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Nov 19, 2009

Will Nixon tape's missing 18 1/2 mins be detected?

After a meeting with his chief of staff Bob Haldemann on June 20, 1972 President Richard Nixon's secretary supposedly 'erased' 18 1/2 minutes causing a mysterious a gap in the tape of their discussion. But Haldemann was an ace note-taker and 2 pages of his yellow legal pad are being subjected to scrutiny, a probe set up by the National Archives.

If new detective techniques can do the job, we may be hearing a few missing details from their meeting 3 days after the break-in at Democratic National headquarters in the Watergate complex. Crooks will do anything to get re-elected.

A Little Astrology

Taking a peek at a morning chart for June 20, 1972 (which is not so different from the break-in chart - break-in Moon 20Vir28, break-in Sun 26Gem56 conj Venus 26:13 Rx; missing minutes Moon 19Lib59 @ 8:30 am edt; Sun 29Gem16, Venus 24:42 Rx; Pluto also at a critical degree, 29Vir20/21, direct in both charts) we see tr Uranus 14Lib12 Rx in process of conjoining US natal Saturn, a period when circunstances challenge us in areas related to rules, regulations, laws, and restrictions. But if you're president, you can operate on the 'if the president does it, it's legal' delusion and hope you and your operatives aren't caught.

Transiting Mars 24Can50 sits upon US n Mercury indicating revved up mental energies with lots of info and communications flowing within an environment that can become chaotic or aggressive; the urge is to turn thoughts into actions; verbal combat is likely, and one speaks one's mind (then one has one's secretary pretend to accidentally erase 18 1/2 of one's mind-speaking before tapes are turned over to Congress.)

If you use the US Sibly chart, tr Saturn 12Gem15 conjuncts US natal Descendant (Partnerships); tr Jupiter 4Cap19 Rx opposes US n Venus no matter which natal chart you use, and will go on to oppose its own position, then US natal Sun:

Tr Jupiter oppo n Venus: values, sincerity, perspective and sense of proportion suffer; harmony in working with others is lacking, and things tend to fall flat.

Tr Jupiter oppo n Jupiter: there is discontent with personal achievements and no one is impressed with one's efforts which tend to be overblown and ineffective; pushing too hard or taking anything for granted don't turn out well.

Tr Jupiter oppo Sun: material assets tend to become depleted, and generosity is extended to the wrong people or are wasted in worthless endeavors (the basic story of Washington DC?); grandiose schemes and overreaching are common with this transit when victories compromise integrity; forces oppose and ego is deflated so one tries a 'work around' which, as we know, didn't turn out well for Nixon or for the nation.

There's a midpoint of interest involving saboteur Pluto (which was not within orb during the evening of the break-in) - any, all, or none may apply...

Mars/Neptune = Pluto: irresponsible attitude; selfish pursuit of one's objectives; devil-may-care attitude; compulsion to find the source of and using the available energies of mystical or unknown natures; dreaming of violence or aggravation. (Tyl; Munkasey.)

Now the article linked above states that results of their detective work may be available in early 2010 which is interesting to me because of the Solar Eclipse of Jan 15, 2010 @ '25Cap' (12 North = opportunites to accept respnsibilities through another's inability to carry on; difficult events but positive outcomes.)

Jan 2010's 12N solar manifestation @ '25Cap' links by degree to the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the 'missing 18 1/2 minutes' chart @ 25Cap25 and the 'break-in' chart of 3 days earlier - because it's at the same degree (near US natal Pluto) in the 10 North Series.

This synchronistically points to early 2010 since 12N's last manifestation was on Feb 7, 2008 @ '18AQ', the "A Man Unmasked" degree - Rudhyar says: "A Man's Secret Motives Are Being Publicky Unmasked' flavor.

He says it refers to the publlicing of past behavior!

Brady's Predictive Astrology concurs...10N = communications are emphasized; frustrations or inhibiting events occur via news, paperwork, or a young person; feelings are tired and drained.

Well, I hope the detectives get info that can be publicized so that Nixon's motives are more clearly known and truth is outed. I lived in DC during the Watergate scandal and have never appreciated what Nixon's criminalities did to the place, my favorite city.

You may wish to review a 2007 post I wrote for the 33rd anniversary of Nixon's resignation which contains a link to the resignation letter Tricky Dick sent to his NWO pal, Henry Kissinger.

Nov 18, 2009

Biden with Stewart, Spica @ Rosslyn Chapel, US natal Mercury Rx

As you know, VP Joe Biden was interesting on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

The Huff Po article details some of the VP's remarks and provides videos of his performance with Jon.

One thing I do whole-heartedly agree with the VP about concerning the depressing recession that crashed under Bush-Cheney and had its baton passed to Barack Obama on Jan 20, 2009, is that it is "fascinating" that people who got us into the financial stew are the ones bossing and throwing their weight around over what should be done.

It's fascinating, yes, but not as much for the reasons VP Biden implies, or suggests that I believe.

If time doesn't fleet totally away I hope eventually to study more closely the chart for the beginning of the US natal *Mercury/Pluto cycle which has the persuasive pair opposing one another in the US birth chart, with Mercury retrograde @ '25Cancer'...quoting Marc Edmund Jones:

"A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder"...DESTINY.

positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Dane Rudhyar's '25 Can': "A Will-full Man Is Overshadowed by a Descent of Superior Power." Keynote: The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors.'

(Yet one's man's will can cause another man's imprisonment. And it sounds like someone more powerful is over President Obama to me, willful though he may be. And it could be The Man Upstairs in a political and financial sense. jc.)

Rudhyar goes on to mention that 'the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

We witness a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as it is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT. (An Astrological Mandala.)

Now it's been a while since I quoted a degree from Adriano Carelli but I shall in part for '25Can' since it describes an intrinsic ingredient within America's psyche and her founding in 1776. So if America were a coconut pie, Mercury would be the_____well, you get the picture.

Not all his degree interpretations have word pictures but in The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Carelli gives '25Can' as "A Wild Horse" and says it relates to a "spirited being, full of noble purposes and setting his sights high, cherishing freedom above all earthly things..." He goes on to say that other stars may help him "make his mark in history" but under less favorable influence "his daring may become a reckless love of adventure, his zest for work wild and fickle fanaticism, his lofty aspirations selfish ambitions.

Travel will play a role in his life," (perhaps a pioneer), and "the secret of his success is his unshakable self-confidence supported by a fiery will."

Okay, there's the word will again - for a man or our nation. Reminds me of cults that use the 'what thou wilt' slogan to justify doing whatever they think to do - Crowley's crowd, is it? It's all quite Sun/Mars/Pluto - 'forcefully taking power' etc. And US n Sun is in Cancer, a most self-protective sign, always scuttling sideways like a crab to avoid what we don't want to confront. But give us an idea for an illegal invasion to secure oil and other resources and we're sitting on ready.

Now you may have heard that America has been accused lately of 'losing confidence' and one could suppose that a Secondary Mars turning Rx is one of the descriptors of such a change (on an inner level where self-confidence must exist), if indeed it has occurred. To me, the Fort Hood shootings seem designed for undermining our soldiers' and the public's sense of being safe on US soil inside a military facility...a loss of confidence in one's safety.

What I don't know for certain is whether the heinous crime was engineered under cover and is actually a false flag op to help make police state implementation seem more acceptable to the general populace - on US soil. It's the old political ploy 'trading security for freedoms' maze we're bedeviled with once again because politicians know we will follow them like sheep when under threat. And threats don't have to come from where we're told they come from, just manipulated against us.

Yes, the US natal Mercury, our Mercury/Pluto opposition, and Mercury's degree symbolisms (and Pluto's) are fascinating on more levels than this, but my pecking finger is just about all tucked out except for a...

Heads-Up: if you're interested in articles about Rosslyn Chapel and its Freemsonic Legacy, check out expert astrologer Ed Kohout on the subject in a 3-part article that includes the laying of the foundation stone of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, among other fascinating and ancient things, plus a cast that includes Fixed Star Spica with Mars conjoined.

And one more note from my local evening news: Fulton County Courthouse of Atlanta is on the verge of shutting its doors, one more example of the 'the money's gone and tax revenues are down' script. Rep. John Lewis has been contacted in Washington to ask for financial aid to keep justice 'unfrozen' in Atlanta. Even divorces will be unavailable if the courthouse closes, and I know many other towns and cities are in similar straits.

Yet the same people involved in causing the financial swamp and allowing increasing job losses in the US are still on duty! Are we-the-people wacko or what? Do you think so few of us demanding accountability from our fraudsters, heisters, and crime syndicate types indicates something of a loss of confidence for the American people?


*America's Mercury/Pluto cycle begins with their conjunction of Jan 18, 1776 @ 26Cap32, where transiting midpoints Neptune/Pluto and Pluto/Chiron hang out circa 2009 with intermittent tete-a-tetes with tr Jupiter/Pluto; and of course, the degree is conjunct US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx; US Pluto has progressed to a 29th degree of Capricorn, a critical point in America's power developments. jc

Fireball over western US turns night to day 11.18.09

Space Weather News for Nov 18, 2009

FIREBALLS AND METEORS: As forecasters predicted, the Leonid meteor shower peaked during the late hours of Nov 17, favoring sky watchers in Asia with an outburst of 100+ meteors per hour. Just as the outburst was dying down, an even bigger event took place over the western USA. Something hit Earth's atmosphere and exploded with an energy equivalent of 0.5 to 1 kiloton of TNT.

Witnesses in Colorado, Utah, Idaho and elsewhere say the fireball "turned night into day" and "shook the ground" when it exploded just after midnight Mountain Standard Time. Researchers who are analyzing infrasound recordings of the blast say the fireball was not a Leonid. It was probably a small asteroid, now scattered in fragments across the countryside.

Efforts are underway to measure the trajectory of the asteroid and guide meteorite recovery efforts. Please visit SpaceWeather News for images and updates. #


Hmmm....there were fireballs sighted over Colorado in 2008...they can sometimes indicate experiments taking place. Or perhaps...going awry.

Then again it could be actual 'signs in the heavens' couldn't it?

Fort Hood, Neptune Direct, and America's Pluto

Astrology Mundo has an excellent post by Monica Starr on the Fort Hood shootings and Neptune's Station Direct of November 4.

Monica had left a comment under my post on Neptune's change of direction where she envisioned 'mass sorrow' due to Neptune's Station being so near the US natal Moon, and sadly, she was on-the-mark with the Fort Hood shootings.

Excellent insights from Monica yet I suspect she agrees with me that sometimes you just don't want to be right.

Yes, we-the-people are having Neptune to US Moon (the people), Saturn to US Neptune (ideals, hopes, dreams) - and Pluto in an ongoing opposition to US natal Venus in preparation for opposing US natal Jupiter, Sun, and eventually, Mercury Rx which stimulates the US natal Mercury/Pluto opposition.

No time to rant on secret hand Pluto's actions now, but if you'll read my previous post from a few minutes ago, you'll find a link to an article on George Soros, Russia, and Freemasonry which excerpts a book on the subject of Freemasonry's history in Russia and includes enlightenment on Freemasonic America's culpabilities.

You may freely relate the information to the financial 'meltdown' of 2008 which is also described by Neptune to US Moon and the frauds (Neptune) now being perpetrated against the American people (Moon.)

One thing that must be added though is a quote from Jeff Green's book Pluto (Vol I; 1996) concerning America's natal Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, business, and law:

'One a national level it is interesting to remember that Pluto is in Capricorn in the US chart. The day will come when the United States will "fall from grace." One day it will not be the world power that it is today; it will be one nation among many. This will force a restructuring of the national Soul so that a new collective self-image can evolve. The national sense of security linked with being a world power will have to change as a result of this evolutionary necessity.' (paperback, p. 192.)

My theory is that since Freemasonry has used Sacred Geometry (Astrology) since day one, they understand these principles very well and have always used the tool of Astrology to time their events of chaos, revolution, coups, and massacres, and for instructive insights on how to gain what they want - world government - by using the ancient art as their satanic guide rather than as the Great Mathematician intended - As above, So Below for the good of mankind, not for its subjugation by politically inspired psychopaths.

Nov 17, 2009

Noam Chomsky's BBC interview of Nov 17

BBC News broadcast an interview on Nov 17 with linguist and government critic Noam Chomsky who is calling the war in Afghanistan immoral.

As a mother I ask you: aren't they all? Even if a war is begun with 'moral justification' (and ours never are anymore, are they? if they ever were), war contains horrors such as we hear from our returning soldiers, if we listen and if they can mention them without losing their minds or committing suicide.

And that's not counting what our techno-bombing victims experience - I refer mainly to the women and children who are so cynically put in harm's way by both sides. Now that's Evil.

So I'm posting a link to Professor Chomsky's interview because there are multiple YouTube videos to cover what he has to say. Now does President Obama listen to him, by any chance?

Some Basic Astrology Describes Our Current Condition

America on the downside, Republican Party on the downside - and both have had recent Secondary Progressed Full Moons when a culmination is reached and one must lower one's sights, not escalate them into war and more war - especially with America's Mars, the god of war and indicator of the military - now retrograde by progression!

This is a duh and double-duh situation being described through the lens of Astrology: our nation has to come to terms with the fact that it is our own nation and citizens that we should be making the most directed efforts for (Mars) while counting our blessings for what little our politicians have yet to ruin, spoil, and steal.

When anyone or any entity is in the Full Moon phase and waning, it marks a Save What's Left phase, not an expansion stage, and the longer it takes us to act maturely about the reality of our true condition, the worse our nation's landing will be.

Sorry, but there it is.

Now I'm off to watch V. Have you noticed the abundance of sci-fi entertainment on TV and in films lately? Why, you'd think they were trying to propagandize us or sumthin'!

33 weeks - an unusually long stay in Leo for Mars 2009

Since I just hooked up with astrologer Melody Scott Zindell on Twitter I moseyed over to see what subjects Melody has been writing on of late and found an informative post concerning the current 33-week stay of Mars in Leo.

Mars entered Leo on Oct 16, 2009 and his usual stay in a sign is about 7 weeks - zeeks!

Melody says It's Time to Take Action and of course, you don't have to have Mars (planet of initiative action, energy, and desire) in the sign of Leo the Lion in your natal chart to experience this transit personally since the feisty fellow traverses somewhere in our horoscopes all the time and since he resonates well with Sun-ruled Leo for getting things done.

In fact, as Melody mentions, any Leo planets in our natal charts are now being stimulated by the Leo transit of Mars (also stimulated are other planets and points that are in an aspect relationship to Mars' position - Tau/Sco squares, Gem/Sag sextiles/trines, Aquarius opposes, etc - so check out Melody's insights on Mars' 33 weeks in Leo for it's going to be a long and bumpy ride brought to us by a fiery planet traveling through a fiery sign - and many of us have transfomative Pluto in creative Leo!

Critical! Next 'Countdown' Free Clinic: Nov 21, Little Rock, AR

Bearing witness to America's health care shortcomings`

Give a listen to an eye witness account, if you missed it Monday evening:`

Video: Countdown with Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, 11.16.09

Next "Countdown Free Clinic" -- Little Rock, AR. -- Saturday, November 21, 2009

The National Association of Free Clinics (NAFC) is the only nonprofit 501c(3) (ID# 56-2273242) organization whose mission is solely focused on the issues and needs of the more than 1,200 free clinics and the people they serve in the United States.

Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., the NAFC is an effective advocate for the issues and concerns of free clinics, their volunteer workforce of doctors, dentists, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, technicians and other health care professionals, and the patients served by free clinics in communities throughout the nation.

Vision: To be a national voice and essential partner for building a healthy America.


Okay, Capitol Hill politicians, we're down to Health 'Insurance' Reform and some of you are still bucking the idea of an America where decent, timely health care is available to all the nation's citizens at reasonable costs. Now I know many of you have stock portfolios that may suffer a bit if the health, pharma, and insurance industries have their paws slammed in the great cookie jar by new legislation that aids and empowers the common good by putting corporate profits at abeyance. You can afford lower returns on your investments in the health industry sector for you have other lucrative cookie jars at your disposals.

And with my very low opinion of your morals, I believe that population control is part of your plans as you underfeed and un-house millions, prevent lower classes from getting medical care they need (including those made ill from eating chemical-laced foods your other portfolio pals invented), and outsourcing, then failing, to create jobs with which we may attempt to decently support our families.

But putting that belief aside, I ask you now to step out of the way, put controls on health care costs, and repair the health care mess you've allowed and enabled. If you don't step out of the way, your lack of common decency and shriveled humanitarian instincts will continue to hang out like a street walker's frilly bra strap which seems okay by you, for your plans include being ready for the revolution you're working furiously to inspire.

The anti-public-option ruling class should be ashamed that Americans must resort to free clinics and that some patients' conditions are beyond medical intervention due to lack of timely care. To be ashamed indicates you have consciences, yet as many people have remarked in recent years, you apparently have none, only artful rationalizations for your greed and selfishness.

Therefore, you must be led to improve your own karma by those who do have conciences and common good standards, for you made it plain long ago that you consider yourselves above such mundane considerations as being your brother's keeper. There you mess with a Higher Power than your own!

Well, here's a standing question for you from an author whose novels exposed the horrid social conditions of his day, and who expressed himself much better than this gnat of a blogger ever could:

Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?

- Upton Sinclair, socialist and Pulitzer Prize winner (1943) for his novel, Dragon's Teeth.

So how about it, Republicans and GOP handmaidens of the Democratic Party?

As you dawdle and mount political theatrics, human beings are suffering grievously while you meet in your exalted committees which are paid for by the good graces of US taxpayers - some of whom are being forced by painful circumstances to attend the next 'public option' free clinic - if they can find one.

Astrology Links M - Z

Stars Over Washington's continued Astrology Links List M - Z:

Maya White
Molly's Astrology
Moon Maven Publications
Neptune Cafe
Out the Comet's Ass
Perspectives from the Sky
Pluto Rising Astrology
Robert Phoenix
Scientific Feng Shui & Astrology
Silverwheel Astrology
Starlight News
Starry Night Astrology
Tarot University ArkLetters
The Mountain Astrologer Magazine
Two Hours You'll Never Get Back
Zyntara: Visual Astrology

Nov 16, 2009

View the Leonids Nov 17, 2009

Space Weather News for Nov 16, 2009

LEONID METEOR SHOWER: The Leonid meteor shower peaks on Tuesday, Nov 17, with a new Moon providing ideally-dark viewing conditions. Forecasters expect a relatively mild display (20 to 30 meteors per hour) over North America followed by a much stronger outburst (100 to 300 per hour) over Asia. No matter where you live, the best time to look is during the dark hours before sunrise on Tuesday morning.

Visit for full coverage of the Leonids, including live audio from a meteor radar, a live chat with a NASA meteor scientist, sky maps, photos and more. #


And you may wish to scroll to my previous post for astro-details on today's New Moon in Scorpio.

Nov 15, 2009

Scorpio New Moon Nov 16, 2009 + a secret post revealed

A SO'W heads-up for you:

An until-now 'secret' post saved in Draft form from early September, Signposts on the NWO Highway, has now been published after mild refurbishing.

Nov 16, 2009, Monday: New Moon 24Sco34, chart set for Washington DC @ 2:13 pm est has a 25Pis19 Ascendant with rebellious awakener Uranus 22Pis48 Rx rising along with Juno 22:16, an asteroid whose main claim to fame is as 'the wife' yet can have abuser/abused connotations as well; Uranus trines the New Moon (1S46.)

Monday's New Moon falls in Washington's 8th house with Venus 11Sco01 and Mercury 1Sag13 - '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" in the Sabian Symbols.

ASC '26Pis' = "A New Moon that Divides Its influence." Well, that's appropriate for a New Moon chart, isn't it? Moon is VOC once Luna leaves her conj with the Sun.

Pluto, the actor I consider to be co-ruler of this New Moon in Scorpio, is nearing Midheaven - Pluto 1Cap45, Mc 27Sag26. Mc has two midpoint pictures upon it with the Public Sector as outlet for energy expression in the larger world...

Saturn/Uranus = Mc: removing old habits; accepting change; altering personal goals and aspirations due to changes in society or at work; releasing old ideas that are no longer effective.

This supports our current Solar Eclipse season from July 21, 2009 with its 'systems fail; new methods and ideas are needed to deal with events' vibe (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

In Politics, the Saturn/Uranus duo stand for the legislative process and legislative and executive interactions, balancing conservatives and progressives, and/or counterrevolutionary rule. There may be control of access to political dissidents (involving the proposed NYC trial of 9/11 suspects?)

Mercury/NN = Mc: use of groups with similar interests assist and enhance presige, stature, and reputation; intentions to supply data.

Mercury/NN in Politics has a 'new corridors for transportation' flavor, and indicates well-thought-out and coordinated joint efforts; use of transportation capabilities for smuggling, and/or ineffective efforts to coordinate transportation options.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

At Ic (End of the Matter) is '28Gem' which is, once again, in the Sabian Symbols, a degree of BANKRUPTCY, and we're still operating under the rays of the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse, the 'systems fail, new ideas and methods needed' Series (Brady.) This degree is also that of 9/11's Moon.

(Are you counting how many times you hear the word 'system' in the news and in conversation since the financial meltdown began to rear its long-planned head?)

Well, instigating operative Mars 13Leo22 in 5th house is busy in dramatic Leo, sign of the natural ruler, as he revs up to oppose the Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune trio in Aquarius - here in 12th house of behind-the-scenes where political deals are forged.

The exact Great Conjunction (#3 of 3) of Jupiter and Neptune, whose blend of energies can be lovely in a happy 'grand spirit' sort of way, or speculatively fraudulent like a Wall Street bubble or a floating cross-country homemade balloon with an illusory boy aboard....perfects on Dec 21, 2009 @ 24AQ18 @ 3:50 pm est, which squares the Nov 16 New Moon we discuss here. Mars will be Rx @ 19Leo41 by then and at Mc of the Jup-Nep Great Conjunction chart.

As you know, Jupiter and Neptune met twice before with 2009 being 'their year' of 'going with the wind' as they play around with the US ntal Moon 27AQ10 in America's 'Sibly' chart (5:10 pm LMT, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA.) This is the 'becoming involved in speculation' picture I've groused about many times here and at Jude's Threshold and the 2009 Health Care/Insurance Reform debate and its possible legislation falls under this category, imho, along with inflationary printing of currency and the weakening of the US dollar.

Jupiter conj Neptune:

1. May 27, 2009;
2. July 20; and
3. Dec 21, 2009

Wall Street does love a good bubble and Jupiter-Neptune hook-ups are well-qualified to inflate the market with piles of fake money while Washington attempts to pull a boondoggling behemoth of health insurance reform over our woolly noggins one more time - and greatly increases the size and scope of government in the process. To paraphrase President Obama on the health reform issue, This is it.

In the New Moon chart, the Jupiter-Neptune conj squares the New Moon (0S50) and the two are ruler and co-ruler of the chart's Pisces Ascendant. Saturn 1Lib49 is within orb of his recent and ongoing conjunction to US natal Mc ('Sibly' 00 Lib53) and is in 7th house of the New Moon chart. May Saturn's Exaltation in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice, aid America with the 9/11 trials in NYC or wherever they may be held. (It's about time, but using civilian courts seems a daft idea to me.)

So with Nov 16's New Moon being the start of a new cycle of activity, we may wish to consider the Sabian Symbol of its degree, '25Scorpio' for any clues for our astro-inquiry...

'25Sco' = "An X-Ray"...INVESTIGATION...

positive expression: an exceptional power of analysis;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: uncritical over-sensitiveness to both the condition of self and the state of society. (Marc Edmund Jones; my bold.)

One thing more - two asteroids are conjunct Monday's New Moon...

Hidalgo 24Sco35 (one of the power-wielding asteroids), and Cupido 25:03, an asteroid that can alternate between wearing several caps: corporatism; The Family; syndicates; group associations; Art. And Cupido and his counterpart, Eros, are both related to piercing, such as with the Arrow of Love - or of Hatred, if certain tides have turned.

Now how about the Sun Sco-Moon Sco Images for Integration?

'A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)