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Mar 9, 2015

"How to Become a Conservative in Four Embarrassing Steps"

From Common Dreams: How to become a Conservative in four embarrassing steps.

Though why you would want to is beyond me.

Max Igan: "The World is Run by Psychopaths and Wrapped in Bull$%*t"

Can you think of a politician who seems psychotically divorced from reality? Yeah. Me, too. Here is a 15-minute excerpt from a recent Maxwell Igan broadcast:

#SurvivingTheMatrix #reality #MaxIgan

Mar 8, 2015

"William Cooper: the Saturn Agenda" (and Cornwallis v Washington)

Well, this explains a lot about the true nature of the British-American relationship as related by General Cornwallis to George Washington 'back in the day', as they say:


Cornwallis "surrendered", did he? At an hour elected by General Washington? Perhaps our first official president refused the title of 'king' for reasons other than historically stated and promoted so gloriously to the American public! As 'king of America' he would have been something of a a rival to the British monarchy, wouldn't he? Washington had a biological heritage of English nobility after all (see link, below.)

As blogged many times here and elsewhere, the modern-day conjunction of Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune in 1993 (overseen by Bill Clinton) is at the core of much of their 'vision' of America's role in history with the conjunction's Sabian Symbol (18 Capricorn) revealing a tale of "POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers" as The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship. Alas, this power can be easily misused under the pretext of preserving "law and order". Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Where this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage."

(An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhar.)

Now as a Capricorn I have nothing personally against law and order when fairly and decently meted out but how many times through the years have you heard an American politician say (or hide behind as an excuse for shadiness) "the rule of law"? The phrase sounds so very....Brit-laced, doesn't it? Magna Carta notwithstanding.

Here is a previously published horoscope of the Surrender of Cornwallis and the British Army to General Washington and the Continental Army, a tableau of convenience for both sides; as noted above, the hour of 11:00 am LMT is said to have been elected by General Washington, Master Freemason--and note that this shows Inauguration 2009 to have been a Lunar Return to this "surrender" Moon position at '30 Scorpio'..."A Halloween Jester":

As you see, the heroic Sun (and the separative South Node) and veiling Neptune (then officially undiscovered) surround the MC, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart and of the event. Sun-Neptune energies combined relate to hidden identities and secret purposes. US natal Saturn conjoins MC so apparently some if not all Continental Congress members were in on the charade. America's 'cult of personality' first established by the Washington presidency is well recognized with subsequent commanders-in-chief being idolized--or denigrated for selfish advantage by opposing political parties--since the nation's founding. Personally, as an American and Child of the Revolution, I find all the deceit tiring and burdensome and the pedestal-crumbling a pathetic diversionary tactic to disguise the reality of our national character and our stark condition of total dependency upon the quixotic whims of the 'mother country'.

But that's probably just me. Or astrologically it may be wealthy, powerful manipulator Pluto of the Invisible Cape being out-of-bounds in 1776 and even then pulling strings from abroad--like a pope, a monarch, a saboteur, and head of a secret society would do.

For information concerning the ancient heritage of George Washington, try this.

#Saturn #GeorgeWashington #GeneralCornwallis #UShistory #SecretAgenda #ManifestDestiny #Britain #America #SabianSymbols #DaneRudhyar #CityOfLondon

Mar 6, 2015

SCOTUS Obamacare ruling of 2015 and the January 2010 Solar Eclipse

An Eclipse in Capricorn: Sign of Law, Business, and Government

by Jude Cowell

A past Solar Eclipse @25Cap01 in January 2010 in the 12 North Saros Series may be activated by the SCOTUS decision due in June 2015 concerning Obamacare (ACA) subsidies and the court's potential "gutting" (as the media call it) of the Affordable Care Act which will become unaffordable for millions of insured Americans if conservatives have their cantankerous way.

My post on the Solar Eclipse of January 15, 2010, the year President Obama signed the Act (a potential March 2010 signing of which I was only partially aware when the post was written and published--and not certain the bill would be signed at all) remarks upon the horoscope's emphasis upon 'health' (ex: asteroid Hygeia at Midheaven and apex of a YOD pattern--special task, turning point, or a crisis?) and the date's planets as they link in particular to America's natal Mercury in Cancer. You'll note a mention in Dane Rudhyar's explanation for '25Cap' of the term, 'baraka', a Sufi word, and the fact that this degree falls near US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33 on July 4, 1776).

Recommended for updates and information on the King V. Burwell subsidy case against Obamacare: the SCOTUS Blog.

And if you wish, view my original text with horoscope of the January 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse or you may simply view the chart sans text here:

Mar 5, 2015

Timing the Natal Chart of Hillary Clinton

Update Oct 4, 2016: thanks to astrologer Marc Penfield, a birth time has surfaced for Hillary Clinton of 2:18 am which gives her a mid-Virgo Ascendant, a 12Gem12 MC, and a 7th house 19Pis50 Moon. The following speculative post was written in 2015 without this information:

The conflicting/unverified timing of Hillary Rodham Clinton's birth needed to set up an accurate natal horoscope for the potential 2016 contender suggests that the lady may be aware of Astrology's uses and its power to 'read' the person under the microscope of the ancient art. Some sources have cited such hours of birth as 1:29 am and 2:18 am, or various times around 8 am or even 8 pm! Correct information is important in order to know what sign is rising and which signs belong on which house cusps with the 10th house relating to Career and Public Status.

Currently a natal chart is shown here set for October 26, 1947 8:02 am CST Chicago, Illinois which gives the former Secretary of State Clinton a Sun @2Sco19, Moon @22Pis51, and 22Sco08 rising---a triple Water signature. Certainly the intensity of Scorpio with its penchant for secrets and life-death matters is evident from her life events and close involvement in politics; her MC in Virgo indicates a career of dedicated work and service.

Plus, her Pisces Moon hints at deep compassion and sentimentality over her daughter and new granddaughter.

No matter her Ascending sign it seems fairly certain that her Sun and Moon signs are correct and if so, Hillary Clinton's Sun Scorpio-Moon Pisces personality blend denotes a demeanor that is aloof yet warm-hearted with a vivid imagination. Hard working dedication is also found within this blend (and compliments a Virgo Midheaven.) Scorpio loves mystery as does Hillary Clinton so subterfuge (having her own private email server for State Department communications!) and/or occult interests cannot be ruled out, hidden though they may may be. This would include an appreciation for and use of Astrology and a clouded birth hour to confuse astrological study.

Sun Sco-Moon Pisces describes Ms. Clinton as a shrewd strategist who is persuasive and sensitive yet ruthless. Actually this is the 'Dr. Jekyll vs Mr. Hide' combo of energies which thrives on challenges and may be addiction-prone; dramatic rebirths are a likely theme through her life as we have seen. Self-discipline and self-indulgence are both present within her personality and a certain lack of objectivity is noticed unless other factors in the chart balance this.

The ability to 'come back fighting' is a plus of Clinton's Sun-Moon blend and a trait she shares with her husband Bill, once known as the "Comeback Kid". Whether she'll be able to come back after the current scandal over her hidden DoS emails is a good question with Republicans like Rush Limbaugh talking today about the scandal being enough to disqualify her from public office--a long-time dream of the #GOP !

For now, the 8:02 am chart mentioned above is the natal horoscope I shall add to my Astrology files in case the lady runs for president in 2016, the year that the stakes for power and control of the entire globe will never be higher.

Recommended reading: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Mar 4, 2015

Neptune-Pluto-Saturn: Netanyahu Addresses the US Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a 19-year history of beating American war drums against Iran. Yesterday, he addressed a Joint Session of Congress and did just that in what some pundits call an unprecedented act.

Netanyahu also addressed the US Congress in 2011 and on July 10, 1996 during Bill Clinton's presidency as mentioned here at The Intercept. He stated in 1996 that "time is running out...we have to act," which was echoed in yesterday's message concerning Iran's potential development of a nuclear bomb.

A Few Brief Astro-Notes

Benjamin Netanyahu's address on July 10, 1996 falls under the auspices of a 16 South Solar Eclipse Series which manifested @28Aries on April 17, 1996. 16S themes include dealing with issues of wasted energy especially in groups, and misdirected motivation. No real action should be taken, cautions Bernadette Brady in her book Predictive Astrology. This series last manifested on April 29, 2014 @9Taurus and began on September 21, 1653 @29Virgo.

So knowing that transiting Neptune now floats through its own murky sign of Pisces (which is also a sign of war) and nears US natal Ceres and our Pluto-Chiron midpoint (Plutocracy; oppression; racism; Zionism...), it's informative that on July 10, 1996, Neptune had reached late Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and structure) and conjoined US natal Pluto, karmic planet of power, control, death, transformation, and atomic energy. Also note that 1996 is the year that US natal Saturn turned retrograde by progression in early Scorpio--no longer in its sign of exaltation, Libra, as in 1776--and in 2015 our nation's authority remains in Rx condition indicating issues of weakness vs strength.

Neptune = lies, fraud, or...inspiration

Neptune to Pluto times a period when power is dissolved by subtle means such as treachery and poison, and can favor those with a religious message and/or with psychic power. Did Netanyahu 'poison the well' of the Capitol Building by rallying a US president to wage war on enemies of Israel? Some would say Yes. I would say that his Political Theater performances of 1996, 2011, and 2015 provide the American and global public with futuristic scenes of the Zionist-led global government they wish to set up in Jerusalem.

Does this particular Christian want Israel destroyed? Of course not. Should Christians be worried? Yes, as should Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists for such totalitarian secular regime changers care less than nothing for religion of any kind. They'll have all religions at war with one another before their draconian Utopian vision of global governance is realized and no allegiance will be allowed but to the 'new world order'.

"War is a racket." - General Smedley Butler

Related reading: Zionism and the Natal Chart of Israel (horoscope shown) where you'll see Israel's 10th house Saturn-Pluto conjunction of brutality now expanded (Netanyahu hopes) by transit Jupiter in Leo. Expansion plans begin to move ahead soon once Jupiter's Direct Station occurs on April 8, 2015.


Video of Netanyahu's 1996 Address to Congress may be viewed in the C-SPAN Video Library and the 1996/2015 echo chamber is quite amazing. Or if you missed it, check out last evening's The Daily Show where Jon Stewart helpfully points out the similarities and the undermining nature (Neptune) of Netanyahu's and Boehner's political machinations.

Mar 2, 2015

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Infrastructure (HBO)

As Above, So Below with Pluto

Yes, the results of destructive transformer Pluto now plodding through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, planet and sign of structure and form, can be clearly identified in the condition of America's crumbling infrastructure. Without improvements, tragedy is on the menu with wealth-hoarder Pluto, planet of Plutocracy, plutocrats, and the power elite, denying the American people the funds needed to upgrade our dams, highways, and bridges.

After all, total surveillance of the innocent, waging war across the globe, and rebuilding foreign countries are extremely expensive projects, you know, and apparently they suck all the pennies out of Washington's pretend budget.

Hopefully this video will not disappear before you find it nestled here on SO'W but if it is removed, please go to YouTube or HBO and watch it if you missed the's well worth the effort!

Feb 27, 2015

"Pap and Seder: Charlotte’s Web Marijuana - A Breakthrough" video

Pap and Seder: Charlotte's Web Marijuana - A Breakthrough
Ring of Fire's Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss Alaska becoming the third U.S. state to officially allow the legal use of marijuana, as well as the extreme medical benefits that come from medical marijuana.

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Feb 28, 2015 12 am: DHS funding runs dry--during its Jupiter Return?

Such Political Theater!

The US Congress continues to rule by crisis so funds for the Department of Homeland Security will run dry by 12:01 am est February 28, 2015 unless as the clock ticks the formerly exalted body passes a 3-week band-aid or a clean bill for full funding today or this evening. Yes, Washington DC provides the country with a slapdash end of February 2015 but let's consider the month of March.

As many astrologers have written, March 2015 will be replete with cosmic and earthly events of note as Washington politicians continue to live down to what they're styled into a sorry model of government---sort of a non-governing government brought to us purposefully by sold-out politicians following basically the same global government script while political factions jockey for ultimate control of the Big Picture.

As for 'HoSec', as I've fondly called it, the conglomerate of agencies was hatched on November 25, 2002 at 1:44 pm est Washington DC under a fiery Sun Sag-Moon Leo influence. At that time, expansive Jupiter (the General; the Banker; the Guru) was in the 6th house of Military and Police Service but conjunct the 5th cusp (risk-taking, speculation, gambling) and ruled the agency itself via the Ascendant (27Pis29 with the March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 falling upon it this Spring Equinox.) You'll find the Pisces Solar Eclipse horoscope linked, below.

Now transit Jupiter's Rx period has (Oct 2014) and will (June 2015) return to natal degree @17Leo59. To me the fact that the DHS is in the midst of its Jupiter Return (or, Reward Cycle--Tyl) denotes that although funding delays (Rx) are to be expected, current theatrics on Capitol Hill over the DHS budget running dry are merely political antics meant to mar President Obama's White House tenure further and--if hotheads have their way--stop or stall the president's immigration plans.

Does anyone need Astrology to tell them it's all a scripted power play?! Sometimes it seems that obstructionist Republicans are little boys turning blue from holding their breaths in an attempt to get a detached dad's attention!

Image: DHS Nov 25, 2002 1:44 pm est Washington DC

Note that the Sabian Symbol for Mercury's '10Sag' = "A Golden-Haired Goddess of Opportunity." There's much to be said for that particular word picture but since I've typed it many times before, let's not bore each other. You note the nearness to Mercury of saboteur-spy-assassin Pluto of The Underworld for the pair had recently conjoined in Sagittarius. Their conjunction and nearness in this chart spotlights America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition with its 'secrets, surveillance, propaganda, and mind control' connotations.

Also note that DHS natal Venus @00Sco27 (evaluations, relationships, money) was precisely 'eclipsed' by the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco24!

If you wish, you may read my notes from 2005 concerning the natal horoscope of Homeland Security. (Warning: it's full of fussy and this Cappy wouldn't want the nsa web crawler to miss it!)

March into April 2015 Moons:

The next March 2015 lunation is the March 5 Full Moon in Virgo, the date Purim begins. The Full Moon of March 3 is the Syzygy Moon of Spring Equinox 2015 (aka, Aries Ingress) which brings a critical 29th-degreed Solar Eclipse. As you know, Aries Ingress charts flavor the rest of the year in which they occur until the next March--and this one has a weighty Solar Eclipse attached @29Pisces which doth 'lean forward' anxiously to reach the Mars-ruled Aries Point.

Also of importance is the first lunation after Spring EQ 2015 (chart shown set for DC) which happens to be a Lunar Eclipse on April 4 @14Libra, the date that Passover begins. The April 4 lunation 'eclipses' US natal Saturn (lawmakers, laws, authority, accountability, the status quo, old men) which may indicate a cosmic link to the Netanyahu-to-Congress turmoil theatrically set up by thuggish Republicans who go out of their way to undermine congressional tradition while demonstrating once again their disdain for President Obama.

The April 4, 2015 Lunar Eclipse with chart shown will be discussed more fully in a soon-to-be-published post.

Feb 23, 2015

Saturn-North Node and The Mystery of the 3 Days

Number 3, Saturn, and the North Node of Encounters with Destiny

by Jude Cowell

There are many associations for the number three. Number 3 is known as "the Light" and is considered a holy number according to many sources and in the 3rd verse of Genesis chapter 1, God said, Let there be light and there was. It is the number of perfection, harmony, and Higher Wisdom and, being Jupiterian, is often thought to be 'lucky'. Plus, on the cosmic level, the Holy Spirit is naturally linked to the number 3 in our solar system which is based upon numbers.

Triangles and pyramids have 3 points and in occult symbols, 3 is linked with goddess Isis Urania, Venus Urania, Horus, the Virgin Diana, and The Empress card in Tarot in which she is shown holding the 'orb of the world'. (Kozminsky.)

One superstitious connection to number 3 is from *Kozminsky who cites Medieval Myths (published February 1869): "There is said to be a tradition of Norman-Monkish origin that the number three is stamped upon the Royal Line of England so that there shall not be more than 3 princes in succession without a revolution..." (his italics). He then provides a list of kings, revolutions, and crown-passings in order to elucidate the point.

Add to all this that in ancient Astrology, the 3rd day after a New Moon was considered the first fortunate day of the month.

Saturn-NN in Astrology

In Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences the pairing of Saturn and the Moon's North Node (NN) relates to isolation, inhibition in associations, lack of adaptability, depression, grief, death of kindred, funerals, contact with elderly persons, the organism affected by shock events or an electric shock, disadvantages through others, teamwork that steadily becomes more difficult, and separation from the astral body (my italics).

In addition, Ebertin gives another potential for the Saturn-NN combo which some may label as occult (hidden): the mystery of the three days.

For those of us in particular who study cycles and days via Astrology, there is an interesting page concerning a very special day in history when the Sun set at noon thus creating 'a day within a day' which turned two days into three and fulfilled prophecy.

And whether you're an astrologer or not, dear reader, you may wish more information concerning The Mystery of the 3 Days and 3 Nights.


*Thanks to a helpful reader, this post cites Isodore Kozminsky's work, The Symbols and Meaning of Numbers.

Feb 21, 2015

March 3, 2015 Full Moon in Virgo: "Faith and Reason Shake Hands"

The Full Moon @14Vir50 on March 5, 2015

by Jude Cowell

The Earth-Water combination of March 3, 2015's Full Moon @14Vir50 indicates supportive, practical, and nourishing energies with the Sun in Watery Pisces. Exact at 1:05 pm EDT, the Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo blend is shared natally by such personalities as Luther Burbank, Alexander Graham Bell, Jack Kerouac, Glenn Miller, Roberto Assagioli (see quote, below), and Senator Edward Kennedy.

This is the Syzygy Moon (last lunation) prior to Spring Equinox on March 20, 2015 (6:45 pm EDT, a New Moon) and the Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 which manifests on that date at 5:36 am. Of course, Spring Equinox is also called the Aries Ingress (Sun to Mars-ruled Aries Point, 00Ari00:00) which spotlights major changes and peaks of activity on the world stage and stands as a predictive horoscope for an entire year. Other information is gained by consulting the horoscopes of Summer Solstice in June (00Can00), Autumn Equinox in September (00Lib00), and Winter Solstice in December (00Cap00) along with America's Solar Return of July, plus, other national Return horoscopes, and event charts.

Information found in President Obama's Solar Return in August 2015 is also relevant to the course of our nation along with transits and progressions to all related horoscopes; these must be studied for a fuller picture (although not suitable for today's brief post.)

Full Moon (awareness, opposition, culmination, relationships) March 3, 2015: Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo, the "Faith and Reason Shake Hands" *blend, denotes energies that give broad intelligence, analytical talent, and great perception which will bolster the Full Moon awareness factor. But in what departments of life? On a personal level, perception will be most notable for those who are aware of their natal planetary placements---in which house do you find 14/15 Virgo and 14/15 Pisces for there is where illumination will occur. On a mundane level, we may expect the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces to be highlighted by the light of the March 3 Full Moon and the polarity emphasizes the tragedy of more brutality and revenge, as you know.

*Small events bring enormous consequences

Additionally, sign rulers Mercury (Virgo) and Jupiter (Pisces--with sub-ruler Neptune now strong in its own sign) and the Mercury-Jupiter and Mercury-Neptune pairings of energies are worth considering. In the realms of politics and business, we find Mercury-Jupiter denoting such potentials as expanding communications and transport systems, and discussions on legal, business, religious, and/or philosophical matters and theories. Such discussions and plans indicate possibilities for strained budgets, inflation concerns, religious leaders vying for political power, and scholarship censored by religious beliefs. Well-considered communications bring benefits with Mercury-Jupiter but with a caution against promoting overblown ideas or ideals.

With Mercury-Neptune we find a legislature controlling the excessive dreams and plans of government and business leaders while futuristic visualizations are promoted by leaders sharing their dreams of growth, development, and progress. Of course, the presence of nebulous Neptune, planet of veils, masks, fog, smoke, inspiration, and deception adds its typical undermining influence which leads to instability; weak or artificial plans need rethinking.

Use of delusion to mesmerize the public (propaganda) is evident for communications promise more than can be delivered and serve to divert the people's attention from important matters which may be carried out surreptitiously by fraudsters and spendthrifts with the Neptunian media playing the usual supporting role of keeping the corporate ball in the air.

And since a Full Moon is often a time of relationship fulfillment and brings a culmination of some kind, the Moon's ability to grant us fuller awareness across the Virgo-Pisces axis may clarify that others are not what we thought them to be---or, that they have purposefully deceived or even secretly harmed us. A wise course is to beware of illusion and deception under the silver moonbeams of March!

Now in spite of the fact that a "Faith and Reason" influence adds Illuminati-New World Order-globalism vibes to the March 3 Full Moon via Neptune (Faith, Spirituality) and Uranus (Reason, Science), let's close with some very good advice for all world leaders and wanna-bes, and for the war-wagers who profit from the deaths of others. The quote concerns the victim-savior axis even though as a group the power elite class seems to be too craven and self-serving to learn from it (which to me makes them seem rather ignorant):

"Without forgiveness life is governed endless cycle of resentment and retaliation." Roberto Assagioli.

Tragically for humanity, that's the sort of natural law their plans for global governance depend on.


Recommended reading: *Sun Sign, Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey.

Feb 19, 2015

Video: "Ceasefire Agreement in Ukraine has Built-in Weaknesses"

Ceasefire Agreement in Ukraine has Built-in Weaknesses
Intervallic fighting may continue but that does not mean the Minsk II ceasefire will fail, says Tarik Cyril Amar, Assistant Professor of History at Columbia University
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