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Jun 25, 2011

Rick Perry prez bid awash w controversy (video); his Natal Chart

Yes, Stars Over Washington has been late boarding the Rick Perry presidential campaign train 2012 so here's a video concerning the Texas governor, along with an astro-peek at his natal horoscope.

Apparently all manner of controversy haunts this wolf in sheep's clothing like a cheap one-world-government suit! Among other considerations, a certain Mr. Rove lurks in his background. In this video:

Alex talks about Rick Perry’s long time mentor, Karl Rove and how Rove convinced Perry to flip his image and save his political career. Perry exposes his own dishonesty when he breaks his own pledge to remain outside the Presidential race. A President Perry would further America’s dark journey toward her own destruction. Invited to the Bilderberg conference in Istanbul in 2007, Rick Perry is a servant of the globalist’s plan for a one world government and their population reduction scheme.

You may also be interested in Paul Watson's assessment Perry Supporter Claims Alex Jones Works for Obama which is rich with links and revelations concerning Governor Perry and others.

Plus, you'll find biographical details on his Wikipedia page including a bit about his friendship with former rocker and ace racial slurrist, Ted Nugent. Funny thing is, in the 1960s I attended a Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes concert in Atlanta and got the once-over from him backstage. Of course, I was under-aged so was thankfully spared his...attentions. And I remember that his hair was as long as mine! But he could definitely play guitar, no question about it, and that was what I was there for.

Now how about a little Astrology concerning Gov. Perry, a western varmint said (as are the majority of US politicians including Mr. Obama) to be firmly in the pocket of the social tinkering, one-world-government Bilderberg Group?

Richard Perry born March 4, 1950 Paint Creek, Texas, birth hour unknown so 'noon' CST is used; Sun in Pisces; Moon remains in Virgo for the 24-hour period. No house positions will be mentioned without a known birth time.

Little Rick Perry was born into a fortunate Solar Eclipse Series, the *5 New South, which denotes peak experiences, joy, good news, and a potential for falling in love. This must help abate some of the conflict, depression, restriction, and oppression seen within his natal planetary placements which are:

Sun 13Pis36 (see Moon, below; opposed by Saturn: early childhood restrictions from authoritative parent; resents The System; thinks people, law, and authority are against him personally; early oppression becomes a tremendous ability for accomplishment and follow-through as an adult if this Saturnian energy is well-managed; inconj Pluto: father's values or inherited values conflict with those of his generation - Dad wanted a return to 'the good old days' which strained his son's seeking of selfhood; drives himself very hard, then can become bitterly resentful of duties; driven to prove himself; good at focusing on a particular objective; makes sacrifices to reach goals; creates conflict when dealing with others; 'use or misuse of power' issues.)

(Note: Perry's Sun position conjoins US presidential Suns when Inaugurations were held in early March - uh-oh! The change came during FDR's terms - between 1933 and 1937 with the switch on January 20, 1937. Would a Perry presidency represent a return to 'the good old days'? Ugh! People running about in chaos without laws or government is what these Utopian rationalists envision for us all! The Age of Reason? Puh! French Revolutionists enshrined Reason as their goddess in the 1790s and we know how that turned out for the populace.)

Moon 17Vir48 (a Full Moon personality: conflict between ego and emotions; relationships are all-important but may be filled with conflict; needs to learn the art of compromise; unwillingness to let go of the past creates handicaps; see Saturn, below.)

Mercury 24AQ56 (see Jupiter, below; trine Uranus: intuitive flashes; genius in certain areas but indifferent if uninterested; attracted to Science, Technology, the Occult, and Astrology; not bound by tradition; conclusions are arrived at independent of popular views; dramatic expression of thoughts - good for public speaking; ideas may be ahead of their time; plus, Mercury is oriental, rising just before the Sun, which is a dot all Is, cross all Ts indicator of perfectionism.)

Venus 5AQ45 (trine Mars = can appeal to others emotionally; sex appeal; fun-loving; sextile NN: gives knowledge of how to use charm to gain approval and popularity; favors marriage, business affairs, and public relations.)

Mars 18Lib21 Rx (conj SN - see NN, below; conjoins US Sec Mars Rx which underscores US militarism; sesquisquare Jupiter: somewhat dynamic energy which must be well-paced to be effective and not burn out; demands immediate rewards for efforts yet may feel frustrated; with experience, meets challenges forcefully but with a sense of irritation.)

Jupiter 21AQ15 (conj Mercury: big ideas, expansive plans, plus Jupiter is in futuristic Aquarius; trine Neptune: lover of mysticism; fond of grand ceremony such as those found in Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, or__?__; may lose self in religious ecstasy and be deceived by such; may be parasitical or self-indulgent; possesses a boundless imagination.)

Saturn 16Vir15 Rx (Moon-Saturn contacts are emotionally depressive - see Sun, above; materialistic; somber; common sense; in Virgo, Saturn denotes scientific interests and hard, concentrated, detail-oriented work.)

Uranus 00Can57 Rx (a World Point of Fame and Recognition; behaves tribally like a self-protective, business and home oriented Cancerian; see Mercury, above; semi square Pluto: an aspect of irritation showing he'd be first to react if his own liberties were threatened; good for work as a public official and may be giving him a resonance with the ongoing, transiting Uranus/Pluto square now spurring revolution across the globe.)

Neptune 16Lib50 Rx (wide conj w Mars: strong psychic magnetism, unrealistic expectations tie into pie-in-sky Mercury-Jupiter conj; generational sextile to Pluto: holds revisionary attitudes on philosophy, religion, education, and relationships; occult interests - see Mercury, above.)

Pluto 16Leo24 Rx (opposes Jupiter: indoctrinates others w his philosophy; must reform others spiritually; great desire for wealth and power; autocratic; lack of humility, or hidden or misused wealth may cause downfall.)

NN 7Ari31 Rx (SN conj Mars: militaristic values; decisions disregard others; actions out of harmony w societal standards; see Venus, above.)

Chiron 21Sag06 (in the sign of The Seeker and about to be spotlighted by transiting NN; besides the squares to Moon/Saturn, Chiron sextiles Jupiter: seeks opportunities and forums for self-expression through Jupiter's broadcasting and proselytizing functions in order to advance his theories of transformation; seeks through willpower, daring, and strength to express a 'mass yearning for integrity' and for 'certainty based on inspiration' - R. Nolle.)

Gov. Perry's squares to Chiron from Moon and Saturn indicate childhood wounds from both parents but if well-managed, this energy may be transformed in adulthood into much directed ambition and strategic ability.

As for his Water-Earth (mud!) Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo personality blend, we know there's a practical streak in him with Water-Earth yet he can get bogged down by inertia, possessiveness, and limited viewpoints.

Sun Pisc-Moon Vir gives Mr. Perry a wide-ranging intellect, wit, and a perceptive talent for analysis and for dealing with details (see Mercury oriental, above.) Problems are considered from all angles, yet there may be an overly critical attitude toward others; escaping into fantasies or addictions cannot be ruled out; feelings may become confused with rational thought as heart and mind either complement one another, or clash (Sun-Moon opposition.)

Mystical Pisces gives, of course, talent or interest in the Arts such as music, poetry, and drama and this obviously aids him with his public speaking. Lofty visions there may be, but Virgo keeps his feet on the ground most of the time for managing the implementation of those visions (my fear: another Utopian!)

Intellectual rapport is needed within partnerships but living with him isn't always easy; he tends to escape behind a newspaper, book, or laptop whenever conflict arises (and it does with Sun opposing Moon.) Yet he has a winning sense of humor which can see him through many a scrape or misunderstanding.

Images for Integration of Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious):

"Small events bring enormous consequences...Faith and Reason shake hands...A mosaic picture of the universe, each piece perfect in itself" (like a Mandelbrot set! and great for Astrology studies. jc)

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Evolutionary Progress: Life Passages

As for his Secondary Moon Phase, his Sec Full Moon occurred on or about (depending on a correct birth time, dates may vary slightly) August 22, 2008 @ 11Sco15; his Disseminating Phase (putting out the info, propaganda, teaching) begins on or about November 3, 2011; this indicates to me that Mr. Perry expanded on the world stage as far as he could in 2008 which does not bode well for an expansive presidential run in 2012 since his 'light' is dimming rather than brightening - as is America's and that of the Republican Party for the same reason.

So there just for you is a small astro-peek into the personality of Gov. Rick Perry. You may not have enjoyed it, but perhaps you now know more about this proposed 2012 presidential candidate than you did before! Si?


The Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo blend is shared natally by Senator Ted Kennedy, Peter Fonda, Alexander Graham Bell, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Glenn Miller, Gloria Vanderbilt, philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, psychologist Roberto Assagioli, and Luther Burbank, who informed us that,

"It is well for people who think to change their minds occasionally in order to keep them clean."


*Solar Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology; 5 New South last manifested in November 2003 @ 9 Gemini; its next occurrence: December 2021 @ 12 Sagittarius. jc

Jun 24, 2011

Kucinich: US actions in Libya "surreal" 6.24.11 (video)

Here's the video I mentioned earlier today of Rep. Dennis Kucinich speaking on the House floor this morning and calling the US misadventure in Libya "surreal," among other things.

Well, you know Mr. Kucinich is correct, don't you? And he doesn't mind calling a situation 'Orwellian' that really is Orwellian.

Wonder what happened to Mr. Kucinich's plan in 2008 to investigate those mysteriously executed and very lucrative "put options" which suggested insider trading involved in the attacks of 9/11?

House votes No to US military action in Libya 6.24.11

Have congress members found their backbones or are they worried about their fund-raising for the next election? Well, on C-SPAN I watched much of this morning's 'debate' on the House floor over action in Libya so this news nugget is of little surprise.

I hope the US drops this ill-timed, unaffordable, and immoral mission and that you too caught Dennis Kucinich's impassioned speeches this morning - his remarks are definitely worth finding if you can, and I shall search for a video of him for posting here asap:

NPR BREAKING NEWS: House Rejects Measure To Continue U.S Role In Libya

The House has voted down a measure giving President Obama the authority to continue the U.S. military action against Libya. More at NPR.

More on this and other topics is being broadcast as I type by the excellent Thom Hartmann. And the transiting South Node (SN) is nearing US natal Mars (military; god of war) closer and closer as you read these words - and we have a US Mars Return coming soon...

Jun 23, 2011

Thomas Jefferson and the karmic Solar Eclipse July 1, 2011

If you've had a chance to read my column on the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12, then I don't have to tell you that the eclipse manifests snugly between America's natal Sun and Jupiter - actually precisely upon our national Sun/Jupiter midpoint.

The importance of the July 1st Solar Eclipse 'hit' to or triggering of the expansive point of Sun/Jupiter relates closely to financial and spending matters, material loss, and to issues of striving for more power and control, recognition, and/or to conflicts caused by arrogance, pretentiousness, or lawlessness.

Perhaps a crook or two will be outed by the light of the July 1, 2011 eclipse, the first to launch in a new Saros Series. Often an eclipse 'acts' early and you probably heard that a fugitive mob boss from Boston was arrested just today in California after 16 years of giving the FBI the slip.

Historical Horoscopes Alive!

There is another triggering of historical importance because the July 1st eclipse conjoins *Thomas Jefferson's natal Neptune/Chiron conjunction @ 9Can26 and 9Can37 respectively, in 6th house of Military and Police Service, Health, Daily Lives, and Work (Employment.)

Now the eclipse (Sun/Moon) forms a midpoint picture with Mr. Jefferson's nebulous, spiritually oriented Neptune (made more **sacred by Chiron's ministrations):

Sun/Moon = Neptune: illusions and deceptions; becoming easily upset; inner discontent; realizing the importance of thinking through plans and ideas; dreaming of options for redirecting plans; delusions about what can be done and how hard people will work to accomplish it; misunderstandings in relationship.

Solar Eclipses are of course oppositions of the Sun (consciousness) and Moon (unconscious) and in general denote relationship and/or awareness issues.

To the extent that our third president Thomas Jefferson may be taken as an archetypal symbol of America and the US government, I surmise that the midpoint picture formed synchronistically by the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse is instructive concerning the pertinent issues of our day.

And perhaps the Sun/Moon midpoint itself should be considered more specifically in the realms of Politics and Business. From Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, we find potentials that are up-to-the-minute on several levels including to raise or not to raise the US debt ceiling and war making decisions of President Obama:

Thesis: the international reputation of the country; how the will of the people is is applied (or not! jc) to taking the country into new or important directions; reading the attitude of the people when creating internal policy.

Antithesis: a loss of face in international politics (leaving Afghanistan? debt ceiling/default? jc); smears on the national reputation; pessimism flowing through the population or lawmakers (or both. jc)

You remember that the recent transiting Neptune/Chiron conjunction has mirrored disasters involving water such as regional flooding and levee breaches, BP's Deepwater Horizon Blow-Out of April 2010 which effectively sabotaged our Gulf Coast and its people, and which may have been an inspirational factor in this May 2011's World Will End prophecy with Chiron now in mystical, spiritual Pisces. And of course, 'water' is a stand-in for The Spirit in the Aquarian archetype of The Water Bearer, the sign in which the exact conjunction/s of Neptune and Chiron occurred last year.

Now what of such a close Neptune/Chiron conjunction in Watery Cancer in Jefferson's natal chart and psyche? Since it is about to be 'eclipsed' and highlighted on July 1, 2011, let's first take it apart including its apparent placement in Jefferson's 6th house (see below for his *birth data and the time I am using to set up his natal chart.)

Watery Neptune in Watery Cancer indicates a generation of folk with strong psychic ties to home, family, security, and the Earth (ecological interests.) Jefferson's love of home and family is well-known as are his regular rides across his lands with his daughter after his wife died and before, so naturally, his love of Monticello comes easily to mind.

Neptune in Moon-ruled Cancer denotes an emotionally sensitive and religious nature yet there is a still-ongoing debate as to Mr. Jefferson's religiosity (the Jefferson Bible; was he a Deist? an astrologer? etc) but these deep issues are beyond the scope of this column. However, his philosophical interests and talents are never in question.

Notable is the resonance between Neptune as the higher octave of Jupiter (the priest, guru, hierophant, philosopher) through their rulership of mystical Pisces, sign of Jefferson's natal Mercury. Thinking upon such inspired topics came easily to his highly idealistic nature; plus, Neptune in Cancer can also give mediumship or channeling abilities either from a higher or a lower plane.

His natal Neptune/Pluto trine indicates a response to the more positive side of the invisible realms but in modern times, we're stuck with a Neptune-Pluto septile (51 degrees 26 minutes), which is a fated, karmic 7th harmonic aspect.

Assuming that Neptune is posited in his natal 6th house, the placement emphasizes one whose work and service are done in a spiritual manner and/or for collective purposes. Yet with Neptune in detriment in 6th H, these issues will bring difficulties yet they had to be addressed for the sake of Jefferson's evolutionary progress (and America's, as it turned out.)

Many sacrifices are demanded by Neptune in 6th H, and we think of his desire to be home with his family instead of in Philadelphia attending and plying his penmanship of the Declaration of Independence at the Continental Congresses of 1775 and 1776. (The First Continental Congress was held in 1774 but Mr. Jefferson did not attend until 1775.)

Yet Jefferson's Sun in Aries Was Ambitious to Get On in the World

The red-haired young man arrived (unwigged yet Whiggish) in Philadelphia on June 20, 1775 with Neptune in Virgo (spiritual, devoted, and/or inspired work) snugged between Mars 18Vir55 and Saturn 2Lib18...hardworking Mars/Saturn = inspired Neptune: self-torment about identity (his fame and repute were yet to be established and his wordsmith genius known except by a few - he was a whippersnapper!); confusion; feeling threatened; pretenses or cover-ups about the state of preparedness.

But the whippersnapper did all right by us, didn't he? Perhaps that's because the difficult placement and conjunction of Neptune/Chiron were greatly eased by a natal trine to Pluto at Eagle Point, near Midheaven (Career, Aspirations, Public Status.) Plus, without difficult natal placements, one seldom bothers to stir oneself to make a sustained effort, does one?

Chiron in Cancer describes a "crisis over cultural roots and/or a crisis of personal protection" (Clow.) Cultural roots of the American experiment and personal protection reminds me of how America's Founders would have been strung up if their secret deliberations on independence from Britain had become known abroad.

In Cancer, Chiron tends to be tied to the past (a conflict for such a visionary futurist as Mr. Jefferson: home life v career ambitions), and reveals insecurity issues which are underscored by TJ's natal Moon out-of-bounds in Sagittarius which, when Moon is the only OOBs planet, points to one whose childhood connection with the mother was faulty or non-existent; a wounding (Chiron) from the mother (Cancer) is indicated as well, and TJ grew to have contempt for his mother and showed little, if any, regret at her passing. Jefferson had chaffed under her parentage after his father's death.

With Chiron in Cancer, a tough battle ensues to break Saturnian control (of his personal father/controlling mother and of colony-oppressing Great Britain!) and thus utilize the brilliance of Uranian genius, a task which he certainly managed to do. For his natal Uranus in Capricorn had a willing container in which to pour by way of Saturn's rulership of Capricorn, sign of Government. The inconjunct between natal Saturn and Uranus, though indicating crises and turning points, was better to have than no contact at all since the inconjunct (aka, quincunx) gave the creative ideas of Uranus a form (Saturn) in which to become practically realized on the earthly plane.

However, extreme consciousness of aims and objectives were necessary for the success of his Saturn/Uranus endeavors and he was nothing if not self-reflective while answering the call of service to the collective.

Another interesting factor to note in the 1743 horoscope of Thomas Jefferson is that the position of **Fixed Star SIRIUS, so intricately linked to America's natal horoscope and founding, closely conjoins his natal Neptune/Chiron conjunction by degree and thereby increases the conjunction's sacred nature.

In Astrology, the key phrases for SIRIUS (Alpha Canis Major; aka, the Dog Star, the Shining One, or, the Scorcher and relates to the annual flooding of the Nile River, and to gaining much more than was expected - Brady's Book of Fixed Stars) are: the mundane becoming sacred and the fire of immortality.

Few would disagree that Jefferson's work devoted to the founding of this country by penning the Declaration of Independence and through his service as Secretary of State, Ambassador to France, Vice President, then President (1801 - 1809), has garnered him an immortal name as well as high recognition in his day. Of course, founding the excellent University of Virginia in 1819 has increased his renown as well.

So! Will the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12 relate to Mr. Jefferson, his era and its politics, or to the very founding of our nation? Independence Day 2011 soon follows, after all. Will UVA be in the news? Or will another dance-off protest occur at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC with strong-arming police arresting peaceful American citizens? (I suspect the freedom-loving Mr. Jefferson would be very ill-pleased and disapproving of such arrests, don't you?)

These and other related concerns may turn up soon on the US menu and in The Press whose freedom he eloquently championed and my hope is that if they do, you will give a small, perhaps fond, thought to the Sage of Monticello!


For further reading you may wish to follow a link to the Monticello website or perhaps check out Thomas Jefferson's Wiki page. Also of timely interest may be The Cultural Contradictions of the American Media which contains his famous quote concerning the continuance of a free press in America:

"The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it up to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter."

*Thomas Jefferson April 13, 1743 Shadwell, Virginia; birth time most often used: 1:53 am LMT though a day time birth may be a possibility; at 1:53 am: ASC 00AQ52, Sun 22Ari54, Moon 10Sag47; Neptune/Chiron conjunction in 6th house; 9th house Pluto at Eagle Point (15 Scorpio) conjoins MC; NN 18Tau57 conjoins IC 22Tau02...he'd rather have been contemplating and studying at home (Monticello), thanks.

Midpoint pictures: Tyl, Ebertin, Munkasey.

Jun 22, 2011

Obama on Troop Withdrawals: Sun/Pluto = Uranus (6.22.11)

Astrology of a Presidential Speech June 22, 2011

by Jude Cowell

At 8:00 pm edt tonight, President Obama addresses the nation concerning the beginning of his promised withdrawal of US troops from foreign sands and occupied lands. In remembrance of Colin Powell's unheeded admonition of 2003, "we broke it" but we can't fix it, and now our nation is broken, too. Part of someone's plan all along? I believe so though naturally you are welcome to disagree with this tiny little blogging gnat with a common good viewpoint.

Looking at the horoscope for June 22, 2011 8:00 pm edt in Washington DC, the North Node (NN = encounters; meetings; contacts; future direction) @ 23Sag23 is rising and points us toward the Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag23 of June 15, 2011.

In the Lunar Eclipse post, I mention financial disclosures and other potential revelations from this Jupiter-ruled eclipse so it's interesting to note that Fed Head Ben Bernanke is to make a statement around 2:00 pm edt today (ASC 10Lib55 w Saturn 10Lib31 rising: "11Lib" = "A Professor Peering Over His Glasses"; Mercury 12Can28 at MC 12Can27 with US natal Sun at MC, too...see below for Mercury to US n Sun implications.)

NN conjunct Ascendant indicates one with an ability to shape the personality to fit social trends (see Neptune/MC = ASC, below); the conjunction favors popularity yet may also lead to superficiality with actions based on the lowest common denominator of popularly accepted behavior rather than on fundamental convictions (Sakoian, The Astrologer's Handbook.)

As President Obama Orates

Tonight at 8:00 pm edt, another chart factor is prominent as noted in the title of this post: a dynamic T-Square pattern between the Sun/Pluto opposition pointing toward an apex Uranus (behaving radically in Mars-ruled Aries, and posited in 6th house of Military and Police Service; Moon 25Pis50 approaches disruptive Uranus 4Ari27 in 3rd H of Communications; emotional suffering is denoted by Moon in Pisces and the families of our soldiers can attest to that - it's a 10-year war with no end in sight. Psychotic!

A power-filled midpoint picture is formed by the T-Square participants:

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself (or for America? jc); sudden obsession with gaining more power and control; surprising suspicion of basic power; new individual perspectives; rebellion.

Joining this picture as apex planet is America's natal Saturn 14Lib48, so we have:

Sun/Pluto = n Saturn: ruthless overcoming of obstacles; separation by a Higher Power; physical impediments; imprisonment.

(Mdpt pics are from Ebertin, Munkasey, and/or Tyl; as always any, all, or none may apply.)

Is God's Fist Shaking?

Another planetary pattern is a Fist of God formed when two or more planets are squared (90 degrees = blockages; obstacles) and both are sesquisquare (135 degr, an irritant yet dynamic) a third planet/s. Here the 'Fist' is being shaken at MC (The Goal: Aspirations; Public Status) which @ 14Lib58, has US natal Saturn upon it - and America is in the midst of a Saturn Return (when chickens of accountability tend to come home to roost every 28 years or so; as we've seen, the Vietnam War lessons of Saturn have not been learned by lying, war-profiteering Vulcans.) The third and final conjunction to our national Saturn occurs on August 28, 2011.

The Fist of God configuraton also creates midpoint pictures and involves the confused, misdirected, or deceptive motivations and actions of a Mars/Neptune square (a natal echo of the US horoscope 1776):

Mars/Neptune = MC: hopelessness; failures; a state of weakness (ya think? jc); discontent feelings of inferiority (we're not accustomed to those, are we? our government has driven us to it - jc); a lack of energy; success in pushing or prodding ideas upon others; one's own world prevails (ah, the unrealistic White House and Pentagon bubbles of world-government Utopian ideology! jc); integrating messages from dreams in order to overcome anger or fear.

Mars/Neptune = n Saturn: persevering in spite of fear; being taken advantage of; a sense of futility; blockage of anger toward those who avoid reality.

Planet of Communications and Oration, Mercury 12Can59 is in 7th H and now transits US natal Sun (leadership) indicating a couple of days when ego and personal goals are highlighted and there's a strong identification with ideas which then provide a more aggressive, dramatic forum in which to express them. Ideas of others may be appropriated and presented as one's own to create something unique. (Personally, I don't care who gets the credit: Bring Our Troops Home Now and stop exporting terror across the globe. You Utopian idiots have bitten off even more than you can chew.)

Rising: the WHAT? Point of Any Horoscope

ASC 23SAg59 has the Neptune/MC midpoint upon it along with the transiting NN and this forms two midpoint pictures which relate directly with the president's speech and performance this evening:

Neptune/MC = NN: sharing of bad intentions with others; unpleasant associations; bad company; finding others who share the vision; people listen to your dreams of the future.

Neptune/MC = ASC: acting and pretending; pursuit of wrong objectives; uncertainty; insecurity; enhanced need to discuss dreams and visions; settings which allow dreams of the future; strong mental focus on plans for a future direction.

Now with expansive Jupiter as chart-ruler, applying aspects of the Great Benefic tell how things will proceed from tonight's presentation delivered during a disseminating phase (putting out the info and propaganda) of the Moon (publicity.)

In order, Jupiter's applying aspects are:

1. sextile Chiron: seeking opportunities for self-expression and having a forum for advancing an approach to transformation; 'bully pulpit' broadcasting is a perfect vehicle and Jupiter is in bullish Taurus @ '4Tau' = "A Rainbow's Pot of Gold."

2. sextile Sun 00Can59: puts best foot forward in communications with optimism and confidence (the 'acting and pretending' mentioned above? jc); this Jupiter is well-armed with information, aka, 'an ideas person'; imposing one's priorities leads to success.

3. trine Pluto 6Cap21 Rx: personal influence or control expand - or the impression of having such is successfully conjured; greater understanding of how to gain control is possible; motivation is for social change and others are stimulated toward supporting these efforts; access is given to privileged information.

Altogether, the broadcast (Jupiter's realm) of President Obama's remarks should be successful on some level yet the American people (and people of other nations who prefer harmony and life to war and destruction) may not be much persuaded with relational Venus conjoining South Node, a separative and Saturnian point, so that others (us) are busy or indisposed. And Venus, here ruling Jupiter, relates to money and evaluations - even some congress members now admit we can no longer afford to wage three wars, one of the biggest duhs ever seen in modern times.

(Confession: since the wars' beginnings, I've been completely indisposed to the entire one-world-domination misadventure of the US government overseas and unhappily predicted in The Fray at Slate Magazine years go that Bush-Cheney would lead the US into bankruptcy. Sometimes you just want to be wrong. However, most replies from fellow Fraysters included, 'America is too rich to ever go bankrupt' My thought is that it's taking a combination of outside and inside forces to affect it so the global power elite may fulfill their Great Plan for America to 'build anew upon ruins'.)

So with tonight's presidential speech beginning with wealthy Pluto in 1st house, we may expect unseen, unforeseen, and tremendously powerful forces to influence issues no matter what President Obama says he 'wants' or intends to do. These forces now oppose the Sun (5A07) which will soon reach its 1776 position in America's natal chart (or charts, set for July 4, 1776 with Sun 13Cancer+.)

Then 'Independence Day 2011' will arrive on July 4th with another post soon published here displaying America's Solar Return 2011 Horoscope in which the Sun/Pluto opposition will be angular across the 4/10 security/public status axis and a more exact 'power struggle' opposition of tr Pluto v. America's natal Jupiter 5Can56 will tell the tale of what's being perpetrated by shadowy international figures determined to dismantle (after looting) our nation.

Jun 21, 2011

Huntsman announces 6.21.11 w Sun Gemini-Moon Pisces

June 21, 2011: Summer begins and former ambassador to China and governor of Utah Jon Huntsman will announce his candidacy for the presidency of the United States at the scene of Liberty State Park, New Jersey.

Click for more info including videos.

Mr. Huntsman has begun speaking (10:06 am, there he is on my TV), with the Sun lingering on the 29th degree of Gemini (an eager and/or critical announcement?) and Moon in Pisces; Mercury, planet of announcements, is at '11 Cancer' today, Sabian Symbol: "A Clown Making Grimaces." (Jones.) He said the 'I'm a candidate' words at 10:07 am edt (for Astrology buffs who wish to set up the horoscope and follow his candidacy.)

Sun Gem-Moon Pis is an Air-Water combo (misty, ethereal) which indicates sentimentality, versatility, and adaptability. It's a talkative blend of a chameleon who can be submissive but cunning, vacillating, and poetic with much literary ability.

The blend's weaknesses include a lack of boundaries, a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none approach, and a tendency to withdraw when feeling misunderstood.

"Images for Integration: A weather vane on a church spire sparkles in the sunshine as the wind twirls it around, turning it into a mysterious sky gem...Peter Pan marries Tinkerbell and they live happily ever after in Never Never Land." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Uh-oh! Well, 'Never Never Land' may turn out to be a description of where Mr. Huntsman lives while dreaming of gaining the US presidency! ('Clap your hands if you believe'?) Yet he did manage the state of Utah rather well while governor, he asserts. His will be a 'high road' campaign, says he.

The Sun Gemini-Moon Pisces combo is shared natally by a journalist of the past, Arnold Bennett, so let's close with a quote he is known for which may put a cherry on top of today's ice cream sundae of presidential-bid announcements:

"Journalists say a thing that they know isn't true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true."

And so do politicians.

Jun 19, 2011

Max Igan asks, Why Don't You Change? (video)

For Juneteenth 2011 in commemoration of Emancipation Day, here is a video series from Max Igan asking, Why don't you change? After all, you'd feel emancipated from your old ways if you would!

May be passed on to all the dodgy politicians you know...

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

Please check YouTube for this series of videos.

Jun 18, 2011

Living On Earth features Mayan Calendar Prophecy Dec 2012

June 18, 2011: Today's Living On Earth addresses several important topics which include:

Congress blocking FDA approval for transgenic fish (if only US lawmakers would stand firm against all 'Frankenfood', right?), the life and legacy of creative (Neptune) scientist (Saturn) George Washington Carver, space weather and a brand new cycle of sunspot activity, climate change creating more intense weather, and the science of wildfires.

Then it's new FDA regulations on sunscreen products, Henry David Thoreau's lessons for living a 'deliberate life', and more.

Also featured on today's LOE is an interview concerning the Mayan Calendar and (alleged) prophecy about the world 'ending' on either December 21, 2012 or December 23, 2012. Will Earth and Planet X collide for Winter Solstice 2012? Or will Earth simply putter to a stop? (My basic view is that only God will end this incarnation of planet Earth. However, difficult days and Earth Shifts are ahead. You may disagree as you wish!)

LOE: "The Mayan Long Count Calendar is nearing the end of its 5,125 year cycle. New age prophecies, based on the ancient calendar, warn the world will end when the cycle concludes in December 2012."

If that's the case, then perhaps you'll want to read, listen, or download the rest of Predicting the End of the World for a more reasoned voice on the topic than is usually shared online. Even the mainstream media promotes the Mayan Calendar obsession which is certainly a good reason to stay cool about it given its high propaganda value to our current fearmongers.

Some say that rumors of a 2012 doomsday are being spread so that people can make money which sounds plausible to me considering opportunistic human nature!

Yet a transcript of PBS's April 2008 broadcast Cracking the Maya Code is it becoming more timely by the minute?

Ancient Maya: Ace Mathematicians Who Studied the Celestial Sphere

Yes, they had the good sense to keep tabs on eclipses and other planetary activities. Then if you care for a little Astrology on the matter, try a previous post on Winter Solstice 2012 which shows the horoscope (set for the White House) and gives a few pertinent details including the 2012 Solstice's YOD pattern of crisis, crossroads, and/or a special task which points to planet Jupiter.

In the chart, you'll see that Jupiter Rx makes a transit to US natal Uranus 8Gem55, a time when freedom and independence issues come to the fore with results that are unpredictable especially in relation to finances, investment, fund-raising, travel, group activities, technology, and...Astrology.

Image: Indian Pipes, a copyrighted botanical (Saturn) pencil drawing (Mercury) in a visionary (Neptune) landscape by yours truly, Jude Cowell.