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Showing posts with label Denebola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denebola. Show all posts

Dec 7, 2015

Dec 6, 2015 The President Addresses the Nation on Keeping the American People Safe

In case you missed it:


President Obama Speaks and Is Mindful of The Importance of Being Earnest

by Jude Cowell

If you know about or have read lately about the current Mars-Uranus opposition which now squares powerful manipulator Pluto (Dec 6 - 10) then you know that this evening's TV address by President Obama delivered from the White House (to show how serious he is) fits right in with the T-Square's dynamic, intense energies.

Mars-Uranus, Mars-Pluto, Uranus-Pluto--all three pairs combine into explosive, forceful, aggressive actors designed to catch attention and rearrange present conditions into something more chaotic, even brutal. Naturally, military action is denoted as well along with warriors of all stripes joining battles, initiating conflicts, and fighting until the end. Challenges are issued and accepted!

These planetary conditions now reflecting events on the earthly plane (As Above, So Below) describe what I have been dreading for some time but these are not all that was on display tonight as President Obama spoke. He began at 8:00 pm est with his natal Mercury 2Leo19 rising though Ascending was a lunar 28Can47 and this degree of Cancer places US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 setting on the Descendant of Partnerships and Alliances; US natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer had risen and was traversing the 12th house of Politics and Karma by 8:00 pm.

Soon after he began, the president's natal Sun 12Leo32 arose and there are several planetary hints that self-promotion was one of his goals as he adapted his visions and perspectives for presentation to the public (Mars-Neptune = Mercury) on the topic of ISIS and terrorism. The need to fulfill dangerous tasks was communicated and flavored with what passes for stark realism in US Politics though many conditions and associated affairs remain private and not open to public scrutiny (Saturn-Pluto = Mercury.) As you know, Mercury is the planet of communication, speeches, messages, young people, and journalists (or what passes for them these days) so they have their parts to fulfill in what was very much a role-playing event tonight--bully pulpit and all that, promoting the US perspective on things.

Hmmm...young people. Was this speech also meant as an outreach to inspire young people (including women who can now become combatants) to sign up for duty? More troops are needed, say neocon war hawks. Pass the canon fodder!

If so, President Obama showed shrewdness tonight as he presented what are basically over-expansive ideas (transit Jupiter, planet of expansion, now conjunct his natal Mars, planet of warriors, war, and action.) However, you may have noticed a lack of coping ability melded with the shrewdness which made a very odd mixture. On one level, this may be due to Mr. Obama's natal Mars being shrouded and clouded by US natal Neptune, both @22Virgo and the conjunction now has quite a pile-up of energies in the 20--22 Virgo area of the Zodiac: the current Solar Eclipse (September 13, 2015 @20Vir10) provides a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength influence (Brady), transiting Jupiter as noted @21Vir38 tonight increases it all, and fixed star Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream) springs more fully into action, triggered by Jupiter.

Another concern is the Cardinal Grand Cross now brought into manifestation by the above noted Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square (thanks to Mars joining in) which adds explosive force and ruthless brutality to US natal Sun @13Cancer (POTUS) for as you know, US natal Sun has been opposed by transiting Pluto for some time now with its 'titanic power struggle and challenge' implications. Tonight's speech was part of taking control of the situation where 'destroying ISIS' is concerned. And it may be no coincidence (for nothing really is) that in recent weeks and certainly this very evening--two descriptive asteroids (archetypes) are traveling in tandem at 22Libra: Nemesis and Isis, with Nemesis having 'the unbeatable foe' and 'divine retribution' flavors. Note that just who is actually behind the creation of ISIS (ISIL) is beyond the scope of this post.

For the US, this deadly East vs West battle calls for more organization and structure (transit Mars @14Libra conjunct US natal Saturn at IC, the Basis of the Matter) and as tonight's Moon @24Libra approaches Venus @2Sco11 (preparing for the holidays?), we might better find a clue in the Uranus-MC (8:00 pm est) conjunction with the MC as the Goal Point of the speech's horoscope: 'strife or radical movements which force new internal policies or methods' (a new agenda), a strategy we've seen used before--most notably after the attacks of 9/11/01 and the ready-to-go US Patriot Act, plus, preemptive war and occupation, and other policy changes distorting the character and principles of our nation. Now that's what has resulted in what I would call a Crippled America--crippled by fascist traitors and infiltrators.

Though he mentioned destroying ISIS and not giving into fear, the Astrology I'm seeing in the speech horoscope shows the fostering of paranoia for political control of the people via Mars at the IC (Endings; The Drain: Death.) Is Election 2016 part of Washington's political calculations? Now this wouldn't be surprising since it's been done successfully before (ex: 'bin Laden tapes' released just before election day.) Yet whatever the motive/s, tonight's speech will probably be fairly well received with chart-ruler Moon first sextiling Mercury (0A27), then conjoining popular Venus (7A22). Round up speech-maker Mercury's degree to 26 Sagittarius and we have "A Flag-Bearer in Battle" (Jones) which supports the president's expansive agenda in the Middle East along with more young people joining the military, if and as they may.

Washington's stubborn refusal to recognize its limitations bodes ill for many

Tragically for innocent people both here and abroad, it likely will take more than the Paris and the San Bernadino attacks to 'justify' the draconian changes the power elite (and those who direct them from behind the scenes) are determined to force upon us. After all, transiting Uranus, planet of anarchy, chaos, disruption, and shock, has been opposing US natal Saturn for a while now and this describes a 'new order' vs 'old order' stand-off and the collapse of traditional institutions--along with de-structuring Pluto now in structure-building Capricorn and plodding his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022.

ISIS is "part of a cult of death," said President Obama tonight which is obviously true. And of course I am on America's side yet it amazes me how a drone-striker president projects such a mote into the eye of 'the other guy' while ignoring the beam in his--in our--own.


Speaking of the anti-constitutional US Patriot Act, remember in May 2011 when President Obama authorized its extension via auto-pen while on a visit to France with US natal Pluto rising?

Oct 3, 2015

October 13, 2015: The First Democratic Primary Debate Astro-Notes

Tuesday October 13: CNN Sponsors the 2016 Democratic Primary Debate

by Jude Cowell

To save you the mild angst of clicking or tapping in the SO'W sidebar, here is a handy link to the Campaign 2016 Democratic Debate page with a list of the Democratic Primary Debates Schedule such as it is known for now. Only the first of the six debates includes the names of the invited candidates and they are: Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, Webb, and Chafee. It has been announced that VP Joe Biden will not participate in the first debate. No promises on the remaining debates for the gaffe-prone CFR-Bilderberg vice president and self-avowed Zionist.

Edit Oct 15: recommended for coverage of issues is The District Sentinel.

Now if you're familiar with astrological principles (as I suspect you are), it is a maxim that how things begin is how they will end so we may wish to consider the astrological conditions in effect at (9:00 pm ET; 8:00 pm CT) 6:00 pm PT on October 13, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada to discover the blend of the earthly and cosmic atmospheres during this political event. As above, So below therefore we'll consider how things will proceed based on the chart-ruler's applying aspects, if any. Planets are the actors and in this case, politicians are the main actors on the world stage as they each attempt to impress the public and convince their supporters and the DNC that theirs is the winning presidential bid to vie successfully against whichever Republican candidate makes a run for the White House in November 2016. Who can sway the public most effectively? Well first, let's consider the ringmaster of the evening.

Astro-Notes: Moderator Anderson Cooper

Debate moderator Anderson Cooper has an interesting natal chart if you care to take a look and its Rodden Rating is B (source: bio/autobiography.) With his Mars @15Lib25 and Ascendant @19Lib04 precisely setting on the Descendant of the 6:00 pm PT debate chart (19Lib07) a close angular contact seems quite pertinent. Cooper's natal Moon @23Ari26 rises in the debate chart, good for publicity and favor, and his natal chart has recently experienced eclipse contacts of note which bode well for important events and conditions and indicate a busy year for him: the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 precisely conjoined his natal Chiron @29Pis27 (conjunct the Aries Point of Fame, Fortune, Prominence, and Recognition), and the current Solar Eclipse @20Vir10 (September 13, 2015 with its themes of a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength) now sits upon his natal Uranus (20Vir17)--this is new or novel (Uranus) work (Virgo) for him. And we know that having natal Uranus in Mercury-ruled Virgo gives him good intellect and reformist tendencies but can also supply tactless frankness and misplaced criticism! (Ebertin.)

And so with October 13's transit Uranus @18Ari25 Rx rising at 6:00 pm PT in Las Vegas, we may expect Mr. Cooper to cope well with the debaters and with any unexpected occurrences that may crop up (Uranus rising) especially considering the disruptive tendencies of quirky Uranus on hand. However, his own Uranus degree and the current eclipse degree 20Vir10/17 are near a difficult star Denebola (to go against society, or, going against the mainstream) so it will be interesting to see if Anderson Cooper partakes of or receives this energy in some way especially since Denebola's "mainstream" reminds us of the "mainstream media" in which he plays a role. Will the proceedings be done differently?

As for the 1st Debate chart itself, the tiresomely ongoing Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto is angular because not only is Uranus rising, but power manipulator Pluto (13Cap03) conjoins the chart's and debate's Midheaven (MC), the WHY? Point of Aspirations and Goals. One of Pluto's roles when in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) is the dictator but I shall allow you to decide what the candidates desire as they make a bid for the Democratic nomination and the coveted Oval Office. If either of us make it through the evening's debate perhaps we'll hear a pitch for or against a foreign dictator, or from Bernie, a riff against wealthy plutocrats who gain by exploiting the masses. Plus, some of psychological Pluto's prime propaganda may be a goal of the night's agenda compliments of publishing moguls or corporate titans.

Now it's true that no planet in Cancer opposes debate Pluto except for US natal Sun (POTUS), however, the hidden IC's Sabian Symbol is "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" (12Cancer) which I've always considered an important symbol in US Politics--and also in US Finances. As you know, the IC is the Foundation or Basis of the Matter and denotes The Drain which suggests currency manipulation, trade deficits, and other thorny monetary issues.

Saturn Square Neptune: the Ill, the Elderly, the Weak, and the Poor

We may expect the Saturn-Neptune square to receive notice as working classes, social programs and possibly their funding, a living wage, and other societal ills are brought up for whatever discussion is allowed. Another monetary hint is restrictive Saturn @2Sag12 in the 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Legacies, Shared Resources, and Corporatism and I suspect we all know that America was long ago sold out to the highest bidder/s such as creditor China. And in Mundane Astrology, karmicSaturn can represent those with seniority and authority but also lawmakers, judges, lawyers, managers, and in Sagittarius may also denote emigrants, philosophers, and/or religiously motivated individuals. Actually, there are reasons this 8th house Saturn may on one level signify VP Biden but I won't go into the details just now.

Instead, let's discuss the chart-ruler's applying aspect and with Aries rising (at the Exaltation of the Sun degree, 19), Mars rules the chart and the debate and also rules the 8th house via its 24Sco26 cusp (okay--along with wealthy Pluto at MC.) Mars makes two closely applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects in the October 13 debate chart. First he (and I'm calling Mars for Bernie Sanders!) trines Pluto (1A16) indicating that actor Mars will be able to exercise all the control he needs as long as he uses this power subtly and with incisive accuracy. Intense energy surrounds Mars in this debate and if the trine energy is used wisely, a high level of success may be his. Other factors and actors may interfere, of course, but a Mars-Pluto trine is a very beneficial aspect between these two dynamic planets.

However, America's perpetual warmongering (Mars-Pluto) is a potential debate topic (as it should be) but the debate should turn out quite well for Mars posited in studious, detail-oriented Virgo and ruled by Mercury in Libra which is in mutual reception with Venus @4Vir31, ruler of fair minded Libra, sign of diplomacy and justice.

The other applying aspect of Mars is a conjunction (1A39) with Jupiter, planet of the politician, banker, guru, priest, and the General. Mars conjoining Jupiter describes one who has an exaggerated or expanded part to play in the proceedings so we may expect a male (Mars) to come forward during the debate (whether that's Senator Sanders or not) and meet with good fortune (Jupiter).

As for the house of Politics, Karma (reaping what was sown), Self-Undoing, and Secret Enemies (the 12th h) we have the rising Uranus (apex of a Fist of God or Thor's Hammer pattern with the restrictive square between Venus and Saturn (money issues concerning law enforcement?) at its base. This trio denotes someone using their charm but there are also potentials for rebellion, resentment, and separation. We also have deceptive Neptune Rx in its own shady sign of oceanic Pisces--curiously, a sign of war--and priestly Chiron at a critical degree (17 Pisces) and retrograde. 12th house is where backroom deals are made and Neptune is traveling in tandem with asteroid Circe (where we seek rescue).

A second planetary pattern is a T-Square between a Venus-Neptune opposition (visionaries and dreamers) pointing toward that restrictive 8th house Saturn and we find that someone is coming down to earth, exhibiting frigidity, and/or using an effective delusion. The trio brings in an interesting picture according to Michael Munkasey in his midpoint book...see what you think:

Venus-Neptune = Saturn: creating circumstances that appear to mirror reality which for me describes closely the false reality or matrix We the People (and the populations of the world) are ensnared within as *Max Igan has so often alerted us to! And of course, it also relates to the falsity of television and the appearance that American voters actually have a choice of candidates to choose from.

Because to paraphrase Josef Stalin concerning all elections including ours in November 2016, It's not the vote that counts, it's who counts the votes. How very sad but oh so true.

Yet in spite of it all, Venus may take all the chips in the game for what do you know! There's lady Venus @4Vir31 just entered the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits--and she's taking over the whole shebang as the lead planet of a Locomotive planetary pattern! This leading Venus must signify Hillary Clinton and her lead in the polls, don't you agree? For as leading engine of the Democrats' debate choo choo train, she's in a high powered executive position and is determined to solve a problem and/or complete an important task.

So as a Child of the Revolution (30 Cancer), I can only hope and pray for the sake of America's future generations that she isn't focused like a laser on one of those lousy 'new world order' tasks that suck so mightily.

*The Max Igan link leads you to one of his Surviving the Matrix video series in 4 parts: Finding Your Path Through the False Reality which comes highly recommended if you haven't watched it. Also check out The Crowhouse website for more broadcasts and interviews when you can. jc

Oct 23, 2014

Astro-Notes: Solar Eclipses 2015 -- 2017

Thursday Oct 23, 2014: Solar Eclipse Considerations for 2015--2017

by Jude Cowell

With the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 here, the last eclipse of 2014, let's take a futuristic peek at the 6 upcoming Solar Eclipses of the years 2015 through 2017. First, a basic list in order of occurrence with details to follow:

1. March 20, 2015 @29Pisces 17 South Saros Series (17S);

2. Sept 13, 2015 @20Virgo 18 North (18N);

3. March 9, 2016 @19Pisces 18 South (18S);

4. Sept 1, 2016 @9Virgo 19 North (19N);

5. Feb 26, 2017 @8Pisces 19 South (19S);

6. Aug 21, 2017 @29Leo 1 North (1N);

As you see, the first 5 Solar Eclipses manifest across the 6/12 'victim-savior' axis of Virgo-Pisces (Earth-Water) before switching to the Fire-Air 'will' axis of Leo-Aquarius in August 2017. This energy shift follows that of the Solar Eclipses which have occurred across the forceful Taurus-Scorpio axis (Earth-Water) since November 2012 with all the desire nature/self will/money-resources and transformation themes the two signs embody.

Plus, the world is once again brutalized by warmongers and by the implementation of vengeful, dramatically staged beheadings with intolerant Taurus ruling the neck and intense, betraying Scorpio's Mars-Pluto influences of violence and rape which shows that to some who feel themselves to be holier-than-thou, other people's lives have no value (Taurus) and self-interest (Scorpio) is exalted above everything. There are no brothers' keepers in this Venus/Mars-Pluto crowd.

Six Solar Eclipse Themes and Other Details:

1. March 20, 2015 17S themes include: good news concerning relationships or creative group projects with sudden success, plus, a potential for happiness in love. Though in very late Pisces, this eclipse conjoins the Aries Point (AP) of prominence, fame, recognition, and therefore may manifest in some way upon the world stage. It is the first Solar Eclipse of the new US Congress and may be active for up to two weeks prior to its date of March 20, 2015--and imprints upon Spring Equinox 2015 which then affects the entire year of 2015 with its themes running in the background.

Initial eclipses of a Saros Series provide further clues concerning themes and a look at historic events around the time or during the year of an initial eclipse's manifestation fills out the current picture of its background influences. The sign qualities of an initial eclipse give shading to the expression of an eclipse and its sign rather like an Ascendant sign colors an entire horoscope so that an eclipse sign can be viewed through its initial eclipse sign along with the differing rulers and sub-rulers. The various houses involved may be considered as well but that is beyond the scope of this particular post.

The initial eclipse of 17S occurred on May 27, 933 *OS @10Gemini with an active Mars conjunct AP which Mars rules with the eclipse degree quite near US natal Uranus @9Gemini, our nation's totem planet of freedom, independence, revolution, and a 'new order'. Gemini, sign of reporters, traders, teachers, students, orators, transportation, and more is ruled as you know by Mercury and adds communication, travel, and possibly Peter-Pan-like vibes to the 17S affairs of March 2015 and the 6 months following.

17S as Pre-Natal Eclipse Series

Quite a varied cast of famous characters and entities were born or begun under the auspices of 17S including (in no particular order): Ayn Rand, Adolf Hitler, Princess Diana, Rachel Carson, Barbara Bush, Charlie Chaplin (note his role as 'The Great Dictator'!), President Barack Obama (note how Republicans call him a 'dictator' unless it's deemed to be more politically beneficial to call him weak and ineffectual--as if they're anything to write home about!), Newt Gingrich, Iran (Apr 1, 1979), and the German Empire (Jan 1, 1871.)

In modern days, 17S has manifested in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, 1961, 1979, 1997, (2015); next: 2033.

2. Sept 13, 2015 18N themes include potentials for: obsessive thinking, anxiety, a high stress level, events that require a large expenditure of effort, a taxing of strength, physical concerns, illness, or accident. On a Political Astrology level I shall add that this eclipse is but one degree from Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: 'to go against society' or, 'against the mainstream'. Perhaps incidentally, US natal Neptune falls nearby at 22Virgo in conjunction with yet obscuring the planet of motivation and action, Mars, in the natal chart of President Obama.

The Initial Eclipse in the 18N Series occurred on Feb 4, 1060 OS @21AQ34 with two notable conjunctions that link to America's natal planets (July 4, 1776): Mercury Rx conjunct Pluto conjoining US natal Moon (We the People) in later Aquarius, and Venus conjunct Jupiter conjoining US natal Pluto Rx in late Capricorn. As you know, Mercury-Pluto relates to obsession with secrets and information and echoes the US Mercury-Pluto opposition (NSA and other spies)--add the Moon and we have an obsessive need for privacy, for more power, and adds another health implication, possibly of young people.

Natives born under the influence of 18N and events occurring include: Robert F. Kennedy, Secretary of State John Kerry, war architect and global banker Paul "Spit Comb" Wolfowitz, and the assassination of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. As with 17S, 18N has manifested in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, 1961, 1979, 1997, (2015); next: 2033.

3. March 9, 2016 18S themes include potentials for: endings, separations, and partings which can relate to travel or to endings of relationships or alliances; grief and anguish may follow yet the pain of separation can be lessened by new situations which create positive outcomes.

The Initial Eclipse of the 18S Series occurred on August 20, 1096 OS @3Sco29 with forceful Mars-Pluto undertones; this degree conjoins the current position of US Secondary Progressed Saturn Rx showing America's compromised authority in the world.

A major flavor within the 18S initial eclipse is an obsessive quindecile aspect (165 degr) between two money planets, Venus and Jupiter which on one level can give much creative energy but also indicates an excessive drive for relationships and/or money; ideals, morals, and ethics are often based on material gain, belief systems tend to motivate action, and excess and indulgence are potentials. For positive expressions of 18S, education is essential. (Reeves, The Quindecile.)

An interesting list of characters and entities born or occurring under 18S includes: Sirhan Sirhan, Craig Ferguson, Rudy Giuliani, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Piet Mondrian, the city of St. Augustine, Florida, the US hostage release by Iran staged just in time for Reagan's first Inauguration, and the surrender of General Cornwallis to General George Washington at an hour, date, and location of Freemason George's choosing.

18S has manifested in the years 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998, (2016); next: 2034.

4. Sept 1, 2016 19N themes include potentials for: coming down to earth with a sense of realism; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is--it's a constructive time for tackling the truth.

19N's Initial Eclipse manifested on July 5, 1331 OS @20Can32 which now conjoins the light-and-dark Twin Stars Castor and Pollux; the Moon becomes an influence through its rulership of Cancer so that security, nurturing, food concerns, toxicity, and other family and physical matters filter through the Sept 2016 eclipse sign of Virgo, sign of Work, Health, and Service (including Military and Police Service.) Naturally the victim-savior axis remains in force here along with issues of slave trading, sex and drug trafficking, and abuse of power.

A list of 19N alumni includes: Paul Singer, President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Republican Party (1854), and the (Masonic) Great Seal of the United States (1782.) More recently 19N has manifested in the years 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998, (2016); next: 2034--just as with 18S.

5. Feb 26, 2017 19S themes show potentials for: pleasant surprises, joyous events, sudden happiness, the lucky break or win; positive life changes may ensue.

19S's Initial Eclipse occurred on April 16, 1512 OS (this date may be incorrect) @5Tau27 thus adding Venusian-Taurean qualities to the February 2017 eclipse with its murky if inspirational and compassionate Piscean brew. As always with the sign of Two Fishes, the high road or the low road may be taken to the heights or the depths. And one man's 'lucky break' is often a result of another man's loss.

One curious factor of the eclipse of 1512 is that quirky, disruptive rebel, Uranus, was then at 15Aries07 where it now lurches once again--basically a Uranus Return to the 1512 Solar Eclipse horoscope. Notable? We shall see for it's quite difficult to tell with Uranus which may not always act at all. Yet we are discussing eclipses as 'wild cards' of a Uranian nature--'out of the blue' events which may suddenly change the rules of any game. Plus, 19S's initial eclipse contains a Mars-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, but also of the foreigner or the fanatic (usually with an idealistic or religious quality.) Helpfully, a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces is also present through which overindulgence or extravagance may be evident.

19S manifested in the years 1908, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981, 1999, (2017); next: 2035. Its 'devotees' include the Democratic Party (1801), Reagan's near-assassination (saved by Astrology?!), the White House and the US Congress (Nov 1800), Wounded Knee (1890), the UK (Jan 1, 1801), Vince Foster, Eric Cantor, Johnny Depp, and Paris Hilton.

6. August 21, 2017's 1N Solar Eclipse @29Leo is being called The Great American Eclipse (more on that later) and is highlighted because it is the first Total Solar Eclipse that will be visible in all the 48 states with a Path of Totality from Wyoming to South Carolina. It is also significant because it manifests on a critical-crisis 29th degree and is near a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus, now precessed into very early Virgo with the keywords, 'success if revenge is avoided'.

A Solar Eclipse in proud Leo, ruled by the Sun (ego, hero's journey, natural leadership, royalty, creativity, vitality) denotes that karmic progress depends on use of such positive Leonine qualities. Pride, arrogance, egocentricity, vanity, pomposity, and other negative traits of Leo retard or block karmic progress.

In 2017, the manifestation of 1N is the first time the 'Nostradamus' 'King of Terror' (or, 'Alarm')--the 'Mother of All Eclipses'--has repeated since its much-touted manifestation @18Leo on August 11, 1999. The Fixed Grand Cross of that eclipse is notable for its appearance in the Book of Revelation of the Oxen Point, the Lion Point, the Eagle Point, and the Angel Point of the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.)

Perhaps you prefer to think this link by eclipse between 1999 and 2017 is of no matter. Well, as always, dear reader, that is up to you. Yet the Fixed Cross degrees and the degree and sign of the 1999 eclipse are sensitized and I expect some repetition of such themes. And yes, I do believe it is late days in earthly history. So let us continue our consideration...

Themes of 1N: unexpected events concerning groups or friends occur and place great pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large yet hasty decisions are unwise since information is distorted and possibly false; health matters and fatigue are associated with 1N.

The initial eclipse in the 1N Series occurred @13Cap48 (opposite US natal Sun = leadership) on January 4, 1639 OS with a money/power-related Jupiter-Pluto opposition across the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The Jupiter-Pluto pair denotes bankers, politicians, power brokers, and big wheeler-dealers who mount large projects.

There are those who believe that the US presidential election of 2016 will be America's last but even if this is not so, difficult events are on the menu for our nation and for global populations. These will be blended with positive events, of course, for that is the nature of our dualistic, dark v light, world. One hint in the initial eclipse is that 1639 Saturn conjoins US natal South Node @6Aquarius (Neptune's 'Medina degree' conjoined on 9/11/01), a point of separation that is ruled by Saturn, planet of authority and control. And of course, we are nearing the first-ever US Pluto Return/s of 2022 (3x) the effects of which no one can predict since it has not happened before in US history.

Another possibility for a Saturn-SN connection is a continental shift or other natural disaster that physically splits America--or, on political and social levels, perhaps current secessionist movements will gain some amount of 'success' and splinter our Perpetual Union.

Yes, our Pluto returning to natal degree may apply to 'loss of authority or control' issues at home or abroad (loss of global status, the dollar sinks?) since in the US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776, Pluto @27Cap33 is out-of-bounds and, I believe, directed the Founders and events from afar, probably via a secret society or societies. Wealthy Pluto's opposition to US natal Mercury Rx in Cancer keys it to the events of that day such as the authoring and signing of our 'Freedom Documents', war funding and revolutionary planning, and the use of the 'providential' All-Seeing Eye of Horus as an American symbol. In Sabian Symbols, US Mercury '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" which reminds us all of powerful Pluto's mythological Cape of Invisibility and it's Luciferianism all the way--even the Statue of Liberty, the torch-bearer of the satanic Illuminati--the statue made of copper, the metal of Venus. Every time we marvel at 'Lady Liberty' they slyly wink at how we're worshiping Lucifer!

1N manifested in the years 1909, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981 (Reagan!), 1999 as noted, (2017); next: 2035.

A few of 1N's people and events born or founded under its rays must be added in closing: Washington Irving (of 'headless horseman' fame now popularized by Fox TV's series Sleepy Hollow with its apocalypse themes), Lou Dobbs, the United Nations, and Harry Truman's Atomic Bomb Attack of August 6, 1945. (Harry "gave 'em hell" all right: the abomination of desolation.)

In conclusion:

Since eclipses often behave as 'wild cards' of the Universe--in a sudden, unexpected, Uranian fashion--we should find that many secrets and crimes continue to be revealed along with surprises and shocking events which may arise from the manifestation of the Solar Eclipses above, and from their corresponding Lunar Eclipses though these effects may happen more often on an inner level for most of us. Of course, being familiar with one's own natal horoscope is handy for discovering in which houses (departments of life) eclipses fall and which planets and aspects may be affected, stimulated, or triggered--and for how long.


*OS = Old Style (Julian Calendar.)

The eclipse themes in this post are paraphrased primarily from Bernadette Brady's excellent book Predictive Astrology with additional input from Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse, plus, reliance upon years of my personal notes from previous consulting work and historical horoscope studies.

Dec 10, 2013

"Republicans are Reactionaries" not Conservatives (Uranus not Saturn)

How refreshing to read a previous tweet by Billy Butterfield shouting out that 'Republicans Are Reactionaries' and not Conservatives, so I retweeted it today.

Check out @bilibutterfield

Using Political Astrology, I'd have to echo Billy's sentiment for in Mundane charts, Republicans--not just the Tea Party faction of the party but the group as a whole--are signified by rebellious Uranus, the revolutionary, now lurching through Mars-ruled Aries (sign of war, opposition, cussedness, and a selfish me-first mindset), what Reinhold Ebertin describes as fanatics acting under "blind zeal" and using "violence"; they have an "urge to strive for reform" and are stubborn, "dreamy enthusiasts and Utopians" and that IDs them as acolytes of the Francis Bacon/Adam Weishaupt crowd of illuminated miscreants and perverts. Their "Great Plan" has progressed through the centuries and now shows itself as it truler is at its core--a devouring, undermining influence against civilization.

(You'll note the Republican focus on women's bodies: they worship the feminine in an unhealthy way. Pope-ishness now rises and helps uplift archetypes such as Isis, Lilith, Innana, and the rest of the haggish icons (hags and shrews, when their energies are perverted by mortal men who think themselves 'gods' on earth...puh! Plus, in transit, Uranus burst into US natal 4th house of Domestic Scene in 2010 at Aries Point (AP = our national IC, The Drain)--get outta my house, Utopians! And take your socio-pathic 'vision' with you.)

So! Since Republicans are not Saturnian 'Conservatives' nor are they 'conservative' what could be their modus operandi? It's Damn the Torpedoes, 'burn down the house' to achieve 'success at all and any cost' for Machiavelli would agree this is the winning hand in Politics (though I've always said that cheating isn't winning, it's stealing). Yet with Saturn now traversing Scorpio (Mars-Pluto) and the intense, forceful, big money, corporate vibes contained therein, they have manager/lawmaker Saturn's status quo influence within them as well for everyone and every group (and event) acts under influences of all the signs at all times.

Then we look to the Democratic Party as having the same 12-sign opportunities to shine or to disrupt and its natal link to the American people is primarily through US natal Moon 27AQ10, We the People. The party acts under motherly vibes as we see with the charge by the GOP that the Democrats are the "nanny party." Well, yes, actually the Astrology of the matter supports this; plus, the Republican Party's natal Sun (ego; life goal, purpose, essence) conjoined in perpetuity to US natal Sun in Cancer (13Can19) is 'daddy' and everyone knows 'his' love must be conditional. Then lo and behold! Fixed Star Sirius (aka, Isis) conjoins both Suns.

As you see, there is deep symbolism here--beware! With Astrology you are able to lift the rock of Politics and peek in amazement at the dark, squirmy creatures and the secrets that scurry underneath!


America's natal Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius blend may be of interest to a few readers if you don't have the info already: this is a Water (intuitional plane; emotions, 'gut feelings', but also business and home loving; Cancer is a tribal sign, and this Caucasian tribe o'mine (with some bohemian gypsy and Cherokee tossed in, I'm told) must be jittery in some quarters, elated in others at the sight of today's video/TV views of the joyous tribal celebrations of the life of Nelson Mandela, their primary icon of heroism and rescue from oppression!

As the psychopaths at least partially described by Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society), the miscreants we discussed above long for nothing if not for conflict and war--global chaos and war. In Politics, Denebola echoes the call of Uranus, America's planet of war, revolution, and disruption. And yet look at the Sistine Chapel's dome for the Sky God, Ouronos, also provides humankind with brilliant ideas, genius, and happy surprises--and my own 10th house Uranus in Gemini prefers that, thanks! Oh, and a sovereign America--without the corrupt Machiavellians who pull the global strings of discord and misery to the masses.

Highly recommended reading: Dipali Desai's article on the current, extended stay of Mars in Libra.

Though the birth data is Conflicted/Unverified (Rodden Rating DD for 'Dirty Data') you may wish to view the natal horoscope and details concerning Nelson Mandela available at AstroDataBank. See what you think about the chart's veracity.

if you click 'Machiavelli natal chart details' in the tags below this post, you should find a previous post on the freak. If Blogger is doing its job, that is. jc

Feb 10, 2012

Super Bowl Half Time of the Illuminati (Mark Dice video) w Drones Over America

Super Bowl-Committee-Congress-PACs & Drones Over America

by Jude Cowell

Lately we hear a lot about 'super' things in our society but not being a sports fan these last several years, I totally missed this year's Super Bowl broadcast, the commercials, and the much-touted Half Time Show which, according to Mark Dice, was replete with all the Illuminati symbolism the New World Order crowd could supply bwo rock music 'stars' acting like 'goddesses' for the public's edification--and which caused millions of viewers to, in effect, worship their lousy luciferian symbols.

Note Mark's comments near video's end concerning President Obama signing the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (aka, NDAA) on New Year's Eve while we (well, you) were partyin' on down in celebration--not of losing provisions in our Bill of Rights, but of Year 2012, when some say our feathers are scheduled to hit some kind of Venusian/Sunspot fan.

Here's the PDF of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 if you wish to check it out. Some of it reads as if written by a fifth grader, but have at it, if you dare.

Searching for the precise time of the bill's signing has proven fruitless though Mr. Obama is said to have signed it in private (aka, secret) on 'December 31, 2011'--so as long as we're thinking along Satanic/Illuminati lines, why not look at 11:11 pm est?

Which sign, degree, and planet were rising at the White House on December 31, 2011 at 11:11 pm?, you may ask. Here are two Angular considerations involving midpoints of combined planetary energies to consider:

11:11 pm est ASC 26Vir44; Mars 20:09 rising with Fixed Star Denebola ('to go against society'--ya think?) which puts President Obama's ongoing Mars Return 2012 well within the bill's Surveillance and Motivation spotlight.

Of course, you know that America's natal and Secondary Progressed Neptune rises as well since he and we have that 'rock star' Mars/Neptune conjunction between us where veils cover Mr. Obama's motivations and actions from We the People's clear view. A midpoint picture is thus created at 11:11 pm:

Mars/Neptune = ASC: strong mental focus on subtle ways to coerce or compel others into adopting your ideas.

Descriptive enough for you? Maybe fear-mongering is a large part of the bill's objective. Works for me!

Important here are the Political implications of the Mars/Neptune combo which apply to our topic and which Michael Munkasey gives as:

Thesis: the threat of war or force to be used against the ideals of the people or the country (exactly!); military rule as a form of national glamour.

Antithesis: scandals involving the Armed Forces; use of industrial espionage; delusion about the strength of the military; military spying or spies.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

This also implicates America's problematic Mars/Neptune square from Gemini to Virgo with its misguided, misdirected military actions and confused or deceptive motivations (sneaky spying included.) Yes, the fog (Neptune) of war (Mars) is tiresomely indicated once again but with H.R. 1540, the murkiness and deceptive practices of war are now more than ever being re-directed against We the People, innocent or not.

Now there are many interesting chart factors for the late evening of Dec 31, 2011 which I have no time to discuss today but I do want to mention another one which is also Angular (and thus, has room and place for expressing its energies--this one is all too descriptive of what's being done against the rights, liberties, and lives of the American people with the NDAA.)

Mars/Uranus = MC (The Goal) 26Gem17: "putting a pistol to someone's head"; an act of violence; the execution of drastic and violent measures; injury; an operation; an extraordinary achievement (Ebertin); new approaches to effecting social changes of lifestyles (of the poor and droned?); approval given for work done while pushing for modernization (Munkasey.)

(As always, any, all, or none may apply.)

The Political potentials for the explosive Mars/Uranus duo:

Thesis: reforming a military organization; changes within the armed forces of a nation; unplanned military actions.

Antithesis: malice, unrest, and violence (drones to watch over actions of the Occupy Movement and other protesters?); radical movements within the military; rebellion against modernization efforts; sudden attacks or outbreaks of hostility (what Washington fears?)

Then there's the planet of bills and signings (also chart-ruler), Mercury 20Sag04 in 3rd house (11:11 pm est) squaring Mars in 12th H of Politics, Behind-the-Scenes deals, Karma, and Self-Undoing which, since Mars is is process of returning to natal position in Mr. Obama's horoscope, represents the president himself--signing the bill 'privately' behind-the-scenes, out of public view.

Mercury SQ Mars denotes many things on various levels such as Mercury (young people; reporters/bloggers; Occupiers/protesters, etc) being blocked (SQ) by Mars (Obama, and military combatants and activists) which describes drone surveillance across America. Alternately, Mars is blocked by Mercury showing on one level that the president will find himself in conflict with others because he signed a bill containing the Bill-of-Rights-denying provision for drones with the notions of one man in the White House marking American citizens for arrest, imprisonment, or death--from the sky. (See a dollar bill if you have one--the Eye in the Sky is watching over each and every one, more than ever.)

Of course, you know that I don't believe a US president is in full control of his actions and policies any more if indeed they ever were. Illuminati-transnational monetary globalists are behind this bill and they mean to stifle dissent in the US over their totalitarian vision, for one thing. Their meddling is part of what's behind Internet censorship like SOPA as well so I'd better finish this post while I still can.

And then the Sun 10Cap08 (the UK's natal Sun) remains near transiting Pluto 7Cap20 so it isn't surprising that when I moved the chart to 11:59 pm to see the last dregs of 2011, the IC (Foundation of the Matter; Endings) became 7Cap20, a precise conjunction with spying Pluto at 7Cap20--Mr. Underworld of Invisible Helmet fame, the mysterious, subversive, controlling, fear-mongering actor at the base of the matter.

Curiously, Pluto's position at '8Cap' has a telling *Sabian Symbol, imho:

'8Cap' = "Birds in the House Singing Happily" which to my mind links to US natal Pluto @ '28Cap'..."A Large Aviary", and this I take to denote a happy Pentagon now able to rub out any US citizen it wants for reasons unknown--"legally."

Yet if you question why I mix the Pentagon, Pluto, and 'A Large Aviary' into one abusive clump, check out a must-read article Planet Earth as Weapon and Target by the excellent Leuren Moret, if you haven't.

Yes, it's a difficult read to be sure, but we're dealing with very difficult people whose interests Do Not Mix with those of us who much prefer to keep a sovereign America and our freedom documents intact, thanks very much.

Let's close with a brief excerpt from Dr. Moret's article which concerns today's beginning topic, the Illuminati and their favorite project, a NWO:

From 1785, the origin of the New World Order can be traced to Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati and his manuscript which was accidentally discovered when a courier died en route from Frankfurt-am-Main to Paris. Original Shift in Days of Illumination, contained the long-range plans for the secret society which was “The New World Order through world revolution”. Adam Weishaupt wrote:

"By this plan, we shall direct all mankind in this manner. And, by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupation must be so allotted and contrived that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions."

Well, 227 years have passed since 1785--world governments and heads-of-state are falling, collapsing, or being 'removed' by monetary globalists so we see the effects of Weishaupt's so-called Great Plan as it's being implemented right under our noses!

So I must wonder if you smelled its rank odor as you watched Madonna bump and grind during the Super Bowl's Half Time 'Show' 2012?


Speaking of abuse of power, did you hear that Rep. Spencer Bachus is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for insider trading while he's been allegedly 'overseeing' financial institutions who donate mightily to his campaign chest?

Mm-hmm. Foxes are guarding our hen house, yall. But it's doubtful Mr. Bachus has very much to worry about for the 'Ethics' Committee has become quite toothless and gummy these days unless this becomes a situation in which his alleged lack of integrity cannot be denied or swept under a congressional rug.

How amusing to remember that during the Bush-Cheney regime, a scandal-ridden Congress made a big PR show of attending 'ethics' classes, remember? Obviously they had better (more lucrative) things to do.

(*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Feb 7, 2012

Feb 7, 2012: a Full Leo Moon for President Obama

February 7, 2012: Full Moon 18Leo32 4:54 pm est White House

Full Moons bring up for our consideration issues of relationships, full awareness, and perhaps a fulfilment or an ending in some domain of life; they are the culmination of something begun at the last New Moon, the seed stage of a monthly process, two weeks prior.

Today the Sun 18AQ32 conjoins Mercury 18:56 upon the natal Ascendant of President Barack Obama which indicates a day or so when the president's personality shines and his goals may be favorably spotlighted.

But that isn't all concerning this afternoon's Full Moon in Leo for it reflects the same degree of the eclipse forecasted by doctor, seer, and astrologer, Nostradamus. But let's let sleeping lemurs lie for now and focus on the Leo/AQ axis of Will emphasized this afternoon which includes all the facets of Sun-ruled Leo (proud; regal; a leader; creative; egotistical; Divine Child) and Aquarius, ruled by Saturn with genius Uranus as its higher octave influence.

Aquarius: the humanitarian, philanthropist, intellectual, professor, technician, and, perhaps above all, scientist--describe the usual suspects in the archetypal realms of our dualistic world for the celestial sign of the Water Bearer.

Yes, everyone loves a Full Moon! Well, almost everyone since sneaky stuff by the crooked might better remain undiscovered if perpetrated on or near a New Moon, a 3 or 4 day period when nights are darker.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii: Sun 12Leo/Moon 3Gem.

Also, today's Full Moon may be significant for the president on the action-energy-motivation level since Mr. Obama is smack dab in the midst of his Mars Return 2012 (22Vir35: Jan 14, Feb 1, June 18), the Full Moon horoscope shows transiting Mars 21Vir40 Rx conjoining a somewhat difficult star, Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream )--and this extended Mars Rx period is crossing and re-crossing the Midheaven (Goal; Career; Public Status) of VP Joe Biden.

We've sees one example of the Denebolan quirkiness of May-I-Call-You-Joe in his oft-reputed train rides home each evening from Washington DC all the years he served in the Senate.

Yet as long as President Obama labors underneath squares from transiting Saturn to his natal Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (opposite natal Mercury 2Leo), Saturnian blockages and obstacles to all his ideas and plans will continue to be placed in his way with constant delays and restrictions along his path; his authority and executive powers are being challenged by opponents of the neocon/neo-liberal persuasion.

Glad Mr. Obama decided to get over his SuperPAC scruples since foreign and domestic corporatists and other billionaires and monarchists will be purchasing the White House more brazenly than ever before if We The People don't come out in droves and VOTE Democratic on November 6, 2012. The Supreme Court is already out of control, let's not add to their corporatist number by voting GOP.

(Independent here, but really, we have no better choice than wimpy and not-so-wimpy Democrats.)

But enough of Politics, that 'organized system of hatreds'...there's a just-past Full Moon tonight which will still be gorgeous over head and the morning hours here in Northeast Georgia were very foggy and chilly today so a silvery plethora of moon beams would be most appreciated this evening!

Now I ask you: Who better to inspire us over the lovely Full Leo Moon of February 7, 2012 than Auntie Moon herself?

This image of a Full Moon is brought to you by Secret Moon Art.

Jan 10, 2012

Horoscope: US Syzygy Moon July 1, 1776 (and April 1, 2012)

A Horoscope for America: US Syzygy Moon July 1, 1776 @10Cap12

by Jude Cowell

Occurring during the final days prior to the public reading of the Declaration of Independence (and its partial signing on July 4, 1776, the date America's founding fathers seemed to have preferred us to celebrate as Independence Day) is a Full Moon @10Cap12 (Sun 10Can12 on July 1, 1776, a lunation which was recently 'eclipsed' or triggered by a Solar Eclipse @9Can12 on July 1, 2011.)

Below is displayed our Syzygy Moon horoscope with some rather messy chart details added by yours truly; please click image to enlarge; according to my SolarFire software, this Full Moon became exact at 10:30:06 am LMT Philadelphia, PA, and is the last lunation prior to our nation's birth (pre-July 4, 1776):

ASC 20Vir13 makes Mercury chart-ruler and brings up Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society; if rising: good fortune attended by dangers and anxieties, because of folly--DeVore.)

Venus 29Gem05 in 10th H is at a critical-crisis degree (29) and hurrying to reach Cancer where she will reside on July 4, 1776 in the 3-4 degree range and nearer to moneybags Jupiter ('6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--Jones.)

Mercury's three applying aspects tell how things proceeded on this date, in this place, and at the hour of a culminating Full Moon showing an end of a phase of activity.

Chart-ruler Mercury applies:

1. semi-square Uranus (1A36; 45 degr) shows minor irritations between youthful orators, writers, and/or businessmen and the radical politicians and geniuses of the day; minor adjustments to future plans were necessary.

2. sextile Neptune (2A59; 60 degr) denotes inspiration, futuristic insights, and high ideals guiding the participants; however, if distracted, this promising energy makes it hard to begin again with the same high enthusiasm as before for it's rather wispy; philosophically minded people are indicated who put spiritual values above material concerns--well, some of them did; Mercury in 11th H shows groups, associations, hopes, and wishes centered on Cancer, sign of shrewd businessmen plus, domestic and security concerns; NN in 11th H denotes meetings and group encounters of a creative nature (Leo.)

3. square Chiron 20Ari04 in 8th H (5A17) gives mental exactitude, extreme opinions, high intuition, and a potential for creating magic (Clow.)

And as you see, our eye-in-the-sky, mind-controlling Mercury/Pluto opposition is separating as on July 4, 1776, but its unconscious influence continues to track and bedevil us when it isn't coping with problems of its own.

In Mundane Astrology, Moon = We The People

Moon inconjunct the planet of freedom and liberty Uranus @8Gem45 indicates recurring crises, anxieties and nervous conditions that lower resistance, and an excitable energy which attracts con men, politicians, and propagandists who play games in order to gain our willing if unconscious submission.

Venus inconjunct Pluto describes being left holding the financial bag (which has been painfully brought forward to 2007/08 and before--ex: corporate welfare and bank bail-outs), and a tendency toward financial over-extension which greatly added to our monetary woes. In its day, I believe this aspect described conditions of American diplomats going overseas to plead our cause and garner funding to support the American Revolution with about one third of the funding coming from the House of Rothschild (whether all the founders were fully aware of this enslavement to debt or not).

This is precisely what President Andrew Jackson fought so vehemently against--foreign banks holding debt over the US government's head when we may have to tussle on difficult issues or go to war with them later on. Makes you wonder about the wisdom of threatening China, our biggest creditor, doesn't it?)

Since members of the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia were in great danger of treason charges with dire consequences from Britain, the enterprise's conditions were at critical points all through deliberations in June and July 1776. Perhaps you've heard that Benjamin Franklin (almanac writer and publisher, astrologer/Freemason, and more) wanted the Declaration signing to happen after the Moon left Saturn-ruled Capricorn (thanks, Ben! An Aquarian Moon is much better in the humanitarian department) and sailed beyond opposition to the Sun (the leader.)

This chart marks the moment when the Sun/Moon opposition (we-the-people v leaders) culminates and is at its strongest--3 days before our nation's official birthday which falls into this particular lunation cycle and describes mundane (daily) conditions within the environment.

Some indication of the Convention members' testy arguments and stand-offs are also noted here through the opposition appearing across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of security, reigning needs (Moon), public status, business, law, and government (Saturn = lawmakers; Sun = the ruler, or, leadership) as the Full Moon perfects.

Note: The term 'Sygyzy' refers to a yoking together by conjunction or opposition of a planet with another--particularly with the Sun, and here it's Luna timing her own Full Moon with relationship/awareness/culmination and fulfillment implications.

So with America possessing several versions of a natal horoscope with most set for July 4, 1776, why am I showing you yet another one to consider?

It's not my scampish streak, it's our current societal conditions and the very real prospect that subtle plutonian forces of infiltration have been and are working to take over our country to an even greater extent than they already have (exs: 9/11/01; the 'Patriot' Act; death-dealing drones across America, global imperialism, US military as world cop, US citizens left out in the cold--too bad, so sad, Americans pepper sprayed in their faces and eyes for protesting legally, US wealth and resources heisted away to foreign entities, SOPA as mentioned below, etc, etc)...and the fact that progressing our Sygyzy Moon chart (a day for a year) shows that US Secondary Progressed Full Moon @4Vir10 (a phase which reveals what should be the limit of our expansion into the broader world)...hasn't occurred yet!

Why 'yet'?

Because progressing the US 'Sibly' natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT) results in a Secondary Full Moon @4Vir10 on December 24, 2008 and as we experienced, this timed the limits of our financial growth with the crescendo of the Bush-Cheney Financial Collapse 2008 presenting us with a major freak-out in December 2008. This may be because the 'Sibly' chart has Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising (The Seeker on a Sacred Quest--to bankrupt the entire world while protecting the wealthy, it seems.)

As you see above, America's natal Mars/Neptune square (misguided inspiration and actions; deceptive ideals; a misdirected military) is on full display--Neptune rising and Mars at Midheaven, the Goal or WHY? Point of any horoscope. And military Mars is, sad to say, the closest planet to an Angle in America's Syzygy Moon chart of 1776.

Saturn a Karmic Planet

The T-Square between Sun and Moon pointing toward apex Saturn gives info we don't usually obtain from other US natal charts since here, Saturn is within orb of the Sun/Moon opposition; Saturn rules the Moon (Cap Moon = major ambitions; emotional coldness or isolation) so the lesson-bringer's involvement is made more pertinent in the chart, and the business-oriented Sun in Cancer is ruled by the Moon.

Apex Saturn in a Cardinal T-Square shows managers with executive talents who tend toward impatience, ambition, and self-determination; difficult challenges are confronted head-on until objectives are reached; issues of domination and authority are involved and concerns of immediate importance are directly dealt with.

And you see there, Saturn conjuncts 2nd cusp (money; earning ability; values) denoting the dearth of money the Continental Congress had to work with.

If you wish a view, here's the Secondary Full Moon Dec 24, 2008 post with horoscope shown which I published on my WordPress blog quite some time ago--the chart cusps differ from the upcoming April 1, 2012 Sec Full Moon horoscope, of course, but the basic planetary positions and Sec Full Moon's degree/s remain the same, including a Hard Rectangle pattern involving Sun and Moon (the pattern's details are noted in the post.)

Pluto/Chiron = Plutocracy

Checking a transit chart for April 1, 2012, we find the Moon @6Leo48 conjoining US natal North Node (from July 4, 1776) which is apex of a YOD pattern (special task; crisis; turning point; crossroads) between Pluto 9Cap33 sextile Chiron 7Pis31 at the YOD's base--and the Pluto/Chiron duo work together to disenfranchise and oppress all whom they can while lining their lairs and pockets with goodies and loot stolen or exploited from people of all ages, stripes, hues, and professions.

Check out transits in the April 1, 2012 horoscope (5:03:26 pm edt) with its retrograde chart-ruler Mercury (@24Pis09 in 7th H), if you have a chance. With its 12th H (Politics behind the door; Karma; Large Institutions such as hospitals and zoos; Self-Undoing; the Unconscious) Mars 4Vir38 Rx (during his long stay in critical Virgo, sign of Work and Health), we may be in for an April 2012 of denials, delays in plans, equipment breakdowns, and the usual, tiresome performances of Opposition Politics so prevalent and debilitating to the national interests of the American people and which is now over-covered and promulgated with impunity by a complicit Mainstream Media that should act as the people's governmental 'watchdogs' but who choose to operate instead as willing and happy enablers of corporate Global Governance ideals.

Mercury rules reporters and is debilitated by retrogradation and bossed around by powerful Pluto acting in his role as The Publisher.

Well, what else to expect since they're all members of the same clubs and societies and serve on the same corporate boards!

In addition, did you know that America's Solar Return 2011 Horoscope also contains a YOD pointing to '6Leo' (position of the April 1, 2012 Moon.)

But in our SR 2011 chart of July 4, 2011, that position is held by speedy, Tweeting Mercury, twisting under the emotional stresses of career, financial, education costs and loans, and family anxieties as they prepared inwardly for a certain public debut on September 17, 2011 when they incarnated as the youth-infused Occupy Wall Street movement, with Mercury ruling young people, communications, oration (ex: 'The People's Mic'), commerce, trade, negotiations, thinking processes, plans, and education.

So will you participate on Election Day November 6, 2012? Just wondering since staying home is precisely the wrong course to take even though election results may be shady.

And do you want to keep Internet freedom intact? Then we must nix SOPA, the so-called 'Stop Internet Piracy Act'--a clever ruse of a name yet transparent in its attempt to more fully commercialize, surveil, and control the Internet while lowering and eventually stomping out any remaining vestiges of the democratic atmosphere that has so recently wafted across the Uranian-Neptunian waves of Cyberspace these last few years.

Our millionaire Senate is set to vote on SOPA on January 24, 2012 and this draconian bill will sail through to a corporate harbor if enough people fail to speak up and out. If it passes then subversive, controlling string-puller Pluto in staid Capricorn will win and we will lose a larger chunk of our republic and our right to exercise free speech than we may yet appreciate.

How much effort, courage, and sacrifice it took our early founders and patriots to 'win' for all of us a decent--and I say, living--Constitution!

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

--The U. S. Constitution

As Benjamin Franklin replied to a shouted question as he left the Constitutional Convention on September 18, 1787 about whether America had ended up with a Republic or a Monarchy:

"A republic, if you can keep it."

This of course echoes the early rift between John Adams-Alexander Hamilton monarchists v the democracy championed by the Jefferson-Paine-Franklin-Madison alliance & their anti-King-George-III colleagues.

Yet since December 1913, the British-style Banking System rules the US government through the Federal Reserve System which is neither federal nor reserve-holding.

And so if we fast forward to modern Washington DC, Campaign 2012, political promises that will miss their mark, and actual consequences of political policies and decisions, many people note that there's little if any difference between Democrats and Republicans, and with this I must agree. Why, it's almost as if the power elites of Washington DC are not the real and final arbitrators of our concerns, you know? CRaZy!

And since the GOP is the prime party of monarchists in the US, our allowing headstrong Republicans to take control of the White House helm and bullhorn once again (so soon!) seems to me more grievous and damaging to our tattered Republic than what a sane people with scales fallen from their eyes should reasonably and self-interestedly allow.
At about 8:45 pm est, Mitt "I like to fire people" Romney was announced as the victor in today's New Hampshire primaries which was the predictable outcome for this former Bain Capital financial 'hitman' who signed pink slips hand over greedy fist during his years running the corporation and predictably boosted the company's bottom line. Legend has it, Mitt created a few jobs, too. Hmm.

And yes, his "I like to fire people" remark of January 9, 2012 has been taken out of context in order to hoist Mitt upon his own corporate spear of destiny.

Or was he pooshed?

Credit to a hilarious SNL skit with Bill Hader and Alec Baldwin.

Mild Update: Oct 18, 2016

Dec 18, 2011

Iraq War ends w US Saturn uppermost 12.18.11

Dec 18, 2011: Brief Astro-Notes on US Iraq War Withdrawal

by Jude Cowell

How Maliki and Iran Outsmarted US Troop Withdrawal peeks underneath our military tent but with little face-saving as we clear out as per Iran's instructions, some are saying.

As the last of US troops arrived in Kuwait this morning "around daybreak" after a necessarily secretive journey under cover of night, transit Saturn 27Lib17 was in 10th house (World Stage) and heading toward local Midheaven (MC 10Lib22) but America's natal Saturn 14Lib48 arrived at MC first.

Will the US troop withdrawal be seen by the world as a "fall from grace", the most karmic of implications for any 10th H Saturn? (ex: Richard Nixon was born with Saturn in 10th H.) As part of the process, I should imagine, especially after the interminable 8-year reign of Wussy Bush and Shotgun Cheney with their imperilist dreams of global conquest.

(For like most bullies, they don't go to much physical effort themselves, y'know, since they can bribe, intimidate, or inspire others into acting for them.)

Austerity v Entitlement

Opposite Saturn these days spins Jupiter Rx, here @ 00Tau28, with Jupiter the General about to Station Direct on Christmas Day (@ 00:22) though it will be in 2012 before tr Jupiter passes the 'shadow degree' of his Station Retrograde in late August 2011 @ 10Tau21. Financials should 'move forward' on various levels and in some ways during or after March 2012--perhaps lending will pick up in 2012 before the various economic collapses predicted for 2012.

So this period of time is the halfway mark in the current Jupiter-Saturn cycle--our societal planets that relate to social and financial cycles. Their 20-year cycle began on May 28, 2000 @ 22Tau43 ('23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems", a symbol of the greed, fraud, racketeering, and heists we've so far seen since the much-touted New Millennium dawned.

The dichotomy of Jupiter's expansion principle and Saturn's restriction principle are one way of describing the yin-yang, black-white, positive-negative dualities of our world as the two 'flywheel planets' keep the Universe in balanced order and the planets orbiting in their courses.

US natal Mars/Neptune Square Triggered by Iraq War Withdrawal

As we might expect, the energies of America's 'misdirected, misguided, confused motivations' Mars/Neptune square is resonating with our withdrawal from Iraq and anyone who knows a fig about Mars/Neptune's ability to inspire misadventures of an aggressive kind must know something about America's natal horoscope and about our tiresome history of having our patriotism, nationalism, and emotions being played upon in order to rile us into war.

On Meet the Press today, David Gregory mentioned the ET time that our troops arrived in Kuwait this morning--11:31 pm EST, last evening (12.17.11) and a horoscope for that hour at the White House shows ASC 20Vir26 with Mars 16Vir23 rising along with US natal Neptune (uh oh, but this may relate to the masses of soldiers on the move--but also to the media's involvement in managing the US withdrawal so that the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon keep control of its PR affects--but read the article linked above, if you haven't, before you let December 2011's rainbows and lollipops compete with the 'joy' of flowers-in-gun-barrels that the Bush-Cheney regime promised our soldiers who'd be "greeted as liberators" in Iraq. Puh!

This does, however, place the problematic conjunction of US natal Neptune and President Obama's natal Mars front and center and I imagine that discrepancies concerning what may be our 'non-withdrawal withdrawal' will begin to surface more obviously soon--since our national Neptune veils and obscures BHO's Mars (motivation; desire nature; action) in fussy Virgo so that things are not fully revealed at this early juncture--and may never be, if Obama's globalist masters have their NWO way.

The Mars/Neptune duo rising may show that issues coming up concern members of our misdirected military such as wounded troops; matters to do with gas, oil, poisons, diseases and infections may be rising as well and of course, the GOP will try to poison everything they can on these topics without pointing fingers at themselves (again, please read the above linked article about the outmaneuvering of the smartypants twins, Bush and Cheney.) It's doubtful that Mr. Obama will be allowed to crow for very long with Republicans croakingly echoing Rove's talking points against a Democratic White House in mainstream media and in GOP-based media like FOX News.

Yet naturally, political animal President Obama hopes for a 'bump' in his poll numbers and an increase in the Democratic voter turn-out in November 2012. Guess we'll be hearing more of what our soldiers really think of Barack Obama as the political campaign grinds on and though I've not had a chance to post the Inauguration 2013 horoscope yet, I do think astrologically that Mr. Obama has an edge toward winning a second term.

Now with the White House's 11:31 pm ASC on 12.17.11 @ 20Vir26, there's a Fixed Star rising as well: *Denebola; potential keywords include: 'going against society; out of the mainstream' (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars); also, 'catastrophe; natural disasters; distress; happiness turns to despair; undesirable associates; vindictiveness; mental illness; disease' (like yellow cake fever?)--and, 'honors'. (Horary Astrology Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis.)

Yes, the US Withdrawal chart has quite a cosmic mix for a war that never should have been lied about and entered into in the first place. Looking back, it's easy to wonder why the American taxpayer ever paid for a minute of it given that we're losers (along with the now-poorer Iraqi people--we're all poorer except for those of the 1% who began the conflagration.)

And now we must fret over which war of aggression Washington has next on its infamous Shock'n'Awe to-do list. Hopefully, this won't include a police state style war on the American people who have taken to the streets in order to declare an end to the 1%'s occupation of America.

As many people have been aware of for some time, the world is at a dangerous crossroads, and for more on such sobering topics, I recommend Michael Chossudoveky's article Global Warfare: Targeting Iran: Preparing for World War III.

Actually, you know what? The following video supports my theory that Obama's n Mars veiled by our US n Neptune (military = Mars; non-withdrawal = Neptune with its myriad deceptions) is the order of the day, the day the Iraq War "ended" for thousands of US soldiers and their families, at least. And hopefully for the Iraqi people though poverty is increased and women are worse off.

Here a former Indian envoy to Iraq discusses Iraq's high quality oil which the US has no intention of leaving in the care of the Mullahs of Tehran--a condition which plays handily for Washington into their plan for a coup against Iran.

This is all so wrong.

In addition, you may wish to check out Iraq Under Whose Sovereignty: Maliki's or the Mullahs in Tehran?

Astro-Note: the Moon (populace; the people; the public; public mood) in the Iraq War Ended chart set for Kuwait is @ '28Virgo'...the Sabian Symbol could be Maliki-like, or a call for someone new:

"A Baldheaded Man Who Has Seized Power"..."Keynote: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decisions."

"...there comes a time when obsolescent patterns of order and cultural refinement have to be radically and relentlessly challenged. Catabolic personages emerge to seize power and dictate decisions that alter the structures of society...traumatic decisions are made. At such times, the issue has to be met and, ruthless as the power may appear, it must be accepted.

Everything bows to the POWER OF THE WILL--divine, executively human, or Satanic."

And Satan always backs all sides of every issue and just loves it when we fuss and fight.


Last official numbers I heard (on MTP) were:

My prayers are with all participants and the innocent victims of Bush's ill-fated, oil-grabbing war.

US dead 4,482
US wounded 32,200

Numbers are approximate, conditions can change.

Human costs to the Iraqi people are difficult to fathom or confirm but we know that the increased numbers of widows from the war should be on the consciences of someone in America and Europe, don't you think?

*Denebola conjoins the natal MC (The Goal; Aspirations; Public Status) of VP Joe Biden and his machinations behind the scenes of the withdrawal are expectable; interestingly, Jupiter Rx 00Tau28 conjoins VP Biden's natal Moon 00Tau59 in natal 5th H, denoting a time of happy feelings and a resultant boost to Joe's popularity--which can only be good for Mr. Obama's re-election bid.

Joseph Biden: November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, PA (Rodden Rating: A.)

Iraq War March 20, 2003 6:35 am BAT Baghdad, Iraq (Rodden Rating: A); ASC 8Ari16; MC 4Cap59 where transiting Pluto has been hanging about for some time and now approaches Iraq War's Mars 9Cap41 in 10th H, a karmic period when greater control will be demanded by the wealthy plutonians (sabotaging Pluto) who masterminded the take-over of the Middle East using the US military as its primary global police force in collaboration with the U.N. and NATO.


'28Virgo' from An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar.

Aug 26, 2011

Horoscope: US Saturn Return 8.28.11, and Can people cause earthquakes? (video)

Now some people don't care for the ways of Alex Jones yet he's one of the few now speaking of such potentials as human activities causing earthquakes. And we know there exist in the world gangs of robbers in hiding and win-at-any-cost brigands (the political arm) and criminals (the enforcing arm) of a network who think it's all about them and scr*w the rest.

Then there are religious crazies who imagine they can speed up God's timetable and bring on Armageddon as if they would be somehow benefit from such a self-destructive plan! As if God someday would say, Thanks for the spur, religious zealots, I needed inspiration from you to act because I was wavering on The Plan I created before the Earth was formed. What would I do without your arrogant meddling? Puh!

Of course, ego inflation is one of the factors knitting the reptilian-brained together and love of money (the root of all evil) is a driving motivation for them all. Is murder self-loathing turned outward? Fixed Star Denebola (near US natal Neptune 22Vir25) tells such a tale: to go against society which, when the star is active, can affect all dimensions of life from financial fraud and greed to acts of violence in a community, with all manner of selfishness in between.

So now, in August 2011 with a New Moon 5Vir27 about to conjoin President Obama's natal Pluto 6Vir59 on the evening of August 28 (11:04 pm edt), we may wonder which side our politicians are on: is it going against society to wish our education system into history's waste bin? Is the immorality of forcing the elderly, hungry children, the impaired, and the ill onto American streets something the Republican Party wants to bring to our nation with their austerity cuts and cold hearted attitudes?

We know Washington--through the tyranny of the Federal Reserve Bank--holds our purse strings when it's time to aid Main Street while rewarding Wall Street criminals who freely stroll golden avenues. Are Americans being backed into corners in order to encourage protests in great numbers? It would seem so. Why else has the US government expectantly armed and trained soldiers and police if not to beat and arrest their fellow citizens?

(If you get out there to protest peacefully, Beware 'planted' looters who ramp up the action so that police forces dressed in draconian Darth Vader costumes can knock some heads. Seriously.)

Times of Turmoil: Uranus Square Pluto

The riotous mid-1960s saw the Great Conjunction/s of the revolutionary pair, Uranus and Pluto, which now have reached a square (90 degrees) in their orbits (360 degr) so that intense frustration is obvious yet blocked, societal problems resurface from the 60s era, but obstacles stand in the way of easy resolution. Social unrest and riots are sweeping across the globe and Americans are paying closer attention to sorry politicians than we have in a long time. Is it our turn to rise up?

Hurricane Postpones MLK Memorial Dedication

As you know, August 28, 2011 @ 11:00 am edt was set to begin the official ceremony dedicating the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial Statue on the Washington Mall, with Dr. King shown emerging from the stone, exalted by the very government that may have been culpable in his assassination. Marking the 48th anniversary of Dr. King's I Have a Dream Speech and the Memorial's Dedication will be postponed until September or October.

You may wish to read or listen to his speech @ American Rhetoric.

Yes, The Preacher (Jupiter) spoke too plainly, made too much sense, and threatened The Establishment (Saturn) by combining the issues of the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, and a blossoming Workers Rights Movement into one huge collection for Americans who wanted their due--and non-violently, thanks. Yes, Dr. King was too popular and may have presented behind-the-scenes 'king-makers' with a challenge in the US presidential arena if allowed to expand his audience and sentiments. Our freedom documents were of no moment for the plutonians who had changed America's course before by assassination of Lincoln, JFK, and others who'd been more what we-the-people in the majority wanted--and continue to want--to lead our nation.

When Saturn Returns #3

Yet on August 28, 2011, no stormy weather can interfere with the third of three conjunctions from transiting Saturn to US natal Saturn, aka, a Saturn Return, with Saturn ruling, among other things, stone, rock, granite, monuments, and permanence. Why, our Saturn Return may include the bad weather!

In addition, accountability, responsibility, restriction, austerity, old age, and other such Saturnian themes remain on our menu as our Exalted in Libra (the Scales of Justice) Saturn returns to its natal spot and thereby repeats its square to US natal Sun (leader; leadership) from July 4, 1776.

A Sun/Saturn square contains dynamic energy which, in 1776, represented our nation's struggle to express and manifest authority in the way any entity would wish: freely and maturely. The limiting quality of Saturn (lawmakers, courts = two branches of government) placed 'checks and balances' upon a potentially runaway Executive branch (Sun)--or was originally meant to, in an attempt to prevent monarchism. (Turns out, US monarchism seems to be reserved primarily for Supreme Court justices since the Marbury v Madison decision of 1803--but that's another post!)

My point is that any US Saturn Return brings to the surface similar issues to be dealt with in the current era, and hopefully to be resolved (#3 hit of 3 as resolution phase) in a way that actually benefits the nation in the realm of staid Saturn's concerns. Paying one's debts comes to mind (Saturn = loss; default.)

Below is an image of the US Saturn Return horoscope for August 28, 2011 which becomes exact (partile) @ 5:14;19 am edt in the District of Columbia, with a few basic astro-notes included. And I note that Saturn's delaying function is on display with the MLK Memorial Dedication's postponement!

Balsamic Moon phase of Endings with a potential for sneaky behavior by the Dark of the Moon; Hour Jupiter, 10Tau21 at Midheaven (The Goal); ASC 18Leo11 with Mercury 18:50 rising; chart-ruler Sun 4Vir44 in 1st house and part of an Earth Grand Trine between Sun/Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto.

Transit Pluto continues blocking financial progress through Mr. Organized Crime's opposition to US natal planets in business-oriented Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, and soon, the Sun.

Also visible in the chart (click to enlarge) are two interlaced Fists of God configurations indicating difficult karmic conditions, and/or an overide by a Higher Power (such as a hurricane--one Fist has oceanic Neptune at apex.)

(On karma: a Saturnian astrologer here, so if I use the word 'karmic', it's a reference to the inevitability of reaping what was sown, not to I-Was-Marie-Antoinette pie-in-sky notions. Sorry, past-lifers but that's just how this Capricorn rolls astrologically--heredity and genetics, not reincarnation.)

One Fist of God pattern involves the Uranus/Pluto square of rebellion at its base and both Fists create midpoint pictures which we may wish to consider. The second Fist contains the Mars/Saturn square with both squares separating (waning) yet retaining some measure of power to affect the environment and imprint themselves upon US Saturn Return 2011--a celestial occurrence which is forever imprinted upon the presidency of Barack Obama.

Midpoint pictures: any, all, or none may apply:

Uranus/Pluto = Mercury: adept thinking leads to ideas made real; rational discussions about needs for reform or change; constant focus on new ideas/plans; restless minds; indefatigable workers; resourceful inventors.

Uranus/Pluto - ASC: an application of force; an accident; an unusual or restless environment (I believe the August 28th March on Washington is scheduled to be held in spite of the threatening weather conditions which may turn out to be of no consequence to the District after all.)

Mars/Saturn = watery Neptune 29AQ22 Rx (a 29th critical/crisis degree): a weakening of well-prepared plans (the memorial dedication postponed beyond the MLK speech's 48th anniversary marker? jc); pretenses or cover-ups about the state of preparedness (FEMA? jc); inefficient use of energy (power outages? jc) (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Chart-ruler Sun in fussy yet dedicated Virgo (which opposes the Progressed Sun 4Pis10 in America's Secondary Full Moon chart of December 2008, conjunct the Sec Moon 4Vir10--this spotlighting hints at Financial Collapse 2008 conditions) forms but two applying aspects in our Saturn Return chart of August 28, 2011. Four planets participate in an Earth Grand Trine, a closed circuit of energies.

Actors (planets) within a Grand Trine in Earth signs (Tau, Vir, Cap) prefer the status quo by which they feel supported, and may possess much practical inspiration toward building structures; an amazing amount of endurance is also involved due to the patient qualities of Earth signs.

Will credit begin to loosen up soon? Will banksters return the trillions in bailout money to the American people since corporations are reporting huge profits and our economy needs it back? Yet that pair of wastrels and speculators, Jupiter and Neptune, rule and co-rule the chart's 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Corporations, and Transformation through Pisces.

Yes, the Grand Trine's planetary combos of Sun/Jupiter, Sun/Pluto, Jupiter/Pluto relate to political, social, and religious leaders, plus to global bankers (Jup/Plu) such as the Federal Reserve Bank...those who advance large scale projects and schemes which entail great gains for the select few, yet limited benefits 'trickle down' to the masses (a trine's self-protective 'closed circuit of energies'.)

Sun in Virgo Applies...

Orator Mercury in showy Leo rises yet the Virgo Sun's applying aspects describe how things will proceed in relation to our Saturn Return, #3 of 3, the resolution phase for the next 28 years until Saturn comes back to 14Lib48 on Oct 5, 2040, during an Airy Jupiter/Saturn conjunction:

1. trine Pluto (0A15): leadership focuses on power and control issues, and may exhibit skill in handling financial matters; deductive reasoning, such as in detective work or research, may be highlighted; wheat is separated from chaff; scandals may be revealed or spotlighted.

2. trine Jupiter (5S37) indicates much solar creativity, optimism, and possibly a desire to leave 'the rat race'--will another presidential nomination candidate leave the race? Self-assurance, a sense of ease, a lack of incentive for taking action, and self-indulgence usually accompany a Sun/Jupiter trine. (Sun/Jupiter trine Mitt Romney springs instantly to mind!)

As you see, August 28th's protective Jupiter in Taurus sits precisely upon the MC of this chart, the Aspiration Point--next to that, I've penned Martin Luther King's natal Jupiter 1Tau10 and natal Chiron 5Tau25 near this MC indicating that his current Jupiter Return is in progress (a 3-fer: June 10, 2011, Dec 4, 2011 Rx, and Jan 16, 2012 which times his *birthday in Jan 2012 and which is meant to be Jupiter's Reward Cycle.) Some reward! Assassination of an inconvenient man leads to his being chiseled in stone and his memory regaled with the oration of ceremonial speeches some 48 years later by those who only attempt to rise to his oration standards.

Well, MLK's values are at the most visible point of the US Saturn Return chart which lifts up his natal Jupiter/Chiron combo denoting his natural preaching abilities, strong convictions which were communicated more fully as he matured, and his inner intensity of purpose. The conjunction describes him as a 'maverick with a superiority complex who listened very little to others' (Clow, Chiron.)

Now you may wish to explore more astro-factors in the Saturn Return 2011 horoscope for America (since the chart is 'good for' 28 years) and I hope you will. Then feel free to share your insights bwo an on-topic Comment here, as you wish!


*Birth data: Martin Luther King, Jr January 15, 1929 12:00 pm CST Atlanta, GA; Rodden Rating A; ASC 13Tau48 where transit Jupiter now pauses; MC 28Cap13--conjunct US natal Pluto, planet of saboteurs and assassins--and Sun 25Cap08 conjunct his m MC from the 9th house side of Religion, Philosophy, and Higher Education; Moon is @ 19Pis35 with Venus in 11th H; chart-ruler Venus is compassionate toward the downtrodden in mystical, psychic sponge Pisces.

His Earth-Water Sun Cap/Moon Pisces personality blend shows:

a pragmatic dreamer; a compassionate realist; tough and tender; dependable but private; solemn insights into mankind's plight; devoted and loyal; personal courage found in moral precepts; fear of the unknown; may bend fact to fit a thesis (handy for Politics! jc/)

And had he lived, his Uranus Return would be a topic of discussion and of-the-moment with natal Uranus 3Ari57 just inside his n 12th house of Politics and Karma; Uranus in the above chart is @ 3Ari40--Uranus in Aries = radical Utopians, says Ebertin.

Images for Integration: A child builds a sandcastle of reinforced concrete...A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate a success...Bilbo in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings...Bathers in a Landscape by Cezanne...Elvis Presley's Blue Suede Shoes. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

As you see, Tolkien, Cezanne, and Presley were born with this Sun-Moon blend.

To end, here's a quote from Elvis the King which seems apt for the enshrining of Dr. King in stone while America regresses on all the social issues and problems that mattered to him most during his lifetime--while certain political parties, their agents, and shills try very hard to bring back slavery!

"It's very hard to live up to an image."


No, images are not what's most important under current conditions and a statue can't hire a single worker, sign a paycheck, or construct a factory, can't it? So it must be time for we-the-people to Rebuild The Dream of America!

Aug 13, 2011

Horoscope: a sinister Solar Eclipse 2Sag37 Nov 25, 2011

Solar Eclipse November 25, 2011: A Peculiar Turn of Events

by Jude Cowell

A Solar Eclipse in early Sagittarius, fiery sign of The Seeker, occurs in Washington DC on November 25, 2011 at 1:09:36 am est during an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes, and unstable conditions in Mutable Sagittarius.) Lord of the eclipse is Jupiter through the Jolly One's rulership of Sag, but Mercury Rx is chart-ruler through the Ascendant (ASC) 21Virgo17. Mercury also rules this Midheaven and US natal Mars and Uranus. Gold-loving MIDAS and Pan (panic, panorama, pan-hellenic, pan-American, panacea) continue traveling in tandem with US natal Uranus 8Gem55, here in 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, and the Justice System (what little of one we still have.)

This Solar Eclipse falls in the 14 North Saros Series, details below. A 14N eclipse last occurred in 1993 @ '22Sco', the year of the Great Conjunction/s of NWO planets, Uranus and Neptune, which conjoined during the Age of Reason (aka, The Enlightenment.) Their cycle is approximately *171 years long.

Both horoscopes shown below (which are the same eclipse, differently marked by yours truly) reveal Fixed Star Denebola rising, keywords: to go against society; out of the mainstream--this is VP Joe Biden's natal Midheaven (MC) degree/star; our VP is an avowed 'Zionist' and seems to be proud to acknowledge it. Does a Zionist stance in America 'go against society'? I believe it does for those who desire a sovereign America that doesn't spend all its money on war while we-the-people go without the basics of life as our society crumbles around our ears. If the power elite's plan wasn't clear before 2011, it should be now, even to the politically apathetic.

The Mercury/MC midpoint is rising as well: Mercury/MC = ASC: propagating one's opinions which influence the environment; thinking/writing that spur advancement or growth. Mercury, ruled here by idealistic guru and money man Jupiter, has a 'grand plans' connotation. And if we place US natal Mars in the equation in the MC's stead, we get another picture for Nov 23, 2011 which lasts the life of this eclipse's influence:

Eclipse Mercury/US n Mars = ASC: stormy or turbulent proceedings.

Yes, our warring US natal Mars in duplicitous Gemini tops the chart at MC (Goals; Aspirations) which makes the US military and our government's actions 'most seen' in the wider world. In fact, the misguided energy/idealistic motivations/veiled or confused motivations of our natal Mars/Neptune square is front and center, with natal Neptune 22Vir25 first US planet to rise in this chart putting our unfortunately misdirected square at two Angles, ASC (WHAT?) and MC (WHY?)

Are more military invasions for deceptive reasons on the Pentagon's drawing board? This chart indicates Yes, or perhaps only dealing with the wars we've already forced upon other nations, wars which are not going as well as Washington would have us believe. Yet since eclipses tend to reveal hidden things and once-secret crimes or scandals, this fact may become even more evident as the 14 North eclipse season grinds on into 2012.

Another thing about Mars square Neptune: there's difficulty facing reality (see 14N info below.) Sinister, subversive forces can gain control which this eclipse's Mars working behind the scenes in the 12th H of Politics and Secret Deals describes. Conjoining the president's Pluto, what deals will be made? Is Obama's physical safety in question? He's a US president with enemies, so it always is. And he's half black, a fact that some just can't get over.

Yes, a Mars/Neptune square is compelled to blame others when things go wrong in an attempt to divert criticism. Sound like any nation you know?

Note: America's natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work and Health, has always been an unstable placement indicating idealistic yet dissolving work, employment, and health conditions. Notice that in the US, health insurance is primarily attached to employment, a linkage in process of being jettisoned for financial reasons.

And the US-FDA barely performs its role of protecting our health as its budget twists upon Congress's conservative chopping block and corporations defy regulations that affect their almighty profits, the health of Americans be dam*ed.

First displayed is a skimmed-down version of the chart with a few details not included in the text below: hemispheric emphasis (Self/Other is balanced; emphasis on Private over Public sector, including the eclipse in 3rd house), asteroid Hera Rx (keeping accounts, bringing to account, or balancing accounts, legalities or legal partnerships) conjoins the Solar Eclipse 9Can12 of July 1, 2011 in this chart's 10th house (Public Standing) which has direly affected the US natal Sun/Jupiter conjunction (5-14 Cancer; plus, US Sun conjuncts Fixed Star SIRIUS: the mundane becomes sacred; the fire of immortality.) But these days, America doesn't seem so immortal after all with attacks coming from without and--worst of all--from within.

Then there's America's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) degree 00Pis33, here in 6th house of Work, Health, Military and Police Services, which has been crossed and re-crossed recently by both dissolving Neptune and wounding/spiritualizing Chiron.

America's PE 00Pis33 (12 South Series) repeated last on July 11, 2010 @ '19Cancer' which conjoined Fixed Star Castor (pos: to write or create; neg: murder; crippling of limbs; loss (A. Louis.) This one @ '19Can' eclipsed the UK's natal Moon, the people. Then the Solar Ecl of July 1, 2011--the one in force as I type, eclipsed UK natal Sun, leadership, and we lament the UK's violent troubles now.) 12S = 'successful outcomes to long term worries' (this eclipse timed the capping of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout in mid-July 2010); 'issues at first seem worse, then clear,' - Brady.

The Flywheel of the Universe: Jupiter v Saturn

The Jupiter/Saturn pair of societal planets--one expands, one constricts and the tension keeps our solar system's planets in their courses...yin-yang!--hold prominent roles in the eclipse chart with a stand-off across its 2/8 money-values axis as our debt, economic, and austerity issues--stirred up more than improved by political gamesmanship--continue. Jupiter 1Tau57 is Rx, and Saturn in balancing Libra is conjoined by asteroid Hopi, keywords: ambush or prejudice. Yes, I do hope the work of the un-Constitutional 'Super Congress' improves US financial and societal conditions but I'm not holding my breath...

Ex: eclipse Saturn conjoins Fixed Star Arcturus (Alpha Bootes, a pathfinder; a leader who protects people as they embrace a new lifestyle (-Brady.) A 'new lifestyle' of want, loss, and need caused by others' greed, it seems. Can the much-touted, totalitarian, sucky 'New World Order' be nearly upon us?

Jupiter and Saturn here, plus the date of the eclipse, indicate the November eclipse's timely connection to the deadline of the 'Super Congress' recommendations on November 23, 2011. Since this eclipse occurs on November 25, it falls too close in time/date to be uninvolved in these super-external financial deliberations of a US Congress which now vacates once again their oversight duties laid out in the Constitution.

Now here is the second version of the Nov 23, 2011 Solar Eclipse chart with my usual loaded application of details added. Artists can be so messy, yes? Well, don't place a pen or pencil near me unless you want this sort of thing to happen!

Click either chart to enlarge. A few details appear on both charts.

As you see, activist Mars 6Vir47 is working busily in the behind-the-scenes 12th H of Politics, Secret Deals, and Hidden Enemies--and 'he' conjoins President Obama's natal Pluto, a transit for him indicating a time to be forceful, purposeful, and more focused. There's a need for patience and concentrated efforts yet jealousy, revenge, and danger are part of the scene. Something the president was karmically meant to do comes along; imperative is evaluating investments ("invest in America!", he says but will he be able to with so much opposition from a GOP intent on his--and our--failure?), and investigating a mystery may also indicated. Will 'leaks' confuse issues even further and contribute to America's slow recovery?

An Earth Grand Trine--But in Houses of Water: 4, 8, 12

Well, if leaks occur, they will probably tie into financial and political concerns since Mars is involved in an Earth Grand Trine pattern with 8th H Jupiter Rx in money-loving Taurus (the Bull of Wall Street), and powerful, subversive Pluto, now destructuring all institutions and systems of the Saturnian kind (Capricorn, sign of Government, Law, and Business.)

Evaluating Venus 28Sag26 nears Pluto in 4th H of Real Estate, Homeland, and Finalities across the Security axis (4/10) with Venus conjoining Fixed Star Acumen (enduring attacks which weaken--not a good portent for the US housing foreclosure mess which will continue well into 2013 or even 2014.

Now Grand Trines in materialistic Earth signs usually provide a calming, comforting, soothing energy for it prefers to preserve the status quo (here, the system of Capitalism?) Earth Trines tend to attract resources and do not respond well to drastic, critical life changes (beware 'Super Congress' recommendations and the automatic "trigger"!)

Tangible support and worldly position are offered by an Earth Grand Trine if resources are skillfully managed--but as we know, this has not been the case by the US government, the over-extended, tapped-out American public, or by the fraud-infused global banking industry--unless you happen to be a member of the power elite of such organizations. Of course, if they manage to crash the world economy as they seem intent on doing, their money will be worthless, too, until the next currency is set up, a plan already on-tap, I suspect. ('Amero'? Watch the brief video at the end of this post.)

So the Mars-Jupiter-Pluto trio plod on, focused upon goals, and inspired by a dynamic vision (Utopians!) of an ideal structure which most of us feel is debasing our nation. Yes, the losses of Financial Collapse 2008 undermined what little confidence in government's good intentions we may have felt (as NWO creeps intended), and events of 2011 have not improved our negative outlook about the US government's ability--or, some say, desire--to bolster our society, and place we-the-people's needs over corporations' bottom lines, have they? (See Cupido in 12th H--corporations, The Family (Doug Coe?), The Syndicate, including the global Organized Crime network which some have called, The Octopus.

There's a Uranian Planet named Cupido, too--here, conjunct Mercury Rx and the IC...The Drain (see 14N info below: 'draining of energy'--the power grid?)

And though Earth Grand Trines can sense their own power and strength, the usual oh good! feeling most astrologers get when a Grand Trine of opportunity is present in a horoscope, is here tamped down by the reality of difficult conditions caused by the extreme inequality of income in this country (though Britain rivals the US in income imbalance which pushes The People's backs against walls of austerity in both our nations. Austere Saturn is posited in a money house (2nd) with evaluator Venus ruling; Venus also rules the 9th H of Philosophy and Foreign Lands such as America's Biggest Creditor, China. Plus, restrictive Saturn rules the 5th H of Risk-Taking and Gambling.)

In 7th H of Open Enemies, Legal Affairs, and Partnerships, is Utopian rebel Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, conjoining US natal IC, as mentioned above. Utopianism is now in America's 'house'! Trickster, magician, and alchemist Hermes continues hanging about in transit with Uranus, planet of revolution, liberation, and disruption: strikes, protests, and sit-ins (indicating peaceful demonstrations, hopefully, the only way to best the armed shock troops already being sent out to control us with their Darth Vader looks.)

As mentioned above, explosions cannot be ruled out especially with activist Mars in the secretive 12th H squaring the Solar Eclipse--and Uranus helpfully trines the eclipse as nebulous, deceptive Neptune squares it as well. Difficult aspects tend to block an eclipse's more positive expressions though dynamic energies of a square can also stimulate action. Mars opposed Chiron which brings in the sacred warrior energy though its ideals and guiding light are not guarnteed to be fact-based.

So with testy Mars ruling 8th H of Debt, Credit, and Big Business--and Jupiter Rx posited there and ruling 4th H of Real Estate where Pluto resides, and Pluto as co-ruler of the 3rd H of Neighborhoods and Communications, I see the Earth Grand trio of planets in the closed circuit of energy of the Trine representing the 'Super Congress' (aka, 'Super Committee') which the US Congress has brazenly set up to deal with problems they wish to avoid taking the heat for as austerity of a 2nd H (Money; Worth Issues) Saturn 25Lib07 opposes Jupiter in greedy Taurus, intolerant of the poor whose threadbare benefits it wishes to cut.

In 6th H of Work and Health, Neptune 28AQ12 Rx has re-entered Aquarius and moved closer once again to US natal Moon (we-the-people) which continues this difficult transit for America with its 'sense of inferiority, rootlessness, homelessness, and loss as fraud (Neptune) is visited upon (by transit) the American people (Moon.) Neptune represents the fraudsters, banksters, and the media in collusion against the working class and all those in need who are disenfranchised by larger forces.

As you know, disappointment, despair, and uncertainty have trailed in Neptune's oceanic wake--including disappointment with President Obama's failure to uphold the value of protecting the Middle and Working classes--shown astrologically by his natal Mars (motivation, desire, action, energy) precisely conjoining US n Neptune, a tenuous connection. This astro-link is one I groused upon in posts many times before and after Mr. Obama entered the White House! "Few if any in Washington will cooperate with him if he intends to 'help' us", I blogged. Well, do they?

Chart-ruler Mercury Rx 20Sag03 Conjoins IC

Now ordinarily I would begin such a horoscope analysis by listing any applying aspects made by the chart-ruler but that isn't necessary with this Solar Eclipse chart because there are none. This emphasizes the sign and house placement of Mercury, and its retrograde condition. A Rx chart-ruler indicates delays, shortcomings, and limiting conditions and events which interfere.

Mercury conjunct IC portends more American moving in with relatives (Rx = moving back in with parents, or parents with kids!), and/or the home being used for study, work, and communications--aka, working from home. Mercury, planet of young people, oration, contracts, negotiations, news, commerce, trade, and thinking processes, is in its detriment in Sagittarius, and denotes those who are concerned with attitudes rather than facts, and with codifications of social thought in religion, higher education, law, and philosophy. The 'Super Congress' comes to mind.

Plus, conjoining the 3rd cusp 16Sco57, you see asteroid Atlantis (a stand-in for America, a nation founded as the Utopian vision/dream/ideal of a 'New Atlantis' in the New World--ripe for the plundering of natural resources) with Atlantis's keywords, abuse of power; where we feel doomed, which intimately relates to the legend of Atlantis, the Lost Continent.

Note: this posting was interrupted on Saturday by a lightening storm--the following is my completion of this article. Your on-topic comments are invited, as always but be advised that All Spam will be moderated and deleted so don't waste your time on that.

UPDATE 8.15.11: back today, Monday, to continue this article for you!

Let's look at the 14 North Saros Series itself. To get a better idea of its potential influence, I shall quote directly from the excellent Bernadette Brady's book Predictive Astrology, my italics:

"A most peculiar eclipse family heralding an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness. Unrequited love, despair, confusion, a draining of energy, a peculiar turn of events. No important decisions should be made concerning incoming events as there is too much confusion and possible delusion to make clear judgments."

14N has manifested in the years 1903, 1921, 1939, 1957, 1975, 1993, (Nov 2011), and will next occur in 2029. Its initial eclipse occurred on April 29, 1074 (OS) @ 13Tau54 (our US inaugural ASC each January 20th at noon, DC) with Venus @ 4Ari57 which is the position of Uranus now (Venus/Uranus = extravagant or erratic with money!) America's PE 00Pis33 in 1776 (which our nation carries as a permanent part of national identity) has testy Mars 00Pis30 upon it.

A Muddy Saturn/Neptune Vibe

There's a Saturn/Neptune opposition in the initial eclipse chart of 1074 which denotes a natural distrust of competitors and irrational fears of failure which cause a retreat from competition (stock market? jc); this creates a vicious circle or self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, and when finding others deceitful, some use this as justification for acting deceitfully, too.

Financial loss and great difficulty facing reality are prevalent.

Well, you may not agree that an initial eclipse in a Saros Series can still have meaning centuries later but I believe the Saturn/Neptune opposition speaks directly to what's going on in 2011. Can you feel it?

Now what else may we expect from the November 25, 2011 eclipse? Since it's ruled by Jupiter, then Jupiter-ruled and 9th house matters will be uppermost for the revelations and events it portends. Long distance travel (including that of President Obama), religion, philosophy, higher education, and the legal system are key areas for the revelations and events. Transportation, transport workers, banking (of course!), and the extension of US power into the world are on tap, as noted, supported by US Mars at MC.

Will one revelation concern crimes and zealousness of the US military (Mars in 12th H conjunct Mr. Obama's Pluto)? Surveillance scandals? 12th house matters such as hospitals, prisons, and grand reforms ('Super Congress' recommendations due November 23, 2011) are on the eclipse agenda. Yes, death, as previously noted, is somewhere lurking, for a noble, monarchist, or a head of state, with scandals on the rise!

Plus, the 3rd house position of the eclipse @ 2Sag37 indicates worker discontent, potential accidents, and possible strikes, protests, and...hate to say it, but riots may turn up. Also of note is that the Nov eclipse opposes President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini which relates personally to him, his wife, and family though it may be only that emotions (Moon) are stirred up.

The 14N eclipse @ 2Sag37 triggers a few natal planets worth noting:

NYC (Uranus 1Sag42), the White House (2Sag11), NASA (Mars 1Gem58), Roswell NM (Moon 00Sag04 and Mars 2Sag13); also, Afghanistan (Neptune 4Sag55 Rx), Australia (NN 29Sco50), China (Chiron 5Sag29), Mexico (Jupiter 1Gem23), France (Mercury 00Sag08 and Venus 2Sag23 Rx), and North Korea (Moon 2Sag17.) I'm certain there are more triggerings but these are what I have in my files.

As for the US horoscope, the December 20, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 conjoins US natal Mars and this chart's Midheaven which indicates a watershed time for the effects of the November 25 Solar Eclipse eclipse and is probably when most of the scandals and crimes will be revealed--on or about December 10th by the light of the Full Moon.

November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse Midpoint Pictures

Still in effect will be the speculator-wastrel pair's midpoint with disruptive Uranus in Aries at apex. As always, any, all, or none may apply:

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: coming down to earth with a bump; imagination v reality; sudden recogntion of a difficult situation.

And the eclipse itself is at apex of--you guessed it--the Mars/Neptune midpoint....

Mars/Neptune = Sun: discontent; weakness; an undermining of health (well, for one thing, we know radiation is doing that-jc); danger of infection; dissolution of a body.

Mars/Neptune = Moon: crooks; nervous weakness; feeling inferior; danger of infection.

Sun/Pluto = (unaspected = detached) Mercury: consciousness of aim or objectives; organization; prudence; aspiring to intellectual supremacy; an orator with suggestive powers.

Moon/Pluto = Mercury: special far-reaching plans; pursuit of comprehensive ideals with great zeal; public speeches or writings that wield great influence ('Super Congress'? A rising dictator? Other? jc)

Mercury/Pluto = Venus: a ruthless desire to control others.

Mars/NN = Saturn: disadvantages through unions or associations; teamwork that is rendered more difficult as time goes on ('Super Committee'> jc); separation or a case of death. (All pictures from R. Ebertin.)

Another word about the unaspected Mercury 20Sag03 Rx sitting precisely on the IC, the Foundation and Basis of the Matter: its Sabian Symbol for '21Sag' - EXAMINATION seems to me to relate directly and unfortunately to the 'Super Congress' and its report (Mercury) due November 23rd--and the degree's negative expression of "distorted vision" and for the purpose of grasping power (Sun-Pluto).

No, not everyone is impressed by Utopian Uranus-in-Aries's vision of global domination and totalitarian control. Plus, the Jupiter/Saturn opposition across the Money axis of this chart echoes their Conjunction of May 2000 @ '23Tau': "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Magnificent Gems"--the ones they've stolen from the US Treasury and the people's pockets and pensions, turns out.

And remember that the eclipse's "peculiar turn of events" vibe can well describe the unprecedented set up (staging) of a 'Super Congress' as if our regular government just can't handle current problems!

Meanwhile, the practical Earth Grand Trine, closed circuit energy as it is, links the high stakes planetary trio as mentioned above, with subversive, wealthy Pluto conjoining asteroid Panacea, something that seems an improvement yet does little actual good. It's all in the mind! Yet money planets Venus and Jupiter in an opportunistic trine (120 degrees) are in Mutual Reception and thus support one another in their efforts.

Now will this medicine be what we-the-people need from a power elite who buy off our Congress with fat donations and other considerations? I don't think so, though perhaps decent reform may be instituted to aid the struggling Real Estate market (Venus in 4th H, Jupiter in 8th. This would be a harmonious and welcome change which we may experience more fully once Jupiter resumes direct motion and releases some of his wealth. However, the ourrageous Republican 'Trickle Down Economics' won't work as it hasn't all along. Eight years of Bush-Cheney should be enough to convince anyone of that. And here we are.)

So shall I leave it for you to decide for yourself if the 'Super Congress' medicine is efficacious as November nears and the ASC's negative expression ('22Vir') makes itself known: subtle exploitation of the unwary = PREROGATIVE..."A Royal Coat of Arms."


Inspirations for this post: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; The Astrologer's Handbook, Sakoian and Acker.

Please pardon any pesky typos: adding an Update to my original post does not allow a Save of Draft or spellchecking, and my eyes and fingers are quite wumped out with this much typing! jc


*The earlier Great Conjunction of scientific Uranus/Neptune occurred in mid-Sag: '16Sag' = "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship" = ALERTNESS, negative: aimless expectation. Their 1993 conj/s were at or about '18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies on a British Destroyer' = POLITICAL POWER, negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism; the conj of Oct 24, 1993 times a modern natal chart for the NWO.

Through the Sabian Symbols of two eras, we see how NWO promoters have sharply focused themselves in time for Year 2012. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones, and Solar Fire software.) Yet I do believe that the Rothschilds of Europe and the Rockefellers of the US have much to answer for in the sweet bye-n-bye, and for now, should be identified and prosecuted for crimes against humanity (Denebola rising!) along with all enablers and colluders of the satanic persuasion, and with regular citizens serving on the jury--if we could catch the elusive reptiles.

NAU = North American Union of America, Mexico, and Canada: