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Showing posts with label Wall Street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wall Street. Show all posts

Sep 15, 2008

Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 still ripples

Considering the strife on Wall Street today, I was wondering if you'd ever read this post on the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981?

(Chart included.)

You know, it would be amusing if it weren't so tragic: McCain likes to think of himself as Ronald Reagan! When he's not riding horsies with Teddy Roosevelt, that is.

Jun 19, 2008

I'll take Flip-Flop for the win, Alex

If you love the game of Politics at all--and I know ya do--you gotta love John McCain's recent opportunistic shift of position on offshore drilling.

As he and his possible VP mates flip flop on what has been for years a no-no for candidates of both parties, it's in the news bwo Senator Obama's clear-eyed assessment that offshore drilling begun now won't decrease Americans' pain at the gas pump. This is, of course, so obviously true that it makes you wonder what the flip floppers hope to gain by this new stance.

Even if we disregard continued protection of vacationers' lovely oceanic paradises and proceed to drill away, it will be after the year 2030 before the oil tanker comes in.

That prices are being manipulated seems a given to this reluctant astrologer, but perhaps you disagree. But why would energy mavens and wheeler dealers want gas prices to go down anyway? They wouldn't. So that makes the practice of Politics during a presidential campaign the rat in the woodpile, doesn't it?

To seem to care, and to be 'doing something' is considered a safe way to win an election without actually having to do what would actually improve a situation...a political win-win.

So will this issue sway you in November, dear voter? Will you let Rs say that Ds have blocked new drilling making our gas pump pain all the Ds' fault? Puh. Ds are enablers, it's true, but 99% of them are obfuscating as usual.

(I always except 1% of Washington politicians in case there's an honest man or woman running about Capitol Hill. I do try to be fair but 1% is all I've got for this gaggle of pocket-liners.)

My intuition these last few weeks has been that prices are rising in part so that Republicans can push the offshore and Anwar drilling issues again, even though they've not used all the millions of acres adjacent to Anwar to date and have given no hint of drilling/speculating on what they already have access to.

That they want drilling rights and new lands is obvious.

But giving the American consumer relief at the gas pump may be the last thing on their greedy minds. And manipulating elections is always first.

~~NPR reported early today that two Bear Stearns execs were arrested this morning and will be arraigned this afternoon. We'll see if this political performance--seeming to be 'doing something'--will amount to a housecleaning within Wall Street's den of thieves.

Mar 24, 2008

JP Morgan's natal chart being triggered

With entity JP Morgan Chase in the news now with its role in purchasing part of Bear Stearns, you'd have to be completely incurious not to wonder what planets might be currently triggering old JP's natal chart, so I took a peek:

Go to my WordPress Page: JP Morgan + March 24, 2008 transits where you'll see Morgan's natal chart with its YOD pattern between Moon, Saturn, and Pluto; plus, more details on the top financier of his day (April 17, 1837--March 31, 1913.)

And appropriately, even old King Midas has joined the throng!

Mar 17, 2008

Portrait of a President doin' how he does

Look, it's upside-down-book-readin' Bush and here's my latest Bush grouse: How the Bush Administration Helped Engineer the Current Market Tumble which contains a link to Eliot Spitzer's Feb 14 WaPo editorial--the one which helped to get him canned.

Mar 15, 2008

Bank Bail-out suspicious as suspected

Now I thought the timing of the Spitzer revelations and Bernanke's bank bail-out using taxpayer money were suspiciously linked, I just didn't know how...

Eliot's Mess --The $200 billion bail-out for predator banks and Spitzer charges are intimately linked By Greg Palast 14 Mar 2008:

While New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was paying an ‘escort’ $4,300in a hotel room in Washington, just down the road, George Bush’s new Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Ben Bernanke, was secretly handing over $200 billion in a tryst with mortgage bank industry speculators. Both acts were wanton, wicked and lewd. But there’s a BIG difference. The Governor was using his own checkbook. Bush’s man Bernanke was using ours.

This week, Bernanke’s Fed, for the first time in its history, loaned a selected coterie of banks one-fifth of a trillion dollars to guarantee these banks’ mortgage-backed junk bonds. The deluge of public loot was an eye-popping windfall to the very banking predators who have brought two million families to the brink of foreclosure.

Information Clearing House has the article.

Feb 27, 2008

'Reaganomics' has its own Solar Eclipse

Whew! It took longer than expected--and I do plead guilty to composing at keyboard (with Jupiter oriental I prefer spontaneity in work scenarios) but my Reaganomics Eclipse Page is up now at Jude's Threshold if you'd care to peek.

Yes, it's a bit of a walk down memory lane from the 1980s--except that its sorriness is still causing trouble in 2008.

The article is one of the "to be cont'd" kind, which is why I published it on WordPress as a Page.

Enjoy the 'voodoo'!

Feb 17, 2008

Obama an agent of change--or baton passing?

Okay, the uplifting rhetoric is all very inspiring, and Clinton's critiques are doing their herding job and all, but here's an article by Bruce Marshall laying out the kind of crud I've been dreading yet didn't know how to put into words.

Marshall has done so concerning vetted-by-Wall-Street-Obama as part of the agenda's process with the Sheeple once again playing the dupes, and "the elite" in on the joke(my italics = my own two cents. Got change?)

Barak Obama Fronts Wall Street's Infrastructure

Swindle - What Change Really Means

By Bruce Marshall

Since 9/11 America has certainly turned into a top-down police state, but true post-modern fascism requires a popular movement to usher it into power. Bush has created a dictatorship out of the Presidency, now the next step towards fascism is being marketed to exploit the desire for change.

Information Clearing House has the article.#

Did you honestly think anything would be changed about the Iraq Occupation after November 2006?

Change of direction for political thespians--whether Illuminati-inspired, Mason-enobled, or other__?__--only means a change of script baa-a-a-a...

...matinee tickets still available, Germany's 1930s model to be mimicked and "improved upon."

As my forward-looking Kalorama Road friends and I sitting round DC parlors in the 70s used to pontificate: it can happen here. Look around...can is NOW.

Please, America, pour your bottle of Ambien down the drain and snap to attention, for the real foe is not what they tell us--it is them.

Jan 16, 2008

Feeling the pinch: Jupiter to US chart

Economic slowdowns involve much more astrologically speaking than Jupiter's influence.

Although he prefers to bring us money, largesse, and abundance, jolly Jupiter can be something of a parsimonious culprit when making oppositions to natal planets.

Such is 2008 for America's natal chart with her Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer, one of the 'business' signs, and sign of the Home.

Beginning New Years' Day, and looking at the USA's Sibly chart (July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT) we see Jupiter opposing natal Venus (money; values; relationships), natal Jupiter, and natal Sun (which is also George Bush's natal Sun, as you know.)

This ranges from 3 Cancer to 14 Cancer and illustrates a difficulty in having a triple conjunction--it extends transits to longer periods of time than if there were only one natal planet involved.

Plus, aspect patterns such as USA's Sun/Saturn square are set off simultaneously which adds complexity to the situation, but time is short this morning so I'll only give the Jupiter oppositions as a basic background of 2008.

Jupiter oppo Venus: the usual pleasures may fall flat; business and pleasure don't mix; promoted events don't live up to the hype; partnerships and joint ventures may suffer from lack of money or enthusiam esp if they're already stressful; others don't cooperate as they should (Bush in Arabia?); promises are not kept; values, perspectives, sincerity, and sense of proportion are under suspicion.

Jupiter oppo Jupiter: discontent with wealth or achievement; no one is impressed; worthwhile things are done better by someone else; overblown efforts and discouraging comparisons; taking things for granted or pushing too hard should be avoided; sources of money dry up.

Jupiter oppo Sun: situations occur that deplete resources (the entire Bush residency actually); generosity benefits the wrong people (the already rich?); those who would like to help are stymied by powerlessness; grandiose ideas don't pan out; victories won may compromise integrity and principles; pride is wounded, ego is deflated; father is cast in an unfavorable light (in Bush's case, he should be.)

2008 has other transits to consider as well, but I can't go into them now...except for one--a generational transit that's been a long time coming. So if you feel yourself succumbing, just hang in there and know that this too shall pass...

Uranus oppo Neptune: one ideology is replaced by another; loss of ideals.

Now America would be nothing without ideals, and the 'replacement' may be a good thing if we can replace the warhawkery and war profiteering ideology of Dick Cheney's 1% gang that we've been suffering under.

A higher destiny for America? How about higher actions and honesty to go along with it?

It's up to The People to do this--obviously our lying politicians have other ideals and plans which we know are dark and dreary and bring more war, not less, privation for us, more resources for them.

And remember that there are those on Wall Street who use Astrology so they've seen 2008 coming all along. Take their nuggets of wisdom with a grain of you-know-what, and most of all, don't hold back your own generosity when you get a chance to spread it around!

Jan 20, 2006

1933 Calling: Hello?

This post is inspired by today's NYSE drop--the largest in 3 years, and the headline of Dec 27, 2005: "Stocks Stumble", and by the rickety Japanese markets of late: On May 23, 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank System, the Controller of the Currency, and the Secretary of the US Treasury, for numerous criminal acts, including, among others: Conspiracy, Fraud, Unlawful Conversion, and Treason. Noting that the Federal Reserve Banks are "private monopolies", he asserted that they were rich and predatory moneylenders who prey upon US citizens for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers, foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers. He called them, "financial pirates", and worse. Just prior to this filing of charges, FDR signed--at MIDNIGHT of his Inauguration Day, March 5, 1933--a proclamation to divorce US currency from the gold standard, thereby mooting an old debate in America, and seemingly helping the country. On April 5, 1933, FDR ordered the confiscation of gold coins, gold certificates, and gold bullion, Executive Order 6102. (You say there's gold in Fort Knox, do ya?) Officially, the US was taken off the gold standard, April 19, 1933. And on June 7, 1934, Congress passed the Corporate Bankruptcy Act allowing corporate reorganisation with the support of 2/3 of their creditors. Yuh. BTW--McFadden died in somewhat murky circumstances, and after other attempts had been made on his life. Last I heard, McFadden's case against the Fed is still pending. jc Jan 20 2006 8:40 pm est