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Mar 16, 2011

After watching these last years as The Soulless of Wall Street and Washington tag-teamed to run the American people into the alms house, I find today that in Japan as in the US (and most every other location on the globe, centering in London), it was cold hearted greed and lax oversight that preceded the meltdown of nuclear reactors (built on fault lines); plus a 9.0 earthquake (3.11.11 Fri 2:47 pm local time), tsunami, and volcano to brew a doomsday catastrophe.

Christian Science Monitor's coverage is recommended: Japan Earthquake-Nuclear Meltdown Timeline.

As is that of: Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! and Thom Hartmann's The Big Picture.

As notes of the recent Cardinal Grand Cross echo across my monitor screen, I bemoan again the lingering effects of the Saturn, Uranus, Pluto trio which remain in contact with one another, just not in a planetary configuration such as a T-Square. Their T-Square relationship: Saturn/Uranus = Pluto has dissolved somewhat with Saturn now further into Libra to about 18 Libra when a retrograde station occurred and the Old Man returned to lower degrees of the sign of the Balanced Scales of Justice, Valuations, Beauty, Diplomacy, Relationships, and The Other.

Perhaps the Trio's Midpoint Picture Says It All

*Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: harm through force majeure.

Being opposite Mars-ruled Aries, Libra is one of the military signs. Yet it's primarily been disruptive Uranus crossing the Aries Point on March 11, 2011 (and its declination, with March 11 being the day of the 9.0 earthquake "off the coast of the northeastern city of Sendai") which has commandeered the astrological limelight in the series of disasters now befalling the world and Japan in particular. (Originally ranked @ 8.9, the Friday earthquake rating has been upped to 9.0, last I heard.)

At a cued moment, an event of some rarity was staged with the emperor of Japan making his first-ever TV appearance performing as the emperor of Japan, perhaps a clue to the dramatic opportunism exhibited by a world crime syndicate terrorizing global populations.

Excruciatingly, the worst disenfranchisement most human beings can imagine is what now befalls the good people of Japan and those who will suffer in future from radioactive fallout. The scientists (nuclear), industrialists (GE), politicians and traders (global), and media (scoundrels) have talked it 'down' all the while though some level of admission cannot be avoided in a Sorrow which is being manipulated as if it's a public relations conflagration meant to keep hidden the identities of the many culprits for as long as possible.

The human toll is unacceptable to me. Their corner-cutting construction and maintenance, and other cost-cutting measures that may come to light are irrelevant at the moment with such large numbers of people now fighting for their and their loved ones' very survival.

Somehow the perilous March 2011 nuclear meltdown, earthquake, tsunami, and volcano in Japan makes TV's Survivor seem like a bunch of fluff'n'nonsense.


So is it a coincidence that the TV program 'V' is peaking in its dramatic arc as Earthlings are shown being overpowered and out-technologized by the 'Vs' whose fancy lighting system makes other more earthly mood lifters completely unnecessary? And I can definitely see how Anna's 'Bliss' could seem blasphemous to those who love the Lord.

To me, 'V' attempts to pass on a message that the world is changing radically and will never be the same now. Much has been written of potentials for 2011 and 2012 - maybe to 'set the mood' as the entertainment industry is so perfect at doing. Another current TV offering of the same ilk is The Event but my personal fave of the genre is Fringe, and I suspect you like it, too. Don't ask me how I know - Fringe's parallel universe theme just seems to fit our weird, unpredictable world these days especially for one who reads a blog such as this.


Three Links from me to you: Mountain Astrologer Magazine, Julie Demboski's Astrology, and Woolly Mammoth Chronicles.


*The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin.

The Iron Wall (video link) -- of Zionist colonization

The Iron Wall (Video link)

"Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population - behind The Iron Wall, which the native population cannot breach."

Vladimir Jabotinsky 1923

Click to read details and view a 57-minute video on this important topic; naturally, the tense duo of Saturn (tectonic plates; soil; earth; constriction) and Uranus (splitting; breaking; loosening) are implicated and are associated in Mundane Astrology with the Middle East particularly Israel and Palestine. The duo's last Great Conjunction/s occurred three times through 1988 - under Ronald Reagan's watch though his deputies may have been minding the national store while the Gipper snoozed; Saturn and Uranus conjoined forces in the near-final three degrees of Sagittarius 27-28-29 rather near Galactic Center. 29 degrees of any sign, as you know, is often in critical or crisis mode and the planet prepares to move into new territory, the next sign.

We felt the Saturn/Uranus opposition in the November 2009 presidential election and again in 2010 across the Virgo-Pisces axis. Nowadays, with Capitol Hill's traditionalism v radicalism, plus riots, protests, strikes, rebellions, overthrows, stepdowns, bombings, disenfranchisement, earthquakes, volcanoes, and nuclear catastrophes, we groan under their brittle 165-degree quindecile relationship indicating 'disruption of governing systems' and 'defiance of law and order.'

Guess that also applies in the spiritual realm to natural law and order.


For more details on the compulsive-obsessive aspect The Quindecile, allow Ricki Reeves to explain.

Is Japan targeted by HAARP? (video)

Well, it was only a matter of time before I had to mention HAARP by name in relation to the nuclear devastation in Japan. My last post covered much of my thoughts, my heart is broken, and there's too much more to say rather than less. Yet we must each watch our energy levels if we have them. Si?

My cordial thanks go to Crystal Pomeroy of one of online's premiere publications Daykeeper Journal for sending along a handy YouTube link. Crystal Pallas Pomeroy is one of three daughters of expert astrologer, author, and lecturer Maya Del Mar ~~ one of Astrology's past lights still shining ~~ and writes a regular column Crystal's Moon Meditations for our growth and renewal.

Thanks, Crystal!

(As you see, the HAARP video is published here in English since I don't speak Spanish. Wish I did. YouTube has it how you want to hear it though. jc)

Mar 15, 2011

Japan's Ripped Apart Water Molecules, Mysterious Bird Deaths, & Neptune to Pisces

A Nuclear Proposal and a Water Molecule Explodes in Japan

by Jude Cowell

Seems to me that nuclear radiation leaks in the global nuclear arsenal and aging power plant systems could have been leaking long 'ere this and could be part of the poisoning of wildlife in various regions: mysteriously dead birds falling from the sky en masse; fish kills washing up on global shores. Reactors are now 40 - 50 years old with what is now known as sub-standard containment provisions.

What say you to this idea, Anonymous commenter?

As you know, the world is in meltdown: the Japan Meltdown is ongoing with leaked radiation now wafting across the Pacific Ocean toward the West Coast of the US. Astrologically, transiting Neptune (planet of poisons, gases, oils, water, oceans, the masses, media, propaganda, lies, fraud, deception, disillusion, illusion, entertainment, art-music-acting, disappointment, and loss - let's see...does that uncover most everything about Neptunian veils and masks except the positive side: spirituality and The Divine Source?)

Cuing Mr. Hades, god of the Underworld and Primal Power

Pluto's plutonium is one of the distressing factors in the deteriorating situation; the 60 people left behind are sacrificing their lives in order to fight the meltdowns at at least three power plants where there is nuclear waste on top of the reactors, says *Thom Hartmann. I can hardly type of it anymore right now (feeling a little ill here at the thought of Science's hubris - they can meddle with natural laws but they can't equally repair what they irreparably ruin.

In this case, General Electric designed the plants with the nuclear waste just sitting on top in pools. If the refuse burns (and it has; there's no remedy for nuclear waste disposal given its long 'shelf life' and anyone who says they want more of it brought into the world is a psychopathic control freak to the nth dimension. They mean no good toward society, may be practicing massive population control, and should be deterred on behalf of the world's common good.)

Another sad factor here is highly combustible uranium, namesake of planet Uranus (Ouronos.) And as astrologers understand the myth, Ouronos the Sky God, represents creative genius and in the realm of nuclear and atomic energy, it's genius gone wild.

With our Frankensteinian, Uranian 'mad scientists' at work for decades (which implicates energies of the zodiacal sign Aquarius where Neptune now lingers at AQ's last degree, the crisis-critical degree of 29AQ), we see dire effects manifested of a Neptune gone wild and wafting its harmful way across the sea, aided by lab tech Uranus.

If nuclear meltdown and radiation poisoning, results of ripping water molecules apart, are the key event/s of the long-dreaded year 2011 (leading into the even more dreaded-for-mysterious-occurrences-2012), it's a hard lesson which the Mutual Reception between Uranus and Neptune has been teaching. My prayers go out for all mankind as we reap what the nuclear industry has sown (with our willing compliance through diversionary tactics), and it seems in Japan to point - for much if not all of the catastrophe's culpability - directly toward General Electric (along with Japan's national power company) in whichever of the corporation's guises apply. For like the Atomic Split which also broke a natural law, there's a no-turning-back-now tone to the whole sorry affair.

Then, with Weather as Weapon issues of 'natural' disaster proportions lurking around the edges of a concerned public consciousness (awareness = our "Great Awakening"?), we must respond kindly to the dire needs of the Japanese people who seem to be unfortunately ensnared within Science's seemingly limitless nuclear laboratory. (Please see sidebar, right, for a How to Help Japan link. And yes, I've seen TV ads for a new film, Limitless, a Pluto-inspired movie on all levels.)

For good info on the disturbing topic of weather manipulation and more, a must-see is the writing of independent scientist working on radiation issues, Leuren Moret who connects the dots across the globe in a scientific yet humane manner. The people of the world have a need to know so please pass along any Leuren Moren links you have without delay.

So is there perhaps a good reason why radiation carnage is happening once again in Japan where the doom-filled first atomic bombs were unleashed upon an innocent Japanese population by US President Harry Truman? It wasn't simply a way to 'end' WWII, as touted, oh no. It was a declaration of the over-arching power of America over the entire globe, even then. Imperial America has only grown in stature through the decades since, yet now the nation's mojo has been hijacked by global usurpers of the crime syndicate strain of lowlife amoeba, (aka, financial usury-rate-gougers/plutocrats. Yes, Pluto expressing himself through Saturnian Capricorn has become excessively busy, has he not? And now Mr. Hades lurks so near a ruthless Fixed Star, Facies @ 8Cap18, a star connected with earthquakes, as is cave-tunneling Pluto.)

Well, on March 11, 2011, a Fist of God planetary pattern formed between the Moon - adrift among the raging energies of nasty Fixed Stars Capulus and Algol - @ 28Tau43 (noon JST 3.11.11) - square crisis-degreed Neptune 29AQ12; the Moon/Neptune SQ points toward manager-scientist-governmental-official Saturn 15Lib39 Rx, which implicates American involvement (General Electric? It's surely a multi-national corporation by now but one supposes it considers itself American still. In the normal scheme of things, corporations are meant to have built-in expiry dates - society needs to re-establish that helpful rule.)

A midpoint picture is formed by the Fist of God trio as well:

Moon/Neptune = Saturn: caution about neglecting important societal concerns (nuclear waste, an aging collection of reactors ill-designed and maintained); being strongly influenced by the prevailing yet temporary circumstances (temporary? hurrah! if only); a sense of suffering under the yoke; pessimism or despair; feeling frustrated or paralyzed; the suffering of the soul; hard work to restructure ambition. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

(It's safe to say we may all feel the horror which takes 'the starch' out of anyone yet the good people of Japan feel it most keenly and are most directly in harm's way. My intuition, such as it is, says that these conditions may culminate around May 20, 2012 with the arrival of a Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem conjoining Fixed Star Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about. More eclipse stuff later...)

Plus, resonating with tr Saturn, apex planet of the Moon/Neptune square, is the ongoing three-fer process of another US Saturn Return (@ 14Lib48, and a 28-year-cycle) which in 2011 adds to our governmental, legal, and commercial culpability for the nuclear events at hand. (The helm of America was coup'd decades ago by world class meddlers.)

And Saturn's current and apt Sabian Symbol? '16Lib' = "A Boat Landing Washed Away."

Feelin' d'Guinea Pig Blues Deep Down, Y'all

There's a Fixed Star in the belly of constellation Cetus, The Whale (Menkar, victim of the Unconscious) which echoes the story of Jonah who was swallowed by a great Whale (aka, the Great Collective Unconscious of Humanity, or Humanity's Ark; Leviathan) for three days until he got with God's common good program and warned the people as he was meant to do. And I can't seem to shake an impression that the recent conjunction of Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by harsh Saturn) with tr North Node (NN, of the Moon) timed a 'mass destiny of a large number of people' vibe of shared fate which we now experience through the channel of the horrid Japan Meltdown, a catastrophe affecting the entire planet and our global environment. Pluto/NN also describes, powerful connections or encounters.

In response to all these plutonian considerations, here's a Wiki on the Anti-Nuclear cause if you wish to investigate alternate actions to sitting like a lump typing at a pc keyboard - oh, wait! That's me.

Remember Chernobyl 1986 for its fallout still haunts us and adversely affects the DNA of each individual and the very matrix, the mitochondrial DNA, of Mother Earth herself.

Image: Celestial Path and Beyond, imported from Secret Moon Art.


Recommended: Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron and its chapter on Chiron and the Bomb. If this research, pioneered by Bruce Cathe, is correct, there is a specific reason Why Japan Again? in 2011 and it concerns the fact that, to quote,

"--atomic war is a virtual impossibility on this planet because of the unbreakable laws of mathematics and geometry."

Now specifically that's bomb talk and in Japan now it's a slightly different tale of unfortunate disruption yet the catalytic actions are similar in their super-nature as natural laws go unheeded for the alleged sake of progress and new technologies. Besides, knowledge is power. And power is Pluto.

Check out the potential parameters of nuclear reactions occurring 'successfully', if you have the book (yes, there's a Kindle version for $9.99) which may indicate that Japan in March 2011 remains one of the particular spots on Earth where nuclear reaction can indeed take place. This need for timing in a precise location may show that human - shall we call it - "agency" - is more consciously at fault in Japan's catastrophe (earthquake at nuclear plants' locations causing tsunami conditions and death) than is clearly being seen with invisible Pluto, planet of fear and coping, pulling his usual strings of manipulation and control and sending ruinous particulates into our global atmosphere and water for soil, fowl, and fish to snarf up and pass on to us.

*Click the Thom Hartmann Show's link (aired March 15, 2011, above) to read or view his report on the Bush-appointed John Roberts Court and its increase of SCOTUS decisions which have sided with Big Corporations (asteroid Cupido in a mundane chart = Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) against US citizens' best interests; the numbers are wa-a-y up since Roberts took over The Big Gavel.

Today Thom also plugged Senator Al Franklin's introduction of a bill for protecting Net Neutrality. We-the-people and the peoples of the world need this bill to pass, m'peops! Now I signed the petition. Will you?


In addition, my apology for not mentioning in this column Japan Meltdown's effect on global financial markets which was not my focus today even though world markets are currently wobbling or plummeting over such 'fears'. Supply-Demand routes will be interrupted as well yet we may assume from experience that wealthy Pluto will find himself in the best win-win situation from it all than any of the rest of us pawns and dupes.

And on another topic (or is it?), a re-airing of the excellent Orwell Rolls in His Grave will be shown on LINK TV beginning March 24, 2011, just so ya know. If the page still says there are 'no air dates' scheduled, ignore. Because they announced March 24 a little while ago. jc

Mar 14, 2011

A Fixed T-Square situation: Rep. Paul Ryan & President Obama

Today SO'W spotlights a new blog concerning Republican wunderkind Paul Ryan for those who wish to better understand the man behind the budget-slashing mask - and who don't mind using the lens of Astrology to do so.

You'll find that synastry information is included concerning the rigid and difficult Fixed T-Square between President Obama and Rep. Paul Ryan as posted by astrologer Mark Andrew Holmes in collaboration with Alex D'Atria of GOP Astrology.

Meltdown in Japan & New Nuclear Power Plants Coming to Georgia (USA)

You know how you return home from a weekend trip and there are zillions of things to catch up with? Well, that's my situation this morning as I read the latest info I can find on the horrendous earthquakes and ongoing nuclear catastrophe in Japan, a nation of good people for whom I pray in this, their time of great trial.

Then my terra-mail is opened and I am starkly reminded of Japan's nuclear disaster bwo the recent addition to our Georgia Power electric bills: $3.79 per month for their rammed-through legislation allowing a Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery in order to build not one but two nuclear plants in my home state. This is a pay-it-forward tax since the money has been forcibly added to Georgians' power bills as of January 2011 for future construction.

(Anti-nuke protests are now going on over the globe!)

And of course, it doesn't matter if the public (whose taxpayers' will be saddled with massive costs if there's a catastrophe) wants the worrisome nuke plants or not, or if we consider them safe to live near. Georgia's well known water supply shortages seem not to matter either - millions of gallons of cool water for future meltdowns notwithstanding. Smart planning? I think not. Especially since Georgia tends toward debilitating droughts in recent years which are difficult enough to deal with without potential radiation poisoning to worry about.

Of course, dead people aren't thirsty people, are they?

So what if our nation's antiquated power grid failed during one of Georgia's extremely hot summers? Electricity and water are needed to cool down reactors! And I'm not even considering here the threat of hacking by terrorists.

Water Water No Where

Guess we Georgians could spurn water and just drink Atlanta-based Coca-Cola (not me!) all the time "going forward" - but oops! Brewing Coke takes lots of water, too. Gotta work on that pesky getting-thirsty habit, it seems, for if it comes down to drinking water or having nuclear energy, Georgia Power's thumb on the scale has decided 'what's best' for this native Georgian. It all makes me wonder just who could possibly have thought that hot, dry Georgia was a good location for two new nuclear plants.

Uranus, Earthquakes, and Sudden Disasters: Uranus to Aries Point

For years, astrologers have been expecting big events (as well as one can 'expect' with quirky Uranus, planet of The Unexpected) as The Awakener has again crossed the Aries Point of World Manifestation in 2010 and 2011. And I'm sure we've all been hoping that Uranus to AP wouldn't come to this. Hard lessons from Japan's current nightmare and the folly of placing nuclear reactors on or near fault lines reminds me that I've never considered nuclear plants to be "safe" neighbors.

So if I thought that writing a Dear John letter to the powerful power company would help this deplorable situation, I'd write and send it along - and ask pointedly for my money back for this devilish project. Something along the lines of: nuclear power is only "safe" and "clean" until the first accident occurs, you numbskulls.

Or perhaps I should delete 'you numbskulls' for a better outcome...?

Oh well. Never mind that the state of Georgia experiences infrequent earthquakes, too (name a location that doesn't, right?) At least we're the state with the mysterious Georgia Guidestones which tout (severe) population control, among other things, and apparently was commissioned in 1979 by a stranger with the pseudonym "R.C. Christian", a Rosicrucian reference, as some (such as myself) believe.

It seems that the 'purpose' of the Guidestones (unveiled publicly on March 22, 1986, Elberton, GA) relates to our Founding Deist Thomas Paine and the religious theories he expounded in his pamphlet The Age of Reason. I say this because a carving on the Guidestones states,

"Let These Be Guidestones to An Age of Reason." Voila! The Utopians are coming for us!

Well, after hearing this weekend of the earthquakes and subsequent nuclear meltdowns in Japan, both reason and common sense tell me that building more nuclear plants when you're incapable of dealing with the refuse of the ones you have - and building them on or near fault lines - is self-destructive madness and as such, is not reasonable in the least.


For similar topics, you may wish to check out an intriguing reciprocal transit in 2006 which occurred within the natal horoscope of Thomas Paine. As you know, 2006 was the year that US natal Mars turned retrograde by progression. Paine's reciprocal transit is: Sun to Chiron and Chiron to Sun - simultaneously! Read chart details, or skip the text and view a dual chart image here, if you wish, for his Sun/Chiron synchronicity in May 2006 is quite amazing to see!

Another previous post which unfortunately relates to today's topic of nuclear plants is the Chernobyl meltdown of 1986 (chart details are included.)

And here is a post containing the Horoscope of Chernobyl with a few notes on the Atom Split chart and its Secondary Progressions.

You may remember that in August 2010, 500 wildfires were approaching the Chernobyl site yet I heard nothing of the outcome of that additional health threat. (Yes, all nuclear catastrophes - and bombings - sound precisely like the Scriptures' abomination of desolation prophecy to me. The Atomic Split irreparably broke a natural law, and sad to say, America was in the forefront of unleashing such horror upon the Japan.)

Well, if you're fatigued with state propaganda on such important topics, check out Democracy Now!'s coverage of the ongoing nuclear catastrophe to gain a clearer idea of what's really going on in Japan.

Mar 10, 2011

President's Presser 11:15 am est Friday 3.11.11 w SN Rising

President Obama will hold a press conference tomorrow, March 11, 2011, at 11:15 am est, it is announced.

Rising gas prices is said to be his topic during the presser yet rising at 11:15 am est in Washington DC tomorrow, we find the transiting South Node of the Moon (SN), a separative, Saturnian point of unconscious behavior and bad timing. SN rising indicates strong individualism, a non-conforming attitude with a very serious demeanor, and a lack of popularity. It's possible that the presser will be watched by few of the public (though w YouTube that's no serious problem for we can catch up later if we like.)

That Mr. Obama's Secondary Progressed (Sec) Sun now at 00Lib32 (at US natal Mc) is conjoined by transiting asteroid Nemesis (an unbeatable foe; divine retribution) tomorrow morning describes in part what's going on in our nation now stimulated by rebellious Uranus about to cross US natal Ic again (00Ari53 in our Sibly natal chart) and opposing Nemesis.

His Sec Ascendant @ 20Can05 (conjunct his n 6th cusp) brings up Fixed Star Castor which adds to the foe/enemy vibe for him since Castor's key phrases are a pos/neg mixture: to write or create, but also sudden fame or loss and murder. (Yet as you know, Astrology works in AC-DC fashion: energy flows in either or both directions alternately or simultaneously.)

Mr. Obama's Sec Moon 21Pis20 has an interesting Sabian Symbol...'22Pis' = "A Man Bringing Down the New Law from Sinai" (which frets someone like me who isn't favoring Zionism these days.)

Tomorrow at 11:15 am est, Moon 5Gem31 is in the karmic 12th house of Politics and Self-Undoing; earlier in the morning, Mr. Obama will experience a Lunar Return with his n Moon @ 3Gem21 in n 4th H; tr Moon conjoins tr Pan (namesake of panic and Pan-American) and the chart's Part of Treachery is close by them. Wealthy gold-horder Midas 8Gem12 is in 12th H as well and now conjoined with US n Uranus which we've seen in Wisconsin when Gov. Scott Walker thought he was sucking up to David Koch (Midas) on the phone; US n Uranus is disruptively rebellious and describes behavior - in Gemini there is duplicity in the works.

In DC, March 11, 2011's 11:15 am est presser horoscope (lots of 11s!), the president's Sec Moon falls in 10th H with tr Sun 20Pis45 spotlighting it. Also in 10th H is tr Uranus (so soon to hit the Aries Point 00Ari00 again in the afternoon which triggers US natal Ic as mentioned above and stirs up we-the-people in Madison WI and elsewhere) is for the moment at crisis degree 29Pis59 and straining toward the AP.

Rising Friday at 11:15 am est in DC (Hour: Jupiter '11Ari' = "The President of the Country"!) is 26Gem26 making Mercury the chart-ruler. So how will things proceed?

Mercury's two applying aspects give hints: square Pluto (3A40) with Pluto 7Cap18 in 7th house of Partners, Legal Matters, and Open Enemies. This square indicates penetrating insights and speech which may arouse bitterness in others and bring harsh criticism. (Can we expect anything better from the GOP toward a Democratic president?) And of course, any contacts between Mercury and Pluto may always have propaganda and surveillance connotations (US n Mercury opposite Pluto across the Can/Cap axis.)

The other applying aspect of chart-ruler Mercury is a conjunction w Jupiter (6A37) indicating that things may turn our all right after all (in 6 seconds, minutes, hours, days, months?) Mercury/Jupiter contacts often bring success with communications and plans yet can describe an inflated treasury straining budgets (we all resemble that remark), and legal decisions which affect commerce or transportation (oil pipelines? oil tankers and the Suez Canal?) Yet Sun/Jupiter = Uranus: a sudden turn; sudden success or good fortune; speculating; gambling.

Speedy Mercury, planet of pressers, reporters, bloggers, statements, remarks, announcements, questions, trade and commerce is @ 3Ari37 (10th H); Mercury in Aries is decisive, competitive, and is fond of debate. Good thing, since no matter what the President announces concerning rising gas prices (or anything else), we can be certain his plans and ideas will be debated and criticized by opponents who've remained in perpetual campaign mode since January 20, 2009.

With Neptune (gas, oil, liquids, oceans, deceptions, illusions, fraud) also at a crisis degree (29AQ13 in 9th H of Foreign Lands where most of the world's oil is located) and Venus @ 11AQ20, their midpoint is near the President's *natal ASC (18AQ03) so we have a midpoint picture...

Presser's Venus/Neptune = BHO's n ASC: appreciation of how reality can be altered; a union with peculiar people.

Some potentials for the combination of Venus/Neptune energies are:

appeals to the ideals of the people (listen for that), an inflated treasury (we know); using inflation as a means to manipulate growth (Rs, Ds, and the Fed are guilty of it); wealth derived from gas, oil, chemicals ; exaggerating or misstating internal resources (like strategic petroleum reserves?); scandals about deceptive practices within the treasury or internal resources (oil, gas?); subversives who want to gain access to finances; monetary fraud; spies in the financial branches. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

To Venus/Neptune Reinhold Ebertin adds, uncertainty.

On the presser's 8th cusp of High Finance, Debt, Credit, and Transformation is the NWO degree (Uranus conjunct Neptune all through 1993) of '18Capricorn' = "The Union Jack" = SUPERVISION...

negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones) - which is precisely what we're dealing with (oil and gas industry titans, Wall Street bankers, rich patrons of Republican union busters, bank rollers of Washington politicians on all sides) who, by their mega-wealth, are calling the political shots in America even louder than they ever did before.

So thanks for making the situation worse, SCOTUS. Some of you should be 'recalled' for the Citizens United decision.


*Chart used for President Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii.

Will Newt announce prez bid from Independence Hall?

In an attempt to create gravitas for the political aspirations the high talker may or may not have, Newt Gingrich is leaning toward announcing his presidential bid from Independence Hall, Philadelphia, in late May.

Perhaps Mr. Gingrich is subtly trying to link himself to Founder Benjamin Franklin whose portrait on the older 100 dollar bill shows Independence Hall clock at 2:22 (a sly clue from trickster Franklin as to the real birth time of America?.)

Whether his enigmatic smile toward Independence Hall clock indicates 2:22 am or pm, I do not know.

But if America's birth is timed by the Declaration of Independence's first copy coming off the press at such an early hour as that (as I've read it did, with Thomas Jefferson overseeing its printing with Mr. Dunlap), we may have a Scorpio Rising nation. I have stated in the past that this chart 'works' for spying agency issues and events and for Big Business (Scorpio, 8th house) concerns.

Here I shall post an image of the Scorpio Rising chart as a speculative natal horoscope for the United States of America (2:22 pm) so you can see the Scorpio Ascendant which makes Mars (square Neptune) the chart-ruler; this matches our surveillance and warring tendencies with sub-ruler Pluto adding zeal, spying obsessions, great wealth, and a secret, distant (Pluto is out-of-bounds) and ultimate 'boss' or cabal leading our national brew. (My guess is England since Pluto is in Capricorn, sign of the Old Country and sign of the UK's natal Sun, Jan 1, 1801.)

Several factors change with this natal chart, of course: house positions and rulers, cusps, Osiris at Midheaven, and more. If you're familiar with the most-often used Sibly version, the differences are easy to spot. Transiting Midas 8Gem+ currently sits upon our natal Uranus in any version of the US natal chart; this chart shows Midas conjoining the 8th cusp of High Finance and Debt.

Naturally, the degree of the Moon (we-the-people) changes. At 25AQ29 we have a different Sabian Symbol than in the Sibly version (5:10 pm LMT) with its 27AQ10 Moon.

'26AQ' = "A Garage Man Testing a Car's Battery with a Hydrometer"...MENTAL EFFICIENCY.

Keynote: Skill in applying knowledge of natural laws to the solution of everyday problems resulting from life in our technological society. (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)

Natal Sun remains at '14Cancer' = "A Very Old Man Facing a Vast Dark Space to the Northeast"...PERMANENCE IN TRUTH.

Keynote: Fulfillment in transcending and changeless wisdom. (DR.)

(My suspicion is that the Sun's Sabian Symbol refers in part to the US Constitution being based on that of the Iroquois Nation of tribes which were spread across the northeast.)

So you may wish to click the chart image to enlarge for a few more notes; you'll see that I neglected to add our pesky Sun/Saturn square (lower left, the fatal flaw in our Libran Judicial System); interestingly, you'll see (upper right) that a new midpoint picture is formed with the Sun (the leader; leadership) which is different from other versions of the US natal chart and, imho, ably describes the way the leadership of this nation goes about doing things.


An Additional Astro-Note: as you may know, the '9Sco' ASC in the US horoscope pictured above conjoins the natal Neptune of President Barack Obama (August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii) with Neptune/ASC indicating potentials for: compassion and understanding, acting ability, a lack of resistance, acting as a willing tool for others' selfish purposes (Wall Street? the Bilderberg Group? the Health Insurance Industry? All of the them?), illusions and deceptions, cheating or seducing others, insincerity, disappointment and disillusion, an inability to retain one's place in the world, and/or abuse or betrayal of confidence (Ebertin.) I leave it to you to decide if any of the potentials apply to the relationship between President Obama and the place we're accustomed to calling America.

Blog Note: starting Friday it's another weekend spree for me, this time in the Atlanta area (where Gingrich will set up his campaign headquarters if needed); I will be blogging here again by Monday! And you know my heart remains in Madison, Wisconsin. Recall the Republicans! Wishing a good weekend to all, jc