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Showing posts with label world economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world economy. Show all posts

Nov 21, 2008

Politicians, Propaganda, and 'Network'

This YouTube video of a rant from the 1976 film Network may seem old as the hills to whippersnappers of today's world, but its script has been lurking in my unconscious for years. Maybe it's part of the reason why I avoid the ridiculously named 'reality' shows now and why George Orwell is my main George.

You know the Digital TV gorge we'll cross on February 17, 2009 (in the US - it's already been done elswhere unless I'm mistaken), will make mind control and propaganda even more worrisome to those of us who mind very much if others manipulate our minds, subliminally or otherwise.

Wikipedia has details, cast, and plot of Paddy Chayefky's Network and do check out Jim Kirwan's article (with above video included) on the film, some of which has been helpfully transcribed for you, plus Kirwan's remarks on the prescience of the 1976 film the dialogue for which Big Brother must have been musing on while plopped upon Paddy Chayefky's shoulder.

Well, any article that combines Orwell with The Rise of the House of Rothschild is okay by me, especially since there've been ten trillion dollars' worth of wealth lost, and even Barack Obama may be hoping his new-president scripts are as well written as Chayefky wrote Network.

Nov 20, 2008

Not a Normal Recession

This Is Not A Normal Recession: Moving on to Plan B

By Mike Whitney

The global economy is being sucked into a black hole and most Americans have no idea why. The whole problem can be narrowed down to two words: "structured finance."


Woo! "Black hole"..."structured" finance...if he keeps it up, Mr. Whitney will become an astrologer by default before he knows it!

Congress' closed door meeting 3.13.08

Mysterious and rare closed door session of the US Congress; March 13, 2008; Capitol Building, Washington, DC; chart set for 7:30 pm est, time that a sweep for wires and electronic devices of the members began for the evening meeting.

This is the closed door session which you've heard about when C-Span went dark so that a presentation could be given to Congress ostensibly concerning the surveillance bill, but which has also been leaked to have concerned the US economic meltdown set to occur "by September 2008," prepared, secret safe locations for members of Congress and their families when members' heads are demanded by an uprising of the betrayed populace, martial law in the streets, and other such New World Order issues.

As you see marked in red there is a Mystic Rectangle (practical mysticism ) formed with the planets Mars 3Can19, Saturn 3Vir42 Rx (karmic with the same degrees - esp since Saturn is a karmic planet), Pluto 1Cap03 (conj asteroid, Morya), Mercury 28AQ44 (conj US n Moon, the populace), and Venus 1Pis19.

North Node 27AQ28 is also conj US n Moon which negatively has an estrangement from the community flavor (Ebertin.)

A Case of Presto Change-o?

The Mystic Rectangle pattern overhead hints that some incantations and/or rituals may have been involved in this meeting. My guess is that The Brethren were in attendance, with Illumination all around. There was perhaps a prayer uttered, but what entity were they praying to?

Now you notice that Pluto and Venus, who as a pair may represent bankruptcy, are in karmic degrees as well (both 1 degree - of Cap/Pis) and are sextile one another.

Any sextile becomes a YOD pattern (Finger of God...karmic, fated; special task; crisis) when another planet inconjuncts the sextiled planets, so if we imagine the apex point of a YOD with the Venus/Pluto sextile as its base, we get 1Leo+ - and instantly I think of Barack Obama's natal Mercury. Was this secret meeting also to inform whom the secret hand had chosen to be America's next president? Was President-elect Obama in attendance?

Pluto is conj 9/11's Mars, the meeting's Mars is conj 9/11's North Node (NN = meetings, encounters, associations); 9/11's Moon 28Gem05 is also at a bankruptcy degree; 28 and 29 Taurus are considered so as well, and you'll see this marked outside the 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, the Occult, etc...because it is the meeting's Cupido degree.

Cupido has many associations, among them: The Family (personal but also crime syndicates, secret societies) and corporations.

Meanwhile, warring activist Mars 3Can19 is conjunct US natal Venu$.

Mars to Venus is a time when alliances, partnerships, joint ventures, and legal matters are on the menu; willingness to cooperate and participate is enhanced, and interactions are enthusiastic.

Occurring during a Saturn Hour (control; authority) we see that America's natal Saturn 14Lib48, and Neptune 22Vir25 are snugged around the Ascendant with its implications of secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) on the rise - and/or up for discussion since this was a meeting.

And Saturn-Neptune = ASC has a feeling of being confined; and a sense of being out of the group. That's what happened that evening to Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich (and others, I assume) who refused to take part because he said that you give up your conscience if you participate in these rare secret sessions, as he had done early in his career.

I'd say the majority who did succumb to this gaggle checked more than their Blackberries at the door - they checked any conscience they had left. Without the transparency of open sessions in Congress, democracy is left out in the cold. And this is what our "representatives" did while being threatened with their own safety issues because of our predicted reactions to the economic meltdown.

So far, we've been too meek to do anything, but I agree with those who say, don't give them what they want: armed rebellion. They're ready for that, plus, detention centers ('REX84') are prepared for 'insurgents' and are now sprinkled across America. So we must be crazy like foxes instead!

Moon 18Gem12 (the people) in 9th house is out-of-bounds (as is instigator Mars performing unusual feats) so I suspect the OOBS Moon refers to the secrecy of the meeting which left out the American people from knowledge of what "their Congress" was up to.

'18Gem' is the rare Venus Transit degree of June, 2004 which occurred during the G8 Summit on Sea Island, GA. This is the "Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd" degree, and in Astrology, a Venus Transit is a time when unusual associations are formed between those we would not expect.

There are two interesting midpoint pictures in this chart...

Sun/ASC = Pluto: the power play through personal persuasion (object of the meeting?); fated events (they want us to think that all this NWO stuff is fated.)

Moon/Pluto = Sun 23Pis49: special far-reaching plans; tight team effort in relationship; easily excitable people.

A Pisces Sun may indicate veiled leadership.

Outside the above chart in green you see America's natal planets from her 'Sibly' chart (5:10 pm LMT, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA.)

Asteroid Minerva (keywords: the desire to be accomplished ) is at the conjunction degree of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocracy pair that hooked up on Dec 30, 1999. Corporatism, fascism, totalitarianism, racism...all the isms love Pluto-Chiron and vice versa.

The secret meeting's Minerva may point to The Owl of Minerva, the journal of the Hegel Society. And you see marked the USA's natal ASC from the Sibly chart 12Sag13. Yes, we hear the eagle loudly crowing now.

In a forward-looking mode, the midpoint of Saturn-Neptune @28Sco18 conjoins the US Inaugural Moon of Jan 20, 2009.

This links the meeting's issues with the upcoming Presidential Inauguration and with we-the-people...will March 2008 surreptiously meet January 2009 in the Oval Office?

Perhaps secret manuscripts and scrolls are hidden but waiting to be read by the initiate come January! My research indicates that US presidents are 'sworn in' on the sly (usually before) being publicly sworn in for all to see.

The meeting's 8th cusp is an important point in the chart especially if you believe that this rare session had something to do with September 2008's financial charade of a 'Bailout Bill' so I've marked 1892's 2 North Solar Eclipse, the Eclipse Series of the Robber Barons, whose key phrase is: ending of a union (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The Sun-Moon midpoint on the evening of March 13, 2008 (6Tau00) is conj this Eclipse degree and the chart's 8th cusp. This area of the zodiac also coincides with Dick Cheney's natal Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, the societal planets.

So considering how things are going in the US (and the world) it's easy to see which union is being dissolved by these Robber Baron descendants, their backers, minions, and enablers. They're saving themselves at America's and our big surprise, si?

Plus, although I neglected to make note of it on the chart, guru and moneybags Jupiter is at the NWO degree of '18Cap' from 1993 (Uranus conj Neptune)...key phrase for the Sabian Symbol: POLITICAL POWER.

You can see transiting Nemesis (the unbeatable foe; karmic retribution) 27Cap46 conj US natal Pluto 27:33 in 4th house, the Foundation of the chart and the secret meeting. Pluto must have taken off his invisible helmet so he could rally the congressional troops onto the NWO train - or they would be left behind with the unwashed masses.

The upshot of all the innuendos, rumors, articles, books, blog posts, and intuitions about this secret meeting which the members in attendance were prohibited from divulging details about (House Rule 17 = 'sworn to secrecy') is that the new economic order is being put in place as I type and the North American Union will be the conduit for their consolidation of power and control.

('NAU' is America blended into Canada and Mexico, in case you haven't been keeping up! Snoop around Patrick Wood's The August Review for details.)

One World One Heart?

To this, Putin propagandistically says, nyet! At the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy on Feb 10, 2007, Putin remarked in a speech:

What is a uni-polar world? No matter how we beautify this term, it means one single center of power, one single center of force, and one single master.

Funny Vladi! Guess you've applied for the master's post. But I was unaware that 'the term' had been beautified in the least...from where I sit, it hasn't nor can it be.

Well, there is much more chart info to discuss here but I must do so later on...stay tuned, if you will, as the quindecile between Saturn and Uranus (now opposite, then in a compulsive-obsessive aspect of 165 degrees) continues its 'disruption of governing systems' to the detriment of America's sovereignty and the bankrupting of the populace's peace of mind and purse.

Nov 19, 2008

Saudi Arabia buys $3.5bn in gold

Here's a heads-up from Nov 13, 2008 saying that Saudi Arabia has purchased $3.5bn worth of gold in two weeks so I assume it means since the beginning of November... say...near the time of the election of Barack Obama?

Wonder what's up?

Nov 14, 2008

G20 Summit and the 2004 Venus Transit

There's a post of mine from June 2, 2007 with certain remarks on G8 Summits, especially including some notes on the June 2004 Summit held down the road from here on Sea Island, GA during 2004's rare Venus Transit.

In previous decades the beautiful Georgia Islands were one of the favored hang-outs of upper-crusters and Robber Barons, you know.

But if you should find yourself unfamiliar with Venus Transits, the post includes a few details on their astrological significance as well as its Sabian Symbol in 2004...

'18Gemini'..."Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd."

Marc Edmund Jones gives the positive expression of this degree as:

The effective mobilization of self and others for life's more specialized objectives.

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a thorough dissipation of self hood through alien relationships.

Now the reason I mention all this is because my intuition about the 2004 Summit was then (and remains) that some sneaky doings were planned while Venus and the Sun tangoed together.

And the current economic meltdown could very well be part of these plans along with mid-August 2004's *parallel of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocratic pair whose links to -isms are well known in the world of Astrology...including fascism, racism, and corporatism which seem more and more to loom four years on.

So polish your spectacles and grab your dissipated piggy bank, Polly, because Venus, Castor, and Pollux tonight may be a post meant for you!


*parallels operate as strong conjunctions and are used as timing devices...Chiron conjuncted Pluto on Dec 30, 1999 at '12Sag'..."A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows"..conj US natal Ascendant (Sibly.) Their parallel followed over two days - smack in the middle of August, 2004.

Nov 10, 2008

Bailout Bill full of Black Holes

Sometimes I wish I knew more about using Black Holes, Quasars, Pulsars, and other fascinating astronomical oddities in my Astrology work but where would I find the time? There are bells and whistles in my Solar Fire software now that I never use and doubt I ever will get around to it.

That's why when it comes to Oct 3, 2008's outrageous Bailout Bill, I turn to Alex Miller-Mignone at the excellent Daykeeper Journal for information about Black Holes and the red finances of the Bush administration.

Oct 29, 2008

Is the global economy sustainable?

Some good news and some bad news: it's the global tri-flow model that's collapsing, not investor confidence!

Oct 20, 2008

Starbucks and recession?

Where there are Starbucks locations in abundance, there may be recession, writes Daniel Gross at Slate Magazine, and there may be something to his theory.

The inflationary Jupiterian words, overreach and overexpansion, come to this reluctant astrologer's mind with Jupiterian excess now being squeezed dry by Saturnian restriction.

Oct 11, 2008

A good Financial Astrology resource

Thanks to my association with I have an astrology friend, Resti Santiago, who practices as a financial astrologer and authors a blog with a refreshing world view which may be of interest to you.

Based in the Philipines, Resti uses Financial Astrology to discuss economic topics such as gold, equity, oil, and the currency market.
Having just read his last several articles I may confidently recommend them to you.

On Oct 7 Resti wrote about the soaring demand for gold coins and how US and Canadian mints have run out. In fact, the US Mint has stopped their production and will not mint them through the rest of 2008. Resti provides useful links within each article for further reading.

Recent birthday boy (Sept 29), Austrian economist and anti-Keynesian, Ludwig Von Mises, is discussed as well along with Resti's valuable insights concerning America's Bailout scheme and its lack of 'bounce' with world markets.

(With transiting Jupiter still opposing US natal and Bush's natal Sun, as I've stated previously, no one is impressed with America's efforts for now.)

Von Mises is the one who informs us that, "Depression is the aftermath of credit expansion," which makes you wonder how Greenspan and Bernanke could have remained unaware of the fact. (Actually, lack of awareness of such common sense principles isn't their problem, imo.)

So if you've room for one more bee in your financial bonnet, please read Resti's analyses of WaMu's failure and Paulson's plan which is being affected by the current phase of Mercury Rx and by Murphy's Law - and find out, if you don't know already, what DGCX stands for.

Hint: the 'D' stands for one of the world's up-and-coming economic centers, Dubai.

Oct 10, 2008

Weekend in Washington: where big bankers meet 10.11.08

This weekend the big money boys and gals are meeting in our nation's capital to chew the fat and wonder aloud how their policies are treating the masses, and how to better cover any shining tushes as may be necessary.

Did you know that there's a personal name asteroid called Rockefellia? (Not a typo.)

The extra 'i' shows how one must settle for similar spellings when it comes to personally named balls of dust and debris that hurtle through space. Each has a heliocentric North Node and Rockefellia's is approximately '18 Libra' - and the Sun's zodiacal position this weekend clocks in at sunrise on Saturday (10.11.08) at 18Lib31.

That's synchronistic enough for me.

By 4:00 pm on Sunday (10.11.08) the Sun reaches 19Lib52, and btw,
'19Lib' is the Fall of the Sun degree...but hey - it's opposite the Sun's Exaltation degree '19Ari' if you prefer to see the astrolabe half full.

So what about the Moon, the daily timer of the whole affair?

Moon begins at sunrise on Saturday at 5Pis19 and reaches 23Pis36 by 4:00 pm Sunday - and conjuncts-crosses-passes tech-savvy Uranus Rx
(Uranus 19Pis36 - 19:33) in the process.

The Sun Lib-Moon Pisces blend has an instructive Image for Integration:

"The curtain comes down, the actor takes off his mask and, in privacy, looks into the mirror to find himself as a child of six with his imaginary friend." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)
~I could say sumpthin' but I won't. Aint Bea wouldn't like it.~

Now Moon-Uranus contacts relate to emotional excitement, strong self-willedness, attentiveness, ambition, female reformers, fanatics, and even some metaphysical science lovers. Will a financial astrologer or two be consulted by these elite power-mongers? Ha!

Well, if old J. P. Morgan himself could use Astrology and the cycles it describes to forecast favorable financial cycles, then this gaggle of ducks certainly can, or have someone do it for them.

"Millionaires don't use Astrology," J. P. pronounced, "billionaires do." Touche!

Other indications with Moon-Uranus contacts are fear, anxiety, and sacrifices toward special objectives. A change in one's circumstances and assistance from others may be part of the weekend picture as well which includes the people (Moon.) (Ebertin, The Combination of Stellar Influences.) Excitable (Uranus) publicity or public relations (Moon) may result.

The asteroid Eros is said to be strong when in contact with the Sun as it will be Saturday and Sunday. Eros = 'the piercing' and with the Sun as Leo's ruler relating to the heart, deeply felt separations may be on the menu esp with Mercury Rx - not the best time for negotiations, or at least, do read the fine print. Loopholes may be secreted into documents with Mercury Rx.

Yet agreements are definitely needed, but Eros piercing the Sun in Libra, sign of partnerships, may indicate a breach just when the world needs extraordinary cooperation. Can these professional negotiators and financiers pull a rabbit of harmony out of their fancy top hats?

Now you've noticed that the Sun's Sabian Symbol for Saturday's sunrise degree, '19Libra' = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which is the Symbol of the day. And yes! the term, robber barons, comes to mind. Well, old J. P. was one of 'em, too.

Plus, '19Lib' is the degree of America's Secondary Progressed Mars now Rx (and as such, in need of retraction and redeployment, and less spending on military misadventures. In fact, US tax payers can't afford to invade Mayberry RFD now even if we tried which is considered a + by some folks including my Aint Bea.)

Okay, perhaps not all the participants are robbers (or maybe some of them are bandits in plain sight - right under our snoots.)

When the Sun rises Saturday, at Midheaven (the Why? or Aspiration Point of the chart) nestles another telling asteroid on this important chart angle...Panacea.

Will fatcat money mavens deliver a panacea for our panic?

Asteroid Pan Rx in early Gemini is at the Foundation Point (Ic) of Sunday's 4:00 pm chart...which answers the questions: Why? Panacea - How? Pan.

ASC = What? "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding", and Where doth it lead? to '19Ari' = "The Magic Carpet of Oriental Imagery."

First thought: perhaps they're heading for Dubai as soon as our pesky problems are smoothed and papered over!

As you know, the sign Gemini and the archetype of Pan are both associated with trickster elements in myth and horoscopery. Then there's gold-worshipping Midas Rx and still less than 3 degrees from ancient Pan, which is linked with Capricorn, the mer-goat (or the Goat of Mendes, if you prefer - we are talking Washington, DC here.)

So whatever panacea or poultice they decide to apply after this weekend's meetings end and lofty conclusions from on-high are pontificated to the worried rabble, we-the-masses must hope that these financial 'experts' will finally show themselves worthy of the trust which they so thoughtlessly tossed aside in their gold rush to world domination - and allow the global economy to heal from the wounds of their careless and grasping ways.

Aug 20, 2008

The Fed's expanded reach

Bernanke Tries to Define What Institutions Fed Could Let Fail" is an elucidating article written by Craig Torres at Bloomberg News (article's last update August 19.)

What is one thing I learned from this article?

That on August 10, 2005, with Greenspan as chairman, 94% of the Fed's $24 billion in outstanding repurchase agreements with Wall Street were in US Treasury notes, according to Wrightson ICAP LLC in New Jersey.

On August 10, 2008, only 14% were in Treasuries with the rest in mortgage bonds and agency securities (80%!) That's possibly misnamed, securities.

As something resembling an explanation, the NY Fed says that agency and mortgage-backed securities "--became more attractive."

Yes, they must have looked financially lovely - in the dark or by the flickering candlelight of a one-world-government glow.

But in the light of day, they look disingenuous at best, or downright fraudulent coming from much-touted 'experts' who shoulda woulda coulda known better but played the graft upon society anyway.


August 10, 2005: Sun within one degree of value-loving Venus' position of 9/11/01 when vengeful Venus triggered the Mother of All Eclipses degree from Aug 11, 1999, mentioned in astrologer Nostradamus' predictions of so many moons ago.

The imperious Sun Leo/Moon Scorpio combo has tendencies toward arrogance and overextension, with a fanatical desire for personal success and survival. There's stubborn resentment when things don't go as planned, and a cynical attitude toward life along with a double standard when it comes to relationships.

However, with this blend there is also a deep loyalty to principle which may be positive or negative depending on whether Ben lets YOUR bank be one-of-the-failed or not.

With August 10, 2008's Sun Leo/Moon Sag influence, we see hero-worship coming into play, with outspokeness, impatience, and impracticality.

Still with the Lion's flavor, this blend retains the imperiousness and loyalty as in 2005, but with more of an independent streak.

Here's a quote from an author who shares this blend natally:

Two antagonistic to mount direct to heaven, the other to drive yawingly to some horizontal goal.

--Herman Melville

It totally grumps me up to say it, but the yawing drive to some horizontal goal began decades ago in America. Our real or imagined 'exceptionalism' has been spent through bad-intentioned political capital which was stolen in the first place and nowhere near the "mandate from the people" as was proudly advertised.

One of the more basic concepts which Astrology demonstrates is: that how something or someone begins is how it/he or she will end. This won't guarantee a positive or negative outcome, of course, because the expression of the energy being offered remains up to its owner to use bwo willpower (hopefully, mind control is resisted.)

Thing is, the American people have not owned this nation in many a year, if ever. Yet we once could put some bit of trust in her continuance and sovereignty.

But you see where decades of our apathy and inattention got us...driving into a yawing horizon with a Secondary Progressed Full Moon on its way, the culmination point of our American experience for years to come, and that, in late 2008 (based on the Sibly chart) or early 2009 (from the US' Scorpio rising chart.)

The Fed, led by Greenspin, as I insist on calling him, or Bernanke the Brave, has its credibility in tattered shreds over in Europe. The damage on that score has already been done.

Apr 12, 2008

your money is no good here

Any events or series of events issue from myriad causes combined--a tenet which has stood me in good stead as I've studied and learned to appreciate bringing loose ends together into various astrological tapestries of cause and effect.

Which is why no one man, entity, or organization may be blamed for the world's current financial meltdown which has been on the backburner since the attacks of 9/11--and I have written here and elsewhere that 9/11's ripples are behind much of the current market woes.

"Go shopping" indeed--and let the "experts" take care of things. Now we see how they've taken "care."

And so I present James Cumes' article to you if you're up for it. These financial woes are what fraud and greed can accomplish in the world if there are enough participants with their eyes on the main chance--while the real wheeler-dealers are making bets on how things will turn out for their pawns.

They've got theirs--what do YOU have?

The Black Death of Financial Collapse

By James Cumes

The financial and economic crisis now upon us is by far the most menacing of the past century--even more so than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It is not just a "subprime" crisis; it is systemic--affecting the entire financial system.

Read article from Information Clearing House.

Mar 22, 2008

Bear Stearns waving all its paws

Well, the markets in the US took a break Friday in honor of Easter so it will be interesting to see what transpires Monday on Wall Street, that enclave of Jupiter-Neptune types (speculators; wastrels.)

Meanwhile, I got around to writing a bit concerning Bear Stearns and Neptune's dissolution, if you'd care to take a peek.

With the current visit of moneybags Jupiter to the NWO degree (Uranus conj Neptune, 1993) of 18Cap, it's all of a piece, my peops, and there's quite a complicated mystery play being performed on the world stage with innocents (the common man) in the middle of a gigantic chess game whose stakes are world domination.

NYSE's Friday break was hardly spiritually based but certainly a convenient breather for someone, one assumes.

Thanks go to Patrick Wood, editor of The August Review for keeping his expert eye on the culprits involved and for continuing to expose their secret motives.

Well, we ARE still in the season of the Unmasking Eclipse of Feb 6 aren't we?

Mar 17, 2008

Portrait of a President doin' how he does

Look, it's upside-down-book-readin' Bush and here's my latest Bush grouse: How the Bush Administration Helped Engineer the Current Market Tumble which contains a link to Eliot Spitzer's Feb 14 WaPo editorial--the one which helped to get him canned.

Feb 2, 2008

Dissing the Fed now popular

If billionaire George Soros can diss Alan Greenspan's handling of the US economy, don't you want to diss the Fed, too? is here to help with 10 reasons to be critical of the Fed.

Or you can ask Ron Paul whom you'll find mentioned in reason #10.

Jan 22, 2008

Interview with Patrick Wood: Crash of 2008?

America's feet of clay and ripples from 9/11: This email alert was late in arriving so it refers to Monday, yesterday--but the radio interview with Patrick Wood of The August Review is today EST or tonight PST:

Contact Information
Patrick M. Wood

(208) 712-0170
The August Review
P.O. Box 1309
Rathdrum, ID 8385

If you haven't already heard, the various stock exchanges around the world experienced a huge meltdown today (Monday). By comparison, if the Dow Jones average had been open today, it could have been down over 1,000 points, comparable to the 9/11 crash.

Luckily, banks and the U.S. market was closed today because of Martin Luther King holiday. But--tomorrow will be a different story! Will it be another "Black Tuesday?"

I will be a guest on The Roth Show tonight from 7:00-10:00PM PDT to examine the crash and the reasons for it. Those of you who attended my online financial forecast several weeks ago already had a head start on your own preparations.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to tune in to The Roth Show tonight at 7:00PM PDT!

The Roth Show: The Crash of '08? with Patrick Wood

Please, call in during the show with your questions and comments: 877-999-7684

And, urgently invite everyone you know to listen in with you!


Patrick Wood, Editor
The August Review

copyright © 2007 The August Review The August Review | P.O. Box 1309 | Rathdrum | ID | 83858

note: you may also be interested in Patrick Wood's new project: LeftRightUnite!...I've signed up, have you?

Jan 2, 2008

Michael Moore on the top Dem candidates

Well, I'm pretty sure the message on Edwards, Obama, and Clinton from Michael Moore is not what has Mike Huckabee on his knees before the Iowa caucus, but how we can be sure?

What's Hucka Boom been asking his Maker anyway? Please let me troll the halls of earthly power while ruling the world, oh Lord?

What is wrong with this (Christian) picture? Didn't our forebears supposedly leave Europe to avoid such things as the double whammy of church + state?

Today I'm looking at the chart for sunrise in Des Moines Thursday: with Pluto still at 29Sag+ and conjunct Nemesis (the unbeatable opponent--also at 29 degr) near Jupiter 3Cap36 and all three in behind-the-scenes 12th house (sunrise 7:46:35 am CST) it seems certain that big doins' are afoot--or ahoof, as I like to think of those darned plutocrats.

Jupiter = the Rs, as you know; Saturn = the Ds.

Saturn 8Vir22 Rx is in 8th house as is the Moon's South Node, a Saturnian point which may indicate a Dem from the past--which could be Hillary-of-the-90s, or John Edwards from his previous prez bid. And their being in 8th house of high finance points to Clinton or to Edwards as well--her for suckling so greedily from the corporate t*t, he for vowing to fight against corporatism with FDR's inherited big stick.

Sunrise in Des Moines, Jan 3, 2008 brings "13Cap" rising, "A fire worshiper" which has an interesting keyword: MAGIC...

pos: extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: consistent overestimation of personal capacity.

At MC (Aspirations; Goals) is 7Sco58--with Sigma, keywords: good judgment; moral sanity leading to moderation; self-control; temperance; restraint.

In 10th house of Career is the Moon 17Sco53 (the people; the public) indicating publicity but also fluctuations, and I think that Sigma's keywords and concepts more likely describe the people themselves than this gaggle of say-anything politicians. Unless it's...John Edwards' and his exalt-the-people populist stance.

Yet all that Scorpionic energy at top of the chart connects closely with Hillary Clinton's natal chart...and Moon = a woman. Hmm.

Perhaps John Edwards is sincere about loosening the corporate noose about our government's and our own necks. And if he gets to the White House and tries, he'll have little time for anything else--and may find himself in mortal danger as well.

Both Lincoln and Kennedy were taken out and both had spoken as president about reforming the world banking system, y'know. Now it's 2008 and the world banking system is teeteringly unstable, if you believe their PR. But we know that massive amounts of money are in process of being shifted in a final coup, it is to be feared.

Those Campaign Politics, she said:

Of course, if you've ever read my ravings much you know that I see the whole political rigamarole as theater, dahling--part of the selection process but the actual selection isn't up to the voters in this our one-party system. Campaigns are designed to sustain the illusion of democracy and keep the masses busy and at bay.

Plus, most Americans might agree that campaign rhetoric most often turns out to be hogwashery once the power is attained and the puppeteers make things crytal clear to the new "boss" in the Oval Office--yet, in a semi-fit of dwindling hope, I must agree with the conclusions of Michael Moore in his letter linked above.

So if you haven't read it, I hope you will take a moment to do so.

And now the ruthless, loyal-to-the-cause Sun Cap-Moon Sco Images for Integration for Jan 3, 2008:

A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Sounds like victory for Jupiter-the-General-or-Preacher...the one who's used TV ads most effectively! I watched in amazement last Sunday as Huckabee denied that his tv ad was meant to suggest the Christian CROSS behind him as the camera panned to bring the "bookshelf" more into focus...who does he think he's zoomin'?

"Onward Christian soldiers" indeed. One warmonger was put into the White House in 2000 and evangelicals rejoiced. My heartfelt prayer is that we forego making the same mistake again. Let's make a different one this time.

Dec 14, 2007

Shari'a banking near you

The August Review has a must read article on a part of the world economic meltdown which you may not hear about anywhere else: Global banks embrace Islam thus bringing Shari'a banking into the West.

Astrology is excellent at describing how opposites eventually switch places and poles shift. It's natural law as detailed in Scripture--the masculine and feminine of our dualistic world will come together in the herafter for they will have served their purpose on the earthly plane and will no longer have meaning.

It has been my understanding that that is why sexual orientation can't keep someone from Eternal Life--no sex in heaven! The merging there is of a higher caliber.

Of course this unveils the manipulative 79-virgins-await-you reward for murdering your brothers on earth as a fairytale and gives it a bit of a problem--meaninglessness.

So as East takes over West in a way it could never do otherwise, your local bank on the corner may begin eventually to tithe to what Washington says are our debit card a whole new definition.

Read the article for a lot more detail than I can possibly give you here as the New World Order steamrolls along.

Dec 1, 2007

Dec 11: Fed meeting

Yes, it's true, the Fed (-eral Reserve Bank) has a meeting scheduled for Dec 11, the very day of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto and you'll find an UPDATE to the post which I've added just now.