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Apr 17, 2019

Could Impeachment Force Release of Mueller Report? (w/ Mark Pocan) - clip

AG Barr's Cover-Up Tactics Continue so Mr. Trump Must Be Having the Vapors!

This makes sense really, since everyone knows that bullies are big fat cowards...

And considering what threatens to be a very disappointing "release" of the (overly redacted) Mueller Report in the morning (April 18th--with AG Barr promising to hold a press conference at 9:30 am edt before the report's release tomorrow in order to take (evade) reporters' questions before they have time to actually read the report--so slick, thinks he and Donald--another stalling tactic!), we might appreciate the interesting information and commentary within the following Thom Hartmann segment with Rep. Mark Pocan:


So with the ongoing square (blockages; obstacles) from transit Neptune @17Pisces to Trump's natal Uranus @17Gemini (his 'guiding planet' of chaos, disruption, and oddballness in his 10th house of Career and Public Standing) his nibs could turn out to be the leader of a failed social movement.

Okay, I'm cheering for that--no neo-fascism or otherwise, please. Will either of you join me?

Redacted Report planets vs Mueller Report Submission

Assuming that AG Bill Barr (a Sun Gemini like Trump!) releases a redacted version of the Mueller Report tomorrow morning (Thursday April 18, 2019), a quick peek at tomorrow's planetary positions reveals a couple of interesting transits to the Mueller Report submission planets of March 22, 2019.

MRS = Mueller Report Submission; BR = Barr Redactions April 18, 2019.

BR Neptune conjunct MRS Mercury (in secretive Pisces) suggests potentials for covering up or veiling the report in order to confuse issues (or deep-six them), deception, erroneous conclusions, and/or mysterious communications.

BR Mercury conjunct MRS Sun indicates potentials for strong and dramatic expressions in a forum (the public discourse? in congressional committees?), hiding difficult conclusions, taking the ideas of others and adding your own (Barr's) input to create something entirely different (the goal of Trump's man Bill Barr as was his earlier "summary" letter/s that allowed Trump the opportunity to brag about being "exonerated").

This transit info sounds accurate to me, how about you?

Plus, there are the increasingly harsh energies of the Saturn-Pluto duo in process of aligning for their January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction and now oppose Trump's watery natal Saturn (authority; accountability; limitations) in Moon-ruled Cancer. As previously discussed, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction when exact @22Cap46 will conjoin the natal Vertex of Mr. Trump, a sensitive point of fated encounters. Significant? Karmic setbacks? Both? We'll see.

And perhaps a midpoint picture involving the planet of reports and communications is revealing of current events for it forms tomorrow...Mars-Saturn = Mercury: loud shouting at formal speeches (Munkasey); bad news; separation; bereavement; murderers (Ebertin)--surely murder doesn't turn up in the Mueller Report!!? If so, that would be something worth hiding at all costs. Additionally on April 18th, the transiting Mars-Saturn midpoint conjoins the March 22, 2019 Sun (1Ari55): inability to meet all demands or master all situations; weak vitality; death or illness of male persons (Ebertin).

Now data for both horoscopes are listed, below, if you haven't already set up the charts and looked for more transits that apply to the Mueller Report Redaction situation once it drops tomorrow-if tomorrow! will its edge be softened by dropping just prior to the holiday weekend? I used '12:00 am edt' for April 18th but perhaps we'll have a definite hour of its release once it's done.

And to paraphrase one of the political truisms I always go by (even if FDR didn't say it as has been asserted through the years)--that whatever happens in Politics is meant to happen for nothing in Politics happens by accident (note that astrological symbols and signs are found embedded all over Washington DC--and that Astrology adds the element of Time and timing to any circumstance, in 1776 and in 2019). This follows along with the political use of the Hegelian Dialect: create chaotic problems then offer the solutions you wanted all along. To me this a large part of Why Trump As POTUS--to create chaos and massive problems so that Americans and the world will accept whatever draconian 'solutions' the puppet masters of the Universe decree--perhaps with Trump continuing as their shill and instigator or perhaps with some other raptor-brain of low character.

Now as you know, the Sun conjoins quirky Uranus (Trump's 'guiding planet') on Monday April 22, 2019 @2Tau31 and when we round up the conjunction's degree to '3 Taurus' we find, "Steps Up to a Lawn Blooming with Clover"...Keyword: HOPEFULNESS. Positive expression: a creative optimism brought to embrace every facet of everyday living; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): an unwarranted self-indulgence and a disregard of all practical reality through a concern over the phantasmal and impossible. And of course, this symbol (word picture) always reminds me of the White House lawn! Do the 'clovers' suggest good fortune for Donald Trump? Well, Sun to Uranus hints at potentials for stubborn pride, loyalty issues, and uniqueness that invites further scrutiny.

As for Barr's release of his version of the Mueller Report tomorrow, it was noted on The 11th Hour with Brian Williams that we Shouldn't Put it Past Trump to Distract from tomorrow's release of the redacted Mueller Report for distraction is one of Trump's go-to political tactics meant to soften criticism of whatever jam he's in at that moment. Yes Big T or a minion of his will think of something!

Horocope data used in this post: Mueller Report Submission March 22, 2019 4:00/4:35/5:00 pm edt Washington DC (4:35 pm puts Trump's natal chart angles on the Submission chart's angles); Barr Redaction Release April 18, 2019 '12:00 am' edt Washington DC. Also note that on March 22, 2019, the Sun and wounded healer Chiron conjoined @1Ari51/55 which suggests someone with a strong will on a mission seeking recognition and positive feedback, someone for whom "pride and power may lie in wait"--R. Nolle, Chiron The New Planet in Your Horoscope, The Key to Your Quest.

Above portrait: Attorney General William Barr.

Apr 16, 2019

April 15, 2019: Saturn and Pluto to France's Ascendant

In 2015 the September 21, 1792 horoscope of France was published here with a few notes penned on the chart. Have a peek if you wish for its Ascendant (the French Republic itself) @25Cap33 is disturbingly near the current positions of the difficult karmic duo, Saturn and Pluto ('turmoil in any rigid or older structures; lengthy consideration of methods or removal or destruction'; conjunct ASC: 'concentration upon important matters which lie before you; an environment which gives you the impression of silent power or continuing influence'--Munkasey). Silent power and influence of the Vatican? Wealthy international bankers and societal tinkerers? Grand Orient movers and shakers? All of the above? To Saturn-Pluto = ASC, Ebertin adds potentials for: 'being placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation, mourning and bereavement'.

Another coming-from-the-outside transit is France's 1792 Saturn @00Tau55 receiving multiple visits of late from transit Uranus, planet of sudden shocks, disruption, chaos, separation, and potential explosions. This old vs new transit suggests the alteration of traditional structures but without destroying them altogether which is the case with yesterday's tragic burning of Notre Dame Cathedral left a shell of its former glory, for centuries a marvel of Western architecture. Now this fire is a sad example of what most rational people would call a true national emergency.

Yet happily its valuable artworks are to be sent to the Louvre as donations pour in and rebuilding is promised.

And most fortunate of all, no lives were lost in the fire and for this we may be grateful as hearts around the world go out to the good people of France who now have a tragically wounded heart smoldering in the center of Paris.

Note: the 1792 horoscope for France, linked above and referred to in my text, is chart #106 in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes based on the Proclamation of the First French Republic (historical record). Plus, coming soon to a Cosmos near you and me is the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2020 (DC Horoscope shown).

Apr 14, 2019

Recognizing The Primitive Uranian

A Voice from the Past Informs Us

by Jude Cowell

In the AFA's journal Today's Astrologer (July 29, 2003 Vol 65, No. 8) appeared a reprint from its September 10, 1942 issue of Charles E. O. Carter's writing on the topic of astrological Uranus. The venerable Mr. Carter (born with Uranus in Libra rising) notes that Uranus was discovered in 1781 while in Gemini (24:27) and "it quickly became known as the planet of revolution, personal liberty, self-will, and even rebellion." Naturally its resonance with both the American and French Revolutions has been frequently noted through the years. Also note that 25Gemini07 is the degree of Trump's 'prez-bid' New Moon that morning of June 16, 2015 when he paid actors to sit in an audience at Trump Tower NYC watching him and his 'better half' descend from a gilded penthouse to the rabble below.

The Carter article then goes on to assert that there are "three kinds of Uranians: primitive, ordinary or normal, and the supernormal, with many intermediate shades."

Here yours truly shall inject the fact that Uranus @17Gem53 in the natal horoscope and psyche of Donald Trump is oriental (last to rise before the Sun) and thus is considered his 'guiding planet'--Uranus, known for its sudden 'wild card' capacity for creating chaos, shocks, and disruption, and primitive planet of revolutionaries, anarchists, and blind zealots everywhere. That's his nibs and the whole world sees him that way. Do most Americans recognize him? Yes, because it's nose-plain. His antics, criminal and otherwise, are shoved in our faces 24/7 unless we take serious measures to avoid being 'shoved' via propaganda and sly, oft-repeated rhetoric a la Joseph Goebbels Reich Minister of Propaganda 1933-1945 (he of 'The Big Lie' fame, a tactic his nibs follows).

And so here is an excerpt from Charles E. O. Carter's description of The Primitive Uranian as reprinted in Today's Astrologer July 29, 2003:

"He is very vengeful, very bad-tempered, being uncontrollably furious on occasion and completely unreliable. Sometimes the malice and ill temper come from a prominent Mars" (Trump born with Mars rising in royal Leo--jc) "are absent" (it isn't--jc) "and we merely get perversity and untrustworthiness" (yep, those too--jc). "This variation is not bad-natured" (Trump certainly is--jc), "but is incapable of common sense" (ex: Trump--jc), "wearies his friends with his inconsistencies and lack of reason and is forever 'going off on a tangent' and leaving whatever he was engaged upon, often just at a critical moment" (we can hope--jc) "when by using ordinary reason he might have achieved success. Perversity--that is a Uranian keyword.

This type will never admit its own folly but will try to justify even the silliest of its acts" ('Tim Apple'? 'Oringes'? sad--jc) "so that sensible people soon tire of its ways and write it down as hopeless ass or something more lurid. Lack of patience is perhaps the other primary fault of the type, which loves to act, think and feel quickly and with intensity and is irked beyond endurance by those who move to a slow tempo."

Yet we must take it easy on his nibs of the Oval Office for emotionally he's hypersensitive (or plays one on TV). Plus, he does, after all, constantly spout his own talents, approval ratings, and 'accomplishments' ad nauseum while offering the public bromides such as "Believe Me" and "Trust Me" so, if repeated often enough, won't such bromides and slogans make his antics okay, no matter how chaotic, shocking, and disruptive?

Above image: my pencil drawing, Uranian Road. And Trump is 'guiding' our way!**#!!

Apr 13, 2019

Singapore in the house! Is Jupiter causing trouble?

Saturday April 13, 2019 9:10 am edt: Good Morning Singapore! You've been 'visiting' Stars Over Washington a lot the last couple of days. What's up? Well, for one thing I see that Jupiter's April 10th station @24Sagittarius opposes Singapore's natal Jupiter in Gemini. Feeling discontent with wealth or achievement? Is no one impressed with your efforts?

Be patient for this too shall pass!

NASA image: Planet Jupiter

Apr 12, 2019

Did Julian Assange Step Past Journalism? - Thom Hartmann clip

Progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann has worked in the independent media industry for years and here shares his clear view of what's going on with the arrest and indictment of Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange:


You may also wish to check out the Planets Aspecting Assange's Natal Chart on April 11, 2019 morning London, UK (his arrest and evacuation from the Ecuadorian embassy).

Plus, I am inspired to mention that of course Donald Trump now denies that Wikileaks is his "thing" and that he doesn't 'know' Julian Assange in a transparent attempt to distance himself from the situation. This is a predictable reaction from Trump since Assange was captured and, as we learned from the draft dodger himself, Donald Trump doesn't like people who get caught.

Assange Arrested w Pluto opposing natal Mercury

April 12, 2019: As you've heard, Jupiter-Neptune figure, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame, was arrested yesterday morning in London UK and was unwillingly extracted from the Ecuadorian embassy and pushed into a police van--one day after transit Jupiter turned retrograde opposite his natal Venus in Gemini! This transit indicates a period when cooperation from others is hard to attain, promises can be broken, and discouragement sets in. Other cosmic factors stand out for him now including transit Pluto @22Capricorn opposing his natal Mercury in Cancer denoting such potentials as receipt of disturbing news from the outside world (that the embassy had revoked his residency there that morning, April 10), the arrival of a major crisis causing irritability and distress, and the opinions of others being forced upon him (indictment). Note that his natal Mercury @24Cancer conjoins the natal Mercury (Rx) of the United States of America (1776).

Yet curiously, transit Mercury, planet of communications, hacking, and passwords, trines his natal Mercury indicating a time of many calls, talks, negotiations, agreements, and the need to make connections and to exchange something. Stress, anxiety, and nervousness are shown by multiple factors such as transit Mercury sesquisquare natal Moon (Luna @7Sco42 in natal 12th house of Secrets and Karma), tr Mars inconjunct natal Moon, and tr Jupiter inconjunct natal Mercury--all Mercurial and related to communications, thought processes, ideas, and plans which now for Mr. Assange have gone awry.

Transit Saturn and Uranus are stressful as well with potentials for a social status adjustment (tr Saturn inconjunct natal Midheaven @19Leo57) and sudden changes enforced along with saying good-byes (tr Uranus inconjunct natal Ascendant @1Sag59).

Looking ahead, Julian Assange's natal Sun @10Can38 will be directly 'eclipsed' on July 2, 2019 by a Solar Eclipse @10Can37 in the difficult 3 North Saros Series with themes of: 'news involving young people or news that transforms a situation and can cause worry or obsession; very large plans are wanted but avoid getting carried away'. (Brady's Predictive Astrology). Perhaps you recognize 3 North as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the 9/11/01 WTC attacks, the 1929 Crash, the CIA, and President Andrew Jackson. Or not. Even so, this cosmic solar condition suggests a total change of direction for Mr. Assange who must already be feeling its 'wild card' 'cosmic blink' eclipse energies--so was this challenge fated? One might guess so for he was born July 3, 1971 (3:00 pm AEST Townsville, AU) during a karma-laden Saturn-Neptune opposition.

A natal Saturn-Neptune opposition suggests one who "swims with leaden boots" in his life while trying to float along without paying his dues which are always (at some point) demanded. This opposition can also indicate one with criminal tendencies (which is not meant to cast aspersions upon his dire or trumped-up legal situation). His test now may be intended to inspire him to become more responsible concerning his interactions with society; otherwise he'll be forced to do so by legal actions against him and their limiting consequences.

A previous post showing Julian Assange's natal chart is here (plus Steve Bannon's planets - sorry!)

Above image: my drawing, Chiron Leaves His Cave. Descriptive of Assange's arrest?

Apr 8, 2019

Anomie: Is the Trump Era Unraveling American Society? clip

April 8, 2019: Here is an informative segment from Thom Hartmann published April 5, 2019 concerning what yours truly sees as Trump's ongoing, undermining sabotage of America via what is apparently a fascist-stye Trump-GOP treason agenda:


In case you missed it: Has Trump Already Committed Nixon-esque Treason?, another Tom Hartmann segment (2016) with author Lamar Waldron.

A related astro-post: The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump.

Apr 6, 2019

Not only Was America Not Christian but Founders Invented a Goddess

Now as a Christian myself, I know that this recent segment from Thom Hartmann may ruffle a few feathers in the realms of "America Was Founded as a Christian Nation" (incorrect as that is! the US is more of a Utopian Uranus-Neptune trine affair!) but what Thom says is true: our Founding Fathers set up America as the 'New Atlantis' via principles of The Enlightenment which were secular (based on reason, the Uranian half of the equation) and they 'invented' the goddess Columbia to watch over our nation--our 'totem goddess' we might say (see Capitol Building dome!).

Please allow Thom to explain if you haven't run across the following segment already:

Looks as if Columbia Wants You!


On similar topics, a probably related SO'W post of the previous persuasion: A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny.

Plus, Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the eagle says Yes!

And in case you missed it try Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election.

As you know, founders Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine are known to have been deists so What Is Deism?

Apr 2, 2019

April 2019 Lunations, Nemesis, and AG Bill Barr Stalls

In yet another stalling attempt on behalf of Donald Trump, it looks as if AG Bill Barr will pass the Mueller Report to Congress on or around April 15 (2019) smack dab in the middle of lawmakers' upcoming 19-day congressional recess (April 10 to April 29). If I were a Democrat in Congress I'd make certain to be on hand to receive the thing, however redacted it may be.

Of course, Trump lurks behind the actions of AG Bill Barr because AG Barr is 'his man' and was put into the DOJ position for purposes of creating obfuscation, confusion, and for the use of stalling tactics. The question of whether Barr is the GOP's 'man' seems a given around SO'W though perhaps you disagree. However, you can't disagree with Barr's known history of finagling George Bush Sr off the hook for his role in the Iran-Contra Affair, plus, the pardons Barr enabled for the crooks involved. For sweeping scandals and crooks under political rugs, it seems that Bill Barr is 'our man'.

And when we look at April 2019's lunations (New and Full Moons) we find the April 5 New Moon @15Ari17 opposing Trump's fluffy, problematic Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio (in n 2nd house) and the culminating Full Moon of April 19 @29Lib07, a critical-crisis 29th degree.

Obviously, the Full Moon, the phase of fulfillment, awareness, and relationships, relates closely to current political conditions of a critical nature in America (ex: the Mueller Report and its shadow term paper, the Barr Letter/s he provided in lieu of) as Luna eagerly rushes to enter intense Scorpio, brooding sign of betrayal, cover-ups, deep study, big business, and surveillance. Ruled by brash Mars and sub-ruled by powerful Pluto, Scorpio's dark side also resonates with the concept of chaos, Trump's favorite way of behaving via his 10th house Uranus in duplicitous, variety-loving Gemini (his Uranus is oriental and thus operates as his 'guiding planet'). Of interest to me the last several days, is asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) which has been sitting atop Trump's natal Uranus @17Gemini53 although today (April 2, 2019) transiting Nemesis clocks in @20Gemini--conjunct Trump's natal North Node, and soon his natal Sun.

Yet there's more! Trump's natal Nemesis @16Can40 conjoins two of his natal midpoints: distrustful Mercury-Saturn and power-craving, fanatical Sun-Pluto. In Secondary Progressions ('SP') his SP Nemesis has advanced to 16Leo06 conjoining SP Mercury @15Leo36 (in SP 10th house).

Note that at his birth, Trump's Mercury, planet of communications, and his Nemesis were approximately 7 degrees apart.

These SP conditions support other chart factors indicating Big T's vengeful, fight-for-existence nature.

So perhaps it will be revealing of his nibs that the bright rays of the April 19 Full Moon shine directly upon Trump's current SP Ascendant @28Lib39 on or around the mid-April date that AG Barr and his minions say they will meander with the Mueller Report up to Capitol Hill where (Trump hopes) there will be no one there to answer the Masonic door unless a heroic effort is made to return to DC by an erstwhile Democrat or two. Unless things change and circumvent the proceedings as they so often tend to do thanks to the cantankerous, moody Donald Trump, The Gemini.