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Sep 27, 2012

Election Day Mercury Rx starts early w Voter Fraud in FL

The RNC has cut ties with one of Nathan Sproul's voter registration services which the GOP hired at a cost of millions, and they say they've parted ways due to faked listings of voters' names and addresses.

Looks like the recent Nodal Half Return of the Republican Party is showing itself as well since partnerships and alliances that aren't strong enough to stand some strain may be broken off when the transiting North Node of the Moon--the Head of the Dragon--meets the Tail of the Dragon as described by the separative South Node!

Recent grouses and critiques by Republicans against Mitt Romney and his presidential campaign are along Nodal Half Return lines, too. But never fret: Mitt can manage any criticism because he says, "I've got broad shoulders."

Guess I failed to notice the impressive width of Mittens' shoulders because I've been focused on the off-key, none-too-bright, tone deaf remarks coming out of his mouth by way of his Piscean Mercury. Please tell me that someone has explained to Mitt by now why airplane windows don't open!

Sep 26, 2012

Is Utah candidate Chris Stewart a "certified nutcase"?

Since I live in Georgia I have no idea if Republican candidate Chris Stewart is a "certified nutcase" as some who know him have claimed. So I leave it to you, dear reader, to make up your own mind about this 'end time' author with big political (aka, power) dreams whose theologically based conclusions are subject to interpretation.

And if you happen to vote in the great state of Utah, so much the better. You'll feel safer if you know who's running around on the loose out there...

Sep 24, 2012

'Atlantis: the Lost Continent' (video) and the asteroid

As both of you know, 'Atlantis' is a myth that won't fade and the name was used in past centuries to signify this American continent, and what became the United States of America. And of course, 'Atlantis' appears in Astrology as an asteroid and is said to indicate "where we feel doomed" which seems inspired by the reputed fate of the ancient, advanced civilization called, Atlantis. So perhaps the following 1-hour-thirty-seven-minute film will be of interest:

Visit Forbidden Knowledge TV for more videos on a variety of topics.

Sep 20, 2012

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox in Washington DC

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox September 22, 2012 10:49 am edt Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

Below you see the Autumn Equinox 2012 chart (aka, Libra Ingress) set for our nation's capital with the Eagle Point rising @15Sco41 and contentious Mars @19Sco52 soon to follow. North Node (NN) 27Sco49 rises as well and is a favorable indicator in 1st house with its Jupiterian, connective flavors. This NN conjoins President Obama's natal Midheaven, and candidate Romney's natal Moon-Jupiter conjunction spotlighting the ongoing 2012 campaign season and the encounters the public will soon have through the October debates and Election Day, November 6th.

With intense Scorpio rising, the chart's ruler is the 1st house Mars and the highstakes contests so far seen in the presidential and House races are well-noted by anyone with access to media. Sub-ruler Pluto 6Cap58 is in 2nd house of our National Treasury, Earning Ability, and Values so plutonian transformation--and secretive, hidden wealth--are in play within these areas, as we know.

We-the-People's Moon 27Sag21 is in 2nd house as well denoting our monetary concerns but also showing fluctuations, changes, and possibly more instability in financial areas--things can go up, down, or alternate. Moon rules 9th H of Foreign Lands so we may continue to question if conditions abroad and globally will interfere with US monetary improvements which even now are of mixed portents.

Major applying aspects of Mars and Pluto hint at how the Autumn season will proceed (in relation to D.C.) so let's take a look at them and consider the houses (departments of life) which are affected. Of course you know that any reference to a Mars-Pluto combination of energies includes such topics as war and warmongers, violence, weaponry, security forces and issues, rape, chaos, mayhem, attacks, terrorism, and, in America's case, the Pentagon and military personnel. Zeal, tremendous energy, and heated arguments are also indicated especially with House and Senate seats up for grabs along with the Oval Office occupancy come January 21, 2013.

Actually, Mars makes no major (Ptolemaic) aspects to another planet yet there is a complex, interlocked relationship between Mars and disruptive, progressive, technological Uranus @6Ari14 Rx in 5th H of Risk-Taking and Gambling and it's a dynamic sesquisquare (135 degr) which can express positively or negatively. A minor irritant exists between Mars, the god of war, and his co-ruler Mr. Hades, the spy--a semisquare (2A05) which will probably play out most obviously in the 6th H of Service (Police, Military, Civic), Health, and Work. Mars is at a traditionally malevolent degree ('19Sco'), aka, Serpentis, which compels those affected toward misfortune; ASC also brings up South Scale with its several negative potentials such as theft, betrayal, abuse, poison, drowning, revenge, and all-around criminality.

Being the slowest moving planet in our solar system, we can't say that Pluto 'applies' but Mr. Underworld does contact both luminaries: a square to the Libra Ingress Sun 00:00:00 (6A58) and a conjunction to the Moon (9A36); Sun (the leader) SQ Pluto supports the Mars-Pluto indications above, and shows willfulness and a might-makes-right attitude whic tends to strike first in order to retain control of others; it's an aspect of executive and managerial ability as well and with a Sun-ruled Leo Midheaven @24:47 (conjunct President Obama's natal Uranus-NN political duo) we may expect to become very aware of these potentials as Election Day draws near.

Moon conjoining powerful Pluto suggests that the public re-evaluates the country's 2nd H financial conditions and our basic ideals as we look for the elusive "perfect" candidates to vote for (Moon-Pluto has a public relations vibe) concerning our deeply felt opinions about topics such as crime, war, secrecy, terrorism, and available resources on our minds. Ex: why do we destroy the infrastructure of other nations and pay heavily to rebuild them when our politicians--our alledged 'representatives'--block such neglected improvements and projects here in our country which would also create American jobs by the thousands? Are they daft, or are we?

Okay, sorry, I digressed a bit...

A word should be added about monied Jupiter @16Gem08 (conjunct the position of the June 5, 2012 Venus Transit of 'paternalism') so finances, Big Business (and with Scorpio rising), internet concerns (Gemini), ideology (Jupiter), generalships, broadcasting, and expansion of the Fed and other systemic institutions are part of our Autumn 2012 picture with Jupiter ruling 2nd H of the US Treasury and 5th H of Risk-Taking (27Pis08, a Jupiter-Neptune inflationary, bubbly affair.)

Plus, nebulous, watery Neptune in its own sign of Pisces 00:59 Rx is found in the 4th H of Domestic Scene, Homeland, and End of the Matter---flooding may occur once more, and perhaps the uptick in the US housing market recently reported is but a ruse or an illusion made necessary prior to Election 2012--hopefully not for I do prefer that my fellow Americans have decent, dry homes to live in, don't you? Yet Sun and Neptune are inconjunct, with Neptune conjoining US Secondary Progressed Descendant (Partnerships) which hints that President Obama (Sun) may find himself bogged down by trivial considerations and harmed through the deception of others whom he'd prefer to work with--yes, the exploitation and scapegoating between political parties continues as burdens are unloaded upon the wrong people in order to deflect culpability and guilt. (But check out Neptune's positive aspect to Saturn, below!)

Why, even Mitt Romney's father was temporarily On Welfare once upon a time, in spite of Mitt's entitled, holier-than-thou attitude toward the 47% of us he considers to be beneath him! Guess America's social safety net programs can be of great benefit after all, hmm?

Now the 12th H (Politics) authoritative Saturn's sign-ruler, Venus, planet of money, values, and relationships, is posited in 9th H of Foreign Lands, Philosophy, Religion, and Higher Education and is placed @17Leo44 and in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms) with the Libra Ingress Sun in 11th H of Groups and Associations (Venus = Secretary of State Clinton?); Mercury 9Lib44 is in 11th H as well which denotes diplomatic gestures and associations, and much travel through them, both here and abroad. Will our gestures be well received? In part, yes (Venus sextile Jupiter) yet testy Mars and Venus are square one another so obstacles, delays, and frustrations are on the menu though perhaps most of the interference stems from DC partisans and agents with axes to grind.

As for Saturn, still exalted in Libra but headed soon for business-oriented Scorpio, he's working behind the scenes of the 12th H of Karma where he reaps what he sows, as do we all. This Saturn has a strong sense of duty and conscientiously fulfills them in Libra, sign of The Diplomat, plus, there's a nice sextile with the Moon (we the people: managerial abilities, good judgment, and empathy), plus, a trine from Saturn to Neptune which provides wisdom and insight.

Well, it isn't often I manage to type the words "wisdom and insight" in a horoscope set for Washington DC, is it? Yet is a Saturn-Neptune trine enough to counter, or at least mitigate, the forceful Mars-Pluto energies taking early command in this chart and ruling our Autumnal season? If experienced, 'cooler heads' prevail we may hope so and with Saturn ruling the 3rd H of Communications we shall at least learn of wiser solutions for thorny problems.

As always, getting Washington politicians, partisans, lobbyists, and government subversives to cooperate with a solutions-based program for the America they're working so hard to undermine and control will be the real trick.


Blog Note: this hastily typed, freshly composed article on the Autumn Equinox 2012 chart is 'an echo' for I analyzed the chart in the July-August-September 2012 issue of Stars Over Washington Monthly (subscription form linked in sidebar, upper) and it is meant to add to the details in the SO'WM newsletter rather than replace them. Issue 2's subscription form will be linked on this blog's sidebar near the end of September and will cover many political and cosmic events including the October debates, two November eclipses, the quarter's Lunations, and Winter Solstice 2012. Plus, issue 2 will be offered at a Special Holiday Price of $15US so subscribe only if you dare! Thanks, jc

Sep 19, 2012

MarketPlace: Traders Use Financial Astrology (audio)

Remember the other day when we discussed the Fed, QE3, and inflationary Jupiter-Neptune? Well, today MarketPlace presents a revealing look at market traders who use Financial Astrology and the current Saturn square natal Neptune affecting the Fed's natal horoscope. This is the 'false hopes and promises' transit when deception, illusion, and limitations are part of the picture, at least until the transit passes.

Wonder to which international banking houses America's treasure was sent this time--and why? And what does the IMF know?

As old financier extraordinaire, J.P. Morgan (student and client of master astrologer Evangeline Adams) once famously said, "Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

Yet we may never know how many traders take advantage these days of the financial cycles described so well by Astrology since, as mentioned above, its use is often kept a big secret!

DC's National Zoo baby panda cam (live!) w birth time

Update 9.23.12: sad to report that baby panda cub has died. Did I see this in its natal horoscope (detailed below)? Well, Sun in Virgo did put a newborn's health front and center plus, there were hints in the rest of the chart that I didn't detail because I wanted to celebrate the positive, not mention the negative, in an attempt to be optimistic about the little fellow. Baby pandas are so fragile!

Original post begins here and I imagine the panda cam will be discontinued:

Tiny Panda Cub Born in Washington DC's National Zoo!

by Jude Cowell

Thanks to a kind reader, a link to the Washington Post article giving the birth time of the newbie panda cub born in DC's National Zoo has been sent along! Born Sunday night (9.16.12) at 10:26 pm edt, this baby panda is about as sweet as can be and its innocence belies the usual political corruption, greed, lies, secret deals, and power plays that issue from the swamp that is Washington DC, one of my former cities of residence.

Speaking of the zoo, did I ever tell you that I lived near the National Zoo at one point and could hear the echoes of monkeys vocalizing every morning from my kitchen window? Living back in my homestate of Georgia these many moons, I now hear only the whoops and calls of monkeys of the two-legged variety as they seek to control and/or undermine what's allegedly your and my government.

And as a 'child of the Revolution', this grumps me up no end. You?


September 16, 2012 10:26 pm edt Washington DC is an Hour of Venus and shows baby panda with Sun in Virgo, Moon in Libra with lovely Venus in Leo at IC (Home; Domestic Scene.) Youthful Mercury rules the Ascendant 6Gem07 and the panda with US natal Uranus, planet of The New, rising. Plus, little Mercury itself is at a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation and Fame: 00Lib13, conjoining America's natal MC in our nation's 5:10 pm Sibly chart.

And with jolly Jupiter in mid-Gemini rising in 1st house of Physical Body, this wise, inscrutable bear should be very popular and grow to be quite large, as we might expect a panda to do.

The Sun Vir-Moon Lib personality blend gives the already-famous mite an Earth-Air blend indicating humility, simplicity and, appropriately, a love of the natural environment. This is a very cooperative bear and with the natal horoscope's Part of Sons at Midheaven (13AQ25), I shall step off a limb and guess that the baby's gender is male, then keep my ears open around the Christmas holidays when the little 'fellow' will be named!

So Welcome to Washington, little panda bear!

Sep 17, 2012

Romney on secret video talks Poor Voters (MoJo video) w Jupiter-Neptune

Why Does Mitt Run? Or, The Love of Money Really Is the Root of All Evil

by Jude Cowell

Yes, America's welfare society is an awful thing especially when our nation has been gutted for decades by Those Who Would Privatize social institutions for their own profit and gain. But to me, a welfare society isn't as awful as allowing American citizens, women, children, the disabled, the elderly, and the disenfranchised from their jobs and their homes to wander our streets and huddle under bridges until death takes them by the hand and gets them out of the way of Social Darwinists and Objectivists like Romney, Paul Ryan, the Koch Brothers, and their comrades in arms, both here and abroad.

Below, you may hear the opinion of Mitt 'Mr. Offshore to China' Romney on the abstract (for him) topic of America's poor and struggling ones and how he knows they'll automatically vote for Barack Obama. Well, duh.

So thanks, Mother Jones for secretly recording this well-heeled heel with a corporate bottomline for a heart:

Astro-Note: as you may know, I've typed quite a bunch here on Mitt Romney's natal planets in Pisces, sign of the Two Fish which can either swim upward toward a Higher Purpose, or downward toward selfish materialism and ultimate loss. Pisces can be creatively inspired and compassionate or the victimizer of anyone he sees as beneath him in the ocean of life while indulging a penchant for negative escapism into sailing mode, horse dabbling, or whatever past time holds social status for him or that creates more wealth.

Tax-dodger Romney was born on March 12, 1947 when Sun, Mercury, and Mars were in Pisces which is ruled by wealthy corporation-forming Jupiter and sub-ruled by fraudulent yet sometimes inspired Neptune. As a pair, Jupiter and Neptune may signify religious fervor, yes, but together they also represent culprits and crooks such as speculators, swindlers, wastrels, spend thrifts, and those who love to make money by spinning grand schemes out of little or nothing into vague plans and enterprises that need rubes and pawns beneath them to play fall guys and scapegoats. And of course, the bubbly concept and use of inflation is their natural way of being.

Therefore, Mr. Romney thinks, plans, and communicates like a nebulous Pisces (Mercury), acts and begins things like a Pisces (Mars), and has a Piscean personality, ego, essence, and purpose (Sun) which describes what the American people will get if he somehow fishily finagles the presidency. And with natal Moon and Jupiter closely conjoined in corporate, big business, secretive, controlling Scorpio, Mitt's emotional needs are highly conflated with such Scorpionic, Jupiterian themes where there are no limits to his vision.

Yes, Mitt the Fish sure is angling for the Oval Office and salivating over all the goodies that come with it!

Good reading pre-November 6th: Voter Suppression: Coming to a State Near You?

Then if you're curious about what Mittens is going through now (due to his own inadequacies and dearth of genuine qualities for leadership), here's Mitt Romney's September Challenge.

And while we're on the topic of what Romney wants to do with our poorer and weaker Americans, let's remember the following snippet from FDR's Inaugural Address of January 20, 1937--the first time the Oath of Office was taken on that date rather than in early March (which morphed US natal Sun--the leader--from Pisces into Aquarius:

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

By such a humanitarian standard, a Romney presidency would result in the very opposite of karmic progress for America by further reducing even the most basic support for those of us who have too little, many of whom are victims of greedy corporatists like Bainster Mitt Romney.

Bankers ARE the Problem (TheAnonPress video)

A video message from TheAnonPress: plainly predictive? Or, needlessly reactive?

Occupy Wall Street is one year old today and kickin' it on behalf of the 99%...

Sep 16, 2012

Uranus-Pluto square ramps up w Occupy Wall Street abuses by cops

Riots, protests, and violence from Uranus-Pluto square energies are occurring worldwide, as astrologers expected, and no less so than in American cities such as New York where police officers are abusing power and injuring peaceful, inconvenient demonstrators on orders, no doubt, to protect the status quo of corporate interests.

We may never know if 'black shirts' are involved (political agents planted to trigger police brutality toward peaceful protesters and make a movement 'look bad') on this the First Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street (Sept 17, 2011) but depending on how neocon Romney operatives inspired by such characters as Karl Rove spin the current mayhem against Occupiers and President Obama's re-election campaign, it may eventually become transparent that someone is in Mitt's woodpile and trying to score points for his deservedly-desperate presidential aspirations.

Now I've never embedded a Tweeted photo before so I hope you can view the following *Occupy Congress image:

Astrologically, we may take the 2010 conjunction to the Aries Point (00Ari00, a World Point of Manifestation) by political revolutionary and rebel Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries as zealots and radical 'Utopians', as Reinhold Ebertin describes in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences. And, of course, Uranus remains in one sign of the Zodiac for approximately seven years. Perhaps you'll agree that this astro-description covers folks of the Tea Party Movement (co-opted by corporate interests such as the Koch Brothers--'blind zealots'), and simultaneously the Occupy Movement. One group wants genuine and beneficial change for society, and the other is faking it on that score and is determined to implement and shove dire conditions, austerity, misery, and an Ayn-Randesque "survival of the fittest" government that rides roughshod over the lives of all non-wealthy American people--particularly the weak, elderly, ill, and poor among us. And the austerity would affect rank and file Tea Party members, too--now won't they be surprised if their favorite radical Utopians get their sinister way?

So! November 6th soon cometh--which America do You prefer to live in?

*Interesting that tomorrow's first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street--September 17--is also the anniversary of the US Congress--September 17, 1787...creaking along with very poor aprroval ratings and under constant threat at 225 years old. And non-amusingly for those of us who prefer a sovereign, intact United States of America and working, honorable Congress, we can use the one-year-for-one-degree method for insight into the present condition of Congress: 225 years = 225 degrees = 7 signs (7 x 30) + 15 degrees = '15 Scorpio' (= year 2012) which in Sabian Symbols is quite descriptive of the negative, shadow side of how most of Congress behaves itself these days:

"Children Playing Around Five Mounds of Sand" (the wrong thing to build any House upon): "NAIVETE...neg: wholly purposeless ineptitude."

Plus, 15 Scorpio is the Eagle Point! Sounds more like the ethereal phoenix some have always claimed represents our nation rather than the Eagle. Guess the fire the ancient phoenix myth requires--so that a 'New Order' can spring from the Old--is part of the Republican Party's Austerity Plan for America a la the Romney-Ryan ticket. For after all, Pluto-Chiron's Statism + Corporatism = Fascism, said Mussolini.

But,'s painful to type it but President Obama is under the sway of Pluto-Chiron and its Plutocrat warmongers, too. Exs: 1. US Secondary Progressed Pluto-Chiron midpoint @8Pis18 = US SP Sun (the leader.) 2. US Inaugural 2009 Midheaven @26Cap10--the Goal of the US Presidency--was conjoined by the transiting Pluto-Chiron midpoint @25Cap48 at noon est on January 20, 2009 at the Capitol Building, which also highlights US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx opposite our spying, propandistic natal Mercury Rx at Inaugural IC 2009, aka, The Drain.

Now what are We the People willing to do about all the corruption? Support Occupy Congress and the occupation of the Wall Street lairs of Big Casino Gamblers whom We the People were forced by Congress to bail out after Bush's Big Heist???

('15Sco': The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Sep 15, 2012

More Election Day 2012 Astro-Thoughts thanks to Mercury

September 15, 2012: Additional Mercurial Thoughts on Election Day 2012

by Jude Cowell

As the second issue of Stars Over Washingotn Monthly is being typed, my natal Mercury in Capricorn is naturally busy studying many political horoscopes and keeping up as best I can during this fast-paced period with all the Politics I can manage to watch, read, and consider--all provinces of Mercury.

Election Day 2012 (November 6) with its Mercury Station Retrograde has been noted here on this blog and well-analyzed by many other astrologers for we all see trouble ahead with astrological Mercury so intimately connected to such things as voting, decisions, communications, thinking processes, considerations, ideas, plans, agreements, and voting machines which can be tampered with. Even in the fairest of elections, it is, after all, he who counts the votes who determines the winner.

Yes, Mercury in his trickster guise is obviously desperate to win the race and is definitely up to something, can you feel it in the air? The wings on his sandals flutter wildly in the political breeze and Mercury's wing'ed helmet is strapped tightly in place for the climb!

As previously noted, Mercury's Rx Station on Election Day 2012 falls at 4Sag18, directly opposing President Obama's natal Moon 3Gem21 (in natal 4th house) and I have made suggestions in previous posts of what this and other astrological factors on that day may indicate for the president's re-election bid and have rather mildly asserted that the outcome for Mr. Obama doesn't look as good as I personally might prefer (common-gooder and populist as I am. No plutocrat-lovers around here!)

Remaining stationary (seemingly at standstill) all of November 6 until 6:03:47 pm est (as per SolarFire Gold v8) when the Speedy One reverses gear is a sign of strength for the celestial body I tend to call the Tofu Planet because Mercury tends to pick up the flavors of whatever planet or planets in a horoscope it contacts. A Jack-n-Jill of all trades is The Youthful planet, servant to the gods, messenger, and bringer of Good (or sometimes bad) News.

But with Political Astrology, placing all threads into a clearer astro-tapestry without going nutzoid is a complex task to be sure and few do it better than The Daykeeper Journal's Alex Miller who includes in his articles additional information on Black Holes, centaurs, and other objects that reflect psychological facets from within the Collective Unconscious as they orbit in space, and embody our archetypal traits while transiting various degrees of the Zodiac. These then contact the planets we're so accustomed to considering in chart analyses and provide fuller, deeper indications, amplifications, and support for what the horoscope already tells us. Then the Law of Three becomes a multitude of portents for those who use extra bodies in chart interpretations so that readers may benefit from the added details supplied by an expert astrologer such as Alex Miller.

So if you wish an indepth analysis of President Obama's chances for success with his second presidential bid in November, check out Alex's Election Preview for Barack Obama.

And yet! If you've been keeping up with current events the last few weeks and you're like me, it's a bit difficult at this late stage in the race to understand what could possibly go wrong for the president on November 6 considering Mitt Romney's lowering approval ratings, his recent blunders, and his tone-deaf, precipitous, callous, and incorrect accusations about the president's handling of the tragic US embassy attacks of September 10, the amaturish and inciting 'film', and the other discordant notes issuing from the Romney-Ryan camp--including their survival-of-the-fittest Ayn-Randish world view of hardship and misery for the masses.

Middle East Crises Could Spiral Ever Outward and the EU Could Collapse

Or they could simmer down (she typed optimistically.) But even with current real-world events which are well-described by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square of conflict, protests, and mayhem, the Astrology of Election Day 2012 may turn out to astound us all by showing a preview of what extreme wealth and the use of nasty political tricks can do for a takes-himself-too-seriously, overly self-conscious Republican candidate--a most wishy-washy, mysterious, and mystical Pisces--whose deepest fears are failure and suffering any loss of his shadily-gained financial status--especially through something as common and 'beneath him' as paying his fair share of income taxes which would set a good example for other tophats and bolster the nation from whose capitalist financial system Mr. Romney has benefited tremendously all his life.

So can astrological portents be 'wrong'? No, only misread by finite minds. For as the complexity of the language of Astrology (and Political Astrology at that!) seeks to describe and explain the intricacies and myriad experiences of Life on Earth, it is naturally subject to interpretation by 'only' human beings who, in common with everyone else, can often be incorrect in their assumptions and limited by personal viewpoints unless and until they are well-inspired by higher forces. I certainly count myself well within the limited category in particular considering the populist slant I use so frequently on this, my personal weblog of peeking at Politics through the lens of Astrology.

However, you'll perhaps agree that some chart factors fairly scream out from a horoscope, don't they? And in the end, I believe that Mercury's Station Rx on Election Day 2012 will be one of those screamers for it will not turn Direct and release us from our expectant condition until about the time the Voting Planet performs a Station Direct on November 26, 2012 @18Sco10, then moves forward past its Shadow Degree (4Sag18) in mid-December, 2012 when we may hope soon after that our election trevails will end and clear victories, presidential and congressional, are announced.

On November 6, 2012, all slices of Washington DC's political pie are up for grabs! So for all our sakes, please make certain that on Election Day 2012 you'll be one of the bakers in America's kitchen.


On a lighter political note, perhaps you joined me in catching Current TV's broadcast last evening (9/14) of the new documentary on Stephanie Miller's Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour because these days we must make an extra effort to laugh at Washington politicians just to keep ourselves from sobbing over what they commit against our nation.

Sep 13, 2012

9.13.12 The Fed announces under Thor's Hammer

A horosocope set for September 13, 2012 at 2:15 pm edt (the Fed's usual announcement hour after meetings) in Washington DC shows a planetary pattern called 'Thor's Hammer' or 'Fist of God' involving the difficult, ongoing Uranus-Pluto square aimed at the Moon 21Leo23 in 8th house of Shared Resources and Transformation. Since the Moon signifies The People in Mundane Astrology and this Moon position basically opposes US natal Moon in Aquarius (We the People), I assume Thor's Hammer is aimed at the American people. Which may not be a bad thing considering.

If the Fed announces quantitative easing #3 in order to "shore up" EU conditions --the euro is getting a boost today, I hear--and if they prop up mortgage-backed securities in the US in order to aid our still-languishing housing market, the US economy may actually show more improvement than it lately has. Then I could gladly file today's Fed announcement of plans for future growth in SO'W's Whoopee! Department.

And with Jupiter now @15Gem40 and soon in process of a retrograde period, the Great Benefic has and will conjoin the Fed's natal Saturn 13Gem21 Rx indicating some lifting of restrictions and burdens. Of course, you know that transit Pluto in early Capricorn the last two years has conjoined the Fed's natal Sun 1Cap17 while simultaneously opposing the Fed's natal Pluto 00Can05 Rx creating a titanic and global struggle for power and control. We see hints of this in the ongoing problems in the European Community (EU) which adversely affects the economy across the pond (US) and its tentacled connection to our financial system from the City of London and other financial capitals of international banking houses which rule governments more fully than most people care to admit.

The Fed's natal Mars-Neptune conjunction in Cancer (both planets Rx) actually opposes US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx which forms a midpoint picture--Mars-Neptune = Pluto: tendency to cause damage brutally to others or to suffer likewise (Ebertin) which relates to the Fed's origins in secret in November 1910 (Jekyll Island, GA) and its aftermath as the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank became law on December 23, 1913--shoved through Congress though most legislators had already left Washington for the hoildays. A secretive bunch of banking cabalists are they.

And by the way: today's Sun (@21Vir21 at 2:15 pm) conjoins Fixed Star Denebola: 'to go against society' which also relates to a doltish US Congress set to pass a stop-gap measure this afternoon to keep the government funded for another 6 months. Joy. But that's if they can put aside playing Politics along enough with America now under threat of another credit downgrade, thanks mostly to a jackassian GOP.

As for the Fed, QE3 may or may not make much difference to their shaping of a "stronger" US economy. (" " from Bernanke's statement after their recent Jackson Hole WY cabal--his statement was not recorded but partially quoted on NPR. For more info see today's Fed Stimulus Expected, But Remedy May Not Be Right from NPR--note that 'remedy' = Chiron now in compassionate if confused, deceptive Pisces!

Now if you're interested, here's the data I used to set up Fed's natal horoscope:

December 23, 1913 12:07:10 pm est (Sun @MC, Pluto @IC) Capitol Building Washington DC; as you see, in 2013 the Fed will be 100 years old. That's a century of throttling of the US government by a private group of international banking houses for they are the varmints who set up the entity and so happily forced America under the thumb of a global Central Bank--at last, a coup for Alexander Hamilton! And that with the collusion of most of the US Congress of 1913, and with the help of Presidents Taft (1910) and Wilson (1913.)

Also in 2013, the Fed's second round of Chiron Returns begin and it's a three-fer (natal Chiron 10Pis56) which are exact on:

1. May 24, 2013; 2. Sep 14, 2013 3. Jan 21, 2014. Perhaps by then we'll know and understand their truest and deepest Quest.


Blog Note: Though I haven't time to post horoscopes concerning the ongoing crises in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen, my deepest condolences go to those who are personally suffering the devastating losses incurred by what seem to be coordinated terrorist acts mounted undercover of the understandable outcry of Muslims 'thanks' to the release of an Arabic translation of an inflammatory, amateurish film debasing their prophet Mohammed. Very bad form, mysterious 'film maker' in hiding. You, in a word, suck. jc

Astro-Note: the Sabian Symbol for today's Sun degree '22Virgo' = "A Flag at Half-Mast in Front of a Public Building" as ordered by President Obama ('Sun') in honor of America's loss of embassy personnel in Libya.

Sep 11, 2012

Explosion on Jupiter which turns Rx on Oct 4, 2012

With Jupiter now transiting the mid-degrees of Tropical Gemini and in the midst of the stars of Orion where the June 5/6, 2012 Venus Transit occurred with its 'paternalism' vibe, the Great Benefic is in the news:

Space Weather News for Sept 11, 2012

EXPLOSION ON JUPITER: Amateur astronomers are reporting a bright fireball on Jupiter--apparently the result of a small asteroid hitting the planet during the early hours of Sept 10th. As the fireball fades, attention turns to possible debris around the impact site.

Observers will be monitoring the region in the nights ahead to see what surfaces. Check for images and updates.

AURORA ALERTS: Would you like a call when geomagnetic storms are underway? Aurora alerts are available text and voice.#

Astro-Note: On October 4, 2012 Jupiter will Station Retrograde @16Gem23 at approximately 9:18 am edt (in 8th house, Washington DC) with the Sun @11Lib43 and 3 days from shining on US natal Saturn, a time of serious circumstances and a particularly important meeting for President Obama. As you know, Oct 4 is the day after the first Obama-Romney debate in Denver, Colorado.

Plus, the Oct 4 Moon @00Gem45 reflects the prior (PE) Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @00Gem20 along with the influences of the Fixed Star Alcyone 00Gem00, one of the Seven Sisters, or the Weepers. We've discussed Alcyone and the Pleiades (which figured into last night's episode of Perception!) many times so I won't repeat here except to say that Alcyone's 'something to cry about; exile; lots of rain' indications remain on our cosmic radar for October 2012. Something oceanic may also be part of the picture, or, someone who goes missing.

When Jupiter goes Rx, we may expect trouble with finances for resources are withheld or delayed and this bodes ill for debt and budget discussions on Capitol Hill (lame duck session), and since Jupiter also rules ideology, its inward-turning Rx period won't do the October debates or Election 2012 much good either especially since voting Mercury performs a Rx station on November 4 at around 6:03 pm edt. This cosmic circumstance has also been previously discussed on SO'W so repeating is unnecessary except to remind you that Mercury's Rx Station occurs opposite President Obama's natal Moon 3Gem21--and there's Jupiter gone Rx in Gemini, sign of Communications, Thinking Processes, and The News.

Not Again! Yes, Election Day 2000 also had Mercury Rx, as you remember, so astrologers are predicting a similar recount-dispute-voting-irregularity election for 2012. So am I. Tiresome, isn't it?