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Feb 7, 2011

Obama to Chamber of Commerce w Sun to natal ASC

President Obama Comes A-Courtin' February 7, 2011

by Jude Cowell

Today President Obama sprints across the street from the White House to the temple of the Chamber of Commerce to encourage them to open the gates of jobs creation.

Scheduled to speak at 11:30 am est (Hour of the Sun), the Sun 18AQ33 conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself), a time for improving one's self image. The solar emphasis is on the president today and on the goals he wishes to achieve - perfect for speaking to an influential group which has previously opposed his every move yet the recent trade agreement with South Korea is a notable exception to what has been touted as a 2-year stand-off between the president and the Chamber (I don't really buy that, but you may.)

Moon 8Ari46 is in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes/Wishes along with moneybags Jupiter 3Ari06 and rebellious Uranus, still hanging back in murky Pisces (28:18) but moving direct and ready to rumble at Aries Point soon (AP = US natal Ic.)

Moon/Uranus = Jupiter: becoming more aware of the political skills needed to market your ideas.

But will President Obama be successful in persuading the Chamber to loosen the corporate hiring strings on behalf of American workers?

At 11:30 am, ASC 26Tau44 gives an interesting Sabian Symbol: '27Tau' = "An Old Indian Woman Selling Beads" which always reminds me of selling Manhattan! Well, he is selling something and hopefully it isn't only himself with the 2012 campaign just ahead.

Since our topic is a speech, Mercury's position and symbol are even more to the point: Mercury 5AQ55 conjunct 11:30 am's Midheaven 5:33 (Goals; Aspirations)...'6AQ' = "A Performer of a Mystery Play." Mercury conjoins US natal South Node (SN), a point of separation which indicates that Mr. Obama's ideas and plans (Mercury) are either ahead or behind the times - and naturally Mercury in Aquarius has progressive ideas, so with the planet of commerce, trade, negotiations, and oration conjunct SN, we may expect Obama's ideas for improvement in the US economy to be original and to escape the pitfalls of popular opinion.

In the long run, the president's ideas will prove to be correct yet a downside of Mercury/SN is an inability to gain support for them; one must proceed alone because the new ideas go unheeded.

Chart-ruler Venus 3Cap06 opposes US natal Venus, a time when people are encountered who are unsympathetic to one's proposals and opinions. Diplomacy and relationships meet with conflicts yet the Chamber has publicly expressed that it now wants to "reaffirm the American business community's absolute commitment to working with (the president)" as Tweeted this morning by West Wing Report.

And evaluating Venus makes only one applying aspect in the speech chart, her conjunction to wealthy Pluto (2A40 - two days, weeks, months) which indicates material give-and-take, a connection with bankruptcy, and shows an inability to accept social injustices without doing something about them.

Well, today's Sun has moved beyond conjunction with testy Mars 17AQ52 ('18AQ" = "A Man Unmasked") and has nebulous, deceptive Neptune 29AQ02 to deal over the next few days (the masses; mass media.) This will put US natal Moon (the people) between them for this midpoint picture:

Tr Sun/Neptune = n Moon: feelings depend upon external influences; receptivity to the dreams and visions of others.

Well, I'm receptive to the dream of jobs creation in America, aren't you? But as for more Neptunian propaganda, I'm fed up to here.

Then at 12:30 pm today, President Obama is scheduled to lunch with former Fedhead Paul Volcker, Obama's outgoing economic adviser. Then Mr. Obama reports to VP Biden at 2:30 pm.

Let's consider the two enlightening *Images for Integration for today's Sun AQ-Moon Taurus blend:

"A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm...Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwith the evil King John once again."

This analytical Air-Earth combo describes a maverick and truth-seeker with a social conscience; it is forward-looking, prophetic, and possesses radical views which may be too much for the staid Chamber of Commerce.

So perhaps I should include Mercury's (and 11:30 am Mc's) previous symbol for '5AQ' = "A Council of Ancestors"...ANTECEDENCE....

positive expression: power through absolute self-integrity (my italics - let's hope the Chamber has some);

negative/unconscious/shadow side: sterile conservatism. (Jones.)

Therefore, I shall close with a quote from one who shares natally the Sun AQ-Moon Taurus blend, Anton Chekov:

"Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given."

With the president's speech today, I see conflict between adding to what's been given to a council of wealthy bankers and business leaders, and their fear that "Robin Hood" intends to "rob" the rich to give to the poor - even though America's ever-growing income equality is one of our nation's greatest injustices.

C-SPAN is providing live coverage of the president's speech to the Chamber of Commerce in a few minutes so I'll shut down, hush up, and listen. But will the Chamber?

(Update: BHO begins speaking at 11:29 am est; chart remains basically the same.)


*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey

Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey

Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii

Feb 6, 2011

O'Reilly to Obama: "people hate you" (video)

Here's the 'Super Bowl interview' from today, February 6, 2011, between Bill O'Reilly and President Barack Obama in which O'Reilly repeatedly mentions that "people hate you."

Are we that vicious? Well, speaking for myself, I'm not particularly enamoured of Mr. O'Reilly now that I think about it.

Still it saddens me that so many of my fellow Americans allow political propaganda invented by certain win-at-any-cost factions, intent on full control of the White House, to sway what should be their finer feelings toward their fellow man.

Not that it's common sense to trust a politician of any stripe!

Can Arizona nullify federal law? Phoenix's natal horoscope tells a tale

With the state of Arizona continuing its drive to propose a secession bill, one may wonder what is really behind such a bullheaded notion which seemingly has no merit in law.

Not having a natal horoscope for the state of Arizona, I'm publishing one for its state capital Phoenix which is based on a new town rising from the site of an ancient Hohokam people irrigation system. Thus Phoenix is a namesake of the mythical, mystical bird. Early pioneers capitalized on the remains of the irrigation system which diverted water from the Salt River for their farming - see horoscope for transformative Chiron Rx in Aries (sign of the pioneer) in 4th house of Foundation/Roots.

Even in 2011, providing water and sewage services are on top of the city's agenda - a 7% rate increase is scheduled to be addressed on February 23rd.

In Astrology, it is always of extra importance when an eclipse falls upon a natal planet or point. Of current interest in AZ's secession issue is the 13 North Series which manifested on January 4, 2011 @ 13Cap38 (our current Solar Eclipse season.)

The January 2011 eclipse conjoined Phoenix's natal South Node 13Cap27 in 2nd house of Values, Worth, and Earning Ability. As you know, the SN is a Saturnian point of separation, aka, the Dragon's Tail. And on its other end (the Dragon's Head) is NN (encounter; karma; destiny) which as you see conjoins US natal Sun (leadership) in tribal Cancer, a solar symbol of our federal government.

13N (click chart to enlarge; see chart, bottom left) has telling keywords in this particular situation: 'separation; breaking of an already existing bond, then joint achievement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Well, there we see Arizona's secession urge in a solar nutshell!

Yet of interest as well is Phoenix's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE): 17 North in n 9th H: 'impulsive, hectic energy; motivations are concerned with financial projects and relationship issues' (Brady.) Last 17N: 1996; next: 2014. Phoenix's PE occurred on July 28, 1870 @ 5Leo06 conjoining US natal NN and was actually the initial eclipse in the 17N Series.

And it would be difficult to miss the high-flying Kite pattern (highlighted in blue, planets listed upper right) which stems out of a prideful, visionary Fire Grand Trine between Saturn in Sagittarius (2nd H), Neptune Rx in Aries (5th H), and Mars in Leo (9th H.) The closed-circuit energy of the Grand Trine channels through the extra point forming and leading the Kite's nose: Sun 27Lib05 in 11th H (government); nebulous, idealistic Neptune, ruler of water, other liquids, and drugs, is the Kite's tail.

Plus, a Sun/Neptune opposition tends to have trouble diagnosing its problems and difficulty correctly understanding them, yet it exhibits defiance toward authority.

Image: natal horoscope for Phoenix, AZ Oct 20, 1870 9:09 am MST (historical record); Hour Sun; final dispositor Venus 14Lib58 in 11th H and conj US n Saturn; Air-Earth Sun/Moon blend; Moon 2Vir30 conj n Ceres (security and safety issues; food supply) in 9th H.

Now as you know, America's natal Mars/Neptune square causes our nation many problems with its 'confused motivations-misdirected energy-action vs apathy-massive military' connotations and for Phoenix the pair poses no less a dilemma. We may see this in a midpoint equation which points directly at US natal Mars in sometimes duplicitous Gemini.

Phoenix's own confused Mars/Neptune midpoint = its natal Uranus/Pluto midpoint of rebellion and revolution which may indicate misdirected rebellion. Plus, Mars/Neptune gives a hint of men (Mars) secreted and/or smuggled (Neptune) over the porous (Neptune) border (Saturn, trining n Mars in 9th H of foreigners and Neptune in 5th H of risk-taking.)

Natal Uranus/Pluto = US natal Mars: fanaticism; acts of violence; mania of destruction; a state of precipitation; the stage of bending or breaking; showing anger or devising loud or disruptive activities to purposefully make others feel uncomfortable (Hi there, Mr. President!); being impulsive (see natal 17N Eclipse Series), headstrong, or demanding when forcing methods or ideas; coercion; enormous energy. (All mdpts: Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

In Politics and Business, *Michael Munkasey gives the Uranus/Pluto combo of energies as: violent upheavals or rioting which bring changes in government. Sounds precisely like the current uprisings across Egypt, doesn't it?

Chart-ruler Mars and co-ruler Pluto, a duo of force, add zeal to the flames.

Then last but not least is Phoenix's expansively active Mars/Jupiter midpoint sitting atop its natal Uranus, that quirky planet of rebellion and freedom...

Natal Mars/Jupiter = n Uranus 26Can31 in 8th H of Shared Resources, Debt, Taxes, Legacies, and Transformation: an urge for freedom; independence; active resistance to tutelage or guardianship; ambition; quick decisions or resolve; sudden incidents; abrupt uses of social forces; finding the best political approaches during times of unrest; changes in competitive rules; explosive expression; breaking loose; domination.

Perhaps that last should be: 'breaking loose from domination'...of the federal government, some wish.

The above details are without consideration of current transits to Phoenix's natal chart other than the very prominent Solar Eclipse of January 4, 2011 conjunct the Dragon's Tail. And looking ahead, more info may come to light as the Lunar Eclipse of June 15, 2011 emphasizes Phoenix's n Jupiter/Saturn opposition (expansion vs restriction issues) and this natal midpoint picture:

Moon/Neptune = Jupiter 26Gem25 Rx: grand imaginings and plans; far-reaching wishes; enhanced ability to read others' motivations and put them into a political context.

My first thought is that the state government of Arizona may want to read and understand its own motivations first before it continues such an undermining course for the sake of America's future for US sovereignty is the basic issue here. However, the thoughts of its citizens (sans forces intending to create an American Union between Mexico, US, and Canada with its starve state budgets strategy) come way before my own.

Any thoughts on the topic of secession?


*Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.

Blog Note: my hearty thanks go to the excellent Crystal Pomeroy of Daykeeper Journal for alerting me to the Arizona secession article linked above. jc

Ronald Reagan turns 100 today Feb 6, 2011

February 6, 1911 - February 6, 2011

On this 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth, I'm republishing a Gipper Worship Alert with links to his first Inauguration horoscope and his Inaugural Address included.

Bet the Gipper would watch the Super Bowl game today if he could!

Plus, you may be interested in a 2009 post concerning the Trickler-in-Chief, Did Ronald Reagan Destroy Main Street? Follow the article link therein for it makes some very interesting points as we continue feasting on the long range results of Reagan economic policies which benefit the rich at the expense of the poor - what I tend to call Mourning in America.

Ah, yes, the 1980s! A Decade of Greed, corruption, and death squads.

A high point has to be when Reagan had ketchup reclassified as a vegetable! No wonder the black-is-white, down-is-up, ketchup-is-vegetable GOP crowd talk about Reagan with such reverence. Even more amusing is the fact that tomatoes are of the fruit persuasion.

Okay, you are correct. I should have something positive to say about the man on his 100th birthday, I totally agree. So here are two: he loved his wife. And he appreciated the value of Astrology.

Feb 5, 2011

Bush cancels Swiss visit to avoid protests and arrest

They Once Called It Treason

by Jude Cowell

Now this is the sort of news I delight in hearing: that George W. Bush (the decider) has decided to cancel his plans to speak in Switzerland on February 12th due to the threat of protests and the potential arrest of his war criminal self.

Wonder if he'll return their check? If he was paid by direct deposit, good luck to them trying to claw back their funds.

Now it's been a while since it was necessary so I swallowed my distaste and had a quick peek at current transits to Bush's natal chart (July 6, 1946 7:26 am edt New Haven, CT; ASC 7Leo07 = '8Leo' = "A Bolshevik Propagandist" - or "propaganda catapulter," as he described himself while in office; Mc 24Ari13; Sun 13Can47 in 12th house and conjunct US natal Sun; Moon 16Lib42 conj Chiron 15Lib25 and Jupiter 18Lib09 in 3rd house with Neptune 5Lib56; Mars 9Vir18 in 2nd house; Mercury 9Leo50 rising and conjunct the Republican Party's natal Mercury, Pluto 10Leo35, Venus 21Leo30, all in 1st house of Self; born during a Jupiter Hour.

Restrictive Saturn 17Lib08 Rx has been tromping about Dubya's expansive Moon/Jupiter conjunction of late, off and on due to Saturn's retrogradation, but the Lesson Bringer is now between them which forms a midpoint picture:

Natal Moon/Jupiter = tr Saturn: concerns about security; interference through outside restrictions.

I should say so!

One of Bush's natal midpoint pictures may have come into play as well since tr Saturn is active in his chart:

Sun/Pluto = Saturn 26Can30 (in 12th house of Karma and Politics): a blockage of wild tendencies; restraint when showing self-destructive tendencies; restriction; imprisonment (!)

Then, with Bush's natal Sun famously conjoining US natal Sun, tr Saturn has been providing blockages and obstacles to his ability to 'shine' (Sun = ego) by its squaring aspect, a time when ego-satisfaction is difficult to come by, and an annoying situation can easily become worse if Saturnian rules and regulations are ignored in a brazen attempt to bypass them while authorities (Saturn) challenge or threaten the success of goals or ventures (or journeys abroad to spread neoconnism or to defend one's prior actions and decisions.)

My suspicion is that someone older and wiser (Saturn) advised the cancellation of Bush's plans to speak in Switzerland and it's good advice since defying authority when Saturn squares one's natal Sun is foolhardy at best and quite useless besides.

Tr Mars in Aquarius has recently opposed his natal Mercury and Pluto as well: Mars (protesters; police) opposing n Mercury (oration; travel) indicates a time when intellectual efforts (such as speeches) are not apt to succeed if they proceed at all, one's mercurial plans may be opposed or dismissed altogether, and discussions are disrupted by angry words (or slogans on placards.)

Tr Mars opposing n Pluto describes an encounter with hostile forces which has an immobilizing effect, and any contest of wills should be avoided!

A coming-soon transit shared by the US (natal Sun, the leader) is tr Pluto's opposition to Bush's natal Sun, a time of power struggles between opposing forces, no-compromise competition, and manipulation within a contest of wills.

Yet more long-distance travel may be on Bush's schedule with the travel-inducing Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (now separating so perhaps his Swiss engagement seemed a good idea when the reservations were made) in his natal 9th house of Foreign Lands and Philosophy. Tr Neptune 27AQ56 today, sits directly upon Bush's n 8th cusp 27:36 making his capture a dream but also a possibility. Fraud and loss (Neptune) of funds (8th H) are potentials as well.

And with tr Mercury 2AQ45 soon to oppose his n Mercury 9Leo50, diverse opinions are in the air and may be in total conflict with his own. Cooperative ventures are lacking and feelings of being appreciated are missing with tr Sun about to oppose n Venus 21Leo30, planet of attraction and popularity. (Boo Hoo.)

Now I don't know about you, but it would suit this blogging gnat of the Common Good persuasion if someone caught and prosecuted this Oval Office usurper who together with his pals have caused the world so much damage and harm by way of their jingoistic slogans, propaganda, and doctored intell invented in order to lead the US into illegal war and virtual bankruptcy.

Any thoughts on the topic? Leave a comment!


Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.

Feb 4, 2011

A Few Astro-Notes on RNC and DNC 2012

Guess you've heard that the Republican National Convention to nominate their presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2012 campaign will be held in Tampa, Florida the week of August 27, 2012.

Funny thing about Tampa these days, though I suppose there's absolutely no correlation between a certain geophysical phenomenon and the GOP: Earth's magnetic pole has shifted quite visibly in Tampa...toward Russia!

No word yet on the directional drift for Charlotte, NC where the DNC will be held the first week of September 2012. But one assumes it's moved a little closer to Russia, too.

However, we can sleuth for clues about the general atmosphere of that time period by considering the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series into which both conventions fall since they're scheduled only a week apart: 14 South @ '00Gem21' (conjoining Fixed Star Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about; exile.

Here's what Bernadette Brady has to say about 14S in her book Predictive Astrology:

(This Series) will tend to bring success. There may have been long periods of hard work from which the success has grown. With *Mercury-Pluto content there is also the potential for an obsessive idea to finally be accepted, which then leads to the promised success of Jupiter. During this eclipse individuals should push for the acceptance of their ideas or methodologies as this eclipse can bring the long awaited breakthrough.

Sounds like perfect astro-weather for US political conventions, doesn't it? Although the part about "an obsessive idea' may be not be any more to we-the-people's liking than their last obsessive idea because in America, it's ruling elite vs we-the-people. And the plutocrats began throwing us overboard decades ago.


* "Mercury-Pluto content" refers to the initial eclipse in the 14S Series; a 14S Solar Eclipse last manifested on May 10, 1994 @ '20Tau'. '20Tau' = "Wind Clouds and Haste" = EXALTATION...neg: 'a diffusion of self and waste of energy in an attempt to grasp the myriad facets of the nonessential'. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology , Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

In The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin relates Mercury-Pluto to 'the art of persuasion, suggestion, the spirit of opposition, hasty thinking and speaking, good powers of observation, a quick grasp of every situation, an "amazingly sharp criticism", intellectual triumph over others, slyness or cunning, crafty subtlety, diplomacy, wielding influence through speaking or writing'.

Propaganda and secret surveillance are facets of the duo's influence as well and as you know, America's natal horoscope contains a Mercury-Pluto opposition across the security and career minded Cancer-Capricorn axis. (Uncle Sam doesn't just want you, he's watching you with the all-seeing eye emblazoned on America's Great Seal.)

And in Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey gives the Mercury-Pluto duo's energy in Politics and Business as:

Thesis: High security communications and intelligence activities; political talk which offers abrupt changes to some functions; communications satellites; news of space exploration, orbital weapons, or toxic gases.

Antithesis: Secrets concerning the business community or transportation systems; communications within the intelligence gathering agencies; self-destructive impulses in business; breakdowns in road networks.

So if you plan to travel to Tampa or Charlotte for either convention in 2012 you might want to leave extra early.


Today is D Day in Egypt: Departure Day for President Hosni Mubarak and again this blogger sends best hopes to the people of Egypt as they fight the good fight against 32 years of cruel oppression.

Democracy Now!

WikiLeaks' 9/11 bombshell (video)

No time ('s almost 1:00 am!) to view all of this video from the February 2, 2011 edition of the Alex Jones Show before posting but I thought you might want to join me tomorrow which is when I'll have a chance to watch it all.

Let me know what you think if you have a chance.

Feb 3, 2011

Brightest object in the sky Feb 2011? Jupiter!

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to search the night sky for a view of planet Jupiter just after sundown and until 9:00 pm when the Great Benefic sets. The royal planet is putting on a royal show!

These days, Jupiter traverses Aries, sign of the Ram and the Warrior, and the Grand One's typical function seems to be increasing the stubbornness of the Ram and the confrontational nature of the Warrior...both here and abroad.

Tonight Jupiter 2Ari22 pauses for a moment upon an interesting Sabian Symbol degree:

'3Ari' = "A Cameo Profile of a Man in the Outline of His Country"...EXPLOITATION:

positive expression: man's capacity for giving full play to every ramification of the reality he has created for himself;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: an unimaginative conventionality which leaves him in bondage to every current stereotype of human relations. (Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology; the 'unconscious/shadow side' addition by yours truly.)

We naturally think of Hosni Mubarak and the stand-off in Egypt, and of President Obama and the quandary of our democracy-spreading state apparatus which couldn't invade Iraq quickly enough in order to (allegedly) spread democracy whether the people of Iraq (who escaped our bombs) wanted it or not. Now a majority of Egyptians want it - and what does Washington really want and who does Obama really support?

But I digress. Sort of. This blog is dedicated to Political Astrology after all.

The thing about Jupiter's position in the cosmos this evening (EST) is that the Royal One is making an opportunistic sextile (60 degr) with negotiating, orating, trading Mercury (2A08), an aspect bringing a challenge to express opinions without worrying about other people's reactions. A Mercury/Jupiter sextile sounds good and has a philosophical bent yet it can also have a tendency to be condescending toward others due to intellectual pretensions; there may also be a lack of confidence and a need to keep others off balance. We see this everywhere, Washington included, but as a despotic ruler under stress, Mubarak (Jupiter) may be indicated in particular.

Next in closeness of orb is an applying square between Jupiter and Venus (2A33) which shows irresponsibility, self-indulgence, and a tendency toward making empty gestures (Mubarak again? Et tu, Obama?); this energy shows those who are difficult to deal with when things don't go their way, yet great generosity - but only when it satisfies an ulterior motive. Any tactic or deception is resorted to in order to achieve one's aims (Hosni? Is that you, Hosni? Get off the throne!)

Then there's the biggie now moving into orb (4A07): Jupiter square Pluto which has been discussed here in a recent post. A Jupiter/Pluto square is the 'wheeler dealer' aspect indicating those who rebel against existing codes of ethics and mount challenges to authority; a caution with a Jupiter/Pluto square is not to count too heavily on the assistance of others when in trouble - which sounds to me like the peaceful demonstrators in Cairo who hoped the army would come to their aid. With a few exceptions, they have not, last I heard.

Political maneuvering and large-scale enterprises which affect many people are a mark of this aspect between a heavy-weighted pair: Jupiter, the well-rewarded ruler, and Pluto, the power behind the throne and guardian of massive wealth.

As for the upcoming Uranus/Pluto square, we may not have seen rebellion across the globe until these two make their final aspect of blockage and obstacles which issue from their Great Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s in mid-Virgo. Even some non-astrologers - pundits, broadcasters, and writers - have been mentioning a feeling as they watch the upsetting yet thrilling events unfold in Egypt (since Jan 25) that they may be seeing the beginning of a World Revolution.

One thing we know: this difficult aspect between rebellious, disruptive Uranus (America's 'totem' planet of freedom and independence) and controlling, manipulative string-puller Pluto (assassin, spy, and pope that he is) has been in effect when dramatic events swept the globe. A Uranus/Pluto square was within orb from 1931 to 1934 as Hitler rose to power while many were looking elsewhere due to the Great Depression and lack of jobs. He pretended to restore order from chaos (a chaos Adolf helped create) just as the Fed and Washington have done since 2008.

So what will the upcoming Uranus/Pluto square require from those who prefer to breathe free?

Constant vigilance concerning those who wish to rise to power and the elite already in power, plus, a willingness to get off our apathetic duffs, set up or defend legal safeguards, and respond quickly to any popular movement or political development that threatens our...dare I say it?...democracy.

Feb 2, 2011

Gipper Worship Alert: 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth 2.6.11

Gipper Much?

by Jude Cowell

The Reagan Ruins by Robert Borosage gives a much clearer picture of 'the Gipper' than you'll find by hanging about with conservatives (formerly known as 'compassionate conservatives' but these days, their true personalities are showing) or by watching FOX News.

In August 2009, I published an image of Reagan's first Inauguration horoscope with details, if you're game. The post also contains links to Reagan's First Inaugural Address and to Astrology-based Reagan articles such as the 'Reaganomics Eclipse' and his signing of the Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982 which occurred during the Gipper's own reward-filled Jupiter Return to its natal sign of big-business-loving Scorpio!

This Act, a deregulating nightmare (for the rest of us) which Ronald Reagan was so eager to sign, is what inspired his famous "I think we hit the jackpot" quote which was kind of a presidential open-mouth-insert-foot moment of rare truth telling, as we've become glaringly aware of since Financial Collapse 2008.

Score One for the Gipper indeed. And scr*w America, while you're at it.

So we must get ready for more Reagan worship and adulation with seemingly endless, groveling lists of his angelic merits because it's going to be a Reaganesque Weekend Supreme.

Even President Obama is said to have jumped on the Reagan bandwagon (see video below) yet The Atlantic has published an excellent Obama-Reagan comparison that points out the Ideologue v Pragmatist dilemma which presidential campaigners face when they win the White House and have to actually govern rather than simply orating.

Of course, both Reagan and Obama are known for their uplifting oratorical skills of bubbly, grand-spirited Jupiter-Neptune proportions. Trouble is, bubbles tend to be filled with ethereal air or gas, not substance we can write home about.

Plus, in this Reagan Season, Yahoo! has encouraged Americans to compare their situations under the Reagan administration with current conditions during the presidency of Barack Obama circa 2011.

And here President Obama explains his admiration for Ronald Reagan:

Well, we must be patient in our giggly excitement, for there are three more days until the numinous date 'February 6, 2011' dawns in America.

Had enough Gippering yet?

Ron Paul on the Lew Rockwell Show 2.2.11 (audio)

Rep. Ron Paul holds the first hearing of the Monetary Policy Subcommittee he'll now be chairing on February 9, 2011 and here he speaks with Lew Rockwell on several topics such as the Fed (and how they're appearing on lots of shows and writing defensive pieces of late, poor things!), changes that must come in US monetary policy, how you have to have cutbacks in empire, not just the welfare state, uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, and how it takes young people to wage a revolution.

And as we've seen since conditions erupted in Egypt on January 25th (and in Tunisia prior), "The revolution will be televised." (Pardon my ancient reference. Must be my Flower Power Generation sensibilities peeking through...)

As Chalmers Johnson wrote in his book The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic, the final sorrow is economic in progress. :(

Thoughts of an expiring American empire with its over-reaching and over-spending (the American people into the alms house) always reminds me of the Sabian Symbol for '1 Sagittarius': " A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire".

And all this for the forced establishment of a lousy 'new world order'.

Note: For live coverage of the fast-moving events in Egypt, may I suggest It's 10:00 pm est here and around 5:00 am in Cairo (Feb 3, 2011) and it's being reported that at least four people have been killed "under heavy machine gun fire", plus, cruel Molotov cocktails are being passed around while shots are being fired in all directions.

Plus, here's a link to the Middle East section of al Jazeera (in English) and a live Twitter feed.