantly, November 15, 1777 when the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were debated and approved, ratified on March 1, 1781--then replaced on March 4, 1789 by the current US Constitution, the one we'd better be determined to hold on to lest Trump chew it up and swallow it down.

Are you in?

A related post: Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018!

Note: the US Constitution Horoscope, above, may be found in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #377.

May 7, 2019

DC Horoscope: Scorpio Full Moon May 18, 2019

Image: Full Moon @27Sco38 May 18, 2019 Washington DC falling across the 2/8 (Taurus-Scorpio) axis of money, possessions, values, Corporatism and Big Business. Some forms of awareness, relationship concerns, and culmination or fulfillment are indicated. This Full Moon cycle began with the New Moon @14Tau11 of May 4, 2019 which conjoined our US Inaugural Ascendant (Oath of Office) traditionally held on January 20th every four years. And since the boogeyman who haunts our nightmares, Donald Trump, now plays the POTUS role, we can expect both May 2019 lunations to relate specifically to his nibs (and therefore to America since he's our 'rep', allegedly).

Chart-ruler Venus (in 7th house spotlighting relationships and legal actions) is happy and luxury-loving in her own sign of Taurus--moved beyond separative Uranus, yet Venus has no applying Ptolemaic aspects which emphasizes her sign and house position. So Venus rules 1st house but also the 8th house of Corporatism, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Shared Resources, Transformation, and the Occult. Penned on the chart you see Venus and Uranus conjoined by a transiting asteroid, inquisitive Pandora, whose sneaky actions tend to bring unintended consequences which can trip up the most well-laid plans when least expected.

So as we see, ideas and plans (for growth: Taurus) were seeded early in May around the New Moon--are they now near fruition? Taurean leanings toward withholding, greediness, and intolerance may also be expressed as various lawsuits proceed. plus, New and Full Moons can sometimes affect conditions in disruptive Uranian fashion similar to eclipses with major changes and turns of direction occurring unpredictably. Obviously, various testimonies before Congress are in play this month--or not, since Uranian Trump tries to thwart them--from Robert Mueller, Don McGahn, and perhaps other political players, yet the specter of money and currency issues cannot be ignored (2/8; Taurus-Scorpio) particularly given Tweety Trump's recent messing with global markets via his tariff threat toward China and the fact that such tariffs are actually taxes on the American people.

Because in spite of how Trump propagandizes, China doesn't pay his tariffs, we do. And with that I request that you enlarge the image and attempt to read my messy astro-notes penned on the chart as you wish.

Also note that this Full Moon perfects during a Mars Hour and Mars @1Can46 is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane, off doing who-knows-what, and here, conjunct sad Orpheus. Unfortunately, arson cannot be ruled out when Mars is in Moon-ruled Cancer--especially when OOBs--for emotional control by victim and perpetrator alike is typically lacking.

Now around the Full Moon chart are Trump's natals highlighted in pink; most of America's natals (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT) are in green. Trump's first planet/s to rise - his Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio (in his natal 2nd house of money and values; Jupiter-Neptune = speculation, inflation, and big promises) and note the pile-up of asteroids (listed, upper center) upon Trump's natal Midheaven where Full Moon Mercury @24Tau24 points toward Trump's Algol-laden Goal Point (MC) as it did during the infamous June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Junior, Manafort, Kushner, and the Russians. On that day, meeting and negotiating planet Mercury, The Messenger, was opposed by a strong Mars in Scorpio denoting rash actions leading to negative consequences.

And given the turmoil and chaos of a Trump White House, perhaps on that unfortunate result we can all agree.

May 5, 2019

Banks Ready To Dish On Trump In Spite Of His Lawsuit - clip

May 5, 2019: Farron Cousins reports via The Ring of Fire Network and I say, Dish Away!

You know, each time I hear or read about Donald Trump and the laundering of dirty money (such as crime syndicates must do), I think of Big T's dreary Moon-South-Node conjunction in Sagittarius and an associated Sabian Symbol: "A Chinese Laundry". Then I think of opposite degrees of Gemini where Trump's natal Uranus-North-Node-Sun lurk and another symbol that nestles therein which speaks of 'alien relationships' and the 'dissipation' of selfhood which results through them: "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd."

For as you know in Astrology, Sun and Moon represent integral parts of anyone's conscious personality and unconscious needs, and unpredictable Uranus in duplicitous Gemini, Trump's 'guiding planet' (due to its oriental condition in his chart as the last planet to rise just before his Sun) tends toward chaos instead of order and disruption and separation where harmony should better reside.

May 3, 2019

May-Aug 2019: Jupiter Rx crosses DOJ Midheaven

Previously we discussed the DOJ dedication chart and its three-fer Uranus Return with its third conjunction perfecting on February 18, 2019 (29Ari21). A 'break away from the past' is suggested and we see such an attempt in stark relief under the auspices of Donald Trump and his personal Attorney General William Barr who 'testified' on Capitol Hill, May 2, 2019 (outer chart). Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) opened the hearing at 10:06 am edt so the May 2 chart is set for that time.

The Department of Justice building was dedicated by President Franklin Roosevelt in Masonic ceremony on October 25, 1934 at 3:00 pm et (Ovason) with 7Pis43 rising and 17Sag33 at MC, the Goal Point. Therefore, Jupiter rules both the Ascendant (Pisces) and Midheaven (Sagittarius). As you see in the bi-wheel charts below, the current course of Jupiter Rx is in DOJ's 10h house and Jupiter, planet of law, justice, politics, and religion, is in process of transiting across the DOJ Midheaven (MC) and will conjoin the MC again once Jupiter turns Direct @14Sag30 on August 11, 2019. The third exact conjunction occurs on September 26, 2019, a transit that, if mishandled, can include a potential for making unwise choices. And so the political and legal dramas continue.

Penned on the chart are transit Uranus opposing DOJ Jupiter, transit Pluto opposing DOJ Pluto, transit Jupiter conjunct MC, and the transiting Mars-Jupiter opposition now affecting DOJ's MC/IC axis (Career/Public Status/Security). Not penned is the transit of undermining Neptune @18Pis03 in DOJ's 1st house which has recently opposed DOJ Neptune @13Vir49, a period of a struggle against or challenge to ideals and ideologies and a time when some form of persecution is on the menu.

Please enlarge the image for a few notes are penned upon the chart/s if you care for a look:

May 2, 2019

Rep. Pocan: Impeach Barr Now! - clip

May 2, 2019: since no AG Bill Barr appeared today for House Judiciary Committee questions I'm posting an interesting discussion from May 1st between Thom Hartmann and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) concerning Mr. Barr, personal Attorney General for an outlaw named Trump:

May 1, 2019

Horoscopes: May 1 and 2, 2019 AG Barr to Capitol Hill

Two DC Horoscopes are shown here: May 1, 2019 10:00 am edt (inner) and May 2, 2019 10:00 am edt (outer). Today AG Bill Barr is to testify under questioning chaired by Republicans, tomorrow (possibly at 9:00 am edt) AG Barr may testify under questioning by Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee if arrangements are agreed upon. Note that on both days the Sun 10-12 Taurus shines upon asteroid Astraea, goddess of Justice. Notes on Saturn conjunct South Node of the Moon are penned on the chart (upper right) while the Moon (We the People; the public mood) is in Mars-ruled Aries which should assure the hearings much public attention and denotes anger or at least active participation in social and other media on this topic.

Rising is America's natal Sun in Cancer (13Can19) denoting the Office of the Presidency which makes the Moon in Aries ruler of the chart so apparently the American public's demand for these hearings are rising or are the reason hearings are being held. Are we feeling wounded? I would say, yes, we know we are and the only aspect by the Moon in the May 1st chart is her conjunction to Chiron (2A14). But on May 2nd, Luna meets with Venus (0A18 at 10:00 am) which sounds lovely yet can also denote moodiness and assessments of weakness and of being easily led (Democrats beware!). Feminine influence (Amy Klobuchar? Kamala Harris?) is indicated as well yet the Moon-Venus conjunction occurs opposite US natal Saturn (14Lib48), a significator of accountability, our legal system and lawmakers (including those grandstanding for the cameras during these hearings). This trio also hints that some form of renunciation may occur and certainly rigid feelings will be shown; lady lawyers playing their parts are also indicated by Moon-Venus-Saturn.

Falsehood and failures are seen via the continuing Mars-Jupiter Rx opposition which has been squaring veiling Neptune now waning but Neptune is strong in its sign of shady Pisces. However, the Mars-Jupiter midpoint sits upon MC (The Goal Point) showing that favorable arrangements have been made and some measure of success will follow. As you see, the opposition links directly to Donald Trump via his natal Sun-NN (Uranus)/Moon-SN opposition (penned, lower right) with unpredictable, chaotic Uranus acting as always as Trump's 'guiding' planet in his 10th house of Career and Public Status. Mars-to-Sun: he's feeling energetic and angry, Jupiter-to-Moon: he's feeling 'happy' yet Jupiter is weakened (Rx) while leading a BOWL shape of planets. Trump's happiness is based on fluctuating foundations. Still, this is an opposition between testy Mars and expansive Jupiter so overestimation of one's strength and capabilities is evident and can lead to dangerous consequences.

The hearings are occurring during a Balsamic phase of the Moon, the darkened phase when 'things go bump in the night' and someone could be replaced. The upcoming New Moon @14Taurus on May 4th falls upon America's Inauguration Ascendant (the Presidential Oath of Office) but since powerful forces continue supporting Trump in the Oval Office (for now), will calls for AG Barr's resignation become louder? We'll know more of such topics by the light of the Full Moon @27Scorpio on May 18th which falls within the natal 4th house of Donald Trump.

Now in both hearing charts, above, prominent is Neptune in Pisces, a signature of the Republican Party (1854), at Midheaven which is the 'hiding in plain sight' significator so it's doubtful that ongoing lies, illusions, and obfuscations will be fully revealed today or tomorrow if they turn up at all during these hearings but will be on display for all to see (MC) along with official scandals of large proportions -- plus, there is fixed star Denebola at IC (The Foundation Point of the Matter) with its 'to go against society' theme suggesting that many if not all of these political actors are doing little more than performing a mystery play for public consumption -- for there also at IC sits US natal Neptune which, like the typical astrological Neptune, so often puts on a good if illusory show.

Apr 30, 2019

DC Horoscopes: Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020

Upcoming Planetary Cycles: Endings and Beginnings

by Jude Cowell

Below is a tri-wheel view of all three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 which perfect on April 4 (center), June 30 (middle), and November 12 (outer); all charts are set for the Capitol Building Washington DC. Notes are scribbled on the chart/s if you care to view them although I didn't squoosh as many as usual since there simply isn't space on a tri-wheel but most of the basics are there:

Jupiter-Pluto's Prenatal Solar Eclipses ('PE'):

Naturally, each of these cosmic events manifests within a Solar Eclipse Saros Series: 1. April 4's PE @4Cap06 (December 26, 2019) falls within the 3 South Series with themes of 'sudden endings of associations', and 'traumatic transformations via news received or short journeys undertaken'. A 3 South eclipse last occurred on December 14, 2001 @23Sagittarius (near Donald Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction).

Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions 2 and 3 (June 30 and November 12) both fall within the difficult 4 North Series with themes of 'restraint; restriction; illusions; inhibition; separation; events occur that block progress; misjudging strength or the situation; caution advised until eclipse influences pass'. A 4 North eclipse last manifested @20Gemini (conjunct Trump's natal North Node and Sun, and US natal Mars) on June 10, 2002 while Cheney, Dubya, and the rest of the "1% Gang" of war profiteers were readying their ill-advised, misguided invasion of Iraq intended to stir up the hornet's nest that is the Middle East and act as another signpost on the road to the 'new world order'. As you see, US natal Pluto is penned upon the chart where most of the Jupiter-Pluto action occurs--in 2nd hou$e of the April 4th chart with the Cancer-Capricorn axis intercepted across the 2/8 which adds to the picture heavy karma which must be dealt with if any beneficial progress is to be made.

Potentials which may express from the blended energies of Jupiter-Pluto include 'extreme depletion of resources', 'criminal elements with great social influence' (ex: gangster Trump), 'official corruption', 'moral laxity within society', and/or 'the destruction of legal documents' (Munkasey).

Jupiter and Pluto as Apex Planets in Midpoint Pictures

Also of interest in two of the charts are midpoint pictures pointing directly toward Jupiter and Pluto--in the June 30 chart it's growth-hindering Saturn-MC = Jupiter with potentials for: 'changing fortunes and/or changing residences'; with Pluto add: 'a struggle ordained by destiny' and/or 'success attained under great difficulty'.

Then the November 12 chart shows law-suit-filing, politics-debating Mercury-Mars = expansive Jupiter with potentials for: 'constructive criticism, sound judgment, success, a good critic, and/or a celebrated orator'. Add powerful, wealth-hoarding Pluto and we may have 'a sharp analyst, an over-zealous orator', and/or 'suffering heavy attacks or assaults'. (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin).

Jupiter-Saturn, Jupiter-Pluto, Saturn-Pluto: New Social and Financial Orders

So there's my basic overview of the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction/s sans other considerations such as the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 which opens Year 2020 (January 12)--with two of the planetary pairs conjoining near or conjunct the fated Vertex of Donald J. Trump. The exception: Jupiter-Saturn conjunct @00AQ29 which ends 2020 (on December 21--Winter Solstice)...but it directly lands upon America's POTUS Sun so it too relates to Donald Trump. Arggh!

Yet after all, the yoke that is Donald Trump gives the American people a tremendous opportunity to work through the negative, destructive, cruel energies of racism that have smoldered under the surface of our society, then frequently erupted off and on, since before the founding of our nation in 1776. And if we manage to succeed at this Great Task, and if social and economic inequalities are positively dealt with, our Republic will become even 'greater' than a mean one such as Trump could ever imagine in his wildest Mercury-square-Neptune fantasies.

Note: Solar Eclipse themes paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Apr 26, 2019

America's Birthplace 2019: A UNESCO World Heritage Site of Global Culture and Interdependence - clip

April 24, 2019: Does the founding of America no longer belong to We The People? Here's an interesting presentation from Truthstream Media:

My personal opinion is that my Revolutionary ancestors who risked their lives and fortunes to help set up the place would not appreciate this 're-branding' of our nation at all. What do you think?

America's First-Ever Impeachment of 1868

Andrew Johnson; Mathew Brady, Retouched by Mmxx [Public domain]

The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson occurred on February 24, 1868 and qualifies as America's first-ever impeachment of a president. (130 years later, President Bill Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998 although no crimes were found by the Starr investigation so Republicans impeached a Democratic president over infidelity; meanwhile some of them were busy doing the same thing--ex: New Gingrich.)

Andrew Johnson Impeachment Timeline.

A prominent feature of a noon horoscope set for February 24, 1868 Capitol Building Washington DC is a massive Pisces line-up of planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and even Chiron. The Sun @5Pisces (the leader) conjoins the transiting South Node @4Pis59 = lack of popularity; (and with Pisces, use of alcohol is suggested) so that a T-Square pattern is formed made up of Sun-NN = Saturn (5Sag23): 'separation; disadvantages in dealing with the public' (Ebertin); 'weak influence within groups' (Munkasey); 'reserve in relationships; patience' (Tyl).

We should also note that for Andrew Johnson, born December 29, 1808, with Neptune @5Sag34 (in Raleigh, NC from where I now type at you!), the period of his impeachment was a time of transit Saturn conjunct natal Neptune, the "grim face of reality" transit--a time of disillusionment and of misinterpretation of one's responsibilities.

So for President Johnson we may substitute his natal Neptune for impeachment Saturn in the T-Square and midpoint picture it creates potentials for:

Sun-NN = natal Neptune: disappointment in associations; an inability to adapt (Ebertin); deception from allies; indecision over one's destiny; finding important secret societies (Munkasey); feeling let down by others; feeling that relationships are threatening or bothersome (Tyl).

Well, there's a mini-portrait of America's First Impeachment from a cosmic angle. Is it nearly time for another one?