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Feb 17, 2015

Italy warned Libyan jihadists are ‘just south of Rome’ (plus, Eclipses)

Media reports tell us that the city of Rome is now under threat by jihadists looking to settle a very old score as the next world war brews. Wonder if the pope is feeling anxious?

From The Independent: Italy warned Libyan jihadists are 'just south of Rome'.

Fears in Italy of an imminent Islamic terror attack mounted after Libya-based Isis affiliates warned the jihadist group was now "just south of Rome".

The old East vs West conflict replays in the New Millennium as the East uses extreme violence to establish its own version of 'global governance'...just as Western 'new world order' promoters knew they would. To me it seems the influence of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse is starkly revealed by such brutality and power struggles. As you know, this is the eclipse Nostradamus emphasized, the one with its *Oxen, Lion, Eagle, and Angel Points featured as noted in the Book of Revelation---when the angels 'let go the winds of war'. And war is precisely what has been unleashed thanks to power elite politicians, their enablers and financial backers, and "insurgents" as Washington prefers to call them.

Of course, we in the West use our own blend of brutality, violence, torture, snipers, assassinations, and bombs, don't we? And it's usually veiled by propaganda such as "spreading democracy". Even western sanctions against other nations via the UN may starve and kill; meanwhile millions of refugees are created and many are knocking on western doors.

Currently Jupiter now traverses Rx and Direct through the sign of Leo so the planet of increase and expansion now affects the degree (18Leo) of the 1999 "King of Terror" Eclipse (or, 'King of Alarm' Eclipse including financial crises) which is also called the 'Mother of All Eclipses' in the 1 North Saros Series which began on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48. At the least, we now have two sensitized degrees from the 1N Series: 18Leo and 13Cap long with their opposite degrees (18AQ and 13Cancer--the degree of America's natal Sun on July 4, 1776.) Yes, there are rules for the duration of influence for eclipses but to me, this eclipse's powerful affects are ongoing for all of humanity.

As you know, assassin Pluto, powerful and wealthy representative of The Underworld and of the Pope, now creeps through Capricorn and has opposed US natal Venus, Jupiter, and most recently, US natal Sun (the president). You do not need Astrology to tell you about the major conflicts and government topplings the transformative Pluto transit describes in an As Above, So Below fashion for the news media tells plutonian tales 24/7.

1N themes include a caution against making hasty decisions because information is 'distorted and possibly false' and 'unexpected events' along with fatigue and health problems (Brady.) Sometimes it seems the US government has lost any ability it ever had to tell the truth to the public. Not that Washington is the only one using falsehood as a tactic to get its way.

Adding to the intensity is the ongoing Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto, the revolutionary pair. Their 7th and last exact square occurs on March 16, 2015 though sighs of relief on that date would be premature.

Events and people born under the 1N Series include: the UN, the first atomic bomb attack, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and Washington Irving, author of Sleepy Hollow, a novel that now inspires a FOX TV show of the same name which uses such themes as prophecy, horsemen and the Apocalypse, demonic possession, a 'new world order', life vs death, reincarnation, satanism and witchcraft, and Witnesses. Needless to say, the atmosphere of and the events occurring on Sleepy Hollow ring out with vibes of the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, with Mars, god of war, nearby.

And I might even say that the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 influences the show's themes, too. Someone is certainly placing these dark themes within the Collective Unconscious with the satanic 'entertainment' fare we're constantly fed.

Here listed are the Solar Eclipses of 2015, 2016, and 2017 with a few details; #6 is the next manifestation in the 1 North Series.

*Mid-degrees of Taurus (oxen), Leo (Lion), Scorpio (eagle), and Aquarius (angel).

Feb 15, 2015

"Who Is Albert Pike?" (video) with a view on Pike's natal planets

General Albert Pike December 29, 1809: Jupiterian Plotter

by Jude Cowell

Here's a brief video concerning Albert Pike, Confederate General, major leader of Freemasons, possibly a founder of the Ku Klux Klan and member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, World War plotter and strategist, and the only Confederate General immortalized via statue in Washington DC. Attached to his controversial legacy is a creepy tale that his body lies in a vault at the Scottish Rite Temple a few blocks from the White House yet he's listed among those resting at Oak Hill Cemetery in Georgetown, DC (scroll to the letter P).

Yet bodies can be dug up and moved under cover of darkness, can't they? Thomas Paine's was! Or perhaps only Pike's skull 'graces' the Temple in DC for you know how secret organizations with visions of global power are attracted to death, skulls, and bones. No matter where his remains are located, Grand Poo Bah Pike died at age 81 and is long gone since April 2, 1891...


For more info try this interesting site with articles concerning the Illuminati, Albert Pike, his fabled 1871 letter to Mazzini in which he details plans for three World Wars in order to take over the world, and many more such controversial topics, if you get into those sorts of curiosities. Pike's letter may have been written later by unknown sources since a few of its terms were not in use until after 1871. Hmmm...if so, a fake letter full of sinister intent sounds to me like plotters plotting against a plotter!

As for Albert Pike's natal horoscope, I am reluctant to post a version of it due to his birth hour being unknown and the fact that on December 29, 1809 the Moon left late degrees of Virgo and entered Libra at 3:27:28 am LMT (using Solar Fire Gold v9 software.)

Since Luna is the lead planet of a Locomotive pattern (an indicator of executive ability and achievement--Jones) it's quite inconvenient not knowing whether natal Moon was in earthy, practical Virgo or airy, sociable Libra--one sign ruled by Mercury (in Capricorn), the other by Venus (in Sagittarius.) Both Mercury (communication, thinking, planning, travel, the teacher, writer, magician) and Venus (values, relationships, diplomacy--but also, the goddess of love and war) are interesting in the chart with Mercury conjunct his Capricorn Sun and Venus sextile Mars (in Aquarius) and possibly his chart-ruler with Libra rising. In fact, the close conjunction of Sun and Mercury supports the legend of his genius (allegedly he spoke several languages, was a teacher in his early days, and a Jupiterian figure for certain--the General, the Guru, the Priest, the Professor, the Banker, etc.) Check his photos to admire his widened girth!

As you know, using the Sabian Symbols to rectify a chart is a fascinating, time consuming task yet the symbol for '29 Virgo' (Moon?) seems to me to be appropriate for Pike's occult activities and interests: "A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge from an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading...DISCOVERY." Another curious one is '7 Capricorn' for natal Mercury: "A Veiled Prophet of Power...SUPREMACY." You may disagree as you wish for these degrees are rounded up from the 12:00 am chart until the Moon enters Libra which also moves Mercury ahead to '8 Cap'. Naturally there are many other factors to consider as well and perhaps one of you will take a little time one day and spend it with Albert's natal planets.

With Moon in Virgo, Venus May Be Chart-Ruler

Now since his natal Sun (personality) has no other major aspect to it other than the conjunction with Mercury making our picture here of Mr. Pike's character quite sparse, perhaps a few words about his Venus-Mars sextile are in order since the aspect is retained throughout the 24-hour period of his birth date. This aspect (60 degrees) between the relational Aries-Libra pair denotes a good organizer and a 'talent scout'--one who learns to use people, their talents, and resources in the best ways possible. Making necessary personal sacrifices to reach goals is indicated along with an ability to disguise aggressive tendencies though when needed, forceful assertiveness may be used to the point of bluntness.

For some people born with a Venus-Mars sextile, the 'killer instinct' can be in evidence with a strong need to be in charge. Since Pike was in charge--as a Confederate General, as a global leader of Freemasonry--I surmise that he used the opportunities and abilities contained within this sextile to much advantage. And since a determined imperative for reaching closure is also a trait of a Venus-Mars sextile person, my guess is that leaving things 'pending'---especially a 'new world order' or a Utopian global government--is an envisioned goal passed down through the generations which now inspires our current crop of infiltrators and power-grabbers to complete the job. For we now see the plan outlined in "Pike's letter to Mazzini" occurring across the Middle East and elsewhere with America's "authorization of war powers" that will further the goal of perpetual war and collapse.

But with the current theatrically hesitant 114th Congress, our Commander-in-Chief President 'Nobel Peace Prize' Obama has now asserted that he doesn't need the approval of Congress in order to wage war, war, and more war. After all, even the most apathetic of Americans cannot fail to notice that the Pentagon is waging disastrous war in several 'theaters of operation' already.

"War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it." - George Orwell.

And as truth-teller General Smedley Butler correctly surmised, "War is a Racket."

Add to those common sense truths some freakish thing like Pike's-Bacon's-Weishaupt's Utopian plan and the whole corrupt conglomeration has a distinct odor of depopulation, fraud, and psychosis, don't you think?


Recommended Reading: Understanding Aspects: The Sextile by Alan Epstein; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, both by Marc Edmund Jones.

Fox 5 San Diego News labels Obama photo as "rape suspect"

Yeah, Fox 5, that's some "accident". Are you always this inept? Or is your sophomoric lapse merely a sick joke?

You didn't show what the president is. You showed what you are.

Feb 13, 2015

It's Friday the 13th, 2015 and superstition lingers

A Fuss for Friday February 13, 2015

by Jude Cowell

Surrounded by superstition since the 19th century and even earlier, Friday the 13th is the most feared date in history, perhaps seconded by the Ides of March.

Promoted in such novels as Friday the Thirteenth by Thomas W. Lawson (1907), the date is considered by many to be linked to King Philip's mass arrest of Knights Templar--including Jacques DeMolay--on Friday October 13, 1307, ostensibly to avoid the crown's debts owed to the Templars whose pioneering banking prowess may be the model of, if not the basis for, the world's current usurious central banking criminality and power-grabbiness.

And of course, the number '13' is well known for its numerology symbolism and is usually considered to be *unfortunate though occult sources such as Isidore Kozminsky say it's a number of regeneration, unity, and prosperity. Some of the negativity cast upon Friday the 13th may arise from the crucifixion of Christ on a Friday, the day of preparation prior to the Sabbath Day when mankind is advised to rest and hold sacred from mundane work (according to the Fourth Commandment of God). From my own church experience, I am shown that the Sabbath Day is a 24-hour 'window of time through which we may see Eternity', a description that astrologers and others can appreciate since our work with cosmic cycles makes obvious that 'every 7th day is the 7th day' back to the original--the number a day occupies in the weekly cycle does not change even if its name changes from one culture to another. But I digress. Or do I?

If not, then perhaps there is something to the repetition of the number 13 in a calendar just as a degree is sensitized and thus emphasized by an eclipse manifesting upon it. Such is the case when we look at a sunrise horoscope set for Paris on October 13, 1307 (the mass arrests of Templars began at dawn with 'Paris' as a symbol of France) for some interesting chart factors pop out:

Sun and Ascendant 27Lib08 followed by Midas 28:24 (the Templars?), Mercury 11Sco24, Uranus 11:41, Neptune 12:17, and Saturn 14:01 conjunct Fixed Star Agena (Beta Centaurus: 'the pain of learning'), all in 1st house (Placidus). Agena is an interesting star though not always used and is the 'partner star' of Toliman (aka, Bungala; Alpha Centaurus). Both stars relate to education, learning, and sacrifice at an altar; aligned they point toward the Southern Cross. One of the charges in court used against the Templars was that they practiced unholy rites such as sacrificing on an altar dedicated to demonic forces (Pope Clement V was plotting from his lair in Rome) rather than to Christ.

For more on such stars as Agena and Toliman, see Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Also rising in the 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, and Politics, is the North Node of destiny @13Lib44 Rx, so recently conjoined by the current NN, the head of the dragon. In fact, today, on this particular Friday the 13th, transiting NN @11Libra conjoins the 1307 date's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse degree of 11Lib34 in 12th house and although I've searched online and elsewhere, the Saros Series for that Solar Eclipse has not been located--that bit of information seems to be missing. However, the Solar Eclipse in Libra did occur on October 7, 1307 ("Saros 42" say websites but not the number I need for its themes) and was preceded two weeks earlier by a Lunar Eclipse on September 22, 1307.

Scorpio Rising...

So let's consider a few factors in the October 13, 1307 chart with its foursome of planets rising in the occult sign of Scorpio: Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn, the last a triple conjunction of heavy hitters. As you know, Uranus and Neptune are The Enlightenment pair which last met in Great Conjunction three times in 1993 at and around 18 Capricorn (POLITICAL POWER in the Sabian Symbols) during the presidency of Bill Clinton. Their last exact conjunction on Oct 24th forms the basis for a modern 'New World Order' natal horoscope often referred to by yours truly primarily because the symbol for 18 Capricorn is descriptive of what is being negatively and progressively implemented in the realm of Politics: "smug or strong-armed paternalism"--Jones. In the chart, the Scorpio foursome of 1307 falls between 1993 Sun and Mars in 10th house (Washington DC).

October 13, 1307 sunrise 6:34:10 am LMT Paris, France: Hour of Venus, the chart-ruler @22Virgo in 11th House and Dispositor of the Moon in Taurus

In the 2nd house of Money and Values is banker planet Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker on a Sacred Quest; Scorpio planets Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn and Aquarius, respectively, in 3rd and 4th houses. The first pair of planets to rise are Mercury and Uranus denoting potentials for intuition, astuteness, nervous haste, inventiveness, shrewdness, revolutionary spirit, a scattering of energies, brutal frankness, upset, contradiction, physics and math, the spinal cord, and "too many irons in the fire"--Ebertin. Note that the Templars were tortured into confession with methods repeated during The Inquisition and by the US and others in our era.

The intense Mercury-Uranus conjunction of 1307 was spotlighted (however dimly) on November 3, 2013 by what I've termed the "Illumination Eclipse" due to its initial manifestation containing a trine between the Illuminati-Enlightenment-Age of Reason planets, Uranus and Neptune (Science blends with Religion though some call it Faith).

The November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse occurred @11Sco15 with Lord Saturn @13Sco52--near its 1307 degree (basically a Saturn Return for the 1307 mass arrests) in the 16 North Saros Series with themes of 'sudden release of unconscious material; illumination of ideas that can be acted upon; a sense of inspiration and deep insight'--Brady). Eclipse Mercury Rx and NN conjoined @7Scorpio---all in the 12th house when the chart is set for Washington DC, our capital city built upon Sacred Geometry principles using the ancient Megalithic Yard system of measurement.

Next up in the 1307 horoscope is the Saturn-Neptune pair indicating such apt potentials as suffering, asceticism, renunciation, readiness for sacrifice, foresight, dual characters, lower vs higher natures (idealism vs materialism), a methodical execution of plans, painful and tormenting inhibitions, painstaking efforts, distrust, peculiar temperaments, poor-sick-depressed people. Saturn-Neptune forms the 'illness axis' of any horoscope. (All planetary pair info paraphrased from Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences).

In closing, I shall add that at sunrise on October 13, 1307, the 7th house Moon @12Tau59 opposed the Scorpio planets. This gives a Sun Libra-Moon Taurus Venusian atmosphere to the day with an Air-Earth quality that 'observes, thinks, plans a course of action, then acts' (Harvey) and this may refer to the monarch of France and the Pope but also to the Templars who escaped the purge---some say first to Scotland and then on to the what was to become America, the Utopian 'New Atlantis' envisioned by Sir Francis Bacon (Tudor), Bartholomew Gosnold (who sailed to Jamestown), Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Bavarian Illuminati on May 1, 1776), and others of the anti-democratic, anti-ownership, anti-religion, anti-government Illuminati persuasion.

And of course, goddess Venus can be extremely vengeful and when last to rise before the Sun (oriental) as in 1307, denotes those who work with very valuable things such as gold, silver, and gemstones.

Well, there you have it, friends, my fuss for this Friday the 13th, 2015. If this post contains any useful or curiously interesting information for you, do consider me quite pleased!


*In his The Symbols and Meanings of Numbers, Kozminsky adds the occult symbol for '13' is A Skeleton with scythe (Death) reaping down men which certainly applies to actions stemming from the arrests of October 13, 1307. He also mentions that "a crowned head of a man has fallen at the point of the scythe", a picture worthy of correlation with certain historical events for those who may be curious about events such as the French Revolution and the beheading of King Louis XVI which was apparently enacted as revenge for the execution of Jacques DeMolay.

"Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny; they have only shifted it to another shoulder." - George Bernard Shaw, 1903.

Feb 12, 2015

February 2015: Presidents Day and a White House Security Summit

Week of Monday February 16, 2015: President's Day Heralds a White House Summit on Wednesday

by Jude Cowell

In honor of Presidents Day, here is a 3 mins 58 secs video of US Presidents "From George Washington to Barack Obama--A Long Way--Original Video":

With the recent Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris as justification, the White House has scheduled an Anti-Extremism Summit for Wednesday February 18, 2015, the day of a major Solar Eclipse at a critical-crisis 29th degree in secretive Pisces, plus, the day of Spring Equinox 2015, aka, Aries Ingress 2015 when the Sun reaches 00Aries00, a World Point of manifestation and prominence. Tap or click for a view of the eclipse horoscope set for Washington DC.

This year February 18th is also Ash Wednesday on the Vatican calendar so it is quite a big day in the Cosmos and in America with the rest of the world in the cross hairs of the East vs West conflict now being brewed to boiling with both sides determined to 'rule the world'. And since a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon denoting a period of darkness with a potential for the beginning of shady undertakings, we may expect that Summit topics of 'security' and anti-terrorism measures will not be fully shared with the public though, of course, the resulting propaganda will.

Wonder if the topic of Homeland Security running out of funds on February 27th will be discussed? The Department has certainly been the money pit boondoggle it was expected to be. Here's my original post with the 'birth' horoscope of the Department of Homeland Security if you're interested. Curiously HoSec's natal Jupiter @17Leo59 is now activated by Jupiter's current retrograde and direct path through Sun-ruled Leo which indicates a Jupiter Return so generous rewards seem to be on the cosmic menu no matter what the political thespians on Capitol Hill say.

Feb 9, 2015

Max Igan--Press TV: NATO switching to Cold War Style Security Schemes

Remember the NATO Summit in September 2014 the 'power elite' held in Wales? In astrological terms I identified the secretive 'security' planning session as a Moon-Pluto Affair and now that NATO is associated with the specter of the 'Cold War' returning we note that its Saturn (cold)--Mars (war) vibes are being purposefully promoted by a complicit media and by politicians who know which side their bread must be buttered on in order to promote 'The Big Picture'.

Feb 6, 2015

"Right wing extremist " Tony Abbott - Max Igan video

Here's a brief discussion by Australia's Max Igan of right-wing extremist Tony Abbott who campaigned as a moderate, a typical political ploy:

Now whenever I hear a term like "right wing" it remind me of the Sabian Symbol for 24 Libra: "The Third Wing on the Right Side of a Butterfly." Viewing this video I am compelled to check '24 Libra' in Adriano Carelli's symbols and find that there is a word picture (not all Carelli degrees have word pictures but all have explanations) which is, "A satyr strikes a dragon with a stick." Carelli gives two examples of this picture: the Ascendant degree of Henry IV, king of France and Navarre, and "the bulk of the Moon's orb of King Louis XIII is in this degree."

Like all 'world leaders' staging the global government scam, Mr. Abbott seems mightily determined to show his draconian plutocratic side to the Australian people as he follows the globalist script but as for having a royal streak, perhaps his arrogance and sense of entitlement reveal an inherited tale.

Incidentally, you know that second US President John Adams and his kin are reputed to be descendants of the Dragon family bloodline, right? As were other of America's founders and the current crop of draconians.

For further reading concerning this 'royal' dynasty try: The Dragon Court (includes the Merovingians, 'new world order' information, and much more.)

Feb 5, 2015

Transit Saturn and the United Arab Emirates (Dec 2, 1971); plus, Nixon's Golden Error

1971 Solar Eclipses: 9 Old South ends, 9 New South begins

For astrological purposes, a previous post details the proclamation of December 2, 1971 which created the United Arab Emirates. The federation, now in the news, is one of four Arab member states in the anti-ISIL/ISIS coalition.

The UAE proclamation date seems fairly auspicious falling within the 9 New South Saros Series of Solar Eclipses which first manifested on August 20, 1971 @27Leo (conjunct the Descendant in the UAE natal horoscope and thus prominently angular.)

Now, in February 2015, transit Saturn @3Sag conjoins the UAE's natal Neptune (the 'grim reality' or 'wish come true' transit) while opposing natal Saturn, a period when authority is challenged by another authority. Therefore, the UAE's Saturn-Neptune opposition of paranoia is being activated in a fearsome way by karmic Saturn so that reaping what's been sown may become prominent as the past catches up with leadership (Saturn; MC/IC)--on one level in the sphere of security measures. Plus, citizens of the region may be seriously affected with tr Saturn soon to oppose UAE natal Moon.

Hopefully other planetary influences will mitigate the Saturnian picture and provide protection for the good people of the UAE no matter how their leaders proceed to act or not act for a natal Sun-Neptune conjunction when activated by tr Saturn denotes a time of persistence and consolidation alternating with frustration and delay.

Usury vs the American People

Another event of historical importance occurred in 1971 and was influenced by the ending of the 9 Old South Saros Series, the Pre-Natal Eclipse of President 'Tricky Dick' Nixon's economic measures concerning gold convertibility. As of 1971, our debts became ever-lastingly unpayable into infinity....perpetual debt.

There's even a name for it: Nixon Shock and much has been written in hindsight about its deleterious effects on the US economy, a collosal mistake as noted in a commentary published in Forbes on August 15, 2011, the 40th anniversary of the profound changes Nixon proclaimed as directed by the secretive Fed (the central world bank). To quote, August 15, 1971 "...marked the beginning of the worst 40 years in American economic history." {Edit June 5, 2023: The article link is no longer Live for me, but if you know your way around Forbes Magazine perhaps you can locate it, if interested.

So Fare Well, 9 Old South, you did your part to serve Planet Earth before your energies ran slap dab out.

Wait. What? A beginning described by an ending? Yes, 'twas an ending influenced by a never-ending monetary end to being able to end one's debt burden? Well, eclipses do herald change so thanks, privately owned 'Federal Reserve' and your cat's paw, the White House. Eclipse conditions of 1971 demonstrate that our debt-based economy is wrong on a cosmic level as well as on every other level of decency, fairness, and justice that can be named.

Included in the Forbes feature is a link to Nixon's Sunday night address from the Venusian Oval Office on August 15, 1971 during which he slipped in the announcement of the ending of the post-WWII Bretton Woods era...ah hah! There's our 'ending' and it's proven to be a very unfortunate cluster 'ef', as you know. And note that the current Jupiter Rx period--Jupiter, the banker, the politician, guru--activates August 15, 1971's Sun @22Leo and Venus @19Leo; tr Saturn has recently conjoined--and will again--1971's Neptune @00Sag, ruled by moneybags Jupiter, which suggests to me the 'grim face of reality' for the US economy and US workers but a 'dream come true' for global bankers and those they fund and enable to oppress us with perpetual debt and usury interest rates while implementing their 'new economic order'.

Yes, how wonderful the Fed's grand promises that were to result from the monetary changes of 1971: more American jobs, smaller trade deficit, avoiding recessions, international competitiveness for US workers (job loss), price stability, and more--which all now show themselves as the lies and fraud they were from the start. And the liars--including mouthpiece Nixon--knew it all along.

Feb 3, 2015

Feb 1, 2015

The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777

Solar Eclipses of 1777 Descriptive of General Washington at Valley Forge

by Jude Cowell

You know the tale of the Winter of 1777 and our defeated army of rebels encamped at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania--the bloody trail of bootless soldiers' footprints in the snow, Washington's 'vision' (accounts of which never appeared during his lifetime), the hunger and illness until supplies and new troops reached their position, and Prussian officer Baron von Steuben's excellent 'art of war' training of Washington's rag tag army into a disciplined, fighting force.

Perhaps the "insurgent" army's strengthening and uplifted spirits by the time the troops left Valley Forge on June 18, 1778 may be noted within the themes of the two Solar Eclipses that I believe well describe the tenor of those difficult days. Descriptive of Washington's previous losses in battles and his retreat to Valley Forge is the eclipse of July 4, 1777 in the 14 North Saros Series (14N), the Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) of the Winter at Valley Forge which manifested @13Can10. As you see, this is an eclipse of US natal Sun (July 4, 1776) which may have negative or positive effects on America's leadership (Sun) of the day and identifies 1777 as a pivotal year for our nation.

*14N themes include possibilities for: peculiar turns of events, financial difficulties (Congress was cheap where it should be generous then as now), confusion, despair, illness, and delusion which interferes with clear judgement. General Washington is known to have been in despair along with his dispirited and ill soldiers.

(Note: 14N is the PE of Sequester 2011 and the so-called 'Super' Congress that finagled sequestration cuts---being cheap and austere in the wrong places...again).

In the 14N horoscope powerful Pluto acts as handle of a Bucket pattern--carrying the rest of the planets (actors) toward goals, uniting the hemispheres of the chart, and denoting that allegiances are adapted to where they do the most good (Jones). So can handle Pluto represent distant backers of the American cause such as anti-Britain France and possibly Baron von Steuben at Valley Forge? Well, the title Baron is often an inherited honor for mercenary soldiers, and distant archetype Pluto (which can signify the Pope and/or heads of state) possesses great wealth with which tides of events may be manipulated. And as you know, ships sent from France and Baron Steuben's training of the Continental Army combined to make all the difference in the outcome of the American Revolution.

And if we look for deeper esoteric causes of master Freemason George Washington's despair and determination toward military success, we find that he may have felt a weighty imperative to earn his 'Knight's spurs' as a member of a Star Family of Enochian priests (linked to the ideal of Atlantis, the vision of Utopia, and The Enlightenment) and thus by conquest show himself worthy of the Washington family's coat-of-arms with its 5-pointed star symbols of Venus--if we credit such ancient knightly things which my research implies have affected a hidden destiny for America as directed through the centuries by a hereditary lineage of power elites.

Note that The Enlightenment planets are Uranus (science) and Neptune (faith) which oppose one another in Washington's natal horoscope (February 22, 1732), a generational influence denoting social unrest, fanaticism, political-social-religious controversies, psychic abilities, and a sense of destined choices which must be made between partisan causes.

Additional info may be found in the sign of an eclipse---here, it's Moon-ruled Cancer, a shrewd sign denoting Washington's retreat (into a crab shell!) to reflect on security matters and strategy. Plus, Cancer eclipses contain a psychic flavor which may account on one level for Washington's alleged visionary experiences that winter. A focus on karmic family ties is indicated as well which spotlights his ancestral family imperative as noted.

In the Valley Forge horoscope of the July 4, 1777 Solar Eclipse appears a descriptive planetary pattern, a Thor's Hammer (aka, a Fist of God---quite a karmic imperative!) between a Cardinal Saturn-Pluto square (26 Libra to 29 Capricorn) aiming at rebellious Uranus @13Gem00 indicating sudden acts of violence and/or being unafraid of danger (Ebertin).

Yet as the cold hard days and morning-to-night military drills passed at Valley Forge and the sentiments of the populace waxed and waned toward independence vs loyalty to the British crown, the themes of another Saros Series replaced those of 14N for soon after Washington's arrival at Valley Forge on December 17, 1777, a Solar Eclipse manifested @8Cap39 on December 29, 1777 in the 14 South Series with potential for: success after a long period of hard work; a long awaited breakthrough. 14S also contains Mercury-Pluto content due to its initial eclipse in the series which manifested on August 29, 984 (OS) @10Vir59...Mercury ideas + Pluto obsession = an obsessive idea (or ideal) is finally accepted and Jupiterian success follows.

Plus, in the 14S eclipse horoscope, revolutionary rebel Uranus @12Gem61 Rx--America's 'totem planet' of revolution and independence--has become lead planet in a Locomotive pattern indicating executive ability and a drive toward success!

As for a Solar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, conscientiousness is rewarded when negative karmic energies are dealt with maturely and responsibly--and by karmic, I refer to reaping what was sown and depending on methods that no longer work. George Washington's famous reticence, restraint, and serious personality turned out to be perfect for cautiously guiding the Continental Army after much careful consideration during those dangerous days and his natal PE @6Cap54 in the 4 North Saros Series shows such personal traits which seemed to his jealous critics to be merely signs of indecision and weakness.

Participation in political groups and authority concerns are also denoted by an eclipse in Capricorn which often includes the question, who should be in charge? Yes, General Charles Lee and others in the Continental Congress undermined General Washington's command but to no avail, as we know, for fortune began to smile upon the American cause once Washington and the troops left Valley Forge and battled on.

Okay, this is my view of General Washington and the difficult Winter at Valley Forge through the lens of the Solar Eclipses of 1777. Hopefully you've derived some benefit from my effort if not agreement with my conclusions! jc


*Eclipse themes paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

For further reading see Eye Witness to History: Winter at Valley Forge.

Jan 30, 2015

New Millennial Politics: a Feb 18, 2015 New Moon @29AQ

February 2015: In the Waning Darkness of an Aquarian New Moon

by Jude Cowell

Aquarius is the sign so often associated with New Age ideas and ideals leaning into a Utopian vision where Reason alone allegedly uplifts humanity. Certainly Politics as a practice and a profession is not exempt from Aquarian influences which now are at a peak within this the 15-year-old New Millennium with code words such as 'new order' and 'global government' being openly touted every day.

This 'new order' means the old order will be destroyed and US sovereignty and the nation-state are considered things of the past. Trade pacts and ill-protected borders do their parts in the dissolution game along with infiltrated courts and institutions.

Wealth-hoarder and transformer Pluto of The Underworld now creeps through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of law, government, and business, toppling heads of state and causing irrevocable damage to protective laws and useful traditions. In year 2022, America will experience her first ever Pluto Return and some say that 2016 will be the last presidential campaign in US history--if so, 2022 arrives only two years after a 'last presidency' ends for the term of office begins, of course, at noon on January 20, 2017 assuming that all goes as traditionally planned.

As Above, So Below

Astrology is a study, a language, and a tool that is useful (though not infallible) for 'peeking under the hood' of Politics to assess the squirmy creatures underneath as Stars Over Washington has attempted to do since 2005. And as a former resident of the District, this Sun-Mercury-Mars-Jupiter Capricorn can do no less while dissenting against misguided leadership corrupted by criminal elements not of a democratic persuasion who act in cahoots with the current crop of Utopian power-grabbers.

So if we look to the Cosmos on February 18, 2015 we find a new cycle of Aquarian influences beginning as marked by a New Moon at a critical-crisis 29th degree. Yet the Aquarian influence wanes and an anxious eagerness may be in evidence as 00Pisces looms upon the solar and lunar calendars for the Moon enters Pisces at 6:47 pm and the Sun enters at 6:50 pm est. Perhaps the lunation manifesting at 29AQ denotes that the time has come for certain actions to be taken for the planning stage has been successfully completed. And symbolically the murky realms of Pisces can provide high inspiration--or much cover for unsavory actions and events as 2015 proceeds.

Curiously, February 18, 2015 is the date set by the White House for a 'Security Summit' of global leaders which is ostensibly justified because of the attacks on Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, a tragic event which some believe was a false flag op so that new security measures could seem justified in France and across Europe. You know--like the 2001 WTC attacks that 'justified' the pre-prepared US Patriot Act and the Germanic sounding Department of 'Homeland Security'.

Here, the plutocratic pair of Pluto-Chiron in sextile form the base of a YOD (a pattern with potentials for crisis, crossroads, turning point, special task, health issues) that points to Jupiter Rx @16Leo02 and on the verge of leaving the 12th house of Politics and Karma (12th cusp 15Leo01, a degree that recalls the Full Moon of February 3, 2015 @14Leo). With the Leo-AQ axis emphasized, we may expect self will and humanitarianism to be on the collective menu until we morph into the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis at the March 20, 2015 Spring Equinox and Solar Eclipse.

As noted in previous posts, transit Jupiter turns Direct on April 8, 2015 @12Leo (again conjoining President Obama's natal Sun) and passes shadow degree in early July when investment, expansion, and political plans and actions may proceed more freely.

Jupiter-NN: Compromised Legal Societies and SOTU Plans Retracted

Now in the February 18 New Moon horoscope set for Washington DC 6:47:13 pm est the Jupiter-NN midpoint rises @12Vir34. This midpoint was prominent in similar fashion (rising) in the horoscope of President Obama's SOTU 2015 address on the 6th anniversary of his 8-year presidency--an Inaugural Solar Return and a symbol of a new 2-year phase beginning for him and for his style of global implementation of a 'new order'. As you know, our military guided by the Pentagon, a 5-pointed death star, acts as the military enforcement arm on behalf of global government though the armies of other nations and entities are in process of being fitted up for the task once ours is totally used up.

As you know, archetypal Jupiter plays roles such as the General, the Banker, the Religious Leader, the Broadcaster, the Professor, and the Politician and is prominent in all horoscopes this year. When coupled with the North Node (NN) of future direction, he makes contact with the general public quite often, sometimes pleasant contact.

In the New Moon chart, the only applying Ptolemaic aspect made by chart and Midheaven ruler Mercury (in 5th house @4AQ05) is a sextile with Saturn (in 3rd house @4Sag27) and this denotes needs for better organization and management, setting priorities, and the protection of privacy (especially for communications), plus, a tendency toward bickering, not heeding warnings, and/or for listening to alternate opinions (Epstein). One of boundary crossing Jupiter's loves, freedom of expression continues to turn up in the news and spying on the conversations of others is a default position for many (I won't name names but ya know who ya are).

Other chart factors in the Feb 18 New Moon horoscope are important as well yet for the sake of brevity I shall mention only a few more, many of which have been discussed in recent posts (exs: the Cardinal square between Uranus and Pluto, investing Jupiter Rx acting as the handle planet of a Bucket pattern, Neptune @6Pis59 as Final Dispositor, and the Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 in this chart's 2nd house of the National Treasury which occurred in October 2014. Type 'eclipses' into this site's sidebar Search field and you'll find a list including the powerful upcoming Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse @29Pisces, the position of testy Mars in the Feb 18 New Moon horoscope).

For these and other reasons, the New Moon of February 18, 2015 emphasizes financial matters

especially with Uranus @13Ari59 in 8th house squaring Pluto in the 5th house of Speculation, and golden Midas Rx @9Gem25 and trickster agent of panic, Pan Rx @10Gem33, topping the chart at Midheaven (The Goal Point in DC) in tandem with US natal Uranus (8Gem55) representing technology, genius, radical Politics, revolution, and a potential for disruption and upset. We may also expect the wealthy financial donors of our sold-out politicians to continue working toward their ultimate goal of total ownership of the tattered-on-purpose US government as February fades into March and Spring 2015.

Note: the Feb 18 New Moon conjoins America's reputed Pre-Natal Eclipse degree of 00Pis33 in the 12 South Series that manifested prior to July 4, 1776--I say 'reputed' because the August 14, 1776 Solar Eclipse in the 13 North Series--the initial eclipse of the Series and thus indicative of a major new start--seems more descriptive of our nation and its founding than the 00Pisces eclipse. Plus, as you know, the Declaration of Independence was signed in full on August 2, 1776 which falls within the required two-week window of influence by the August 14, 1776 eclipse.

For comparison, here are the themes of both 12 South and 13 North (12S, 13N):

12S (initial occurrence September 19, 1541 @6Lib10; also occurred on April 3, 1307, the year the Order of the Knights Templar was decimated and run out of France though some say the ones who escaped sailed to the New World of America where their descendants have worked for centuries to establish the 'new order' you see before you): 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; draining or worrisome issues seem worse, then clear'--a theme which does relate to our Founders who met and deliberated an American Utopia at risk of their lives and fortunes, and many of whom were members of secret societies and orders such as Templar Freemasonry. 12S last manifested on July 11, 2010 @19Cancer and influenced the successful capping of the oil well due to BP's Deepwater Horizon fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico, a watery Cancerian event. Next 12S occurs in 2028 @30Cancer during Chiron's 3 returns to natal discovery degree (3Tau08) in 2027 and 2028.

13N: 'large, ambitious group projects that require separation via the breaking of an existing bond; the separation leads to joint achievement' (both themes paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology). Obviously, this describes America's break from Britain and its King. 13N last occurred on January 4, 2011 @14Cap where transit Pluto now plods opposite US natal Sun in Cancer. Next, a 13N eclipse occurs in 2029 @25Cap within two degrees of US natal Pluto Rx which was out-of-bounds of the earthly plane in July 1776.

Jan 29, 2015

Feb 3 2015 Leo Full Moon conjoins fixed star Dubhe

On Tuesday February 3, 2015 a Full Moon @14Leo47 perfects at 6:08:54 pm est across the 6/12 axis in a horoscope set for Washington DC. Along with Dubhe, the Full Moon rises with Jupiter Rx @18Leo00 conjunct the degree of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse which heralded New Millennium 'terror' and our subsequent global economic woes. Jupiter continues as the handle planet of a Bucket planetary pattern thus linking chart hemispheres and the actors (planets) opposite.

Sun @14AQ47 falls in the 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (military, police, civil, domestic), and Daily Tasks and with the Moon is part of a Focused YOD along with the Pluto-Chiron sextile.

Pluto-Chiron = plutocracy, oppression, exploitation, primal violence

The Pluto-Chiron sextile (the base of the YOD pattern pointing toward the Moon and by opposition, the Sun) denotes spokesmen and those who have a "finger on the mass pulse" (Nolle). Pluto @14Cap18 in 5th house applies to a final square (0A55) with Uranus--here @13Ari22 in 8th house (exact on March 16). The ongoing Saturn-Neptune square from 4th house to 7th continues to bellyache over its social burdens such as the funding of America's safety net programs and other social needs of the populace. Also, 7th house Neptune denotes the ongoing unreliability in February 2015 of partnerships and alliances domestically and in American foreign policy. A 7th house Venus, exalted in Pisces, brings in a potential link to the Vatican.

My suspicion is that the Full Moon's close encounter with fixed star Dubhe points primarily toward US foreign policy for fixed star Dubhe is the alpha star of constellation Ursa Major, the Great She-Bear, and as everyone knows, this is a traditional archetypal symbol for Russia. Potential expressions of Dubhe include: destruction, arrogance (A. Louis), a martial nature (Ptolemy), nastiness (Ebertin), strong feminine powers, intuition, psychism, persistence, endurance, and quiet strength (Brady).

Visions of an angry, protective she-bear appear with the February 3rd Full Moon in dramatic Leo! Yes, paternalistic egos may be viciously defended yet examples of the star's Mars-inspired energies include Princess Diana's natal Venus which is linked by paran to Dubhe and, as Ebertin notes, Dubhe links with the natal Moon of China's Mao Tse Tung who advised his political operatives (and all future politicians with an infiltrating mission) that,

"Wherever we go, we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them..."

Hmmm..I confess, this reminds me of The Americans returning to TV last evening and how Russian and other spies are embedded among us.

Note: a brief bio of Chairman Mao Tse Tung and his natal horoscope may be found here.

And for additional information on the February 3, 2015 Full Moon you'll find a comprehensive analysis showing lunation horoscopes set for various locations including the Middle East at Grand Trines.

Update 1/29/15: the 8th house Uranus is prominent in the Full Moon chart for it acts as the Thales Point (trine Moon, sextile Sun)--the negotiator--that can ease tension between the opposing Sun and Moon.