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Aug 20, 2019

On the Founding of Savannah, Georgia 1733

If you check out the horoscope of Savannah, Georgia you'll find the Sun (leadership) in Aquarius (the visionary, Oglethorpe) and the Moon (population) in either late Scorpio or early Sagittarius.

For as you know, it was James Oglethorpe (later Sir) who had a dream and led the coastal expedition to populate the American continent in the area of what became known as the 13th Colony of Georgia. Although yours truly was born in nearby Clarke County (in Athens to be exact), my most recent paternal ancestors migrated from North Carolina (apparently!) to Oglethorpe County, Georgia in 1821, became acquainted with my maternal ancestor and her family from Virginia, married, and proceeded to build churches and sire a few generations there including my father (1908--2002).

Perhaps you'll enjoy the following video:

Colonial Georgia

Aug 19, 2019

Boris Johnson's Horoscope: Brexit and Britain in 2019 and 2020

With a view from abroad here's a featured post by Britain's James Lynn Page:

Below is Boris Johnson’s horoscope, as we look at what kind of Brexit we’ll be getting. Left-leaning journalists have been beside themselves lately over the prospect of Johnson as P.M. of the United Kingdom. I have discussed the new Prime Minister 'elsewhere', but in this article I look at what kind of Brexit Boris Johnson will preside over (and the indications from his birth chart). The main questions right now are: will we leave without a deal on October 31st? And, more generally: just how easy will he find it as PM? “Dude, we’re going to energise the country!,” he proclaimed on his victory. Some commentators are not so sure, like the Guardian’s Andrew Rawnsley who wrote, 'Boris John's braggadocio will soon come back to haunt him at Number 10':

‘The schoolboy who wanted to be “world king” has spent many years lusting after the job, but that is entirely different to doing it … Whitehall is preparing for the Johnson premiership by adopting the brace position. Is this because he is infamously cavalier about detail, bored by complexity, known to react peevishly and sometimes with a ferocious temper when frustrated or contradicted, and has a notoriously casual relationship with the truth?’

At first I did a double take at this quote – Rawnsley could just as easily have been talking about Donald Trump. The astrological parallels with Trump are significant, too, and I don’t just mean the fact that both leaders are populist, outspoken sun Geminians. I have written elsewhere on this site that Trump’s continued weathering of political storms in Washington is down to progressed Jupiter on his ascendant. Jupiter has a supportive, protective quality that often ensures one’s luck holds good – whilst its astrological influence is operative, of course. Later we will find this Jupiter aspect significant on Boris Johnson’s horoscope, too.

First, let’s look at the astrological context for why we have, along with the USA, shifted to the right of the political spectrum. The transit of Pluto through Capricorn has ended up with the UK in a political and constitutional crisis. Pluto is the Great Destroyer, it is Death and Rebirth for entities that have outlived their purpose; Capricorn (in mundane astrology) is the Establishment, the System, the powers that be. No wonder that in the UK we’re going through what one commentator described as a ‘political nervous breakdown’.

In short, politicians have lost the trust of the electorate, as naked capitalism is allowed to run rampant, what with private (profit-based) companies overseeing the distribution of benefits, public education spending cut whilst private education fees are increased, and where even homelessness can be considered a crime. This is why we’re in the age of the demagogue, the populist who fills the vacuum when we’ve lost faith in mainstream political parties. But we’re a divided country because of it.

Saturn will also make an exact conjunction with Pluto in January 2020. We’re likely to see a further hardening and increase in authoritarian control as the powers that be lash out. (What the US astrologer and philosopher Richard Tarnas discreetly called ‘conservative empowerment’.) The cold unforgiving hand of Authority is already with us, take the example of the recent shameful arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. If, in the UK, it seems we’ve reached crisis point in our daily politics, you haven’t seen nothing yet; I believe the authoritarianism we’re seeing will increase in 2020.

To get a flavour of what happens worldwide when Saturn makes a hard angle to Pluto, consider these two events from recent world history. Often there is some some kind of power grab by politically motivated opportunists, such as on September 11th 1973, when an exact Saturn-Pluto square manifested in the coup d’etat in Chile, and the murderous dictator Augusto Pinochet began his reign of terror. Or ten years later, in August 1983 during a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, when Manuela Noriega rose to power. He was ‘one of the Central Intelligence Agency’s most valued intelligence sources, as well as one of the primary conduits for illicit weapons, military equipment and cash destined for U.S.-backed counter-insurgency forces throughout Latin America.’ (Wikipedia)

During any creeping shift to the right, well meaning liberals continue to warn us that true democracy is a precious thing and we should not let authoritarian leaders undermine it. In the case Boris Johnson, Guardian journalists have already noted how he has actually hardened his stance on Brexit, asking if he could close down shut down (prorogue) Parliament to stop it legislating against No Deal:

‘The legal default position is that if there is no deal, and the UK has not asked to revoke article 50 or been granted a further extension, then we leave on 31 October with no deal. But MPs of all parties have already flexed their muscles to prevent the prorogation of parliament to get no deal. Earlier this month they passed an amendment to a Northern Ireland bill by a majority of 41 to make prorogation more difficult; 315 MPs backed it and 274 were opposed. The anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller is also planning legal action to prevent prorogation.’

Boris Johnson’s Horoscope

Let’s get an idea of the man himself – above is Boris Johnson’s horoscope, and with the sun (conjunct Venus) in Gemini and Libra rising, he has that charismatic, easy-going appeal to the public, that plain-speaking, ‘blokey’ sense of humour. In short, the Libran ascendant provides charm, and Gemini the light touch. Of course, it isn’t quite as simple as this: he also has vociferous Mars in Gemini, providing fuel for his outspoken, attention-seeking quips. Johnson’s fan club like him for this perceived directness and honesty; his detractors point out that such quips are often racist, like describing Muslim women wearing a full veil as “letterboxes”.

But these situations stem from deeper, more serious elements. For one, on Boris Johnson’s horoscope we see Mercury square Pluto. Not only are there strong opinions to voice, but a range of entrenched, stubborn ideas. “You’re not going to change him,” commented one senior Tory aide. Then there is Mars square Saturn, which can mean difficulty expressing anger: Mars-Saturn bottles up reserves of aggressive ego, whether its reacting to annoying regulations, annoying people, or just the slow pace of everyday, mortal life. One wonders how much he’s suppressed over the years and how much he’ll want to get his own back on those who stood in his way. His moon is in subtle, tight lipped, opportunistic, manipulative Scorpio, after all. Here is someone motivated by the need for power. Not only that, he has the passion and determination to see his plans through to the bitter end. Now he’s Leader he’ll want to show just who is in charge.

Johnson’s much mentioned ‘buffoonish’ image is simply a part of a grand strategy: to appear funny, likeable and most of all ‘ordinary’. Who can resist someone that makes them laugh? But even the verbal gaffes are mostly deliberate – there’s little suggestion from the birth chart that he’s unaware of what he’s saying, or is unconscious of the offence he causes. His appearance on the BBC’s Have I Got News For You panel show was gold dust for this carefully contrived ‘clownish’ image. But Johnson is no fool – he knows that the accident prone, bumbling, tongue-tied, public schoolboy is a smokescreen, whilst he slowly and surely gets closer to fulfilling his ambitions and manoeuvres himself into a position of power. Job done!

An anecdote from BBC presenter Jeremy Vine reminds us that much of this buffoonery is carefully stage managed. Vine was set to do an interview as Johnson arrived, reaching for a pen to hastily scribble something on a piece of paper. So Vine was treated to the likeable, ill-organised class clown on that occasion – hair askew, falling over his own feet and then his own words. But about a year after, as Vine recalled, it was during another interview that Johnson went through the exact same repertoire, using the exact same lines: ‘as if had been scripted’.

Brexit – the Astrological Outlook

The UK Chart

Let’s have a look at the predictive material: first the national charts and then for Boris personally. First, the progressions to the United Kingdom chart (set for 1801 January 1st) on Oct 31, 2019 provide the background scenery for British politics. Here, there’s a heavy concentration of planets in the 4th house which, on a mundane chart, is about our heritage, our ‘patriotism’, our collective identity as a country, or at least a version of it. Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are all present here – an emphasis on roots, the past and tradition. This suggests the scene is set for strong nationalistic fervour at this time in our history, one where the familiar, knee-jerk stereotypes of ‘what it means to be British’ (or English) are invoked.

The Brexit Chart

The chart set for the exit poll on referendum day (10.00 pm, June 23rd, 2016) can be progressed to show the Midheaven (‘career’/public image) within one degree of a conjunction with Mars (in late 2018 and early 2019) This right away suggests the ongoing rifts, short fuses and in-fighting surrounding all aspects of Brexit. In brief – divisiveness. With obstructive Saturn in the 11th house we might well expect that lack of resolution/agreement in Parliament, too. (This house on a mundane chart is the ‘Parliament’ of a country’s birth chart, in the case of the UK, not merely the government but the entire House of Commons.)

Also, transits to the Brexit chart show Neptune opposite natal Jupiter (exactly to the minute) on October 29th, 2019, only two days before the supposed time we exit the EU. On a birth chart this opposition means impractical, over-idealistic and ballooning expectations. Any type of concrete limitation or systemic problem is the enemy. This represents the Brexit voters’ attitude to the EU – the material reality is inconvenient. Stop standing in our way!

The Article 50 Chart

This is set for 13.20 p.m. March 29th, 2017 in Brussels, when the EU’s Article 50 for leaving the union was activated. This brings into play the European Union and is a chart about the negotiations – as such, it is somewhat different. Though Venus is on the M.C., a Mercury/moon/Uranus conjunction is prominent in the 10th (rules and authorities). This stellium is one of instability: ‘emotional’ and erratic behaviour, wilfulness and sudden whim hold sway. If both sides take this approach you can guess at the result! The urge for self-interest and trying to get one’s own way (and the determination to do this) is shown by the Pluto square to Uranus. The only conciliatory factor is Venus on the M.C. – we did at least get an extension when Theresa May was in power, and there was talk of an even longer one if required. But it’s a chart which bodes ill for harmonious negotiations and talks.

So far we have a combination of aggressive ‘I want’ and a strongly idealistic, nationalistic attitude that just may be self-deluding. But how is Johnson likely to cope? The Guardian’s Andrew Rawnsley wrote that:

‘the best educated guess about where he will get to in the autumn [of 2019] is this. There will be no better deal with the EU and parliament will prevent him from leaving without one. There would then be three avenues forward. One: he could seek another extension to the deadline for withdrawal. This would be a humiliating betrayal of his solemn pledge to his party that Britain is leaving “come what may” on Halloween … Two: he could seek to resolve the deadlock by calling a fresh referendum [or Three] he could call an election.’

The Solar return chart for Boris Johnson’s horoscope – from 20 June 2019 – has Saturn/Pluto conjunct in the 1st house. This forms an opposition to Mars and Mercury in the 7th (relationships), suggesting he’s assumed the office of Prime Minister with enemies already waiting in the wings. It’s indicative of major disagreement, but will ‘they’ be powerful enough to stop a no-deal Brexit? (The Saturn-Pluto conjunction also is widely conjunct the moon, suggesting Johnson has some emotional commitment to all of this.) It certainly suggests little in the way of compromise – and as we have seen lately, the signs are already there. Johnson will be moving heaven and earth to get Britain out of the EU by Halloween – we’re going to see more of his true Moon in Scorpio colours!

When we look at Oct 31, 2019, the progressed M.C. (‘career’) on Boris Johnson’s horoscope is exactly conjunct to natal Uranus. This is another indication of the potential tension and challenge we’ve already seen – it signifies a kind of angry revolt against stuffy authority, for this is how Johnson will see (and does see) the EU’s officials and negotiators. He’s cast himself in the role of the freedom fighter; they are the intransigent oppressors. But when it comes to enemies, ‘they’ may also be Parliament, another bunch of potential oppressors who seek to prevent a no deal Brexit. So, he has plenty of conflict to look forward to. The question is: will he get his own way?

Remember Trump’s fortunate placing of progressed Jupiter on his ascendant? Boris has this same protective phenomenon on his progressed chart for 2019, as Jupiter is in close conjunction to the descendant, and whose astrological meaning is not so different from a conjunction with the rising degree. This suggests there are powerful friends looking out for him, that he’s well placed to receive support and assistance from important sources. One of those will be Trump himself, but I think that without progressed Jupiter in close conjunction to the descendant, Johnson would be sunk by Parliament or would lose in a General Election in September. However, look at how many people wrote off Trump’s chances of even being the Republican candidate in 2016, let alone winning the election. And now look.

Don’t make the same mistake with Boris Johnson. I’ll deal with whether or not all of this leads to a General Election in another look at Boris Johnson’s horoscope, but remember, he may well be in No 10 for quite a while. Remainers, brace yourself! Like Trump, he has lucky Jupiter protecting him for now. The astrological picture for the next few months show he may weather the storm, beat his opponents and come good in any conflict. And conflict there will be! Just wait until it all kicks off in early 2020.

Image: Beyond Brexit: A Global Britain (Foreign and Commonwealth Office)/License: Creative Commons

James Lynn Page is a consultant astrologer, tarot analyst, teacher, lecturer, and author of Mind-Body-Spirit titles, who received the Faculty of Astrological Studies’ Certificate in 1984. His first astrology book, Jungian Birth Charts, was published by Aquarian Press in 1988 under the pen name Arthur Dione, and was called “one of the better popular astrology books to see print in this decade,” by Horoscope Magazine. Prediction in the UK labelled it “one of the best books to date to bring added depth to the art of horoscope interpretation.” Soon after going to work for W. Foulsham Publishing, James co-authored their annual 12-volume Old Moore’s Horoscope and Astral Diaries, and is now one of the chief astrological consultants to Foulsham’s annual Old Moore’s Almanac. He has authored the monthly astrology newsletter for Raphael’s Ephemeris. His website is Astrology, Magic and the Conscious Universe.

A previous post by James Lynn Page appeared on SO'W earlier this year as, Donald Trump in 2019 and 2020. All content used by author's express permission.

Aug 16, 2019

Jan 2020: An Eclipse, Cosmic Karma, and Two Stars

August 16, 2019: By now most everyone is tuned in to and/or concerned over the heavy-weight conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto which perfects on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 and signals the opening of their new 33-35-year cycle.

Two days prior to their exact conjunction on January 10th a Lunar Eclipse manifests upon the critical degree of 20Cancer00 so the two cosmic events together, we might say, 'light up' the Zodiac in the 20-to-23-degree range of Moon-ruled Cancer (tribalism, nationalism, patriotism, the family, home, nurturance, childhood) and of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and finance, and imprints certain cosmic frequencies upon the entire year and beyond. In the 2019-to-2020 spotlight is the Cancer-Capricorn security axis and its many concerns.

Naturally, the opposing degrees, aka, Illumination Points (20-to-23 Cancer), are also significant along with their Sabian Symbols and any fixed stars and other celestial features within their sway. A review of the symbols for 20-21-22-23 degrees of Cancer is worth checking into if you're curious for more information and wish to gain a fuller picture of what's in store, a la 2020. (Note that there are no Capricorn stars in those degrees that I know of--do you? But deVore gives '21Cap' as a scholarly degree and '23Cap' as a degree of governmental authority and music.)

So for today's post, let's consider the stars among these degrees in Cancer--the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux. Possible expressions of Castor are sudden fame or loss; mental illness; crippling of limbs; murder yet Castor may also signify the intellectual writer. Also, '20 Cancer' is a degree of limitation and hindrance (deVore). For Pollux, potentials are: danger of disgrace; cruelty; rape; murder; danger from women, poisons, or large animals (or loss of protection for endangered species?). Yet Pollux has what can be a more positive side--its influences are good for astrology and for other occult interests which hopefully are non-satanic; Pollux may also signify the emotional writer so both stars are creative in their own ways--one light, the other dark, which suggests a good vs evil motif.

Of course, we as a society have many rows to hoe and mountains to climb before reaching January 2020 and it's impossible to list it all here so below is a List of August 30th through December 26, 2019 Lunations for your consideration and with a few notes added:

New Moon August 30, 2019 @6Vir47 conjunct Zosma, a victim-savior star;

Full Moon September 14, 2019 @21Pis05;

New Moon September 28, 2019 @5Lib20 (conjunct Trump's natal Neptune in his 2nd house of Money and Values and activating his inflationary trio of speculation and fraud, Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter);

Full Moon October 13, 2019 @20Ari14 (conjunct US natal Chiron);

New Moon October 28, 2019 @4Sco25; (a 3-day 'dark of the Moon' phase just prior to Halloween 2019--stay safe!);

Full Moon November 12, 2019 @19Tau52;

New Moon November 26, 2019 @4Sag03;

Full Moon December 12, 2019 @19Gem52 (between Trump's 10th house guiding planet, erratic chaos-creator Uranus and his natal North Node which conjoins his natal Gemini Sun)--what will be seen reflected by the bright rays of the December Full Moon?--and then comes a revealing, disruptive, 'wild card' solar eclipse...

Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap07 (opposing US natal Jupiter and Venus).

And so we enter Year 2020 under the auspices of the December 26, 2019 annular Solar Eclipse in early Saturn-ruled Capricorn which manifests within the difficult 3 South Saros Series of 'sudden endings in relationships' and 'traumatic transformation' via Pluto involvement in its original (initial) 3 South eclipse (August 13, 1208 @27Leo10). And speaking of karma (reaping what's been sown), besides Trump's natal Mars rising at his Ascendant conjunct the initial 3 South eclipse, eclipse Pluto @10Leo15 in 1208 was conjoined on June 14, 1946 by the natal Pluto (10Leo02) of Donald 'Spanky' Trump, our saboteur-in-chief whose economic schemes (exs: tariffs, trade wars, neglect of climate change considerations for farming and other industries, deportation of agricultural and other much-needed workers, fantasy-based diplomacy, the massive GOP tax cut for the wealthy) bode ill for both domestic and global finances and for food supplies especially under the heavy, constraining influences of the karmic January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction.

Yes, the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction was in Airy Libra last time (November 1982; theories and plans) and this time is in Earthy Capricorn (reality and pragmatism) but we may be thankful that this time it only perfects once so its strength should lessen somewhat as 2020 proceeds and as it awaits activation by various transits and progressions through its 33-35 years' duration.

Yet in August 2019 we already feel the duo's harshness so we know that we have much to deal with initially including the fact that January 12's Saturn-Pluto rendezvous conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and changing work conditions. Now I too wish karma would meet and beckon to his nibs at the jail house door but let's not crow just yet for unfortunately, as goes POTUS, so goes America--and Trump the Cheat may pull through yet.

Plus, layered atop eclipses and other lunations perking in the background is the distressing 2020 Campaign season and the rigged and vulnerable November Election which compels me to wonder: we already know that he does--but does anyone else who's willing to step into America's POTUS shoes post-Trump need a serious psychological evaluation? Or do they assume that anyone but Trump simply has to be an improvement for America?

For more information on the topics in this post you may wish to see Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas deVore.

Aug 15, 2019

Horoscope: Woodstock 1969 "A Mark in Cosmic Time"

by Jude Cowell

Having just watched the PBS American Experience documentary Woodstock I can gladly recommend the presentation to any reader interested in "An Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days of Peace and Music" put on by, or rather for, my own 'Flower Power Generation' within an alfalfa field in Bethel, New York starting August 15, 1969. As you know, we now approach the festival's 50th anniversary so a brief consideration of Woodstock's Solar Return 2019 Horoscope could make for interesting comparison along with its Mercury Return 2019 since the (symbolic) horoscope set for August 15, 1969 at 8:00 am edt Bethel, NY shows chart-ruler Mercury rising @13Vir41--Mercury, the planet of young people exalted in its own sign of earthy Virgo. Mercury the Messenger also rules the Midheaven as you see, and yes, a lot of exaltation went on there that weekend along with rain and mud!

A much-needed message of peace, harmony, and love was delivered to the world as well perhaps inspired in part by Woodstock's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in creative Pisces (27:25) in the 7 North ('7N') Saros Series with themes of: creativity, passion, lust, and birth (Brady). Yes, babies were born and apparently some were created! The passionate PE is marked in the 7th house of Partnerships and parallels happy Jupiter in music-loving Libra in 1st house (parallels are similar to close conjunctions).

Now on another of my several blogs in 2009, a few Sun-Moon blend astro-notes (on the occasion of its 40th anniversary) were posted covering August 15--August 18, 1969 if you're curious about the cosmic weather of the 3-day festival which one lady in the PBS documentary, linked above, perfectly describes as, "A mark in cosmic time." Naturally, more details about The Aquarian Music Festival of 1969 may be found on its Wikipedia page yet curiously, there were no planets traversing futuristic Aquarius during Woodstock 1969. Seems as if there should've been, don't you think?

Anyway, generationally speaking, we should mention that Woodstock 1969 occurred close to three years after the Flower Power Eclipse of November 12, 1966, a Total solar eclipse with a 'Cosmic Peace Symbol' of planets to its credit (drawn on the chart)--but the eclipse activated a negative or malevolent degree in Scorpio (19). To me this suggests a Scorpio-death connection with the Vietnam War, a travesty of horror of the era that I and my Flower Power peers protested against and which may be seen again in the Woodstock 1969 horoscope, below, via Mars the Warrior conjunct IC (The Basis or Foundation of the Matter; Endings) and conjoining violent Antares, a star of war and anti-war. And in August 1969 Mars (young males of draft age) was in Sagittarius, sign of foreign lands, foreigners, and long-distance travel. Some young American men went to Canada, an act for which I personally have never blamed them.

So! Enough of my peacenik remarks.

Below is the Woodstock 1969 Horoscope and note that the festival's Solar Return 2019 Chart perfects this year on August 15 but its Mercury Return won't perfect until September 5, 2019 with rebellious Uranus Rx in Taurus conjunct Return Midheaven ('MC" = the Goal Point) and North Node (future direction; public contact) @15Can57 in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing--and conjoining and pointing toward the natal Ascendant of our nation's horrific 'death star', The Pentagon, one of the major sources of all our troubles:

Please Note that if you follow the above link to the Vietnam War Horoscope you'll see that the war's Jupiter (the General) was unaspected in the chart and the notes for this condition (penned on) could very well describe a certain bone-spurred draft dodger under whose misbegotten administration the American people and the world now suffer--why him? Because the war's Jupiter @23Tau28 sits atop Trump's natal Midheaven where enraged star Algol reigns.

Aug 14, 2019

DC Horoscope: Aug 30, 2019 Virgo New Moon

Image: August 30, 2019 New Moon @6Vir47 6:37:02 am edt Washington DC; it's a Solar Hour with Mercury exalted in Virgo as chart-ruler and fixed star Zosma (victim or savior) emphasized by Mercury, Sun, Moon, and Mars in Virgo--and with a small stretch we may include Venus @11Vir13 in Zosma's net as well.

Of course, Mercury is the planet of young people (puellas and puers alike) along with The Speedy One's many other roles including messenger, speaker, teacher, student, planner, trader, juggler, thief, liar, and tweeter.

Now, lower left, you see that chart-ruler Mercury applies twice: 1. trine Uranus (4A15) denoting large societal issues that relate to personal affairs, travel, and international finance; and 2. conjunct Mars (5A33) suggesting ideas that become reality, and having a pressing need or urge to travel. This could indicate that some type of escape is involved.

And speaking of trading, this evening as I type (August 14, 2019) the stock market has jumped off a cliff again today (down over 800 points--or was it pooshed?), a Trump recession seems to be in the cards, Hong Kong protests keep heating up under threats from the government of China, and many other difficult conditions and situations are bubbling and boiling over across the globe. Because of all the chaos we're meant to lose faith in government all together but I know the ineptitude is being done on purpose. Meanwhile, it's become obvious to more and more people that Trump was installed in the White House in order to implement the end of America's global leadership by greasing the skids, gutting the government, and sabotaging our nation. Voters in 2016 were warned about Trump but many did not or could not listen. Now our nation and people are in danger on various levels with no one at home in the White House who is capable or willing to do what needs to be done.

Even so, let's not belabor the New Moon of August 30th in critical Virgo, sign of The Virgin, and indicative of the lunar phase when new seeds (ideas, plans) are planted which should come to fruition at the next Full Moon of September 14th @21Pis05. And there's little need to mention the several references to the Epstein-Barr-Trump-Prince-Andrew--?-- embroilment with the many young victims (Mercury) of their sleazy 'attentions' for such may be found in the horoscope for those who care to enlarge the chart and look. (A good example: New Moon '7Virgo' = "A Harem"...whose harem would that be?)

And yet we may wish to consider the dynamic T-Square between the Venus-Neptune opposition square expansive Jupiter in its own sign (4th house) with its 'keeping up a good front' and 'romantic reverie' vibes (Tyl) although admittedly I cannot see how much longer the Trump Circus (enabled by the complicit GOP and others) can continue without collapse considering how quickly things are shifting now--and that includes Trump's denial of involvement in the Epstein affair.

But then, as usual these days, there's gas giant Neptune Rx in Pisces in the 7th house of Relationships and Partnerships adding its usual delusions, deceptions, fraudulent schemes, bubbles, and fairy dust to everything it touches which resonates well with Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square of lies and misconceptions--for the Virgo New Moon's Mercury-Neptune quindecile (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) describes someone deceitful who tends to get lost in thought, can't remember or memorize things, and is driven by fantasy and illusion.

So yes, we're in the midst of dark times and any New Moon is the dark phase of the Moon when things 'go bump in the night' and someone is up to something.

Of course, in Washington DC Politics, 'night bumps' are a time honored tradition so for this particular Mercurial lunation you may wish for more information so have a listen to The Scottish Astrologer's video, Virgo super black moon and Pisces micro harvest moon - Major Warning from Above (30th Aug/14th Sept):

No mincing of words here!

Aug 11, 2019

Nov 5, 2019: Jupiter reaches Shadow Degree

Having stationed and turned direct on August 11, 2019 @14Sag30 (9:37 am edt), transit Jupiter moves on toward his Shadow Degree, the point in the Zodiac where he stationed and turned retrograde ('Rx') on April 10, 2019 @24Sag21. Leaving his own shadow period frees Jupiter functions, conditions, and people to 'move forward' more confidently with plans and activities such as politics, banking, investing, corporate mergers, religion, education, exploration, military pursuits, and, in general, the overstepping of boundaries. As you know, Trump is a large Jupiterian figure and expansive America is Jupiterian so there is that resonance between us which could be used wisely but instead is used against us.

In the DC Horoscope, below, I have not littered it with Trump natal or other placements even though his natal planets are all over the chart. One example: rising at the Moon-ruled Ascendant (23Can39) is his natal Saturn, then natal Venus, so issues of his authority, authenticity, and accountability will arise on or about November 5th with transit Pluto at a critical degree (20Cap54) opposes his Saturn suggesting an ongoing period when authority is met with resistance, his life structures are under assault and/or are altered, and he experiences negative conditions with few options for improvement. Pluto opposing his Venus suggests an unfavorable time for legal negotiations, diplomacy, social pursuits, and personal relationships. In fact, there may be danger from allies or partners, and he should avoid aggressive maneuvering (fat chance!).

Then, at IC (7Lib45), the Foundation of the Matter, is his natal Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of speculation, waste, get-rich schemes, fraud, grand visions, and inflation. This placement at IC pretty much reveals itself, don't you think? Plus, the IC of any chart also contains "Endings" vibes so there's that at the root of it all when it comes to the fantastical realms of Trump:

As for the rest--the high-flying Kite pattern of success, the Locomotive shape of planets led by warrior-activist Mars @21Lib20 in 4th house, Mercury Rx in Scorpio conjunct Trump's natal IC, the Pisces Moon as chart-ruler applying twice (see lower left), the dynamic T-Square with Mars as apex planet detailed (upper right), I shall leave you on your own. If my scribbles fuss you up I suggest calculating the chart yourself for a fresh copy. And in my haste to leave the chart less scribbled upon than usual, the Syzygy Moon (4Sco25; last lunation prior, the October 28th New Moon) is not listed but falls in 4th house between Mars and Sun, and the Jupiterian cosmic event's Prenatal Solar Eclipse is not penned on which is a shame since the 12th house North Node @10Can17 points directly toward the eclipse which perfected on July 2, 2019 @10Can37 in the 3 North Saros Series.

This puts 3 North's themes directly upon America's path made more personal to the American people since its degree is squarely between US natal Jupiter (5Can56) and Sun (13Can19 = POTUS)--and qualifies as our 'birthday eclipse' of 2019, its themes coming to fruition and needing to be dealt with more directly in November into December, if not before. Obviously, holding Trump accountable is on the menu (Saturn-ASC) by the end of 2019 and into 2020 when the January 12th Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 lands upon the natal Vertex (22:51) of his nibs and suggests 'fated encounters' and 'changing work conditions'.

Now we know that history doesn't repeat but it does tend to rhyme and 3 North is a difficult series suggesting thoughts that can become obsessive. Large plans are wanted which can have positive results but "don't get carried away", and there may be news involving young people (refugees?) (Brady). Of course, we've been experiencing a 3 North period since June 2019 and may now see a fulfillment or culmination of its background influences which will last until at least December.

More details concerning the July 2, 2019 3 North Eclipse are available here.

A Related Post: When Jupiter Returns to His Spring Equinox 2019 Position (24Sag40).

Aug 8, 2019

We Do Have A Mental Illness Problem - Thom Hartmann

From August 7, 2019, here is topical analytical commentary from Thom Hartmann concerning the 'dark psychic forces' (aka, the destructive spirit now on the rise in America and across the globe, mostly through white supremacists with fascist intentions--my description, not Thom's).

Astrologically, Neptune in drug-addled Pisces suggests paranoia, fear, delusion, and victimization while making illness and contagion possible, Pluto in cold Capricorn harshly ups the destructive possibilities and criminal tendencies in society, and erratic anarchist Uranus in money-oriented Taurus risks it all on one roll of the dice--these are potentials for those who respond to such negative influences which can be triggered internally or externally):

Aug 7, 2019

August 6, 2019: 'The Green News Report' - Desi Doyen

Desi Doyen reports with appropriately snarky comments by Brad Friedman:

'Green News Report' w/ Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen
August 6, 2019

Click to listen (or download)
More info on today's report here...


Aug 6, 2019

Broken Hearts Across America and a hood-free KKK

Of Racist Manifestos, US Mars Rx, and a Horoscope for the Ku Klux Klan

by Jude Cowell

Around the time of the *end of the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan or, 'KKK', was founded as a secret society on December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee by a group of die-hard Confederate war veterans. Soon becoming a paramilitary force, Klan members were aggrieved over progressive Reconstruction Era policies which elevated the rights of African Americans in the South. In spite of (or because of) the fact that the South lost the war, and with the Klan's platform based on a philosophy of white racial superiority, night time raids of terror, intimidation, and violence were tactics intended to roll back Reconstruction efforts meant to elevate the rights of African Americans and in hopes of influencing upcoming political elections (an objective already being employed prior to Election 2020--there is method in Trump's bigoted, hate-filled rhetoric).

As an extension of previous 'slave patrols', the Klan used similar methods but perpetrated their vigilante deeds outside the law. And tragically in our day, it's debatable whether certain police brotherhoods in the US are secretly infused with Klan members and/or with officers who are sympathetic to the racist cause. From the trigger-happiness of many officers killing non-whites, it's become difficult to distinguish one from the other. Police departments certainly tend to 'protect their own', don't they? And at its base, we may in part wish to pin much of our current troubles on US Mars Rx by progression since 2006--and note that its degree (17Lib37) conjoins the stationary Jupiter of Donald Trump (17:27) and the North Node in the Klan horoscope, below. Plus, US SP Mars Rx opposes US SP Chiron @17Ari42 in SP 8th house of Death and Corporatism, a duo of martial proportions yet our Mars-Chiron 'sacred warrior' archetype is wounded or deceased, and many have returned (Rx) home from war never to be the same again, and with Mars energies turned inward (Rx) upon the populace.

In case you're curious, here's a brief video concerning Nathan Bedford Forrest (b. July 13, 1821 Chapel Hill, TN; d. 1877 Memphis) reputed to have been the first 'grand wizard' of the KKK, a charge he neglected to own up to. Remarks about the man by legendary Southern historian Shelby Foote are included in the 3min-59sec video.

Now first I shall say that as a child of the South (a native Georgian bwo NC, Virginia, and points North) it was a rare and frightening sight to drive by someone's house at night and witness a cross burning in the yard. The Cross!! A sacred symbol in my Baptist family and the burning of it has always hit me as totally wrong. I did not and do not agree with the message cross-burners intended to spread at that time by such an ugly act but I know that I think even less of them now than ever before--if that's even possible. For their use of primal violence against their fellow man puts them at the very bottom of the evolutionary ladder in my book. And they have people like Trump, Bannon, Miller, Pike, and Hitler to keep them company. But then again, I am not of the ends justify the means persuasion nor am I a member of the success-at-any-cost club.

So as you notice in the KKK horoscope, below, Mercury Rx is @29Sag16 with '30Sag' having the "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" Sabian Symbol. Therefore, a peek at who was the Pope in Rome in 1865 seems related somehow to the founding of the Klan and that was Pius XI, secret friend of Mussolini and the man who instituted the doctrine of "papal infallibility." Anti-Enlightenment principles, anti-modernity, Pius IX was no friend of the Jews in Italy, the Austrians, or of free speech and other Western principles. We might say he was something of a bigot or racist although I've never heard him described in those words. Anyway, Pius XI was Pope (1848--1878) when the Klan was formed (1865) and the organization's Mercury, planet of meetings, discussions, and messages, suggests a link with The Pope Who Would Be King, a book by David I. Kertzer who also authored the award-winning The Pope and Mussolini.

Astrology Allows a Peek Under the Archetypal Hood of the KKK

All that said, let's take a brief look at the Klan's 12:00 pm chart set for December 24, 1865 Pulaski, Tennessee (although setting the chart for one minute before midnight seems appropriate since shadows, secrets, and disguises with eye-holes are the Klan's 'thing' although they're peeking out into the light of day since 2017 thinking they've become mainstream under sympatico Trump, their friend in the White House); note the planet of primal violence, sneaky Pluto Rx in Taurus, a placement of intolerance and materialism:

Now as a speculative 'noon' chart there's not much to say about houses and cusps and of course the fast-floating Moon could be a few degrees before or after her position here (22Pis58) but curiously, the 22Pisces degree spotlights three feminine asteroids and their goddess archetypes: Astraea (justice), Juno (nation-states; politics; the wife), and Diana (the huntress). In the center of the chart I've penned: white women on a pedestal? Now Luna doesn't quite leave Pisces by midnight so it's a Pisces Moon for the Klan which emphasizes the 6/12 victim-savior axis and the Klan's martyr mentality that is contained within the group's Sun-Neptune square. This square also suggests wearing hoods (Neptune) to protect and shield their true identities (Sun).

Also penned on the chart are links to a few of Trump's natal planets (highlighted in pink; ex: Klan Mars @20Sag conjunct his problematic SN-Moon conjunction), plus, the Klan's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @26Lib18 (12 North theme: sudden opportunities to accept greater responsibilities--Brady), rebellious Uranus Rx in Cancer, sign of 'tribalism and nationalism', the Klan's erratic, willful Sun-Uranus opposition (lower left), its uncompromising, know-it-all Mercury-Uranus opposition (lower right), and the most difficult of all--the cruel, dictatorial Saturn-Pluto opposition (upper right). As you know, Saturn-Pluto oppositions were in force: in 1931 during the rise of fascism, and on 9/11/01 conjunct what many astrologers use as America's natal ASC-DESC axis of Self and Other (12Sag-Gem). And curiously, the Klan's Nemesis @23Sco48 conjuncts the natal IC of Donald Trump--so are their enemies his enemies?

Now naturally any and all readers are welcomed to disagree with me on any of these chart factors and my conclusions--dissent away for there's no 'infallibility' to be found here!

Even so, my objective is attained for at least a noon version of the KKK Horoscope is now available for viewing on SO'W for anyone who wishes to keep an eye on it for transits and progressions but hadn't yet calculated the horoscope for themselves.

Of course both positive and negative transits ('tr's; 'n' = natal) and their potential influences will arrive over time for any person or entity but here I'll list three that seem to apply to current or upcoming events or which may affect society and/or the Klan on various levels. All perfect three times each but note that their dates could be off a bit since we're using only a noon natal chart:

1. Tr Uranus opposite n Saturn (@9Sco39 and leader of a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets) = tension, instability, disruption--exact on or about June 25, 2020, October 6, 2020, April 12, 2021.

2. Tr Saturn square n Pluto Rx (@12Tau26) = intense conditions, manipulation only hampers, power and control issues, accountability for past abuses--exact on or about April 16, 2021, June 29 2021, January 5, 2022.

3. Tr Uranus conjunct n Pluto Rx = upheaval, sudden changes and challenges, bumps in the road as the past catches up...a volatile, rebellious combination of energies--on or about June 1, 2021, November 13, 2021, March 22, 2022.

Well, there it is and yes, these indications could affect our nation adversely via white supremacists particularly since there are racists hunkered down in the White House as I type. But as the mysterious 'they' are fond of saying, forewarned is forearmed.


Extra Note: beware the El-Paso-Dayton Disinformation Campaign.

*Actually, besides the April 9, 1865 surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia, there were multiple surrenders by a variety of Confederate Generals including one by Nathan Bedford Forrest, grand wizard of the KKK, as noted above; surrender was a drawn-out process for President Andrew Johnson didn't officially end the Civil War until August 1866.

Related: America's First-Ever Impeachment of 1868. Do We The People still know how?

Aug 5, 2019

Unelected Bureaucrats Run the US Government

At last! An American who tells the truth about who's actually running the US government and he's written a book on the subject. Discovered in the C SPAN podcast Q&A list, the video of the July 22, 2019 interview with Professor Benjamin Ginsberg of Johns Hopkins University has been placed in the sidebar of Stars Over Washington and a small amount of scrolling will locate it!

Professor Ginsberg goes into quite a bit of detail concerning the roles of Congress and the Executive Branch and their surrendering of authority in favor of the unelected officials (aka, career civil servants) who are really in charge as they wallow in their wealth and their disdain for the thoughts, opinions, and knowledge level of the American people.

No democracy this! The book was published in 2016, and hopefully, if you've missed it so far, you'll check out Benjamin Ginsberg's enlightening hour-long interview in one format or another. Here's a link to his book:

What Washington Gets Wrong: The Unelected Officials Who Actually Run the Government and Their Misconceptions about the American People available on Amazon.

And for the scroll-averse, here's a direct link to the Q&A video (same as the podcast but viewable).

As for Political Astrology on unelected 'career civil servants', this information provides a much stronger emphasis on the 6th house (and its polarity, the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Self-Undoing, Karma, and Hidden Enemies) in mundane horoscopes for the 6th is the house of Service which includes 'civil service'.

Note: please pardon the lack of an image with this post. I've made attempts but for some reason Google (Blogger) isn't allowing an upload of any image that relates to the topic. Is it too controversial? If so, I dissent!