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Aug 29, 2010

Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes

In my last post I wondered aloud if the world is any better off because the British Empire morphed into the American Empire. World populations still groan in pain under imperialistic oppression no matter its national origins or current moniker. And my deepest suspicion is that US-Brit political relations show a joining of empires more than is usually admitted in public although some inner conflicts between factions on each side of the Atlantic and ego games for control are in evidence.

Yet no real rift between us exists when it comes to global conquest.

In fact, puppet master Pluto of secret hand fame rises with Fixed Star Altair each March. The keywords for Altair (alpha Aquila) are: boldness and determination; exploration (Brady.)

So each US Inauguration Day since 1937, the Sun (leader) conjoins Altair at 00AQ+, and on January 20, 2009, Mercury Rx joined in on that degree. Oath-taking Mercury's Rx condition resulted, as you know, in President Obama's taking a second Oath of Office due to Justice Roberts' flubbing (Mercury) when administering #1.

It seems no accident to me that during FDR's administration the date for US presidential inaugurations was changed from early March (usually the 3rd or 4th) to January 20 - after all, to paraphrase FDR's famous quote: Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happens you can be sure it was meant to happen.

Freemason F. D. Roosevelt would have known about the astrological differences of the date switch which was done purposefully. (Teddy R. was also an initiated Freemason.)

(FDR's admission about politics under girds many of my snarly remarks on this and other blogs concerning Politics as practiced in Washington, DC and the loss of hearing on Capitol Hill when it comes to the voices and preferences of we-the-people. Consider me permanently in a snit of miffdom over Washington politicians' sorriness and the ordinary US citizen's deplorable lack of representation.)

And since I've been intending for years now to post a dual view of FDR's Inaugurations 1933 and 1937, I shall do so below. Hopefully you can read the basic chart details by clicking to enlarge the image. Note the change of ASC degree and Sun degree and the changing Fixed Stars they highlight - 1933 vs 1937...the changes are no accident, as FDR might say (notwithstanding the thin justifications given for the date switch at the time. As you know, Freemasonry is big on Fixed Stars and on using Electional Astrology to time events such as cornerstone layings, speeches, wars, presidential inaugurations, etc.)

FDR Inaugurations 1933 (lower left) and 1937 (upper right.)

Now astrologers, hip to the use of the Roman symbolism of The Eagle as America's totem, often note the connection with the mystical sign of Scorpio and its eagle, scorpion, and phoenix archetypes representing various levels of evolution.

This may be one reason not to automatically jettison the use of the speculative Scorpio Rising chart as a natal horoscope for the US, imho, though I agree that a Sag Ascendant with Jupiter ruling has much merit given our nation's traditional optimism, expansion urges, and constant search for wealth and resources (even though they may belong to someone else.)

Capitol Hill named after Jupiter's Temple in Rome

The US natal horoscope I'm using is set for July 4, 1776 6:30 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA: ASC 29SAg43...'30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" which as you see describes another link between Washington, DC and Rome. And yes, there is a particular astrological reason I'm using the 6:30 pm chart which does just barely keep Jupiter as chart-ruler while having a crisis-ridden 29th degree on the ASC-DESC axis. You may have noticed that if America doesn't have a crisis situation or enemy to deal with, she always manages to find a few and make some others.

Then there's the much-touted "Manifest Destiny" which is one of Jupiter's calling cards, too, with its embedded superiority complex allegedly allowing our nation to do as it pleases, no matter the consequences, and against all odds - Jupiter's lucky chance/risk-taking function in play as we brazenly invade other nations.

My feeling is that the American War Machine's insistence on promoting endless war has been a dire result of that particularly American vision of US presidents and those who install them for world domination purposes, with terms such as New World, New Atlantis, one-world-government, New Order of the Ages, and the supposedly mild 'New Age' and 'Aquarian Age' as euphemisms for the New World Order of totalitarianism.

Plus, you don't get to be #1 in the Oval Office (egg-shaped = Venus, our Inaugural chart-ruler since 1937, hence the ruler of the Office of the President) without adhering to the Utopian vision which in the New Millennium is revealing its intended global reach and its true motivations. Did you really think as president that Barack Obama would or could be any different?

"Every day in every way I am getting better and better." (The Jupiter Mantra of Emile Coue.) That's until you've over-extended yourself and you're not.

Yes, even our national 'pursuit of happiness' falls under jolly Jupiter's sphere of influence - and US n Jupiter conjuncts n Venus closely (happiness and felicity!) and conjuncts n Sun by 7 degrees (ego inflation.) US n Mercury Rx is also in home-oriented Cancer so we tend to think and speak that way as well; our Mercury/Pluto opposition indicates plutonic control and manipulation of our thinking and communication functions...Pluto's propaganda has been used against us since our nation's founding or before.

I say 'before' because our national Mercury/Pluto cycle began with their conjunction on January 18, 1776 @ 26Cap32, our modern-day Inaugural Midheaven degree. The transiting and oppressive Pluto/Chiron midpoint conjoined the Jan 20, 2009 MC, and off and on goes ahead into Aquarius to conjunct US Inaugural Sun, the President!

'27Cap' = "Pilgrims Climbing the Steep Steps Leading to a Mountain Shrine"; keyword: UPREACHING (Rudhyar.)

This relates to the vision of the Pilgrims and to the floating capstone on the back of America's Great Seal and the US dollar bill with its Eye of Providence in place of a monarchical Sun emblem. Pyramid symbol = Mountain and perhaps we can discuss this later. Or have yourself a Google and a Bing and you won't need me. The Chymical Wedding may be a good starting place if you require one.

Now it's fairly unusual that I copy/paste another's text to such a degree as I am about to do with the info I've just found. You'll find a link to the text at the end of the author's text for your convenience.

George Washington envisioned a wooded area alongside the Potomac River as the new federal city. The highest hill in the area, Jenkins Heights, was then owned by Daniel Carroll. In 1663, the owner of this land had been Francis Pope. Pope's name for the high hill was "Rome", and he called the nearby waterway "the Tiber." [1]

Ancient Rome was a mere city which conquered the world. Although it apparently declined and fell, some say it did not fall but changed its form into the Roman Catholic Church and still dominates the world. Echoing this idea, science fiction writer Philip K. Dick theorized an enormous false memory imposed upon all humanity in which the last 2000 years of "history" never happened. According to Dick, author of the VALIS trilogy, we have been brainwashed by the Roman Empire to think we are living in what is really a totally false world. [2]

Read more of The Empire Never Ended.

There is a Vatican-Jesuit-Illuminati-Templar connection to our nation as well but it's beyond the scope of this spontaneously typed post.

Another wrinkle may be found in the Sabian Symbol for our presidential Sun @ '1AQ', as of 1937: "An Old Adobe Mission" = keyword: DURABILITY...

positive manifestation: effective breadth of vision and a respect-compelling depth of character;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: lack of ambition and blind adherence to superficialities. (Marc Edmund Jones.)

Dane Rudhyar gives '1AQ' as THE CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL and says it 'implies the "immortalization" of an individual within a great collective and cultural enterprise.'

The enterprise is a Utopian, secular America and the helming of it and the 'immortalization of an individual' relates to the presidential cult of personality we've been conditioned to be so fond of as the land of Sun (leader) worship, with revolutionary Uranus, the planet of individuality and independence, closely identified with our original patriot cause.

This word picture relates on a deeper level to Hermeticist and Dominican monk Tommaso Campanella (1568 - 1639) and his novel City of the Sun which tells of a Utopian society of 'Solarians' where all goods are held in common - including women who are not allowed to hold leadership positions. This is a form of theocracy that sets up an "ideal Solar civilization" and I have to say that America is the model vehicle for this so-called Utopia so far. Prior to 1776, Campanella's novel and its Solar ideas were well known to those who seeded the founding of the New World. Old world kings ruled under the symbol of the life-giving Sun.

Here I refer you to the excellent book The Secret History of the West by Nicholas Hagger from which I quote; paperback, page 224 details Freemasonry and (Sir) Francis Bacon's influence upon our founding:

"At Bacon's instigation towards the end of the 16th century distinguished people who were not builders were admitted into the fraternity (often to help with funding) and were called "Accepted" Masons. They received the secret universal knowledge of the oneness and brotherhood of mankind and the Secret Doctrine of the Ages that America would become a Utopian New Atlantis and create a better world in which humanity would be deified. In this paradise, men would follow a religion of reason and become gods and work for a universal world republic that would replicate the Utopian conditions in Atlantis throughout the world. Meanwhile the secret knowledge would be passed on from generation to generation in the Freemason's Temple."

Note that human beings are to stand in God's place in this society. Or so they think. Yet in the 1790s, its chaotic principles of 'reason' didn't work so well in France, did they? I think our Thomas Jefferson just fanned himself in his grave.

Bacon, Hagger notes, is considered the founder of English Freemasonry and of the Rosicrucian Order; a Rosicrucian code decipher was found in the effects of Thomas Jefferson after his demise. Hagger also states that Bacon believed that English colonization of the New World would result in the New Atlantis as a Utopian society.

And Washington DC remains the legendary 'Shining City on a Hill' for Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr said so as have others. Senator Ted Kennedy made this statement during the confirmation hearings for John Roberts:

"From the start, America was summoned to be a shining city on a hill. But each generation must keep building that city."

"Summoned"? How very esoteric of him! And one assumes that Justice Roberts is part of the vision's implementation and wouldn't sit where he sits if he weren't.

Actually, 'Shining City on a Hill' is one of John Winthrop's ideas, a Pilgrims' vision (if you click, be aware that some propaganda may apply on the site.)

Well, after all my grousing today I shall merely suggest that the current condition of the United States of America either confirms or denies the intelligence and the prudence of such a far-seeing endeavor especially now that Jupiter the General is leading the way, ignoring national borders and sovereignties, and bankrupting our nation while we-the-people's needs are considered 'too costly' by our Jupiterian Capitol Hill crew. (The Bush-Cheney-Obama TARP money was surreptitiously sent to foreign banks, remember.)

So congratulations! For if you've slogged through and read this far you now know much of what I think about these topics. But what do you think?

Aug 28, 2010

LeCarre outs James Bond as "neo-fascistic"

A few months ago I picked up my tattered, yellowed paperback copy of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold and happily reread it. The last time must have been over 20 years ago. Even yellowed, the drama kept its grim sparkle intact.

So when I heard that author John LaCarre, former MI5 and MI6 agent for Britain back in the day, had outed Ian Fleming's character James Bond as not really a spy but "something neo-fascistic and totally materialistic it seemed quite interesting to me.

So I smiled enigmatically (rather as George Smiley might do) and knew I just had to pass on this tidbit to you.

In fact, Raw Story's article has a link to LeCarre's opinion piece from 2003 which appeared in The Times of London entitled, "The United States has gone mad." And we had. And our mad spell continues 7+ years later with 'leaders' who promote the same old military and weapons economy that obscenely enriches the few while costing the many so dearly -- to their very lives.

Now I'm wondering if the world has been well-served by the British Empire morphing into the American Empire and the global crime syndicate's use of the United States of America as its military and enforcement arm.

Actually, I'm being a cheeky monkey here for I'm not wondering at all. For those who care for the common good of their fellow man and woman already know the answer.

Here's more on LeCarre's views of the US gone mad and then some.

Aug 27, 2010

Astrology: Dueling Rallies in DC - Beck v Sharpton 8.28.10

If you've been in a cave lately you may have missed the news of two rallies being held in Washington DC tomorrow, August 28, one to mark the 47th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr's I Have a Dream speech which was delivered at the Lincoln Memorial and which will be led by former civil rights activist Al Sharpton and the other led by erstwhile Obama opponents, FOX News and its prevailing mouthpiece, Glenn Beck.

Billed as a rally to honor our troops (who could use it), Beck's logic is somewhat turned on its head when one remembers Reverend King's opposition to the Vietnam War and America's tendency to use her less well-connected citizens to fight rich men's wars. For oddly enough, it's the FOX News-Beck rally being held at the Lincoln Memorial and Beck has claimed that he didn't at first realize the rally was scheduled for anniversary of MLK's famous speech - and in the exact same location at Lincoln's feet.

That Beck was unaware is difficult for me to fall for, how about you? But if true, perhaps a refresher course in US history may be in order for Mr. Beck and his colleagues who should have advised him. Methinks it more likely there's a skunk hiding in the woodpile!

Be that as it may, we know the ongoing Cardinal T-Square gives the same old difficult midpoint picture it's been giving the world of late between the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and manipulative string-puller Pluto in Capricorn. On the morrow, one is tempted to say that Pluto represents the powers-behind-the-FOX-News-rally, the Koch Brothers, who have funded much of the Tea Party's efforts in order to get people in the streets and undermine President Obama's term in the White House, to rally GOP voters - and to assure ballooning corporate profits for the Koch family.

That honest grasroots Tea Party members don't speak out about the whackiness of being funded by a massive corporation whose fortune has been made in several realms including petroleum and the manufacture of known carcinogenic, formaldehyde, is beyond me. Don't they feel their movement to be co-opted and secretly directed by those with quite a different agenda than taking back our government - co-opted by those who hide their faces and true motives?

Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: transforming personal ideas about the future into today's reality; intense business activity; a total reversal of previously made plans; immense effort; toil; violent restrictions; separation. (All mdpt pics in this post from R. Ebertin; M. Munkasey.)

The point of meetings and encounters, the North Node (NN; 10Cap16) of the Moon (with the separative SN now in the midst of US natal planets in Cancer: will calls for Geithner's and Summers' firings lead to separation from the president?) nears its worrisome conjunction with tr Pluto on November 9, 2010 @ 3Cap36 - the Moon conjoins and possibly triggers them @ 3:13 pm est in DC; Pluto/NN = Moon: others arouse sensitive passions; uncertainties after meeting powerful people; the ups and downs of encounters taken to extremes)...but for Saturday's rallies, Pluto and NN remain approximately 7 degrees apart.

Here are three midpoint pictures which center on Saturday's NN and which you may find to be quite descriptive of the planned activities:

Mars/Jupiter = NN: increased ability to push your ideas and plans on others; attracting people who have similar ideas about the use of force in competitive activities (November 2010 midterms? jc); good cooperation dynamics.

Venus/Jupiter = NN: making proper connections with people able to support your ideas or causes; joining groups that value your opinions; meetings where feedback is received about your doctrines or ideas.

Venus/Uranus = NN: attention-getting methods that use disruption; intensification of feelings leads to new associations.

Well, it's after midnight so I shall close with a bit on the rallies' Sun Virgo-Moon Aries combo whose traits include...diligence; idealistic dedication; caustic wit; bossiness; committed; workaholic; skillful and pragmatic; a tendency toward scathing criticism; excessive verbosity; possessing a know-it-all attitude.

(Note: this is the natal Sun-Moon combination of Dick Cheney.) (Correction: not so! see Comments below this post: Cheney's natal Sun is in AQ w a Pisces Moon - thanks a bunch for catching it, Pete! jc)

This Sun-Moon combo has one Image for Integration: A jolly, rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses, and kindly good humor. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

A 'rotund monk' (Beck?) and Sarah Palin, too? Well, 'kindly good humor' does sound lovely, doesn't it?

Yet this day of duelling rallies in DC should be quite interesting, emotionally manipulative in time for November elections, and full of agitation and exaggeration. And perhaps it's catty of me to say so, but I will be listening closely for Palin's erudite remarks in Latin.

That's an inventive verbosity I'd really like to hear.

Aug 26, 2010

June-July-August 2010 brings attacks on Jupiter

Perhaps you've heard that Jupiter has experienced at least three attacks recently from what are probably meteors and comets.

It's been observed before - in 1994 and in olden days by the discoverer of four of Saturn's Moons, Giovanni Casini. Perhaps Jupiter's ongoing transit to Aries Point has helped put the Great Benefic's woes in the news since the Cardinal Points are where large events tend to manifest...and Jupiter's all about large, isn't he? He even has a broadcasting role to play when he gets a chance and a pulpit.

And with revolutionary Uranus enjoined with Jupiter, perhaps the 'sudden events' on planet Jupiter's surface are compliments of The Awakener, aka, The Witness, for Uranus is capable of providing sudden attacks or shocks to any system. Either way, one of my favorite planets, Jupiter, is under attack for a third time in August but in his guise as 'Zeus' or 'Jove' he seems to be holding up well so far even though Saturn opposes him and Pluto squares his desires!

(Ongoing is: Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation; major change of situation; fearless.)

For after all, our solar system desperately needs Jupiter in his role along with Saturn as the Flywheel of the Universe which keeps the planets in their courses because their balance (Jupiter expansion vs Saturn restriction) is what holds planet Earth snugly in The Great Mathematician's hand.

The tension in their relationship undergirds the yin-yang, positive-negative, light-dark of our dualistic world!

Well, this evening Lady Luna joins Jupiter and Uranus and will be 'between' them at AP by late tonight and will sail just beyond them in the very wee hours of Friday morning. This gives three midpoint pictures to consider for our Moon-related daily rounds - well, nightly rounds, in this case.

From Noel Tyl's midpoint directory we find as Moon approaches Uranus:

Moon/Jupiter = Uranus: confidence; expectation of reward.

Then just before midnight (Aug 26, 2010) we have:

Jupiter/Uranus = Moon: opportunity for major change; looking ahead to success.

Finally, the Moon sails beyond the guru and the genius and for a few fleeting minutes there's:

Moon/Uranus = Jupiter: sudden success; large plans to put the self forward.

Yes, 'fleeting' is the word when it comes to the fluctuating Moon in transit, but these days we all must look for a spot of relief wherever we may find it, however brief.

And for expert info on the pairing of Jupiter and Uranus you can't do better than Scotland's Anne Whitaker who has a blog dedicated to the exploratory, eureka! combo at Jupiter Meets Uranus.

Hope the Moon-Jupiter-Uranus hook-up brings you a good and restorative evening!

Aug 25, 2010

Wikileaks leaks again Aug 25, 2010

Wikileaks Posts Classified CIA Memo

By Al Jazeera

The whistleblower organisation Wikileaks has released a classified CIA document asking what would happen if foreign countries began to view the US as "an exporter of terrorism." #

What would happen if they began to view the US that way?

My most private opinion is that foreign countries - particularly those the Pentagon is bombing like the devil - obviously know a terror exporter when they see and/or experience one.

Who wouldn't?


Note: the CIA memo mentioned above is not the leak which I heard was promised for leaking today. Watery Neptune sits upon US natal Moon (the people) so I'm ready for Neptune's classifed leaks any day now.

Zionism and the natal chart of Israel

Zionism has been called out as racism and colonialism and I find myself having to agree these days. That one race has to suffer to exalt another hardly seems to me the basis of the original movement as founded by Theodor Herzl.

Now don't get me wrong: growing up in a family where the principles of the Protestant Bible were top of the list, the scriptural admonition to 'Pray for the peace of Israel' is something I've always taken very seriously, especially in these late days, but it would be easier to do if warring, oppressive Zionists weren't in charge.

Plus, if you've read this blog more than once, you may be aware of my fairly constant use of the astrological pair of -isms of all sorts: Chiron and Pluto, which, when working together (in aspect or as midpoint which combines their energies) indicates oppression, primal violence, disenfranchisement, Zionism, fascism, totalitarianism, nationalism, capitalism, communism, racism, ageism...well, the list of what man willingly uses to harm his fellow man is quite endless, isn't it?

That's why I was interested to find an article asserting that America should oppose Zionism - not Israel, of course - but those who helm the ship of state in Tel Aviv and force their version of Zionism into position as master of Israel's fate. (Edit Nov 8, 2023: the website is no longer available.)

Why, it's as if warhawk neocons coup'd the White House and reared their heads at the Pentagon in 2000...oh wait a minute. They did. And America suffered the attacks of 9/11/01 immediately thereafter which some believe was a false flag op to rally the US into yet another war. Which it did. And the State of Israel is one of the main suspects in that little conspiracy theory. By their fruits ye shall know them.

Then there's Joe Biden, our gaffe-prone, publicly avowed 'Zionist', who is currently installed as US VP now and continues the same endless war policy which is part of a decades-long process being implemented toward total control. And it took a silver-tongued promoter of 'Change in America' to effect a smooth transition, not of US foreign policy (as we've seen), but of the series of mouthpieces in the White House - Mr. Obama, who is now ensconced with global banksters snugged round the fancy, historical Resolute desk in the Oval Office.

Well, gotta motor for now so I'm posting Israel's national chart from May 14, 1948 (details from historical record.) Around the edges I've penned US planetary placements which have many contacts to Israel's natal planets such as US natal Mercury/Pluto opposition at Israel's MC/IC axis. The chart can be later discussed here if anyone is interested or has comments to offer; Israel's major midpoints are included if they conjoin a planet.

You'll note the Fist of God pattern between the Pluto/NN square at the pattern's base to apex Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius, its own sign, which gives inspiration and enthusiasm but which can lead to zealotry within one's ideology.

Indications from the midpoint picture between Pluto, NN, and Jupiter are noted bottom left with the nation's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (4N) bottom right; Pre-Natal Eclipse info is from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Please click image to enlarge.

Progressing this chart to today's date gives a '12Sag' Ascendant which conjoins US natal ASC (Sibly chart) and is where Pluto and Chiron's Great Conjunction of December 30, 1999 occurred. Its Sabian Symbol is, I believe, most telling for the New Millennium's 'New World Order' agenda of globalists everywhere:

"A Flag Turned into an Eagle That Crows."

In his book An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar gives this degree the following Keynote: "The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations."

'New Age' indeed.

Aug 24, 2010

Muse against the babylon system of pop culture

Seeing mega-rock band Muse on TV a few times had not fully alerted me to the fact that they sing against the mindless babylon system of pop culture and the thought control of the New World Order. Yet how they got where they are in the music industry eludes me unless they sang less political lyrics in their early days, sold a bunch of records, and later brought out their opposition to global elite machinations. Perhaps a more democratic internet marketing helped their rise in popularity before the bigwigs caught on to their intentions.

"Take the red pill"! they tell their fans which could be similar to the red pill my friends and I took years ago while living in DC during the horrendous Nixon regime. Well, hopefully the band's music will aid new generations in learning to resist the NWO platform before purchasing their next Gaga album. You've noticed her hair-over-one-eye Illuminati shout-out, right? And Madonna before her? Their satanic themes are impossible to miss. But they do make mega-millions for record execs and their backers.

Well, be that as it may, now that I know what Muse is up to, this former child of rock music is all for it so posting one of their videos on Stars Over Washington seems quite the order of the day!


Update a few minutes later: here's a video just discovered where young people show they're awake to the Clinton-Bush-Obama trio of global elitists who do not care about poor people or the working class of America (which is not to give Poppy NWO Bush or those before him a free pass by any means!)

Watch the lady host's reaction as someone in her earpiece yells at her to interrupt the bit of truth erupting on-air!

Aug 22, 2010

A 'hidden square' in America's Scorpio Rising chart

If one uses the Scorpio Rising chart for America (2:21 pm - or 2:22 pm - LMT July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA) as a natal chart or as a special interest chart - in this case, for Scorpionic stuff such as surveillance, spying agencies, Big Business, the occult, becoming an initiate or an adept, etc - one discovers a mysteriously named 'hidden square' (256 degrees) which is not necessarily visible or prominent in other versions of our US natal chart.

You'll find that the interpretation for what may be termed a 'hidden square' is quoted for you in the post from Rob Pelletier's excellent book Planets in Aspect, a must for any astrologer's or novice's library. (Well, we're all mere novices of the Great Mathematician, are we not?)

Being in the square (90 degr) family of aspects (angular relationships between planets and/or points) the 'hidden square' also describes the typical internal conflicts of the square aspect, internal blockages on the mental or psychological plane. Squares form due to essential quests.

Of course, others may block us, obstacles may appear along the path, but solutions may be found within. For more than likely, an unconscious 'blind spot' will trip us up more quickly than anything that anyone can do to block us. And we must first deceive ourselves before others may do so.

So if you would, please click to read Mr. Pelletier's analysis of this particular planetary square, and if you determine that it doesn't describe we-the-people more closely than I wish it did, please leave a comment here to let me know about it. Some of its traits or facets seem eerily prevalent in the New Millennium.

My feeling is that we Americans carry our Revolutionary past around on our backs like a snail shell! We even try to get other countries to follow our example and adopt our form of government (thereby missing several points that a common sense approach would avoid entirely particularly since we-the-people are confused about which form we actually have anymore. We had a Republic but haven't kept it, and we're barely qualified to call ourselves a democracy. In fact, other people laugh at us when we do. This is bad.)

Yes, change in America (and in the world) is necessary, all right. But ruling upper-crusters seem to have a very different idea from what the people think is just and good for their own nation and lives. The plutocrats are decidedly obsessive about their plans, too. Obsession is another face of Pluto, of course, the secret hand sniveling and lurking behind the scenes of Power.

Be advised: your silence on the 'hidden square' matter shall be construed as willing acquiescence!

So check out the post above and weigh in, if you may. Perhaps you'll agree that much of America's collective psyche is described to a T - and it contains advice we'd do well to heed if only we would. First, on a personal level which eventually affects the world on the collective level. Well, just think about it.

Note: the post you're reading now counts as my Monday entry for SO'W since I'm taking a bus man's holiday tomorrow...or is a Sabbatical? ;p

Full Moon 1Pis25 conj Chiron Aug 24, 2010

Since I'm now involved in writing a longer-than-usual article these days, my blogging time has been sporadic. But not to fret! For the next lunation is covered by Julie Demboski - Tuesday August 24's Full Moon in early Pisces is detailed in her excellent Down the Rabbithole offering.

As Julie mentions, it won't be a 'rabbithole' for everyone - there are caveats, after all, even with Mercury Rx. Yet everyone has Pisces in their charts somewhere, planet or no, so I fully recommend to you Julie's insightful assessment of the August Full Moon in Pisces which is the culmination or fulfillment phase of the New Moon 17Leo25 of August 9, 2010.

Meet Me in September?

Actually, I just posted something on the New Moon of September 8, 2010 which happens to occur on the afternoon of the Jewish New Year, if you're interested. This New Moon culminates with a Full Moon on September 23, just in time for Autumn Equinox 2010, as Sun and Moon join the already-titanic Cardinal T-Square with apex Pluto, along with Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn.

The Full Moon at Cardinal Points makes this one a world event of some proportion for big events tend to manifest or be triggered on the Cardinal Axis (00Ari/Lib-00Can/Cap; here we have Sun 00Lib15 opposing Moon 00Ari15 - the MC/IC axis in America's natal chart, if you use the 'Sibly' version for July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) Sun/Moon = Pluto: critical time of development, which also applies to Iran's nuclear activities since this is thought by the West to be a critical time in its development, and Pluto = nuclear or atomic power. (Hopefully, Israel won't bomb Iran. Please, God. What a self-destructive move that would be for the entire planet.)

There's a YOD (turning point; crisis; special task; Finger of God) in the Sep 23, 2010 Full Moon chart, too: Mars/NN = MC: teamwork; partnership values gain importance. Mars/NN is 'pointing' toward US natal Uranus 8Gem55 as well, so we have what may entail a predicament:

Mars/NN = n Uranus: sudden events that affect a lot of people; stirring people up; organizing others (Tyl); sudden disruptions during meetings (Munkasey.)

But back to August 24's Full Moon 1Pis25:

Now everyone knows that the Virgo/Pisces axis is the victim/savior axis in Astrology. And everyone is experiencing, or is aware of, the loss and despair so prevalent in the world today. So perhaps the two Sun Virg/Moon Pisc Images for Integration may apply to the Tuesday August 24 Full Moon. If you listen to or read the news this coming week, you may discover something 'in the air' that sounds something like either one of these:

'The scientist has a dream and then, in his sacred laboratory, puts the finishing touches on his magnum opus...A peasant rests in the wheat field, and shares his bread, cheese, wine, and wisdom with the hungry labourers.'

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, Happy Pisces Full Moon everybody - don't let the myriad of details available just now swamp or confuse you! And if you could pass some wisdom around, the planet could surely use a huge helping of it.

Aug 21, 2010

Virgo New Moon for Rosh Hashannah Sep 8, 2010

Do you know there's more to Rosh Hashanah than being New Years Day in the Jewish calendar?

Beginning at sundown on September 8, 2010, this year's 48-hour festivities are marked by a New Moon 15Vir41 in 11th house of *Israel's 1948 natal chart (ASC 23Lib01 with chart-ruler Venus 4Can48 in 9th house and conjunct US n Venus and Jupiter; Israel's mavericky n Jupiter 27Sag39 Rx in 3rd house.) The New Moon trines natal Sun 23Tau40 (n 8th house) and is near Israel's natal Saturn/Neptune midpoint 13Vir30. It perfects in Jerusalem at 1:29:45 pm EEDT, and in Washington DC at 6:29:45 am EDT (1st house; ASC 12Vir06.)

(Note: the above ASC for Israel is a correction made 9.3.10; it doesn't affect the rest of this post. jc)

Both locations, indeed the entire world, have the Cardinal T-Square's midpoint pictures: Jupiter/Saturn - Pluto, and Saturn/Uranus = Pluto. The combination of Saturn and Uranus are associated with the Middle East - Israel and Palestine in particular.

Paraphrasing Michael Munkasey in his book on midpoints, Saturn/Uranus in Politics and Business:

counter-revolutionary rule; balancing conservatives with progressives; restrictions on personal contacts due to situations which are beyond an enterprise's jurisdiction (Gaza! jc); control of access to political dissidents; sudden indifference by people to traditional mores or laws.

And of course, transiting Saturn and Uranus are in their Full Moon phase these days being in and out of opposition to one another. This is the culmination of their Great Conjunction/s all through 1988 so the year's issues return to the table:

1. February 13 @ 29Sag55;
2. June 26 @ 28Sag47:
3. Oct 18 @ October 18 @ 27Sag49.

You'll remember that tr Pluto 'came through' those degrees during the Bush presidency and the world has experienced:

1988's Saturn/Uranus = tr Pluto: rebellion against one's lot in life; upheaval to protect assets; tremendous fear of loss; concealing changes to activities; termination of extreme practices that hinder progress; drastic changes to a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation; acts of violence and brutality; a desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary effort; harm through force majeure; war. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Setting the New Moon chart for Jerusalem, the New Moon of Sep 8, 2010 falls in 9th house of Foreign Travels which may perhaps relate to the visit of Palestinian and Israeli leaders to the White House during the first week of September 2010, a dark of the Moon period when shady things may occur out of sight. Perhaps the light of the Full Moon two weeks later will bring Israeli-Palestinian revelations or a 'truce' signing, if these ancient rivals remember how in their age-old round of vengeance and intolerance. (Israel's natal Chiron is in Scorpio which indicates a need to 'forgive the unforgivable' - what are the chances?)

Plus, with the New Moon's Mercury 6Vir51 retrograde, any agreement that may be signed during The Scribe's Rx period won't have much hope of amounting to anything lasting on the path to peace. Or at the least, fine print must be thoroughly examined and all the Ts and Is must be dotted. Details can trip anyone up during Mercury Rx periods.

Yet Mercury Rx may also relate to Israel, Palestine, and the US 'trying again' to establish an agreement. And Sept 8's New Moon Mercury conjoins President Obama's natal Pluto, a time when information, ideas, plans, and activities involve gaining more power, and valuable info is garnered or controlled; gathering finance and investment information is also on the president's agenda with this ongoing transit.

But peace in Palestine, too?

Well, as Gandhi said, "There is no path to peace. Peace is the path." (My emphasis.)

If only the global power elite neocons and Zionists who have Other Ideas for establishing a 'capital of the world' in Jerusalem would get over their tiresome obsessions and park their arrogant carcasses out of decent people's way.

You know, VP Joe Biden has stated on more than one occasion that he's a decided Zionist but you won't see the YouTube video I posted in 2009 by clicking. It has been 'removed' for 'violation of terms of use' - or by 'sensitive' government censors, imho. But click anyway, to read an insightful article, Demystifying Zionism.


*The State of Israel was created May 14, 1948 4:00 pm EET Tel Aviv, Israel (historical record); Sun 23Tau40 in 8th h and Moon 4Leo21 in 10th h - a proud and regal combination; ASC 23Lib03 = Jupiter/Saturn: cycles of expansion or contraction; new ways of dealing with relationships; an inconstant or insecure attitude regarding other persons.

Natal MC 25Can02 conjoins US natal Mercury Rx so Israel's n IC conjoins US n Pluto; n MC = Venus/Saturn: reserve; jealousy; inhibited desires; irritability; dissatisfaction with others; feeling unimportant; never successful enough.