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Showing posts with label George Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Bush. Show all posts

Apr 14, 2009

Did Bush conspire with Iran?

Prevaricator extraordinaire Ahmed Chalabi says that Bush conspired with Iran before the toppling of Saddam Hussein.

But then the Bush administration wasn't (and isn't) known for its own clarity or truth-telling. Murkiness, oui. Honesty, nyet.

That's one of the troubles with the 'ends justify the means' crowd from the world crime syndicate - or syndicates, whichever more closely applies to the tentacle/s near you. They can't believe one another even when it counts.

It's a bit like the world financial crisis: what is the world coming to when thieves can't trust thieves? Oh yeah - the old saw about there being 'no honor among thieves' is old precisely because it's true.

That they could masquerade as long as they did as 'upstanding corporate businessmen' is one of the biggest jokes of all - with the rest of the world the butt.

Feb 13, 2009

George Bush to speak first in Calgary

Mark your calendars!

Ex-president George W. Bush is banning press and public from his first-scheduled speech since leaving office and he's exiting the US to do it. Wise move - too bad he didn't make one of those before he determined to coup the White House and bull-headedly insisted upon invading Iraq.

Yes, on March 17, our little leprechaun of war-profiteering will spread the blarney at a private event for a pro-American business group in Calgary, Canada, but I'll warn you - the above-linked article cites his approval rating as he left office as 'low 30s' yet everyone knows his nibs had dipped into the 20s (if that)!


And here's a link to the site for downloading the full text (4 parts) of the Stimulus Act which was posted for public viewing around 11:45 pm last evening:

Jan 20, 2009

Inauguration 2009 Horoscope

Just a brief heads-up to say that Inauguration 2009's horoscope has been updated this morning to reflect what TV's talking heads say will be an Oath of Office taken at 11:56 am est.

Click link to view Inauguration 2009's chart.

Bush's term mercifully ends precisely at noon, and reader Dan Smolen tells me that at the moment Obama says, "so help me God," the eyes of the Secret Service agents move from George Bush to Barack Obama because that's the moment Obama becomes president in their book. Me, too.

So thanks, Dan!

Actually, my eyes have crossed with consternation and regret every time I've looked at His Smirkiness' monkeyish, dissembling, propaganda-catapultin' face these long years...quelle relief!

Jan 15, 2009

Bush and Washington: Farewell Addresses

It's been 213 years since President Washington gave his buh-bye to the American people, and tonight we get another buh-bye from Washington...DC.
George Washington's Farewell Address of Sept 17, 1796 involves no tacos or other references to what his audience expects to have for lunch or dinner.

But Washington does mention that he's made mistakes.

The George of our time, however, gives his Farewell Address tonight, Jan 15, at 8:00 pm est, an hour which does not, as some have noted, interfere with tonight's episode of The Office.

Mention of Bush mistakes are optional. The entire list would be refreshing and healing.

And since such an address at the end of a US president's term is a "fare thee well" wish, I must wonder if Bush will bespeak to us more of a 'Good-Bye, Suckers Address'...much more appropriate when you consider the man and his administration's radical rearrangement of America.

With minimal blogging time this morning, I'm posting the chart set for Washington, DC, 8:00 pm est, assuming that things run reasonably on schedule. You see one of the Images for Integration for Sun Cap-Moon Libra is scribbled in the lower left corner.

Moon is conjunct America's natal Midheaven, so the public is watching (those who can stomach it.)

Bush's feisty natal Mars is his 'first planet to rise' in the chart, and added to other factors, he should be in a self-defensive mood...'putting one's foot down; making a point strongly; standing up for one's position'--> Mercury-Mars = Sun, the leader.

8:00 pm is a Jupiter Hour so we may expect more of the Airy 'freedom-democracy for the world - by force, if necessary' schtick from this neocon mouthpiece.

Chart-ruler Mercury is Rx so it's a review and revise exercise for Mr. Bush, whose backside will be larger in the rearview mirror than it now appears.

9:29 pm est: Quit Yammering!

Well, how interesting is this? Hope it doesn't mean Bush was shaking his sabre at the American people or at Barack Obama on his smarmy way out the door...

...Dubya hushed up at 8:14 pm est with Ic (the Foundation or Basis of the chart, aka The Drain; Ending) conjunct Inauguration 2009's Moon 29Sco45...Ic at 8:14 pm: 29Sco17.

"30Sco"..."A Halloween Jester."

And at the WHY? Point, Mc..."30Tau"..."A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn."

And yet, underneath the make-up he looked like a wax doll to me. Or maybe my TV screen could use a bit of a polish - I know tonight's address made me want to spit.

Jan 6, 2009

Bush's first Inaugural luncheon

George W. Bush's first Inaugural luncheon makes for amusing reading especially when you consider this Sun-in-Cancer's fascination with food.

There are photos provided so check it out! Lame Duck L'Orange appears nowhere on the menu, so don't fret. And we can't say his goose is cooked - it's the American people who got a baking from the presidency of Bush43.

Dec 9, 2008

US economy takeover: 1939 vs 2008

The parallels between what Bush has done taking over US banks and loan institutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are said by some to echo too closely Hitler's tactics in Germany in the 1930s. As you know, Adolf wanted to rule the world, and the misery and chaos of war was the price he was willing for others to pay.

If you're aware of these parallels between the time periods and tactics, never mind; but if not, please read the article concerning the US dictatorship which is now being enlarged, by Michael S. Rozeff, a retired Professor of Finance.

Apparently the Nazi memorabilia room at Yale's Skull and Bones, where Bush once played, is having a renaissance of sorts. Granddaddy B helped with Adolph's piggybank and now grandson is following a similar script.

But who's playing Hitler now?

Dec 8, 2008

As Orwell wrote...

"They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening." George Orwell

Well, are you sufficiently interested to notice?

Read about Orwell's natal chart details here, if you wish, where you'll find an Orwell-style description of mass media deception.

And here's an idea for the overseer which that other George, Bush by name, will be placing over the $15 million loan for GM and Chrysler: I hear Brownie may be available for doing heckuva jobs.

Nov 25, 2008

Bailout more but not the poor

Yes, I noticed! Such things hath Bush wrought...

Left Out of the Bailout: The Poor

By Mark Kukis

"Recent data show poverty is already rising quite substantially," says Robert Greenstein, the executive director of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. "There is a strong potential for more hardship and destitution than we have seen in this country in a number of decades."


You know it's odd how mainsteam media goes on about Bush being 'checked out' and like he's almost out the door, or that he 'doesn't care.' Dubya's second term is set to expire in 50+ days, it's true.

Stick a fork in 'im!

So now a large part of America has joined New Orleanians on the rooftop and are needing help, answers, and a lift from the same government who played a large part in getting our nation into the several quagmires we're in.

Bailout efforts seem misdirected (unless Paulson's 'new plans on Tuesday' should eventually hit some sort of appropriate mark - hope so.)

Rewards seem to be granted to the very gangsters on the take who implemented the over-arching plan and perpetrated the very acts from which we suffer. Jobs and the loss thereof are held over our heads like blackmailers' threats - put the bailout money in a suitcase or all employees will be fired, the doors closed for good.

To reject a one-world-government theory of what the power elite are up to and why is to admit that financial and business 'experts' of our day don't know jack merde and can't look ahead long enough to see the eventual results of their faulty practices - as if they were totally unaware they were using fuzzy math and promoting its use by underlings in order to reach economic collapse so that putting in place eventual restructuring goals seems the only way to go.

Yet Barack Obama says not to bet against America...we've gotten out of messes before and will do so again. Many of Obama's uplifting statements sound awfully good about now - but desperate is the name of the game, fear and loss the method - and is the true goal being honestly divulged? Is he in on the game as well?

So before Bush checks out of the fancy Nest-Feathering Hotel, let me say what I haven't said here in quite a while - that no one wanted George Bush to be good for America any more than I did.

Didn't vote for him either time, but I was willing to be dazzled by the love of America he (kind of) professed, and was prepared to be impressed by his protecting, upholding, and defending the Constitution as he took an Oath to do in front of the world.

What oaths he may have taken in private that superseded the public Oath, I don't know, but crossing his fingers behind his back could not have been enough to justify wimping out on his Presidential Oath as he has.

Doing what he thinks is right is another way of saying he listens very little to others - unless they're his masters. He cannot cross them but he certainly has crossed we-the-people numerous times.

Now 2008 is ending and we're to be left by this man with more problems than we can shake a stick at while he moseys into the sunset to enjoy his retirement. Barack Obama is willing to let him do it, too. Are we watching a baton-passing marathon on more levels than we know?

Do you think Bush will spare one thought for the millions of hard working folks who've lost their retirements in a multitude of ways during his over-long tenure?

Because I do not. No more than for the victims on the rooftops of New Orleans, the ones his pretty mind so easily and purposefully ignored. George Bush has drowned America with the weight of lofty plans and left us all to tread water as best we can - or hitch a ride from a passing helicopter, if we dare make the arrangements.

Well, kickin' back on the porch isn't an option when your house has floated away.

And I haven't mentioned the dead and maimed in the Bush-Cheney wars.

Yet even now I'd like to be wrong about the man. It's difficult to credit him with all the misery and loss he, his cronies, and handlers have caused.

After all, if one person on this earth could feel all the pain in the world at any given moment - truly feel every bit - it would crush him or her out of existence.

But a complete list of George Bush casualties will take a very long time to fully gather or appreciate (unless the historical record is manipulated. That's a boatload of manipulating, isn't it? Yet they can hardly leave it as-is.)

And so after the New Year we will be saying good bye to George W. Bush as White House denizen, a man whose 2001 Inauguration chart looked menacing enough with Chiron, Moon, and Pluto in Sagittarius and in the 8th house of Transformation of the sort where things will never be the same.

There we see Pluto-Chiron's oppression, corporatism, and primal violence crushing the Moon, the luminary which represents 'the people' in a national chart.

So, all turkeys aside, please pardon me if sometimes I think back to those SCOTUS-installed days and wonder: did we-the-people ever really stand a chance?

Nov 24, 2008

Obama's Rubinomics folly

After reading Citigroup is dead and its round-up of authors on the subject, I know more about Robert E. Rubin (Clinton administration economic guru) than I wish I had to know.

And it seems Barack Obama, who named his economic team today and said that he had sought leaders with 'fresh thinking,' may be on the same old Rubinomics track, a financial formula that fueled the prosperity of the 1990s, but is not sufficient now with its misdirected focus on financial deregulation which has, turns out, helped fuel bankruptcies and bailouts in 2008 and beyond.

All of Obama's economic gurus are Rubin associates and acolytes. And all are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, some are members of the Trilateral Commission, and a few are in the Bilderberg Group.

I bring this up once more because if they didn't know how derivatives and other squirrelly financial practices were going to play out for the US economy and the American people, then I must be a monkey's aunt.

Now you know that Robert Rubin, former secretary of the Treasury, is an influential executive and director of...wait for it...Citigroup. Rubin's m.o. is to be around when he wants to be, then conveniently disappear when feathers hit the fan.

And watching this morning's TV performance by Bush and Paulson on the steps of the Treasury building you could, with a mere smidge of imagination, see the feathers floating down around their tone deaf ears as the lame duck quacked about 'safeguarding' Citigroup - with taxpayer money. More corporate welfare!

Which reminds me of a quote from Justice Earl Warren:

Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism.

Now you may tar and feather me with the that's you brush for mumbling 'corporate welfare', yet I think the truth within the quote refers more closely to Paulson's massive aid to Wall Street over Main Street. Helping we-the-people is 'socialism' say the Republicans...if it is in 2008, it's because it's social, not because the commies are coming.

(Considering the room at Skull & Bones headquarters with all its Nazi memorabilia, I'd say the commies are already among us and in control.)

So President-elect Obama announced his plan for a huge stimulus package to shock the country's financial system into life, but one must wonder if he's about to lay one huge egg.

Hope not. It's difficult to see how Obama's ideas and plans could be worse than Dubya's, but we'll see. The markets are up now, last I checked, since BHO's economic announcements at noon.

And now one more quote from Barry Goldwater...a cautionary comment for us all:

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away.

Don't look now, little pigeons, but that's just what they're up to.

Nov 5, 2008

Keep eyes on Bush and Cheney

Bush's Last 100 Days the Ones to Watch

By Jesse Jackson

Bush and Vice President Cheney represent a failed conservative era -- and they know it. As the administration moves into its last 100 days, thereseems to be a flurry of activity: regulations to forestall Obama's new era of accountability; a flood of contracts to reward friends and lock in commitments; a Wall Street bailout that is pumping money out the door.

Nov 1, 2008

America Battered by Bush

America Bruised and Battered is an article which takes an in-depth look at the presidency of George W. Bush. It's a surprisingly easy read unless you have blood pressure issues!

The article contains 5 parts and it's interesting reading with a different outlook on our '19% approved' president whose days in office are, we may hope, numbered.

Any of these may be read as stand-alone articles, but all are informative for a shell-shocked American people:

Part I: America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors
Part II: A Gambler Who Bet Everything on Iraq
Part III: It Wasn't Just the President Alone
Part IV: Bush on Trial?
Part V: The Job Ahead

You'll also find photo galleries of the Bush presidency including an album of "Funny Moments" of the scowler-in-chief including his bike-topple with right palm and face showing wounds - good for palmists to a take a peek at Bush's clawprint; plus, one link in the photo gallery section takes you to "Interactive Graphic: Obama and Biden vs McCain: The Candidates in Profile."

There's also an interview I find especially informative with neoconservative scholar Robert Kagan - he who early on counseled 'regime change' for Iraq (published Oct 27.) Of course, Kagan justifies his position and advice by decrying the way the war was mishandled.

This I don't buy from him or from any of the others because chaos is a major part of their world domination plans, antisocial as it is. To them our misery is "worth it." Naomi Klein chronicles this brilliantly with her explanation of Shock Doctrine to which the world is being subjected by a world crime syndicate. (I added world crime syndicate here - I'm not sure that Klein uses these exact words. But I do.)

Not that ineptitude wasn't shown in the Bush-Cheney invasion/occupation, but unintended consequences were simply sucked into the 'big picture which must be followed - very little option to do otherwise' as Astrology describes this sort of highhanded behavior from the holier-than-thou crowd.

You know - any mistakes they make can't be mistakes because they made them - and all is right with the world (on their say-so.)

So do you know my first thought when I saw the article's Part I topic: "America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors"?

The Sabian Symbol for George Bush's natal Mars, the planet of action, energy, desire nature, and the god of war..."10Virgo"..."Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" (reminds you of Cheney's 'Dark Side' doesn't it? Just two bubblethink noodleheads goin' to war based on lies with obscene profits on their to-do lists. And Rummy, Cheney's pal, intimately involved, of course. Such profitable chicken hawk fun!)

Here's Dane Rudhyar's take on "10Virgo"..."Keynote: The growth of true understanding, born out of the transcendence of duality even while immersed in the world of duality." SELF-TRANSCENDING ACTIVITY OF THE MIND." (An Astrological Mandala.) Bush Bubblethink?

But perhaps even more to the point concerning George Bush's Martian energy, action, desire nature, and war-promoting is Rudhyar's details for '9Virgo..."An Expressionist Painter at Work"...Keynote: The urge to express one's individualized sense of value regardless of tradition. ORIGINALITY.

...what is expressed is usually the reflection of a deep catharsis with emotionally charged and often tragic overtones."

My italics, and yes, tragic overtones are the basis of the Bush presidency as millions of Iraqis flee for parts unknown and Americans are tossed out of their homes and (if certain partisans have their way) their voting rights taken away...because they're now homeless.

'Twas a grand plan, si? Make millions off 'em then toss 'em out on the sidewalk with their most basic American right pilfered so as to skew the 2008 election/s...because every little bit helps the GOP when it's steal election time in America.

So if the other George ~Orwell~ isn't skirming in his grave, I'll be an out-of-control cheeky monkey on a bicycle.

As TV's Craig Ferguson says,"Re-miiiiinnnnd you of anyone?"

Oct 29, 2008

Economy and the stupid white men

Are white men stupid enough to fall for John McCain's economic theories and install him into the White House to continue the Bush policy of gutting America?

Did you know that McCain blames Bush for the economic crisis?

Will white men of voting age pay attention to McCain pal Phil Gramm and his Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act peeking out from behind the curtain?

Oct 20, 2008

Solar Eclipse for a new president 1.26.09

Heads-up, m'peops!

The promised Page with the 'New President' Solar Eclipse of Jan 26, 2009 is now published if you wish to view the chart and read some details.

Calling this Eclipse from the 11 North Series the 'New President' Eclipse is only a name I made up because it occurs barely 6 days into the new administration. You may disagree and call it something else, but there it is.

Actually, my tar'n'feather fund is still bubbling on the hob, if you'd care to stir, for all may depend on whether George Bush can be successfully shooed out of the White House by Jan 2009. Or maybe booed out will do the trick.

Or perhaps we can tease him out of office by offering him a fantastic vacation, preferrably an all-expenses-paid tour of some of the countries now threatening him, Cheney, and their pals with criminal prosecution for war crimes.

Why, I'd start watching CNN and C-Span again just to see that spectacle. Would you?

Oct 17, 2008

George Bush + Oliver Stone natal charts

Lower left chart, George W. Bush (July 6, 1946), upper right chart Oliver Stone (Sep 15, 1946, rating B.)

From what I'm hearing about director Oliver Stone's new film W, he and George W. Bush share something - each has a father complex.

Yet from the looks of their close-in-time natal charts, they share more than that.

Both men were born within the same Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, 2 New North, the Series that concerns collapse of plans and lifestyles with long-term effects of rebuilding and transformation. If you relate this Series to the Tarot deck's #16 - The Tower card, you have it in a nutshell.

Brady's Predictive Astrology adds that after the dust settles and the rebuilding starts, the consequences of the re-shaping will have far-reaching effects; this Eclipse Series tends to change people's directions through a sudden collapse of an existing structure.

Now we know that Solar Eclipses can leave their marks for years by sensitizing the degrees at which they manifest, and this particular Series is still having, imo, far-reaching effects (along with the 'King of Terror' - or 'Alarm' - Eclipse of August 11, 1999; 18Leo+, the position of Venus on 9/11/01.)

Both Eclipses are part of the ongoing financial crisis and collapse of our world economy which I have previously stated stems from the ripples issuing from the attacks of 9/11 ("The Tower" x 2.)

That I believe the economic collapse has been on the drawing board for years in order to usher in a new financial world order is beside the point - the point is, you're feeling these effects and so is everyone you know. Fear is what they want us to feel. Notice Warren Buffett's comments about when he buys up stocks.

So the media is helping to prepare us now with "our financial system will never be the same" - things will be 'different', and questions like, Is capitalism dead? You've heard it all, I know you have, as Pluto's transformative power moves into the business-politics-law sign of Capricorn, sign of The Father.

Synchronistically, another 'heralding' event occurred within the 2NN Series: the bombing of the USS Cole (Oct 12, 2000.) And I believe that much of the final plans for the 'New Millennium' switch toward totalitarianism were laid under the auspices of this difficult Eclipse Series along with that of the August '99 Eclipse. The secret hand of Pluto has an ephemeris and Astrology software, too, oh yes it does.

So July 31, 2000's 2NN Eclipse occurred at '7Cancer' which, as you see if you click the image to enlarge, is conj Bush's 12th cusp, and teh Unconscious 12th house is the house of Karma and Self-Undoing, while in Stone's chart '7Can' falls in his 9th house of Philosophy, Higher Education, and the Higher Mind.

The degree of George Bush's natal Ascendant - and the Midheaven of Oliver Stone - WHAT? in Bush's chart, WHY? in Stone's is '8Leo.' This is also the natal degree of Mercury for Bush, the GOP, and for Alberto Gonzales.

So Bush thinks (Mercury) like a Leo, while Stone thinks like a more somber Virgo. Bush's essence (Sun) is self-protective, crabby Cancer (sorry Cancers, but you know Bush!) while Stone's essence is dedicated worker, Virgo...Stone thinks as he is with Sun and Mercury in the same sign.

This is because by Sept 15, Mercury had moved on to 22Vir41 conj Stone's natal Sun, both of which are conj US n Neptune (film; photography; subterfuge; camera tricks; the masses, including mass delusions) - all of which are conj Barack Obama's natal Mars. That's quite a pile-up of planets at 22Vir+ - esp for transiting Saturn to stomp upon at the end of August, 2009.

And both Bush and Stone have the ruthless pair, Saturn and Pluto snugged around this Bush's Asc, Stone's Mc...'8Leo' = "A Bolshevik Propagandist."

Now Oliver Stone was born during a Moon (publicity) Hour in a Disseminating phase of the Moon (communicator; teacher; propagandist), and Bush was born during an expansive Jupiter Hour during a 1st quarter Moon (which I neglected to note on his chart - 92 degr 56 mins - the 'crisis in action' phase); Bush was born when Pluto was out-of-bounds (oobs), Stone in September when Pluto was back in bounds of the earthly plane and cooperating with the chart's other energies (planets.)

Well, I just wanted to peek at their natal charts since the two men are being compared now because of Stone's bio-pic of Bush (I guess you'd call it a 'bio-pic')'ll see their midpoint pictures listed with quite a bit of 'pile-up' to them, too, and I can type them out for you later if you want, just let me know if you don't have another source for them, okay? I don't mind, but I'm just a wumped-out puppy at the moment.

Perhaps I'll add the rest of their *Sun-Moon Images for Integration later as well since, as you see, I put brief but telling descriptions...thumbnails, if you will...

Oliver Stone: "A sculpture of still life..."

George Bush: "Mother Goose recites a poem..."


* Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey

Oct 10, 2008

On the Money: quotes of 1929 - 2008

"This economy of ours is on a solid foundation." -Pres Bush, Jan 4 after meeting with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets.

"There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue." -Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, Sept, 1929

"I hope you're confident about our economy. I am." - Pres Bush, Jan 30, 2008 at the Robinson Helicopter Co. in Torrance, CA

"While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence, and character of the people of the United States - that is, prosperity." -President Hoover, May 1, 1930

"Losing a job is painful, and I know Americans are concerned about our economy; so am I. It's clear our economy has slowed, but the good news is, we anticipated this and took decisive action to bolster the economy, by passing a growth package that will put money into the hands of American workers and businesses." -Pres Bush, March 7, 2008 on news that the economy lost 63,000 payroll jobs in February.

"The singular feature of the great crash of '29 was that the worst continued to worsen." -J.K. Galbraith.

"Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom." -Thomas Jefferson

Quotes Round-up from Information Clearing House.

Oct 7, 2008

What didn't happen at Tora Bora

Elite Officer Recalls Bin Laden Hunt: US Officials Stopped Plans to Kill Bin Laden


"Our job was to go find him, capture or kill him, and we knew the writing on the wall was to kill him because nobody wanted to bring Osama bin Laden back to stand trial in the United States somewhere...

Oct 4, 2008

Bailout Bill Signed into Law Oct 3, 2008

Since there's some question as to the exact time on Oct 3, Friday, that George Bush signed the massive "bailout bill" (propagandistically named the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act), a natal chart for the monstrosity is probably to be set for the neighborhood of 2:52 pm to 3:00 pm edt, White House.

Special thanks go to Monica at Astrology Mundo who had the smarts to ferret out the official time that the bill passed the House in its amended form - 1:22 pm edt - and we know from various sources that the bill was motored to the White House asap and signed appr one-and-one-half hours later - an historical record.

(If an exact signing time is known or discovered by you, dear reader, please advise!)

Interestingly, Moon (the people) while in Scorpio made her last major aspect the evening before - Oct 2, at 6:47 pm edt - a confused, illusory square with Neptune 21AQ43 Rx.

Someone's zoomin' us!

Neptune is and has been opposing Bush's natal Venus, planet of values, money, and relationships; plus, asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe; divine retribution) continues loitering upon his natal Descendant, the angle of partnerships, legal affairs and open enemies.

So perhaps it is significant that the chart (upper - please click to enlarge) emphasizes '11Scorpio' by Venu$ at Midheaven, the Aspiration/Career/Public Status Point of the chart..."A Drowning Man Rescued."

One of the instructive things about viewing dual charts is seeing which, if any, planets change houses (departments of life); here we see that money-loving, luxury conscious Venus crosses an angle, the previously mentioned MC. Venus is smaller amounts of money which morphed into billions for Mr. Bush & friends in big business Scorpio.

MC passes through the "An Embassy Ball" degree, on to the "An Inventor Inventing" Sabian up "14Sco" = "Telephone Lineman at Work Installing New Connections." (Rudhyar.)

~You may have heard that during these performances concerning the US Treasury, Wall St, and 'Main St' Bush has taken unto himself the right to send out secret agents in disguises to follow American citizens even without any evidence of wrong-doing. A political whim or fanciful notion is enough. No word on planting of evidence.~

So what other planet changes houses? Lower chart shows us that the Sun 10Lib56 'jumps' the 9th cusp of philosophy into 8th house of debt, credit, shared resources, and large sums of money. The American people are getting ready to "share" all right and Bush's 'legacy' has certainly been plumped up, hasn't it?

Guess the last several years of plundering the public purse weren't enough for the hungry wolves as America is dismantled to make way for the new economic order...and we are witnesses to history.

So with a VOC Moon, the dirty deed was in no danger of being prevented or interfered with once the Scorpio Moon left her square with Neptune Thursday evening - Luna's next major aspect looks to me to be her conjunction with secret hand/deep pockets Pluto on Monday, Oct 6 - and Pluto nearing "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" degree, too.

If you see something prior to this aspect for the Moon, please let me know. I quite imagine this may also describe the people needing a weekend break from all the financial hubbub and bad news - Monday will arrive soon enough, si?

Now did I mention that Hidalgo, one of the power asteroids who expects to be in charge is at MC with Venus, along with Osiris, named after the Egyptian god of death and resurrection? "A Drowning Man Being Rescued" before our very eyes!

Hidalgo has links with Spain, Mexico, and with mining and production of silver, copper, gold, lead, iron, mercury, and sulphur.

Nona Gwynn Press confirms Hidalgo's connection to self-assertion as noted by Lee Lehman, and says that it has the assertiveness of Mars, the expansiveness of Jupiter, and the status-seeking of Saturn. There is some question of 'lower nobility' wishing to become 'higher nobility' as well - plus, Hidalgo is a rebel with a cause.

Moon 1Sag49 to 1:53 may reflect recent mentions of the Iraq and Aghanistan wars...'1Sag': "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" but here we see '2Sag': "White-Capped Waves Display the Value of Wind Over Sea." Now this Symbol seems to me to be full of a 'Venus-Neptune in Washington' flavor yet the ocean reference reminds me of the collective unconscious and the masses, whether washed or unwashed. Veus-Neptune can indicate wooliness or deception with money and values issues; ex: buying the worthless in order to give it more value.

You see, of course, the forming opposition of traditional, restrictive Saturn with progressive, freedom-loving Uranus across the money/resources axis (2/8.)

And this brings me to a mention of the final stages of 1997's Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, the cycle in which we're experiencing this speculator-engineered market meltdown with its New World Order stink.

The Great Conjunction of these two planets whose combined energies result in 'visionaries, dreamers, mystics, hypocrites, and fortune-hunters; (Ebertin) last occurred on Jan 9, 1997 at 27Cap09 - conj US natal Pluto.

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: far-reaching speculations; unreasonable plans; self-projection out-of-hand; major adjustment of life circumstances (Tyl.)

But there's another midpoint picture found in the Jupiter/Neptune Conj chart - one that is most descriptive of what we're experiencing in this, the final throes of their current cycle before 2009's three conjunctions (May 27 26AQ29; July 10 26AQ02; Dec 21 24Aq18 - all of which play with America's natal Moon, the people).

Saturn/Pluto = Uranus 3AQ44: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses; an ability to make sudden decisions in the most difficult situations; acts of violence.

You may notice that Uranus is conj 2009's Inaugural Jupiter which links the 1997 Jup/Nep cycle with Jan 20, 2009's Inauguration in an expansive Jupiterian way...

Sat/Pluto = Jupiter: religious and social fanaticism; simplicity; self-sacrifice; difficulties caused through illness; trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left.

And in 2008's bailout bill chart/s the Moon is involved in a midpoint picture as well with the controlling Saturn/NN combo which has a 'shocking event' and 'alms-house' influence (Ebertin)...

Saturn/NN = Moon: feeling alone in life; a widow or an orphan; appealing to senior persons; qualifying for responsibility.

Plus, 1997's Jup/Nep Conj occurred about 7 hours after a New Moon 18Cap57 (Jan 8, 1997), which is the rising degree in the 2:52 pm bailout bill signing chart as you see above and leading to 20Cap by 3:00 pm. '20Can/Cap' are critical or crisis degrees.

Crisis is the word of the day replacing change as Washington's political mantra.

But somehow 'crisis you can believe in' doesn't convince me that the financial meltdown wasn't planned years ago for springing upon us now - just in time for the next cycle of Jupiter and Neptune...

Jup/Nep = US natal Moon: going with the wind; desire to dream; little sense of reality; becoming involved in speculation.

On behalf of the too-trusting American people, and considering this crowd of speculators and large-scale organisers in Washington, NY, and the fortresses of Europe, I don't think we've been given any choice but to become 'involved' with fortune-hunters, bandits, thieves, and plutocrats.

Astrology Mundo has more details on the bill signing including its Mercury Rx which indicates a review, refurbishing, and/or re-signing of this document which may at some point be renounced before it does us too much harm or some amount of good.

Be sure to read Monica's excellent post here.

Sep 20, 2008

Pat Buchanan on the financial crisis

As he blames the credit habits of the baby boomer generation for the current economic crisis, Pat Buchanan names names on Capitol Hill, in the White House, and complains of the speculators of Wall Street and the Fed.

You know, the credit card was invented in the 1950s, when most of us boomers were tykes if we were yet born. While the fluffy credit economy was hyped and sold as we gahh-gahhed in front of our television sets (also invented by a previous generation), we grew up to comply with credit card living as our way of life after much media-based mind control had been used against our better natures.

In fact, those who shied away from using credit cards and ratings were given little leeway for establishing themselves, as I remember. Years ago my young family was denied gas service because we didn't have a credit rating - we owed no one, and that was considered a no-no!

We didn't condone it, we simply suffered from it and learned to play the game Mr. Buchanan now blames us for.

That the piper has to be paid eventually has been a well-worn mantra on the web for years, and it's good to see that the pre-baby-boomer Mr. Buchanan has caught on.

Not all us have ascribed to George Bush's "go shopping" mindlessness. Nor have we condoned much else that Washington DC has palmed off on the American people during the last decades of graft and greed.

I never voted for Mr. Buchanan, didn't vote for Reagan or for George H.W. Bush. To me, his son, (Bush43, for whom I also did not vote) is little more than a Rovian dirty trick sneaked into the backdoor of the White House, and my opinion of him has only lowered since 1999. That it could sink lower is an impossibility.

Gelding of America?

Still, I do find the above-linked article to be of some value or I wouldn't bother with its link here.

And perhaps it's too bad that Pat Buchanan didn't make his economic brilliance more well-known before the stallion$ left the horse trader's barn.

That Buchanan could single-handedly stop the worldwide economic meltdown, the precursor to a one-world-government, is another impossibility; that he is unaware of what's been going on behind closed doors for decades is completely impossible to believe.

Sep 6, 2008

Woodward's book and American state terrorism

Turning Away From American State Terrorism

By: Peter Chamberlin

In Pakistan we find the complete history of the American "war on terrorism,"from its Cold War origins nearly thirty years ago to its present incarnation in the illegal American aggression in Pakistan's Frontier region (FATA, Federally Administered Tribal Areas) and in American attempts to reignite the Cold War with Russia.

Read more here...


US Spied on Iraqi Leaders, Book Says; Woodward Also Reveals That Political Fears Kept War Strategy Review'Under the Radar'

By Steve Luxenberg

During the interviews with Woodward, the president spoke of the war as part of a recentering of American power in the Middle East. "And it should be, "Bush said. "And the reason it should be: It is the place from which a deadly attack emanated. And it is the place where further deadly attacks could emanate."

Read more here... #


NPR at noon Sept 6: slain leader Benazir Bhutto's husband has easily won the vote as Pakistan's president.

Sep 5, 2008

Carol Shepp McCain: left behind

Last night's acceptance speech by John McCain touted Republican respect for family values yet McCain never mentioned the wife he callously left behind, Carol Shepp McCain.

How could he? It would mar the RNC's morality narrative.

Here's my astro-analysis on the Shepp-McCain's Wedding Day Astrology of 1965.

You'll also discover articles on the weddings/marriages of John and CINDY McCain, Barack and Michelle Obama, George and Laura Bush, Jenna and Henry Hagger, and John and Elizabeth Edwards.

Guess the Palins will be next! And can the Bidens be far behind?