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Jul 24, 2017

Are We in the Decline of the American Empire? (w/ guest Charles Sauer)

Do you feel it in the air? Wealthy classes are retracting themselves from American society 2017, a process particularly noticeable since the Reagan era.

Here's a segment from The Thom Hartmann Show:


'Thanks', hypocrite Ayn Rand. Up yours, Buchanan and Koch.

In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner

On the day that son-in-law-in-chief Jared Kushner was born, January 10, 1981, expansive Jupiter @10Lib04 conjoined restrictive Saturn (9Lib43). His Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (0A20 at noon) is a strong indicator in a natal horoscope but of what? Without an accurate birth time our Jupiter profile must be somewhat out of focus but let's proceed since, as I type, Mr. Kushner is behind closed doors having a chat with politicians whose integrity, I say sorrowfully, is not a given in most cases. Witch hunt, Whitewash, all around the town!

For brief details on why we're looking at astrological Jupiter in relation to Washington DC's current crop of infesting creatures see this.

And here's a video of Jared Kushner delivering a quite brief statement after today's testimony.

Now it is my surmise that a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction denotes the need to temper whatever traits and inclinations natal Jupiter may have in its sign--here, Jupiter relates to others through Venus-ruled Libra, the sign of Justice ("that's not fair!"--same sign as Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter), diplomacy, relationships, values, perspectives, art, good looks, and elegance. And one interesting factor of interest is that Kushner's chart is shaped like a BOWL with the planets following Saturn who tips said BOWL. However, without a birth time we cannot discern the hemispheric focus (he's somehow lacking in the signs opposite the BOWL) but perhaps the BOWL tips toward Career and Public Status unless what appears to be a very private individual (who speaks rarely in public--shy? or sly?) is more about home and family than career ambitions. Hmm.

As for Kushner's natal Jupiter, via conjunction it takes part in the leadership function or tipping of the BOWL and considering how close the conjunction, I would have to credit Jupiter as a focus here, leading the rest along with cautious Saturn although Saturn is slightly dominant. Advocacy of a cause or having a mission to fulfill are suggested, and "his orientation to the world arises from division." (Jones, The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation). Well, that echoes his Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Libra so it seems his relationships are affected on a deep level by this restriction-vs-expansion team of planets.

Jared Kushner's serious minded Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (one of two aspects of Jupiter to other planets and there's than a nice sextile to North Node) indicates a retentive memory (not a talent he's touting today!), fortitude and stamina, and a need to assert himself in the world (opening his mouth and sharing is a good start). A reader of informative books, Kushner is actually quite good at helping others solve their problems thanks to Jupiter-Saturn allowing him a measure of hope blended with realism.

This is supported by the themes of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse series, the 19 North with its vibes of realism, tackling the truth, and seeing old situations for what they really are. You remember that a 19 North Solar Eclipse last and very recently manifested @9Virgo on September 1, 2016 and is, in fact, the PE of Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Inconveniently, transit Neptune directly opposed the eclipse degree adding elements of fakery, corruption, fanaticism, bait-and-switch methods, paranoia, deceitful political spin, propaganda, and scandals to the realism so badly needed in our society. Do you think that this strong 19N eclipse influence remains in effect with the Trump administration's ongoing Russia Gate scandal/s? Then I agree with you.

The second aspect to Kushner's natal Jupiter is a trine from energetic Mars @8AQ28 (1A36, at noon) which suggests expanded ambitions, idealism, a liking for travel, and the possibility of a positive home life. This is a 'lucky' aspect and may provide its owner with success gained with only a minimum of effort. Of course, due to his blended Jupiter-Saturn duo, Mars also trines Saturn which suggests that he does not intend to waste his time (as he said about the June 2016 meeting with Trump Jr and the Russians--he left the meeting once he realized it was a waste of his time--no dirt on Hillary). With the Mars-Saturn trine, efficiently directing all energies toward productive enterprises is all important in similar fashion to Mars exalted in Saturn-ruled Capricorn.

With a Mars-Saturn trine (and natal Saturn direct), we see that Mr. Kushner has no trouble getting along with senior people in charge, and his judgment is valued by those who rely on him for advice and encouragement. Now that surely must be a description of his in-legal-jeopardy father-in-law and it will be interesting to see results from Jared Kushner's testimony today and how much side-scuttling he must do in order to protect Donald Trump and his White House misadventure that they all must careen through for Trump's sake while everything is at America's expense.

Curiously, Jared Kushner shares the Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces blend of conscious-unconscious energies with The First American, Benjamin Franklin, who so aptly for today's Kushner post observed that,

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of."


Note that another description of a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction can be codified religion (Jupiter) meets orthodox Jewish religion (Saturn).

July 24, 2017 Kushner spills a few beans just before closed-door testimony

Today Trumpman Jared Kushner testifies behind closed doors on Capitol Hill (which sports quite a few closed doors and the meetings within) and before going in this morning to give his 'testimony' (not under oath as first promised but it's still illegal to lie before Congress--under oath or not) son-in-law Kushner revealed Russian meddling through an event that occurred just before the November 2016 election.


Wanted to record the above tidbit here on SO'W and note that a post in the series In the Realms of Jupiter will soon be published here. Today the profile is about the natal Jupiter of Jared Kushner so stay tuned if ye may! jc

Like Mr. Kushner's testimony today, here is a Hidden Garden.

Jul 22, 2017

The GOP Health Care Bill: Why Health Care Should Be Singlepayer

Here's the latest post by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes which first appeared on his Left Wing Astrology blog:

The GOP Health Care Bill - Why Health Care Should Be Singlepayer

One of the main focuses this summer has been the attempted repeal of Obamacare by the GOP. The current bill would leave millions of people uninsured if it passes, but the biggest eye opener is that Congress would be exempt from the bill if it passes. In what way is Congress making laws that don't apply to them acceptable? While I've been critical of Obamacare in the past, mainly because it's a ponzi scheme to make health care providers richer through a mandate and increased prices, uninsuring millions of Americans is not the answer, as it is only a return to the outdated status quo.

The Answer? Single Payer Healthcare

As I have mentioned before, the country and everyone in it has been under the influence of Neptune in Pisces since April 2011 (the kids born with Neptune in Pisces will have this influence for the rest of their lives). This is significant since Neptune is in its own sign, and both Neptune and the sign of Pisces rule compassion and sacrifice. Therefore, it is no coincidence that since 2011, there's been a push for our elected officials to be more compassionate, and sacrificing their own status (which will be a fight, as many congress members and president Donald Trump have Pluto in Leo, the sign that rules status and royalty) for the betterment of all.

After all, it doesn't make sense to have to pay money to be healthy, as that should be a right when you think about it long and hard. Single payer health care, through a Medicare expansion, would have everyone in the country insured. So why is it such a bad idea to the GOP? Because it's "socialist"? The current system, designed to make the rich richer and the country dependent on warfare, has the country trillions of dollars in debt and another economic collapse will likely happen in the next few years. With the middle class declining rapidly and the country being close to another revolution (the US Pluto return will happen in March 2022), change is needed that will ensure a better quality of life for all Americans without being enslaved to the system, and single payer health care (along with Universal Basic Income) will be a change that will provide that.

The better question is: WHY are we so scared of that? Change is good sometimes, and this time it's necessary considering the current Pluto in Capricorn (which rules government, institutions, and big business) and Neptune in Pisces transits, as well as the Uranus in Taurus (which rules money and material possessions) transit that will start next year. With the transformer (Pluto) and the planet of unexpected change and rebellion (Uranus) in the two most materialistic signs, and Neptune, the planet of compassion and sacrifice, in its own sign, the outdated status quo that is not in humanity's best interests cannot continue, and the sooner it changes, the less chaotic it will be.

NASA image: Neptune

In the Realms of Jupiter: Sean Spicer

For explanatory details on this series of posts see Donald Trump: In the Realms of Jupiter.

Well, by now you've heard that Sean Spicer resigned on Friday (7.21.17) from his position as White House Press Secretary due to Trump's hiring of Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci as White House Communications Director. Today in a morning interview, Mr. Scaramucci is ready to elevate Breitbart, a newsy right-wing propaganda source that Mr. Spicer had 'trouble' with. (And no, Tony Soprano was not available!)

Now in honor of his attempts to harness the worst job in Washington, let's take a brief yet fond look at Sean Spicer's departing natal Jupiter:

Sean Spicer was born September 23, 1971 during the three Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune (exact on February 1 @2Sag47, May 22 @1Sag44, and September 16 @00Sag37). As you see, Baby Spicer joined the earthly flux one week after the third conjunction--his Jupiter @1Sag43 and Neptune @00Sag46 with the bubbly duo's vibes of religion, speculation, inflation, visions, dream world living, scandals, and political conflicts.

September 23, 1971: Sun-Pluto, Venus-Uranus, Mars-NN, Jupiter-Saturn

Actually, other conjunctions were in effect on his day of birth--a Sun-Pluto conjunction, both @29Virgo unless he was born around 1:00 pm when the Sun reached 00Libra, a World Point of Fame and Recognition. Sun-Pluto folk have powerful egos, like to be known as 'a power to be reckoned with' (Pelletier) and will use pressure tactics and direct confrontation against those who stand in their way--this is a predator combination of energies.

(My thought is that his Sun-Pluto did not 'play well' in the WH press room in spite of boss Trump's original assumption that it would. Note that Spicer's Sun-Pluto midpoint = the midpoint of tech savvy, quick thinking Mercury-Uranus with his communicating Mercury in its own sign of Virgo, the critic and dedicated worker with specialized skills.)

Natal Venus and Uranus in Libra are in wide conjunction, 6-degree orb) but applying and possibly inspiring sudden breaks in relationships, while feisty Mars links to the North Node of public contact @13Aquarius+ which suggests contentious encounters (and press briefings, as it turns out).

Broadcaster Jupiter Happy in Its Own Sign of Sagittarius

As for Spicer's natal Jupiter, the 'star of this show', the Jolly One is well connected to the other planetary energies in the chart which provides Jupiterian uplift and judgment abilities to the other natal planets: Sun sextile Jupiter (1A45; fragile self-confidence), Jupiter sextile Pluto (2S09; self-sabotage through rigid opinions), and here's a bit of a clanker: Jupiter opposite Saturn (4A46) with its tendency to seek 'yes people' in order to bolster a shaky sense of self-esteem. Mr. Trump has the same approval-seeking tendency with a natal trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter conjoined in his 2nd house of Self-Esteem and Values but things didn't work out very well between them.

Well, I naturally want to wish Mr. Spicer a better life once he escapes the White House (in August?) although I will say that if their problems are due to the two Jupiter-Neptune bullsh**ters being too much alike, then We the People must accept the fact that perhaps their bromance just wasn't meant to be!


Related: the Wedding Day Astrology of Sean Spicer and Rebecca Miller.

Jul 20, 2017

In the Realms of Jupiter: Steve Bannon

For basic info on this series of articles, please see the Jupiter profile of Donald Trump.

In the Realms of Jupiter Part 3: Steve Bannon

Born on November 27, 1953 with an Airy Jupiter @23Gem33, Mr. Bannon has had varied careers within Geminian areas such as stock trading, editing, promotion, and publishing. As you know, Mercury-ruled Gemini is a mental sign of communication and has allowed him opportunities to acquire a wide range of marketable skills. Mr. Bannon shares an Airy Jupiter with his advisee Donald Trump whose Jupiter is in Venus-ruled Libra where Jupiter relates to others based on Trump's constant concern with fair play in relationships. Meanwhile, Mr. Bannon's Jupiter in Gemini loves to tell fantastic stories with larger meanings and has the capacity to relate many facts and details into the scene.

But wait! We should be careful here or Steve Bannon's natal Saturn may overtake his Jupiterian energies for dutiful Saturn @4Sco11 is unaspected and thus may function unencumbered and with less difficulty in Saturnian realms (such as management, control, duties, authority) than an aspected Saturn would. In isolation may be his preferred mode of working, plus, the placement suggests an indifference or lack of concern for anything outside his usual sphere of operation. Negatively, self-discipline may be missing from the personality along with a normally functioning conscience.

However, let's not give up on Bannon's natal Jupiter just yet for it leads a BOWL shape in his natal horoscope with the rest of the planets tipping Jupiter's way. Obviously, some level of leadership is suggested here though without a timed birth chart we can't know in which direction the BOWL tips. (My guess would be toward career matters.) Anyway, this emphasizes a prominent natal Jupiter in Gemini which happens to conjoin the Uranus-NN-Sun trio of Donald Trump posited in Trump's very visible 10th house of Career and Public Status. Plus, Bannon's natal Sun @5Sag is ruled by Jupiter which adds more adventurous Sagittarian vibes to his character and intellect; his natal Moon is in either Leo the entertainer, or Virgo the critic and dedicated worker slogging away behind the scenes. My guess? A Virgo Moon. You?

Also of note is the fact that Bannon's natal Jupiter is retrograde, a condition denoting unusual perspectives, odd beliefs, and/or a different set of morals. Here is one who prefers to learn by his own experiences and who tends to plan things well rather than relying on natural luck.

Expansive Jupiter in Curious Gemini: Exploring Unconventional Ideas

One further note is necessary here: natal Pluto @25Leo01 is at Rx Station so power, manipulation, and control are inner issues of transformation which hide in the shadows of a Jupiter-Pluto sextile, an aspect supplying talent in matters of psychological combat. How useful in Politics and in business and financial analysis! And yet the self-reliant Mr. Bannon may find himself facing his losses alone when they come for lack of loyalty from fair weather friends may be an issue for him and he may have made enemies who attempt to sabotage him via rumor or misfortune (Epstein). And it's possible that on November 27, 1953 the Moon conjoined natal Pluto which would indicate an extremely demanding nature--hard to live or deal with, a tyrant in fact. Also note that his natal Pluto conjoins the natal Mars of Donald Trump (@26Leo and rising)--an energizing contact yet possibly explosive.

In addition, his natal Jupiter is engaged in a second aspect, a Jupiter-Neptune trine which may inspire attempts to refine any coarseness within his environment. (My suggestion: the Oval Office please!) Mr. Bannon possesses an inherent understanding of life as shown by this aspect and is concerned with restoring order out of chaos (uh-oh--via a 'new world order'?), a trait that must come in very handily in the crazy quilt Trump White House. Mysticism and occult interests are also shown by the Airy Jupiter-Neptune trine along with a tendency to respond only to certain people who share his interests or his attitudes. And this is rather paradoxical since Bannon's natal Jupiter is posited in communicating, often chatty, ever curious Gemini!

So let's close this Astro-Portrait of Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter in Gemini with a midpoint picture involving Jupiter, one that is in force throughout the day and night of his birth and thus does not depend upon a correctly timed horoscope; any, all, or none of the following suggested potentials may apply and are subject to transits, progressions, and arcs, and may be activated by eclipses, stars, and/or other cosmic events:

Jupiter-Neptune = Pluto 25Leo01 Rx: plans unreasonable beyond measure (Ebertin); self projection out of hand (Tyl); ideas gained from visions to control waste or pollution; condemnation or suppression of occult theories (Munkasey).

In the Realms of Jupiter: Jeff Sessions, 'Beauregard!

In the Realms of Jupiter: Jeff Sessions, Current AG of the US

Yesterday we discussed the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump and I noted my intention to write a similar post on Steve Bannon and his natal Jupiter, plus, others. A series.

Since then Trump has publicly criticized 'his' Attorney General Jeff Sessions because he independently recused himself from all investigations involving the 2016 Campaign (thus becoming useless to Donald Trump and prompting the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller) so perhaps we'd better put Mr. Bannon's Airy Jupiter on the window sill for now and hurry to check up on the Watery natal Jupiter of Jeff Sessions who says that he will continue serving as AG as long as it is appropriate. That's his innate sense of decorum expressing in tandem with an understanding of the legalities involved which Trump has no idea of or appreciation for.

(As if the indecorous Mr. Trump cares what's appropriate especially if it conflicts with fulfilling his immediate needs and desires. Leo Mars rising, a dramatic me-first placement supporting his boundary breaking Jupiter. 'Tis he.)

For an explanation of this Jupiterian series of articles you find yourself enmeshed in, please follow the Trump Jupiter link, above. Now let us consider Southern Alabama's most famous Beauregard spiritually of the Mint Julep aristocracy even if not born of wealthy stock:

Jeffrey B. Sessions December 24, 1946 Selma, AL Jupiter @19Sco02 conjunct three stars: Zuben Elschemali, Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai or Unuk), and North Scale, all of which have negative connotations such as victimization, violence, immorality, misfortune, tragedy. However, some success and certainly high ambition are offered but with a caution that "hasty words cause problems" (A. Louis). And in fact, some folk consider 19Scorpio to be a malevolent or evil degree in and of itself, plus, Nicholas *de Vore gives it as a "crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will". We find that Mr. Sessions's 1946 birth occurred during the Dark of the Moon phase of the difficult Saturn-Pluto cycle for they soon combined their brutal, toilsome energies precisely on August 11, 1947 @13Leo07 which started the Great Cosmic Clock on a new 33-year cycle of Saturn and Pluto. Potentials for this pair include mass murder and/or principled fanaticism. Adepts and magicians may be group members as well.

And you know that sign Scorpio is famous for its depth, passion, and potentials for betrayal, lust, aberrations and perversions, brooding and melancholia, drugs, surgery, regeneration, high principles, courage, and more. Its ruler Mars and sub-ruler Pluto, always lurking down in the deepest levels of the Collective Unconscious until brought up for air (as at conjunction), are capable of behaving brutally or violently toward others--if not physically, then in other ways. Objectives must be reached at all costs (which are often charged to the pocketbooks of others). In Scorpio, natal Jupiter denotes a materialistic nature that ruthlessly strives for possessions and pleasure--craves them, in fact. We could say more about those realms of life based on the rest of the natal chart of the present AG but time's a-wastin' so...nyet.

So with Jeff Sessions's Jupiter @19Sco02, we see the planet of largesse and expansion, and its link with the law, involved in a waning conjunction with Venus, two money planets. But with Venus in Scorpio there can be danger of illness via intemperance and a sort of fanaticism in love with a gracious dash of jealousy sprinkled in for intensity's sake. A Venus-Jupiter conjunction indicates an eternal optimist--a 'glass half full' fellow--hoping that all will be well in the end. A life of ease is highly desirable for Venus-Jupiter but with a Capricorn Moon, an ambitious struggle for success cannot be forgotten.

Actually, during the 24 hours of Sessions's day of birth, the Moon may have formed a pleasant sextile to Jupiter. Without an accurate or near-accurate ('shortly before noon', etc) birth time, we can't know for certain. So in case Mr. Sessions is imprinted by one, here is what I gather from a Moon-Jupiter sextile and we can see if it jives: public relations and promotion are good fields for this aspect and personal popularity is often the case. Overly effusive at times, a person with this sextile of opportunity (if one grabs it when offered) must guard against becoming self-righteous even as a streak of the ministry shines through. This usually fortunate aspect has been termed 'the ray of hope' (Oken) but know that there may be loads of vulnerable feelings hiding behind that upright facade!

January 10, 2017 text and video: Jeff Sessions and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) during the AG confirmation hearing; Mr. Sessions defends himself against racism charges but with his record of activities noted in the article.


So we have here a man born under the rays of three planetary conjunctions, one involving Jupiter in Scorpio, a placement that tends to overrate its abilities and gifts in a constant search for 'the good life'. Saturn-Pluto, the ruthless streak in proud Leo, sign of ego, claims many natives who were born in or near 1947 yet taken separately Saturn in Leo can be diplomatic, cautious, and have an aura of simplicity, however studied or genuine it may actually be. And though his natal Jupiter @19Scorpio has advanced beyond a square to Saturn and Pluto (7-14Leo), such a difficult dynamic may have remained a bitter yet distant memory since it's in rigid Fixed signs and this can denote inner conflicts concerning morality, fear of an underlying archetype of the false prophet, and a tendency to leave tasks unfinished before starting the next.

Yes, Sessions family DNA, mythologies, and tarnished legends must haunt an old abandoned attic somewhere in Southern Alabama tonight. But beckon not to Beauregard for he can't hear you all the way up in DC.

Well, there's my Astro-Portrait of AG Jeff Sessions and his Jupiter in Scorpio, the sign of which shows how he relates to others--in Scorpionic ways. You may have noticed this Jupiter in the dignified bearing of the man or even in his cautiously expressed yet suspicious nature. Frustratingly, with this post we have yet to uncover the AG's very many secrets but we can be sure that his Jupiter in Scorpio keeps them well protected--except when he's acting a little reckless!

*Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas deVore (copyright MCMXLVII, by Philosophical Library, Inc.)

Donald Trump: In the Realms of Jupiter

"We no longer live in religious times, but the human need for the numinous, for something greater, more perfect and more powerful than ourselves has not disappeared. It has, however, taken a perverse turn. Instead of aspiring to the Infinite, we make gods out of mortals. We create 'super-stars' of athletes and artisans. We inflate, glamorise and worship actors, sports people, and musicians. We exalt them in other words. This phenomenon of elevating the ordinary to the extraordinary is a quality of Jupiter and Sagittarius (not so much Pisces). It emerges at the behavorial level in two basic ways:

1. The mantle of hero or king seems to fall most easily on those strong in Jupiter or Sagittarius.

2. Equally, the Sagittarian-Jupiter type can have a more than average tendency to idolize and hero worship. - Paul Wright.

Naturally, you recognize the huge, great again Mr. Trump in the words above--he does, after all, have "the best words", as you know, so why wouldn't he favor his own Jupiterianess? Interesting that the word 'king' comes up since Mr. Trump was born with royal star Regulus, the king or the kingmaker rising! As for number 2, Trump does seem to idolize Mr. Putin and other strong-armed dictators, both dead and living, so perhaps for his own inner monologue he is able to project his own Jupiterian leadership and love of success onto others whom he deems worthy.

Now astrological Jupiter can represent many concepts and play many roles in horoscopes. In Natal Astrology, the sign of Jupiter describes how the person relates to others and its aspects to other planets and points (chart angles, Moon's nodes) add information to the picture for input from other planets modifies the natal Jupiter somewhat and/or has its own energy and function expanded by Jupiter, planet of increase and generosity.

Of course, a few of life's realms that involve Jupiter include: codified religion, philosophy, ideology, idealism, banking, corporate culture, broadcasting, legalities, theater, and Politics and can signify a particular politician as an actor in a horoscope set up to study an issue, event, or personality. Needless to say, both the condition and position of natal Jupiter are worthy of study when considering personalities such as those now 'on duty' at the White House. So I'm starting a series of SO'W articles to investigate the natal Jupiters of certain political operatives: In the Realms of Jupiter. Hopefully such information may prove useful or somewhat interesting to either of you now reading these words!

Most of the natal horoscopes I'm using are set for 'noon' since birth times are unknown. Some charts are accurately timed (RR:AA from BC/BR) as with Trump but most are not. However, the positions and conditions of their Jupiters do not fully depend upon a correctly timed horoscope. Naturally, I have taken care with the fast moving Moon, am not using angles or cusps (which depend on birth times), and any mention of houses are only for those few with accurately timed horoscopes. Several Trump administration denizens are in my notes for this upcoming series of articles and hopefully their Astro-Portraits can be glopped together a little into a BOGO, we could say, except that no money changes hands.

Note: 'S' = separating or waning aspects and indicates that they and the energies of those planets in a particular aspect are unconscious to the native though naturally studying one's natal horoscope can mitigate this by increasing self-knowledge. 'A' = applying or waxing; there are other reasons to use waxing and waning aspects such as for timing purposes but that is beyond the scope of this post.

Donald J. Trump: Jupiter in Airy Libra

Donald Trump June 14, 1946 Jupiter @17Lib27 Station Direct in 2nd house of Earning Ability, Values, and Possessions; a trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter denotes a speculator, gambler, a big dreamer with inflated fantasies, and possessing a blind spot and/or a deep wound. Jupiter is curious to learn and strong at Direct Station and knows no bounds or limits which is born out in his personality and by his actions (ex: when he disregards the personal space of others). Mr. Trump relates to other people as Venus-ruled Libra would do and Libra is the sign of the Scales of Justice, diplomacy, beauty, and relationships. He certainly has given the Scales of Justice a workout in his lifetime, his self-touted negotiating ability is legendary if disputed, and relationships (three marriages+) are important to him especially if loyalty is part of the picture (otherwise, not!) His self-esteem depends on feedback from others (ex: approval ratings); this natal Jupiter bolsters natal Sun (ego; adult self--here, Gemini the Child) via a beneficial trine aspect, as noted, below, yet his very noticeable habit of over-promising has been remarked upon 'ere this. Jupiter again especially with those confusing, imaginative Neptune frequencies added. Subliminal!

Plus, you've probably heard Mr. Trump's Libran Jupiter broadcast, "that's not fair!," and, his ownership of and involvement with beauty pageants is well documented through the years (along with the backstage dressing rooms he just walks into without warning...he's a bounder, a la natal Jupiter at Direct Station and eager to sail ahead in a spirit of exploration and discovery of 'new vistas') That he's stealing a peek and crossing a line doesn't occur to him since Jupiter in Libra likes beautiful ladies--and no one can dissuade him from his roguish behavior.

Natal Jupiter 2nd house: Material Security; Jupiter in Air: Intellectual Work Is Exhausting

Mr. Trump's Jupiter aspects: a lucky Sun-Jupiter trine (5S28), similar to his being a Sagitarian--well, his natal Moon is in Sag giving him pleasant Moon-Jupiter vibes yet there are Mother issues with his detached or even icy Moon-South Node conjunction; Jupiter conjunct Neptune (S by 12-degrees) shows him carelessly trusting those who don't deserve it and questioning everyone's motives in relating to him--Neptune adds potential elements of fraud, corruption, delusion, pretense, and disappointment to the picture; Trump tends to scan over things superficially, probably in self-defense (no, I'm not certain he can read either); Jupiter trine Uranus (0S26) lucky again! don't fence him in because lots of travel is suggested (business interests abroad) and there's a mental alertness to every opportunity; this trine can help his Geminian facets to make troubles disappear!

Jupiter conjunct Chiron (2S32)--the ebullient and unfailing optimist (Nolle); Jupiter trine North Node (3S21; NN = public contact) provides him with opportunities to broadcast to the public...nowadays, to the world; he 'goes with the flow' of popular trends by constantly sussing out the public mood, and lives through people's reactions to him.

Carelli's Degrees: '17Libra' = "A sweetly chirping starling" (on Twitter, no doubt!)

And last but not least in tonight's Astro-Portrait of the Jupiterian Mr. Trump is the happenstance that the newly minted politician is now in process of enjoying a Jupiter Return (or, Reward Cycle, of about 11.6 years' duration) which is proving to be a three-fer affair this time around as transit Jupiter again reaches 17Lib27--in his natal 2nd house. Jupiter Return Dates: December 4, 2016; April 13, 2017 Rx; August 4, 2017 with a massive Jupiter-Pluto square in force again causing him much frustration when those with more power and control attempt to squelch his endeavors if he takes himself too seriously or exaggerates his own importance (a default description of Donald Trump when blabbing away about himself and insulting or belittling others).

This return positioning of Jupiter as on June 14, 1946 symbolically repeats the aspects of natal Jupiter to his Sun, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron, and NN as listed above and provides his nibs with opportunities to improve or correct his handling of Jupiterian issues (from about 12 years ago, 24, 36, 48, etc) so that karmic progress may result In the Realms of Jupiter.


You are cordially invited to return to SO'W for the next installment coming soon: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter...and thanks again for all your Shares, you know they keep me typing! jc

Edit July 20, 2017: due to the uncertain nature of Jeff Sessions' tenure as Mr. Trump's Attorney General, AG Sessions has had his Jupiter profile published second rather than Mr. Bannon whose Jupiter profile is top of my list. Stay tuned!

Update July 24,2017: In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner.


Please note that the above quote by Paul Wright may be found in Stephen Arroyo's book Exploring Jupiter: Progress, Prosperity & Potential; I am not certain that those particular words were ever in print otherwise. jc

Image: Jupiter; NASA; public domain

Jul 18, 2017

Ceres bids farewell to the February 2017 Eclipses

July 18, 2017: From now until two weeks prior to The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 we remain under (fading) auspices of the February 10th Lunar and February 26 Solar Eclipses of 2017. You recall that the Lunar Eclipse fell @22Leo (the 'worst foot forward' degree, or sometimes, the 'open mouth insert foot' significator). For one such as myself (underwhelmed so far by the indiscreet Mr. Trump's amateurish White House behavior) this description may easily apply to his performance playing the role of US POTUS (and it widely conjoins his natal Mars Rising @26Leo).

And of course, the Solar Eclipse series now of influence is the 19 South which manifested with the February 26 New Moon @8Pis12, a sensitized degree (ex: Solar Eclipse Feb 26, 1998 @8Pisces 18 South: endings, partings, separations). And did we discuss how 8 Pisces is the degree of America's natal Ceres and Pluto-Chiron midpoint? Plutocrats manipulate our food supply, security, grains, milk production, homeland and family--so many nourishing things are under the watchful eye of maternal Ceres--and with secret society shenanigans tossed in with the soggy Wheaties!

Yet in 2017 even archetypal Ceres, promoter-exploiter of growth and harvest cycles, must bid fond farewell to the 19 South once again as its influences give way to the next cosmic phenomenon, the Total 1 North Solar Eclipse soon approaching ocean and land and ready to race across America from Oregon to South Carolina (horoscopes shown).

For more on the interesting dwarf planet Ceres the video The Ceres Lights, a 13-m-44-s presentation concerning the Dawn probe's fly-by visit to Ceres, the mysterious lights that have been spotted there, and the pyramid and other geometrical shapes allegedly rising from its surface--unless the shapes are only the human brain's inherent patterning ability kicking in. Like the Man in the Moon, who was a big star in 1902 (see below).


As for August's critical-degreed (29Leo) Solar Eclipse hitting the natal Ascendant (29Leo) of Donald J. Trump and his super-sensitive, bombastic Mars Rising in dramatic Leo with royal Regulus, there's no telling just what might happen. But as it turns out, the unpredictable Mr. Uranus-in-Gemini is happiest when he's creating chaos here and around the world and calling other despots and sociopaths on the phone for informal chatty chats.

What's one of the key things to remember in August? Wear your eclipse safety glasses!

Now here's the first known science fiction film, Georges and Gaston Milies's Le Voyage Dans la Lun (A Trip to the Moon; run time 12m 52s with the silent film's 'lost ending' restored). Watch for the comet that streams across the's hilarious! And here's the video link in case of removal:

Le Voyage Dans la Lun by the Milies brothers 1902.

Jul 16, 2017

Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull

Mr. Trump's associate and former 2016 campaign manager and, for years, partaker at the Russian and Ukrainian troughs Paul Manafort was decidedly born on April 1, 1949 when the Tropical Sun was in Mars-ruled Aries, the ram, and the Moon floated through Venus-ruled Taurus, sign of the bull for the entire 24-hour period. This reliably provides a Sun Aries-Moon Taurus personality blend to consider even though Mr. Manafort's birth time is apparently not to be uncovered.

See Paul Manafort international 'gun for hire', and here's a March 2017 news clip of Manafort struggling to deny Trump-Russia ties.

The Fire-Earth combination of energies is sometimes known as 'the bull dozer'. Here's a famous quote by one who was also born under a Fire-Earth blend, J. P. Morgan Sr (Sun Aries-Moon Virgo), "I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do." This demonstrates, among other things, the massive Fire-Earth ego, certitude in their 'rightness', and a tendency to become dictatorial.

As the Bull Snorts

Paul Manafort's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus combo of conscious-unconscious energies suggests one who can be diplomatic or tactless, intuitive yet pragmatic, and is ambitious and possessive. Smoothing ruffled feathers has probably been part of a job description for him and making his mark upon the world is a goal. A lover of luxury, Mr. Manafort is great company and has a bawdy sense of humor. My guess is that the off-color Trump appreciates Manafort's sense of humor. But there's that massive ego which can get in the way of cooperation and teamwork--actually, another trait the two men share.

Magnetically charming, Mr. Manafort is a self-centered man who uses a stop-and-go approach (that can be annoying to others) and has an inclination to sulk and brood (can he also pout? I'd buy a ticket for that!) when thwarted or ignored. And that may be the moment when snorting Taurus the bull shows up to throw his weight around the barn or command the ring with a loud bellow or two.

Let's close with this blend's two Images for Integration from the Harvey's book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, one of which may strike you as--well, there's no other word for it--political:

"An explorer practices his violin in a jungle clearing...Having won an arduous race, the champion sits down to a gourmet meal."


Now this sounds as if it might be good news and with more improvement to come: Robert Mueller is already changing Washington's lying ways. And if you've read SO'W before, you know what this will mean: that after 12 years I'll be changing the 'blog description', above, from "Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them..."

Nah! Places of easy money will always attract criminals and their entourages while grasping the reins of power is some folks' obsession based on desperate attempts to gain safety and status for themselves as they step on and over others, if that's what it takes to 'win'.

What has America become?