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Jul 1, 2018

Horoscope: July 27, 2018 Lunar Eclipse conj Mars Rx

DC Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse @4AQ44 July 27, 2018 4:20:17 pm edt White House Washington DC = Radical Events; Hour of an unaspected Mercury Rx @23Leo20, 9th house. When unaspected, the thinking-communicating planet Mercury knows little of which it speaks due to its limited interests and lack of curiosity or experience in a variety of realms.

This is a prominent Total Lunar Eclipse occurring upon America's natal South Node of the Moon so a dependency upon past actions or solutions may be evident and may or may not be sufficient to deal with present circumstances. As you see, testy Mars Rx in Aquarius accompanies the eclipse which provides dynamic energy and motivation but premature action and past quarrels and anger may erupt. And since eclipses tend to uncover hidden conditions and secrets, this Lunar Eclipse won't be shy in that department.

Meetings and encounters are suggested (Sun-NN) for POTUS and other leaders (Sun) while those of a feminine persuasion (Moon) may be left behind (SN) and feeling enraged (Moon-Mars). That America's natal Nodal Axis is involved suggests we've been here before and one may think of past SCOTUS or other legal rulings which directly affect women and families including Trump's self-created, cold-hearted border crisis. Corporate and other financial realms are affected by the eclipse perfecting across the 2/8 axis in DC with the National Treasury (2nd house) under stress thanks mostly to spendthrift, wastrel politicians (Jupiter-Neptune) who continue to style themselves as "conservatives".

Now with 6Sag51 rising, moneybags Jupiter is chart-ruler and makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect, a trine with Neptune which hints at financial schemes or fraud (see lower left corner of the chart), plus tricky conditions, dumb luck, inspired creativity, and our visionary abilities expanded (to see how much better things could be!) Beware get-rich-quick schemes (as always!) and try hard to focus on reality as much as possible. Upholding truth would be good as well though it's difficult with the massive amounts of propaganda we're subjected to from all directions--also a function of Jupiter-Neptune.

Now I neglected to circle it but there is an inconjunct between Sun (POTUS) and law-abiding Saturn, the authority. This shows consciousness of a sense of guilt and the need to be taken to task for one's past mistakes. It seems that someone's needs for significance and recognition are being hampered just now and an adjustment is necessary on the level of personal authority and accountability. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump's obsession with constantly comparing his achievements with those of others only points out his flaws and failures rather than having the brainwashing effect he expects--even with all the whoppers he tells to boost his image! Well, as you know, Saturn isn't about 'image', he's about the facts and he demands them.

So with fire-starter Mars out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane (off on his own in rigid Aquarius) we still must add his frustration (Rx) to the dynamic energy encased within the T-Square/s that point to radical Uranus so we expect many changes and reforms as pent-up energies and pressures are suddenly released into the environment. Possible expressions include political policies and regulations that anger many people, depression, a potential for more suicides, natural disasters such as quakes and/or tsunamis, more volcanic activity, arson, explosions, violence, riots, protests, strikes, war, and general strife. Pressure must be released and a certain sense of purging may be the eventual outcome and this may involve US natal Neptune in Virgo (22Virgo) which sits atop the Aspiration Point of this chart. In Virgo, delusional Neptune can be fault-finding and with a pathological sensitivity, plus, Mars in Aquarius also likes to criticize though it's often superficial. Even so, our usual delusions and disappointments over Virgoan matters such as employment and health may surface (MC) under the rays of this karmic Full Moon in Aquarius and be brought into the public discourse once again. Perhaps abortion issues such as Roe v Wade will continue to be a heated part of the conversation since a new conservative SCOTUS Justice may threaten to unsettle the law, and of course, Virgo is also the sign of The Virgin so sexual and gender issues are certain to be on the political agenda.

And of course, as anyone can tell, this promises to be a Long Hot Summer. With Mr. 'Red Tie' Trump having natal Mars rising and being born under his own Saturnian Moon-SN conjunction (with Sun conjunct NN and Uranus, his chaotic guiding planet in Career 10th), he's definitely a large participant in this difficult cosmic picture and is certain to be directly affected by its energies which perfect within his natal 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and Daily Rounds. However, he may choose to blow of steam through speeches, throwing tantrums, and/or by projecting onto others via Military or Police actions (6th house). Yet if he should choose this course, his actions will be premature.

For Astro-Notes concerning the July and August Solar Eclipses of 2018 which 'sandwich' this Lunar Eclipse, type 'Eclipses' into the sidebar Search Field and a plethora of posts will appear for your consideration!

Photo: Planet Mars says Hi!

Note: Other chart details are penned upon the chart if you care to enlarge the image for I really am quite wumped out with typing for today and still recovering from eye surgery. Thanks Y'all! jc

Consulting The Tarot over Mr Trump and Mr Mueller

July 1, 2018: This morning I've been catching up on a variety of Tarot readings concerning outcomes for Donald Trump, Robert Mueller, and others in the news and it's been very interesting. However, I don't know enough about current Tarot readers to recommend one in particular to you but I do recommend astrologer Maxine Taylor's July 2018 Trumpology Report.

And as a former Tarot card reader myself, I took the liberty of asking a couple of questions on the topic of Trump and the Mueller investigation using my favored deck, Zerner-Farber's The Enchanted Tarot. I prefer the deck's psychological insights but when it comes to card images in the public domain, the Rider-Waite Tarot deck is what I found available so those are the cards you'll see, below.

Deciding to make my queries simple with a 3-card draw (past-present-future, plus a Wild Card for, Is there more info to be known at this time?), I proceeded using my limited skill as a Tarot reader with Question One: Is Donald Trump in danger? Here are the Answers:

Past = Ace of Wands--Initiation. Obviously this may refer to Inauguration 2017 when Trump took the Oath of Office to defend and protect the US Constitution or perhaps it reveals his membership in a group or a secret society or societies with a mission not publicly known. This card indicates the use of his instincts, which he says he does, and that he's been feeling his power and initiating new projects.

Present = 10 of Swords--Ruin. This card shows that Trump is very afraid that things won't work out for him--he may be in deep despair and feeling grief--or feeling aggrieved since he tends to see himself as a 'victim' when he thinks such a ploy will pay off. (At other times he's a huge 'winner' don't forget!) Basically, this card says that events are out of his control which unbalances him since he's accustomed to 'calling the shots' in his corporate world and he assumed that the presidency would give him total control over every situation and every person. Yet his usual manipulative tactics haven't worked as well with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice--not so far anyway, even with transparent help from complicit congressional Republicans, sneaky political operatives, and on-air pundits. Understandably, ruin is what he most fears and with his own Prenatal Solar Eclipse repeating on July 12, 2018, unfortunate news, damning information, and/or more scandal may be leaked or revealed, and testimony may also be given...inconveniently for Mr. Trump who seems to drag along an environment of lies and delusions wherever he goes. Still, taking quick action can mitigate any negative results from this eclipse (Brady).

That 2 Old North (which heralded his birth in 1946 @9Gemini) perfects at this time in Moon-ruled Cancer (20:41) will tend to involve Trump family members and/or will concern something about his use of tribalism in Politics; that it conjoins Castor, one of the Gemini Twins, increases a sense of karma or fate attached to the eclipse and current events for even Mr. Trump must eventually reap what he has sown.

Future = 2 of Pentacles--Change. This card reminds us that all on Earth is temporary, maturity is needed for wise guidance, and that change is inevitable--plus, what goes up must come down. Change implies the disruptive Uranian nature of things and Mr. Trump is nothing if not Uranian for natal Uranus in Gemini is his guiding planet (or, oriental = last to rise before his Gemini Sun). And mutable Gemini loves change--and Uranian chaos can be useful, as Trumps knows. Perhaps the question is not whether change is or isn't on the way for Donald Trump but how suddenly and disruptively will it occur?

Trump's Wild Card = 3 of Pentacles--Work. This card suggests that an old friend or a co-worker will share in Trump's burdens or aid him in some way. It's a card of obstacles ahead and reveals that prejudices may hinder Trump's best results. Whether the 'sharing of burdens' includes a negative legal decision against Trump and others is not fully revealed to this Tarot reader though perhaps such a question may be asked as the investigation trundles on.

Now here is my second question for which I drew all Major Arcana cards: Is Robert Mueller in danger? Using the same card spread, here are the cards and Answers:

Past = 20 Judgement. The card of Judgement has obvious connections to Special Counsel Mueller and the Department of Justice and indicates that positive moves have been made and real advancement is possible via deliberate efforts because the time for change has come. That Russia made overtures and other intrusions upon Campaign 2016 and that Trump has had financial and other ties to foreign countries such as Russia doesn't seem to be in dispute. Yet the American people must depend on the Mueller investigation to hopefully 'lay all the cards on the table' concerning Mr. Trump and his 'red' ties, if there be any.

Present = 18 The Moon. Although the path ahead looks mighty treacherous (and it is--look who Mr. Mueller is dealing with--domestic and international criminal syndicates) there are hidden opportunities along the way--and information yet to be publicly disclosed. This card shows that this is "the darkness before the dawn" but there remain challenges ahead. In The Enchanted Tarot the card relates to 'the Moon Witch' which amuses me due to Trump's multitude of whines that the investigation is merely a "witch hunt"--and this card says that the Moon Witch is crying and in despair because (she) has "so wrongly been thought to be a malicious Moon Witch" something that could refer to either Trump or Mueller (though I doubt Mr. Mueller is crying!) Even so, 'witches' have been indicted and this card shows that a protective light surrounds the path and leads the way ahead--although one concern I have is for Mr. Mueller's family and the possibility that intimidation and threat could be used in order to change Mueller's behavior in these matters. Beware Treachery!

Future = 5 The Hierophant. Here is the card of "The Father Confessor"! Reliable and faithful to his values, he acts to preserve traditions, codified laws, and the moral standards of our predecessors--all the things under assault by Trump and his co-conspirators. If you believe The Hierophant describes Robert Mueller, then we're on the same page!

Mueller's Wild Card = 6 The Lovers. This card suggests two allurements, two choices that must be made between vice and virtue. Dissatisfaction in relationship may be a factor here which could involve a choice within a work relationship or a personal one--probably a personal one though another separation from the Mueller Team is a potential. However, drawing this card only increases my feeling that intimidation or a threat may be made toward Mr. Mueller's loved ones although of course I hope I'm wrong. Does danger to a partner or some kind of separation or scandal lie ahead? If so, it seems doubtful to me that Mr. Mueller as Hierophant will be averted from his moonlit path for his strong sense of duty calls him on. Yet who could deny that Trump and his backers will try anything to save The Don's hide?

'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses Are The 'Wild Cards of the Universe'

Yet events can spiral out of Trump's control more disastrously quite soon for the Cosmos has something revealing up its sleeve with August's The Tower Solar Eclipse! Yes, it's a one-two cosmic punch for Mr. Trump--the July 12th Solar Eclipse linked above (under 'Ruin')--so personal to him because it repeats in his own Saros Series, plus, the 'collapse of structures and lifestyles' suggested by The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018--in proud, boastful Leo. And as you know, Tarot card 16 The Tower provides a suitable image depicting such an event which relates personally to tower-builder Trump whose political 'house of cards' may soon be turned to dust and rubble though, if so, no glee will be felt by yours truly since our nation must rise or fall along with the current pilot of our Blimp of State for he and we must reap what's been sown:

"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." - Thomas Jefferson.

And so must we all.


Using Tarot for Politics is rare for me so if you should find this post useful or informative, a Share will be much appreciated! jc

Jun 30, 2018

Horoscopes: Trump-Putin in Helsinki plus Finland 1917

In From The Cold: Trump to Meet Putin in Helsinki July 16, 2018

by Jude Cowell

For starters, you may want to Shine with Facts about Finland. Next, how about a peek at the natal horoscope of the Republic of Finland as detailed in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #104?

Above: Republic of Finland 6 December 1917 3:00 pm -1:39:52 Helsinki; conquered by Russia in 1809; independence gained during the Russian Revolution; in October (OS)--November (NS) the Bolsheviks seized power; proposal for Finnish independence accepted "at around 3:00 pm on 6 December 1917"; Campion chart #104 set for 3:00 pm although 'some Finnish astrologers use a slightly earlier time'.

"The Finnish claim to independence was accepted by the Sovnarkom (Soviet Committee for Nationalities) on 31 December 1917, and became fully legal when the All Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets confirmed Sovnarkom's acceptance on 4 January 1918. The constitution was then adopted on 17 July 1919." (The Book of World Horoscopes, N. Campion).

Please enlarge both images for most of my notes are messily penned upon the charts.

Here I should add a few details concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Finland (@25Can51 in 3rd house conjunct IC in the 9 New South Saros Series perfected on July 19, 1917 (its initial manifestation) with themes of: bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, family (in Cancer), health, or paperwork and communications issues; a worrying piece of news may arrive and responsibilities involving paperwork 'could come home to roost' (Brady). Note that its position of 25Can51 falls between the natal Venus and Saturn of Mr. Trump--and conjoins US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776).

As you see in the above horoscope, Finland's natal Mercury (7th house, in Nodal Degree = karmic) is chart-ruler and makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect--an opposition to Pluto Rx (3A39) which was transiting rather closely with the Tail of the Dragon, the Moon's South Node (Pluto-SN = upheavals, war, violence, criminal elements afoot). See bottom left corner for details. Another curious chart factor is the elevated Venus @00AQ58 which would be conjoined by US POTUS Sun (the leader) once FDR changed our inauguration ceremonies from early March to January 20 in 1937. Finland's Venus (values, perspectives, attraction, relationships, diplomacy, art) conjoins fixed star Altair, the Eagle (bold and determined).

And so America's natal Mercury also flails around in there between Trump's Venus-Saturn conjunction and suggests potentials for narrow-mindedness and visions of stark reality (Ebertin) which is almost amusing until you think of Trump's tragically loose relationship with the truth egged on by his problematic, fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square. Yet 'stark reality' does hint at Trump's dreary dystopian inaugural address of January 20, 2017, as written by 'political scientist' Stephen Miller who lurks about casting shadows in the White House. "America First," Trump promised, just as Pat Buchanan had. See Jeff Greenfield's Trump Is Pat Buchanan with Better Timing in Politico Magazine.

Another 1917 Solar Eclipse

Yes, those were karmic days, as our ours, and we must note that another 'cosmic blink' or 'wild card of the Universe' manifested within two weeks of Finland's founding for a second Solar Eclipse perfected on December 14, 1917 @22Sagittarius in the 10 North Saros Series. 10 North's themes also shine a spotlight on communications along with frustrating or inhibiting events via news received, paperwork, or young people; those affected may feel tired or drained of energy but progress can be made by working through issues one at a time (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady). Perhaps I needn't mention that the 10N eclipse @22Sag conjoins the SN-Moon conjunction in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump--and his conjunction ensnares within its net starry Ras Alhague the Blue Star of Hopi Prophecy.

Finally, if the schedule holds, Trump and Putin are set to meet in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018 and since no exact hour is known by yours truly, here's a horoscope for that date and location set for 11:44 am EEDT -3:00 which puts the Cardinal World Points of manifestation on the chart's angles:

Hour of the Sun, chart-ruler Venus @6Vir57 conjoins fixed star Thuban (to protect or make a treasure; relates to hoarders and misers); Venus makes no applying aspects which further emphasizes her sign and house position; in Virgo, Venus is in her fall since she's exalted in Pisces and as diplomat may not be particularly successful. Virgo, sign of The Critic--will there be criticism for Mr. Trump from Putin--or vice versa? Venus likes partnership and these two players act as if they're already some sort of team--yet someone involved holds very high standards. Frustration may result from this 'diplomatic' meeting if indeed it can be described as such.

Mercury, Planet of Messages and Meetings

Perhaps the planet of meetings, communications, reporting, negotiations, gossip, and such has more to tell us--Mercury @19Leo43 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations seems promising yet the little fella is unaspected and thus quite uninformed except on certain limited topics! Unaspected, that is, unless we count Mercury's inconjunct to Neptune @16Pis17 Rx which conjoins Achernar, a star of crisis and rapid endings. In the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service, Neptune continues its campaign of contagious propaganda with streaks of paranoia, delusion, and fraud which may be all the public gets out of this 'conference' between Trump and Putin. But Astrology provides clues because the inconjunct between Mercury and Neptune suggests that priorities need establishing, promises have been made and perhaps not kept, someone has taken on too many tasks, overreactions have occurred or will occur, worries concern problems that may be only imaginary, uncomfortable misunderstandings are possible, and someone feels disappointed to find that he's been used.

July 16, 2018: Now I suspect you've already noticed that the Sun @23Cancer47 shines upon the natal Saturn of Donald Trump (and with his natal Venus nearby). Sun to natal Saturn is a time of serious situations when one is called upon to be more reliable and trustworthy (ruh-roh!) and issues of authority and maturity are under consideration. Has Trump made the grade with mentor Putin?Well, on a side note, Finland's natal Nemesis (the unbeatable foe) here conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven (@25Taurus with enraged Algol there) along with the country's natal Hidalgo, the social climber asteroid which also relates to foreigners. That's quite a cosmic duo of archetypes at Trump's Point of Aspiration!

As for Vladimir Putin himself, the Sun on July 16, 2018 has just squared his natal Neptune (21Lib27), a time when reality is elusive (or he is), and now squares natal Mercury (23Lib10) denoting that others seek his advice or opinion and it will be best for him to avoid those who boast, over-promise, and/or mislead. Well, I guess we both know who that sounds like. Still, listening closely to the words of others yields interesting tidbits of information and as a former KGB spy, Putin does this automatically--and who better to leak and share, consciously and unconsciously, than the indiscreet Mercury-Neptune-square fellow named Donald Trump?

Besides, I suspect that Putin's natal Mercury-Neptune conjunction resonates extremely well with Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square, don't you? Guess they're kind of 'birds of a feather' sympatico. For the conjunction 'merges real with unreal' similar to the way a Mercury-Neptune square has trouble separating fact from fiction. And according to master astrologer Alan Oken, the conjunction is "The Illusionist" while the square describes "The Sneaky Mind."

Now here are a few Related Posts: July 7, 2017: Trump-Putin Face Off at G20; Horoscope: Russia - Flag Raised; Trump-Putin Alliance Threatens Current World Order (a reference to the Bretton Woods Accord after WWII); and The Natal Planets of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump showing the partile conjunction (17:27) between Putin's natal Saturn and Trump's natal Jupiter which is Stationary in his 2nd house of Money and Values. Does Putin control and/or restrict (Saturn) Trump's funds and/or development (Jupiter)?

So if we round up for the Sabian Symbol representing Putin's Saturn and Trump's Jupiter both @18Libra we find, "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" which speaks of sanctions and societal order protecting itself by their use. "Keynote: A breakdown in the constructive relationship between the individual and society, and the expectable result." {} Excluded are "exiles, the alien, the unassimilable; if (society) cannot send them to outer space, it must isolate them in a special type of inner space, a prison. The individual whose actions introduce unacceptable principles into the established order runs the risk of being 'punished' or re-formed according to this order." (Rudhyar).

Whew! This sounds like so much going on right now--Trump's vicious separation of children from their parents at the border, refugees, America's overcrowded prisons, who-knows-what criminality by Putin--and the fact that the world's 'top dogs' are usually the ones who most deserve to be locked up. How curious that various billionaires are into blasting rockets into outer space these days--even Trump has blabbed about it and has gone so far as to call for the establishment of a sixth US military branch, a pie-in-the-sky Space Force which would probably be against International Law (a fact he may not know) so his announcement was intended to divert public attention from his self-created border crisis and change the subject from the Mueller investigation closing in around his ears.

Jun 28, 2018

Will Trump Tariffs Tank Our Blimp of State? Ask Putin

July 10, 2018: The US Economy and a Timely Cosmic Alert via Jupiter in Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

As previously discussed, and with a tri-wheel of return horoscopes shown, Ronald Reagan is in process of posthumously enjoying another Jupiter Return, part of what everyone born on Earth enjoys--the Jupiter Reward Cycle which occurs approximately every 11.6 years. With his natal Jupiter in Big Money Scorpio (@13:44), Mr. Reagan in his day was intensely interested in gaining control, garnering money, and hitting the jackpot as he declared upon signing the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 which economist Paul Krugman, in his NYT op-ed of May 31, 2009, himself declared, "--turned the modest-sized troubles of savings-and-loan institutions into an utter catastrophe." And the tremendously lucrative Reagan "jackpot" paid off years later as the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. You remember how Wall Street was bailed out by taxpayers--but not Main Street where the 99% stroll...and show up for work.

So here's a re-publish of the tri-wheel of Reagan's current yet posthumous Jupiter Return/s in case you don't care to follow the link provided above or read details:

So in 2018 we have 'Republican' Donald Trump shakily steering the Blimp of State and the Trump Tariffs are promising and/or actually triggering bilious reflux in markets, on Capitol Hill, and locally as US workers and their families are already 'paying the price' for Trump's grandstanding over this particular campaign promise which drags job losses and trade wars in its wake. Some of our national politicians are dreading 2018 Midterms with the Republican Party hijacked as the 'Trump Party' and we know it's all or nothing with cultish Donald who refuses to take prisoners.

And yet today, as HuffPost reports, a Progressive Democrat Bails Out Trump on Tariffs--that's Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown. He has his reasons--or thinks he does, and good as they may be, this fail makes the US Senate look more toothless against Trump than before.

Now a reason to bring up all this now, besides the fact that we're mired within Reagan's current three-fer Jupiter Return/s (perfecting on December 14, 2017, June 24, 2018 Rx (just past), and next on July 26, 2018, as you see in the horoscopes above) is that transit Jupiter Stations and turns Direct on July 10, 2018--@13Sco20. Basically, this Station conjoins (and strengthens) Reagan's natal Jupiter degree and, consulting our Great Cosmic Clock, we find that the 2018 Jupiter Station occurs between Reagan's second and third exact Return upon his natal Jupiter.

It's as if The Gipper's (greedy) Jupiter has come again under tutelage of (gilted) Donald Trump. As if US workers needed that or will be supported by it. As if.

Yet the degree's symbol should also be considered here and I suspect that anyone reading this post has access to at least one version of the Sabian Symbols but fewer may have a copy of The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac by Adriano Carelli. And it just so happens that Carelli gives a curious symbol (word picture) for '13Scorpio' (he champions the actual degree, not the rounded-up degree). Which is:

"A lonely stronghold on a high mountain top, a veritable eagle's nest. The place is fortified by nature itself rather than by man's hand. It is the key-point of the region, and its possession grants sway over the neighboring states."

This symbol describes one who has been earmarked by fate "to occupy an eminent, independent position and to hold sway over others, owing to his inborn inexhaustible force. To obey him is a matter of course, nearly of necessity.

An untiring, hard worker, he is fully confident in himself, and his firmness of purpose borders on stubbornness. Laconic, or even silent, he can scan and pierce everything around himself at a glance without betraying any of his feelings. Close but long-sighted, strong but on his defensive, cunning yet intelligent, he has fortune on his side and all the good and evil needed to assert oneself and achieve success, his main asset being an iron will, unshakeable and undaunted; his main defect, a selfish, despotic, scheming ambition.

When other aspects point to a liking for the career of arms, this degree will bestow the gift of strategy."

Carelli then cites '13Scorpio' as the degree of Napoleon Bonaparte's Ascendant although either one of us may be able to think of one or more modern day despots which this symbol could also describe, if not the seemingly mild Mr. Reagan. So is the 'stronghold' Washington DC? Perhaps, but first I must wonder--exactly where in Helsinki, Finland will Trump and Putin rendezvous on July 16, 2018? Perhaps in a naturally fortified strong-hold, secluded on a mountain top? Wouldn't that be so-o-o romantic!

In closing, here's an excerpt from a December 2, 2017 post published to 'honor' the passage of the Republican Tax Cut Bill, the massive give-away to Corporate America--yet another "jackpot" for the wealthy stolen at our expense:

Money-Bags Jupiter in Big Business Scorpio, Sign of Betrayal

Transit Jupiter, planet of bankers, donors, financiers, politicians, military generals, and preachers is in 2nd house of Money and Values @11Sco19 and approaches the upcoming Jupiter Return of Ronald Reagan under whose watch the last major overhaul of US taxes took place. The first of three conjunctions of transit Jupiter to Reagan's natal Jupiter position occurs December 14, 2017 with its 'tax cuts for corporations stimulates job growth' fallacy now being re-used by Capitol Hill Republicans in spite of the fact that corporate tax cuts do not inspire corporations to re-invest in US workers and the economy. Having been burned before, this time a majority of Americans are not buying into the tiresome GOP-touted job-creation fallacy that Reagan lifted from Hoover times of the 1920s. And here we go crashing again.

A curious one may wish to read the rest...

While Trump behaves just like Putin would do, the current version of 'Trickle Down Economics' fails us once again as the wealthy class intends. Can you feel it as The Tower Solar Eclipse approaches which also happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of November's 2018 Midterms? Though cracks show now, it may take a while, so care to pre-guess whose tower will collapse into rubble?

Jun 24, 2018

2018 Midterms and the Cosmic Trigger Degree

Recently we discussed the DC horoscope of Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterm Elections, a Full Moon @1Tau13 conjunct erratic Uranus, the guiding planet of chaos-creator Donald Trump (posited @17Gemini in his natal 10th house with North Node and Sun).

Now let's add a bit about the Taurus-Scorpio degrees involved for 00Taurus is sometimes called the 'cosmic trigger degree' or 'Hitler's cosmic trigger degree' since it's his natal Sun degree and in his lifetime by transit compelled him to commit multiple acts of war and violence. Of course, the triggering influence can extend on into Taurus and even without Adolf's ego problems involved, unpredictable Uranus by transit can act as a planetary trigger for disruptive events such as protests, strikes, natural disasters, revolutions, or wars, plus, as you know, Taurus is a sign of Fixed (rigid) energy, brittle as is astrological Uranus.

Now since the first few degrees of Taurus is the path Uranus and other planets entering the sign will take in the Zodiac, let's refer to the Encyclopedia of Astrology (1947) by Nicholas Devore in which he gives some interesting details concerning the first few degrees of Venus-ruled Taurus as:

00Taurus: powerful in combining old principles in new applications.

1Taurus: magic.

2Taurus: degree of plot and strategy; important degree in nativities of great military generals.

In 1947 @2Tau51: Sharatan (or, Sheratan, beta Arietis): a pearly white star of the Ram's North Horn (Mars-Saturn); unscrupulous; defeat; destruction by war, fire, or earthquake.

3Taurus: Exaltation of the Moon; a fortunate degree; one accustomed to the exercise of authority (also centaur Chiron was discovered in 1977 @3Tau08--jc).

4Taurus: Founder of a sect; the seat of law.

5Taurus: occultist; healer; hermit.

6Taurus: degree of many enemies.

Now other stars appear along the Taurean path as well and you may wish to read about Sharatan, Hamal (the alpha star of Aries--to follow one's own path), and others at Constellation of Words.

Hopefully, when maverick planet Uranus reaches 00Taurus+ again, it won't trigger too disruptively its 'enemy' planet, restrictive Saturn Rx in the World War II horoscope for such a contact can indicate sudden or vast changes to traditions, rules, and regulations (freedom from limits or boundaries) which We The People won't necessarily appreciate especially since Uranus never guarantees predictable consequences, no matter its stated intentions. Taurus is the builder yet Uranus can and may destroy or break--and since unorthodox ways of handling responsibilities already erupt from 'builder' Donald Trump and his gang, we know that in independence-loving Uranian fashion, it's pointless to guess what Mr. Trump and his handlers have in store for reforming the status quo in American society as they break down the US government.

However, we can say that new and unusual directions are definitely on the political path as the 2018 Midterms approach and then beyond into 2019, however wackily election results turn out in November.

And speaking of Uranian disruption, please consider that the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Donald Trump will soon repeat on July 12, 2018 with its 'separation' implications personal for him yet because of his social position in the Oval Office the eclipse's 'critical times' must thereby include in the cauldron the American public if not the entire world.

Jun 23, 2018

I Will Not Comply - Max Igan episode 337

June 22, 2018: I Will Not Comply, Max Igan episode 337 in his Surviving The Matrix series via American Voice Radio:

Visit Max at The Crowhouse and/or support his independent work via Patreon.

If the above video should go missing here's its YouTube link. If that fails, I Will Not Comply can probably be located on The Crowhouse website along with a variety of other presentations by Max Igan.

Cohen, Trump, Pecker, and The National Enquirer

June 22, 2018: Multiple Topics Covered in Ari Melber's The Beat Segment

In case you missed it: check out the segment Avenatti: Trump's Problem Is Cohen Was an Evidence 'Hoarder' from Ari Melber's June 22, 2018 broadcast of The Beat in which The National Enquirer and Donald Trump's control of it figured into his 2016 campaign and his obsession with the health of Hillary Clinton. Or I should say, with Trump's obsession with promoting false assertions and gossip concerning Clinton's health.

As you know, Mr. Trump, a friend of the gossip rag's publisher David Pecker, provided 'Hillary' stories or read/approved them before they were published--quite a cozy arrangement for a political candidate. In fact, only two newspapers endorsed Trump and his run for the presidency--The National Enquirer and a KKK publication that promotes--what else?--white supremacy. And as Vox Media senior producer Liz Plank points out, in a way The Enquirer is 'fake news' because (its) stories were "fed by Trump or by Michael Cohen." So we might say that these co-conspirators were in cahoots in order to shove Trump into the White House. Now I get it!

Oh and here's some related news from a couple of days ago: Publisher David Pecker Subpoenaed in Michael Cohen Criminal Probe. Now his testimony should be interesting--although Mr. Pecker won't want to incriminate himself, one supposes. Yet if all this 'probing' is meant to show Trump as a 'kingpin' mobster fella and fake president, I suspect that many of us already knew it, no probing necessary.

Now another interesting topic in Ari's segment linked above is how Trump's former 'fixer' Michael Cohen has hooked up in some way with one of Trump's celebrity opponents, Tom Arnold, whose interviews are always weird and confusing due to his manner of speaking (similar to Trump's absurd style intended to confuse). Arnold is an interesting character astrologically and even his birth data is in question with two versions available for the curious. Both charts show him with a Sun Pisces-Moon Aquarius personality blend and nervous Mercury in very early Aries. Born on March 6, 1959 in Ottumwa, Iowa, a major difference is that one chart shows Jupiter @1Sag44 rising while the other has quirky Uranus @13Leo03 Rx rising. Jupiter is, of course, the actor or entertainer, while Uranus is...well, there's no telling with Mr. Erratic.

So once again, the square aspect between Donald Trump's natal Mercury (news) and Neptune (fake) shows its prominence in his psyche along with the descriptive analysis of Trump's Mercury degree (8 Cancer) by *Adriano Carelli. Here's an excerpt of a previously published quote along with a link to Carelli's full assessment of the degree of Donald Trump's natal Mercury, planet of various forms of communication including gossip and innuendo:

"...he is too cowardly to face people directly, and delights in publishing spicy gossip about them. He usually likes to entrench himself behind the responsibility of others and to hide the hand that flings the stone. A gazetteer more than a journalist, he might have success with the chronique scandaleux and, if the horoscope helps, he may lead a paper with success; otherwise he will stoop to publishing infamous defamation and anonymous letters." Read more...

Well, I have to say that if a tabloid such as The National Enquirer can't be described as a mere 'gazette', I don't know what can!

A Related Post: On Donald Trump as Clumsy Liar in which Mark Twain makes a cameo!

*8 Cancer from, 'The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac' by Adriano Carelli.

Jun 22, 2018

Tweet from Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic)

As Donald Trump shows his true colors more and more clearly, comparisons between Trump, Hitler and the Nazis continue to occur (including here on Stars Over Washington). Some folks use trolling, 'whataboutism', and other methods to defend Trump's actions and rhetoric in vain attempts to deflect criticism from his dictatorial sorriness. And many are quick to triumphantly cite Godwin's Law on Trump's behalf in every online discussion with non-trumpsters.

Well, in case you haven't seen it, here's a tweet from Mike Godwin himself although you may have to copy/paste to follow his link:

Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic) Tweeted: By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I'm with you.

Jun 21, 2018

Summer 2018 Eclipses are repeats of 1928

2018 Summer Solar Eclipses: Time Links to the Eclipses of 1928

Of Time Links and Cosmic Blinks by Jude Cowell

Since the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) in the 2 Old North Saros Series occurred on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini (conjunct US natal Uranus--descriptive of Mr. Chaos), 2 Old North has repeated in the years 1964, 1982, and on July 1, 2000 @10Cancer among the US natal planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, Sun). An eclipse in this series will manifest again on July 12, 2018 @20Can41, a critical or sensitive degree in the Zodiac. However, this post partially concerns an earlier manifestation of a 2 Old North eclipse--the one that perfected on May 19, 1928 @28Taurus among the stars of The Pleiades a constellation which also happen to contain the natal Midheaven of Mr. Trump (25Taurus) conjunct the nasty star of rage, fury, and violence Algol of Medusa's Head fame.

Now as we've discussed previously, 2 Old North themes are difficult and include 'separation, the ending of unions' (or alliances, one imagines), and 'unfortunate news regarding personal relationships although quick action can bring positive results' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). So Donald Trump has that goin' for him from late June into July and beyond.

But then, it so happens that another cosmic blink manifests on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 as The Tower Eclipse with its theme of 'collapse of lifestyles or plans' and the necessary 'rebuilding' which must follow once the 'dust settles' (Brady). This is the 2 New North series repeating from its manifestation of June 17, 1928 @26Gemini--the initial--the very first eclipse in the 2 New North series. On the level of current physical events, we already know that The Tower Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms and we may expect (if 'wild card' eclipses ever bring expectable results!) that any or all election losers will feel its collapse theme in similar fashion to drawing Tarot card #16.

And is it cosmic synchronicity that in 1928 Ireland's William Butler Yeats's The Tower collection of poems was published?!

Some Things We Know We Know

Now since we know that history rhymes (rather than precisely repeating) we may wish to consider historical events of 1928 especially given what's been going on in the US this year with the kidnapping and caging of children at the border by the Trump regime, a self-created fiasco that threatens to continue into 2019 and probably beyond for Trump slightly changed his tune and now intends to imprison and criminalize entire families. Yes, the arrival of waves of refugees is a crisis for any country, I agree, but Trump's ways are not my ways--and his are not traditionally those of our nation toward asylum seekers and small children. His harsh actions demonstrate the ways of a man without a conscience and having not a speck of empathy toward humanity.

Furthermore, Trump and his handmaidens are said to have no plan to ever reunite the children they separated from their grieving parents since April and, in fact, are attempting to blame anyone but themselves for their cruel decisions and craven actions. My first thoughts upon hearing of this nightmare is that it shows what lengths a man like Trump will sink to in order to score political points and grasp the money to build 'the wall' he demands--and I can't help but wonder if the kidnapped children will be auctioned off at some point to the highest bidder. Well, obviously, this idea shows how little yours truly thinks of Trump and his ilk who pretend to be better than they actually are.

Other things we know include the fact that eclipses influence history by working through individuals whose natal charts are activated by said eclipse, and the repetition of one's Prenatal Eclipse can certainly suggest a person who becomes a participant in historical events of the day especially if other conditions are ripe--such as a man playing the role of the so-called 'leader of the free world' which does not include migrant children and their parents in lock-down whether they are asylum seekers in the US or not. Such is Donald Trump with his 2 Old North PE repeating on July 12th though its influence can begin any day now--and it brings the influence of one of the dark vs light Gemini Twins along--Castor with its themes and potentials for mental illness, crippling of limbs, sudden fame or loss, and/or murder (Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, A. Louis). An eclipse perfecting upon a fixed star is a strong indicator of events manifesting in the wider world.

As for history 2018, those who are curious may wish to follow a link to a brief World History Timeline 1928--1929 for clues or comparisons of events which may rhyme once again during Summer 2018 and into 2019. Or perhaps echo is the better word for as a certain child thief psycho of earlier decades asserted, “The weak must be chiseled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel.” And they called it the Hitler Youth Movement.

Jun 20, 2018

Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse repeats July 12, 2018

Solar Eclipse @20Cancer41 July 12, 2018 10:47:47 pm edt Washington DC in the 2 Old North Saros Series. This is a repeat of Donald Trump's 2 Old North Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) which perfected @8Gem48 on May 30, 1946 prior to his birth on June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York. Note that his PE conjoined US natal Uranus @8Gemini55 (July 4, 1776) and that Uranus is the planet of separation, revolt, and chaos.

Themes of 2 Old North include potentials for 'taking action concerning personal relationships; unfortunate news regarding friendships or relationships; separations; endings of unions; glum conditions but fast action can bring positive results (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Basic chart details are penned upon the image (exs: Mars out-of-bounds, Hour of Jupiter; Jupiter and Neptune chart-rulers trine one another--see lower left), and marked in green are Trump's natal planets and angles. Pluto @20Capricorn opposes the eclipse with both at critical-crisis degrees (20Can-Cap) across the 5/11 axis; the Sabian Symbol of the eclipse degree rounded up '21Cancer' = "A Prima Donna Singing' and notated, lower right, is "A Prima Donna Singing" since Trump's name is Don, of course, and today everyone continues to wonder if Trump will 'sit down' with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and 'sing' about his involvement with Vladimir Putin and Russian oligarch funding of his 2016 campaign. And answer Mueller's questions on obstruction.

This eclipse chart is infused with Jupiter-Neptune, the speculation/grand schemes pair and, as you see, Trump's natal Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio is in 7th house of Partnerships (in Washington DC; but in his 2nd house natally) and the midpoint of the Plutocracy pair of Jupiter and Pluto graces the Midheaven denoting those in power positions with great ambition to succeed. At apex of the Jupiter-Uranus midpoint is Mars Rx OOBs, well-hidden in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing and conjoined by the transiting South Node, a Saturnian point of separation. Mars-SN has a military ring to it (Trump's Mars and Pluto in Leo, plus his natal ASC, are in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service), and describes loners who act upon their own decisions without regard to the opinions of others--and may be out-of-step with societal norms. Plus, transit Mars opposing Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02) indicates a period of hostile forces lined up against him and a lack of control on his part to affect outcomes--a karmic condition is indicated (reaping what's been sown).

Eroding Neptune in shady Pisces rising in the 1st house of this chart suggests conditions continuing such as scandals, deceits, cover-ups, leaks, disappointment, and loss, even thievery. Large water events such as flooding are also possibilities, along with plenty of tears--especially for those under Trump's watchful raptor's eye, aka, most anyone who isn't wealthy or famous. That his Prenatal Solar Eclipse now repeats as it does every 18.6 years spotlights the themes of his 2 Old North Saros Series, as noted above, and we'll soon see how significant, if at all, they become regarding events in his life. Of course, Trump's cruel policy of separating children from their parents at the border has already followed the eclipse's 'separation' theme--and this done for the political purpose of snagging the billions of dollars he demands in order to allegedly build a border wall. Yet I still wonder if he thinks he can keep a bunch of the money for himself!

Well, there are many other chart factors of note in this eclipse chart but it will soon be July so I'll close this post now and publish it this evening. Complaining about Trump and his anti-government handmaidens like eugenics-booster Stephen Miller does take a toll yet hopefully later in July my surgery sagas will be over and we can discuss more interesting topics than the fearfully misguided, anti-social administration run by autocratic Republicans and the orange-haired mascot they hope to hide behind in November.