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Sep 10, 2007

The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

Please say you've read Naomi Klein's article, The Shock Doctrine in The Guardian which is an excerpt from her book.

There's a health crisis coming and an economic crisis on the way. President All-the-Way-to-Baghdad still has adolescent problems you may read about here if you wish.

The "shock" in The Shock Doctrine refers to the electromagnetic planet, Uranus, the only planet named after a place...the sky, where the lightening happens.

Neptune in mutual reception with Uranus as they are these days--now Neptune has the veils of illusion and deception to throw over the matter. It's propaganda and undercover work when you get Uranus and Neptune energies blended as best you undersea lightening!

Well, what if Orwell is right?

Over London: chart for the 11 September Eclipse

Image: 11 Sep 2007 Solar Eclipse "19Vir" over London, England, as per request!

Sink or Swim: Sep 11 Eclipse is an excellent article by Lynda Hill, who specializes in Sabian Symbols, and who gives details on Sabian Symbol, "A swimming race" as Tuesday's Eclipse degree word picture (which is the Symbol itself.)

Thanks for the heads-up, Lynda--I've heard that your book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom, is a must-have for all Astrology library shelves, mine very much included.

And I like your method of looking to the next degree for clues about what we may want to prepare for. To me it seems to be all process, aka e-volution. A smidge like using Tarot cards, isn't it? Preparation is a useful thing--and it's good stewardship as well. Aids us in slowing down and smelling the green tea simmering.

Most often I tend to look at the degree before (unconscious), the degree itself, and the next, for 'how it will get on' info. One degree is always involved in becoming another, isn't it? And the snake eats its tail once again.

Plus, I agree with you, Lynda, on Elsie Wheeler--a fascinating lady! You have a lot of articles to read--and that's just your blog--Good Show!

Sep 11 Eclipse began in 1917

The September 11 Eclipse Series (9 New South) began on July 19, 1917, as previously mentioned, and is actually the Initial Eclipse of the entire Series--which gives info on similar themes for each of its manifestations appr every 18-19 years...this time occurring on Sep 11, 2007...tomorrow.

I have no memory of General F.S. Maude, but here's the familiar assurance he gave to Baghdad way-y-y back in 1917...the more things change, the more they blah blah blah...

"Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators. Your wealth has been stripped of you by unjust men...The people of Baghdad shall flourish under institutions which are in consonance with their sacred laws."

--General F.S. Maude, commander of British forces in Iraq, 1917 (such a joker!)

The positions of the July 1917 Solar Eclipse are:

Sun/Moon 25Can51 (conj US n Mercury); Mercury 3Leo13; Venus 18Leo18 (her vengeful position on 9/11/01; also the Sun/Moon degree of the Mother of All Eclipses of Aug 11, 1999; Mars 23Gem54 (just beyond US natal Mars--US Mars Return on 9/11/07 = new two-year cycle of activity); Jupiter 3Gem48; Saturn 3Leo04 (conj Mercury: serious meetings; dampening news; commerce restricted);

Uranus 22AQ45 (being triggered by tr Neptune these days--Nep to Ura: confusion, disorientation, unrealistic expectations in society; ideals conflict with technical and economic issues);

Neptune 4Leo16, conj Mercury and Saturn--5Leo is the US n North Node = destined encounters); Pluto 4Can28, conj US n Venus--actually it's US n Venus/Jupiter midpoint = Pluto: gaining favor with the masses; and NN 9Cap49...Capricorn of law, business, and politics fame.

Midpoint pictures for the Initial Eclipse of 1917:

Venus/Pluto = Sun: creative thrusts; an unusual sense of form.

Venus/Pluto = Moon: enormous feelings of emotions from the depths of being.

Setting both Eclipse charts (1917 = 2007) for the Pentagon, we see that the 2007's Ascendant is bringing up (to our consciousness) the 7th house of 'partnerships; legal affairs; lawyers, consultants, mediators; rivals and competitors; open enemies' for our consideration.

And what I'm doing here is comparing the "liberating" events of 1917 with today's non-admirable quagmire. The 7th house's direction is Southwest.

>You know how I try not to complain over-much about the US natal chart such as it is (July 4, 1776: whatever version you like, aka the Declaration of Independence chart)...for after all, "modern" Astrology proffers that all charts are "good"...

...or as we might say around here, all charts are pertinent to the hapless creature born unto it with the time/place/date stamped upon the fresh child. No one else in the Universe was born where and when YOU WERE, Lone Reader...not unless another lady was on top or underneath your Ma and giving birth in tandem.

I think not.

So face are unique.

And so is America.

A More Applicable PE for America?

Personally I find the Solar Eclipse chart for Aug 14, 1776 to be especially relevant to our nation's founding, more so than the . Plus, I have read that the full signings had not taken place until August 2, 1776--and thus within the 2-week range of the eclipse.

The reason I suspect that this Eclipse is closely connected to America's beginnings and thus may be used in predictive work, is due to the meaning of its Series, the 13North (13N); this America's Founding Eclipse (PE) was also a strong, initial Eclipse (IE) in the 13North (13N) Series (Brady's Predictive Astrology):

Emphasis on groups and associations; ambitious energy is expended toward large group projects which require a separation or a breaking of already-existing bonds. Following the separation there is joint achievement.

Does this sound like America's first squall to you? Waahh-h-h-h-hhh h h..h...cloth diaper or plastic?

It even sounds like disruptive Uranian things of the day: rebellion; revolution; Franklin's electricity experiments; sudden events, emotional shocks and upheavals, bolts from the blue...but also creative genius--the sparkly touch of the muse from On High. With Uranus' higher vibratory influence on the sign, Aquarius, the Water-bearer, an Air sign of intellectual capacity and perhaps humanitarian outlook, AQ is thus associated with America who likes to boast that she gives the most. She promises a lot, doesn't she?

As you know, Uranus was discovered by William Herschel (with much help from his able sister) in 1781 and is often mentioned along with the Revolutions in America and in France. Discovery degree: 24Gem27..."25Gem": "A Man Trimming Palms"...ENHANCEMENT...

pos: an exceptional gift for bringing all things to an effective service in some special aspect of over-all achievement;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: an empty display of trivial excellencies...

(The Bush-Petraeus 'report'? Oops--my brain is in 1917 = 2007 mode. Our Neptunian/Plutonian energy titans have had 90 long years to betray and finagle their way onto someone's merde list in the Mid-East. This they have done well while meddling where they are not welcome, pontificating, thinking themselves to 'partition' land between tribal peoples! )

And the cycle of Saturn/Uranus and their upcoming opposition relate directly to the Middle East. Saturn = old systems and structures; tradition; the past; form, and Uranus = chaos; disruption; progress; the new; the ideal; the future. These two big guys first met up in 1988, the year of the first Palestinian intifada against Israel, and their cycle basically underpins the "War on Islamic Terroism."

(Saturn's and Uranus' first exact opposition in our time occurs on Nov 4, 2008...US election day. Old vs new, tradition vs the avant garde. Hillary and Obama? Gingrich and Paul? Massive breakdowns of voting equipment? More bridge and building demolishment? Mid-Eastern issues dominate? All I really know about our next annointed is that someone else decides who it will be based on their values, not mine...and that anyone who wants the job of US president needs a serious psychological evaluation, esp "at this juncture.")

1917's Sun/Moon 21Leo52, "22Leo" = "A carrier pigeon": ENLIGHTENMENT...

pos: a complete mastery of all things through the normal processes of thought;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a lack of simple good sense. #

As I said at the start, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Sep 7, 2007

al Qaeda: 1988--2007, and Jupiter-Pluto

With today's announcement of the scoring by the US gov of what is supposedly another bin-Laden-Gone-Wild Video, this double-ringed chart image has al Qaeda's natal chart of Aug 11, 1988, surrounded by 'noon' today in Washington.

As you see, al Qaeda was cobbled together during the Great Saturn-Uranus Conjunction of 1988. Their last hook-up was a 'triple' with the middle conj being the Rx phase.

The dates for their triple 1988 Conjunction are:

1. Feb 13; 2.June 26; 3.Oct 18.

December 11's Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto 28Sag24 (nuclear expansion? bombs flown across six US states to LA? religious big-dogs or mullahs meet with behind-the-scenes power-mongerers? Economic transformations? increase of power for *plutocrats? All of the above and then some?):

Jupiter-Pluto in December will be triggering al Qaeda's natal Saturn-Uranus conj and eventually natal Pluto (but that's not for a while. With Saturn and Uranus now moving into opposition--the Full Moon phase of the cycle which began in 1988--and with tr South Node now conj al Qaeda's Pluto-Chiron midpoint, they're falling back on old tactics. Perhaps old footage made up this new video.

Click to enlarge chart to read more details, for as you know, the SN is the tail of the dragon, where people--or entities--use past talents for present predicaments. Whether it is appropriate and thus successful depends on many other factors which I have no time to fuss upon. And in recent days, blogging from my heart has been interrupted by pocketbook concerns in the real understand! Anyway:

Saturn/Uranus = Jupiter: adaptive ability; a sudden turn of destiny; losses; damage to buildings; motor damage.

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality and violence; harm through force majeur; rebellion against one's lot in life; extraordinary efforts overcome difficulties.

Switch the emphasis to the Jupiter-Pluto conj as it affects al Q's natal chart and we see:

Jupiter-Pluto = Saturn: iability to progress; separations.

Jupiter-Pluto = Uranus: fanatically striving for improvements; the quick exploitaiton of every situation; sudden reforms; quick developments; adjustments to new circumstances.

As with all triggering of midpoint pictures, manifestation may be either: all, any combination, or none-of-the-above.

And yet it is quirky, isn't it, that bin Laden 'chides' the American people for "re-electing" Bush--as if his previous video didn't promote just that. "Convert to Islam," says he. Personally I owe all allegiance to the Creator of the Universe who does not condone the worship of death as some people would slanderingly represent Him to prefer. Hogwash!

You see in the natal chart the Leo Moon--al Q's reigning need (Moon) is for approval and recognition, both of which are provinces of Leonine egoism/tism and pride. Leo thinks only he can rule, and that, monarchically.

But we know that Love is the Foundation of the Universe, bin Laden-types notwithstanding.

To be sure, it's Satan fighting Satan...with innocents in the middle. Hopefully you, Dear Reader, are not one of the hoodwinked! Is it real? Or is it Memorex? What do you think?

*The word, plutocrat is also applied to the blending of Jupiter-Pluto energies as is the Pluto-Chiron combo.

Here's a post on the Solar Eclipse of Sep 11 2007.

Here's my previous post on the current triggering of 1999's Pluto-Chiron conjunction. This oppressive, corporate pair were parallel one another in mid-August, 2004 (a parallel is similar to a strong conjunction and is useful for timing purposes.) Jupiter has been visiting the 1999 conj degree (11Sag+) of late and giving it expansion ideas it doesn't need.

Or how about a lighter note? See new Art at Cosmic Persona Designs, for a frothier moment than you'll be finding around SO'W...because when world leaders su*k, they su*k bigtime.

Sep 5, 2007

Pluto-Chiron conj of 1999 being triggered

Having updated my notes on the great Pluto-Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999 as you see here--if you're visiting on-blog, please click-to-enlarge the chart with messy notes thereupon for more details.

2007-2008: Pluto is in process of triggering the 1999 Mercury 28Sag43--which will be also stimulated by the upcoming Great Conj of Jupiter-Pluto on Dec 11.

Tr Pluto to 1999 Mercury's appr dates in 2007 are:

1. Mar 2;
2. May 2 (Rx);
3. Dec 21.

The imperial madness continues in 2008:

4. Aug 10;
5. Oct 9 (will we have an "October Surprise" in time for the 2008 election?)

We see there are plenty of opportunities for transformative, secretive Pluto to change our nation forever for as you know, the Mercury/Pluto pair = wielding influence through writing or speaking; propaganda; crafty subtlety and cunning; the spirit of opposition...among other things.

Natally George Bush has a Mercury-Pluto conj in 1st house of Self, so he's perfect for the propaganda-catapulter job. He would, no doubt, agree.

If you're on-blog, you see that the Moon 18Lib18 is conj US Sec Progr'd Mars (the military; police; male population) in 10th house of World Status, and there is a corresponding tr Mars to US natal Moon near the 3rd cusp...war to the people; emotional upset; anger...all the things which Moon/Mars implies; and Moon in any national chart signifies The People or populace.

Will return asap to complete these comments, for the Pluto-Chiron pair with its plutocrat/oppression/corporatism/racism implications needs close watching...hope you can drop back by. And that crisis-infused 29th-degree Venus looks in need of consideration as well, doesn't it?

Sep 4, 2007

Lincoln on the Declaration of Independence

"I have never had a feeling, politically, that did not spring from...the Declaration of Independence...that all should have an equal chance. This is the sentiment embodied in the Declaration of Independence...I would rather be assassinated on this spot than surrender it."

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) 16th US President#

And I thought it was only his plan to reform the world banking system that did him in.

Birkhead and Stern back in the news

Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead are going to sue the author of a new book about Anna Nicole, Blonde Amibition, and the author's allegations that the two of them are gay.(I'm not recommending the book, I'm just saying, because it seems we've got more to hear about Stern and Birkhead whether we want to or not. I vote not.)

Poor little Dannielynn. Such a sweet child doesn't deserve the cast of characters surrounding her.

Sep 3, 2007

Stars, Asteroids, Saturn, and Eclipses, too!

April Kent, at Big Sky Astrology has written an excellent article on asteroids, Saturn, and Eclipses!

And you've gotta love it when personal name asteroids show up--such as Albert 29Leo+ being triggered by Saturn and conjunct Fixed Star Regulus, from the tip of Leo the Lion's tail; keywords: success if revenge is avoided.

Apparently, for certain politicians, it wasn't. So check out April's articles for more information on this fascinating subject fraught with politics and drama...Leos do love the drama.

Midas and the London subway workers strike

Most of London's subway shuts down Monday evening at about 6:00 pm, with Saturn as chart-ruler and applying to transiting South Node, a separative point.

The Tube will be sorely missed until it meets its workers once again. And the Saturn-SN flavor shows the extreme discomfort the strike is causing the city of London and how it will inconvenience...other workers.

MC = "30Sco"..."The Halloween jester" and Moon is out-of-bounds and conj Pan, a trickster element.

Midas, grubber of gold, is hanging out around "8Gem" these days which is the "An industrial strike" *degree. Guess it's about mo' money. And it probably should be. Hope it works out for them and their families.

Give some up, Midas!

*Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

Congress reconvenes Sep 4, 2007

After their summer break and in spite of all the People can do, Congress reconvenes Tuesday, September 4, as I've been warned. And thus the infestation continues.

There are 'poisons' in the air, quarrels in the wings, and a thousand other things-- and of course, Tuesday's chart represents the entire week, while we Sheeple admire or deride the performances which our congressional actors and other governmental thespians shall deliver.

Oh! and al-Qaeda and others are watching, too.

Yes, my peepers were put on and a stealthier-than-usual peek was taken at the transit charts for Tuesday over the Capitol Building--for sunrise and for 9:00 am EDT. It is stealthier because of the methods employed bwo composite (blended or averaged) charts done with Tuesday + the R's and the D's natal charts respectively.

Transits for 9.4.07 sunrise 6:43:40 am Capitol Bldg:

Sun/ASC 11Vir32 conj Fixed Star Zosma, keywords: victim or a savior, conj Bush Sr natal ASC... "11Vir": "A white stud racing at full speed, his bit white with foam" (Adriano Carelli, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.)

note: click chart to enlarge for more details--but now my computer is crashing, E-link is off service, and I'm shutting down until later--as you know America's 'two-party system' is really just one big happy party entering a large canoe--elites vs the miserable masses. Actually, make that a's more modern.

Now we're all feeling a sense of foreboding esp with the Sep 11 Solar Eclipse in Virgo, but this entry must be completed later...and today IS a holiday of sorts here in America, after all!

Back now after a household catasprophe--can't stay long, but first here are a few notes on Tuesday's transits to the natal chart of the Republican Party:

Mercury 28Vir28 conj n Mars: information received motivates or inspires action; giving or receiving instructions; a pressing need or urge to travel; sales and business may involve: sports, vehicles, communications or computers, military matters esp equipment, education, or haircuts. Yep--haircuts.

Jupiter 11Sag09 (conj the Pluto/Chiron conj degree of Dec 30, 1999) has lately Stationed Direct upon the R-Party's ASC 9Sag47. This also conjuncts the warring Fixed Star, Antares, keywords: obsessed with success. Jupiter to ASC is a time when grand jestures are made in order to impress, and people may have or get the idea that there's higher status or importance than is the case.

Greed or self-indulgence leads to negative outcomes now--just ask the not-gay bathroom guy. (Please tip your attendant.)

Then there's the long-time-coming tr Uranus to n Neptune 15Pis53. This has been in effect ever since Uranus got to the mid-degrees of Pisces---longer than I'd care to remember. And Ura/Neptune, as you know, is the New World Order pair of 1992-93 when their Great Conjunction took place: "18Cap"...smug or string-armed paternalism.

Uranus to n Neptune upsets the status quo with an increased need to fulfill ideals and spiritual aspirations--yet individuals have little if any personal control. Freedom of expression disappears, and others make decisions which the Collective will regret.

A Uranus-Neptune period was between 1934 to 1949 when demented ideals were touted in Germany as personal freedom and equality were mocked and trampled upon with tragic results. A style of this fascism is being seen again since their hook-up in 1992-93...we're in the thick of it now, m'peops, and it's being spread by elitist globalist types who think chaos is just dandy and "worth it" along with their syndicate minions to do much of their dirty work.

They do what they like as long as they have their *sidedoor to slip out of...their loophole or secret trapdoor, their state-of-the-art escape hatch.

And yet the Davison Composite (C/Dav) chart blending Tuesday's transits + the Dem Party itself shows an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect between Uranus and Neptune.

Uranus QD Neptune: idealism influences rebellion; disruption of idealism and/or unity; deceit disrupts the status quo (there's that status quo again); there can be heightened idealism and compassion, and unification through innovative ideas and insights.

Two more QDs are in evidence.

Mercury QD Pluto: manipulation and cunning by using communication and information; domination of discussions; perceptions are transformed through communication of powerful ideas.

Saturn QD Pluto: old systems self-destruct; societal leaders use force, manipulation, and ocntrol which transforms rigid structures; alternately, authority may be influenced by mass consciousness.

Are there any QDS in the C/Dav chart of the Republicans? you ask.

Mars QD Saturn: aggressively and ruthlessly driven toward goals, ambitions, and achievements; physical limits are pushed to prove oneself---wookaholism; clashes with authority.

Mars QD MC: sreps on others to get ahead in career; driven by the need to reach the top; passionate and confident.

Neptune QD MC: illusion and deception used within career; has idealized perceptions about who one is in the world; intuitive and insightful; can play a role in spiritual arenas (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

As you see in the charts, the D-Party has more going on in the top hemisphere--more on display for the public, one supposes. They also have more midpoints in the C/Dav chart than the Rs do. Look for provocative behavior, plus some surprises and innovations put forth this week in Washington.

America could sure use improved behavior on Capitol Hill and in the White House. Thankfully, Bush is off the continent so once again I ask: can't the locks be changed?

And one more thing about Tuesday--around 4:00 pm edt, Moon catches up to Mars at the Venus Transit degree of June 2004 (the Sea Island, GA G-8 Summit...

"18Gemini": "Two Chinese men speaking Chinese in a western crowd."

A Venus Transit is when unexpected and unusual alliances are forged--those pesky Vulcans!

*Today Bush slipped out a White House "sidedoor" (more like a secret tunnel, si?) to fly to Baghdad for seven whole hours "on the ground." Actually I don't know if they were 'whole' or not. Then he jetted off to the Summit in Sydney, AU (and to my Aussie friends--you're welcome to 'im! But I forget--you have a varmint of your own, don't you?)

Check out my recently published content on AC:
Kitten from Bushie

Sep 2, 2007

Is the Pentagon dragon ready to roar?

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government 02 Sep 2007:

All links and summaries to articles below are available here: Breaking News

Pentagon 'three-day blitz' plan for Iran 02 Sep 2007:

The Pentagon has drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians’ military capability in three days, according to a national security expert. Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that US military planners were not preparing for "pinprick strikes" against Iran’s nuclear facilities. "They’re about taking out the entire Iranian military," he said.#

Shadows around every corner and "dark actors playing games," as a certain Dr. David Kelly informed a journalist. Did we ever find out who she was? Don't tell me it was Judith Miller. No. That had to have been a nightmare. Anyway, shadows and dark actors are all we get with the curent infestaion of "world leaders" as they tle themselves.

Once upon a time, any little pipsqueak nabob would've been well-satisfied with the title of dictator. Mob bosses, princes, and yes, even kings, would settle for control over the unwashed masses and a lifetime supply of breads and cakes.

But only in the egalitarian--the Aquarian--sort of way...meaning, at a distance, puh-leeeese!

Sharing the spirit but not much else; sharing little in the way of grounding, it's called in astrology. Reminds me of the song I loved to hate so long ago: You Were Always On My Mind.

Elvis regaled us with it, and Willie Nelson took a swipe at it with his lace hanky as consolation prize. But were you ever fooled by the song's sentiments of the arch-smarmy, namby-pamby thought about ya but couldn't be bothered to stir myself cop-out? I knowww.

Someone has issues and it's not just me!

Pentagon's '3-day blitz' plan for Iran

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government 02 Sep 2007:

All links and summaries to articles below are available here:
Breaking News

Pentagon 'three-day blitz' plan for Iran 02 Sep 2007:

The Pentagon has drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians’ military capability in three days, according to a national security expert. Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that US military planners were not preparing for "pinprick strikes" against Iran’s nuclear facilities. "They’re about taking out the entire Iranian military," he said.