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Showing posts with label 13 South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 13 South. Show all posts

Sep 13, 2024

Laura Loomer: Eclipse Baby

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Perhaps you've seen this: Laura Loomer Promotes 9/11 Conspiracy After Joining Trump at Event Commemorating Attacks (HuffPost).

Meanwhile, on the Wikipedia page of "Republican" conspiracy theorist and Trump advisor Laura Loomer we find her birthdate listed as May 21, 1993 in Tucson, Arizona.

It has been reported that Ms. Loomer flew with Trump to the September 10th Harris-Trump Debate in Philadelphia during which Trump aired the dog-and-cat-eaters-of-Springfield, Ohio, a racist-based conspiracy theory that I'm told got its start via Trump's VP sidekick, JD Vance whose natal Sun @10Leo conjuncts Trump's 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn midpoint of fury, destruction, death, and intervention by a higher power. Mr. Vance's Sun at apex of Mars-Saturn suggests a weakened condition, and as we know, Trump has said he doesn't "talk" to Vance. Hmmm!

Born Near an Eclipse: An Eventful Life

Meanwhile, Laura Loomer is an eclipse baby because on May 21, 1993, a Solar Eclipse in the 13 South Saros Series occurred so I'm displaying here her speculative natal horoscope (birth time unknown) in the form of the 1993 13 South Eclipse set for her birth location of Tucson, AZ with 13S themes listed, below; also listed on the chart, upper right corner, is Loomer's Mars-Saturn midpoint opposed by her Pluto in Scorpio (fanaticism), a cosmic echo of these energies that lurk in Trump's 12th house, as noted:

13 South Eclipse Themes (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad):

Sinister energy underneath an urge for expansion which contains frustration, inhibition, and loss or separation; (note: this resonates with the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 which "brings us" Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 with its themes of loss, partings, and separation); striving for group endeavors, positively or negatively; mass evacuations (and/or deportations?); constitutional crisis.

Zodiacally, the initial 13 South provides a lens through which to view all subsequent 13 South eclipses and it manifested on May 24, 0803 @5Gem56. So with Loomer's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in very early Gemini, a Mercurial lens is doubly suggested along with the versatility, superficiality, and duplicity that chatty Gemini is often known for. Plus, quirky or erratic thinking and communications are involved which I have to assume leads Ms. Loomer to promote conspiracy theories that beggar belief.

As for events of 1993, her birth year, one of the stand-outs has to be the tragic Siege of Waco which occurred in early 1993 but under the auspices of the 13 North Eclipse of December 24, 1992 @2Capricorn (large, ambitious group projects).

In closing, let's add that 13 South eclipses have occurred in 1939 (Germany signs a treaty with Mussolini and invades Poland), 2011 (among other events, the brutal shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords - in Tucson, AZ). The next 13 South will occur in 2029.

A Related Post: Ukraine 2022 vs Poland 1939.

Sep 28, 2023

GOP's Biden Impeachment Inquiry Opens

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Chaired by Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, the GOP (maga) inquiry into impeaching President Joe Biden opened this morning at 10:00 am edt. Actually, Trump's handmaidens are on a fishing expedition to 'catch' Joe Biden by linking him to his son Hunter's activities, in hopes of making Trump look better to voters. So far, no equivalency has been found between decades-long public servant Biden and insurrectionist Trump. And you know, Joe came out of retirement to help us with this fascism thing but extremist Republicans don't like it.

Blue Saturn, karmic planet of law and order

So! Below you see a bi-wheel of the Republican Party Horoscope (inner) set for March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon, WI, and (outer) today's 10:00 am EDT chart set for Septmber 28, 2023 with 10Sco06 rising ("11 Scorpio": "A Drowning Man Rescued"). Wonder who ordered this fishing expedition hoping to be rescued from his troubles? Well, Scorpio is the sign of detectives and investigations, with Mars its ruler, and Pluto its sub-ruler.

As you see, the Mars inconjunct Uranus is listed on the chart since Mars rules the inquiry itself with Plutonian influences of power, control, and manipulation in his back pocket. Meanwhile, a 4th house Pluto @27Cap55 Rx remains within orb of America's first-ever Pluto Return and had conjoined 1854 Jupiter 5 times from 2019 into 2020 during the Trump years. Here, Pluto squares North Node of public contact which suggests the revolutionary reforms now in play which challenge The Establishment (Saturn).

But my primary focus is on today's Saturn Rx @1Pis36 which conjuncts 1854 Venus while opposing 1854 Mars. In other words, transit Saturn is activating the Republican Party's quarrelsome Venus-Mars opposition (see lower right corner for details). And there's today's Venus atop the chart with her Leonine pride and her tendencies toward jealousy and greed when she's been scorned (aka, not voted for!)

As for accountability, you know that Saturn demands truth, realism, and the facts but look what was rising at 10:00 am this morning in Washington DC as the proceedings began: Trump's natal Neptune @5Libra, the first planet of his 2nd house trio that includes Chiron and his stationary Jupiter in Libra - and with the morning Sun spotlighting it! To me this implies that Donald's Dream (Jupiter-Neptune) of floating above the fray (his indictments and trials) is on today's menu as his handmaidens attempt to improve the orange oldster's tattered public image, damaged by his own criminality and vengefulness.

And yes, there are plenty of other chart factors of interest for the curious but let's close by saying that the Mars-Uranus inconjunct bodes ill for the outcome of today's political stunt and for its ultimate consequences for the Republican Party. Because maddeningly, instead of working to keep the government from shutting down this Saturday at midnight, these maga-style 'Putin pals' are performing yet another congressional clown show for the sake of sore loser Trump who made his own bed and will now have to lie in it.

Jun 22, 2023

Jim Jordan and the Eclipse of the House Judiciary Committee

Rep. Jim Jordan's Saturn Return 2023 Activates the Committee's 13 South Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

The House Judiciary Committee was formed on June 6, 1813, therefore, the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which the Judiciary Committee began is the 13 South of February 1, 1813 @12AQ11:27. You'll find 13 South themes listed, below.

Then as you know, the current head of the House Judiciary Committee is Republican Rep. Jim Jordan whose natal horoscope and analysis of his political leanings may be found at LeftWingAstrology written by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes. Spoiler Alert: back in 2017, Kevin pegged Jim Jordan as a right-wing authoritarian. After all, "maga" wasn't a term in use yet. Kevin helpfully displays Jordan's natal horoscope (Regiomantanus system) set for Troy, Ohio at 8:45 am (with Mercury rising) but don't ask me where the data issues from for Kevin doesn't say and I do not know, having only a 'noon' horoscope in my files for the 'maga' fellow from Ohio. And the noon chart is the one I've used to reveal Jordan's Saturn Return of February 1, 2023.

So as it turns out, there's a cosmic time link afoot involving the 13 South Solar Eclipse mentioned, above, of the Judiciary Committee, along with the Saturn Return 2023 of Jim Jordan. As you know, astrological Saturn, planet of karma, represents authority, responsibility, accountability, authenticity, management, and a potential for loss if one doesn't adhere to the demands of Saturn, the task master and lesson bringer.

Above is a hand-drawn bi-wheel of the two events (because an ink snafu has occurred, mah bad) intended to demonstrate that the Sun @12AQ06 in Jordan's Saturn Return of February 1, 2023 (marked outer in blue) spotlights or activates the 13 South Eclipse with its difficult themes of:

'Striving for group endeavors (positively or negatively); sinister energy underneath; expansion is wanted but frustration, loss, separation are involved; a potential for a constitutional crisis' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

My point is that the 1813--2023 Eclipse-Saturn cosmic time link suggests that Rep. Jordan is tasked with the Saturnian responsibility of fulfilling the directives of 13 South Eclipse themes of the House Judiciary Committee as its mission was established in 1813. Significant is that, as the Committee was formed, a beneficial Jupiter-Uranus trine identifies a period of keen judgement, applying wisdom through intuition, and a commitment to truth; but if we progress the 13 South Eclipse chart of February 1813 to February 2023, the fortunate trine becomes a disgruntled Jupiter-Uranus square which suggests extreme dogmatism (A. Oken). Considering the maga zealots, radicals, and anarchists undermining the House these days, this sounds spot-on to me.

Now also penned in blue is Mr. Jordan's natal Nodal Axis with his North Node ('NN') of destiny @10Can01 in the 7th house of the 13 South Eclipse chart which places his Saturnian South Node @10Cap01 near the Eclipse's Venus-Saturn Conjunction with the duo's sense of duty connotation which was influential in 1813.

Then for further information, having a look at the various Sabian Symbols for the planets would be useful for those who are curious concerning the slapdash 'job' that Mr. Jordan as Chair of the Committee is doing along with his comrades, the disruptive House magas - in what Rep. Nancy Pelosi has described as a "puppet show" with, as we know, the old Mango Mussolini pulling their strings by threatening them with being "primaried." Why, then they might lose their cushy positions!

Meanwhile, take a walk down a 2015 lane of Capitol Hill wastefulness with Jim Jordan as he accuses Hillary Clinton of lying about Bengazi, yet another lowering moment in congressional history which displays an example of Rep. Jordan's misuse of power and misdirection of energy, time, and money.

Jul 22, 2020

Can a Past Eclipse Spotlight 2020 Conditions?

Horoscope: 13 South Solar Eclipse January 9, 1777 10:47:04 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Ascendant: "3 Aries" = "A Cameo Profile of a Man in the Outline of His Country"

July 22, 2020: Once again I'm attempting to show that a past Solar Eclipse (January 9, 1777 @19Cap50 in the sinister 13 South Saros Series) can continue to describe conditions and events in the US by way of Secondary Progressions along with the real-time eclipse horoscope itself when triggered by current transits. Yes, I've written about this 'history rhymes' situation previously but today a view of the actual 1777 Solar Eclipse Horoscope may add to the picture in relation to current events and is based on Astrology's day-for-a-year method of progressions.

The horoscope for America I've used for today's Secondary Progressions ('SP') is the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania version though of course other versions may be used as well. If you progress the US horoscope to today's date and check out its 'Prenatal Solar Eclipse' ('PE') you'll see 19Cap50 listed, and in real time that's the January 9, 1777 13 South Solar Eclipse you see pictured, above. Naturally, eclipses in Saturn-ruled Capricorn involve control issues, authority figures, and one's relationship to them. Plus, the negative qualities of the sign such as greed, avarice, coldness, ruthless ambition, and selfishness must be avoided if karmic progress is to be made. Obviously, these negative qualities now shown by regressive Authority Figure #1 and his anti-government, anti-constitutional, anti-humanity enablers are blocking the progressive policies that would improve conditions for the American people and would put corporate bad actors back on their heels. However, consistent efforts must be made along with the correct use of resources (eclipse in Earth). Again, the current regime interrupts what should be our progress, plus, with Jupiter opposing the eclipse, ethical and moral standards must guide and be upheld if we wish to succeed in any significant way. In 1777 General Washington possessed such a character. In 2020 we are hampered by certain low characters infesting and sabotaging our country - in a word, traitors. (See chart, lower left corner.)

For pandemic influences, see upper right (deadly Pluto conjunct the karmic South Node) and consider all the diseases that afflicted the Continental Army. Karma is also shown by Neptune and Pluto (a combo with criminal intentions, or, the use of drugs, the occult, or spirituality) for both are at Nodal Degree, an indication of fate at work, along with interceptions across the 6/12 axis of the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces polarity (yet a different house system might mitigate this particular karmic factor). Personally I think it belongs considering current Virgoan-Piscean conditions and the fact that the 6/12 is involved - health, hospitals, military/police/civil servants, karma, hidden enemies, etc, the very concerns we now struggle with.

So as you can see, I've followed my bad habit of squishing a bunch of study notes onto the image (please enlarge or print to read) but below I will add in this text the themes of 13 South Eclipses since my assertion here is that our nation's current conditions and potential events in 2020 are hereby described in part by 13 South themes 'running in the background' of society and basically unconscious. With US finances in turmoil and congressional disputes over bail-out funds, 1777's Jupiter Rx @20Can15, a critical-crisis degree, is significant and opposes the eclipse (19Cap50). In early 2020, a cosmic time link was formed when this degree and planet were 'eclipsed' on January 10, 2020 by a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Castor. Now as you know, fixed stars are most expressive when eclipsed and Gemini Twin Castor suggests either super creativity, a loss, and/or murder. (You can see the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse notated near Jupiter Rx in 4th house.)

Also notated on the chart and conjunct its IC (the Foundation or Basis of the Matter) is a major cosmic time link which also 'knits together' 1777 and 2020: the
Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse of June 21, 2020 @00Can21
, a Cardinal World Point of global manifestation, and its eclipse themes which we're now experiencing until the next Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 (or up to 14 days prior) @23Sag08 in the 4 South Series.

We should also mention that, although it's not officially a YOD pattern of crisis, turning point, a crossroads, health problems, and/or a karmic spiritual opportunity, the Neptune-North-Node sextile points toward Venus (26AQ34 in the karmic 12th house) which also happens to conjunct US natal Moon (We The People). The Neptune-NN pair relates to a lack of community spirit and their sextile of subtle evasion forms the base of a YOD for those who use points or angles other than planets. YOD or not, we have potentials of some midpoint pictures to consider which include Trump's natal Mars (26Leo) for it opposes 1777 Venus and US natal Moon (1776):

Neptune-NN = Venus: misconceptions about other people's relationships and associations; wrong liaisons; unfaithfulness; with Moon: lack of adaptability and community spirit; disappointments; with Mars: disharmony; inability to adjust to circumstances or conditions; association with sick people (R. Ebertin).

Now here are the themes (via Brady's Predictive Astrology) of the 13 South Solar Eclipse that I believe now have influence upon society as shown by cosmic time links and by 2020 transits, particularly the Capricorn trio of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto:

13 South Themes: 'sinister energies; urge to expand which may be frustrated; loss; separation; constitutional crisis and possible dismissal of a leader' (General Washington avoided dismissal but will Trump?); and/or 'evacuation' (Brady). To 'evacuation' I regretfully have added, evictions since many Americans are being unfairly threatened with it by a corrupt administration and a Republican-led Senate so often derelict in its duty.

As for Trump's violent intentions against peaceful protesters, you see notated one factor: Ascendant = Uranus-Pluto: 'applications of force' (Ebertin). By transit, the current position of the Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces opposes and activates the Great Conjunctions in mid-Virgo of revolutionary planets Uranus and Pluto 3 times during the mid-1960s and the Civil Rights Movement and again we see street protests and instigators sent to disrupt the peace and muddy issues.

Yet if we look up and beyond our earthly trials for only a moment, we may find the Sabian Symbol of the 1777 Solar Eclipse degree of '20 Capricorn': "A Hidden Choir Singing", a lovely word picture described by Marc Edmund Jones as, "a symbol of the eternal music of the spheres" and its positive expression of: "a unique gift for establishing a common interest and making it a power for the good of all"!

Note: If this is not your first visit to Stars Over Washington and you're fond of historical eclipses (because who isn't?) perhaps you recall that we've discussed the July 1777 Solar Eclipse in the 14 North Saros Series in a previous post: Is This a Haunting Eclipse from 1777? For then as now, it was difficult days for American Patriots fighting to establish this country, and today we must fight to preserve it.

May 9, 2019

Astrology of an American Constitutional Crisis

May 9, 2019: The Trump-GOP Alliance Sparks a Constitutional Crisis

by Jude Cowell

Once Trump was installed in the Oval Office by shady operators both foreign and domestic, we discussed the symbolic Progressed New Moon of the US Constitution. Today many voices call constitutional crisis which is precisely one of the things Trump and his backers had in mind all along, as previously stated multiple times here on Stars Over Washington and elsewhere across the interwebs. This very day Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi agrees that such a crisis is, in fact, the case due to Trump's refusal to honor his Oath of Office.

And with the secreted Mueller Report as sketchy justification for GOP action and non-action (ex: Trump's assertion of executive privilege to stop various testimonies), such a crisis is in plain view for all but the most ardent Trump worshipers who apparently are fans of sabotaging our nation's three co-equal branches of government meant to keep an eye on each other as the Founders intended. And it seems that weakening the US Constitution and our Congress are 'necessary' steps on Trump's and the GOP's rocky road to authoritarian dictatorship--with a GOP-packed SCOTUS depended upon to further their draconic aims. Even powerful Pluto 'agrees' as he creeps through Saturn-ruled Capricorn on his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022 for Pluto in Capricorn suggests "the dictator" according to Reinhold Ebertin.

One of the anti-constitutional arrows in the GOP quiver is to call for a Constitutional Convention so that saboteurs can tinker away on the document and undermine its concepts which for over two centuries have made America 'great'. How ironic for MAGA heads, isn't it? But if or when Trump's remaining dupes ever realize his true aims, it will be too late for America.

And so, the squeaky wheel that is Stars Over Washington is compelled to present yet another posting of the US Constitution Horoscope set for September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT (approved and signed) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Highlighted in green around the chart are scribbled today's planets -- as you see, transit Mars now conjoins US Constitution's ('USC') Jupiter (25Gem22) denoting the energetic pursuit of goals, tr Mars also squares USC's Sun (24Vir49 conjunct 1787 Nemesis) activating an urge to fight, and tr Uranus sextiles USC's Mars (3Can05) which calls out those with iron wills for a period of problem-solving. Sorely needed in the most positive way possible.

In USC's Secondary Progressions (not shown) we find a YOD pattern of crisis, a turning point, and karmic opportunity with a Neptune-North-Node sextile at base which points toward USC's progressed ('SP') Venus which happens to conjunct US natal Moon (We The People; @27AQ). On its own, the Neptune-NN pair itself indicates such things as cheaters and other anti-social elements in society along with a lack of community or team spirit and if we add SP Venus as apex of the YOD, plus, our natal Moon and we read the result as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for: wrong liaisons, unfaithfulness (ex: treason), misconceptions about certain relationships, disappointments, and a lack of community spirit, according to Ebertin.

As for a constitutional crisis (and the timing thereof) we may look toward a 'cosmic time link' Solar Eclipse which counts as the Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the US Constitution's Secondary Progressed chart timed for the moment the document entered its symbolic 3rd Quarter phase (the 'crisis in consciousness' stage) on February 28, 2017, just after Trump's Oath of Office was taken (apparently with his fingers crossed behind his back). USC's SP 3rd Quarter Moon @12Sag22 squared its SP Sun 12Pis22. In real time, this Solar Eclipse manifested on January 9, 1777 @19Cap50 in the 13 South Saros Series with themes of: constitutional crisis and striving for group endeavors either positively or negatively (Brady). A 13 South eclipse last occurred in 2011 and will next occur in 2029.

Naturally, during the American Revolution, several historical events took place in 1777 under the Saturnian rays of the 13 South Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (19Cap50--where transit Saturn today, and recently Pluto, have trod) and you may wish to check out the year's Wiki page for a list. A few such events include January 2, the second Battle of Trenton (Washington repulsed a British attack), January 3, the Battle of Princeton (Washington defeated Cornwallis), January 15, Vermont declares independence from New York and becomes the Vermont Republic until 1791 when it became the 14th state, June 13, Marquis de Lafayette lands near Charleston, SC to help train the Continental Army (Thanks, France!), and significantly, November 15, 1777 when the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were debated and approved, ratified on March 1, 1781--then replaced on March 4, 1789 by the current US Constitution, the one we'd better be determined to hold on to lest Trump chew it up and swallow it down.

Are you in?

A related post: Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018!

Note: the US Constitution Horoscope, above, may be found in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #377.

Nov 10, 2018

November 23, 2018 Full Moon activates 2012 Eclipse

Image: 'Cosmic Blinks' collage

Recently we discussed here the Full Moon of November 23, 2018 @00Gem52 conjunct weeping Alcyone of the Pleiades constellation. For those who keep up with solar eclipses, it comes as no surprise that the November 23rd lunation of 2018 spotlights or re-activates a previous Solar Eclipse by degree (00Gemini), an eclipse which manifested during the watershed year of 2012 and this suggests a return to certain topics of that time. Therefore, the themes of said eclipse may also come into play again for they have continued 'running in the background' all along with Collective implications (plus, another previous solar eclipse from a different Saros Series may be triggered as well--see below). And perhaps you agree that New and Full Moons can sometimes 'behave' much as an eclipse would do--New Moons in similar fashion to Solar Eclipses, Full Moons like Lunar Eclipses with their more unconscious potential for total awareness. Such catalyzing action and the changes they portend would depend, of course, on an eclipse activating the horoscopes of individuals through which history is made.

Yet all eclipses are "wild cards of the Universe" with their disruptive, sometimes shocking abilities for sudden changes of direction similar to planet Uranus and they may also be termed 'cosmic blinks' for light on Earth is temporarily removed or reduced by a Higher Power.

The Solar Eclipse set to be re-activated by the November 23rd Full Moon occurred on May 20, 2012 in the 14 South Saros Series @00Gemini - conjunct, as noted, Alcyone, keywords: 'something to cry about'. Adding to this complexity is the fact that the May 2012 and November 2018 lunations @00Gemini may also re-activate another prominent Solar Eclipse in the 13 South Saros Series which occurred @1Gemini in 1993. All this said, the themes of 13 South and 14 South are handily listed, below, and please note that 1993 is the year of the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment-New World Order planets, Uranus and Neptune:

Potentials for 13 South May 21, 1993 (1Gemini) themes: 'conflicts, wars, constitutional crisis' (now, compliments of Trump), 'striving for group endeavors in positive or negative fashion', 'expansive energy under which lies a more sinister flavor', 'an urge to expand but his contains frustration, inhibitions, loss, or separation' (all themes from Brady's Predictive Astrology). And note that a 13 South Solar Eclipse also manifested in 2011, next in 2029.

Now as you know, Uranus conjoined Neptune three times in 1993 @18Capricorn and with 2017/2018 Pluto, planet of the Underworld, coming along in an activating fashion, so that a midpoint picture forms: 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) which I've always thought sounds like the mobster's ultimatum, the 'offer that can't be refused'. Do US congress members, particularly of the GOP persuasion, hear such a sinister ultimatum whispered in their compromised ears? Perhaps you agree that thuggish Mr. Trump is implicated, not the least because the Sabian Symbol for '18Capricorn' is POLITICAL POWER with its negative expression: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' which of course echoes the potential for Trumpian authoritarianism on the rise (across the globe, actually, but my focus is America, my only nag in the race). This above all is the reason the Trump regime is unwanted and constantly criticized by those of us who prefer America as a democratic Republic over his style of vicious, sinister, self-glorifying paternalism.

Potentials for 14 South May 20, 2012 (00Gemini) themes: 'periods of hard work then success', 'Mercury-Pluto content' (contained in 14 South's initial eclipse @11Scorpio in year 984 OS) suggests that 'an obsessive idea will finally be accepted' which then leads to the 'promised success of Jupiter', 'pushing for acceptance of ideas or methodolgies' (or authoritarian ideologies? jc) 'as this eclipse can bring the long awaited breakthrough'. Of course, Mercury-Pluto suggests America's natal opposition between them (1776) and the potential for total surveillance which we now find lurking within AI which IS the 'New World Order', aka, 'the Matrix'. And btw, the NWO's Sun @1Scorpio was recently highlighted by the Full Moon of October 24, 2018 (1Tau13), the Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterm Elections. Synchronicity!

Now the next 14 South eclipse occurs in 2030, plus, 14 South also manifested on May 10, 1994 @20Taurus, the year that presented us with government shutdowns and the so-called Gingrich Revolution when Newt and the GOP took control of the House against democrat Bill Clinton and 'eclipsed' William Jefferson Clinton's natal Taurus Moon.

And one final note to this morning's dissenting fuss: if you haven't, please check out a previous post concerning Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Piper Piper for the two demagogues' personalities are very much alike.

Sep 19, 2017

Past and Future: What's 1831 Got to Do with It?

The Discovery of Nat Turner by William Henry Shelton (1840–1932)[1][4] [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Although no sources are cited, you might find Wikipedia's list of events, births, and deaths in the year 1831 of interest. Obviously, the Nat Turner Slave Revolt in Southampton County, Virginia stands out along with Cherokee Nation v Georgia (my native state, and yes, I have Native American heritage) which was an injunction claiming that Georgia's state legislature had created laws which "go directly to annihilate the Cherokees as a political society." Predictably, the injunction was denied by the ruling plutocrats of the day, truth-revealing though it was.

A still-famous historical event of 1831 is the tour of America taken by French diplomat and historian Alexis de Tocqueville. In 2009, I posted a famous quote attributed to de Tocqueville which remains very much in effect to this day:

"All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it." We don't have to believe this particular insight concerning America--we can simply look around because we're living in the midst of it.

So for background astrological influences, let's look at the two Solar Eclipses that occurred in 1831 and their themes which affected various societal conditions and events:

1. 13 South Annular Solar Eclipse February 12, 1831 @23AQ18; duration: 1:57 (1 min 57 secs = almost 2 years of influence). Themes: potentials for weather disasters, constitutional crises, and striving for group endeavors, either positively or negatively; underneath lurks expansive and sinister energies (Brady).

Curiously, this 1831 eclipse's Mercury @28Cap25 conjoined US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33) denoting a time when ideas, information, and events relate to gaining personal power and/or financial dealings and investment. No, that isn't very curious but I must cite the fact that 1831 eclipse Mercury quincunxes (inconjuncts = 150 degrees) 1831 eclipse Saturn Rx @28Leo45--the position of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 (which 'hit' Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant, his nibs himself). A Mercury-Saturn inconjunct suggests such things as: self-sacrifice via becoming a 'patsy' for other people's failings who then lose respect for such 'patsies'; a need to look forward, not back and to learn from past mistakes rather than look for someone to blame them on (look in the mirror!)

Interestingly, Founder Thomas Jefferson was born with a Mercury-Saturn inconjunction and a Saturn-Uranus inconjunction, two sides of a YOD pattern (special task) pointing toward his natal Saturn, planet of work, responsibility, and putting Uranian inspiration and ideals into Saturnian form such as the Declaration of Independence. Actually, his natal Saturn Rx @29Leo04 in natal 7th house was also 'hit' by The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 which spotlights the conjunction of Jefferson's natal Saturn to Trump's natal Ascendant. As you've noticed, Thomas Jefferson's name does seem to cross Trump's loose lips quite often.

So when did a 13 South Solar Eclipse last manifest? This brings 13 South themes forward into current or recent history. Its last manifestation was on June 1, 2011 @11Gemini. Now 2011 contained four solar eclipses, one of which was in the second 1831 Saros Series, the 14 North:

2. 14 North August 7, 1831 @14Leo34; duration: 3:20 (3 yrs 4 mos). Themes: a most peculiar turn of events; an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and a draining of energy; no important decisions should be made because there is too much confusion and delusion to make clear judgments. (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

And when did the last 14 North Solar Eclipse occur? November 25, 2011 @2Sag37, what I termed in my fusses at the time as The Sequestration Eclipse, a period of sinister and peculiar events in US financial matters for you remember that a dubious 'super Congress' was set up to deal with budgetary crises so that the 'real' Congress would be off the hook for certain across-the-board budget cuts (and perhaps America's true financial condition could continue to be hidden). Was a shadow Congress anti-constitutional? I'm not a lawyer but it seems to me it should have been considered so.

However, the entire affair in 2011 was definitely a slick, transparently sinister move, don't you think?

Looking ahead, solar eclipses of both the 13 South and 14 North series will repeat in 2029, a year containing four solar eclipses and ends on December 5, 2029 @14Sag with the sinister and peculiar 14 North.

Related: the history of Southampton County, Virginia a majority of which was renamed Isle of Wight County in 1637. This county has turned up in my genealogical research concerning my Strickland and Braswell/Bracewell ancestors.