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Oct 28, 2009

another sex-mad SC politician?

Not again! But this time it's a lower level politician caught messing around in a cemetery of all 'romantic' places.

Guess this may provide the weapons-of-distraction media a sexy version of a political October Surprise in time for Happy Halloween 2009. Yippy.

On Lieberman and his public option threat

My Gather friend, Prima Donna, has posted an excellent article on Joe Lieberman and the public option which is replete with links for those who wish to read more on the issues of health reform legislation and on Joe's turncoat ways.

Joe says he'll filibuster with the GOP to force a retraction of the public option - and, I suppose, to collapse the entire reform bill!

ThinkProgress gave permission for use for her article which includes a graph you may be interested in seeing so I thought I'd pass along Prima Donna's work to you.

Lierberman's stance on the public option reminds me of Jon Stewart's funny a few years ago (perhaps when Lieberman was taped in Congress whispering into George Bush's ear): "I knew it was You, Lieberman." Well, I hope it isn't 'him' this time because Americans need a public option which, if fraud isn't baked right in to the bill, will save money not spend more of it.

Last evening I was watching C-SPAN's House of Representatives live coverage and was amazed at Republicans on the floor complaining about Dems' recent closed door meetings and how proud they are of what comes out of them concerning health insurance reform. Since both parties tend to do this when in power, the Republicans on display last evening certainly have very very short memories - and think we do.

Or are they just posturing and pretending in order to drive us all mad?

Update 10.28.09 8:30 pm edt: Robert Scheer has written an article on Leiberman twisting the knife.

Oct 27, 2009

US Lunar Return tonight Oct 26, 2009

An article has been posted concerning tonight's US Moon Return which occurs in Washington, DC at 10:05:47 pm edt, if you're interested.

Saturn at critical or crisis degree (29Vir49) and Mercury at critical degree (29Lib26) both form applying aspects with US natal Moon (Sibly) so you may wish to check out the coming month of our daily rounds which is what a Moon or Lunar Return describes.

Thing is, the lunar contact with Saturn - an inconjunct - is sobering for the next month yet conducive to mature attitudes, so perhaps we should all put on our grown-up beanies for a while and smile on through! This aspect is actually a Saturn transit to US Moon and has been within orb for days now - check it out by clicking the above link.

Tonight's *Sun Scorpio/Moon AQ blend has two 'Images for Integration' which refer to the conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) when they're working well together:

A hovering hawk surveys the world, at one with nature...An exotic moth emerges from its chrysalis, in perfect form, a specimen of the sublimity of nature's intelligence.

'Hovering hawks' remind me of US drones killing people - sorry, but they do.

So even if we-the-people get meaningful, cost-effective health insurance reform out of Washington, we still won't be 'at one with nature' imho, because we're so completely in the wrong on certain issues such as the sociopathic propaganda that war = peace.

Yet this is only a wee Moon Return of a month's duration so let's take it for what it is - fluctuating - and be as content as we can be, even if we've only a faint notion of happiness.


*'Images for Integration' from 'Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.

The Astrology chart of Amelia Earhart

As a child I read a biography of aviatrix extraordinaire Amelia Earhart and was fascinated with her but was left with a longing to know what happened on her ill-fated flight. Was she a spy? What island did she and her co-pilot land - or more probably crash - on?

Well, everyone wants to solve the mysteries of Amelia Earhart, right?

At the time I knew nothing about Astrology or what it can divulge so I'm delighted to recommend ace astrologer Julie Demboski's excellent article concerning Amelia. You'll find Earhart's natal chart and more on display along with Julie's thought provoking elucidations.

Well done, Julie!

And thank you for providing a link to a recent feature of my Dreamyfish Art botanical fish portraits in the international diving magazine X-RAY where you may download the entire mag for free or snag only my artist interview and fish portraits by downloading Section V in issue #32 (upper right corner)!

Update: just found the Amelia Earhart site with a recent article that her final resting place may have been found - the uninhabited island of Kiribati.

New World Order? Hush your mouth!

Since I never watch or hear Don Imus (not a fan), I don't know who the guy next to him is, but it's plain that they're trying to stop Bo Dietl from talking about the New World Order agenda which includes (it is said) voiding the US Constitution.

Yet I wish Mr. Dietl had skipped the subject of climate change here because it riles people up all by itself. Still it's almost amusing to witness Mr. Imus so obviously anxious to interfere with NWO talk by interupting his frequent guest, Mr. Dietl, and by tossing silly remarks to make 'fun' of a very serious subject.

As if mainstream media aren't in the pocket of the social engineers, the chaos-creators - those power elites who want us to think it's all malarkey only meant to be ridiculed by shills like Don Imus.

Oct 26, 2009

ABA Convention protests and the Saturn/Pluto Square

"We're not here to cause trouble - we're here because we are in trouble." So begins this video of the weekend's protests at the American Bankers Association in Chicago, Illinois, the ABA. Or as we have every right to think of them based on their actions: the American Bankrobbers Association.

1,000 protesters were involved and they are expecting over 5,000 people to arrive in Chicago by Tuesday, Oct 27, to join in protesting Wall Street bankers taking our tax money and using it to give themselves massive bonuses and lobby Washington against meaningful financial reform.

Last evening I was studying the *astrology chart of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, signed by George Bush on July 30, 2002 @ 10:28 am edt in Washington, with the Sun 7Leo15 conjunct Bush's natal Ascendant, and Mars 10Leo52 conjunct his natal Mercury/Pluto conj in 1st house of Self.

Mercury/Pluto = tr Mars: indefatigable; an ability to master great tasks; sharp criticism; a desire to attack others; a blackmailer; grasping a situation quickly, rightly or wrongly, and taking confident and persuasive action; attacking an issue without reservation. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

(Midpoint pictures may operate in an any-all-or-none fashion - here Bush's natal midpoint is being triggered by transiting Mars. You be the decider if it applies to the issue at hand.)

As I said, I was studying the signing chart last evening and am copying/pasting the post I began then. You can see the mood I was in after feeling an inconvenient compulsion to read about the smokescreen legislation of Sarbanes-Oxley and George Bush. And this, after celebrating a radiant 4-year-old's birthday. What a come-down.

The SOX bill was supposedly going to improve the financial system and take significant steps to penalize fraud, but with deceptive, veiling - fraudulent - Neptune 9AQ39 Rx in 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking - and opposing the Sun-Mars conjunction affecting Bush's natal chart, it's easy to see what a baseless belief that was. 'Smokescreen' is a Neptunian word par excellence and the fraud was baked into the bill itself.

From my post of last evening:

Hold on to your Green Stamps, Myrtle, Bush is signin' somethin' again...or he did, on July 30, 2002 at 10:28 am edt at the usual scene of the crime, the White House.

A kitten's yarnball of complexity, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was eagerly put into play by erstwhile politicians, and yet according to Ron Paul, was unnecessary and costly to US businesses. Plus, Fedheader Alan Greenspan praised it which is enough to cause a gut reaction against it for me, and we can't say that SOX has put on the breaks of fraud's jalopy in US financial markets, can we?

Here you may read Bush's pie-in-the-sky signing statement and one must wonder if the bill was one of those under the table you-follow-the-law-cos-I-won't affairs Bush was so fond of and famous for. He liked to pick and choose which points his chain-yankers agreed with in the bills he signed, you remember.

Financial wheeler-dealer Dick Cheney wasn't on hand for the signing, oddly enough. Perhaps he had big-time insider trading to do and couldn't break away from the game.


That's as far as I got with last night's post until today when I find the video of the weekend protesters doing the right thing on behalf of their fellow American taxpayers across our bankrupted-by-the-power-elite land.

My heart is with them in Chicago yet my body must remain in Georgia! Collectively, Saturn is squaring Pluto, and Bush's boots are kicked back on the front porch of new-world-orderism while giving the occasional speech for mega-bucks. His recent speeches given in Canada have been attracting protesters, too. Good.

When Saturn squares Pluto there is a defensive stance against social responsibility which can be seen in the above video as bankers refuse to listen much less come clean. Under this aspect such responsibility is seen as an obstacle rather than an opportunity.

Extremes are resorted to in order to get out of being held accountable, such as tossing out protesters and writing/backing sorry legislations - which, if they have any teeth at all will only be loop holed by the wealthy - so this square between two planets concerned with control and change is undergirding a lot of what's going on in the collective, including the protests.

Saturn/Pluto squares are times when superiors will not tolerate underlings' attempts to grasp control, and we see the impatience and resentment of a we're-fed-up protest by the people. Status and security are prime motivators for those in control and yes, they are feeling threatened by the opposition to their fulfilment of every wish to dominate others and to gather all resources within their Midas caves of greed.

So perhaps the poster child of the Saturn/Pluto square and its anti-societal effects can here be named: Wall Street wheeler-dealer Dick Cheney, who was born with the aspect in his natal chart. And the aspect kind of summarizes his freakish VP governing style, doesn't it?


Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, July 30 @ 10:28 am edt, DC: ASC 28Vir24 (Saturn there in recent days); MC (The Goal) 28Gem11 (Sabian Symbol for '28Vir' - "A Bald-headed Man Who Has Seized Power"; The Goal? '28Gem' - "A Man Declared Bankrupt" - that'd be us and corporations avoiding social responsibilities like pensions, etc.)

Sun as noted above, Moon in 7th house @17Ari14, trining chart-tuler Mercury (signings, contracts, bills) @ 17Leo33 in 11th house. Mercury's only applying aspect is its trine to the Moon which opposes Bush's natal Chiron, Moon, Jupiter conjunction.

And moneybags Jupiter? Just barely into 10th house of Public Status - significantly positioned @ 29Can32, the degree of the Solar Eclipse cycle we're now in since the July 21, 2009 Eclipse - 'systems fail; new ideas and methods needed.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The bankers (Jupiter) are part of the crew who want our financial system to fail. But you've noticed that by now, right?

12th house of backdoor deals contains values-oriented Venus 21Vir46 conjunct tr asteroid Cupido linked to corporatism; Venus is conjunct Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: to go against society; against the mainstream.

SOX signing data from the official White House website.

Jupiter and the Moon Oct 26, 2009 + a new sunspot

Space Weather News for Oct 25, 2009

BIG SUNSPOT: The sun is showing signs of life. Sunspot 1029 emerged over the weekend, and it is crackling with B- and C-class solar flares. The active region's magnetic polarity identifies it as a member of new Solar Cycle 24. If its growth continues apace, sunspot 1029 could soon become the biggest sunspot of 2009.

Check SpaceWeather for animations and updates.

MONDAY NIGHT SKY SHOW: When the sun sets on Monday, Oct 26, go outside and look south. Jupiter and the Moon are converging for a beautiful conjunction. The bright pair can been seen even through thinly-clouded skies and city lights. Don't miss it!

CONNECT YOUR PHONE TO THE SKY: Would you like a call when Earth-orbiting satellites detect strong solar flares and solar wind gusts? Sign up for Spaceweather PHONE to turn your telephone into a bona fide solar activity alert system.


Ah yes, the "sun is showing signs of life" - in time for 2012?

Oct 25, 2009

When Rothschilds ruled the world

Oh wait - they still do.

And according to some the Rothschild family are actually Asiatic Mongols, not Jews. Hmm. This is a change of perspective for Israeli politics.

Oct 24, 2009

Ronald Reagan bio timeline and Iran-Contra

Look what turned up today as I investigate the highest ranking (Grand Master) Freemason to helm the US Presidency, Gerald Ford - a Ronald Reagan bio timeline with notable quotes, mostly concerning Reagan's Iran-Contra scandal.

You'll find a few details on the Reagans' use of astrologer Joan Quigley, too, but my favorite tidbit has to be a handy reminder of Reagan's testimony before the Tower Commission (referred to as the 'Tower Board meeting' which may be how his handlers termed it to him) concerning the Iran-Contra affair when Reagan thoughtlessly read his stage directions aloud:

"If the question comes up at the Tower Board meeting, you might want to say that you were surprised."

And some people question why I refer on this blog to the mimes and scripts of the US Congress and the rest of Washington politics as Capitol Hill Theater.


Update 4:15 pm edt: having read a few websites and blogs about President Gerald Ford, 33rd degree Mason, I can recommend one to you concerning Ford's membership in the Royal Order of Jesters, a secret society said to be within the Shriners.

This link contains a photo of Gerald Ford in his Paladin fez hat with its tassle, Crescent Moon of the East, and star. It's quite a vision especially to any American voters who may still be under the impression that it's we-the-people who elect our presidents. Cover your kids' eyes though for you'll find mention of the Jesters' favorite "fun" sexual practice - it promotes 'brotherhood' y'see.

Hmmm..."Jesters" where have I found that reference recently?

Why, in the Sabian Symbol for the 2009 Inaugural Moon with the Inaugural chart good for 4 years of a presidential term, that's where. Yes, that's the 2009 Inaugural Moon which represents the people in a national chart.

Well, perhaps you've previously run across one of my posts during Campaign 2008 from October on Barack Obama's huge rally under the Masonic Arch in St. Louis, Missouri when an estimated 100,000 people turned out, wasn't it? Remember the aerial photos?

(And secret societies adore it when the general public pays homage to things they don't really understand are being presented by society members.)

So am I implying that President Obama is a member of, or is closely affiliated with, Freemasonry and perhaps with other secret societies as well?

Of course I am. This is Stars Over Washington, y'all.

Here once again are the symbolic details for '30Sco' as given in The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones (who may have been a Freemason, too, for all I know):

2009 Inaugural Moon 29Sco45...'30Sco' = "The Halloween Jester"...SPONTANEOUSNESS.

Positive expression: a gift for making the desires and ambitions of self not only of interest but of actual value to others;

Negative/unconscious/shadow side: ineptness of self-expression and contempt for established values. #

My boldface. Actually theirs are pretty bold faces, too, even with silly tassledy hats on.

Oct 23, 2009

George W. Bush smirks his regrets...

Eight years of a George Bush presidency saw hundreds of thousands of Americans repeatedly protesting in the streets, but funny how it made no difference in his decisions. Apparently the fix was in with the ones who select presidents, profit from war, build and export armaments, and plot to dominate the world 'on the ground' and from space...Bush stayed in office, and the majority of us cringed several times per day.

During the Bush administration, the attacks of 9/11/01 were used, at the least, to paper over the Bush-Cheney-SCOTUS affair which shoved the two oil men through the back door of the White House, and personally I see no reason to pardon SCOTUS for the travesty - EVER.

But in Canada these days, where Bush is on a rather extensive speaking tour, it's a different story and Bush is including a 'self-reflective' schtick meant to deflect inconvenient questions posed by audience members. And yet grumpy protesters keep showing up outside each venue, burning effigies and making it clear where they stand on George Bush's heinous ways and his sorry, sociopathic self.

Now I don't know what version of the Bible Bush clings to for his justifications, but as I groused before he invaded Iraq: the God in my Bible couldn't possibly rubberstamp his and his backers' decision to bomb the Holy Land back to the Stone Age and kill millions - millions of people who also happen to be God's children, oil or no oil.

And that is the best I can say for George W. Bush who now 'regrets' not sending troops into New Orleans earlier for Hurricane Katrina.

Troops? He thinks they only needed troops? What a jacka*s.