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Apr 30, 2011

NATO missile kills Gadhafi's son 4.30.11

It's April 30, 2011 and a news alert has arrived:

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Libya Says NATO Missile Strike Kills Gadhafi's Son

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi survived a NATO missile strike Saturday that killed his youngest son, Saif al-Arab Gadhafi, and three grandchildren and wounded friends and relatives, Libya's spokesman said.

Read more at NPR.

Apr 29, 2011

Founding of Washington DC based on pay-offs

On the Early History and Pre-History of K Street and Washington DC (aka, Funktown)

by Jude Cowell

K.A. Muston's The Little Green House on K Street is a must-read as I discovered today when its link was sent along to me by the excellent Alex D'Atria of GOP Astrology.

You'll note the date mentioned: June 20, 1783 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the morning our desperate Continental soldiers surrounded the Continental Congress hoping to force them to vote to pay the Revolutionary troops who'd served our fledgling nation so well. But Congress negotiated its way out of the day's dilemma and secretively skulked across the Delaware River into New Jersey during the dark of night.

Then after years of a roaming, debt-avoiding Congress, The District of Columbia was founded from whence they pontificate sorrily to this very day.

The Solar Eclipse Series in which the soldiers' actions of 1783 fell was the 1 North which is the same Series as Nostradamus' famous predictive one ('King of Terror' or 'King of Alarm' Eclipse) of August 11, 1999...keywords: unusual events put pressure on relationships; information is distorted and possibly false; take no action until eclipse passes'.

(Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

US 2011 Saturn Return Ongoing

Now in 2011, the congressional varmints now infesting Washington DC continue to act shadily when it comes to living up to their and our responsibilities - and the skulkers now toy with the idea of America defaulting by not raising the US debt limit!

Obama administration turns heavy-handed with reporter

Whoa, it seems the Obama administration has a beef against a free press. Or should a reporter breaking a politician's rule be overlooked?

This incident could resound in a loud tsk tsk upon the administration's promised transparency. But they all promise transparency as they walk in the White House door, don't they? Old secrets await them and new secrets pile up as the presidential days tick by.

And isn't it funny about the word, free?

The job market in the US has been decimated in recent decades by so-called free trade (and its elusive "benefits" for the ruling class) while undermining forces have worked to consolidate, control content, and thus destroy America's free press. So trade that isn't free is called free and a free press becomes enslaved = non-free, yet is called a free press.

Doublespeaks Alive!

To me it seems tragic that the current crop of reptilian power-grabbers of the world were ever allowed to read George Orwell's novels because they apparently took his doom-filled prophecies of a totalitarian state to heart and have used that and other knowledge as their How-To guide toward global enslavement.

While I first read Orwell in high school and was horrified at his vision of the future, they read him and were inspired to take action against all mankind.

Funny how different people can be.

Now here's some of the 'offensive' video...asking Where's Our Change?

And I heartily agree with them: Free Bradley Manning, Mr. President!


Zeeks, There's a Royal Wedding on My TV!

Sure enough, on schedule, the car carrying now-Kathryn Middleton to Westminster Abbey and into the arms of her royal fate arrived there at 11:00 am London Time (6:00 am EDT) and though I am no monarchist, I couldn't resist posting one of my Wedding Day Astrology Reports using an 11:00 am horoscope, if you wish to have a view and read a few brief notes on their partnership based on Astrology's 'marriage' pair of lights, the Sun (male) and Moon (female.)

11:20 am: the Archbishop of Canterbury pronounces them man and wife.

Whew! Glad that's done. The rest of the day should be a coast. My felicities to the happy couple!

Apr 27, 2011

Horoscope of Barack Obama w 4.27.11 transits

This morning I posted the NPR News Alert that the White House has released the birth certificate of President Barack Obama. This inspires me to publish a copy of President Obama's natal horoscope, something I had not done before on this blog although I have referred to its placements, of course. The released BC shows the birth time that most if not all astrologers have been using: 7:24 pm AHST, on August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Around the outside of the chart are today's transits since now we can be certain which houses the planets traverse. I also looked ahead to his Secondary Progressions: he's now in Gibbous phase with a Secondary Full Moon coming soon: November 6, 2011 @ 1Ari11 which falls in natal 2nd house.

As you know, a Sec Full Moon was attained by the US in December 2008 and timed our nation's financial collapse: that was as far as our nation could expand into the world and our national light now dims. Now I'm not predicting that the president's Sun-Moon phase beginning to 'lose light' after November 2011 will keep him from being re-elected in 2012 yet the thought does occur! Another thought is that since the powers-that-be will select whichever candidate to play US president that they want, it could be Mr. Obama regardless of his astro-portents - especially with his Sec Full Moon manifesting so near the Aries Point (00Ari00) of Fame and Recognition.

Here are a few chart details; as always, you're welcome to leave your own observations or opinions in a Comment:

Sun/Moon in 3rd quarter phase = crisis in consciousness; Hour Mars 22Vir35 in 7th H, conjunct asteroid Hopi (prejudice; ambush; sounds like "hope"); Mars conjoins US natal Neptune making it difficult for the masses to see his actions and motivations clearly; chart-ruler Saturn 25Cap20 Rx in its own sign in 12th H of Politics and Karma, conjunct Jupiter 00AQ52 Rx which conjoins US Inaugural Sun and on January 20, 2009, his n Jupiter conjoined Inaugural Mercury Rx. Jupiter/Saturn conjunction folks tend to have enormous success potential.

Co-ruler Uranus 25Leo16 in 7th H conjoins North Node (NN) and is apex planet of a powerful midpoint picture:

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; sudden obsession for more power and control.

The Uranus/NN pair is a signature of radical political groups, changes which come from attempts to alter the course of events, and revolution for the effecting of popular societal changes. ("Yes, We Can!)

Saturn inconjunct Uranus: Status Quo/Progress Adjustments

Chart-ruler and co-ruler Saturn and Uranus are inconjunct (150 degrees) one another which gives difficulty in establishing priorities within one's obligations, and intimidation from others may be forthcoming; change that threatens personal security is resisted (who wouldn't?) and flexibility must be developed in order to make progress and be successful. Some stress in relationship may ensue as the partner insists that talents be well-developed. Refining those talents and adopting new techniques produce success though a streak of cantankerousness may be noticed in the personality.

Mars trine Saturn

An Earthy (practical) Mars/Saturn trine helps tremendously by giving Mr. Obama the ability to use his energies wisely and productively; the temper is usually well under control, and he's an excellent teacher. Efficiency and conservation are important with a Mars/Saturn trine, an aspect which gifts him with great managerial skills that are valuable in any endeavor. He relates best to responsible, mature people, tends to be guardedly optimistic, and the satisfaction of a job well done is of primary importance to him.

Moon square Pluto

A problematic aspect is Mr. Obama's Moon/Pluto square. This aspect gives a loner's temperament and indicates trouble in parental relationships with a tendency to hold on to the past. (Perhaps writing his book where he addressed his parents' relationship and his early struggles helped with letting go. Saturn ruling ASC shows hardship in childhood though his parent's reputed involvement with the CIA may also be indicated here: Pluto = spying, surveillance, and secretive agencies.)

A Moon/Pluto SQ makes working with the public a must, and compromise helps with achieving one's goals; working in social service is indicated; regular breaks are necessary to unwind and recharge; delving into the occult is indicated yet care must be taken to keep confusion and lack of perspective at a minimum.

Jupiter/Chiron Midpoint = Ascendant; 1st House Chiron in Pisces

As you see (enlarge chart for easier viewing), the Jupiter/Chiron midpoint sits upon Mr. Obama's Ascendant so he is Jupiter/Chiron as well as having Chiron 5Pis19 Rx in 1st house of Self.

Chiron in mystical Pisces describes one whose life crisis is over connecting with the God force (Clow); he tends to hear Pan's flute on the wind (natal Pan 15Ari20 Rx in 2nd H of Values.) One of the power asteroids, Hidalgo, is Rx and conjoins n Chiron which is involved in a Water Grand Trine, as listed below.

Chiron in Pisces is the 'knight in shining armor' archetype where one is called on to perform heroic deeds at great personal risk - or to prevent them, as circumstances dictate. Quoting Richard Nolle: "Life...can be a mystical crusade in which mundane concerns have no place - a Quest for the Grail, perhaps, or a pursuit of the Ring of Power. Seeing in their mind's eye a better world, {those with Chiron in Pisces) take for granted values that may be totally alien from the perspective of prevailing social norms."

Like a New World Order and more 'free' trade agreements that destroy US jobs?

The personal belief system of Chiron in Pisces may create conditions of persecution and martyrdom for faith doesn't allow him the possibility of surrender; a mythical aura of The Hero may bring glory or tragedy for he is convinced that his mission is both necessary and worthwhile, a belief that is, I suspect, constantly renewed by the mentors who surround him. Unfortunately, his mentors seem to be of the one-world-government persuasion so prevalent within the realm of profiteering corporatism and Plutocracy.

His T-Square of Pluto/Chiron, the Plutocracy duo, points to natal Moon in Gemini indicating a reigning need (Moon) for communicating (Gemini) these powerful perspectives (Pluto/Chiron) which include all manner of -isms, primal violence (war, torture) and the disenfranchisement of the population.

Chiron square Moon

Adding emotional intensity, Chiron squares n Moon 3Gem21 in 4th H (1A58) describing more family injury to his psyche in early childhood from the matrilineal side: this aspect tends to create astrologers and analysts! Deep insight into human nature results from his early emotional experiences and deprivations with a Moon/Chiron square.

A Jupiter/Chiron vibe of The Seeker shows visibly with their midpoint upon natal Ascendant, as noted. (Jupiter and Chiron are 34 degrees apart, however, their midpoint is the president.) This combo of energies indicates faith and optimism, and an upwelling of hope with expectations channeled toward realizing the attainment of a transcendent objective (NWO?) The focus is on harmonizing his Quest (see Chiron in Pisces) with the prevailing socio-cultural environment. (Nolle.)

A Mystic Rectangle Affects Career Goals

Besides the Pluto/Chiron = Moon T-Square and the Water Grand Trine of Venus-Neptune-Chiron, you'll note a Mystic Rectangle between Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and MC. This is a planetary pattern of 'practical mysticism' (Tierney) and given other chart factors already mentioned, it's an interesting possibility that the president either knows and uses, or employs those who use, Astrology for timing purposes. An association with secret societies who use Sacred Geometry (Freemasonry, Illuminati-ism, Rosicrucianism, to name three) is a potential as well.

Planetary aspects within the Mystic Rectangle include:

Moon trine Jupiter gives him a radiant personality, ease in relating to all types of people, lots of creative imagination, and a sensitivity to outside influences with attempts to understand their true significance; solutions to problems are worked out as soon as possible and no bridge is crossed before it is come to.

Moon sextile Mercury (planet of oration in showy Leo) gives him a thoughtful disposition, a capacity for absorbing information readily with a high level of comprehension and recall ability; public relations is a good field for this sextile; tact and diplomacy skills are evident and may be admired even by opponents.

Mercury trine MC (note: Mercury also trines 2009's Inaugural Moon 29Sco45 since the Inaugural Moon - we-the-people - sits upon his natal MC, as noted on the chart) shows communicating talent used in career and an ability to get important people to listen; the profession and home life tend to be kept in balance.

Jupiter sextile MC gives career preferment, success,, and good fortune in matters of public status.

As you see, the Mystic Rectangle contains the Mercury/Jupiter opposition across the Leo/AQ and 6/12 axes which describes one who may go to extremes with their expectations; others may be alienated by a tendency to seem a 'know-it-all' and details may receive short attention when making decisions and this can lead to a need for revision in his positions later on.

Well, there's my thumbnail sketch of President Barack Obama, inspired by today's release of a copy of his birth certificate. If you get anything out of this post, I'm glad for it will soon be linked near the top of SO'W's sidebar for future reference and potential updating.

Further reading: the Wedding Day Astrology Report of the president's parents' marriage or that of Barack and Michelle Obama.


Midpoint pictures: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey - any, all, or none may apply; some aspect info comes from Rob Pelletier's Planets in Aspect.

White House Releases Obama's Birth Certificate!

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Copy Of Obama Birth Certificate Released

The White House has released a copy of the long form of President Obama's birth certificate from Hawaii. The president was expected to discuss his birth certificate in a statement later Wednesday.

More at NPR.

Apr 26, 2011

Of YODS, Quincunxes, and Prince William's Royal Wedding

As part of her blog's ongoing aspect series on quincunxes (150 degrees), master astrologer Donna Cunningham has published an excellent analysis concerning YODS, quincunxes, and the April 29, 2011 Royal Wedding of the 'Eclipse Prince' William and Miss Kate Middleton.

Links to other Astrology articles on the happy couple and the Royal Wedding are included along with natal chart, YOD, and quincunx info on Britain's royal family members. Since YODs can indicate generational conditions or a 'family myth' passed down for decades if not for centuries, this generational influence may be why there are several involved in the British royal family's birth horoscopes. A YOD forms in the natal chart of the person who must deal with generational conditions or imbalances which apparently were not dealt with fully or properly by ancestors.

You know about family myths, right? Ex: in this family we don't abdicate the throne, for we must always do our duty... that sort of thing. Why, it simply isn't done! Then a crisis occurs, of course, when one family member does or doesn't do 'it' whatever 'it' may be in a particular family.

Plus, as you know, a YOD is sometimes called a Finger of God pattern indicating a special task or purpose, a turning point or crossroads, and/or a crisis which may affect the collective (depending on the stage one acts upon.)

Actually, YODs were first mentioned to me by Astrology expert, Erin Sullivan during a personal consultation because my natal chart contains one - if you don't mind using an angle, that is: Pluto/MC = Sun.

One then assumes that the MC (Career; Public Standing) is the place in my natal chart where YOD energies are embroiled along with the Sun and Pluto house positions and the houses where they rule. Aspects to all planets and points involved give further information about this difficult energy pattern.

Well, the ceremony is this Friday, and who doesn't love a romantic wedding?

So if you missed my previous article detailing Prince William and Kate's Wedding Day Astrology Report (with wedding horoscope shown), you are hereby cordially invited to check out their Earth/Water Sun Taurus-Moon Pisces blend of partnership energies!

And you may be surprised to discover which British royal was born with the same Sun-Moon blend...

Horoscope USA: Uranus in Gemini Rising

Shown: America's natal horoscope with Uranus in Gemini Rising July 4, 1776 2:22 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; it remains a Venus Hour as in the US Sibly chart, and Venus, Mars, and Pluto retain their out-of-bounds status.

Click to enlarge the chart for more details.

The following is one of the several potential birth charts for the founding of America. There are two historical hints as to the potential for this chart's use: Benjamin Franklin's famous image quixotically smiling in front of Independence Hall Clock, the hands of which point to 2:22 (or 2:21, if you prefer) which could be pm or am, plus, a tale of Thomas Jefferson overseeing Mr. Dunlap, printer of the Declaration of Independence, at such a late hour which times the first copy of the Declaration to come off the press. Whether either hint is correct, I do not know. But considering the horoscope which results from using this birth time, it's an interesting chart to investigate.

For one thing, there's the then-recent discovery of a planet which relates to freedom, independence, individualism - yet Aquarian groups - and rebellion, Uranus. Typically associated with our nation and the American Revolution, Uranian traits describe America in a nutshell. Add to that, the of-for-by-government of an Aquarian Moon (Moon = we-the-people) near MC, the Goal Point of the chart, tells of Aspirations and Public Status for a democratic government...yet these days, reptilian brains have taken over what should be our helm and forced our aspiration to go on life support.

Having Uranus rising, the higher octave planet associated with Aquarius (with Saturn ruling AQ) supports our Aquarian Moon at Midheaven and gives the nation a Moon-Saturn-Uranus vibe. (The November 2008 presidential election occurred during a Saturn-Uranus opposition = status quo v progress; the battle goes on.)

Outer: transits for today, April 26, 2011 are penciled in (orange.)

In this chart, three of our natal planets 'back up' one degree in the Zodiac when compared to the usual 'Sibly' version of our national birth chart. These are, in order of rising: Mars ('21Gem' = "A Labor Demonstration"), Venus ('3Can' =
"A Man All Bundled Up in Fur Leading a Shaggy Deer" - Venus precisely conjoins 2nd cusp 2Can21), Sun ('13Can' = "One Hand Slightly Flexed With a Very Prominent Thumb". This picture always reminds me most of former President Bill Clinton who couldn't seem to give a speech without leveling his thumb at us.)

Our telling Sabian Symbol for natal Jupiter ('6Can') remains the same, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests", which refers imho to the nature of the Corporate Venture at the foundation of the New World Atlantis, America, the Colossus which was invented and always intended to straddle the globe in the future, the realm of progressive Uranus.

Naturally, planets are posited in different houses (departments of life) here as opposed to the Sibly chart. And our nation's tendency to go to war based on lies and false reports (duplicitous Gemini) is well-represented by the warring, rebellious, violent, explosive Mars and Uranus pair rising and in 12th H of Karma and Self-Undoing, and Mars in the 1st house of Self.

The Uranus Rising chart contains a Grand Trine of sorts but we must stretch degrees if we wish to include Uranus at ASC, Moon at MC, and our exalted-in-Libra Saturn in 5th H. Our Cancer planets continue to keep us sentimental for the past and how things used to be; the 2/8 Desire Axis of Money, Resources, Credit, Debt, Death, and Transformation is highlighted by Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun (leadership); Venus and Jupiter are associated with money, banking, and evaluation issues. As you see, transit Pluto in early Capricorn is now visiting the 8th house of this chart; the upcoming US Pluto Return will fall in the 9th house of this natal chart...transforming philosophy?

Of course, for conspiracy theorists of the Invisible Government persuasion, there's natal Pluto in olde countrie Capricorn which hints at secret controls and manipulation (Pluto) coming from abroad (9th H) though the Sibly chart (5:10 pm LMT) gives a strong plutonian picture as well: controlling, obscenely wealthy Pluto (global banks, ancient bloodline rulers) in 2nd H of Money and Earning Ability, as The Fed controls the US government by printing its money.

As you know, America's natal horoscope with Uranus Rising gives a different chart-ruler bwo Gemini: our retrograde Mercury in 3rd H (rather than the Sibly's Sag ASC ruled by an exalted Jupiter.) Plus, rising Uranus becomes a higher octave 'ruler' of the chart affecting our nation on a cellular level yet on a higher plane as well (Uranus = genius, creative inspiration, the collective, and how one behaves which here, is like a multi-tasking yet possibly deceptive Gemini, sign of Communications and Trade.)

America's natal planetary aspects which are problematic are retained in this chart: a Sun/Saturn square, a Mars/Neptune square, and our Mercury/Pluto opposition of propaganda, surveillance, spying, and obsessive thinking about wealth.

Besides Moon 18AQ15 rising with SIRIUS, this chart shows two major Fixed Stars - Royal Stars of Persia - one rising and one setting. These stars are not quite angular in the Sibly chart but here we have them prominent.

The Watcher of the East, Aldebaran (Alpha Taurus) indicates 'success through integrity', 'facing moral dilemmas that challenge integrity', 'great honor that will not last', and 'success that will make enemies'.

The Watcher of the West, Antares (Alpha Scorpius) indicates 'toughness and pugnaciousness, 'good for military careers', 'keen mentality and courage with a caution of self-destruction', 'going to extremes either intentionally or unintentionally', 'successful efforts honed through the fires of experience', and 'ruthless and obsessed with success'.

Well, Spring is a busy time around here so my blogging hours have been minimal of late, plus, I always take a little time off for Easter, the most important 'holiday' of the year.

So if you've never viewed America's Uranus Rising natal horoscope, here you go, with my compliments. There are more factors worth mentioning, of course, but my schedule decrees that I ask you to consider this posting of the chart as a reference point for further discussion. Watching transits and progressions that affect this version of America's natal chart may be of some interest and I hope you'll investigate as you wish!

Apr 23, 2011

Are BP-Gulf Oil whistleblowers dying mysteriously? video

Are the several mysterious deaths and arrests since 2010 connected to knowing too much about the April 2010 BP-Gulf Oil Blowout? This video details 9 cases of interest relating to whistleblowers such as scientists and others who were or may have been threats to BP, to other companies involved in the Blowout, and/or to the US government concerning the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig (a horoscope of the April 20, 2010 event and the natal chart of Mexico are shown.)

The list of mysterious deaths includes the names of two high-profile men whose lives have been snuffed out since the BP Blowout occurred and whose deaths spotlight political implications: Senator Ted Stevens in an airplane crash (an easy sabotage for those who know how), and bio-weapons expert, Pentagon consultant, and aide to US presidents, John P. Wheeler, who was murdered in late December 2010 and his body stuffed into a trash dumpster where no one would ever find him.

But glad to say, the sanitation crew did.

The links to check out for yourself (as mentioned by the young men in the above video) are to be found at where you'll see this video with the links listed underneath.

Apr 21, 2011

Summer Solstice 2011 Horoscope w details

Image: Horoscope Summer Solstice 2011, June 21 @ 1:16:35 pm edt, set for the White House, Washington DC as the seat of US power.

Hour *Jupiter 3Tau19 in 8th house of Transformation, Credit and Debt; ASC 1Lib21 gives US natal MC rising with natal Saturn/Neptune midpoint 3Lib37 and transiting Mercury/Pluto midpoint 8Lib23; chart-ruler Venus 14Gem46 in 9th H of Foreign Lands, Travel, Higher Education, and Philosophy makes one applying aspect (how things will proceed for the summer season based on this chart): a square to Moon 10Pis27 in 6th H of Health, Work, and Service (including military and police service.)

Obviously, the president (Sun) is on display at the top of the chart (MC) in Cancer, a primary sign representing America.

Venus separates from a trine with Saturn 10Lib30 in 1st H; the Democratic Party's significator, Saturn, is in process of our current US Saturn Return (last conjunction August 28, 2011 in US natal 10th H of Career and Public Status; our debt ceiling 'debate' may be prominent along with Saturn's accountability issues.)

Moon SQ Venus is an aspect which tends to create financial, social, and domestic difficulties and those who are too trusting of others are taken advantage of due to our (Moon = the people) over-sentimentality and flowery emotionalism (probably involving deeply ingrained ties to the past - how America used to be?) Group endeavors are the best outlets for this hard to control energy. This SQ may also indicate success delayed, more work needed, a general lack of cooperation, and a lack of confidence.

Plus, a very close Moon inconjunct Saturn (0A04) adds restriction and delay to partnerships and alliances with an undercurrent of uneasiness and guilt in our reactions and dealings; feelings of inferiority interfere with attempts at progress. This aspect in such a prominent chart shows that we should stop being patsies suffering under Washington's incompetence and mismanagement and the US government's tiresome tendency to exploit we-the-people while giving us sound bites instead of real reform that improves our lot.

The Moon/Saturn quincunx (150 degrees) relates to politics, social service (and Moon is in 6th H, as noted), scientific researchers, medicine, and education; serious or chronic health issues may be implicated as well. Either way, there is 'disjointment' between the people and the Democratic Party and controls being instituted by government (Saturn.)

(Note: Moon and Jupiter, significator of the GOP, are 52:53 degrees apart which is just beyond septile (51:26), a karmic, fated condition, and are on their way toward an opportunistic sextile (60 degr.) The situation is underscored by Saturn's status as a planet of karma, and the fact that for Summer Solstice 2011, Moon and Saturn are posited in the same 10th degree which signifies a karmic condition all its own with the Moon/Saturn combo indicating ambition, strategy, and direction, but depression as well.

Moon rules 10th H of Career/Public Status, and Saturn rules 4th house of Domestic Scene, Real Estate, and Security Issues so any karmic repercussions will influence the 4/10 axis, the 1/7 axis (Saturn in 1st H), and the 6/12 axis (Moon in 6th H) during Summer 2011.

Planetary Patterns and Midpoint Pictures

Click chart to enlarge and you will see a sort of assertive, impatient, confrontational Cardinal Grand Cross between Sun/MC, Uranus, ASC, and Pluto; I say 'sort of' because the 4th point has no planet there, only the ASC which conjoins US natal MC so both points are outlets for the energies of the Cardinal T-Squares (midpoint pictures) involved.

Let's lift the squirmy little T-SQs from out of the 'Grand Cross' and have a look at them along with US n MC:

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatical reforms without regard for the effects; sudden adjustment to circumstances (arrest); rebellion; sudden changes; new perspectives.

Sun/Pluto = ASC: a crisis of self-preservation; being forced to fight; enormous power projection; suppression of the environment to attain one's aims; ruthlessness.

Sun/Plu = US n MC: striving for power; consciousness of purpose and objectives; vocational crises (and Public Status crises); the qualities of leadership; violence with emotional or psychical consequences.

Uranus/ASC = Sun: restless colleagues; an environment full of danger; nervousness; technical or industrial cooperation; major change potential within the profession.

Mercury/Pluto = Saturn: scepticism; quarrels; irritability; suffering from heavy, bitter attacks (Merc/Plu = propaganda, cruel speech, surveillance, and Saturn = Dems, managers in control, scientists, miners, hard workers, consolidation, status quo.)

Considering all that's going on in Washington and the world, we may wish to stretch to include these pictures which bring powerful, subversive Pluto into the Uranian reformist mix:

Uranus/ASC = Pluto: the use of force; commanding success.

Uran/US n MC = Pluto: fanatic ambition; overwork causes a nervous breakdown; energetic, restless pursuit of one's objectives. (Now Pluto! Why not skulk back into your dark cave of horrors and give it a rest? Frankly your subversion toward the plutocratic aim of a one-world-government have grown stale and transparent. Oh, and take your self-styled "masters of the universe" with you.)

Of course we see that the ongoing Saturn/Uranus = Pluto stand-off is still in force so the world continues to experience: acts of violence and brutality; a desire to overcome obstacles or blockages through extraordinary effort; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure (war.) Pluto seems to be fomenting tension between the Saturn/Uranus opposition - status quo v progress, past v future...but it's Pluto's vision of the future vying to hold sway against the masses through police action, propaganda, and government take-overs.

With Chiron Rx @ 5Pis24, the Wounded Healer or Blindspot is lining up for President Obama's Chiron Return. Here again are the dates (this is a five-fer for the president and thus, for our nation:

1. May 21, 2011
2. June 27, 2011 Rx
3. Feb 26, 2012
4. Oct 19, 2012 Rx
5. Dec 10, 2012

As you see, the 2012 presidential campaign is within range of this important multi-transit which indicates a return to the spiritual values and social conditions which were of influence in August 1961, Mr. Obama's month and year of birth. (There's much to say about his Chiron position but it will have to be published in a post of its own. The November 2012 election is snugged between Returns #4 and #5 and may indicate that results will be in doubt into December.)

Now here are other midpoint pictures which will affect Summer 2011 in no particular order:

Pluto/MC = Uranus: sudden changes (as above); publicity; rewards; sudden occupational changes and restlessness (as above); endurance; prudence; organizing ability; a sudden attainment of one's aims with irresistible power.

Sun/Mars = Venus: birth; conception (note: this may be a reference to abortion issues yet Sun/Mars is being included so that US n Sun/Mars may be mentioned as an echo: it's @ this MC...n Sun/Mars = MC: ready to fight for one's principles, or, a fighter; success; accepting responsibilities gladly; doing one's work for the love of it.)

And last, but not least:

Mars/Uranus = Jupiter: successful contests of strength; good fortune and a lucky hand in unusual endeavors; a correct grasp of situations and timely action; accidents or operations (surgical and/or military operations?)

Together the Mars/Uranus duo = sudden applications of energy; dominant will; a test of nerves which echoes US natal Mars and Uranus in Gemini; notice that tr Midas and Pan conjoin US n Uranus 8Gem55 with Midas @ 8:55!

And the Pluto/Chiron midpoint conjoins US n SN showing past plutocratic leanings still influencing America's direction: our federal government has 'fallen back' (SN) on this negative, neurotic behavior which makes use of Pluto/Chiron's primal violence, and thus, different outcomes cannot be expected any time soon from our high-handed bossiness and disenfranchisement of entire populations; nuclear implications are present as well, sad to say.)

Mercury/NN = ASC: conferences and discussions; transactions, negotiations, or lectures.

The 'health issues' mentioned above are supported by the difficult Mars/Saturn midpoint sitting upon US n NN (direction; path; fate) which gives an 'associations with weak or sick people; prisoners; mourners' vibe for Summer 2011

*Jupiter @ '4Tau' is at Chiron's Discovery Degree (Nov 1977) with an interesting Sabian Symbol especially considering that Summer Solstice 2011 Jupiter is in 8th H:

"The Rainbow's Pot of Gold."

Plus, the deceptive, ain't-what-it-seems Sun/Neptune midpoint (projection of 'the good times'; inflation drains resources) conjoins 8th cusp of Shared Resources and Debt along with Neptune/MC = illusions within career and public status; both midpoints are @ 00-1Tau, degrees of violence and aka, Hitler's Trigger Degree (his n Sun 00Tau48.)

13 South Solar Eclipse Series Shows Energies Underneath

The Solar Eclipse Series in which Summer Solstice 2011 falls is the 13 South (11Gem02 in 9th H.) This Series has a sinister tone underneath, says Brady's Predictive Astrology, and may have 'constitutional crisis' and 'natural disaster' influences as well.

And in her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse "Something to Cry About" with Mercury ruling so there is a focus on communications, negotiations, news, transit, commerce and trade. Its closeness to US natal Uranus' position (8Gem55) means that there's an element of surprise to the news and unusual developments; in 8th H, taxation, imports, burial laws, and contagion are on the national menu.

Treaties strain foreign relations, potential workers' strikes occur, the military is on the move, and we may be dealing with an urgent health situation, hospital and/or prison conditions, and perhaps a mysterious crime. (Okay, so there are many of those already!)

The June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse is of particular importance for Australia (9th H Venus and Uranus), Egypt (ASC opposite 7th H Mars), France (3rd H NN), Israel (8th H Mercury, the eclipse ruler), Mexico (6th H Saturn), Vatican City (10th H Moon), Los Angeles (2nd H Saturn), Manhattan (12th H Pluto ascending), and New York City (Pluto and 9th cusp.)

Well, Summer 2011 brings us new difficulties to face and potentials to develop - then July 1, 2011 brings a second Solar Eclipse @9Can12 amidst US natal Jupiter and Sun (Teal's title: "Democratic Spirit".) Two SEs manifesting only a month apart is a rare celestial occurrence which I believe points to a critical time when America's credit rating issues and other monetary difficulties will suss out the future direction of our nation should it continue to exist as a sovereign entity.

So given the current administration's tendency to favor the top 2% (TARP, tax breaks, 'free trade', deregulation, lack of prosecutions of Wall Street gentry, ad nauseum) much more than the bottom 98% of the American people who have been grievously harmed by that very same top 2%, I find myself agreeing with Bette Davis when she said:

An Update of Post Cross-Pollination: the Watery Sun Cancer-Moon Pisces blend of Summer Solstice 2011.


Midpoint pictures from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey; as always, any, all, of none may apply and are subject to activation from transits and progressions.

Apr 20, 2011

One year on: BP-Gulf Oil Blowout Apr 20, 2011

Today my thoughts are with the families and friends of the eleven workers killed on British Petroleum's Deepwater Horizon rig on April 20, 2010 and all the good people on the US Gulf Coast who continue to suffer from BP's mistakes, incompetence, and greed.

(Click to view the BP Blowout horoscope along with the natal chart of Mexico.)

Environmental damage, health concerns, and income depletion of the population on America's Gulf Coast continue in spite of all efforts to hush things up and sink them to the bottom of the Gulf along with the oil. Fish are being caught with rotting fins, reports Amy Goodman today in her hour-long broadcast today at Democracy Now! as she asks guests to speak on where we are today.

Wildlife continues to die, people are hurting and the US government refuses to make a connection between the oil blowout and people's dire health consequences now appearing. The dispersant BP used to hide the massive amounts of oil (which they lied about from the start) is causing horrendous harm on top of the original damage. BP used the highest amount of dispersant ever used before - dispersants that are banned in Europe which means, of course, that the US gets saddled with them. Well, they had to sell them somewhere and American citizens are once again used (Pluto/Chiron = disenfranchisement; victimization) as the corporate world's guinea pigs.

So where we are today is we're scr*wed, as we well know, and Amy Goodman's interviews on the first anniversary of the BP-Gulf Oil Blowout are highly recommended - for we turn our backs on BP at our peril.

Apr 19, 2011

Solar Eclipse of the Siege at Waco 1993

The US government-Branch Davidian stand-off which history calls the Siege at Waco began on February 28, 1993, ended on April 19, 1993, and was shown live on TV in the US around the clock, as I remember (or perhaps it only seemed that way. We were more easily shocked back then - and perhaps shocking the public was part of the motivation.)

The 50-day Waco stand-off happened within a certain Solar Eclipse Series, the 13 North, which actually manifested on December 24, 1992 @ '2 Capricorn' and repeated on January 4, 2011 - we're in the 13N now. Interestingly, something else portentous occurred during this Series: the first of the three Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune (#1 on February 2, 1993 @ 19Cap34), the Illuminati other words, Uranus and Neptune = the New World Order duo.

Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology, we have then and now a theme of groups and associations, large ambitious group projects, the breaking of an already existing bond (such as when joining a cult), separation then joint achievement. The next occurrence of 13N will be in the year 2029; for historical comparison, 13N also occurred in 1902, 1920, 1938, 1956, and 1974.

One assumes the 'joint acheivement' part was on the side of the FBI, Janet Reno, then-President Bill Clinton, and their globalist masters hidden in the shadows of our invisible government. (See sidebar near top for quotes from presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson on a very similar topic.)

Natally, 13N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of Rod Blagojevich (remember him and his hair?), Patsy Ramsey (mother of Jon Benet Ramsey), and poet Emily Dickinson (December 10, 1830.)

The initial eclipse in the Series occurred on August 14, 1776 and its horoscope contains quite a descriptive midpoint picture which may relate to the heavy-handed Siege at Waco; Mars was @ 18Can13, North Node @ 5Leo28 conjunct US natal NN, and power-mad Pluto Rx was @ 26Cap38 - less than one degree from US natal Pluto and the degree of the Midheaven (Aspirations) in all modern-day presidential inauguration charts:

Mars/NN = Pluto: the performance of record achievements; a violent or forced separation from a partnership or union; deterring the competition; increased need to be in control of groups and associations which wield influence in your professional areas of interest.

Here's part of what Dane Rudhyar (An Astrological Mandala) has to say about '2Cap' which includes reference to the disruptive consequences of war. See if you think '2Cap' applies to the Siege at Waco.

"Three Rose Windows in a Gothic Church, One Damaged by War."

Keynote: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.

...The "capital" of group-energies is partially squandered in armaments and death. WASTE is the opposite of group-integration.

On a similar theme is the Massacre at Ruby Ridge. And 'ruby' is red and red is 'Rose' and it's possible that "Rose" in the Sabian Symbol for '2Cap' refers to Rosicrucianism and we're back to 'Swords vs Torches' once again.

Apr 17, 2011

Full Moon in Libra Horoscope Apr 17, 2011

Washington DC by the Light of a Libra Full Moon April 17, 2011

by Jude Cowell

The Air (mental) sign of Libra is all about relationships, balance, justice, and beauty. The opposite degree of the Full Moon's degree is the Illumination Point where unconscious info lurks if we care to take a peek, and it is naturally the degree of the Sun (27Ari44 in 5th house; see their Sabian Symbols below.)

On the chart you'll see mention of the Thales Point ('a saving grace') here occupied by Neptune in 3rd house and lending support to the Full Moon's oppositional energies for it trines the Moon and sextiles the Sun; Neptune 00Pis22 stimulates America's Pre-Natal Eclipse by degree (00Pis33 in 1776), the 12 South, which repeated on July 11, 2010 and aided the BP-Gulf Oil Blowout with its main theme: 'successful outcomes to long term worries or illness; draining concerns will at first seem worse then clear with successful outcomes' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

By emphasizing the positive side of spiritual, inspirational Neptune, god of the oceans - and planet of The Divine Source - we may be aided and lifted in our endeavors if the Thales Point holds true. Yet motives count!

You'll note that some of America's natal placements and those of President Obama are penned around the horoscope so you may wish to click to enlarge for easier viewing:

Horoscope shown: Full Moon in Libra 27:44, April 17, 2011 10:43:55 pm edt Washington DC falls across the 5/11 axis of Self-Will v Group Associations; Hour of Venus 26Pis18 in the emphasized 4th house of Real Esate, Domestic Scene, and Security; ASC 3Sag51 = Moon/Pluto midpoint = determined Sisyphus Rx; Hebe (co-dependency; goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus; a servant removed from duty due to indecent exposure; a cup-bearer; or, those of the Hebrew race) is setting on the Descendant as is President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini.

Moon/Pluto = ASC: ideals contrasted against the world's reality; upsets caused within the environment through one's behavior; many upsets; a violent reaction to environmental influences.

Add to this the energies of the Uranus/Pluto square -5A25- now bringing replays of social upheaval and protests as in the 1960s when the two met in Great Conjunction near the MC of the Libra Full Moon chart shown here; the Saturn/Pluto square -5A19- echoes their Great Conjunction of Nov 8, 1982 at...wait for it...27Lib36, so this Full Moon signifies a double transit to Saturn/Pluto's past degree and triggers their current cycle by blockage and frustration (the square.) Not good. Reagan's policies of the 1980s still affect our nation, fraudulent Neptune's trickle down theory included, and they continue to turn up in the news.

Therefore, we may say that:

Uranus/Pluto = MC: aspirations for reforms; mobility; an instant grasp and exploitation of every situation; restlessness; prudence; grand vision; an opportunity to rise to leadership.

Saturn/Pluto = Sun: sparing no pains in one's work; privation (and/or privatizing social safety net programs which would only add to the privation Republicans seem to want for us?); renunciation; physical separation; toil and over-exertion.

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: inconsistencies in records, work, or achievements; melancholy; tragedy; cold feelings.

Of course, any mention of Saturn/Pluto reminds us of the attacks of 9/11/01 when the two karmic planets were in oppposition across the ASC/DESC axis of the US natal chart (Sibly version = 5:10 pm LMT.)

(Yes, I know - this is my usual jolly post but you know what's going on in the world, right? So if you prefer jolliness there are plenty of Astrology blogs and sites upon which to frolic!)

Full Moons Culminate and Flower the Seeds of the Prior New Moon

First let's follow the trail of dispositorship to see where things lead and it begins with chart-ruler Jupiter 19Ari14 (the Exaltation of the Sun degree giving an ego-expansion theme) in 5th H of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits with Jupiter ruled by Mars 12Ari20 (at critical or crisis degree as is Saturn 12Lib48 Rx in 10th H of Public Status) in 4th H of Domestic Scene. To me this indicates more protests, activism, and perhaps riots with the number of arrests increasing in the US, Land of the Free.

Also in 4th H are evaluating Venus as noted (foreclosures ongoing), rebellious upheavaler Uranus 2Ari05, and Mercury Rx 14Ari04. Mercury opposes Saturn as does Mars but not as closely so one T-Square is formed with a second not as intense but becoming so as Mercury retrogrades into position.

Here are both midpoint pictures from the T-SQs for your consideration; the usual suspect, subversive Pluto in 2nd H of Earnings and Worth, is apex planet in both pictures - the first one you've heard before because it's been in effect for a while now:

Mars/Saturn = Pluto: brutality; rage and fury; intervening of a Higher Power (US and NATO air strikes in Libya?); bodily harm, injury; murder; the death of many people.

Mercury/Saturn = Pluto: toiling or grappling with unusual and special problems; brooding over one's destiny; plans determine one's fate.

Pluto as apex planet in a Cardinal T-Square pattern indicates intensely driven individuals who don't integrate easily with others - and don't wish to; control and power are jealously guarded; hidden strengths help them confront and overwhelm opposition in a ruthless manner; power reserves are applied toward crisis situations; may have a chip-on-shoulder; signifies high-powered executive positions that demand penetrating insights into crucial phases of all operations; explosive endings make for fresh starts as a new phase is entered; others readily pick up on this dynamic vibration yet it's difficult to ferret out Pluto's true identity.

Yet we know the plutonians and plutocrats by what they produce in the world, don't we? This includes the grossly wealthy, and nuclear waste and disaster such we see in Japan as radiation spreads across the entire globe.

Now the former T-SQ with Saturn/Uranus = Pluto has separated as you see yet their midpoint picture still influences events by way of: violence and rebellion; a desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary effort (not, it seems, a positive these days yet it depends on people's true motives); intervention of a Higher Power; harm through force majeure; war.

Here are the Full Moon's other midpoint pictures; house positions of the apex planets tell where the energies have outlet for manifestation:

Sun/Mars = Jupiter: optimism; striving for power; the Civil Servant; success; taking possession. (My bold.)

Sun/Uranus = Mercury: a young reformer (DC contains many of those but Mr. Obama and Mr. Ryan come instantly to mind); making arrangements; quick and prudent actions.

Sun/Venus = Mars: creative power. (The Sun/Venus combo seems innocuous enough on the surface with its connection to The Arts yet Michael Munkasey under his Business and Politics category gives its potentials as: a society which is estranged from its leadership; using national or business wealth to sustain authority; how a society shapes the direction of its growth (budget, deficit, and credit limit battles?); the nature of reserves, resources, and the role they play in development. Also indicated by Sun/Venus: thyroid, kidneys, and infections that affect smell, taste (such as the metallic taste from radiation poisoning?), and other senses.

Circled on the chart is an inconjunct (or, quincunx, an aspect showing adjustments are direly needed) between Jupiter and Midheaven. With Jupiter in pioneering Aries and in 4th H of Real Estate and Security, we may expect Jupiter with his money connotation and Republican Party signification to need more adjusting or bargaining on issues such as war costs (Jupiter the General), home foreclosures and other Real Estate concerns (4th H), Career and Public Staus (10th H), and issues relating back to 9/11/01 (9/11's Sun at MC, as marked on chart.)

A Sun/Jupiter quincunx shows that someone's talents are not being fairly rewarded so there is discontent at not being appreciated or fairly treated, self-confidence may be lacking (which affects stock markets), physical exhaustion can set in due to workers' production levels being too high already (one reason our unemployment rate is way too high), plus, over-reactions to criticism may be prevalent within all of Jupiter's usual 9th H realms.

The prior lunation (Syzygy Moon) of this Full Moon is the New Moon 13Ari30 of April 3, 2011; tonight's Mercury Rx triggers and recalls the April 3rd New Moon and its degree:

'14Ari' = "A Serpent Coiling Near a Man and a Woman" which may be sinister and has a health connotation (radiation, or perhaps Mr. Obama's health insurance legislation? And since this degree's Keyword is REVELATION, tonight's Full Moon in Libra may be helpful in revealing a secret or two.

Now if we use this Moon to represent we-the-people and Sun to indicate leadership, a brief look at their Sabian Symbols may be as good a way as any to end this post, remembering that a Full Moon is an opposition relating to relationships, balance, and, to awareness:

Moon '28Lib' = "A Man in Deep Gloom. Unnoticed, Angels Come to His Aid" (my best advice: always notice your guardian angels, m'peops, and give thanks for their kind protection! ;p)

Sun '28Ari' = "A Large and Disappointed Audience" (perfect for politicians who do not work on behalf of we-the-people but for the special interests who line their pockets: as you see in the horoscope, America's natal Jupiter 5Can56 sits upon the 8th cusp of the chart when set for Washington DC...US natal Jupiter '6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" - yet you'd think they'd be overly feathered by now.)

The PE of this Full Moon (last Solar Eclipse) is the 13N from *January 4, 2011 - it began our year with its vibes of 'large, ambitious group projects that require a separation, then joint achievement' (Brady); it falls in 2nd H along with Pluto and an interesting midpoint picture that forms with transiting Neptune/NN now landing upon US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx: exercising a bad influence upon associations; the breakdown of relationships through living together (uh oh! Under a Full Moon, too: trouble in the Obama household due to the stress of living in the White House fishbowl? His natal Moon - mother, family, a woman, reigning need - is setting, as mentioned above. Well, living under such critical scrutiny would bother me, too. Yet this may indicate a break within a political partnership.)

Well, this chart and Full Moon contain strong Cardinal-Fire (Aries) energies of initiative so things will certainly get done and actions wilol be taken though with Mercury Rx, plans and schedules may not work out as one could wish.

All politics aside (don't we wish!), may you enjoy a beautiful evening tonight bathed attractively by the light of a gorgeous Full Moon in lovely Libra!


Speaking of the Sun, here's a thumbnail of a drawing I once did hoping to fancifully illustrate '28Aries' and originally published in one of my art gallery blogs, Secret Moon Art:

Books used but left unharmed in the creation of this post: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Tierney; for midpoint pictures any, all, or none may apply and are subject to stimulation by transits and progressions.

Chart data used: Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; America July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; yet other versions of the US natal horoscope may be equally useful including one timed by the Solar Eclipse of August 14, 1776 @ 21Leo52, the initial eclipse in the 13 North Series which repeated on *Jan 4, 2011 @ '14Cap'. jc