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Showing posts with label Senator Bernie Sanders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senator Bernie Sanders. Show all posts

Aug 10, 2015

Voters Are Rejecting The Ruling Class: The 1% Are Running Scared - video

Should we file this under the category of 'Bout Time?

#Corporatism #BernieSanders #RingofFireRadio #1%

Jupiter = Expansion, Growth, Investment; Saturn = Restriction, Contraction, Austerity

It may be that the current Jupiter-Saturn square marks a phase when those who have been given--or stolen!--much (Jupiter) are being challenged to give back (Saturn) to the Collective and this imperative stems from the Jupiter-Saturn cycle and their conjunction of May 28, 2000 at 23 Taurus. Perhaps the Sabian Symbol for 23 Taurus applies: "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Jewels" which to me sounds like the riches of the world craved by the greedy heist mentality of most corporate and big banker types of scoundrels who hoard gold and resources while calling the rest of us "useless eaters"!

Poor decrepit things! They pretend not to know that their reptilian ways show them to be lower on the evolutionary scale, not higher!

Related: 3-Quote Round-Up, One from Ayn Rand, priestess of the "useless eater" crowd, idol of the Republican Party. And yet in her dotage, Rand applied for and accepted Social Security benefits. Funny how that happens. Even for ideological hypocrites.


corporatism + statism = fascism

Aug 8, 2015

Thom Hartmann: Trump Tells the Truth, but No one listens...

Are there two truth-telling candidates among us?

#ThomHartmann #DonaldTrump #Bankruptcy #AtlanticCity #Corporatism

Is Donald Trump exposing too many secrets of the false reality matrix? To some degree, and yet Democratic candidate Senator Bernie Sanders is the one drawing huge crowds at every campaign event because he reveals truths and discusses topics that the American people want and need to hear!

Related: the natal horoscope of Donald Trump Part 1 with details and Part 2 with his Sun-Moon Blend. And since his birth time is unavailable, here are a few astro-notes concerning the Sun-Moon Personality Blend of Bernie Sanders.

Plus, you may wish to review the famous clip of Senator Sanders's 2012 speech on the Senate floor: The American People Are Angry.

Aug 7, 2015

Brunch with Bernie: 8/7/15 - Thom Hartmann video

Senator Bernie Sanders speaks with Thom Hartmann about the 2016 election and our loss of voting rights:

Imho, the only way Republicans can reliably 'win' elections these days is to cheat. Someone tell them that cheating isn't winning, it's stealing--though with their 'success at any cost' agenda, they don't care. And yes, I know--the Democratic Party is only about half a rung higher on the ethics ladder than the Republicans - and they're all following the same Corporate Globalism script in the con vs lib Political Theater they perform for public consumption and our diversion.

And yet, when and if We the People join together and make our opinions known in no uncertain terms, the 'ruling class' backs down even if it's only temporarily! Most of them fancy themselves such political thespians able to charm and fool us, don't they? Well, will somebody please pass the rotten tomatoes?!

Jul 15, 2015

Youth Jobs Now - Bernie Sanders on video

#BernieSanders #jobs #USeconomy #UniteBlue

Have you considered the Earth-Fire combo of Virgo Sun and Aries Moon of Senator Sanders? You may want to!

Jul 6, 2015

Social Democracy Is 100% American - Thom Hartmann w Harvey Kaye

Author Harvey J. Kaye and Thom Hartmann discuss the Socialist Democratic history of America including Thomas Paine, Dr. Martin Luther King, Franklin Roosevelt--and the 2016 presidential candidate who's drawing the largest campaign crowds of anyone--Senator Bernie Sanders:

#BernieSanders #ThomHartmann #HarveyKaye @harveyjkaye #ThomasPaine #FDR #MLK #Bush41 #DesertStorm #SocialDemocracy

Meritocracy v Plutocracy

On November 8, 2016 which will you vote for: compassionate Social Welfare or greed-drenched Social Corporatism aka, Welfare Capitalism?

Although Senator Claire McCaskill, a Hillary Clinton booster, recently demonstrated a faulty memory concerning the progressive history of the Democratic Party, Senator Sanders highlights it. And Thom recalls the 1991 invasion of Kuwait by George H. W. Bush and reads the prophetic words of Bernie Sanders delivered on the House floor, all of which have turned out to be tragically true so as I viewed the excerpt of Thom's broadcast embedded above, I hoped their interview might mention that Bush 41 had proclaimed 'Operation Desert Storm' as "a triumph of the New World Order" in part because the Soviet Union had joined or was in cahoots with the US-led Coalition.

Knowing that, it seems not so curious that we heard the Jupiterian word "coalition" ad nauseum from Bush 43, Cheney, and pals in 2002-2003 as they sold the 'advantages' of their next forays into the Middle East--even as millions of people protested in streets across the globe against the brutality and folly of these warmongering psychopaths and megalomaniacs who think to rule the world and the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq which, as we now see, has no expiration date.

#SocialWelfare #CorporateWelfare #WelfareCapitalism #MiddleClassn #EndlessWar #Kuwait #NWO #Plutocracy