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Showing posts with label The Great American Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Great American Eclipse. Show all posts

Nov 11, 2016

Major Gen Smedley Butler & the Fascist Takeover of the US - video (w/ Eclipses)

Did the Attempted Fascist Coup of 1933 Finally Succeed via a Donald Trump Presidency?

by Jude Cowell

For those who may be unfamiliar with certain political events of 1933, here is a brief video concerning the attempted Fascist plot that General Smedley Butler refused to take part in and which he subsequently revealed to the US government and the public as a plot to take over FDR's presidency. The plotters first approached General Butler on July 1, 1933, a few months after FDR was first sworn into office and his New Deal programs have been under attack by 'conservatives' ever since.

Update Feb 7, 2022: Video has been removed from SO'W but there's this if it's still available -

Video posted to YouTube by Wakeymedia3; here's the video link. And note that in the video the narrator says "1934" but it was 1933, just after FDR's first Inauguration.

On a cosmic level we may wish to consider the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 and its horoscope which shows that rebellious Uranus @20Ari48 (conjunct our July 4, 1776 Chiron) was recently rejoined by transit Uranus. This may be termed a 'Uranus Return' and is, I believe, a time link from 1933 to 2016/17, as are the two Solar Eclipses mentioned, below. Here is a link to the 1933 Solar Eclipse Horoscope with details. And here are a few notes previously posted concerning the chart and written during the Trump campaign and suggesting the violence that his rhetoric has invited if not incited:

Added to the disruptive shock of the current Uranus Return (2016 to 1933) are the two interlaced YOD patterns with their turning point-crossroads-special task vibes of crisis. (For more info on the Fascism Rising Horoscope, click or tap the link, above). You will note other current transits to the planets of 1933 and, of course, the recurring Uranus-Pluto square (Aries square Cancer in 1933) of a titanic generational clash as we've been experiencing again in this, the New Millennium, but with Pluto in Capricorn (signature of 'the dictator'). It seems to me that megalomaniac Trump's rhetoric triggers the violent Marseillaise Mars-Jupiter-Neptune trio to march again to the Bastille with fists and elbows ready to strike all who disagree.

Now as you know, Uranus in Aries is the 'blind zealot' and 'fanatic anarchist' (Ebertin) and along comes candidate Trump born under Mars Rising with kingmaker star Regulus in tow--in egoistic Leo. Mr. Trump has made himself a willing vessel for violent Mars-Uranus energies that seek expression in our era for we know that fascist authoritarian elements in the Collective never disappear completely, they simply cower in darkness in preparation for another government take-over attempt as they re-arm to fight another day.

Actually, another planetary return to the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse chart has occurred in our time--a Jupiter Return. This spotlights Jupiter-Uranus (now opposing one another), a fortunate pair of energies in many cases but which also contains a dark side with potentials for: 'fortune-hunting, conflicts over philosophy and religion', and 'zealous representation of one-sided views' -- all of which I expect to hear a lot of with authoritarian huckster Trump and theocrat Pence in the White House.

Now the two Solar Eclipses of 1933 are revealing: 7 North and 7 South. The Fascism Rising horoscope (Feb 24, 1933, linked, above) is background energy for the events of 1933 and its Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) is the 7 North with its theme of 'deep and hidden passions' bursting forth. But what really concerns yours truly is the second Solar Eclipse of 1933 in the 7 South Saros Series for its themes include its initial eclipse's Mars-Pluto square with potentials for: 'immense power, anger, and force' and 'huge obstacles that suddenly clear or move very rapidly' (Brady).

Why be concerned? Because a man that some have equated with Fascist dictator Mussolini has just been 'selected' president (not by popular vote, only by Electoral College) and the ruthless Mars-Pluto vibes of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of 1933 will constellate again--not via a 7 North Eclipse but by degree: Feb 24, 1933 7 South @28Leo activated by the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 1 North @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus. Now if you're familiar with the natal chart of Donald Trump you know these degrees hit his rising Mars and Ascendant (and rising Regulus), with late Leo being a very sensitive degree area in Mr. Trump's natal chart and in his entitled psyche.

And if you're familiar with the 'Nostradamus Eclipse', the 'King of Alarm' or 'Terror' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 (which descriptively ushered in the New Millennium and the pre-planned, so-called 'War on Terror' of the neocons), you know that the August 1999 Solar Eclipse is also in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, the Mother of All Eclipses. And the same neocons such as Bill Kristol, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and their ilk are now skulking back to the White House on the coattails of Donald J. Trump which is why I say, the Fascist Coup of 1933 is now about to be completed.

A Final Note: the upcoming 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, occurring during the first year of the Trump-Pence regime, is also the eclipse that cosmically splits America in two and is being referred to as The Great American Eclipse (which seems to be the one no one has been waiting for). Plus, it may be interesting to note that the karmic implications of any Solar Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo include cautions against vainglory, pomposity, pontificating, and other negative traits of the proud sign of Leo, for egocentricity thwarts karmic progress.

So what are the chances a president Mr. Trump can avoid the Leonine traits he has already exhibited now that he's coup'd the top CEO position in the land? My next question is: to what year will Trump and his cronies regress America now that 'karmic progress' is off the political table?


Eclipse themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology and Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse.

Oct 12, 2016

Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If ...

In black and white, we read Mrs. Clinton's email exchanges with John Podesta and learn what most Americans already knew: politicians lie, politicians illegally coordinate their campaigns with the media, and spin must be spun in an attempt to re-cover what's been uncovered (and possibly manipulated by the hacker to look worse than it is).

One point of interest to this astrologer is how such inconveniently uncovered truths tally with themes of the current the Solar Eclipse which perfected on September 1, 2016 @9Vir21--and with the September 16, 2016 Lunar Eclipse @24Pis20 which fell within or very near the degree range of Hillary Clinton's natal Moon in Pisces in most of the multiple natal horoscopes with varying birth hours. Ah, secretive Pisces and reality-based, health-conscious Virgo! Actually, Virgo-Pisces eclipses continue into 2017 beginning in February so that, tiresomely, this sort of leak may continue to uncover worse warts than we've so far seen at least until The Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017 in Leo.

More details: September 2016 Eclipses: Two 'Wild Cards' of the Universe.

Now here's a report from Democracy Now! asking if these in-cahoots emails had been leaked prior to Hillary's nomination at the DNC, could Senator Sanders have won the nomination? By popularity he should have won, yet t seems doubtful to me for who knows what tricks and spin would have been perpetrated by Rockefeller-Rothschild media shills in an attempt to force war hawk Mrs. Clinton into the White House, a position she's waited for these many years?

Note: although many Clinton supporters are all-in, 'at least she isn't Donald Trump' is sad consolation to those of us who will vote for Hillary on November 8th. And do you ever feel purposefully swayed to vote for Hillary due to an opponent whose behavior and rhetoric put him out of contention for a job at 7/11, much less the US presidency? (Credit to President Obama or whoever wrote his remarks for the 'job at 7/11' perspective).

Related: Life Themes: the Pre-Natal Eclipses of Clinton and Trump.

Aug 11, 2016

2017's Great American Eclipse and DC's favorite sign Virgo -- Virgo as Isis

Astro-Notes Concerning Eclipses, America, and Switzerland

by Jude Cowell

This is a heads-up for those who may be interested in ancient star lore of Virgo the Virgin, Spica (celestial symbol of the Washington Monument), Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel and its Masonic Legacy, Knights Templar (who are said to have created Switzerland expressly for their banking purposes), and other esoteric topics: there is an astoundingly informative article by astrologer Ed Kohout that you may wish to check out.

But no one has to go all the way to Scotland to be in 'Rosslyn' since there's a Rosslyn, Virginia just across the Potomac from DC. Is it ironic that the 'Deepthroat' meetings that informed journalists Woodward and Bernstein about the Watergate break-in were held in a parking garage column '32', a Masonic number?

As for Campaign 2016, have you noticed how the Republican burglary of Democratic headquarters which resulted in the Watergate scandal resembles the current hacking (theft) of DNC emails? By which I imply: have Republicans enabled hackers in order to interfere with Hillary's chances for a second White House occupancy? Just wondering since America's political class is stuffed full of crooks on both sides determined to win at any cost. No dirty trick is too low for these varmints!

Related posts: Founding of the Federal City 1791 (includes DC's natal horoscope) and US Eclipse August 1776: Thor's Hammer, Isis' Key, and a Bucket (includes Leo Eclipse horoscope with themes that best describe the founding of America rather than the previous eclipse @00Pis33 which manifested prior to July 4, 1776). Also see Astro-Notes: Solar Eclipses 2015--2017.

Plus, a Coming Cosmic Event is The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Mars rising and Ascendant--with royal star Regulus -- will his "Make America Great Again" be the tragic eclipse of our nation?)

The August 2017 eclipse falls into the 1 North Saros Series and is the first repetition of the August 11, 1999 King of Alarm Eclipse (horoscope shown) associated with the Nostradamus prophecies. Substitute the word 'Terror' for 'Alarm' and we have the major theme of the New Millennium as finagled by crooked politicians and their banker enablers intent on global domination.

Remember the Bush-Cheney color alerts meant to ramp up our fear in their "war on terror"? The thuggish alerts were so ridiculed ('puce' and 'magenta' were favorites of mine) that Washington discontinued them along with 'sheets of plastic and duct tape' for our doors and windows. How the ruling class must have laughed over that silly advice which, as usual, made monkeys out of decent people and kept the ill-gained reins of control in the claws of the ruling elite.

The First 2017 Solar Eclipse Hits Switzerland's Natal Pisces Moon

A Swiss Note: the "lucky break" 19 South February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse hits the 8 Pisces Moon in the natal 'Constitution' horoscope of Switzerland (Campion) set for September 12, 1848 11:12 LT Bern (Moon conjoins natal IC 7Pis54). This horoscope also shows that Switzerland is in process of a Uranus Return to natal degree of 21Ari26 Rx--conjunct the bankers' Pluto (27Ari34 Rx--both planets in natal 5th house and so the Uranus-Pluto conjunction is activated. Transit Uranus to natal Pluto denotes a time of abrupt changes to familiar patterns and social traditions, and a potential for disturbing situations and hidden fears which are difficult to confront for the people (Moon).

Also note that astrodatabank gives this RR:AA data for Switzerland: February 8, 1845 9:26 am GMT Bern with 3Taurus26 rising. Actually, when it comes to Knights Templar bankers setting up the place, I prefer Switzerland's natal chart of August 1, 1291 11:25:24 GMT Altdorf (Campion) with 4Sco50 rising and lots of Leo planets at Midheaven (ex: Sun-Jupiter = MC: great good fortune--Tyl).

Eclipse theme info based on Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Above collage: 'His American Majesty' by yours truly. Can you recognize the face of the crook in the center?

Jun 13, 2016

Did US leaders and candidates get Orlando wrong?

Our hearts go out to victims, their families and friends in Orlando. And as Steve Benen of MSNBC notes, President Obama and 2016 candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have each made statements and remarks concerning the tragedy this weekend in Orlando, Florida.

Occurring quite close to July's political conventions and not so long before November Election Day 2016, Americans might get the idea that their emotions are being swayed toward voting in a certain direction. It's been done before and the accusation of 'false flag op' will surely turn up at some point if if hasn't already.

And yet for this American 'child of the Revolution', Obama, Clinton, and Trump have touted off-kilter lessons from the violence in Orlando so I'm posting here the lesson that all acts of terror have demonstrated to me--especially since the 1 North 'King of Terror Solar Eclipse' of August 11, 1999 which repeats as The Great American Eclipse in August 2017 due to the 18.6-year cycle of solar eclipses. The tango sparked by this manifestation of 1 North will naturally appear on the next president's dance card.

So here is the lesson I take from acts of terror against Americans--that while Washington and the Pentagon commit violence across the globe in their role as military arm of the corporate criminal banking syndicate enforcing a 'new world order' for the sake of Global Government, the American people are, and will continue to be, caught in the cross hairs of retaliation as we suffer blow back from the paternalistic strong-arming being done in our names.

Now you may suggest that there is more to it than this and of course you are correct. But without forgiveness, life is just an endless round of vengeance begetting vengeance which is something *the powers that think they be ought to know considering the 'unerring wisdom' they (incorrectly) assume themselves to possess. The tragic thing is, they do know but they only care for their own--and for retaining and expanding control via the ends justify the means tactics in which the rest of us are completely expendable--much as Satan, prince of this world, takes as many down with him as he goes. Thing is, he's already lost the battle so those who follow him follow a loser.

But look! Here are some of the US power elite and their own now:


*the powers that think they be is a quote from Max Igan.

May 8, 2016

The Thales Eclipse and a Peacock of Venus

By E. Weiß - E. Weiß: "Bilderatlas der Sternenwelt", Public Domain,

Both Solar and Lunar Eclipses have storied histories as omens and heralds of change similar to that of comets which enter Earth's neighborhood and thus humanity's consciousness. Eclipses are often described in Astrology as 'wild cards of the Universe' for the unpredictable disruptions they seem to bring which result in chaotic conditions. In this they have resonance with astrological Uranus, also a 'wild card' and planet of electricity, lightening, eccentricity, disruption, innovation, revolt, and that 'bolt from the blue' that no one was expecting. Also described as cosmic blinks, eclipses tend to uncover secrets especially when applied to mundane horoscopes and conditions of the Collective; plus, Uranus is often seen as a mark of genius and originality...and/or contrariness.

As you know, there are famous eclipses down through history such as those that were used to prove Einstein's Theory of Relativity: 1919's 11 South when proof efforts were disrupted by World War I, and 1922's more successful 15 North. But perhaps the granddad of eclipses--if we can count on The Histories of Herodotus--is the first-ever reliably predicted eclipse by Thales of Miletus, of Thales Planet fame. Now I know there is debate on whether Thales was predicting a solar or a lunar eclipse but I'm going with a solar eclipse until there's more evidence for a lunar one. However, since it manifested so long ago, more evidence may never come to light so let's consider the date of May 28, 585 BC.

To view the eclipse path and for more details, see Wikipedia.

How Thales was able to predict the eclipse back when human kind was allegedly stupid may be debated but reasonable theories do exist. Also see Historical Astrology for debunking of the theory that Thales somehow used the Saros Series for prediction.

So here's a bit on the Thales Eclipse as given by my Solar Fire v9 software and including its Sabian Symbol:

Solar Eclipse May 28, 0585 BC; Sun-Moon 29Taurus43:46 Saros #57; 29Taurus43 rounded up gives '30Taurus' = "A Peacock Parading on the Terrace of an Old Castle...Keynote: The personal display of inherited gifts...As a great occultist once wrote: Adepts are the flowering of their races and cultures".

*Rudhyar continues: "The peacock is the bird consecrated to Venus; in occult tradition the Promethean Spirits who gave to animal mankind the divine gift of self-conscious intelligence had come from 'Venus'--which may or may not refer to the physical planets we can observe in the sky. {} This peacock symbol indeed confirms the social status of the ancestral state. It indicates a CONSUMMATION of individual efforts; and it suggests that such a consummation is hardly possible except when a line of 'ancestors'--biological or spiritual--forms its base."

Interesting that "self-conscious intelligence" is mentioned since cosmic blink eclipses tend to bring hidden information into the Collective's conscious awareness, and for politicians this usually indicates the ill-timed uncovering of inconvenient truths.

But let's ignore Politics and close with a tribute to Venus and her favorite bird: Princess of India (2007) from my drawing collection Secret Moon Art--can you spot the peacock?

To view a horoscope containing a Thales Planet you may wish to see the June 1, 2015 Progressed Full Moon of George Washington with authoritative Saturn playing Thales Planet @11Aries, the "President of the Country" Sabian Symbol. As such, SP Saturn sextiles his SP Moon and trines his SP Sun!

And did you know that there's a Thales Academy with an online publication, The Thales Times--tap or click for an article about the potential discovery of A New Ninth Planet.

Note: type 'Eclipses' into the SO'W Search field in the sidebar and you'll find a plethora of posts, some displaying horoscopes that are most often set for Washington DC. But in case you miss it, here's a post concerning the upcoming Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series which is the first repetition of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse (DC horoscope shown), aka, Nostradamus' 'King of Terror' or 'Alarm' Eclipse or, The Mother of All Eclipses. And yes, this is the eclipse described in Scriptures for its Fixed Grand Cross involving the Oxen, Lion, Eagle, and Angel Points at the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs. History doesn't repeat, it rhymes, so some repetition of 1999 events may express in similar fashion in 2017 and relate specifically to the United States of America and to the US presidency. (Edit 2023: obviously, the chaotic, disruptive first year of Donald Trump in the White House is what happened in 2017 - and the 1 North Eclipse @29Leo directly landed upon his natal Ascendant with Mars rising - he was America's eclipse, a cosmic blink from Above.)

*'30Taurus' and '11Aries' Sabian Symbols from An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar.

Jan 30, 2016

2016: a Solar Eclipse and a Message from Peru - audio

Here is a timely message from the jungles of Peru delivered by Max Igan who shares with us the need that we wake up and see the system for what it really is. This message resonates perfectly with the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Virgo with its themes of realism, coming down to earth and becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is, not what we thought (or were told!) it was. So from mid-August 2016 until at least the next Solar Eclipse (February 26, 2017), this will be an excellent time for tackling the truth (though for early responders to cosmic messages it can be from now until February 2017!)

And I'm certain that you're noticed the fact vs fiction quality of Campaign 2016 between the various candidates with Senator Bernie Sanders and corporate mogul Donald Trump drawing the largest crowds who come to hear their messages. Well, when it comes to hearing truth and seeing things the way they really are, I admit to favoring Bernie Sanders' messages for he has called out the greedy billionaire corporatists-oligarchs-plutocrats regularly and named them as the society-crashers, saboteurs, and gold-hoarders (my words) they truly are: Pluto's plutocrats.

Ignore the Plutocrats' Divide-and-Conquer Tactic Meant to Weaken We the People!

As you know, 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is calling for a *Political Revolution in America and if you agree that we as a nation and a society cannot go on like this, perhaps you may take 57 minutes to listen to the following supportive message from Max Igan, episode 248 of Surviving the Matrix...The Revolution Is Now.

Unfortunately, the Max Igan video is no longer available on YouTube so it's been deleted here. You may locate it on Max's Crowhouse website.


*After all, the American Revolution was a Political Revolution so it's in our DNA which on one level can be seen astrologically for those who favor use of late afternoon horoscopes for America's natal chart (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA). I've tried the various 'birth times' but have returned to using 5:09 pm LMT when the Aries Point crossed the IC, and this is where political, ideological Jupiter and radical, rebellious Uranus conjoined on June 8, 2010 (00Ari18), a World Point of Manifestation, Prominence, and Recognition. This denotes a global awakening (ex: Egypt!) - now if only We the People can stay awake and pay attention long enough to become active and respond to the real world threats that surround us and undermine our very freedom.

Please note that Solar Eclipse themes (19 North) are paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology. 19 North's initial manifestation occurred on July 5, 1331 @20Cancer, a critical or dangerous degree. Therefore, the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer is the security-minded lens through which we may view the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse in the Mercury-ruled sign of Virgo. Both signs are intimately associated with the founding of this nation and the architecture, symbols, and ritual ceremonies of "the Federal City," Washington DC.

A look ahead: The Great American Eclipse of August 2017 (horoscope shown), plus, a few similar topics for the curious.

Sep 19, 2015

US Voters Drained by Presidential Campaigns as Refugees Seek Asylum

Since the current Solar Eclipse season which began on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10 contains themes of overtaxing or draining of strength and a high level of stress in effect for at least the next six months, a 'proposal' is linked, below, which may have merit. The Solar Eclipse 'background noise' is in addition to the fretful 'blood moon' Lunar Eclipse in Aries at the end of September.

Follow the above link to view the September 2015 Solar and Lunar Eclipse horoscopes set for Washington DC. Obviously, the Lunar Eclipse, a Full Moon of culmination and awareness, times closely with the US Government's fiscal budget running dry of funds on September 30, 2015, the stalemates in Congress over abortion (a lunar issue) and funding, possibly another reckless government shutdown, and other weighty matters now in the public discourse such as the next suspension of a 2016 candidate's campaign.

Abroad the horrific, worsening refugee crisis (Moon = families, mothers, children) which has been ongoing for years (since the West decimated Eastern countries with war and destruction--did warmongers not see this crisis coming?) may also be denoted by the Lunar Eclipse as Saturn (walls, borders, boundaries, stoppage, closing; responsibility, accountability, authority) continues to make the plights of grievously displaced families unendurable with the planet's passage into Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker (of asylum), Foreigner, Stranger, Emigrant, and Long Distance Travel. As you know, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of the breakthroughs now sorely needed across the globe thanks to aggressive Western governments and we will soon experience Saturn's upcoming crossing of America's natal 11/12Sag Ascendant in the late afternoon horoscope of July 4, 1776 bringing forms of accountability home to roost beginning by December 2015 into 2016.

So in case you missed it, here's Christoph Asche's Report from Croatia: 'They Don't Know Where They're Going, or Where They'll End Up', posted this morning.

Now see what you think about the 'proposal' meant to give US voters "a rest from the same old photo ops, talking points, and stalemates in Congress" - since we can't depend on politicians to stop perpetrating those things and simply do the jobs they're elected to do and are paid for:

FEC Implementing One-Year Break Between All Presidential Terms As a Reprieve For a Weary Nation, says The Onion.

Plus, to add to our current concerns, Americans are heading toward what is being called The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, the first repetition of the King of Alarm Eclipse of August 11, 1999, the one Nostradamus warned about. This 1 North eclipse will be visible from the Oregon coast to the coast of South Carolina and will basically split our country into Northern and Southern halves. Hmm.

Hope it will be for the best, don't you?

Oct 23, 2014

Astro-Notes: Solar Eclipses 2015 -- 2017

Thursday Oct 23, 2014: Solar Eclipse Considerations for 2015--2017

by Jude Cowell

With the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 here, the last eclipse of 2014, let's take a futuristic peek at the 6 upcoming Solar Eclipses of the years 2015 through 2017. First, a basic list in order of occurrence with details to follow:

1. March 20, 2015 @29Pisces 17 South Saros Series (17S);

2. Sept 13, 2015 @20Virgo 18 North (18N);

3. March 9, 2016 @19Pisces 18 South (18S);

4. Sept 1, 2016 @9Virgo 19 North (19N);

5. Feb 26, 2017 @8Pisces 19 South (19S);

6. Aug 21, 2017 @29Leo 1 North (1N);

As you see, the first 5 Solar Eclipses manifest across the 6/12 'victim-savior' axis of Virgo-Pisces (Earth-Water) before switching to the Fire-Air 'will' axis of Leo-Aquarius in August 2017. This energy shift follows that of the Solar Eclipses which have occurred across the forceful Taurus-Scorpio axis (Earth-Water) since November 2012 with all the desire nature/self will/money-resources and transformation themes the two signs embody.

Plus, the world is once again brutalized by warmongers and by the implementation of vengeful, dramatically staged beheadings with intolerant Taurus ruling the neck and intense, betraying Scorpio's Mars-Pluto influences of violence and rape which shows that to some who feel themselves to be holier-than-thou, other people's lives have no value (Taurus) and self-interest (Scorpio) is exalted above everything. There are no brothers' keepers in this Venus/Mars-Pluto crowd.

Six Solar Eclipse Themes and Other Details:

1. March 20, 2015 17S themes include: good news concerning relationships or creative group projects with sudden success, plus, a potential for happiness in love. Though in very late Pisces, this eclipse conjoins the Aries Point (AP) of prominence, fame, recognition, and therefore may manifest in some way upon the world stage. It is the first Solar Eclipse of the new US Congress and may be active for up to two weeks prior to its date of March 20, 2015--and imprints upon Spring Equinox 2015 which then affects the entire year of 2015 with its themes running in the background.

Initial eclipses of a Saros Series provide further clues concerning themes and a look at historic events around the time or during the year of an initial eclipse's manifestation fills out the current picture of its background influences. The sign qualities of an initial eclipse give shading to the expression of an eclipse and its sign rather like an Ascendant sign colors an entire horoscope so that an eclipse sign can be viewed through its initial eclipse sign along with the differing rulers and sub-rulers. The various houses involved may be considered as well but that is beyond the scope of this particular post.

The initial eclipse of 17S occurred on May 27, 933 *OS @10Gemini with an active Mars conjunct AP which Mars rules with the eclipse degree quite near US natal Uranus @9Gemini, our nation's totem planet of freedom, independence, revolution, and a 'new order'. Gemini, sign of reporters, traders, teachers, students, orators, transportation, and more is ruled as you know by Mercury and adds communication, travel, and possibly Peter-Pan-like vibes to the 17S affairs of March 2015 and the 6 months following.

17S as Pre-Natal Eclipse Series

Quite a varied cast of famous characters and entities were born or begun under the auspices of 17S including (in no particular order): Ayn Rand, Adolf Hitler, Princess Diana, Rachel Carson, Barbara Bush, Charlie Chaplin (note his role as 'The Great Dictator'!), President Barack Obama (note how Republicans call him a 'dictator' unless it's deemed to be more politically beneficial to call him weak and ineffectual--as if they're anything to write home about!), Newt Gingrich, Iran (Apr 1, 1979), and the German Empire (Jan 1, 1871.)

In modern days, 17S has manifested in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, 1961, 1979, 1997, (2015); next: 2033.

2. Sept 13, 2015 18N themes include potentials for: obsessive thinking, anxiety, a high stress level, events that require a large expenditure of effort, a taxing of strength, physical concerns, illness, or accident. On a Political Astrology level I shall add that this eclipse is but one degree from Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: 'to go against society' or, 'against the mainstream'. Perhaps incidentally, US natal Neptune falls nearby at 22Virgo in conjunction with yet obscuring the planet of motivation and action, Mars, in the natal chart of President Obama.

The Initial Eclipse in the 18N Series occurred on Feb 4, 1060 OS @21AQ34 with two notable conjunctions that link to America's natal planets (July 4, 1776): Mercury Rx conjunct Pluto conjoining US natal Moon (We the People) in later Aquarius, and Venus conjunct Jupiter conjoining US natal Pluto Rx in late Capricorn. As you know, Mercury-Pluto relates to obsession with secrets and information and echoes the US Mercury-Pluto opposition (NSA and other spies)--add the Moon and we have an obsessive need for privacy, for more power, and adds another health implication, possibly of young people.

Natives born under the influence of 18N and events occurring include: Robert F. Kennedy, Secretary of State John Kerry, war architect and global banker Paul "Spit Comb" Wolfowitz, and the assassination of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. As with 17S, 18N has manifested in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, 1961, 1979, 1997, (2015); next: 2033.

3. March 9, 2016 18S themes include potentials for: endings, separations, and partings which can relate to travel or to endings of relationships or alliances; grief and anguish may follow yet the pain of separation can be lessened by new situations which create positive outcomes.

The Initial Eclipse of the 18S Series occurred on August 20, 1096 OS @3Sco29 with forceful Mars-Pluto undertones; this degree conjoins the current position of US Secondary Progressed Saturn Rx showing America's compromised authority in the world.

A major flavor within the 18S initial eclipse is an obsessive quindecile aspect (165 degr) between two money planets, Venus and Jupiter which on one level can give much creative energy but also indicates an excessive drive for relationships and/or money; ideals, morals, and ethics are often based on material gain, belief systems tend to motivate action, and excess and indulgence are potentials. For positive expressions of 18S, education is essential. (Reeves, The Quindecile.)

An interesting list of characters and entities born or occurring under 18S includes: Sirhan Sirhan, Craig Ferguson, Rudy Giuliani, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Piet Mondrian, the city of St. Augustine, Florida, the US hostage release by Iran staged just in time for Reagan's first Inauguration, and the surrender of General Cornwallis to General George Washington at an hour, date, and location of Freemason George's choosing.

18S has manifested in the years 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998, (2016); next: 2034.

4. Sept 1, 2016 19N themes include potentials for: coming down to earth with a sense of realism; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is--it's a constructive time for tackling the truth.

19N's Initial Eclipse manifested on July 5, 1331 OS @20Can32 which now conjoins the light-and-dark Twin Stars Castor and Pollux; the Moon becomes an influence through its rulership of Cancer so that security, nurturing, food concerns, toxicity, and other family and physical matters filter through the Sept 2016 eclipse sign of Virgo, sign of Work, Health, and Service (including Military and Police Service.) Naturally the victim-savior axis remains in force here along with issues of slave trading, sex and drug trafficking, and abuse of power.

A list of 19N alumni includes: Paul Singer, President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Republican Party (1854), and the (Masonic) Great Seal of the United States (1782.) More recently 19N has manifested in the years 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998, (2016); next: 2034--just as with 18S.

5. Feb 26, 2017 19S themes show potentials for: pleasant surprises, joyous events, sudden happiness, the lucky break or win; positive life changes may ensue.

19S's Initial Eclipse occurred on April 16, 1512 OS (this date may be incorrect) @5Tau27 thus adding Venusian-Taurean qualities to the February 2017 eclipse with its murky if inspirational and compassionate Piscean brew. As always with the sign of Two Fishes, the high road or the low road may be taken to the heights or the depths. And one man's 'lucky break' is often a result of another man's loss.

One curious factor of the eclipse of 1512 is that quirky, disruptive rebel, Uranus, was then at 15Aries07 where it now lurches once again--basically a Uranus Return to the 1512 Solar Eclipse horoscope. Notable? We shall see for it's quite difficult to tell with Uranus which may not always act at all. Yet we are discussing eclipses as 'wild cards' of a Uranian nature--'out of the blue' events which may suddenly change the rules of any game. Plus, 19S's initial eclipse contains a Mars-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, but also of the foreigner or the fanatic (usually with an idealistic or religious quality.) Helpfully, a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces is also present through which overindulgence or extravagance may be evident.

19S manifested in the years 1908, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981, 1999, (2017); next: 2035. Its 'devotees' include the Democratic Party (1801), Reagan's near-assassination (saved by Astrology?!), the White House and the US Congress (Nov 1800), Wounded Knee (1890), the UK (Jan 1, 1801), Vince Foster, Eric Cantor, Johnny Depp, and Paris Hilton.

6. August 21, 2017's 1N Solar Eclipse @29Leo is being called The Great American Eclipse (more on that later) and is highlighted because it is the first Total Solar Eclipse that will be visible in all the 48 states with a Path of Totality from Wyoming to South Carolina. It is also significant because it manifests on a critical-crisis 29th degree and is near a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus, now precessed into very early Virgo with the keywords, 'success if revenge is avoided'.

A Solar Eclipse in proud Leo, ruled by the Sun (ego, hero's journey, natural leadership, royalty, creativity, vitality) denotes that karmic progress depends on use of such positive Leonine qualities. Pride, arrogance, egocentricity, vanity, pomposity, and other negative traits of Leo retard or block karmic progress.

In 2017, the manifestation of 1N is the first time the 'Nostradamus' 'King of Terror' (or, 'Alarm')--the 'Mother of All Eclipses'--has repeated since its much-touted manifestation @18Leo on August 11, 1999. The Fixed Grand Cross of that eclipse is notable for its appearance in the Book of Revelation of the Oxen Point, the Lion Point, the Eagle Point, and the Angel Point of the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.)

Perhaps you prefer to think this link by eclipse between 1999 and 2017 is of no matter. Well, as always, dear reader, that is up to you. Yet the Fixed Cross degrees and the degree and sign of the 1999 eclipse are sensitized and I expect some repetition of such themes. And yes, I do believe it is late days in earthly history. So let us continue our consideration...

Themes of 1N: unexpected events concerning groups or friends occur and place great pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large yet hasty decisions are unwise since information is distorted and possibly false; health matters and fatigue are associated with 1N.

The initial eclipse in the 1N Series occurred @13Cap48 (opposite US natal Sun = leadership) on January 4, 1639 OS with a money/power-related Jupiter-Pluto opposition across the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The Jupiter-Pluto pair denotes bankers, politicians, power brokers, and big wheeler-dealers who mount large projects.

There are those who believe that the US presidential election of 2016 will be America's last but even if this is not so, difficult events are on the menu for our nation and for global populations. These will be blended with positive events, of course, for that is the nature of our dualistic, dark v light, world. One hint in the initial eclipse is that 1639 Saturn conjoins US natal South Node @6Aquarius (Neptune's 'Medina degree' conjoined on 9/11/01), a point of separation that is ruled by Saturn, planet of authority and control. And of course, we are nearing the first-ever US Pluto Return/s of 2022 (3x) the effects of which no one can predict since it has not happened before in US history.

Another possibility for a Saturn-SN connection is a continental shift or other natural disaster that physically splits America--or, on political and social levels, perhaps current secessionist movements will gain some amount of 'success' and splinter our Perpetual Union.

Yes, our Pluto returning to natal degree may apply to 'loss of authority or control' issues at home or abroad (loss of global status, the dollar sinks?) since in the US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776, Pluto @27Cap33 is out-of-bounds and, I believe, directed the Founders and events from afar, probably via a secret society or societies. Wealthy Pluto's opposition to US natal Mercury Rx in Cancer keys it to the events of that day such as the authoring and signing of our 'Freedom Documents', war funding and revolutionary planning, and the use of the 'providential' All-Seeing Eye of Horus as an American symbol. In Sabian Symbols, US Mercury '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" which reminds us all of powerful Pluto's mythological Cape of Invisibility and it's Luciferianism all the way--even the Statue of Liberty, the torch-bearer of the satanic Illuminati--the statue made of copper, the metal of Venus. Every time we marvel at 'Lady Liberty' they slyly wink at how we're worshiping Lucifer!

1N manifested in the years 1909, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981 (Reagan!), 1999 as noted, (2017); next: 2035.

A few of 1N's people and events born or founded under its rays must be added in closing: Washington Irving (of 'headless horseman' fame now popularized by Fox TV's series Sleepy Hollow with its apocalypse themes), Lou Dobbs, the United Nations, and Harry Truman's Atomic Bomb Attack of August 6, 1945. (Harry "gave 'em hell" all right: the abomination of desolation.)

In conclusion:

Since eclipses often behave as 'wild cards' of the Universe--in a sudden, unexpected, Uranian fashion--we should find that many secrets and crimes continue to be revealed along with surprises and shocking events which may arise from the manifestation of the Solar Eclipses above, and from their corresponding Lunar Eclipses though these effects may happen more often on an inner level for most of us. Of course, being familiar with one's own natal horoscope is handy for discovering in which houses (departments of life) eclipses fall and which planets and aspects may be affected, stimulated, or triggered--and for how long.


*OS = Old Style (Julian Calendar.)

The eclipse themes in this post are paraphrased primarily from Bernadette Brady's excellent book Predictive Astrology with additional input from Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse, plus, reliance upon years of my personal notes from previous consulting work and historical horoscope studies.