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May 7, 2011

President's Weekly Address May 7, 2011 (video)

President Barack Obama speaks from Indiana for his Weekly Address to the nation.

May 6, 2011

Solar Eclipse January 4, 2011: from May 2011's perch

This week has been busy to the point of very little blogging time (day job, you know) and today, Friday May 6, 2011, is more of same.

Making a flash appearance here to moderate comments, I find some interest has occurred in a previous post still current by topic which concerns America and the Solar Eclipse of January 4, 2011, the Series in which the world now twists and turns.

The post includes some thoughts on the US Saturn Return now ongoing (with its accountability-responsibility themes: in our Sag Rising chart/s, US Saturn is in 10th house = fall from grace if dependable Saturn is *not honored) and three interesting quotes with articles links, so if you wish, check it out with fresh eyes now informed by events which have occurred so far in 2011 including the assassination of Osama bin Laden, a Scorpionic event if there ever was one.

And on a lighter note, tonight is the can't-miss season finale of Fringe and with its Scorpionic-Aquarian parallel-worlds theme, the episode is sure to be a doozy!


*examples of historical figures with 10th house Saturns include Richard Nixon and Adolf Hitler both of whom experienced quite some falls from grace, yes?

May 5, 2011

Doubting the bin Laden assassination story?

If all the governmental flip-flopping and murky details concerning the story of the raid and death of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan on May 1, 2011 seem fishy to you and a certain Why Now? feeling persists, you are not alone for Dr. Roberts joins you:

The Agendas Behind the Bin Laden News Event

By Paul Craig Roberts

In Washington-think, a 24% rise in approval rating justifies a staged event. #

Justice? Revenge? False flag op? News event to boost approval ratings and a 2012 election ploy? Siege of Waco and Stand-Off at Ruby Ridge deja-vu? Is our nation's Mars/Neptune square expressing its 'deceptive motivations and actions' side? Or, was it an 'honest' and 'successful' assassination (as if killing is something to crow about)? What do you think?

Further reading: Wiki's Waco Siege page.

May 4, 2011

Timeline of the bin Laden assassination: Pluto Rising

Here's NPR's timeline of the May 1st raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan (his hidey-hole - considerably ritzier than Saddam Hussein's had been.)

Though I've been studying horoscopes of the event I've held back from posting about it and have since found it better to use the chart provided by Bernadette Brady with Moon 24Ari08 and 8Cap39 rising with saboteur and assassin Pluto 7Cap22 Rx, along with the brittle energy of the sometimes dangerous Saturn/Uranus midpoint; Sun is @ 11Tau01 (SolarFire software gives me 11:02.)

To create an event chart that tallies with Ms. Brady's version, I must use:

May 1, 2011 6:14:54 pm GMT Abbottabad, Pakistan.

It is an Hour of the fluctuating Moon, a symbol of the Middle East when in Crescent phase, and 2 days prior to the New Moon 12Tau30 of May 3rd ('13Tau' = "A Man Handling Baggage." Now I don't intend to be ghoulish but a body bag slipped into the Arabian Sea does come to mind.)

Therefore, at the WHAT? Point of the horoscope (ASC) there are two midpoint pictures formed:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: acts of violence or brutality (now we have a specific world event that is well-described by this ongoing midpoint picture and T-Square pointing to Pluto the Assassin); concealing changes to activities (by keeping the mission mum from Pakistani officials); harm through force majeure; a desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort (US Navy Seals.)

Saturn/Uranus = ASC: being placed in difficult circumstances; the fate of standing alone in the world; suffering hardship caused by others; shared emotional suffering; mourning and bereavement.

The May 1, 2011 assassination falls within the 13 North Solar Eclipse Series which manifested on January 4, 2011 @ 13Cap38/39 and which heralded a potential for a 'central event having wide-range impact' for the US government (Capricorn, sign of government) with 13Cap38 opposing US natal Sun (leadership.)

Since there are many versions of natal horoscopes for Osama bin Laden due to conflicting dates of birth, I've never published a chart for him because Lunar Calendar births are not always easy to rectify into a Solar Calendar such as we use in Western Astrology, even when a correct birth date is known. And I may decide to never publish bin Laden's assassination chart either.

My hope is that President Obama will stand by his decision today not to release photos of the man whose legend can still launch a thousand suicide bombers and I agree heartily with those who say that releasing the photos would only act as a recruiting tool without providing doubters evidence that would sway them if they're determined to remain unswayed (or pretending they doubt or critique for political reasons - the 2012 election cometh. Have you heard it yet? Bush couldn't. Obama not only can, he did.)

One more astro-note: at Barack Obama's natal Midheaven during this event, I noticed an interesting asteroid with an archetype which may indeed apply to our nation's 10-year quixotic search for Osama bin Laden:

Sisyphus, the Determined.


America, Your Ticket Has Arrived: Leave Afghanistan and Iraq Asap!

May 3, 2011

NPR turns 40 today with a Uranus/Chiron opposition

Looking at the natal horoscope of NPR's first-ever broadcast of All Things Considered, it's interesting to note a few of the astro-factors shown.

Broadcaster Jupiter Rx 3Sag58 ('4Sag' = "A Little Child Learning to Walk"!) is in process of its Great Conjunction with Neptune 2Sag13 Rx in 2nd house with Neptune representing media and its masses of listeners. Let's consider - not all things - but a few of the basics in the natal horoscope set for 5:00 pm edt Washington DC on May 3, 1971. We see from the date that NPR launched in the midst of Richard Nixon's two terms and with anti-war protesters marching and being arrested on DC streets for speaking truth to power (my generation!)

The Jupiter/Neptune combo represents speculation, grand plans, and sometimes, sympathy for people at a disadvantage.

You may wish to see NPR's Wiki bio for more of its historic details.

May 3, 1971 at 5:00 pm in Washington DC saw 7Lib19 rising with Uranus 10Lib15 Rx in tow indicating NPR's newness, progressiveness, technological innovations, individualism, originality, and the ability to cope with whatever occurs.

It's an Hour of Jupiter, perfect for Jupiter's broadcasting function, and Jupiter in his natural sign, fiery Sagittarius, shows international interests in foreign lands and peoples, a liberal mindset, and a capacity to inspire people with a vision of how much better everything might be. (Self-righteousness must be guarded against.)

Chart-ruler Venus at critical degree (12Ari18 and snugged between Chiron and Mercury in 7th house of Partnerships) makes no applying aspects so its sign and house positions are important factors in how things proceeded for the then-new radio network-syndicate. Venus = '13Ari' = "A Bomb Which Failed to Explode Is Now Safely Hidden", a Sabian Symbol which speaks of having a "very deep or hallowed purpose." (M. E. Jones.)

This 'hallowed purpose' tallies with NPR's Midheaven (The Goal; Aspiration) 8Can20 which showcases Fixed Star Alhena, 'to have a mission' and which falls, of course, between US natal Jupiter '6Can' and Sun '14Can'.

Venus also rules the monied 8th H and its inhabitants, Sun and Saturn.

An 11th house Moon 29Leo59 is at a critical 29th degree as well but conjoins Fixed Star Regulus, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, keywords: 'success if revenge if avoided.' All the Royal Stars have cautions showing what flaws will cause the promised success to slip away if the particular caution is not heeded - in this case, revenge.

In 8th house of Shared Resources is natal Sun 12Tau46 which receives this evening's New Moon 12Tau30 (8:49 pm edt) indicating a new cycle of activity of some kind; hardworking Saturn 24Tau11 is in 8th H, too and shows its conservation-preservation duties in Taurus which are expressed with reliability and persistence. For managing Saturn in Taurus, financial security is very important as it tends to develop a well-balanced sense of the value of material resources.

Plus, Saturn is helpfully trined by powerful publisher Pluto 27Vir17 Rx in 12th H of Behind-the-Scenes and I wouldn't care to guess who or what group Pluto represented in 1971 relating to the beginnings of NPR. Would you? But asteroid Lilith Rx conjoins Pluto so I will add that Lilith isn't always or only the glamorous woman for its archetype also has a link to Israel.

And what of action-oriented Mars? Mars 00AQ00, a critical degree, is in 4th H of Endings and Foundations - at "An Old Adobe Mission" so there's another reference to having a mission. This degree appears every January 20th at noon in Washington DC for its our presidential Sun's degree. Mars remained in AQ from May 3 until November 6, 1971 and was stationary part of that time which greatly strengthened its Aquarian instincts and interests which spearheaded a new way of life (NPR driveway moments forthcoming?)

Mars in Aquarius shows a desire for independence to follow an unusual or unorthodox course of action with reformist tendencies; in 4th H, Mars describes some testy interchanges taking place 'at home' with efforts made toward improvements.

We may well ascribe NPR's wish to 'dot all the Is' and 'cross all the Ts' to the fact that Mercury 23Ari10 is oriental, that is, the planet that rises just before the Sun.

There's only one midpoint picture in the chart other than those formed by a multiple-planet T-Square and an Earth Grand Trine: Mars/ASC = Jupiter: harmonious teamwork; the ability to lead others; a good organiser; agreement with others on pursuit of the same objectives (that mission again); enthusiasm; harmonious public outreach.

The T-Square/s all point to MC and Alhena's mission: Chiron/Uranus = MC, Venus/Uranus = MC (getting to like someone quickly; focusing on the modernization of tastes), and Venus/ASC = MC (harmony; art and music appreciation.)

Earth Grand Trine: Mars, Saturn, and Pluto which shows the hard work it took to get up and running, but also seems to relate to the anti-war protests on the streets and the heavy-handed governmental response for brutality is indicated. Mars = protests and activism, Saturn = control and government, and Pluto = power, wealth, subversive actions, and ultimate control. Perhaps these are the forces that now regularly threaten to withdraw government funding of NPR for its 'too liberal' stance.

A 5th H North Node (NN) 19AQ55 shows NPR's path is to serve mankind and its 5th H position makes finding its unique destiny a must.

And last, the Uranus/Chiron opposition on NPR's Identity axis (ASC/DESC) is telling considering Uranus' link to radicalism and politics (yet not forgetting the excellent traits of Uranus Rising mentioned above.)

Uranus opposite Chiron shows 1971 to be a time when people were very stressed out and feeling that things were 'too much' - as in 2011. The aspect's ferociously intense energy tends to burn itself out or push NPR to great transmutative levels of awareness as it dramatizes individualism (and individualistic, freedom-loving Uranus rises.)

I shall leave it to you, dear reader and NPR listener, to decide which result NPR has achieved over the last 40 years. Happy Birthday, NPR!


Midpoint pictures: Tyl, Ebertin, Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply; Chiron info from Barbara Hand Clow and Richard Nolle.

May 2, 2011

Attack on Osama bin Laden Tweeted in real time!

Of all that I've heard or seen since late last evening concerning the attack and killing of Osama bin Laden, my so-far favorite comes from a resident who didn't know what he was Tweeting about when he first Tweeted it!.

Here's TIME's timeline of events though how many grains of salt you want handy as you read are up to you.

(His DNA was taken and his body buried at sea? Really? DNA could have been taken any time since Tora Bora - 2001 - and 'buried at sea' within the required 24 hours is awfully convenient for not having to produce the man's body. Hmm.)


A stroll down Memory Lane soon finds a George W. Bush giving up on finding bin Laden quite quickly or at least he spun it that way in March 2002:

"Who knows if he's hiding in some cave or not. We haven't heard from him in a long time. The idea of focusing on one person really indicates to me people don’t understand the scope of the mission. Terror is bigger than one person. He's just a person who's been marginalized....I don't know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you."

May 1, 2011

Horoscopes of New/Full Moons of May 3 and 17, 2011

With this post, Stars Over Washington passes the 2,700-post milestone and begins to reach toward 2,800 entries so let's discuss the horoscopes of May 2011's two lunations: a New Moon on Tuesday May 3, 2011 (12Tau31; seeding phase) and a Full Moon on Tuesday May 17, 2011 (26Sco13; culmination or fulfillment phase of the Sun-Moon cycle.)

Click to enlarge; New Moon chart lists US natal placements, outer:

New Moon '13Tau' = "A Man Handling Baggage"...INDUSTRY...pos: an effective self-confidence and virility in normal living; neg/unconscious/shadow side: a dissipation of self hood and a depreciation of all ambition through the performance of drudgery without protest.

Hour of Mercury 16Ari39 in 2nd house; Sun/Moon conjunct both the 3rd cusp and US Inaugural Ascendant (President's Oath of Office); transiting Midas (gold) conjoins IC (End of the Matter; The Drain) and tr Orpheus (sad songs; grief; loss of partner) joins the chorus along with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 which echoes transiting Uranus, planet of disruption and rebellion, now in US natal 4th H of Domestic Scene and Real Estate; one of the power asteroids, Hidalgo 8Sag32 Rx, is at MC, the Aspiration and Goal Point of any chart.

In 8th H is lonely, isolated Saturn 11Lib46 Rx about to pass into 7th H of Partnerships and Public Enemies; as you know, on two levels, Saturn also represents managers and the Democratic Party in a Mundane Astrology horoscope; US Saturn Return still in progress with Uranus 2Ari50 (conjunct Hermes, the Magician and Astrologer) in wide opposition to Saturn as status quo continues to battle progress and describes a primary planetary signature of the Obama administration and presidency, the Saturn/Uranus opposition.

Two midpoint pictures are rising on the Ascendant:

Mars/NN = ASC: comradeship; vigorous cooperation; Family or family ties.

Jupiter/NN = ASC: pleasant associations; finding or locating people; responding to those who have separated from the group.

Chart-ruler Saturn has a co-ruler Uranus bwo Aquarius rising; their applying aspects are not very comforting:

Saturn Square Pluto (4A24) and Uranus Square Pluto (4A32) make the repetition of their T-Square the keynote pattern and societal vibe of this New Moon chart. We've seen the mdpt picture of this difficult Cardinal T-Square before and we hear its energies expressed by events described in the news each day...

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality and violence; concealing changes to activities; ending extreme practices that hinder progress; drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; a desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure. (This T-Square remains in force in the Full Moon chart, below.

Uranus makes a helpful trine (120 degr) to MC 8Sag12 which indicates goals that are aided by Uranian genius, creativity, originality, and sudden renown; Uranus trine MC favors occupations in Science, Space, Astrology, and Technology fields.

Well, the Moon's North Node (NN) of Destiny, Future Direction, and Public Contact falls in the 10th H of Career and Public Status and it's in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker; this NN is in 1st H of the US natal chart most often used, the Sibly version (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) with '13Sag' rising and MC 00Lib53 - where tr Saturn 11Lib46 Rx now hangs out making accountability and responsibility our government's primary lessons.

Raising the US credit limit to keep from defaulting on our nation's debts is one of our accountability lessons. That our government has put the nation in such a pickle (with no good answers) belongs on the red ink side of the political and banking classes' ledgers, and was aided and abetted by shady, wealthy string-puller, Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the olde countrie.

Calendar Note: during the dark phase of the Moon - before the New Moon of May 3rd - there's May 1st, aka, International Workers' Day and a day of protests, demonstrations, and civil rights movements which may be seen in contentious protesting Mars and the rest of the testy Aries line-up opposing staid Saturn, planet of government, law, business, and The System.

Yes, the New Moon's Cardinal Aries energy is obvious from the line-up of Uranus, Venus, Mercury, and Mars from 1st H into 2nd H and frustrated by restrictive Saturn in Libra. And with watery Neptune now in its sign of oceanic Pisces and Chiron 4Pis51 being the first to rise (and on its way to President Obama's previously discussed Chiron Return), we may wish to consider the mdpt pictures formed which point to deceptive, fraudulent, dreamy Neptune.

The Jupiter/Pluto pair highlight Global Bankers (the US Fed, IMF, World Bank, etc), Royalty, the Pentagon, SCOTUS, Religious and Educational Leaders - and those who are capable of mounting Large-Scale Projects, plus, pacts with foreigners and criminal elements with great social influence.

The Mars/Pluto duo is more primal: our military, and the security forces aligned with them, are spotlighted, along with clandestine agencies, suppression and torture, war, weapons, chaos, the violence of zealotry...and the police state. Foggy Neptune provides a secretive mask and a smokescreen of confusion and doubt.

Jupiter/Pluto = Neptune: unclear goals in life; drawn to mystical religions and abstract ideas; confused thoughts and plans; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into one's own format.

Mars/Pluto = Neptune: illusions about what the use of power can do; lies, flattery, or deception from others; drug-induced illusions; a weak will to proceed with unpleasant tasks; implacability or irreconcilability; cunning and deceit; disaster caused by water, gas, oil, or toxicity; a desire to harm others secretively and unobtrusively (without leaving fingerprints, a Washington DC specialty! And America's natal Mars/Neptune square adds as usual a confused or deceptive practices/motivations tone to the picture.)

With Cancer on the cusp of the 6th H and most of the self-protective, canny sign in 5th H of Creative Pursuits, Gambling, and Risk-Taking, we may expect fluctuations, changes, and new beginnings (New Moon) in both 5th and 6th house matters in May 2011 along with the Moon's ability to provide publicity in these areas along with 3rd H Communications and Travel issues and 2nd H matters of Earning Ability and Valuations stimulated by the presence of a New Moon.

May 17, 2011 Scorpio Full Moon over Washington DC

Across the Victim-Savior 6/12 axis, Full Moon 26Sco13 is in 6th H of Military and Police, Service, Work, Health, and Daily Rounds; Hour Mars 4Tau38 conjunct 12th cusp of Karma, Self-Undoing, Behind-the-Scenes, Large Institutions (Hospitals, Zoos, Congress), and Politics. As you see, since the May 3 New Moon, only Jupiter and Uranus remain in Aries for Mercury and Mars have moved on into Taurus, a sign whose shadow traits include intolerance and greed.

Sun 26Tau13 conjoins Fixed Star Algol (intense female passion and rage), which, along with nearby Capulus (intense male passion and rage), are associated with the Middle East.

Plus, Mars/ASC = Sun: a love of fighting; excitability; quarrels and mishaps; intense teamwork.

Opposite the Sun, the Sabian Symbol for the May 17, 2011 Full Moon @ '27Sco' = "A Military Band on the March." "Foolhardy self-exploitation" is the shadow side of this degree. Opposite degrees are Illumination Points, a natural facet of a Full Moon chart which always contains a relationship-or-awareness dynamic.

Sun '27Tau' = "A Squaw Selling Beads" with its shadow side = "A retreat within and an acceptance of the sterilities of life as the manifestation of selfhood." (A bad bargain! Are these sterilities the longed-for austerity enforcements touted by the GOP?)

Interestingly, President Obama's natal MC (Goals; Aspirations; the WHY? Point) falls at '28Sco' and US Inaugural Moon (we-the-people) on January 20, 2009, was positioned at 29Sco45. Since this is a Mars-Hour Full Moon chart and Scorpio has a Mars-Pluto influence, will a number of our troops return home soon at or near this culmination point? My prayer is that they pack their bags very soon and head home! (And there's "A Man Handling Baggage" vibe in the New Moon chart, above.)

Chart-ruler Mercury 2Tau03 has just entered 11th H of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes; Mercury applies thrice showing how things will proceed from this Full Moon:

1. Mercury conj Mars (2A46 = two + minutes, hours, days, weeks?) indicating ideas being brought into physical manifestation, giving or receiving instructions, sales and trade activities, an urgent need to travel, and/or transport issues. Discussions involve military service, education, communications activities, and possible surgery concerns. Plus, Mercury rules 4th cusp and 5th cusp which has a critical-crisis 29th degree upon it.

2. Mercury sextile Chiron (3A12) gives mercurial minds strength and exactitude, extraordinary ability to manifest plans, and the communication skill to convey meanings and knowledge to others. (Clow.)

3. Mercury trine Pluto (5A17) indicates research and investigations paying off with satisfying results, debts or favors being repaid, lost items being found, making shrewd business decisions, and property assessments of a higher value turning up. Publishing (Pluto) by the media (Mercury) is favored under this fortuitous aspect as are nuclear concerns...perhaps there will be a break-through of good news in the ongoing Fukushima disaster in Japan as they try to contain the radiation.

Besides the same Saturn-Uranus-Pluto and Jupiter-Pluto-Neptune pictures from the New Moon chart remain in the May 17, 2011 Full Moon horoscope which provides a descriptive narrative within one picture - as always, any, all, or none may apply:

Mars/Neptune = Uranus 3Ari27 and happy in the Aquarian 11th H: life crisis; a suddenly emerging weakness; disadvantages through lack of energy, or changing energy levels (power outages? a weakened military force? Republicans manage to collapse the US economy to make Obama look bad for 2012?); unusual stamina to speed up outcomes; a noisy rebellion against aggravating visions forced by others; an unconventional approach to forcing idealism or socialism on others. (!)

Listed on the chart, you see that there are three T-Squares which form mdpt pictures:

Sun/Moon = MC: union; marriage; harmony.

Sun/Moon = Neptune: easy upsets; discontent; self-torment; mistakes and misunderstandings; illusions or deceptions; shared suffering; an undermining of associations; delusions about what can be done and what it will take to do it.

Generally, the Sun-Moon combo in Politics and Business indicates these potentials: how the people's will is applied when taking a country in new directions; the international reputation of a nation; national will forcefully imposed by leadership; smears on a nation's reputation; pessimism flows through the population or lawmakers. (Munkasey.)

(Note: my pessimism is due in large part to our lawmakers being lawbreakers. jc)

Having power-grabbing Pluto 7Cap09 Rx (god of the criminal Underworld) conjoining the 8th cusp of the Full Moon chart may indicate mysterious forces which continue to destructure and transform America, our financial system, and traditions.

Finally, as you see, the 22AQ28 ASC of the May 3 New Moon chart (when set for Washington DC; ASC = the WHAT? Point) is at Midheaven (WHY?) of the May 17 Full Moon chart, a synchronicity linking together these two May 2011 lunations a little more closely than they might seem otherwise, and placing the New Moon's DESC (Partnerships) at the IC (Endings; HOW?) upon the very foundation of the Full Moon's culminating manifestation.

Such are the lunations of the Merry Month of May 2011 as they look from Washington DC!

There are two Solar Eclipses upcoming: June 1, 2011 @ 11 Gemini which conjoins US natal DESC of the Sibly chart and affects US natal Uranus, planet of revolt and disruption. Plus, the July 1, 2011 SE @ 9 Cancer will trigger a wild card surprise relating to America's Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Cancer, sign of Homeland and of Business.


Hope everyone saw last night the White House Correspondents' Dinner with SNL's Seth Myers presenting the entertainment! I admire Seth's comedic talents and thought he did a great job making the Washington political and media establishments laugh at themselves - as did the President who lampooned a self-important Donald Trump (in attendance) unmercifully. But The Trump wasn't laughing.

Even so, Washington should laugh at itself more. We do. To keep from crying. jc


Midpoint pictures from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey.

Apr 30, 2011

NATO missile kills Gadhafi's son 4.30.11

It's April 30, 2011 and a news alert has arrived:

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Libya Says NATO Missile Strike Kills Gadhafi's Son

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi survived a NATO missile strike Saturday that killed his youngest son, Saif al-Arab Gadhafi, and three grandchildren and wounded friends and relatives, Libya's spokesman said.

Read more at NPR.

Apr 29, 2011

Founding of Washington DC based on pay-offs

On the Early History and Pre-History of K Street and Washington DC (aka, Funktown)

by Jude Cowell

K.A. Muston's The Little Green House on K Street is a must-read as I discovered today when its link was sent along to me by the excellent Alex D'Atria of GOP Astrology.

You'll note the date mentioned: June 20, 1783 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the morning our desperate Continental soldiers surrounded the Continental Congress hoping to force them to vote to pay the Revolutionary troops who'd served our fledgling nation so well. But Congress negotiated its way out of the day's dilemma and secretively skulked across the Delaware River into New Jersey during the dark of night.

Then after years of a roaming, debt-avoiding Congress, The District of Columbia was founded from whence they pontificate sorrily to this very day.

The Solar Eclipse Series in which the soldiers' actions of 1783 fell was the 1 North which is the same Series as Nostradamus' famous predictive one ('King of Terror' or 'King of Alarm' Eclipse) of August 11, 1999...keywords: unusual events put pressure on relationships; information is distorted and possibly false; take no action until eclipse passes'.

(Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

US 2011 Saturn Return Ongoing

Now in 2011, the congressional varmints now infesting Washington DC continue to act shadily when it comes to living up to their and our responsibilities - and the skulkers now toy with the idea of America defaulting by not raising the US debt limit!

Obama administration turns heavy-handed with reporter

Whoa, it seems the Obama administration has a beef against a free press. Or should a reporter breaking a politician's rule be overlooked?

This incident could resound in a loud tsk tsk upon the administration's promised transparency. But they all promise transparency as they walk in the White House door, don't they? Old secrets await them and new secrets pile up as the presidential days tick by.

And isn't it funny about the word, free?

The job market in the US has been decimated in recent decades by so-called free trade (and its elusive "benefits" for the ruling class) while undermining forces have worked to consolidate, control content, and thus destroy America's free press. So trade that isn't free is called free and a free press becomes enslaved = non-free, yet is called a free press.

Doublespeaks Alive!

To me it seems tragic that the current crop of reptilian power-grabbers of the world were ever allowed to read George Orwell's novels because they apparently took his doom-filled prophecies of a totalitarian state to heart and have used that and other knowledge as their How-To guide toward global enslavement.

While I first read Orwell in high school and was horrified at his vision of the future, they read him and were inspired to take action against all mankind.

Funny how different people can be.

Now here's some of the 'offensive' video...asking Where's Our Change?

And I heartily agree with them: Free Bradley Manning, Mr. President!


Zeeks, There's a Royal Wedding on My TV!

Sure enough, on schedule, the car carrying now-Kathryn Middleton to Westminster Abbey and into the arms of her royal fate arrived there at 11:00 am London Time (6:00 am EDT) and though I am no monarchist, I couldn't resist posting one of my Wedding Day Astrology Reports using an 11:00 am horoscope, if you wish to have a view and read a few brief notes on their partnership based on Astrology's 'marriage' pair of lights, the Sun (male) and Moon (female.)

11:20 am: the Archbishop of Canterbury pronounces them man and wife.

Whew! Glad that's done. The rest of the day should be a coast. My felicities to the happy couple!

Apr 27, 2011

Horoscope of Barack Obama w 4.27.11 transits

This morning I posted the NPR News Alert that the White House has released the birth certificate of President Barack Obama. This inspires me to publish a copy of President Obama's natal horoscope, something I had not done before on this blog although I have referred to its placements, of course. The released BC shows the birth time that most if not all astrologers have been using: 7:24 pm AHST, on August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Around the outside of the chart are today's transits since now we can be certain which houses the planets traverse. I also looked ahead to his Secondary Progressions: he's now in Gibbous phase with a Secondary Full Moon coming soon: November 6, 2011 @ 1Ari11 which falls in natal 2nd house.

As you know, a Sec Full Moon was attained by the US in December 2008 and timed our nation's financial collapse: that was as far as our nation could expand into the world and our national light now dims. Now I'm not predicting that the president's Sun-Moon phase beginning to 'lose light' after November 2011 will keep him from being re-elected in 2012 yet the thought does occur! Another thought is that since the powers-that-be will select whichever candidate to play US president that they want, it could be Mr. Obama regardless of his astro-portents - especially with his Sec Full Moon manifesting so near the Aries Point (00Ari00) of Fame and Recognition.

Here are a few chart details; as always, you're welcome to leave your own observations or opinions in a Comment:

Sun/Moon in 3rd quarter phase = crisis in consciousness; Hour Mars 22Vir35 in 7th H, conjunct asteroid Hopi (prejudice; ambush; sounds like "hope"); Mars conjoins US natal Neptune making it difficult for the masses to see his actions and motivations clearly; chart-ruler Saturn 25Cap20 Rx in its own sign in 12th H of Politics and Karma, conjunct Jupiter 00AQ52 Rx which conjoins US Inaugural Sun and on January 20, 2009, his n Jupiter conjoined Inaugural Mercury Rx. Jupiter/Saturn conjunction folks tend to have enormous success potential.

Co-ruler Uranus 25Leo16 in 7th H conjoins North Node (NN) and is apex planet of a powerful midpoint picture:

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; sudden obsession for more power and control.

The Uranus/NN pair is a signature of radical political groups, changes which come from attempts to alter the course of events, and revolution for the effecting of popular societal changes. ("Yes, We Can!)

Saturn inconjunct Uranus: Status Quo/Progress Adjustments

Chart-ruler and co-ruler Saturn and Uranus are inconjunct (150 degrees) one another which gives difficulty in establishing priorities within one's obligations, and intimidation from others may be forthcoming; change that threatens personal security is resisted (who wouldn't?) and flexibility must be developed in order to make progress and be successful. Some stress in relationship may ensue as the partner insists that talents be well-developed. Refining those talents and adopting new techniques produce success though a streak of cantankerousness may be noticed in the personality.

Mars trine Saturn

An Earthy (practical) Mars/Saturn trine helps tremendously by giving Mr. Obama the ability to use his energies wisely and productively; the temper is usually well under control, and he's an excellent teacher. Efficiency and conservation are important with a Mars/Saturn trine, an aspect which gifts him with great managerial skills that are valuable in any endeavor. He relates best to responsible, mature people, tends to be guardedly optimistic, and the satisfaction of a job well done is of primary importance to him.

Moon square Pluto

A problematic aspect is Mr. Obama's Moon/Pluto square. This aspect gives a loner's temperament and indicates trouble in parental relationships with a tendency to hold on to the past. (Perhaps writing his book where he addressed his parents' relationship and his early struggles helped with letting go. Saturn ruling ASC shows hardship in childhood though his parent's reputed involvement with the CIA may also be indicated here: Pluto = spying, surveillance, and secretive agencies.)

A Moon/Pluto SQ makes working with the public a must, and compromise helps with achieving one's goals; working in social service is indicated; regular breaks are necessary to unwind and recharge; delving into the occult is indicated yet care must be taken to keep confusion and lack of perspective at a minimum.

Jupiter/Chiron Midpoint = Ascendant; 1st House Chiron in Pisces

As you see (enlarge chart for easier viewing), the Jupiter/Chiron midpoint sits upon Mr. Obama's Ascendant so he is Jupiter/Chiron as well as having Chiron 5Pis19 Rx in 1st house of Self.

Chiron in mystical Pisces describes one whose life crisis is over connecting with the God force (Clow); he tends to hear Pan's flute on the wind (natal Pan 15Ari20 Rx in 2nd H of Values.) One of the power asteroids, Hidalgo, is Rx and conjoins n Chiron which is involved in a Water Grand Trine, as listed below.

Chiron in Pisces is the 'knight in shining armor' archetype where one is called on to perform heroic deeds at great personal risk - or to prevent them, as circumstances dictate. Quoting Richard Nolle: "Life...can be a mystical crusade in which mundane concerns have no place - a Quest for the Grail, perhaps, or a pursuit of the Ring of Power. Seeing in their mind's eye a better world, {those with Chiron in Pisces) take for granted values that may be totally alien from the perspective of prevailing social norms."

Like a New World Order and more 'free' trade agreements that destroy US jobs?

The personal belief system of Chiron in Pisces may create conditions of persecution and martyrdom for faith doesn't allow him the possibility of surrender; a mythical aura of The Hero may bring glory or tragedy for he is convinced that his mission is both necessary and worthwhile, a belief that is, I suspect, constantly renewed by the mentors who surround him. Unfortunately, his mentors seem to be of the one-world-government persuasion so prevalent within the realm of profiteering corporatism and Plutocracy.

His T-Square of Pluto/Chiron, the Plutocracy duo, points to natal Moon in Gemini indicating a reigning need (Moon) for communicating (Gemini) these powerful perspectives (Pluto/Chiron) which include all manner of -isms, primal violence (war, torture) and the disenfranchisement of the population.

Chiron square Moon

Adding emotional intensity, Chiron squares n Moon 3Gem21 in 4th H (1A58) describing more family injury to his psyche in early childhood from the matrilineal side: this aspect tends to create astrologers and analysts! Deep insight into human nature results from his early emotional experiences and deprivations with a Moon/Chiron square.

A Jupiter/Chiron vibe of The Seeker shows visibly with their midpoint upon natal Ascendant, as noted. (Jupiter and Chiron are 34 degrees apart, however, their midpoint is the president.) This combo of energies indicates faith and optimism, and an upwelling of hope with expectations channeled toward realizing the attainment of a transcendent objective (NWO?) The focus is on harmonizing his Quest (see Chiron in Pisces) with the prevailing socio-cultural environment. (Nolle.)

A Mystic Rectangle Affects Career Goals

Besides the Pluto/Chiron = Moon T-Square and the Water Grand Trine of Venus-Neptune-Chiron, you'll note a Mystic Rectangle between Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and MC. This is a planetary pattern of 'practical mysticism' (Tierney) and given other chart factors already mentioned, it's an interesting possibility that the president either knows and uses, or employs those who use, Astrology for timing purposes. An association with secret societies who use Sacred Geometry (Freemasonry, Illuminati-ism, Rosicrucianism, to name three) is a potential as well.

Planetary aspects within the Mystic Rectangle include:

Moon trine Jupiter gives him a radiant personality, ease in relating to all types of people, lots of creative imagination, and a sensitivity to outside influences with attempts to understand their true significance; solutions to problems are worked out as soon as possible and no bridge is crossed before it is come to.

Moon sextile Mercury (planet of oration in showy Leo) gives him a thoughtful disposition, a capacity for absorbing information readily with a high level of comprehension and recall ability; public relations is a good field for this sextile; tact and diplomacy skills are evident and may be admired even by opponents.

Mercury trine MC (note: Mercury also trines 2009's Inaugural Moon 29Sco45 since the Inaugural Moon - we-the-people - sits upon his natal MC, as noted on the chart) shows communicating talent used in career and an ability to get important people to listen; the profession and home life tend to be kept in balance.

Jupiter sextile MC gives career preferment, success,, and good fortune in matters of public status.

As you see, the Mystic Rectangle contains the Mercury/Jupiter opposition across the Leo/AQ and 6/12 axes which describes one who may go to extremes with their expectations; others may be alienated by a tendency to seem a 'know-it-all' and details may receive short attention when making decisions and this can lead to a need for revision in his positions later on.

Well, there's my thumbnail sketch of President Barack Obama, inspired by today's release of a copy of his birth certificate. If you get anything out of this post, I'm glad for it will soon be linked near the top of SO'W's sidebar for future reference and potential updating.

Further reading: the Wedding Day Astrology Report of the president's parents' marriage or that of Barack and Michelle Obama.


Midpoint pictures: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey - any, all, or none may apply; some aspect info comes from Rob Pelletier's Planets in Aspect.

White House Releases Obama's Birth Certificate!

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Copy Of Obama Birth Certificate Released

The White House has released a copy of the long form of President Obama's birth certificate from Hawaii. The president was expected to discuss his birth certificate in a statement later Wednesday.

More at NPR.