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Apr 10, 2017

#SyriaStrikes Aftermath: What We Know So Far - The Corbett Report (w/ Eclipses)

April 10, 2017: The following Corbett Report is posted to Stars Over Washington for your consideration:

Here's a link to The Corbett Report transcript if you prefer.


Have a look at the Syria Assad Coup 1970 Horoscope if you wish and one factor you'll notice is that its Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series (10th house), the 8 South, manifested in August 1970 @8Vir04 prior to the November 13, 1970 coup, opposite the currently in-effect Solar Eclipse of February 26, 2017 @8Pis12 in the 19 South series (a lucky break or win).

Appropriately describing a violent military coup are the themes of 8 South: loss, separation, physical injury and strain. (Brady's Predictive Astrology). An 8 South Solar Eclipse last occurred during Bush-Cheney on September 22, 2006 @29Virgo, a critical degree that conjoins the 00Libra Midheaven in the natal horoscope of America that I most often use (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA which puts Cardinal World Points on the MC-IC axis. I save America's Scorpio Rising chart (ruled by Mars and Pluto) for spying, surveillance, military, and corporate or Big Business matters. And sometimes for the occult and esoteric issues of our Founding Fathers (whether Freemason, Rosicrucian, Illuminati, or a combination). You may disagree but there it is.

Please note that the posting of content to Stars Over Washington does not signal automatic endorsement or agreement by yours truly but is posted in a spirit of sharing information and airing alternative points of view. Freedom of Speech! J. Cowell

Apr 9, 2017

Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Our Society

Pluto Generations - The Evolution Of Our Society

by Kevin Estes

In generational astrology, the sign Pluto is in represents the role that your age group will play in regards to the evolution of society, as Pluto is the transformer. It also indicates the core reality of your age group (Pluto in Cancer is family oriented and patriotic, Pluto in Leo is creative and individualistic, Pluto in Virgo is very health and service oriented, Pluto in Libra is very relationship and beauty oriented, Pluto in Scorpio has extreme depth and doesn't accept anything but the truth, Pluto in Sagittarius is very reckless and freedom oriented, etc.), so while Pluto's influence may not be as well known as that of the Sun, Moon, and inner planets, it has a very important role nonetheless.

Pluto in Cancer (1912-1939)

This generation's main role was to transform family life. It was this generation that's responsible for the current family structure of an average of two to three kids, also known as the nuclear family. And this generation is responsible for women becoming a large part of the workforce, as WWII forced housewives to enter the workforce and support their families with their husbands being away for war.

Pluto in Leo (1937-1958)

This generation's main role was to transform childhood, as children were to be seen and not heard until this generation came, and a lot of the artists of the 1960s, such as Elvis, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and The Who to name a few, were created for this generation. The Vietnam War protests that this group is known for led to the abolition of the draft by Jimmy Carter.

Pluto in Virgo (1956-1972)

This generation has had many accomplishments, most notably the expansion of technology throughout their adulthood. The computer began to replace the typewriter during their years as young adults in the early 90s, and after their Saturn returns is when the internet and cell phones became mainstream. This generation is also a driving force behind the green and vegan movements, most notably the left wing members of this generation. Virgo rules health and the environment.

Pluto in Libra (1971-1984)

This generation has all had their Saturn returns, and with Libra being the sign of fairness, it's no coincidence that this generation, most notably the left wing members of the generation, is a driving force behind issues like minority rights, gay rights, and equal pay, and gay marriage eventually being legalized two years ago. Libra is the sign of harmony, and thus a major portion of this generation is also anti war. It is no coincidence that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan dominated when this generation were the young adults.

Pluto in Scorpio (1983-1995)

This generation is currently the young adults, and the oldest are already going through their Saturn returns. Scorpio rules the occult, and Neptune, the dissolver, is currently in the sign of secrets, Pisces, and it's no coincidence that the secrets about the world's institutions (Pluto in Capricorn) are slowly coming out. As a card carrying member of this generation, my writings are mainly to expose how political ideology and generational characteristics are shown in your birth chart, as well as the reality of the system altogether (the Illuminati control everything mainstream, and people are "wage slaves" for the elite until they are physically unable to do it anymore).

Note: The Pluto in Libra generation and the vast majority of the Pluto in Scorpio generation have the asteroid Quaoar in Scorpio, which is said to fit the timeline of the Indigo children, whose role is to break down outdated systems that aren't in humanity's best interests, and I'm one of them.

The Pluto in Sagittarius (1995-2008) generation is still in the school system, with the oldest being in college, and the Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2024) generation is still being born, with the oldest being third graders, so they have yet to make their mark, and thus they're not listed.

The main reason for this article is to show that while all the Pluto generations are different, all have a unique role to play in the evolution of society, and that all are connected. Pluto in Leo rebelled against Pluto in Cancer's rigid family values, Pluto in Virgo cleaned up Pluto in Leo's mess, Pluto in Libra's tactfulness came after Pluto in Virgo's criticism, Pluto in Scorpio are willing to go into the dark side that Pluto in Libra isn't, Pluto in Sagittarius is optimistic whereas Pluto in Scorpio is cynical, Pluto in Capricorn will bring order to Pluto in Sagittarius' recklessness, etc.

The more we understand our generational differences and that each one has a specific role to play, rather than trying to make each generation act like our generation, the better off society will be.

Links explaining Quaoar in Scorpio's influence:

Karmic Astrology

Astrology Weekly

About the characteristics of an Indigo, in case you may be one:

How to Tell If You Are Indigo

Dates of Pluto in the Signs.


Thanks, Kevin!

This article published here by author's permission. Visit Left Wing Astrology for more articles by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes.

Apr 8, 2017

June 9, 2017: Jupiter Stations Direct at the Full Moon

A Brief Peek at June 2017's Sag Full Moon with Jupiter Stationing Direct in Libra

by Jude Cowell

On June 9, 2017 two cosmic events occur: a Full Moon @18Sag53 perfects, and, 52 mins 30 secs later, Jupiter turns Direct @13Lib12, a conjunction by transit to US natal Saturn (restrictions partially lifted; possible success with legalities).

The following Full Moon horoscope is set for the White House and shows that North Node (a point of encounter and future direction) points to Mr. Trump's natal Mars, planet of aggression, there's a dynamic T-Square from the Full Moon to the delusional 8th house Neptune in mid-Pisces (conjoining fixed star Achernar = crisis; risk of rapid endings), the 8th house of Corporatism, Credit, Debt, Insurance, and Transformation also contains the currently reigning Solar Eclipse in Pisces which manifested @8Pis12 on February 26, 2017, US natal Chiron conjoins the goal-oriented Midheaven (21Aries: "A Pugilist Enters the Ring"), stationing Jupiter is in 3rd house as is Mr. Trump's *natal Jupiter which was Station Direct at his birth, Venus and Uranus are in the 10th house of Public Reputation suggesting the potential for lack of resources and/or erratic or eccentric spending, the Full Moon conjoins authoritarian Saturn, and the Gemini-Sagittarius planets are intercepted across the 5/11 Will axis suggesting something hidden, secretive, and/or karmic is afoot.

Please enlarge the chart if you wish to read my scribbles:

This Full Moon horoscope's ASC-DESC house cusps are in the same signs as those of Mr. Trump's natal horoscope (though in earlier degrees) and the June Full Moon echoes his own natal Sun Gem-Moon Sag opposition (his natal chart is linked, below). The Sun to his natal Uranus transit denotes a brief period when group organizing is difficult due to issues of disloyalty, unreliability, and/or stubborn pride, non-traditional solutions and methods are sought (pretty much his modus operandi), and Mr. Trump's uniqueness and unpredictability are singled out to receive more attention than usual (which is hard to imagine how much more he could receive--and we could tolerate).

Of course, this Full Moon in freedom-loving Sagittarius, the natural sign of Jupiter, so perhaps its perfection denotes a sort of culmination, fulfillment, or an ending of political alliances.

Now as you know, astrological Jupiter can play many roles (exs: broadcaster, CEO, banker, financier, guru, actor, politician, the General) and once the Great Benefic of Good Fortune begins to move forward, Jupiterian matters in legal, diplomatic, political, religious, and financial realms will progress as well though this shall be more obvious once transit Jupiter leaves his own shadow at the degree of his last Retrograde Station (February 6, 2017 @23Lib08). Will generous, jolly Jupiter's forward movement aid a grumpy Congress in their careful deliberations? What careful deliberations?!

Tragically, the US Congress seldom if ever engages in such exalted non-partisan activities these days since the majority of them serve corporate interests rather than The People's.

But wait! According to some folk, the US Constitution was suspended in 1933 by FDR and every emergency act signed by presidents ever since have continued the tragic illusion:


Well, bless my habeus corpus! From 1996, here's a nuanced look at the issue of our suspended Constitution and the invoking of presidential Emergency Powers. Now I wonder why presidents continue to take their Oaths of Office to defend and protect a suspended document with provisions so often ignored? Probably to keep the ruse of a constitutional Republic intact and the wool pulled firmly over our eyes.

Related: Donald Trump's Natal Chart with VP Mike Pence's planets added.

Apr 6, 2017

Millennial Astrologer Analyzes Economic Systems

Stars Over Washington's ongoing series of articles authored by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes continues as Kevin shares his astro-analysis of the four main economic systems in society and how to recognize the indicators in a horoscope:

Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism Defined: Which Is The "Right" System?

by Kevin Estes

The US is commonly labeled as a capitalist country, but when looking at the definition of capitalism, the US is clearly not a capitalist country, at least not anymore. The four main economic systems, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism, will be defined in this post, and the system that fits the current US economic system will be quite surprising for you if you don't know what all of them truly are.


"An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."

In a capitalist society, there would be no public schools, no public colleges and universities, no state funded highways, and no safety net programs. This sounds good to many with strong right wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the North Node, 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus, with cultural indicators and Pallas aspects varying), which indicate a preference of capitalism, but many people need those safety net programs, especially those with low incomes, disabilities, and people who get laid off. Of course, it's easy to say "that's what your family is supposed to be there for!", but quite a few people don't have family members in close proximity to be there for them, as they can be living in another state, not on speaking terms, or even worse, not be alive at all. And some will also say that it should be the church's job, but many aren't religious at all.


"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

In a socialist society, the needs of everyone are met. Safety net programs for people who are laid off or just can't work at all (retirees, mentally ill, disabled), free public schools for children, health care for everyone, business regulations to improve the quality of the work environment, etc. The US is much closer to socialism than capitalism, though not purely socialist. Socialism in the natal chart is generally indicated by left wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, the sign of Pisces, Neptune, and the South Node), with defensive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node), and often with left wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, Neptune, and the South Node), as making sure the needs of everyone are met also involves social issues like abortion rights, gay rights, minority rights, environmentalism, etc.


"A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs."

Communism is basically an authoritarian version of socialism, in that private property is not allowed and society is completely devoid of economic classes. Basically, everyone's needs are met, outside of freedom. Communism is indicated by left wing economic indicators and aggressive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node and in hard aspect to Jupiter), generally with left wing cultural indicators. The US has never been communist, as economic classes are still prevalent to this day, though they're dwindling rapidly, which brings us to:


"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization."

Fascism is a right wing economic system, where the corporations control the government, opposition is stifled, and is occupied by nationalism. Sound familiar? That's because it is. Ever since 9/11, many have been arrested as "terrorists," just because they were true patriots and whistle blowers. In the current Pluto in Capricorn era, corporations have gained more and more control over the government, and as a result, the wealth gap has been expanding rapidly every year.

Fascism is indicated by left wing economic indicators (because the wealth of the people is being dissolved and going to the 1%, which is why there's such a large gap between the rich and the poor, while the middle class is disappearing rapidly), along with aggressive Pallas and right wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 4th house, the North Node, and the sign of Cancer). The left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators are present in numerous GOP politicians, including George W Bush (he has defensive Pallas but his VP Cheney had a strong aggressive Pallas), Ronald Reagan, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and Condoleezza Rice, which is basically a "who's who?" of the GOP establishment. Out of the four systems, fascism is what the US is closest to right now, and what the economic system will likely be if the NWO actually comes to fruition.

Many Republicans who are anti-socialism and anti-communism, yet claim to be capitalist, may actually be supporting fascism instead, especially if they're in favor of deficit spending on the military rather than the safety net programs, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans regardless of how much job growth they're creating, and not batting an eye when GOP politicians like Trump attempt to suppress freedom of speech. Not everyone with left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators is fascist though (ex: the Catholic doctrine is known for promoting a socially conservative doctrine, while promoting a very leftist economic view).

The Right Economic System

With all these economic systems defined, which one is the right one? Technically, none of them. Out of the four, socialism is the closest, as it makes sure everyone's needs are met, while being significantly less authoritarian than communism, though the government plays a huge role in socialism, which brings the risk of its growing into communism over time. However, as I've mentioned before, the economic system itself is a modern version of slavery, in that in order to make a good living, you need to work an average of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for over 40 years until you reach the age where you're no longer productive enough for the elites anymore, which means you'll be eligible for retirement. I am not saying that people should sit at home all day, but that it's immoral to force people to be "wage slaves," or else have extreme difficulty surviving. If you cannot survive without being a "wage slave" to the elites, then it is not true freedom.

Personally, the "right" economic system is one where everyone's needs are met unconditionally with free health care for everyone by way of Medicare expansion, with the freedom for people to pursue whatever career they want, yet not rely on that career just to survive, as work life and family/social life would be more balanced and everyone would have enough to survive comfortably unconditionally, which would happen by way of something like a Social Security expansion for everyone (jobs would give people the extras, such as traveling and seeing the world). That system doesn't exist right now, as it would have to be created when the current system, which encourages people to want more and more in order to get ahead financially, collapses. With Pluto in Capricorn and the Pluto return coming in 2022, and Pluto entering Aquarius right after the Pluto return in 2023, this could actually become a reality.

Be sure to check out more articles by Kevin Estes at Left Wing Astrology.

Apr 4, 2017

DC Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse Aug 7, 2017 and the Planets of Mr. Trump

Here is the Lunar Eclipse horoscope of August 7, 2017 set for the White House, Washington DC (as representative of America). The eclipse perfects at 2:10:34 pm edt @15AQ25 in the 3rd house of Communications, Primary Education, Siblings, Short Journeys, and the Lower Mind. Its Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) @8Pis12 in the 19 South Saros Series (Feb 26, 2017) is in the 4th house with mysterious Neptune Rx and wounded healer Chiron (which is unaspected) in secretive Pisces. Yet the Aquarian Lunar Eclipse is the mate of the next Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (at Midheaven of this eclipse chart!), a critical and impatient 29th degree, in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, The Mother of All Eclipses. This was the Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 that seer-astrologer Nostradamus predicted and had 'terror' and difficult financial implications for the New Millennium.

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes:

Hour: Mercury (in 10th house of Public Status and Career @10Vir27, sign of the critic, the author, the teacher, the scientist) and chart-ruler Mars (11Leo43 in 9th house and just having passed Mr. Trump's natal Pluto, a karmic period of investments and investigations when taking revenge brings perilous results. As you see, Trump's natal Mars rising at his 29Leo Ascendant is at Midheaven along with royal star Regulus (success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all that's been gained will be taken away), and the 8th house Venus @8Can16 conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Mercury which stimulates his urge to communicate and denotes a potential for good news.

However, Mercury opposes deceitful Neptune and we must remember that Mr. Trump was born under the influence of a fact-distorting, indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square (the sneaky mind - Oken); the Virgo-Pisces polarity is intercepted in the chart indicating something hidden and karmic (reaping what's been sown) affecting conditions in August. With the square, one tends to fantasize and create a personal version of the truth and we've certainly noted this tendency in Mr. Trump in previous posts, thanks to his Mercury-Neptune square.

As the horoscope shows, the Lunar Eclipse in DC manifests across the 3/9 axis so that karmic communications concerning foreign lands and people may be one thing described here with issues involving Education and one's Philosophy possibilities as well. And the 11th house Jupiter @17Lib57 ('18Libra' = "Two Men Placed Under Arrest"...neg: total inappropriateness of impulse and act" - Jones) is in process of completing Mr. Trump's current Jupiter Return (17Lib27). The third of three conjunctions to his natal Jupiter perfects on August 4, 2017 and spotlights the ongoing transit of Pluto square natal Jupiter, a period when more powerful and influential people block efforts at Jupiterian expansion. In fact, it's a time when taking oneself too seriously or exaggerating one's importance negatively affects activities in the realms of Politics, Public Relations, War, and Diplomacy.

Personal Relationship Concerns

As we see in the chart, another cosmic spotlight is cast once again by transit Saturn, the restrictive lesson-bringer and taskmaster, hitting Mr. Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction, an ouch! transit if there ever was one. As a Full Moon personality, relationships are prominent in Donald Trump's life but recently the word divorce has surfaced in the media concerning Donald and Melania Trump's marriage (but that's their business, imo). Meanwhile, transit Saturn also opposes his natal Sun (22Gemini) so that ego (Sun) is squelched (Saturn), and his or a family member's health may be affected by Saturn (bones, teeth, skin, calcification, a growth or blockage, etc).

Obviously, there are several other chart factors worthy of noting (Moon ruling 9th house, Sun ruling 10th, etc) in this Leonine horoscope but in an effort to type a post not a book, let's close with the Sabian Symbols of this Lunar Eclipse--the two word pictures (each of which are Illumination Points of the other), plus, the negative expressions of the degrees (these are penned upon the chart).

Warning: these word pictures may sound familiar:

Sun '16Leo': "Sunshine Just After a Storm"... negative expression: continual upset over petty issues; Moon '16AQ': "A Big Businessman at His Desk"... negative expression: ambitious superficiality.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Note that the off-and-on Jupiter-Uranus opposition isn't registering in the Lunar Eclipse horoscope of August but will perfect in late September 2017 so that its 'political conflicts' vibes will continue to affect or stir up Washington DC's many many problems. The two planets last met in Great Conjunction/s three times: June 8, 2010, September 19, 2010, and January 4, 2011--twice in late Pisces and once at the Cardinal World Point 00Aries (aka, the Aries Point) on June 8, 2010. You'll remember Mr. Obama and the Republican Party stalemates of that era along with the Tea Party vs Old Guard Republicans.

Apr 3, 2017

Oregon and South Carolina Horoscopes of The Great American Eclipse

A Cosmic Blink Directed Toward America!

Here are two horoscopes for the 'first touch on US soil' at Depoe Bay, Oregon, and what I've labeled the "buh-bye" chart where the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse--aka, The Great American Eclipse--last touches US soil at Cape Island, South Carolina.

Perhaps you can enlarge the image and read a few notes?

There wasn't a lot of space to add Mr. Trump's natal Mars Rising in late Leo (with Regulus) so you won't see that listed around either chart but you will see that transit Saturn is again hitting Trump's natal Moon and South Node (divorce? his approval rating trends even lower?) which denotes a difficult time unless mitigated by the good planning and hard work that have taken place. Uranus in Aries marks the spot where friends, colleagues, and/or groups may provide karmic resources (from 7th house in Oregon, from 5th house in S.C.) so that evolutionary progress can be made.

Hello, Depoe Bay, Oregon!

And as you see, the chart-ruler in Oregon is Venus (24Can41 near Trump's natal Venus and Saturn and conjunct US natal Mercury Rx = good news?) which makes only one applying aspect: a square to Uranus (is someone blocking those karmic resources?) so that awkward social events take place; however, conditions and situations can turn pleasant before they end. US natal Sun (13Can19) sits atop the Oregon chart at Midheaven (MC) along with two fixed stars, Sirius (The Scorcher) and Canopus (The Plumb Line) joining in by degree.

Fare Thee Well, Cape Island, South Carolina!

In South Carolina, chart-ruler Jupiter holds sway @20Lib11 in 10th house (and still in progress of completing Mr. Trump's three-fer Jupiter Return to 17Lib27). As you see, Jupiter applies only once to an opportunistic sextile to Saturn, an aspect suggesting that hard work and careful planning will pay off and that limitations must be accepted in order to avoid over-extending ourselves. Of course, this is also a transiting sextile to Mr. Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction and though his Saturnian SN involvement complicates matters, it hints that on some level, Donald Trump's dreams may come true--even with a Total Solar Eclipse hitting his natal Ascendant (physical body) and rising Mars in royal Leo! Plus, its last touch in S.C. puts US natal Neptune @22Vir25 at Midheaven (MC), the Goal Point of the chart. Neptune in Virgo identifies the many scientists and artists involved with this rare eclipse.

Now as you know, a Solar Eclipse in Leo spotlights the need to avoid Leo's more negative qualities such as pride, vainglory, bossiness, and pomposity. what do you think are the chances of that? Especially when "fixed stars work through eclipses" (D. Ovason) so that the caution of Regulus may be the primary take-away here: success if revenge is avoided (if not, then all that has been gained will be lost). And that's another 'what are the chances?' when it comes to Donald Trump, America's avenger-in-chief.

Still, I'm typing this on April 3, 2017 when Trump 'scandals' litter the news cycle like Russian fleas on Chinese pups. But will his crises in office be sufficiently damaging to his administration by August so that the Solar Eclipse reveals a 'stepping down' or impeachment situation for an eclipsed Mr. Trump? Or will he, his policies, colleagues, and enablers eclipse America as they seem inclined to do?

Final Notes: neither of the charts above show the Solar Eclipse perfected (28Leo52); according to my Solar Fire Gold v9+ software, perfection occurs on August 21, 2017 at 2:30:07 pm edt.

Like yours truly, Stars Over Washington is a work in progress so here's my original post concerning The Great American Eclipse showing a horoscope set for McClellanville, S. C.

Apr 1, 2017

The 19 North Prenatal Eclipse Series of Jared Kushner

Ivanka Trump's husband Jared Kushner was born in Livingston, New Jersey on January 10, 1981 (family name previously Stadtmauer which marches in step with Donald Trump's real family name, Drumf). During the 24-hour day of Kushner's birth, the Sun ranged from 19Cap52 to 20Cap53 (a critical degree) and the Moon ranged from 8Pis10 (also a critical degree where the current Solar Eclipse of February 26, 2017 occurred @8Pis12 in the 19 South Saros Series) to 22Pisces00) so Mr. Kushner's personality blend (conscious adult + unconscious child) is Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces, a Saturn-Jupiter-Neptune combo of energies.

The birth date of January 10, 1981 places the young Mr. Kushner snugly into the 19 North Saros Series for his 19N Prenatal Solar Eclipse manifested on August 10, 1980 @18Leo. 19N last occurred on September 1, 2016 @9Virgo (possibly opposite his natal Pisces Moon). 19N is the 'realism; seeing things for what they really are; good time for tackling the truth' (Brady) eclipse and was the influential Prenatal Eclipse of Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. However, with transit Neptune (the fibber and deceiver!) opposing the 19N eclipse, truth and realism have been constantly eroded, hidden, leaked, undermined, and/or totally disregarded this go-round. (19N last occurred on August 22, 1998, also @29Leo, and began on July 5, 1331 @20Cancer, another critical degree.)

In case you missed it, here's Stephen Colbert's segment on Jared Kushner, Chief White House Nepotism Beneficiary.

And in no particular order here are a few Trump Family Astrology Charts, some with known birth times, some not:

Ivana Trump (Feb 20, 1949 = Sun Pisces-Moon 00Sag; ASC 24Scorpio; Ivanka Trump (Kushner) (October 30, 1981 = Sun Scorpio-Moon Sag; Tiffany Trump (October 13, 1993 = Sun Libra-Moon Virgo, during the third of three NWO conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune @18Cap20/24: POLITICAL POWER = smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones); Barron Trump; Donald Trump Jr; Eric Trump; Melania Trump; and, one mustn't forget The Natal Chart of Donald Trump.

Related: An Astrologer Finds Troubling Signs in Donald Trump's Star Chart by Betty McKeon.

Mar 31, 2017

Social Security Is the Largest Asset Most People Have & They Don't Realize It

Here's Thom Hartmann discussing Social Security Works and the very popular insurance program Social Security (and Disability Insurance, DI) and what Republicans and Wall Street titans want to do to it and to the American people who depend upon it:

Check out the History of Social Security.

Can Astrology Describe the Trump-Russia Scandal?

There is one current transit from heavy weight Pluto of the Underworld making its spying effects known in the early days of the Trump administration and that is surveillance-lover Pluto now within a 5-degree orb of opposition to US natal Mercury Rx (@24Can11).

Those who are familiar with America's natal horoscope (any version set for July 4, 1776) are aware of our nation's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition across the security minded Cancer-Capricorn axis and here and elsewhere much has been made of America's first-ever Pluto Return/s all through year 2022 (exact: Feb 20, July 11, and Dec 28, 2022). With its orbit lasting approximately 248 years, transit Pluto returning to natal position is a big deal for certain but before manipulative Pluto can perform such a task, it will oppose US natal Mercury, a perilous time for our country.

Naturally we think of all the surveillance, spying, secret meetings, leaking, and hacking events and reporting of them that have already occurred but what can Astrology tells us about the Pluto-opposing-natal-Mercury transit already in effect (today Pluto is @19Cap18 and within a 5-degree orb of opposing US natal Mercury). Pluto's exact opposition/s to US Mercury won't occur until 2021 into 2022 but a slow creeper like Pluto moving within orb can provide a strong taste of what's to come with exactitude. Plus, Pluto in Capricorn, sign of government, business, and law, denotes such disturbing manifestations as The Dictator and World Government--virtually a 'cosmic promise' since Pluto entered Capricorn in late 2008 with the controversial selection of Barack Obama as president. (You'll remember the Republican cat calls of 'dictator' against Mr. Obama.)

Note that is has been the contention of yours truly that the selection of Donald Trump to helm the nation, plus, the scandals, step-downs, firings, agency heads placed to break up the agencies they 'head', and other ham-fisted happenings since Mr. Trump moved into the White House have been part of a process to undermine and collapse the US government in time for Pluto's grand and final establishment of World Government by 2022 as transit Pluto returns to its 1776 degree (when the current 'new order of the ages' began). That Mr. Trump has pretended to be "the only one" who could fight this anti-American process was a ludicrous claim and yet many US voters pretended to believe him!

So let's see if any of the Pluto-opposing-natal-Mercury transit describes any of the current climate and events in Washington DC under amateur politician and Russia supporter, Donald Trump:

Troubled to the point of obsession, this negative period suggests transitions in thinking, ideas, and methods though probably not for the better. Greater power and control are sought over information, business transactions, commerce and trade, travel and transportation, computers, writing, and local affairs in communities. Investigations, research and development, and confidential (secret) information is misused and/or misapplied, or (inconveniently) leaked or tweeted.

Basically, this period marks a grand struggle for control over all Mercurial activities and interests with America at risk of major damage via the indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square of Mr. Trump who thrives on gossip and innuendo while defending insults--both real and imaginary--to his Napoleonic-sized ego.

Here are only two related articles: Your Online Privacy Is in the Hands of Donald Trump thanks to the US Congress okaying the sale of our browser histories, app usage, and more--allegedly for the sake of Mercurial 'commerce'; Russia Scandal Has Now Reached the Trump Family.


Art image, above: a 'tragic masks' detail from my pencil portrait of Giselle.

Mar 30, 2017

Major Earthquakes Related To Fracking Continue to Climb - report

Among other things, astrological Neptune rules mystery, secrets, chemicals, toxins, poisons, water and other liquids. Now during Neptune's slow float through its own secretive, oceanic sign of Pisces the news is full of references to Neptunian conditions and Neptunian mysteries--such as secret fracking formulas that oil companies use to force oil into their maws while poisoning the environment, plundering natural resources, and harming the people of the United States.

Here is Mike Papantonio reporting for The Ring of Fire Network as the future of the Environmental Protection Agency teeters upon the precipice of Republican ideology:
