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May 29, 2020

The Far Right Wants To Turn Minnesota Into A War Zone - Thom Hartmann

May 29, 2020: Here's a segment from today's Thom Hartmann program concerning current protests and violence in Minneapolis, Minnesota:


Founding data for the city of Minneapolis: July 10, 1847 10:41 am CST (collector: Marc Penfield); Sun 17Cancer; Moon 26Gemini; Ascendant 28Virgo; MC 28Gemini; Jupiter 3Cancer. There's a heavyweight trio in 7th house of Mars 15Aries, Uranus 18Aries, and Pluto 26 Aries, a very Martian (testosterone!) affair. As a midpoint picture there are negative potentials--Mars-Pluto = Uranus: 'sudden disasters of great consequence; brutality; cruelty; violence' (Ebertin). What planet/s set off the trio if anything I don't know and it's too late to look right now. Maybe tomorrow.

But naturally you, dear reader, are encouraged to set up the horoscope if you wish. Leave a comment with this post if you do for I would be interested to learn what you find. Meanwhile, my prayers are with the families of a city under siege by paid provocateurs causing mayhem and let down by certain police officers who are not the protectors of the citizenry they're meant to be. jc

May 28, 2020

First US Presidential Election vs Election 2020

by Jude Cowell

May 28, 2020: So if you've read details concerning the First US Presidential Election held from December 15, 1788 to January 10, 1789 you know that the 69 electors voted unanimously for popular candidate George Washington. And if you keep up with current US political elections and the rigging, cheating, and gerrymandering activities perpetrated by one political party in particular, you would be pardoned for suspecting that Election 2020 may be America's last.

Stolen and stacked courts are a primary feature not a bug of the GOP master plan to permanently redden America despite the Will of the People, a democratic concept Republicans have never particularly favored, not within my memory anyway. Along with Trump's fake Twitter fuss about being fact-checked, such voting travesties, perversions of law, and dirty political tricks are discussed in Brad Friedman's May 27, 2020 BradCast in his interview with David Daley author of Ratf**ked: the True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America's Democracy (and Why Your Vote Doesn't Count) and Unrigged: How Americans Battled Back to Save America. This truly is a don't-miss podcast.

Of course, between the outrageous antics and distractions by con man Trump and the debilitating Covid pandemic now virtually paralyzing the country, Republicans are counting on the American electorate to neglect such basic considerations as a permanent shift from democratic Republic to authoritarian state stretching into the foreseeable future and engineered by bad actors both foreign and domestic. Yes, things are worse than most people think but there's still a chance to right our Ship of State if enough of us pay attention and act to save America!

Horoscope: Prenatal Solar Eclipse @7Sag15 of the First US Presidential Election: Moral and Ethical Concepts and Philosophy of Sagittarius Lead to Karmic Progress

Now as you see, my study notes are penned, below, upon the Horoscope of the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of America's first-ever presidential election which also happens to be the PE of George Washington's Inauguration of April 30, 1789 (horoscope shown on my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold) and fortunately Jupiter was moving direct by then. This passionate 7 North Solar Eclipse remains of influence - is cosmically imprinted upon - all our quadrennial presidential elections including that of November 3, 2020 no matter who has been or will be in power at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as long as our now-sabotaged America exists and obviously America is in desperate need of a return to moral and ethical concepts and philosophies:

As always any and all Shares and/or your on-topic comments are much appreciated but please note that no ads masquerading as 'comments' will be published. jc

A further note: Of interest in the Horoscope of the US Constitution (September 17, 1787) is the Moon @7Sag10 conjoined by the 1788 7 North Solar Eclipse (basically a Lunar Return for the Constitution) and rebellious Uranus @29Can11 conjoined by 1788 Jupiter! Jupiter-Uranus = a fortunate turn of events - just what we need going forward!

For more reading on the 'Presidency' of Donald Trump you may wish to see The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017.

May 27, 2020

June and July 2020: A Cosmic Sandwich of Eclipses

Summer 2020 Full of 'Wild Card' and 'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

May 27, 2020: With the significant month of June just around the corner here is a round-up of information concerning June's Lunar and Solar Eclipses, plus, a link to a few details on America's 'birthday' Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020. No telling what secrets, leaks, and inconvenient facts will be revealed and which may lead to scandal during our Summer of Eclipses but we can be quite assured that disruption is on the calendar and changes of direction are due whether sought or not.

1. Excerpt from a previous post: "Lunar Eclipse June 5 @15Sag34 - this one will be personal for America if a late afternoon natal horoscope is used for it perfects near US natal Ascendant in Sagittarius (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA) and is rising in 1st house." In addition, this Lunar Eclipse 'eclipses' the Moon of the US Judicial System which may or may not be worrisome for the people of the United States (Moon = the people; horoscopes shown).

2. On June 21, 2020 comes Summer 2020's sandwich filling in the form of the Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse. In Moon-ruled Cancer a Solar Eclipse tends the Collective toward extreme emotions and/or the urge to hide away like a crab in its shell! Occurring upon a Cardinal World Point of manifestation of global events, the Family of Mankind will experience a cosmic blink from above. That the ongoing pandemic will somehow be involved goes without saying - either positively, negatively, or a mixture of both.

3. Then comes Independence Day 2020 and a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which directly involves America's natal Sun (POTUS) in Cancer from July 4, 1776. Will the eclipse activate the fixed star that our Sun conjoined in 1776? Possibly. If so this would be Sirius, the scorcher, so this will be a Lunar Eclipse worth keeping our patriotic eyes upon.

Update: as lock out from my Facebook account continues I'm asking any reader who may to please share this or another recent SO'W post to FB. It would be much appreciated! Jude

May 30, 2020 Update: Last evening I set up a 'new' FB account under the name Judith Cowell. It's under construction but do check it out if you wish! Jude

May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020: Horoscopes of World Wars I and II

May 25, 2020 Memorial Day: With the destructive spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom once again sweeping across the lands of every nation, here is a dual image of the Horoscopes of World War I and World War II with my notes penned on. Data sources are from historical records, chart #426 (WWI, lower left) and #247 (WWII, upper right) from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

As you see, today - and of late - transit Pluto Rx @24Cap47 conjuncts warrior Mars (24:22) in the WWII horoscope while 1939 Mars, determined on success at all costs and efficient in Capricorn, leads a ruthless Locomotive shape, and yet Jupiter the General is retrograde ('Rx') as each war begins, traditionally an unfavorable condition or omen for 'he who starts a battle'.

And if we consider Trump as "general" of the current war against contagion (since he boasts himself to be a "war president"), Jupiter the General Rx makes some measure of sense in 2020 thanks to his neglectful mismanagement of what is yet another sacrificial war.

Additionally, today's Pluto conjunct WWII Mars suggests determination toward one's task yet Pluto-to-Mars denotes danger if revenge and/or anger are driving forces as they so often are for Donald Trump. Activities may involve potentials for secrecy, physical analysis, research and development. And karma.

So this Memorial Day 2020, amidst the still-raging pandemic and its threats of danger, many beaches in the US are crowded with sun worshipers as reported by CNN. It seems that the solemnity of the day is nowhere in sight.

May 24, 2020

May 26, 2020 Horoscope: Pluto oppo US natal Mercury

by Jude Cowell

For a while now, transit Pluto has led the tilt of a BOWL shape of planets. Here you see a DC Horoscope set for the moment on May 26, 2020 that transit Pluto and Moon oppose one another across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis ('Moon-Saturn' = a health indicator along with ambition and strategy). Moon-Saturn's signs are intercepted across the 3/9 Communication axis (local vs foreign) suggesting that our problems are karmic and must be dealt with, one way or another. Power-mad Pluto @24Cap46 Rx tilts or tips the BOWL as you see while Luna, acting as an excellent timer (to the second!) makes up the opposite rim of the BOWL. A lack of balance is suggested while simultaneously, Pluto, within orb of US natal Pluto, opposes US natal Mercury Rx which implicates America's surveillance-loving, thought-controlling Mercury-Pluto opposition of July 4, 1776--here with transit Jupiter Rx @24Cap00 conjunct US natal Pluto Rx (27:32). Someone is misusing intelligence reports and/or leaking secrets, which in Washington DC comes as no surprise.

Now I'm not suggesting that the May 26th opposition identifies a moment or a day when a significant event will occur (which would take far more factors than one chart can show) but the chart is posted here merely as a symbolic horoscope spotlighting current conditions in society at the end of May 2020 particularly in the realms of Moon-Pluto, Mercury-Pluto, Jupiter-Pluto, Saturn-Pluto, and more if one cares to seek.

In general, possibilities of the noted planetary pairs include:

Underhanded tactics to gain control, zealotry, ambitious new plans, emotional outbursts, upheavals, investigative research (a vaccine perhaps?), conflicts and uprisings, fanatical aims, plutocrats exploiting the masses (tiresomely!), cold hearts, renunciation, reactionaries and violent people, painstaking work, martyrdom, mass murder, pursuing egoistic aims (wonder who?), a demagogue (peep-eye!), a propagandist, persuasive oration, plagiarism, speculation, large projects, those with power to dispense, 'legal eagles', economists, professors, and, last but not least: a sense of duty, isolation, thrift, self-control, depression, finding fault, wounds, blood transfusions, and/or kidney and other diseases. Obviously, a very difficult period is described and is discernible by conditions and events (sans Astrology) in society.

So What's Not in the BOWL?

The zodiacal signs not contained within the BOWL are: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius (except for South Node in Sag) and these describe huge areas of experience missing from current proceedings at the moment for the plutonians in charge and thus they represent 'challenges to existence' for those utilizing the BOWL energies as they advocate for a cause or a mission with greedy Pluto 'scooping up' all planetary energies (Jones). Plus, even without the lens of Astrology, few people are unaware of the titanic power struggles ongoing in America and elsewhere between radical reactionary political operatives--saboteurs, I call them, neo-fascists others call them--and the Establishment entities and forces which imply, if not promise, society a less chaotic existence (I'm for that! Can you tell?).

Meanwhile, the restrictive, constraining, tough-minded Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 2020 (@22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex!) continues to bedevil the globe, financially and otherwise--and their last conjunction of 1982 @27Lib36 ('Reaganomics') rises at Ascendant in this chart reminding us of our current potentials for difficult circumstances, loss, and silent power - some directly due to the limitations of Reagan era politics and economic policies (ex: cuts to mental health funding, corporate welfare, etc). Besides, we know that mundane Pluto is stealthy and manipulative all by himself and loves to wield silent power! And with karmic loss-leader Saturn by Pluto's side and strong in his own sign of Capricorn, what can possibly go wrong? (snark).

Well, for one thing, that's Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) near the top of the chart ('MC') as you see which always brings along his destructive, brutal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'death of many people, murder, intervention of a higher power' (Ebertin). So we have that going against us as Trump corpses pile up and his particular brand of chaos and mismanagement reign--now with potentials for nuclear testing. Hopefully, nukes won't be 'the higher power' that intervenes.

So as you see at the Foundation of this chart (IC), the trio of heavyweights form a midpoint picture - Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'difficulties caused through illness; social and religious fanaticism' (Ebertin) which pretty much sums up much of what's going on these days, yes?

And with the intense Moon-Pluto influence in this symbolic chart I'm thinking that the Secondary Progressed ('SP') Conjunction of US SP Moon and Pluto in October 2020 may be part of what's forewarned or pre-echoed in this chart. At the least, a cosmic time link is suggested between late May and October 2020 so perhaps Patreon subscribers of SO'W might consider a comparison between this horoscope and America's October SP horoscope recently published to Patreon!

So in closing

Mention should be made of transit Jupiter, the planet of expansion and increase (not always a good thing since negative conditions can be made worse by his presence!), precisely conjoining the natal Pluto of America only once: December 7, 2020. So as you see, this year will be the 79th anniversary of "a date that will live in infamy", a reference to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor what some have called a version of a 'false flag op' (FDR knew it was coming and did nothing to divert it--similar to Trump and coronavirus in 2020). The attack on Pearl Harbor was then used by Washington to justify America's entry into World War II - which was a case of doing what the Pentagon wanted to do in the first place - an example of a practical use of the Hegelian Dialect that creates a problem then 'solves' it.

And yes, there remains an awful lot of such manipulation and 'solutions' that miss the mark going on in US Politics, that "systematic organisation of hatreds".

So my question for you is: through our years of apathy and laziness, have We The People finally merited the sorry government we've long deserved?

Exact 2020/21 Transits to US natal placements include Pluto oppose US Mercury 3x: February 27, June 26 (this chart), January 1, 2021 (disturbing news, forcing opinions on others, crisis); Saturn conjunct US Pluto 3x (power and control issues, conditions and/or events too large to handle): February 23, August 4, November 20; Jupiter oppose US Mercury 3x: March 30, June 29, November 20 (blunt opinions; tactlessness). Note that November 20, 2020 stands out due to transit Jupiter and Saturn ruffling the US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition. Also note that other pertinent transits and influences must be factored in for a fuller picture to be gained--some negative, and some positive and thus mitigating. Thank Goodness. jc

May 22, 2020

Senator Bernie Sanders on The Young Turks - interview

May 22, 2020: Here Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks interviews Senator Bernie Sanders concerning the Joe Biden Task Force - and the possibility that such a progressive influence can sway DNC objectives:

May 21, 2020

Is Donald Trump Bailing Out Mexico? w/ Rep Ro Khanna

Here's a segment from May 19, 2020 with Thom Hartmann and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) during which a caller asks an interesting question concerning Trump and Mexico:

Astrological Data: Mexico's natal chart for Declaration of Independence from Spain is dated September 15, 1810, midnight (public record); Rohit Khanna September 13, 1976 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

May 18, 2020

Trump's Mercury Return/s June into July 2020

"Say Hi to your mother," says Mercury the Messenger; NASA image

Summer 2020: An Extended Mercury Return Period for Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

In a recent SO'W post concerning the 2020 Solar Return Horoscope of Donald Trump you'll find a dual chart image of his 2020 Solar Return chart, plus, his natal horoscope sporting Mercury @8Can51 in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes. The usual descriptions of natal Mercury in Moon-ruled Cancer tend to sound much more domestic and harmonious than this fellow with his continual school yard insults toward others, vengeful maliciousness, thieving nature, and his fantasies, lies, exaggeration, indiscretion, plus, a good memory (appearing as a bad memory - or have his advanced years have taken their toll?). Now as you know, much of his problematic Mercurial traits are thanks to thinking Mercury (the Messenger) square cloudy Neptune, and for Trump, all his Mercury Returns re-square confused, secretive Neptune's natal position! He thinks he's responding to people and events based on logic when it's really emotions leading his thoughts and thus communications and actions. Of course, anger, bad temper, and impulsiveness play major parts in his communication 'style' but that's more a function of his rising Mars, the me-first planet, in egotistical Leo, plus, what I believe to be liver and/or gland disturbances.

Meanwhile, Trump prefers to focus on his subjective, self-defensive ideas and plans, and on Mercurial interests such as trade, commerce, propaganda and promotion of a cause, oration, and a voluminous amount of communication that's more his 'style'. Plus, as you know, he fancies himself the best 'deal maker' ever born - and he's addicted to tweeting directly to approximately 30% of the American people. The ones who have Twitter accounts, that is. Neptune = the web or internet, the masses, and the media, while Mercury = tweets, gossip, lies, and insults. And of course, the Covid-19 pandemic takes up much of his brooding time these days along with deep anxiety over his 2020 re-election, or re-(s)election, I call it. Add to his worries a volatile stock market which naturally involves Mercury in his trade and commerce roles and it's a wonder Trump can manage to get out of bed each day by noon. Remember the olden days when he admitted that he had thought the job of presidentin' would be easy?!

Summer 2019

Now last year, Trump's once-only Mercury Return perfected on June 9, 2019 with both Mercury and Mars out-of-bounds of the earthly plane yet widely conjunct by degree (7A03). Venus was unaspected (an isolated wallflower?), and a midpoint picture formed in the 2019 Return chart with chatty trickster Mercury at apex: Moon-Uranus = Mercury which contains potentials for 'suggestive thought power' (like an experienced propagandist should! Goebbel's 'The Big Lie' really works!!), 'great mental activity' (his sneaky Mercury-Neptune mind is always scheming), 'surprises' and/or 'sudden news'. I would add, exciting or quirky ideas, fanatic planning, and/or peculiar interests.

Summer 2020

But conditions are different in 2020, both on the ground and above our heads, so let's consider Trump's 2020 Mercury Return which is actually a three-fer this year due to Mercury's period of retrogradation: 1. June 5; 2. July 2 Rx; and 3. July 20. Additionally, the Mercury-infused November Election will allegedly take place as scheduled and, as you know, Mercury is the planet of votes, voters, ballots, elections, decisions, glitches, lies, and such - and Mercury in late Libra changes direction on November 3rd. So I wish I could say that voting and voting machines will run smoothly on November 3rd, ballots will not be tampered with, votes will be accurately counted and reported, even if mailed in - but I can't so I won't. That's if the 2020 Election is held at all (coronavirus the expected justification).

Besides, Trump is under orders to 'win' a second term and he knows that accountability for his many crimes may have to be faced if he loses. Well, someone - a group of someones - certainly selected an operator who'd do absolutely anything to keep and expand whatever power he's grabbed, saving his own derriere and lining his deep pockets in the process.

And so Tweeter Trump's 2020 Mercury Return period is prominent this summer and until his next return in 2021. Mercury's aspects in all three charts should be considered along with house and planet ruler-ships, and other related chart factors should be noted (ex: any planets in Gemini or Virgo, and houses where these signs appear). And since it's a three-fer return, the year or approximate year until the next return perfects can be divided into quarters (12 mos divided by 3 returns = 4 mos each) to focus more closely on the timing of events and conditions. Perhaps the typical problem-denial-solution method sometimes used for retrograding planets would be informative as well for those who have the hours to spend.

Then adding to the revelatory possibilities of Summer 2020 will be two Lunar Eclipses, one on June 5th @15Sag34 and one on July 5th @13Cap38 opposite US natal Sun (secrets and scandals revealed?) so I suppose one must admit that US natal Sun @13Cancer symbolizes the current resident of the Oval Office, Donald J. Trump, who plays the POTUS role like a bull in a China shop, mismanaging as he careens along. That would be his nibs.

For more info on the Summer 2020 Lunar Eclipses here's an excerpt from a recent post suggesting cosmic time links from American history:

Summer 2020 Lunar Eclipses Activate Past Solar Eclipses

The Lunar Eclipse @15Sag34 of June 5, 2020 reflects the 16 South Solar Eclipse of December 7, 1779 @15Sag45; 16 South Themes now reflected: 'misdirected motivations; wasted energy especially when dealing with groups'. Therefore, the Sabian Symbol of this degree, rounded-up, may also significant in Summer 2020: '16Sag' = "Seagulls Watching a Ship: Keyword: ALERTNESS; positive expression: a gift for recognizing every opportunity at hand; negative": (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "aimless expectation." Now you may disagree but for me, this symbol describes Trump's recent and continuing performance and his pie-in-the-sky expectations, plus, the plutocrats' habit of seeing every crisis as opportunity--especially the crises they engineer against us. It may also describe both friends and enemies of America watching our Ship of State sinking under the weight of corrupt governance, sails lowered, our course altered by saboteurs and mutineers.

Next this Summer comes the Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020 @13Cap10. Obviously this 'eclipses' US natal Sun (13Can19 of July 4, 1776 = leader/s) and reflects the Total Solar Eclipse of July 4, 1777 in the 14 North Saros series. Which is why I ask you, feeling *sequestered yet? (*14 North themes influenced Congress' 'Sequestration' measures in November 2011). Are you feeling oppressed by a lack of freedom as during our Revolutionary era? Well, the Cancer-Capricorn polarity contains Security issues and Home vs Career concerns, plus, Health conditions are implicated through the signs' sobering Moon-Saturn influences. And naturally, Moon-to-Sun symbolically echoes a New Moon, a phase of 'seeding plans' as a new cycle of activity begins in the realm of The Public (Moon) vs Authority Figures (Saturn) as 2020 Moon meets 1776 Sun.

And you know that "aimless expectation" reminds me of such things as Trump's touted fantasies about a quick-as-a-bunny Covid vaccine or the virus magically disappearing in April - not to mention drinking bleach as a cure (it is not!!).

Summer 2020 Brings a Significant Solar Eclipse Repeating from 2001

Meanwhile, new troubles and disruptions may loom around the time of the 4 North Summer Solstice Eclipse @00Cancer, one of the four World Points of Manifestation suggesting global events unfolding. And--stop the presses!--Trump has a birthday wedged into the mix, this year on June 13th. He'll turn 74 years old, is known to be drug-addled, and is not in the best physical condition in spite of his doctors' lies. But to Trump appearances are everything, yet my suspicion is that his true health condition won't be fooled by appearances for much longer. If only more of his supporters would join the real world and recognize the evil that bedevils and beguiles us - and that the elites' tiresome tactic of divide and conquer is alive and kicking hard against We The Masses in 2020.

Related: A List of 2020 Lunar Eclipses with Astro-Notes and Trump's Mercury in Cancer a la Adriano Carelli.

May 17, 2020

May 2020: Notice to Readers of Stars Over Washington!

Announcing a New Day for SO'W! Or Is It? What Do *You* Think?

May 17, 2020: After nearly 15 years of freebie content created for the most part by yours truly, Stars Over Washington, my labor of love on behalf of America, now has its very own Patreon account set up for any reader who may wish to encourage a continuance of SO'W posts, plus, perhaps read a bit of special content published there just for you as my schedule permits!

Therefore, after years of domain fees, plus, ink and paper expenditures, my question for you must be:

Shall SO'W be shuttered by October 2020 before it enters its 16th year or should I continue publishing Political Astrology horoscopes and posts into 2021?

Any and all Patreon 'Votes' will be encouraging and very much appreciated!

Jude Cowell

ps: Perhaps you caught a recent post: Stars Over Washington and "An Unsealed Letter"?