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Oct 2, 2017

Horoscope Feb 15, 2018: 'We The People' Solar Eclipse

Image: 'We The People' Solar Eclipse February 15, 2018 @27AQ07 so labeled because it eclipses US natal Moon in the 'Sibly US foundation horoscope' (July 4, 1776, late afternoon LMT with Moon in third decan of Aquarius. A late afternoon chart is one of many versions although other dates are potentially more foundational; some charts are set for Philadelphia, Pa).

Feb 15, 2018 4:05:08 pm EST Washington DC: Hour of Venus, Venus exalted in Pisces, corporate 8th house with a critical-crisis 29th degree on the cusp; Solar Eclipse Saros Series = 1 South (key themes listed, upper right, paraphrasing Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology); eclipse has just barely passed into the 7th house along with Mercury @25AQ49 and health asteroid Hygeia (repeal legislation again? Yes, the GOP promised tax cuts! They promised Charles Koch and other billionaire donors, that is.)

As seen in the horoscope, the opposite sign and degree, 29Leo21, is on the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury which in part stimulates themes of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 (info is distorted and possibly false; unexpected events place great pressure on relationships; fatigue or illness possible) and spotlights the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump along with royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided). Have more waste and fraud of taxpayer money been perpetrated? If so, my suspicion is that some Trumpsters have engaged in additional pilfering, embezzlement, and/or theft via other areas besides private airline travel. Is this eclipse indicative of our National Treasury dangerously at risk? It so often is, you know. And there's quirky maverick Uranus at MC (Goal Point; Aspirations), planet of radical reforms, revolts, disruption, upsets, activism, fanatic zealotry, Utopianism, and those with unusual reputations in the world.

So you can suss out more factors in this chart and the solar eclipse for yourself, right? And you see listed on the chart under the eclipse info that 1 South's last manifestation was on February 5, 2000 @16AQ01...and you know what lay ahead at that point just prior to the much-touted practically magical and numinous 'New Millennium', don't you? The propaganda, paranoia, and glowing promises? Y2K madness? Tech bubble bursting? If you're old enough or can read, that is!

Now as this eclipse perfects at 4:05:08 pm EST, rising in Washington DC is dwarf-planet-archetype Ceres (food supplies, grains, milk, motherhood, sustainment, distribution, symbolic sheafs of wheat of a Virgoan goddess variety, and more) and she's retrograde suggesting a slow down or delay of some sort (FEMA difficulties come to mind). Yet with the fortunate North Node of the Moon in 1st house some development or growth with beneficial results is possible. Then in 7th house South Node @15AQ59 conjoins the degree of the Lunar Eclipse of August 7, 2017 so that similar issues or events of that period may return for further development, or may reoccur in similar fashion. Plus, North Node in Leo suggests festivities, entertainment, and a love of pomp such as an acting POTUS might have to endure. Or demand, depending on his personality--mild or brash.

Video: The Ceres Lights (13+ minutes).

And then with thinking Mercury in Aquarius nearby the eclipse, logic and common sense are needed for best karmic progress to be made for the sake of society, as suggested by a solar eclipse manifesting in cool, detached, rational Aquarius, the sign of We The People's Moon, as some believe, and a Tech, Science, and Futurism indicator.

As the BOWL Tips

Leading a BOWL shape of all the planets is Jupiter @22Sco31, 4th house, with Jupiter the General, CEO, politician, and/or preacher as the basis of it all and watery Scorpio as the sign of Big Business, Stealth, Wealth, control and/or betrayal. Are there more leaks of private information on the way? A BOWL shape emphasizes one hemisphere over the other and here we find signs Taurus through Libra 'missing' along with the related experiences described by those realms. Only the 1st house North Node links the two halves of the chart across the self-other axis.

The orientation of BOWL personalities can be advocacy of a cause, the furtherance of a mission, or perhaps it's based on divisions (and the furtherance of them? Trump!) The strongest point of application is the leading planet if it is in a Grand Cross pattern or in strong opposition which this Jupiter no longer is for the Jupiter-Uranus opposition is weakened with money-bags Jupiter in financial Scorpio and Uranus still in Aries. And yet, BOWL folk have something to give their fellow man and it may be "constructive or vindictive" (Jones) and will probably come by way of Jupiter in Scorpio (which is Reagan's natal Jupiter sign = massive tax cuts for the rich as Democrats in Congress enacted October 22, 1986?)

Now all this eclipse action is on the Leo-AQ self-will axis so Mr. Trump, the most famous Mars Rising in Leo fellow of bravado and quarrels that we know, is suggested on various levels of activity and events brought by the eclipse. However, it's important to note that it's Trump's natal Pluto @10Leo that is his first natal planet to rise in this particular horoscope so make of its power potential and wealth-grabbing-and-hoarding what and as you will or may.

For as you know, all eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that indicate times of change, pay attention--and those changes may involve sudden disruption, like astrological Uranus tends to do. Or not. Sooner or later. Or not at all. Because you know what they say about The Sky God: Expect the Unexpected and you'll never be disappointed.

A Previous Post: The Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2018 with Themes.

Oct 1, 2017

The International Net - Max Igan

Be sure to visit The Crowhouse for a variety of presentations, interviews, podcasts, and other media by Maxwell Igan.


Some say the world populace has been organized into schools of fish that can be scooped up.

Oct 5, 2017 an Aries Full Moon as Saturn Restricts Trump

In January 2015 transit Uranus and South Node caught up with one another--the disruptive planet of radical reforms, progress, futurism, shocks, electricity, and separation met the Saturnian Node of the Moon that represents past behavior (that no longer suffices), inherited talents, and separation...the 'tail of the dragon'.

Is this worth a mention in October 2017? Perhaps or perhaps not. But since a critical degree is involved (12 Aries), we might wish to note that the Mars-ruled Aries Full Moon that perfects on October 5, 2017 at 2:40 pm ET shines its revealing rays upon this degree and spotlights the Uranus-SN conjunction of January 2015. Of course at that time, Mr. Obama was in office and now we have shock jockey Trump selling various and lucrative schemes from the presidential office of the White House.

So if we look for clues embedded within the Uranus-SN pairing we find people or the public (Nodes) whose lives are disrupted by war, revolution, violence, and/or financial loss due to societal conditions such as technological changes or large-scale projects such as 'eminent domain' used by governments to commandeer private property. And since Saturn signifies borders and walls we might think of refugees made nomads via war or weather-related disasters such as floods, fires, volcanoes or earthquakes.

Now as you know, the October 5, 2017 Aries Full Moon is the fulfillment-culmination phase of the September 20, 2017 Virgo Full Moon (27:27) when new ideas or plans were seeded or set in motion. On that day, transit Uranus formed an inconjunct to the New Moon which denotes that unusual, unexpected, or disruptive adjustments were necessary in September. And somehow in the political realms, all this seems to relate to the many separations, firings, and resignations bedeviling the Trump White House. But honestly, there have been so many, I can't keep up, can you?

Considering 12 Aries as a critical degree, does any of this hint at more crises in America? Well, our nation has been in a permanent state of crisis since Trump came on the political scene. That October 2017 should be any different is a novel idea, don't you think? After all, Mr. Trump's natal planets are led by his 10th house Uranus which is oriental in his chart--last to rise before his Gemini Sun (22Gemini). On October 11, 2017, his natal Sun will be precisely opposed by transit Saturn for the third and final time while also opposing US natal Mars (22Gemini). Will Trump rile more Americans into joining protests while stirring up old complaints and social divisions?

When Heavy-Weight Saturn Comes to Call Even Mr. Trump Must Answer

Though Saturn's depressive influences have been off-and-on for some time, this final Saturnian stomp (exact near midnight on October 11th) is the resolution stage of the Saturn-opposing-natal-Sun transit for Mr. Trump (Sun = life goal, ego, adult personality, vitality) and for our nation (Mars = military, activists, athletes, police officers, soldiers, civil service workers, and generally males between the ages of 25 and 35, give or take a year or so). However, for Donald Trump things are more complicated by transit Saturn almost simultaneously conjoining his natal South Node and Moon @22Sag hinting at difficult family issues. Obviously this cosmic circumstance is due to Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition which occurred upon his natal Nodal axis but since the lunar end of Saturn's transit has been repeatedly discussed here and elsewhere over the Internet, we'll skip adding more about it in this post.

So basically, restrictive Saturn opposing natal Sun denotes a time when the failure to live up to past promises or to accept responsibilities ends badly and this for Mr. Trump is spotlighted in October 2017 even more than previously (if that's possible!) Separative vibes may relate, of course, to other members of his cabinet or staff leaving government along with the Mueller investigation's findings which may result in additional resignations, firings, or perhaps indictments.

Saturn opposing natal Mars indicates a general slowing of energy and activity, or a lack of motivation and/or enthusiasm for getting things done. Basically, physical efforts are stymied, hampered, or delayed at every turn and politically, gridlock is the order of the day along with anger and resistance to authority.

In fact, business dealings of all types are not going well this year in spite of what may have been reported, and this is a difficult time for negotiations on all levels (ex: diplomacy). Illnesses such as those affecting the head, heart, teeth, other bones, or inflammations or fevers may increase, plus, those conditions which are made worse by stress or overwork may interfere with activities.

Now some might say that law abiding Saturn represents Special Counsel Mr. Mueller and his staff as legal rain falls upon Mr. Trump's presidential parade and reveals his past and present business dealings and alliances. I won't say it, but you may wish to!

A related post: After the Revolution: The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump (his 'inner guiding voice').

Sep 29, 2017

The Pentagon's Progressed New Moon 2017

Did you notice recently that a bi-partisan Senate passed a bill for much higher defense pending worth billions of dollars? The New York Times wrote about it. That's where our health care money went along with funds for other needs of the American populace: lining the pockets of the Pentagon's 'conquest-at-all-costs', 'global cop' perpetrators.

Instead of cutting the over-bloated military budget so that Congress can take care of our needs, they came together to provide Trump a 'win' of several more billions of dollars than he'd asked for! This outrage spurred a peek at the Pentagon's natal horoscope and a check-in on the current secondary progressed (SP) phase of America's military 'death star' and wouldn't you know? Recently the Pentagon had an SP New Moon which perfected on March 22, 2017 at the critical degree of 20Cancer27.

Now using fixed stars in progressions is traditionally a no-no so I apologize for considering that the Pentagon's 2017 SP New Moon at 20 Cancer is significant. But it is the degree of fixed star Castor, one of the dark-light twin stars along with Pollux. Castor key words include sudden fame or loss, crippling of limbs, murder, and mental illness (which perhaps can be stretched to include sufferers of PTSD). These keywords are found in Anthony Louis' book, Horary Plain and Simple.

And in his Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas DeVore adds for Castor: "The mortal one of the heavenly twins; associated with Apollo" (the "sun god", an asteroid/archetype that rises @29Leo45 in the natal chart of Donald Trump who thinks he is one). DeVore also gives a few key words for Castor: violence, sudden fame, honors, followed by disgrace or imprisonment. Rising: weakness, sometimes blindness; injuries to face." Also, you note that 29Leo was the position of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017.

Money, Guns, and a Little Butter

Now astrologers use an SP New Moon to time a new cycle of activity that lasts approximately 28 years or so which apparently shows that the Pentagon and US military generals have no intention of tossing out their world domination plan and Global Cop initiatives--no matter what it costs the American people and no matter how many dire needs of We The People remain -un or -under funded. It's money for Guns over Butter for Pentagon generals and their current POTUS puppet Donald Trump!

Therefore, I shall assert that if America really is as "broke" or is "bankrupt" as some politicians love to assert, We The People can look to the Pentagon, private contractors (mercenaries), and to hidden CIA black ops budgets when we decide to 'follow the money' out Washington's back door.

After all, who can forget Mr. Trump's 2016 Campaign during which he was asked about America's "crushing debt" and how he would 'handle' it while playing POTUS and he responded with, Yeah, So I'll Declare America Bankrupt!? As you know, this financial tactic worked for him personally in the past and he's shown since January 2017 that America is little more than a corporate cash cow for him anyway so...

Sep 28, 2017

Trump, the Presidency, and the GOP? Neptune at Work!

Can Loosening Neptune Be Knitted Together?

by Jude Cowell

Since February 2011, transit Neptune has floated through its own sign of Pisces and is now @12Pisces+ as September comes to a close. And spotlighting the sign Pisces, we basked beneath the rays of a Full Moon @13Pis53 on September 6, 2017, and who can forget the last Pisces Solar Eclipse on February 26, 2017 @8Pisces in the 19 South Series? Its cosmic Piscean implications of instability, fakery, and erosion are imprinted forever upon Mr. Trump and his loosely staffed administration.

Yes, this Neptune in Pisces transit has proven to be a murky proposition full of shadows and white hoods and when shady Politics and in-breach-of-the-public-trust politicians are factored in, there stirs a poisonous stew of scandals, secrets, corruption, falsehood, propaganda, the media and the masses, delusion, dissolution, undermining efforts, instability, weakness, confusion, over-sensitivity, disappointment, pessimism, distrust, incorrect perception, weird imaginings and notions, spies, breaches--leaks--hacks, other types of theft, draining, networks, webs, the Internet, masks, drugs including alcohol, oil-gas-water issues including floods and toxic poisons and chemicals, sabotage, sneaky criminal activities, hiding one's true character, false public images and public relations work, obscuring and veiling, misrepresentation, metaphysical interests, the supernatural, visions and dreams, plans without any real prospect of fulfillment, finagling and rigging (ex: elections), and a major potential for financial and/or religious fraud.

Now you, dear reader, may think of more connotations involving the merging qualities of astrological Neptune.

After all, in the worldly realms of Politics and Society, there grows paranoia, fear, fanaticism, gossip, epidemics and contagions of various sorts which seem to take precedence over Neptune in Pisces' admirable ability to inspire, show compassion and charity, and divinely uplift to the heights. Yes, I do believe that in 2017 America is in need of a spiritual awakening as much if not more than ever before!

For it may turn out that the future of our Republic depends upon such an awakening from elusive Neptunian dreams (ex: 'The American Dream' - see The Real Meaning of The American Dream.)

But here we shall stick with the worldly material and political realms.

So with otherworldly Neptune very busily at work these days, it follows that several of SO'W's topics would be infused with Neptunian vibes and undermining activities of various sorts, so a list of recent efforts involving Neptune, Mr. Trump, the office of the president, and the Republican Party might provide a loose knitting together of Neptune's recent activities--some by transit, some lurking in progressions, and some emphasized by the timing of planetary returns:

Transit Neptune in Pisces Veils US Progressed Sun (POTUS)...peep-eye!.

2017: Republican Party Now Having Its Neptune Return.

2017 Neptune Hits American Revolution's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in Pisces in the 11 South Saros Series.

Will Neptune's power to erode increase as 2017 ends?

Winter Solstice 2017: a Neptune and Sun-Saturn Season (horoscope shown with Neptune @11Pis42 rising in Washington, DC implies that more scandal, erosion, and sabotage via Neptune in Pisces is on America's 2018 menu.)

Trump Inauguration 2017's 2018 Solar Return which looks ahead to the Trump administration's future, and thus to the future of America--now sabotaged from without and within.

Part 1: The Natal Horoscope of Donald Trump which includes a link to Part 2.

Plus, don't miss a previous post by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes who provides an overview of Neptune through the signs in his Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Society.

And for info on the expansion of Neptunian vibes concerning fraud, get-rich-quick schemes, over-promising, and inflated notions, simply add societal planet Jupiter to wispy Neptune and you have potentials for speculation, gambling, financial bubbles, money laundering, deceit, and illusions about growth. This dreamy duo appears in the natal chart and 2nd house of 'real estate mogul' and alleged billionaire Donald Trump--and with wounded/wounding Chiron sandwiched between! (See his natal chart, linked above.)

Now the following may sound extremely familiar--even to readers of a Republican persuasion: Jupiter-Neptune's Hegelian Thesis and Antithesis potentials in the realms of Politics and Business as given in Michael Munkasey's excellent book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets:

Thesis: Expansion and elaboration of ideals or dreams; policies of expansion and growth; ideals mirrored in a religious context; churches espousing a moral philosophy for all; foolish or unfounded legal situations.

Antithesis: Scandals about growth, values, or belief systems; hypocrisy growing as a form of internal policy; a legal system where ethics and morals are based upon favors and payoffs; degradation in systems of justice.

Sep 27, 2017

Jeff Sessions Banned Protestors from Attending His Speech on 1st Amendment Freedoms!

Here's Farron Cousins, reporting for the The Ring of Fire, and pointing out the obvious irony of AG Jeff Sessions banning law student protestors at his recent speech speech:

And if you can, support the non-corporate journalism of The Ring of Fire at patreon.

Plus, you'll find more info concerning AG Sessions' speech at

Then for astrological info about AG Jeff Sessions you may wish to consider his Jupiter in Scorpio, part of SO'W's In the Realms of Jupiter series of posts (see sidebar for more).

For as you know, the sign of natal Jupiter reveals such things as how we relate to others. In Scorpio, natal Jupiter indicates a materialistic outlook, a ruthless striving for possessions, a craving for pleasure, and a tendency to overrate oneself. With Scorpio, control of others vs self-control is often an issue as well. Then on the positive side, a Scorpio Jupiter suggests a tendency toward optimism which is perhaps visible as we gaze upon his apple-cheeked countenance and happy elfin appearance.

Jupiter in Scorpio: The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin.

Sep 26, 2017

Are There Fascists In America? Yes and They Aren't Who You Think They Are

Sept 26, 2017: an excerpt from today's Thom Hartmann broadcast with a question that seems more appropriate each day:


For years Stars Over Washington and other blogs and sites have featured warnings about such potentials. Here are eight posts closely related to the topics discussed by Thom Hartmann in the video excerpt, above:

Hitler's Progressed New Moon Exact: February 24, 2017: Is It Fair to Compare Trump to Hitler?

The Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse February 24, 1933 (chart shown).

At least two planetary returns stimulated the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse horoscope since Mr. Trump slithered on to the political scene--during his 2016 campaign, in fact, and both planets are prominent in the natal chart of Mr. Mars Rising: Violent Protests as Rebel Uranus Returns to its Fascist Solar Eclipse Degree and Jupiter in Virgo Now Triggers the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933: If Not Nominated Candidate Trump Signals Riots for RNC 2016.

Major General Smedley Butler and the Fascist Take-Over of the US - video w/ Eclipses.

Remembering Henry A. Wallace: Our Mystic Vice President.

National Journal: The Rise of Dark Money and the Koch Party.

The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump (Berlin's parliament building set ablaze under the influence of the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse).

Mining For Happiness On The People Farm - Max Igan

Sep 22, 2017: Pursuing happiness do you? Well, here's episode 309 from Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series on American Voice Radio:

For more Max Igan presentations drop by The Crowhouse and support his independent work at patreon.

Sep 23, 2017

Corporations Don't Want Us As Customers We Are Their Products - clip

Here's a clip from the recent program of author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann discussing topics such as the Equifax outrage and how corporations don't want the public as customers or consumers any longer because to them We Are Products:

First it was, "corporations are people", a ridiculous concept. Now they pretend that people's humanity doesn't exist, that we are no longer in possession of it and apparently do not deserve privacy for our personal information, a commodity to them.

All I can say in this leaky Neptune in Pisces era is, that the 'global power elite' class of syndicate jack*sses and their enablers make up one giant crazy mixed-up gang of robbers, thieves, saboteurs, sociopaths, and psychopaths, don't they? What's hard to figure out is Why do we put up with them?

Well, perhaps I'll add a link to a relic of a related post (July 18, 2009!) Corporations Are People: natal chart May 10, 1886 in which we discussed features of a 'natal' or founding horoscope (not shown) and the court clerk's shady 'mistake' that day which sneakily led to a ridiculous concept becoming enshrined in US law although it did not legally belong there. This has resulted in a kind of 're-writing of history', we could say--for the benefit of the wealthy class, that is, and has helped pave the way for 2010's anti-democratic SCOTUS decision that We The People, for good reason, despise having to call, Citizens United.