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Showing posts with label Obama administration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama administration. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2009

Tell me again: why is Pres Obama looking racist?

Here's an article from Stars Over Washington's Looks As If It's True Department:

Obama sides with banks accused of racism which is difficult to believe and even harder to stand for.

He's begun to sound too much like Bush3 for me.

The subprime mortgage case involves several of those Pluto-Chiron isms and I don't think a cute little black'n'white puppy should take precedence over this legal case in the media no matter *who gifted the Portugese water dog to the young Obama daughters (sweet as they are.)

Actually I think it's not about racism for Mr. Obama per se, it's about protecting the financially powerful elite who helped put him in office for such a purpose as this. Perhaps Pres. Obama is more of a monarchist than a racist, hmm?

Well? Have you any thoughts on the matter?


*The new puppy now leaving bundles of joy in the White House is a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy.

Mar 19, 2009

Obama Stimulus Bill ok'd AIG bonuses

Thanks to Jax, a reader at Jude's Threshold, I have a link for you to a Fox News video and article concerning the fact that Obama'a Stimulus Bill explicitly grants AIG bonuses as inserted by Sen. Chris Dodd.

Be sure to scroll down for the mocked-up active pic of the primary recipients of AIG campaign donations riding in what favors a dune buggy, sodas in'd be hilarious if the circumstances weren't so undermining for America.

You know the Inauguration 2009 chart wasn't so marvelous with its Mercury Rx under the Sun's rays, that Venus in Aries is Rx, money is being requested to be returned (Rx = re-this and re-that) and Venus, one of the money planets, was in confusing Pisces on Inauguration Day...near quirky, willful Uranus.

The Venus-Uranus pair often indicates being erratic, extravagant, or wasteful with money.

And with May 27 being the first of 2009's three conjunctions of Jupiter (large amounts of money) with inflationary, veiling Neptune, planet of excess liquidity, the entire year will be about speculations and large promises not so easily kept.

Once again, here's the midpoint picture of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which lands all three times on US natal Moon (we-the-people in our national chart):

Jup-Nep = Moon: going with the wind; dreaminess; little sense of reality; losing oneself in plans; becoming involved in speculation, instability, wastefulness.

And so far, 2009 is panning out exactly as the above midpoint pic describes, don't you think?

Mar 1, 2009

Pres Obama's Weekly Address video 2.28.09

You've seen Pres. Obama's Weekly Address everywhere else so you may as well see it here, too.

Video: Saturday, February 29, 2009, when the spirit of "Bring It On" was apparently left to haunt a teleprompter from one of Bush's gigs.


btw: Secret Moon Art has been spruced up with Blogger's fresher Layout, so you're cordially invited to mosey by and sit a spell if you find yourself with a moment's Art Break. And there's more sprucing on the way!

Plus, you'll discover that Art Downloads are available at Jude's Storefront at Lulu whenever you're in the mood.

Feb 12, 2009

NWO musings and the Obama Administration

Today I've been re-reading Leuren Moret's article Planet Earth as Weapon and Target in light of events since the ending of the Bush-Cheney years and the ongoing question: is the presidency of Barack Obama truly an improvement, or more of same?

If you've never read Ms. Moret's article and are interested in the historical roots of the New World Order movement, have a seat before you begin.

It's quite long and covers many subjects including but not limited to:

Reagan's 'Star Wars' boondoggle, the vast fortunes of old US and British families made by way of opium smuggling, the origin of the secret society we call 'Skull and Bones' (which has had many US secretaries of war, presidents, and other US politicians and business leaders as members and which institutionalizes 'elite deviancy'), Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati Society and its roots in early America, George Washington's awareness of the Illuminati in America along with Jacobinism, Hegelian philosophy imported from Germany by William Russell (founder of Yale's Skull and Bones 1832 along with Alphonso Taft), the bogusness of the "War on Terror" and much more.

Weather Modification including Hurricane Katrina (near the end of the article) and the quote from the WSJ article after Katrina, where Rep. Richard Baker stated, "We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans...", exotic weapons in space, GWEN towers, etc.

As Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in 'Between Two Ages' (1971):

"Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillation that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of a very large population in selected regions over an extended period."

One has to wonder about this week's apparent 'satellite collision' in space! Keep it in mind if you read the section on the militarizing of space and surveillance satellites, what they are capable of, and the dangers posed.

Some info on AVIARY is given - it's a group of DoD officers and scientists with a mandate to discredit serious research into UFOs (no, I'm not a UFO-er personally but there's much squirreliness going on including reports of mysterious fireballs); then there's Eschelon, which is the NSA's satellite surveillance system.

You may be interested in the details concerning the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system of 1995, too. Seems the guilty group was part of the Aum Shinrikyo Sect of scientists from Japan who were apparently fighting against the NWO!

This sect purchased a 500,000 acre sheep farm in Australia on April 23, 1993 on which to perform experiments. When they sold the farm and left suddenly in Oct 1994, traces of Sarin were found.

Ms. Moret's research indicates that, "The interests behind the Bush administration, such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR - Joe Biden, etc), the Trilateral Commission (Brzezinski and David Rockefeller, and their buds), and the Bilderberg Group (Bush Sr, etc) have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within five years. They are not fighting terrorists. They are fighting citizens."

Have we not seen this dynamic in the current economic 'crisis' and the ongoing class warfare which some folk deny exists? (How can they not feel it? How can they be unaware that America has no "two-party" political system? Billions of US taxpayer monies went to rich bankers in 2008 - with no strings attached and no oversight!! Hello?)

We have massive job lay-offs, secret oath-protected meetings on Capitol Hill, corporate welfare on the rise, then-candidate Obama surreptitiously meeting with the Bilderbergers June 2008 in Chantilly VA, systems and infrastructure dissolving (perhaps by electromagnetic transmissions to speed them on toward collapse!), and with more heinousness to come.

Yes, the power elite have theirs, my friend. We do not. No secret state-of-the-art bunkers for you and me!

So I am sorry to report to you that Leuren Moret's article was published in Winter 2005 which makes 2010 the target year, and the Obama administration (sad to say) either the implementer - or merely the bridge - to a Biden-CFR presidency on behalf of the New World Order.

(If anything untoward happens to Barack Obama, will you remember reading this post? Probably not, for our American society would spiral into yet another morass of media speculations and false assumptions as cover for the truth.)

Now if you've read any of my grousings before, you know I tend to post a good bit on Eclipses using Brady's Predictive Astrology for keywords to the meanings of each Series.

So I have already noted here and on Jude's Threshold (my 'tapestry blog of Art, Astrology, Poems, and Politics' - see Pages list in sidebar) details concerning the next Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009 in the 11 South Series. And at the risk of boring the 5 readers of this blog, here are the details of the 11S quoting from the excellent Bernadette Brady:

the need to make sudden reforms; old ideas and methods fail and new systems are required to deal with the events brought by the eclipse; as a consequence the person will need to think of new ways of handling the issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.

This certainly puts things in line for 2010 since the second half of 2009 is implicated and connects current events with the last manifestation of this Eclipse Series: July 11, 1991, when Bush Sr as president was calling publicly for a 'New World Economic Order.' He's in process of achieving it now.

And here's the pope (John Paul II) from the Vatican's "World Day of Peace" on Jan 1, 2004, calling for a 'new international order' which brings in the role of the United Nations, an entity which some people believe will be used to implement world control - the morphing of the world from the 'old order' put into place a la FDR after WWII into implementation of their fondest dream, now almost realized under our inattentive noses.

So will the upcoming transit of realistic Saturn to America's idealistic Neptune 22Vir25 be part of the picture? Well, this is the 'cold water of grim reality' transit and is exact on or about August 28, 2009. It's actually been in orb of late, off and on, and may relate to job loss with Virgo being the sign of the worker and thus to the manufactured 'econo-crisis.'

Plus, the Saturn-to-Neptune transit may, I fret, be part of the above-mentioned Eclipse scenario. But it gets worse, m'peops.

Because the next Solar Eclipse (12N) of Jan 15, 2010 (at 25Cap which conjuncts US natal Pluto and all Inaugural MCs of Jan 20 noon est, DC) has this rather suspicious flavor in view of the last eclipse and what's going on in society 2009-2010:

opportunities to accept greater responsibilities can come suddenly; new commitments will most likely come as a result of another individual being unable to carry on; events which herald these opportunities may be difficult, but the outcomes in terms of harmony or self-esteem are good. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

One assumes the 'harmony' may result from population and/or mind control (see Leuren's article!) and that the 'self-esteem' is for the one who takes over the reins of power as the New World Order marches on.

Well, I apologize for posting on such weighty matters - the 200th birthday of Lincoln and last evening's Ford Theater celebration brought it on as I thought of Lincoln's nickname during his presidency...Abraham the Tyrant. And I promised in the post below to add notes on the Fist of God planetary pattern in his 1865 Inauguration chart, but it can wait being long past.

Plus, perhaps it suffices to say that the difficult pattern relates to Lincoln's assassination by someone who was, perhaps in different terms of that time, fighting against the NWO!

So the post you have here is sufficient for the day, I think, with its mention of so many of the dire issues affecting mankind and the selfish social tinkerers of chaos who bedevil the world.

And in spite of this post - believe it or not - I wish all men and women peace, love, understanding, and, above all, hope for a better tomorrow.

I love, therefore I grouse!


For further reading on the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, the IMF, the World Bank, and collapsing of the US dollar and such The August Review is highly recommended.

Feb 5, 2009

Obama appointees: spotless in Washington?

The Obama adminstration has come upon what may turn out to be another snag with the appointment of Republican Judd Gregg and his staffer's connection to disgraced lobbyist and criminal kingpin Jack Abramoff who has been, it is said, singing like a bird while in prison.

For Obama, Washington malfeasance is making the search for an honest (enough) man in our nation's capital a hard climb up an insurmountable mountain of mountebanks.


Jan 30, 2009

Obama's choice Daschle didn't render to Caesar

Is Capitol Hill full of tax evaders, or what? Seems the list gets longer and longer these days, but I guess they have so much wealth they can hardly keep up with it all for Uncle Sam's sake, and the people they pay to do so are apparently quite incompetent.

You see, President Obama's choice for secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Daschle, has surfaced as yet another tax culprit for not paying $100,000 in taxes concerning his groovy use of a Cadillac and driver when Daschle was still a high-rolling member of Congress.

Oops, that's hilarious! ;p

Because about a dozen years ago, my tax preparer made an arithmetic error by exactly $100 and it was No Time At All before the IRS sent me a letter pointing out the error and demanding their 100 bucks pronto.

They strained at 100 but apparently missed 100,000 - of a US 'lawmaker' who should know the rules! Ain't Washington amusing sometimes? This little gnat might still be in jail if I had let the interest mount for years, you betcha, and needless to say, I complied forthwith. Render unto Caesar and all that.

The Caesars of Washington should try following their own laws, and ignorance is no excuse.

Still, it's a worrisome negative for the new administration if Daschle's appointment stalls completely - and his tax-paying lapse (which was paid during Obama's vetting process) isn't Daschle's only problem.

Yet if the powers-that-be-in-charge want him in Obama's cabinet, they'll find a way round these trifles, and the Senate Finance Committee is planning to hold a closed-door meeting on Monday afternoon to figure out how.

You can bet your arithmetic-challenged tax preparer on that.


Astrology Note: I bet Team Obama will be mighty glad when Inaugural Mercury Rx goes Direct and moves beyond its shadow degree so glitches will lessen!

Jan 14, 2009

Handcuffing Obama

Obama's Pro-Israel Congressional Welcome

By Rami G. Khouri

If the Israeli attack on Gaza that started 18 days ago was designed partly to send a message to the incoming Barack Obama, the United States Congress in the past week seems to have joined the battle to handcuff the new president and lay down the law for him, even before he takes office.


The above view is one way to look at Israel's rush to crush Gaza while Bush is still in office. Personally, I see a seamless transition from one president to another, aka baton-passing.

Jan 8, 2009

Horoscope of Obama econo speech 1.8.09

At George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Barack Obama gave a speech today on the US economy and what his administration plans to do about it.

Calling for Congress to get busy - day, night, weekends - and work with him, the president-elect gave what George Stephanopoulos of ABC News called essentially "a SOTU address."

Here you see the charts for his speech's beginning and end, and I wish I had time to spare to blurb about it now.

You see the Moon in Gemini leaving 3rd house of Communications and entering 2nd house of Earning Ability. He started speaking at a Mercury Hour - appropriate for speeches - and ended at a Moon Hour which is appropriate for change, publicity, and public needs.

Tomorrow, Jan 9, will be Barack Obama's Jupiter Return so you see Jupiter 00AQ42. Moneybags Jupiter left 11th house of Groups/Associations/Hopes/Wishes and entered the more viisble 10th house of Public Standing/Career.

There are several midpoint pictures formed, but no patterns (T-squares, Grand Trines, etc.) You'll see a few other notations if you click the charts to enlarge.

Other than that, I'll have to return later to add a few notes including the midpoint pictures, if anyone is interested...for now, gotta motor!

UPDATE 6:00 pm: Mars as chart-ruler is out-of-bounds and working on his own for ill or good, and makes no applying aspects in either chart which puts strong emphasis on his mavericky OOBs status and his house and sign position.

Mars really is working in a pure Capricorn-10th house mode, and 10th house is Cap's natural house. This points directly to Mars' exaltation in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) and thus indicating the most efficient and focused use of Mars energy and drive in the zodiacal pantheon.

Here are the midpoint pictures from today's speech beginning with its start at 11:14 am est with harmonious Moon-Jupiter rising. I'll place an asterisk by the pictures that are in effect at his speech's start and end...

Moon-Jup = ASC: confident; being happy and well-accepted; an expansive nature;

*Sun-Pluto = Mars: carving new perspectives; enormous drive; strenuous self-application; the desire to perform record achievements; ruthlessness; working to the point of physical breakdown (ex: he called on Congress to work with him - days, nights, weekends to write/pass his economic stimulus bill - and I say that if it was so friggin' necessary to work like that for Wall Street, then it's Main Street's turn);

*Mercury-Pluto = Sun a persuasive speaker; a keen observer; desire for recognition; championing an idea or attitude that prevails; communication skill;

*Venus-Mars = Mercury: an actor; thinking of progeny;

*Venus-NN = Neptune: making promises that are hard to keep; disappointment or falsehood in relationship;

*Mars-Neptune = Jupiter (BHO's natal Jupiter, too): inspiration; a fortunate turn or break after disappointments; disappointments under otherwise fortunate circumstances; enjoying the cloud's silver lining; a break in the nick of time;

Mars-ASC = Neptune: magnetism and charisma; disharmony in the work environment; a lack of energy; diminishing creative power;

*Uranus-Neptune = Venus: high sensitivity; a fantasy life;

At 11:31 am est, additional pictures had formed:

Nep-ASC = Uranus: sudden troubles through others; succumbing easily to the influence of others; being harmed, hindered, or defamed by others; hoping for luck; some day one's ship comes in;

Nep-Mc = Jupiter: the inclination to put all of one's eggs in one basket; speculation; gambling; dreaming, hoping, feeling sure somehow that all will be well;

Pluto-Asc = Neptune: the misfortune to suffer from the actions of bad, malicious, deceitful people in one's environment; experiencing a most awkward situation; fight against rumor; vision to fulfill; embarassment to transcend; something paranormal influences situations.

And here's a doozy that became exact as he spoke...

Mars-Pluto = Mc: confidence; ambition; dealing with might on either side of any issue; major job maneuver; unusual capabilities for life advancement; ambition; facing overwhelming force without power (or without money? George, Hank, and Dick got it all.)

Well, there they are. And as usual with midpoint pictures they act in an any, all, or none way and are more likely to be active when triggered by transits, progressions, and lunations. The speech chart/s will always be 'triggerable' as time goes by and as planets from their chart positions here, and in future, meet or aspect the other planets/points in the chart/s.

The most obvious example is that the Sun 18Cap32 will conjunct today's Jupiter degree (and BHO's natal Jupiter) on Jan 20, 2009, noon, Capitol Building, Washington, DC!

Yet we can say that the third planet in each equation is a trigger, so they are provided here in a general environmental sense, yet as noted, wherever we see Jupiter, we see a trigger: the natal Jupiter of president-elect Barack Obama.
Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin.

Dec 16, 2008

Strobe Talbott interview on Obama administration

Der Speigel has published an interesting interview with Strobe Talbott concerning a cautious Obama administration and its 'global citizen' intentions.

You know the 'cautious globalist' description falls snuggly between Barack Obama's Saturn, happily placed in traditional, cautious Capricorn, sign of politics, law, and business, and Saturn's out-of-sign conjunction with Jupiter, placed within the first degree of the sign of the progressive citizen of the world, Aquarius.

I believe Obama's out-of-sign conjunction of the two societal planets, Saturn and Jupiter, works well for him because Cap and AQ share rulers unlike any other side-by-side signs.

Saturn rules Cap and is the 'ancient' ruler of Aquarius. Some astrologers (present company included) use Saturn as ruler of AQ with Uranus, discovered in 1781, as co-ruler or higher octave...influential, but too far away and unpredictable to be 'ruler' of any sign.

Having an emphasis on Cap-Saturn energy in my natal chart, I guess that's just the way I roll - it's traditional rulers for this Saturnian astrologer who 'sees' heredity, DNA, and family myths rather than 'past lives' in Astrology charts.

But don't leave out the mystical realm!

Dec 11, 2008

Rahm Emanuel former investment banker

Now this could be an interesting article...not that men and women in power reach the heights without mega-millions...

How Rahm Emanuel Made Mega-Millions and Bought His Way to Power

By Ben Protess

New details emerge of Emanuel's days as an investment banker.

Dec 4, 2008

The Daily Show: Will MSNBC become Fox News? video link

The Daily Show is asking the pertinent question: will MSNBC be the network to take over the role of Fox News and do the honors for the Obama administration?

Here's a video link to Jon Stewart's report on this pressing issue.

Nov 30, 2008

Obama announces appts under Venus-Moon-Jupiter

Barack Obama's cabinet appointments are to be announced tomorrow, Monday, Dec 1, 10:40 am ET, by his nibs himself (I've long called George that, but now the title switches over to Obama.)

With Bill Clinton in a 'your wish in my command' mode toward the Obama White House in order to assure that his wife, Hillary, will be appointed Secretary of State, the president-elect's announcements should begin the week of Dec 1, 2008 with something of a bang...with the previously mentioned triple conjunction of Venus, Moon, and Jupiter - precise at 10:43 am ET Monday - occurring during the president-elect's announcement of additions to his cabinet.

With the ambitious Capricorn Moon joining Venus and Jupiter, Luna may be the significator of Hillary Clinton especially since Capricorn is also the sign of government (and business - we're fixin' to get the business from the Dem side now. Scripts are in process of being written...)

Still, the beauty of Venus-Moon-Jupiter together should bring happy feelings to the day, if not the entire week ahead, at least for those who are not dealing with over-riding, distressing issues.

Is there a possible downside to this celestial menage-a-trois? Of course! Mary Poppins is only a children's story, you know, and Pollyanna moved away years ago.

The Capricorn Moon is at sliver stage which is a symbol of the Middle East. Perhaps an announcement of import will come from that quarter, or a meeting will take place (triple conjunction.) One thinks hopefully of Indian and Pakistani cooperation.

So with Obama's scheduled announcement tomorrow, it makes ya wonder if there's an astrologer on staff or if fortune smiles upon his new administration without even a tweak of celestial advice!


Monday Dec 1: ABC News interrupted my regularly scheduled program for BHO's new cabinet announcements at 10:41 am ET by my watch. Barack Obama began speaking at 10:43 am!