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Sep 12, 2022

Year 2015: Our Trump Troubles Begin

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2015 and the 'Prez Bid' New Moon of Misfortune

by Jude Cowell

As a cosmic signpost on America's path toward troublesome authoritarian issues of which Trump is merely a figurehead for what is actually a global fascist movement, anyone who expects the venerable practice of Astrology to explain when America's 'Trump Troubles' got up and running might appreciate the Spring Equinox 2015 Horoscope when the Sun hit the Aries Point of world events (an annual event) and conjoins Scheat, the star of misfortune.

Yet as you see in the horoscope, below, there's another feature of the Sun's entry into Mars-ruled Aries in Spring 2015: a midpoint picture formed that year with potentials for 'effective illusions and deceptions; a noted magician performs (M. Munkasey); and/or 'danger of infection; weakness' (R. Ebertin), among other possibilities upon which the Spring EQ 2015 Sun shone and activated. And perhaps, dear reader, we may agree that these potentials have been applicable to events during these last 7 years along with several other planetary factors you see here:

US Mars-Neptune Square On Display: Misguided Actions, Confusion, Fog of War

Ascending is America's natal Neptune with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing (clash of ideals, persecutions), square Midheaven, the Goal Point, conjunct US 1776 Mars in Gemini; Hour of Jupiter (in green, in Leo, and Rx in 11th house) with Jupiter prominent as the handle of a Bucket shape and ruling 4th and 7th houses. As you see, the IC @23Sag05, the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, presciently holds the 4 South Solar Eclipse which occurred on the day of the December 14, 2020 Electoral Vote Count, and lies at the heart of our turbulent, mercurial, Uranian Trump Troubles due to his sore loser 'Big Lie' refusal to accept reality.

Then Mercury in shady Pisces as chart and Midheaven ruler reveals the significance of communications, information, propaganda, oration/rhetoric, trade, commerce, and education to the proceedings with one applying aspect by quicksilver Mercury from its 6th house position (conjunct veiling Neptune: "The Illusionist" when conjunct - A. Oken) - and that's an opportunistic sextile with power planet Pluto, the saboteur. See lower left corner for a few details including Trump's tendency toward morbid thinking (which he seems to be feeling 'for real' now as grim reality knocks upon his door).

Meanwhile, the conjunction in 6th house points toward Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of "The Sneaky Mind" (A.O.). Also see the center of the chart with Mercury inconjunct Jupiter: distorted perspectives (supported by unaspected Venus' unusual perspectives and loner status), plus, a tendency toward grandiosity: ya think?

So one reason to post this horoscope in September 2022 is to note that Trump's 'prez bid' New Moon @25Gem07 conjunct Mars (violent, headstrong) which perfected on the morning of June 16, 2015 occurred within the Spring 2015 season (and is listed on the chart, middle right, highlighted in orange, like a fake tan on an old man). Of course, you remember the morning of his Escalator Descent at Trump Tower NYC to announce his 2016 campaign for president to a paid audience, $50 a head, to express his vile bigotry as a signal to "his people".

Uranian Trump

Now this 2015 Gemini New Moon fell between Trump's 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio in Gemini and it started a cosmic clock (New Moon, new cycle) by activating the degree of the 1781 Discovery of Uranus, America's totem planet of freedom, independence, rebellion, protest, disruption, and - most importantly to Trump - chaos.

And America has been yoked to the orange blighter ever since.

Previously on SO'W: Trump's 'Prez Bid' Solar Eclipse @29Pis27: 17 South which perfected March 20, 2015 at 5:36 am edt (hours before the chart shown, above) with karmic Saturn Rx at Midheaven, often a 'downfall' indication if timekeeper Saturn's demands for responsibility, accountability, and doing one's duty are ignored.

And such is Donald Trump.

Sep 9, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II and Glamis Castle

Photo: Glamis Castle; Ian Robinson, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons; 2009

September 9, 2022

When Ancient History Tags Along with Genealogy

by Jude Cowell

The world is saddened today by yesterday's passing of Queen Elizabeth II and for my Friday post of the week, here's a slight departure for SO'W because I've been doing a bit of genealogical research concerning the Scottish side of the family of Queen Elizabeth II (1926 - 2022) via her mother's paternal line of Bowes-Lyon, originally the Lyons of Strathmore, and this leads us to their ancestral estate of Glamis Castle (pronounced "Glahms"), a distant, beautiful, and haunted castle in mystical Scotland.

Reportedly, multiple apparitions roam the family's ancestral home, and in fact, you can hardly do better if you're searching for a ghost-infested castle that even Sir Walter Scott decided to leave after a short while, publishing an account in 1830 that his stay in 1790 had been - shall we say, unnerving. He wrote, "as I heard door after door shut...I began to consider myself as too far away from the living and somewhat too near the dead." No, the famed author's search for isolation in order to do some uninterrupted writing didn't pan out for him at Glamis Castle!

So if you're curious, follow the above link for an extensive list of ghosts that haunt the family's ancestral home including the first John Lyon's wife, Janet Douglas ('The Grey Lady') who was accused of witchcraft by King James V (fearful of conspiracies against him such as being poisoned) and who was burned at the stake on Castle Hill on July 17, 1537. Then keep scrolling for other hauntings, plus, an account of "The Monster of Glamis," a child born with deformities on October 21, 1821 but reputed to have been stillborn.

Related posts include: Queen Elizabeth II: Her Natal and Passing Horoscopes, may she R.I.P.; and An Astro-Tribute to Sir Walter Scott may he R.I.P. as well.

Additional details concerning the tragic Lady Glamis, Janet Douglas, are found in The Douglas Archives.

Please note that you're cordially invited the join the private FB group Genealogy plus History.

Sep 8, 2022

The Dangerous Eclipses of 2023

September 8, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Below you see a mocked-up image of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of year 1933 and year 2023. As you see, the dangerous, even sinister, Solar Eclipses of 1933 repeat in 2023 in the 7 North and 7 South Saros Series; their Themes are also listed along with other years in which 7 North and 7 South eclipses occurred. Historical events of those years make interesting reads.

So will this be my final forewarned-is-forearmed post of warning concerning the neo fascist/nazi global network of criminals planning once again a take-over of America after failing in their attempt against FDR in 1933?

Since I'm a pro-democracy American with Revolutionary War ancestry and uncles who fought nazis in Europe during WWII, it most definitely is not:

Please print or enlarge image for better viewing. Thanks! jc

Previously on SO'W: A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before (1933). So no matter who, Vote Blue to Save American Democracy!

Sep 6, 2022

When Pluto Hits America's POTUS Sun

Power-Mad Ego-Driven Sun-Pluto Craves Domination!

by Jude Cowell

So will US leadership continue to be global after 2025? These days, forces are working for and against such a continuation, yet tragically, Washington hasn't always handled power well, as you may agree (exs: preemptive wars, invasions, plunderings, financial exploitation). Admittedly, this entire thing with Pluto sounds draconian to me, perhaps powered by Utopian zealotry, but let's proceed anyway.

Well, when it comes to issues of power and the abuse of it, astrologers keeping up with politics and the planets have followed along with powerful, subliminal Pluto as the wealth-hoarding Mr. Invisible has crept toward America's first-ever Pluto Return (to its 1776 position) in late degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business (see tri-wheel link, below). And most folks know that master astrologer Reinhold Ebertin labeled Pluto in Capricorn, the dictator, and can agree that the authoritarian archetype of "the dictator" now vultures over the masses expectantly like a malevolent raptor with humanity in its sights.

The barbarians aren't simply at the gate, they're sabotaging our country from inside the compound. And we should expect that America's current crisis situation with democracy under attack will affect events of 2023, 2024, and 2025 - and will form the basis for them.

So! the following bi-wheel is set up backwards: the inner chart is the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope surrounded (outer) by the transits of February 18, 2024 at the moment (3:11:24 am EST) that transit Pluto @00AQ53 hits the position of what will be the Inaugural Sun 2025 (the leader, taking the presidential Oath of Office at noon on that day):

Why backwards? Because tr Pluto reaches 00AQ53 prior to the actual Inauguration of January 20, 2025 (assuming that we have our traditional ceremony). In fact, February 18, 2024 is the first of three times this conjunction occurs, and penned on the chart are the other dates of exactitude: July 22, 2024 and December 26, 2024.

Now obviously, Pluto's direct, transformative contact to US POTUS Sun (aka, Inaugural Sun: identity change?) cosmically affects year 2024 and the 2024 Presidential Election - before and afterwards (Feb-to-Dec). An extended period of vote counting, plus, contentiousness, seem probable, of course, so there is that to consider but it's beyond the limited scope of this post.

Note that you may wish to check out the bottom of the image concerning 2025 Mars Rx @24Can23 conjunct US 1776 Mercury Rx (an indicator of political conflicts), and the date when transit Mars will oppose the Sun-Pluto conjunction on or about May 21, 2023. Yes, 2023. And, due to the two-year cycle of Mars, again on Election Day 2024! Obviously, other planetary influences will alter conditions with both positive and negative energies, as they always do.

As for the bi-wheel shown above, please enlarge or print the bi-wheel for better reading, if need be. Yes, my study notes are penned on so you may find something interesting! See the center of the chart for Sun-to-Pluto notes, and lower left corner for Pluto-to-Sun potentials - a double emphasis from the Cosmos.

And so as it turns out, this is another one of my forewarned-is-forearmed posts of fretful fussiness and hopefully a dear reader or two will follow up on these topics in the real world (via activism! 'democracy is not a spectator sport - get active', as Thom Hartmann always reminds us), or perhaps someone will be inspired to take the upcoming Pluto-to-POTUS-Sun contact and sleuth into it!

For the curious reader, here's my original post showing the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope. Also related: Tri-Wheel: US Pluto Return/s Three Times in 2022.

Then with powerful Pluto vibes a-dripping, here's a post concerning Trump's 5th Harmonic Pluto.

Sep 2, 2022

Reagan Lied! Government Is The Solution - Thom Hartmann

Friday September 2, 2022

Yes, I Believe in America! So I'm sharing this message from Thom Hartmann:

And for the artful dodgers who have so far managed to avoid it, view the horoscope of the Reaganomics Eclipse 1981: a Turning Point for America. For as Thom asserts above, "FDR was right, and Ronald Reagan was wrong." Neoliberalism was a turning point that now must go, and it's Democrats who are ending it - along with the much-touted "Reagan myth."

Well, I for one, am determined to help the fight by Voting Blue in 2022. And in 2024! Join me?

Aug 31, 2022

Sept 1, 2022: Joe Biden Talks Democracy

Astro-Notes on The Health of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday September 1, 2022, a prime time address is scheduled to be delivered by President Biden concerning the state of American Democracy. The hour cited is 8:00 pm edt from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as you see in the horoscope, below.

Descriptively, President Biden's natal Ceres, asteroid of democracy, rises at 8:00 pm edt along with asteroids Juno Rx (nation-state; protection thereof), Astraea Rx (justice), plus, planet Neptune Rx in Pisces which I assume this placement in relation to the president's Address represents compassion for the masses. This resonates with Joe Biden's 'efforts to bring help to those in need' (Sun-Pluto = Moon); Sun-Pluto (Biden) is opposed by radical, zealous Uranus Rx = potentials for 'rebellion, sudden changes, powerful ideas, and/or arrest' (R. Ebertin; Tyl). Of course, mass media, subterfuge, and deception are also in the realms of Neptune. Will Trump's theft of official documents be mentioned?

Then underneath it all - besides America's ongoing Pluto Return of transformation - transit Neptune continues a titanic opposition to US Neptune in Virgo, a period of generational ideals and beliefs clashing, along with various forms of persecution (racism, misogyny, civil rights, exploitation, scams):

Scorpio: Sign of Health and Regeneration

As you see, in 2nd house the health asteroid Hygeia @17Sco15 conjuncts the Moon (17Sco08) so the Health of Democracy, even if the phrase isn't spoken, may be a basic feature of Biden's address along with medical concerns. Meanwhile, the Uranus-North-Node ('NN') duo in Taurus widens yet its 'radical politics' signature retains influence along with the current 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28, also in 2nd house, and thematically bringing society 'relationship to authority' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady) - at least until the power-grabbing 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 manifests @2Scorpio with manic energy that will influence our 2022 Midterms.

To close, I direct your attention to the bottom right corner and the excitable Moon-Uranus opposition which perfects at 11:06 pm edt (reactions to President Biden's remarks, one supposes) and, above the horoscope, to the dynamic T-Square pattern their opposition forms with karmic Saturn Rx @20AQ34 in the hidden 12th house which can also denote large institutions such as the US Congress, and which contains potentials for 'self-will; sudden damage; and/or striving for independence' (R. Ebertin).

Yet with America's Pluto Return ongoing we mustn't leave out a midpoint picture formed in this chart with apex Pluto (11th house) - and that's Moon-Jupiter: 'major plans for major triumph; the big picture and the power to make it appear'(N. Tyl).

Perhaps we can agree that America under President Joe Biden would be happy for even more good news!

Aug 29, 2022

DC Horoscope May 2017: Trump with Russians in the Oval Office


by Jude Cowell

The following horosocope and astro-notes concern the fact that during the early months of his White House tenure, Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office: officials.

Today I'm posting only a few notes and a DC Horoscope for May 10, 2017 with a speculative time of 1:23 pm edt on the day that a newly inaugurated Trump hosted two Russian "officials" in the Oval Office. You've seen the photo of the trio of comrades grinning like cats who ate the cream, taken by the Russian press because no official US photographs or press were permitted by their orange comrade, our saboteur-in-chief. Putin's proof!

Now my reason for setting the chart for 1:23 pm edt is that it aligns the transiting cusps of the day with those of Herr Trump's natal cusps including his natal Ascendant at the critical 29th degree of boastful Sun-ruled Leo, and spotlights royal Regulus (rising in his natal chart with asteroid Apollo, the 'sun god' - hence his layers of clownish orange make-up mimicking a 'suntan' and his beloved golf resort in Florida). Then as you know, the caution of Regulus is significant: success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that's gained will be taken away. Well, this outcome for Trump I continue to await for that's one thing the lying grudge-holder seldom if ever avoids: taking revenge.

Oh and look! There are the two malevolent stars at Midheaven, the Goal Point of this and his natal chart: Algol and Capulus - and the 9th house Sun @20Tau14 conjuncts asteroid Phaethon, while the Scorpio Moon floated into opposition with the Sun suggesting a possible 'tug of war' and/or 'those in charge make difficult demands' (R. Ebertin). Yes, I suspect they did. And yet someone in a leadership position (Sun) was feeling invulnerable! Of course, this could be Putin with Sun in the 9th house of Foreign Lands.

Please enlarge or print the chart image for easier viewing since way too many of my study notes are squooched upon the chart. They include financial indications such as theft (see the 2/8 houses with money planets therein, and Jupiter Rx conjunct Putin's natal Sun and Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Chiron between the grand schemer duo, Jupiter and Neptune), plus, other 2017 contacts to V. Putin's natal planets (October 7, 1952; see top of the chart: Sun to his Jupiter, Jupiter to his Sun - such confidence!), the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of this event (lower right corner = 19 South: "a lucky win" - B. Brady; the 2016 election was affected).

Also listed are the three upcoming Return dates of the May 10, 2017 event's Mars @13Gem13 (10th house) which are: September 14, 2022; December 15, 2022; and, February 12, 2023. This Mars-in-Gemini period begins in a few days, as you see, and will last into 2023. Additionally, transit Mars will hit Trump's 10th house Uranus, North Node, and Sun trio (@17-23 Gemini) while opposing his natal Moon-South-Node (@20-22 Sag). Naturally, this multiple transit of energy, activism, anger, and testosterone occurs about every two years but his and our circumstances are already on the turbulent, even dangerous side these days, and this must include Putin's ill-advised invasion and war in Ukraine.

Unfit, Untrustworthy, Disloyal, Loose-Lipped, Greedy, and Conscience-Free: guess who?

So out of an abundance of caution for my country and the common good, I'm suggesting that with Trump having natal Mars rising, this position of May 2017 Mars (13Gem13 in the horoscope) may be worth watching in relation to the shady, secretive May 10, 2017 event for it connects with our current crisis of Trump purloining classified documents from the White House as he skulked from office (or before!), hiding them away, then sharing them at will - and recklessly putting America's national security at risk.

Apparently, the far-righters of the Republican Party cult think such a dangerous risk is dandy fine. However, my personal feeling is that on Inauguration Day 2021 (day of the incendiary Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44) when fear of violence was in the air, everyone was and had been highly focused on kicking Trump out of the White House as per the tradition and many folks were very concerned that perhaps he would not leave the premises - but we ought to have been focused on detaining and frisking the blighter, instead of allowing the orange thief to abscond to Mar-a-Lago with the goods.

And if you feel so inclined, dear reader, comparisons to the hamburgl*r are much appreciated. After all, the blighter is, at the present time, the biggliest ham we've ever known.

A Closely Related Post: Mercury-Neptune and the Presidential Records Act.