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Apr 23, 2018

Apr 23, 2018: Trump-Macron Dinner at Mount Vernon

July 2017; By The White House ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

This evening at Mount Vernon, Virginia, George Washington's famous residence where he once hosted Frenchmen at dinner, Donald Trump will curtsy to tradition by hosting the current President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Now I have no exact hour for when dinner will be served but a horoscope set for 9:00 pm edt seems about right--at least the hour will arrive during the soup course or later.

Being a bit rushed today I haven't time to type much concerning this dinner or Trump's first State Dinner tomorrow night at the White House (no Democrats allowed! Mr. Trump fears criticism) but there is one interesting Mercurial midpoint picture now in force which relates to meetings, talks, discussion, messages, and negotiations--tr Mercury @7Ari46 is apex planet of the transiting Uranus-Neptune midpoint. If you follow such topics as The Enlightenment or the Age of Reason, and the 'new world order' currently in process of being set up, you may recall a certain horoscope previously published here as a foundation chart for the modern 'new world order' set for the last of three exact conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune which perfected all through year 1993. You may also note that under Trump tr Pluto recently reached the conjunction's degree (18 Capricorn = POLITICAL POWER and strong-armed paternalism) and activated the potential of 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). This is the sort of imperative under which current politicians and their wealthy backers operate, the yoke they wear that keeps US politicians from 'doing the people's business' as We The People pay them to do. It's 'The Great Chess Game' of global take-over, devilishly inspired.

So here's a list of possible results from this midpoint picture which prefects just as Macron visits America to discuss such topics as surveillance, security, terrorism, wars, financial or currency matters, trade, the 5G lockdown (aka, the 'NWO' and its total awareness intrusions), political reforms, drug and other trafficking, and/or other enlightened subjects. A combination of Tyl, Munkasey, and Ebertin are used and as always, any, all, or none may apply:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = tr Mercury: artificial intelligence processes, ideas, and thoughts; sudden inspiration for development of plans; insight into new information or engineering techniques; plans without the possibility of realization; metaphysical or supernatural interests; peculiar notions; investigating the unconscious; long-distance travel (Macron); high curiosity; the mind plays tricks (Trump); needing a reorientation to common sense ('new world order' stooges).

Now Emmanuel Macron was born with a Sun Sag-Moon Taurus personality blend so let's note the blend's Images for Integration (Sun = conscious, Moon = unconscious) as given by the Harveys in their Sun Sign-Moon Sign book: "A pirate ship searches for gold...An armchair traveler roughs out a financial plan for his next adventure." Tres amusing non?

Plus, if you view the natal horoscope of Emmanuel Macron (December 21, 1977 10:40 am MET Amiens, France; RR: AA) you'll see that Macron's Venus @21Sag47 conjoins the natal South-Node-Moon conjunction of Donald Trump. This connection may indicate a pleasant contact between the two men but the presence of Trump's South Node, a Saturnian indicator, suggests separation at some point--or it possibly reveals a family link between them and/or points toward the 'intimate' dinner the Trumps and Macrons enjoyed at the Eiffel Tower last year!

Apr 22, 2018

The 2016 Solar Eclipse That Heralded The Prevaricator

This DC Horoscope image is a re-posting of the 19 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Its themes still inform the public discourse and affect the current social and political climate with its truth vs fiction, realism and coming down to earth, tackling the truth (Mr. Mueller!), and seeing things for how they really are and not how you'd thought they were (Brady):

As you see, or perhaps remember, transit Neptune, influential in its own sign of Pisces, opposed the 19N Eclipse which denotes multiple negative potentials, some of which are penned upon the chart, upper right. In pink are marked the natal Pluto and Mars of Donald Trump which snug around the eclipse's Ascendant (19Leo40) and form a midpoint picture which is highlighted in pink, lower left: a coercive demeanor that intimidates (Munkasey). And with his already bombastic, imposing personality!

Now normally under the auspices of a 19 North Eclipse conditions would have been more relaxed even as secrets are suddenly uncovered (as all eclipses can do with Uranian flare) but this time we 'gained' transit Neptune and Mr. Trump with his life-long tendency for truth-bending, avoiding responsibility for his actions, and taking credit where it isn't due. His natal Mercury-Neptune square plays right along and describes his fake (Neptune) news (Mercury) antics and the propaganda, misconceptions, scandals, indiscretion, vagueness, deception, and corruption that attend it. Add to this his Geminian tendencies for duplicity and multiple personalities and you get a sneaky Trump hiding behind disguises such as 'John Baron' and 'John Miller' in order to build himself a larger yet false reputation!

Well, hopefully the chart image will enlarge for closer viewing in case you wish to read my notes for I'm tired of typing on this rainy Sunday afternoon in Georgia. However, here is a link to on of my original posts concerning the September 1, 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse sans edits. Cover-ups, leaks, secrets and hidden emotional ties (Vladdie? more ladies? a secret child?), plus, scandals, lies, guilt, and self-pity are embedded within this eclipse chart so perhaps a reconsideration of its implications is merited in light of what we now know of Donald Trump and his personal flaws as he plays POTUS on the world stage, a role he arrogantly assumed would be so easy (or so he said).

As for the eclipse chart with Leo rising, the Sun (leader) rules the chart although Mercury conjunct Jupiter @28Virgo rules the eclipse--details matter, expansive plans implemented, risky reforms are on the menu). Chart-ruler Sun makes four applying aspects to other planets resulting in these possibilities:

1. Sun square Saturn (0A42): a leader expected to measure up and be accountable; 2. Sun oppo Neptune (1A18): vagueness, mystery, disguising one's true self, wearing masks, hidden goals, misconceptions; 3. Sun square Mars (4A47): anger, frustration, challenges and competition, aggression, stress and strain; 4. Sun trine Pluto (5A43): setting priorities, gaining assistance from higher ups (exs: wealthy manipulators and financiers, hidden puppet masters, organized crime figures--Putin? is that you? a different blackmailer perhaps?) Also note that the Sun is the engine leading a Locomotive shape of the planets which denotes a person of ruthless actions determined toward success no matter what.

Oh! And that's Vladimir Putin's vengeful natal Venus in betraying Scorpio at the Foundation Point, the IC of the chart, and in 4th house, a Mars-Saturn conjunction of hard feelings, anger, limitations, and a need for self-restraint over impulses. Add unscrupulous, immoral Neptune to the scene and America is suffering from some seriously eroding power and a leaky boatload of Donald Trump's lies and schemes. Add to the 2016 election and the current US presidency an eclipse in Mercury-ruled Virgo and we have karmic conditions in which a strong sense of duty and honest analysis are necessary for best results, otherwise karmic progress will be stalled if not all together stymied until a later time.

To close, here are some background details posted in 2016 concerning 19 North Solar Eclipses with their previous dates/degrees and a few events and entities they heralded:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo; July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter and near Trump natal Mercury 8:51). 19N is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), and the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962). Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for Politics? You see, correlating the years of 19N with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative since history doesn't repeat as much as it rhymes.

And for those who wish to Look Ahead here's the DC Horoscope of the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms which has been labeled The Tower Solar Eclipse for its theme of collapse and rebuild. Could that be Trump Tower or perhaps the Trump Organization a-jumble in the dust?

Apr 21, 2018

Special Counsel Mueller and asteroid Mueller!

If you're like me, you have a life and so you've been making meager attempts to keep up with the news on the Mueller investigation while longing to appreciate the happy parade of attorneys hired by Donald Trump in an effort to keep him in the Oval Office. Perhaps you've caught up with the five-minute April 20, 2018 MSNBC segment "Very Unlikely Rudy Guiliani Will End Robert Mueller Investigation", a video that is something of a hoot if you haven't heard it. Basically, New Yorkers Rudy and Donnie are too much alike!

1944 Meets 2017

The reason I'm thinking (again) of the Mueller investigation is that as I looked through a list of personal name asteroids I noticed asteroid Mueller (number 4031) so I plugged in Robert Mueller's birth date (August 7, 1944) at and discovered Mueller @2Leo32. Then I checked the horoscope of the day Mr. Mueller was appointed Special Counsel in the Russia-Trump Probe (May 17, 2017) and there was asteroid Atlantis @2Leo01--key phrases: where we feel doomed, divine retribution -- and also the abuse of power!

So given that Astrology works in an AC-DC fashion (energies flow in both directions or alternate) some will say that the abuse of power is on Special Counsel Mueller's side. But for those who believe Robert Mueller's ethics trump those of con man/reality 'star' Donald Trump, you know the feeling of doom must be all on the side of the kingpin-in-chief.

1776 Meets 1946

In addition, you know I had to check for Trump's asteroid Mueller on his date of birth (June 14, 1946) and it clocks in @13Ari05--closely opposing America's natal Saturn exalted in Libra (14:48) and planet of government, law, business--and The Establishment.

Any thoughts on this cosmic synchronicity of asteroids and the ethics involved?

A Related Post: Transits to the Natal Planets of Robert Mueller (includes a speculative natal horoscope for him timed by Moon to Aries Point).

Eggs, a Dossier, Sean Spicer and The Briefing

April 21, 2018: Coming Soon to a bargain book bin or a Best Seller List near you, a new book The Briefing by former White House Press Secretary for Jupiterian Donald Trump, Sean Spicer who 'resigned' his position on July 2, 2017. Is it significant that Mr. Spicer was born September 23, 1971 during the three Great Conjunctions of broadcasting Jupiter and media/propaganda planet Neptune?

Their conjunctions in 1971 occurred in the 00-to-3-degree range of Sagittarius, expansive Jupiter's own sign, and as you know, the planetary pair suggests various potentials (any, all, or none) such as: speculation, get-rich-quick schemes, bubbles and busts, nebulous finances or fraud, scandal and instability, wrong diagnoses, idealism, mysticism, visions, fantasies and dreams, Utopian illusions, religious or mystical beliefs, occultism, great hopes, evasion, seduction, overdone generosity, rich feelings, compassion, subtlety, trickiness, gain without effort, deception via dogma, ineffective persuasion, make-believe, foolish or unfounded legal situations, hypocrisy as a form of internal policy, neglected ethics, senseless doctrines, acceptance of pretenses, ethics and morals based on favors and pay-offs, degradation within a justice system, self-analysis, and--political conflicts (Munkasey; Ebertin).

Yet the combined energies of the frothy Jupiter-Neptune pair are not all the blended cosmic influences upon Sean Spicer for he was also born under a powerful (power-craving) Sun-Pluto conjunction at the critical 29th degree of Virgo. In fact, his (noon) horoscope shows a line-up of Mercury (17Virgo), Pluto, Sun, Venus (7libra), and Uranus (13Libra), Trump's guiding planet of chaos and disruption.

Sun-Pluto energies combined hints at potentials such as: influences by criminal organizations, excessive amounts of armed strength, control by secret police, toxic conditions, policy reforms, threats against and control of dissent, corruption which wastes resources, determination to achieve goals, intense emotions, domination of others, an obsessive disposition, striving for power, martyrdom, fanatical tendencies, and/or plutocracy. Also notable is that Spicer's Sun-Pluto conjunction contains a third participant, 'piercing' asteroid Eros which adds intensity and passion to his plutonian conjunction. Eros was discovered in 1898 by DeWitt, and in Orphism was 'born of the cosmic egg produced by Night' (Encyclopedia of Astrology, DeVore).

Have you ever thought it esoterically symbolic that the presidential office in the White House is the egg-shaped, Venusian 'Oval Office'?!? Well, for about the first 6 months of the Trump administration, Sean Spicer was spokesperson for the Oval Office.

Now legendary astrologer Nicholas DeVore refers to the 'cosmic egg' but the ancient symbol has other names, Orphic Egg or World Egg being two of them. Perhaps a related SO'W post from May 4, 2017 may be of interest to those wishing to link the Orphic or Cosmic Egg to American Politics and the founding of our nation so if you wish check out Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election Cycle. You may or may not be sorry you did.

As for Sean Spicer's book The Briefing, I don't know how revealing the book or his PR tour interviews will be but his publishing effort actually tallies with the themes of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 9 New South Saros Series: bringing to the surface issues concerning paperwork or communications; a worrying piece of news; health concerns; or, matters concerning loved ones may be involved (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology but with my bold and italics for the sake of clarity.)

Well, perhaps we'll discover a clue in this April 16, 2018 Fox News segment with the book's author Spicer: Comey's account of dossier briefing is misleading.

Apr 20, 2018

Summer Solstice 2018: Powers of Detection

Image: Summer Solstice 2018 June 21, 2018 6:07:37 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Jupiter Rx @13Sco54 in 5th house; Ascendant 4Can25 with US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun rising; Chart-ruler Moon @12Lib03 in 4th house applying to square Solstice Mercury @16Can57 (4A54) and rising in 1st house (see chart, bottom left). Thinking-planning planet of youth and communications, Mercury, in Moon-ruled Cancer squares the Moon which denotes irrational, emotionally based decisions, a focus on trivial matters and small details (perhaps for the sake of diversion), and a continuation of fact vs fiction issues that are particularly brought out these days by Donald Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of misconceptions, fantasies, falsehoods, and "fake" (Neptune) "news" (Mercury); significantly Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer51 is first to rise of his natal planets though tr Saturn has been opposing (challenging) his n Mercury off and on this year while squaring his natal Neptune in Libra as Saturn does here. Does tr Saturn in Capricorn, Mr Just-the-Facts-Please, represent Special Counsel Robert Mueller or the Senate investigation of Trump? What do you think?

Now both Mercury and Luna prominent in this chart suggest that fluctuations and changes in conditions are on America's Summer 2018 menu with the Moon ruling 1st and 2nd hou$es, and Mercury ruling the 4th house of Home and Homeland--yet Mercury is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and off on his or her own, isolated perhaps. Also represented by mundane Mercury are reporters, bloggers, pundits, traders, deal makers, consumers, educators, students, motorists, magicians, and tricksters.

Gemini-Sagittarius Intercepted

As you see, the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions, Secret Enemies, and Backroom or Hidden Deals contains the sign of Gemini where Mr. Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio are placed; opposite in 6th house of Military-Police-Civil-Service-and-Daily-Life, Sagittarius is contained via interception which to me denotes Gem-Sag (Mercury-Jupiter) matters which must be dealt with. Now as you know, this axis spotlights Trump's Sun-NN opposite Moon-SN polarity of relationships and ego/career vs emotions/family. Of course, Trump's guiding 10th house planet, eccentric Uranus in chatty Gemini, is involved as well with its preference for leading by chaos, disruption, shock, and revolt. Here, tr Uranus, still finding his (unstable) footing in Venus-ruled money sign Taurus is in 11th house of Groups and Associations and spotlighting activities such as speculation, risk-taking, and taking premature actions that lead to failure (Ebertin). Links between evaluating Venus and disruptive Uranus tend toward extravagance, erratic spending, and/or break-ups in relationships or alliances.

Note that transit Mars, here @9AQ02 in the corporate 8th house, will turn Rx @9AQ13 on June 26, 2018, and Jupiter's Direct Station occurs July 10 @13Sco20 so both are on their stationing degrees in the Summer Solstice 2018 chart. Of interest may be their rounded-up Sabian Symbols: '10AQ" = "A Man Who Had For a Time Become the Embodiment of a Popular Ideal Is Made to Realize That As a Person He Is Not This Ideal" (Keynote: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one's dream and ideal) and '14Sco' = "Telephone Linemen at Work Installing New Connections" (Keynote: the need to establish new channels of communications - Rudhyar; (as in diplomacy? surveillance? jc).

So with Summer Solstice 2018 taking place under the auspices of the February 15, 2018 Solar Eclipse (1 South), we continue to be 'flooded with ideas and options' (Brady) though hopefully summer floods are not in the mix. Plus, the karmic 12th house with its Gemini interception contains, hides, forces matters of the previous lunation ('Syzygy Moon'), the New Moon of June 13 @22Gem44 which by degree and darkened light veils America's natal Mars (22Gemini) and activates our tiresome Mars-Neptune square of misdirected motivations and confused or deceptive actions (the fog of war)--and also happens to veil the natal Sun of Mr. Trump (22Gemini) who at the moment seems to be 'calling the shots' (Sun) with little or no input or advice from others.

Marked in green is a Water Grand Trine between Mercury, Jupiter Rx, and the Neptune-MC conjunction (see next paragraph) which provides a calming measure of protection, sensitivity, and good powers of detection though some may act more lazily than they should under its easy influences. Apparently, someone is under protection which may be at work in the background!

Now as always, there are several other cosmic and political factors located in the Summer Solstice 2018 Horoscope but for the sake of brevity I shall only mention one more which perhaps should have been mentioned first and that's Neptune Rx in its own sign of shady, mystical Pisces--at Midheaven (World Stage; Career; The Goal). To me this denotes that America's Neptunian problems not only continue (with the Republican Party being in the midst of its first-ever Neptune Return--last conjunction to natal degree at the end of December 2018), but our national instability and undermining difficulties, falsehoods, and corruption are completely visible to the entire world (MC) along with the fear, paranoia, uncertainty, and confusion that current US leadership suggests. Plus, healing-wounding Chiron @2Ari20 in 10th house is also visible and is apex of the Sun (leader) opposition to law-abiding Saturn Rx @6Cap18, planet of karma and strong in its own sign. This seems to describe ego-bruising of the Trump-Establishment stand-off that is ongoing as I type in April but it remains to be seen how far along such matters will be by June 21, 2018.

But however and whenever the 'RussiaGate' probe ends and whatever its outcome, here we see a picture of karma at work for even the glorious and proud Mr. Trump must at some point in his life reap what he's previously sown--as must the United States of America.

For those who would dare a peek ahead at future cosmic conditions in Washington DC and thus in America, try Horoscopes: Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice 2019

Apr 18, 2018

The Prenatal Solar Eclipse of America's Pluto Return/s

Image: Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 December 4, 2021 surrounding US Natal Horoscope July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This Solar Eclipse falls into the 5 New South Saros Series with themes of benefits and peak experiences and its initial manifestation perfected on June 15, 1787 @24Gem20, near the New Moon degree (25:07) of the Uranian Mr. Trump's 'escalator announcement' of his presidential bid in June 2015. It is also the degree of the 1781 discovery of planet Uranus (24Gem27). Will the senior Mr. Trump still be around in 2021 or 2022? We'll see for it may depend on how many cheeseburgers and greasy chicken thighs he scarfs down between now and then (I'm not wishin' I'm just sayin').

Now the US natal chart here is the one I usually tend to favor because it places Cardinal World Points on the MC and IC angles of the chart along with two applicable Sabian Symbols. '1 Aries' = IC, the Foundation of the Matter) = "A Woman Rises Out of Water, a Seal Is Embracing Her" (Jones) which to me sounds like the New Atlantis as America, a 'her', across the sea from England--and America's Great Seal intended to certify official documents and based on Weishaupt's Illuminati Seal design of May 1, 1776. This, plus the natal horoscope's Ascendant degree/s ('12Sag' and '13 Sag'--see chart, lower left) suggests our nation on various levels--one of which is its Freemasonic birth of an idea/ideal that is the Founders' 'New Atlantis' in which men are capable of enlightened self-government for as Thomas Jefferson asserted,

"I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves." (TJ July 2, 1787.) Do you think that remains the case in 2018 much less by 2021/22? If not, it's primarily due to infiltrators that have infested our country for decades now and their devilish, undermining machinations which are really paying off as they planned long ago. (See my 2005 description of Stars Over Washington under the title, above!)

Some well known historic events that are associated with the Mercury-Pluto duo include: Apollo 11 Moon Landing, Alaskan Earthquake, FDR's first election, East Coast Power Blackout, and Bolsheviks take power (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

Note: Now I'm using the 5 New South Eclipse as the PE of America's Pluto Return phase in general, plus, its degree conjoins our nation's July 4, 1776 natal Ascendant in Sagittarius (late afternoon charts). However, two other Solar Eclipses perfect in year 2022 with themes that are notably plutonic and I intend to cover them in a different post as soon as I can get to it. Check back if you're curious, or subscribe if you wish.

And so as creepy Pluto in Capricorn (planet of the Underworld, secret manipulators, hidden wealth, sneaky stealth, death, sex, research and investigation, transformation and regeneration) continues plodding toward his natal degree (27Cap33) and reprises his opposition to US natal Mercury (24Can11: '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power") off and on along the way, we can see in the above Eclipse chart some of the general cosmic background influences upon the first-time-ever phase of our exact Pluto Return/s--three in number. Our Pluto Return phase will activate America's surveillance pair of planets ('total awareness' aka, Big Brother) with the duo's (continued!) propensity toward secrets, gathering of information (intelligence activities), top secret communications, security clearances, self-destructive impulses in business operations, political talk of abrupt changes and reforms, breakdowns in road networks, paranoia about secrets or scandals and the leaking or disclosure of them, ruthless behavior, obsessions, eroticism, news about space exploration, orbital weapons, and/or toxins, and the need to control other people (Munkasey) when it's actually The Manipulators who need controlling.

Horoscope: US Solar Return 2018 - we're 242 years old

April 18, 2018: below you see dual horoscopes of the upcoming US Solar Return 2018, one set for natal location of Philadelphia (lower left) and the other for our current capital of Washington DC (upper right). There are a few differences between the charts due to the two locations and both charts have my usual messy notes penned on them (mea culpa!) which may hopefully be read by enlarging the image:

Hour of Jupiter (Rx in 8th house and apex of a dynamic T-Square); Chart-ruler Mars in 11th house makes no applying aspects but aspects to Mars are listed on the right inside a box of red as is Mars. The Sabian Symbols for house cusps are notable but I won't type them here since you are perfectly capable of looking them up yourself (especially note ASC @13Aries). An obvious feature of both charts is authoritative Saturn at Midheaven (MC, the Goal Point of any chart). In the upper right corner is a potential for Saturn-MC in Politics which seems applicable to where America stands as I type (April 2018): 'formal rules imposed on the executive branch' (Munkasey). Now I'm uncertain how that may happen since congressional Republican leadership has refused to rein in Donald Trump from firing the officials involved in investigating Trump but perhaps it will come to pass that the Uranian lurking in the Oval Office will at some point have his mobster-like wings clipped. And after all, Saturn at MC may also represent a fall from grace.

America's Hazelrigg Horoscope, Thomas Jefferson, and July 2018

Now when it comes to Mr. Trump there are several important cosmic factors that will express upon the Earth before and after America's 242nd birthday (which as you see, actually perfects on July 5th this year--these Return charts are based on the US Hazelrigg Horoscope set for 12:20 pm on July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA with a 9th house Sun @13Can08 conj MC 16Can51, Moon 24AQ25 5th house, ASC 14Lib35 with our exalted-in-Libra Saturn rising which places our natal US Sun-Saturn square foremost; added to the natal and Return charts are the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). See John Hazelrigg. Two things about the 12:20 pm timing is that it tallies with the time in the engraved portrait of Benjamin Franklin pointing toward Philadelphia's Independence Hall clock with his enigmatic smile. Also, the newspaper obituary of Thomas Jefferson cites the time of his passing as 'ten minutes before 1 o'clock' and links the time to the signing of the Declaration of Independence--12:50 pm, close to 12:20 pm.

As for D. Trump (see Mars-SN and Sun-Pluto = ASC), and in spite of the protective Water Grand Trine (Sun-Jupiter-Neptune), July 2018 brings him and America a Syzygy Moon @6Cap28 (last lunation prior to US Solar Return 2018--marked on the Philadelphia chart conjunct MC--which is the revealing Full Moon of June 28th). More significant is the Solar Eclipse that perfects on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer for it is a repeat of Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@9Gemini in 1946--conjunct US natal Uranus) in the 2 Old North Saros Series of unfortunate news concerning relationships and ideas about separation yet fast action can bring good results (Brady).

Be the 2 Old North eclipse themes and potentials as they may, the July 13th eclipse hits the Twin Stars of Gemini, Castor and Pollux with their positive and/or negative manifestations which will be activated by the eclipse. And note that a 2 Old North solar eclipse last occurred on July 1, 2000 @10Cancer in the midst of our national Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio which connects its influences to America, the start of the New Millennium, and all that has happened since.

And the historical, cosmic lens through which all 2 Old North solar eclipses must be viewed is the sign of Cancer because its initial manifestation perfected on June 24, 792 (OS) @5Can49--conjunct what became the 1776 position of America's national Jupiter (Hazelrigg: 5Can53) so rounding up we get '6Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests". Now I don't know about either of you, but I consider the profiteering Donald Trump in the White House to be the best example of such nefarious activity that our nation has ever, in her 242 years, had to endure. We may discover that Trump has 'stolen us blind' and various other financial dealings of a dubious nature may be revealed by Summer 2018 lunations and eclipses. Plus, the orange-haired tower-builder and we have themes of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse to 'look forward to' beginning in late July into August and beyond.

You may also wish to see a DC Horoscope of the Total Lunar Eclipse of July 27, 2018 @4AQ44--conjunct US natal South Node which suggests separation and/or isolation themes. A chart factor I neglected to mention previously is that US Solar Return 2018 occurs during a Nodal Return for the US (Hazelrigg South Node @6AQ35). As you know, a Nodal Return hints at the forming of new alliances of Jupiterian quality while possibly letting go of weaker ones at the Saturnian South Node--yet there are the Trump's indications of separations in relationships. Well, he's already proven to be a huge drag on our national life and relationships with other nations so maybe strong alliances will look up for America while his continue to suffer in some way. Think Mueller (since We The People can hardly count on Congress to do its job of protecting us from demagogues like Trump--and should we be crediting the Electoral College for the hot mess they plopped us into?). Yes, I had wanted Mr. Trump to play the POTUS role well since it would mean that America does well but I've been thoroughly disappointed for obvious reasons. You may disagree as you wish but there it is.

Now of course, there are many more chart factors worth considering but I'll leave them up to you since this isn't a book but merely a post. Yet mention should be made of the feminine in our Solar Return 2018 Horoscope which seems to point to a strong lady, perhaps a politician (acting at Aries Point, the world stage) but Melania Trump and separation in relationships (Trump's 2 Old North PE) are also possibilities.

All I can say is that if Melania has had enough of her Mercurial husband, who in this wide world could blame her? Plus, my strong suspicion is that a majority of Americans feel exactly the same way.

Related: a list of the 2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2018 with solar themes. Also recommended is an informative presentation by Max Igan: Transcending Tyranny.

Apr 16, 2018

Homeland Security to Start Tracking Journalists and Bloggers and Monitor Their "Intent"

April 14, 2018: Farron Cousins reports for The Ring of Fire:

Support independent media by visiting the Ring of Fire patreon account!

Also see: Homeland Security to Compile Database of Journalists, Bloggers and Monitor Their "Intent." That's blogs and reporters with a national following. Hmm. Not Stars Over Washington. But I would have thought the Pentagon's 'Total Awareness' mission (TIA) already had gathered such a database. Guess Trump'n'company are demanding more information on resisters and dissenters--and America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition across the Cancer-Capricorn axis of security is always up for such 'Big Brother' shadiness.

So in case you haven't seen one (and while you still can), here's a rather light-on-details post from 2005 which does, however, contain an image of the Horoscope of Homeland Security (November 25, 2002 1:44 pm Washington DC--debuted under the spell of a dramatic, volatile double Fire blend).

Apr 14, 2018

Horoscopes: Syria w Trump Strikes Syria April 13, 2018

April 13 into 14, 2018: the following post is one I'd hoped never to type. Tragically, it must be done tonight thanks to Trump and the Pentagon Generals and their continual urge to topple the East. This is a rushed effort for studying, scanning, saving, and posting horoscopes takes time and time is fleeting. So first, here's a bi-wheel of what's going on as Washington and friends show their true and warring colors.

My Latin days are far behind me but I do remember that in olden times the Roman army had sense enough not to wage war when Jupiter the General was retrograde as it is now. Tonight, according to news reports, at 9:00 pm EDT, Donald Trump announced that the US, UK, and France had launched missile strikes on chemical facilities in Syria. You know the pretext and are aware that earlier, UK PM Teresa May and others trumped up the case for their warring actions as a 'deterrent' against further chemical attacks by Syrian leader Bashir Assad who took over the government at dawn on November 13, 1970. In the bi-wheel charts shown below, Syria's 1970 'coup chart' has tonight's Trump announcement (timed for 9:00 pm EDT) which is set for the White House though perhaps Mr. Trump was speaking from elsewhere. In that case, the 9:00 pm chart may be considered symbolic.

If you wish, please enlarge for reading:

Now I realize other locations or time zones may apply more accurately as far as the attacks themselves but these charts are the best I have at the moment. And yes, they are marked up in my usual scribbly fashion but I'm in mourning over the crusader mentality of the West and have had presentiments already due to the 70-year Fig Tree Prophecy related to the State of Israel and its potential fulfillment in mid-May 2018...soon. Suffice to say, that 2018 Jupiter Rx in this conflagration opposes 1970 Moon and Saturn in Taurus so, besides Jupiter being weak via retrogression, failure is very much an option (Trump was given multiple options, I heard, by the generals--which is the theme of the current Solar Eclipse of February 2018 @27Aquarius (conjunct US natal Moon, We The People)...1 South: "flooded with options and ideas" (Brady). Plus, as you see, the 1 North Solar Eclipse @29Leo visible across America in August 2017 hit Syria's Midheaven in this chart, and activated the cautions of royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided)--and there's Donald trump's natal Ascendant in the middle of it all. (My suspicion is that attacking Syria is one of the things Trump agreed he would do if allowed to take over the Oval Office, but maybe that's only me.)

So with 2018 Jupiter opposing Syria's natal Saturn, bending or neglecting rules won't work and challenges to authority are not favored. Of course, Trump and General Mattis say that regime change is not the goal of these strikes. Well, I imagine they consider it a process for Syria has proven a hard nut to crack for the global corporatists who are animated by the satanic destructive force that's loose upon the Earth. We see this force within the brutal Saturn-Mars-Pluto trio of assault and violence along with the suffering, contamination, and poison (gas) used to justify the perpetration of more violence.

Yet transit Venus approaches Syria's natal Taurus Moon suggesting that Assad's popularity has increased or will increase in spite or because of the attacks from the West, and with natal Saturn receiving attention from Venus as well, we see that order and tradition are among the things valued by the people of Syria (yes, there are various groups across a large country so traditions vary as well). Then with transit Jupiter and Venus opposing one another across the intense Taurus-Scorpio axis as the strikes occur, we may expect this misadventure of Trump's to be disappointing with efforts falling flat or missing their mark. Excesses that everyone would prefer to forget may occur and promises of cooperation can soon evaporate unless other chart factors and conditions interpose with positive energies.

Yet how 'positive' can any war be? They're all racketeering along with the grasping of power and plundering of resources. Plus, Donald Trump wants the world to stop talking about Comey, Putin, Cohen, Manafort, and his own antics--and stop reading that bestselling book! (Tonight's announcement shows an Ascending degree of '11Scorpio' = "A Drowning Man Rescued"--hi there, Mr. Trump! Also note the midpoint picture penned on the right : Sun-Neptune = Mercury (Rx--same old, same old lies) = false logic and deceit (Munkasey adds 'ritual ceremony' which I say is sacrifice in war). Some say the chemical attack in Syria allegedly committed by Assad was a 'false flag op' to bilk Americans and others in the West into supporting--and fighting--a war in Syria with Iran in their sights as well. What do you think?

So! With Jupiter the General retrograde, war in Syria, along with the rest of the Middle East that America broke, continues to be a bottomless money pit just as it was when Dubya Bush, Cheney, and the Pentagon invaded Iraq in 2003 after Afghanistan in 2001. Flimsy pretexts are ginned up all around again! And of course, this is all part of a process, we know, for Syria is one of the 'dominoes' intended to fall--and religions are intended to fight each other to the death as planned by the zealots manipulating the world into catastrophic war. Fall, that is, if America doesn't fall first.

Apr 13, 2018

August 2018: Democratic Party's natal Saturn eclipsed

In 2014, I published a horoscope for the Democratic Party set for February 17, 1801 1:00 pm LMT Washington DC. This founding data is apparently based on The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, according to an astute reader of SO'W who took strong exception to a version I had previously posted.

The reason I mention this today concerns the current turmoil in Washington DC and the problems said to be occurring within the Republican Party. Why? Because The Tower Solar Eclipse which manifests on August 11, 2018 @19Leo will 'eclipse' the natal 3rd house Saturn in the 1801 Democratic Party horoscope which may be viewed by following the link, above. Of course, astrological Saturn represents various things such as the status quo, The Establishment, reality, authority, seniority, accountability, the boss, lawmakers and lawyers, legal matters, business managers, government officials, limitations and rules, denials or delays, the past, and the potential for karmic losses based on past actions. At times in Political Astrology, Saturn also represents the Democratic Party, other times the Republican. The parties tend to switch roles between generous Jupiter and austere Saturn depending on who's being extravagant and who's complaining about it in order to score political points. Basically, America has 'ruling elite' vs We The People which you've undoubtedly noticed before now.

So I find it curious that a 'Blue Wave' of voters leaning against Republican candidates is said to be arriving at Midterm Elections 2018 and The Tower Solar Eclipse, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Midterms! with its 'collapse' motif, seems to hint at the possibility of a landslide for the Democrats in the House if not the Senate--unless the entire election system collapses. Democrats need to gain 23 seats to control the House yet considering past election cheating in the US (exs: hacking of ballot machines, voter suppression, gerrymandering of districts, dark money and propaganda paid for by meddling billionaires and oligarchs, compromised SCOTUS justices, media echo chambers, foreign interference which has not been addressed and therefore is championed) We the People cannot be certain that the results of the 2018 Midterms will be honestly tallied and announced. Besides, it's not who or how many vote, it's who counts the votes, isn't it? And with Uranian chaos-creator Trump behaving just like Putin would do, we know how the kingpin-in-chief stands on such GOP-favoring tactics which may actually expand due to Republican fears of a Blue Wave.

For these deceptive tactics, and by November perhaps for other reasons, an 'eclipse' of the Democratic Party's natal Saturn implies to me the possibility that a 'Blue Wave' will be diverted at least partially by the GOP and their financial backers and political operatives, both here and abroad. And of course influences brought by the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse can begin as early as late July so let's keep collapse themes--political, social, political party, White House, crime families, and/or financial--in mind as Summer 2018 proceeds toward November Midterms and slightly into 2019 for the first Solar Eclipse of 2019 manifests on January 6 @15Capricorn in the 2 South Saros Series of gaining a great deal from group involvement (Brady). This may relate to any and all winners on November 6th and times the first week in January when new congress members will be sworn into office on Capitol Hill. Considering all the Republican defections and resignations this year, there should be quite a number of oaths taken.

So in spite of political dirty tricks used and inconvenient secrets revealed, all Trump resisters must hope that, as promised, millennial voters will turn out en masse on November 6, 2018 and vote the varmints out! Disagree if you must (and knowing that Democrats are compromised corporatists, too, but slightly less objectionable toward the general population)...there it is.

This, from USA Today: Does House Speaker Paul Ryan's retirement signal a blue wave in the fall?

Now is it curious that astrological Neptune, planet of erosion, deception, and fraud, also rules the blue seas and the waves--and is now in process while floating through its own sign of Pisces of perfecting an ongoing five-fer Neptune Return to the watery planet's 1854 position (14Pisces) in the Republican Party natal chart?

Apparently for the GOP, 2018 may be a Blue Wave time indeed!

Related is a discussion in the Noel Tyl forum of the founding of the Republican Party with horoscope included. Closest natal planet to the degree of The Tower Eclipse (18Leo41) is the Republicans' 1854 Mars @26Leo--not close enough) which in 1946 was conjoined by the natal Mars (rising) of a red-faced little Donald Trump. His baby days are long over, but he's still red-faced and squalling.

Also note that at least one other version of a Democratic Party horoscope exists, one by astrologer William Stickevers set for May 21, 1814 12:00 pm LMT Baltimore, Maryland. Is this a Maryland State Party chart or is it national? On Facebook I've asked William for historical information and will await his reply, if any, since Google searches have been unsatisfactory so far.

above image: Neptune Ascends