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Feb 16, 2023

19 North Eclipse 2016 and Valkyrie 1944

Eclipses: Cosmic Time Links in History

by Jude Cowell

Made famous in our day by a film starring Tom Cruise, Operation Valkyrie was a real event, one of over 40 assassination attempts against Adolf Hitler, and the most well-known attempt by Germany's high-ranking military officers of aristocratic descent. Many of them had also committed crimes, but to their credit, the plotters wanted to end the war and bring down the brutal, murderous, racist, psychopathic Hitler regime. However, as you know, the briefcase bomb exploded during the meeting at Hitler's Wolf's Lair headquarters, but the damage didn't reach Herr H himself, more's the pity.

The failed assassination attempt took place in what is now Poland on July 20, 1944, the very day of a Solar Eclipse @27Cancer in the 19 North Saros Series. Of significance to current US events of a fascist-nazi nature, is the fact that 19 North is the series in which our 2016 Presidential Election took place as well as the 2017 Inauguration of foreign agent orange (horoscope linked, below).

As a cosmic time link, we can note that the 19 North Eclipse of 1944 manifested in opposition to America's 1776 Pluto which suggests "a critical point in karmic development" when arrives a choice between "striving for higher attainments on the spiritual plane" - or, "reverting to animalism" (R. Lineman). It's no stretch to see the connection between America's turn from the animalism during the Hitler era and World War II, and its tragic embrace by a mobster-like figurehead and his rabid followers in our day as the struggle of a pro-democacy America against fascism (which opens the door to nazism) continues toward Election 2024 and beyond.

We might even say that in America circa 2016, a big bad wolf crashed into the henhouse, and on January 20, 2017, the thieving wolf was allowed to take over the egg-shaped Oval Office, vowing to "end" American carnage, yet we now see its flowering via his 'failed insurrection coup 2021', and violent events perpetrated all around our nation against children and others with weapons sales promoted by the NRA - and most crimes having obvious links between "white power" then and now.

DC Horoscope: 19 North Eclipse @9Vir21 September 1, 2016 5:03:06 am EDT:

'Big Lie' Beliefs Float Upon Fluffy Clouds of Neptune

With approximately one third of US voters swayed by the rhetoric of Herr Trump, the September 1, 2016 repetition of a 19 North Eclipse was unfortunately opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces, a cosmic implication of falsehoods, fraud, deception, delusion, dissolution, illusion, and gaslighting if there ever was one. 2016 Neptune was used by enemies of America to create a cosmic counterbalance to the fact-based themes of 19 North:

"Realism; coming down to earth and seeing an old situation for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth" (paraphrasing B. Brady). Disappointingly, Neptune in Pisces clouded every issue within the public discourse and continues to do so, including within the Neptunian realms of mass media and the masses, aka, the Collective.

Aspects to the above Eclipse contain potentials of rebellion, belligerent use of force (square Mars), immature people taking the easy way out and denying reality (square Saturn), reality vs fantasy, chaos, confusion, self-delusion (opposite Neptune), and people who can see beneath superficial layers of reality (trine Pluto, with Pluto conjunct US 'Powell' Moon of July 1, 1776 notated on the horoscope as turmoil, emotional trauma, upsets, strong emotions).

Then for political involvement in 2023, we have only to consider which party was founded under the nebulous rays of Neptune in Pisces: the Republican Party of 1854. The party's recent Neptune Return spotlights the planet's dissolving and undermining functions as absurd conspiracies and false ideals lead their 'maga' agenda into superficial pursuits designed to neglect the country's real issues and concerns which need serious attention on Capitol Hill. Yet as authoritarian Republicans know, an America collapsed into chaos is a good time to attempt to establish a new form of government, as history shows, be it fascist as it may be.

So my fuss for today is that the "old situation" that every voter in 2016 should have seen for what it really was and is describes the brutal animalism of fascism and nazism, and the choice Americans had - and still have - to choose a higher course for our country going forward as Election 2024 nears.

Feb 14, 2023

Spring EQ 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power

Here's the Spring Equinox 2023 (Aries Ingress) Horoscope set for Washington DC, our representative for America herself; March 20, 2023 5:24:48 pm edt; chart and midheaven ruler Mercury @3Ari24 conjuncts 8th cusp and makes no applying Ptolemaic aspect; with Mercury in Mars-ruled Aries at this Hour of Mars in chatty Gemini, we may expect the typical abundance of discussions, debates, quarrels, and boasts to continue, and with Pluto @29Cap57 leading a BOWL shape of planets (advocacy of a cause or leading a mission: see 30Capricorn, upper right) from 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking, there's an inconjunct (adjustments needed) between manipulative Pluto and activist Mars, out-of-bounds @28Gemini (Bankruptcy) and acting aggressively, even rashly, in the visible 10th house.

See the note in the center of the chart and please enlarge the image to read my study notes, if you wish:

Now with moneybags-banker-corporatist-guru planet Jupiter in the corporate 8th hou$e, and wealthy Pluto manipulating with his usual secrecy ("30Cap"), there are multiple indications of financial waste, potential theft, and budgetary difficulties (ex: debt ceiling issues simmering), along with America's usual obsession with power, politics, and domination.

However, expansive Jupiter conjuncts Astraea, asteroid of Justice! So is it possible that the thieves and crooks who bedevil us will finally get what should be comin' to 'em?

Well, running in the background of Spring Season 2023 are influences from the 6 South Solar Eclipse (@2Scorpio) with its forcefully taking power theme (ex: 118th House of rude, crude MAGA Republicans) - at least operating for about a month until the next solar eclipse in April. But we know that good faith actors can use the eclipse energies, too, to positive effect such as we saw during President Biden's SOTU 2023 Address when he "owned" the MAGA hooligans. This was a well-deserved comeuppance, in my book.

And with the solar eclipse in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, death and debt concerns, and spying, you know the related events and topics that dominate the news cycle these days, both here and abroad. In politics and business, it seems that betrayal, faithlessness, and corruption surround us along with disguises and deceit. For these are some of the tactics the 'haves' use to exploit the 'have-nots' at every opportunity!

Then sad to say, mass immigration remains atop America's menu with multiple adminstrations doing little if anything to solve what may be an unsolvable problem as long as Central and South America are under siege by violence and corruption.

It astounds me how most DC politicians act as if they're unaware of the real cause of our border conditions: people seeking refuge and safety. But if our immigration problem were solved, Republicans would lose it as a wedge issue against Democrats - and it isn't as if GOP candidates have popular policies to run on!

Meanwhile, the Spring Equinox Sun @00Ari00:00 joins Neptune and the Moon (25Pis18/18Pis38; the mass delusion pair) in the 7th house of Partnerships, with Jupiter and Chiron remaining in 8th house while asteroid MIDA$, the gold hoarder, sparkles in 10th house. Perhaps evaluation and/or currency issues will be on display once again.

Then as you see, a few midpoint pictures are notated for the curious - three involving Neptune, planet of deception, delusion, illusion, gaslighting, grand schemes, oil and gas, toxins, negative escapism, mass media, and fraud.

Well, that's all I have for now although more details may become necessary as we inch toward Spring Equinox 2023, so stay tuned!

Feb 11, 2023

DC Horoscope: Saturn Perigee 2023

Aug 27, 2023: Bright Saturn Shines Opposite the Sun

by Jude Cowell

Tropically speaking, in Mundane Astrology, because karmic Saturn, lord of many realms such as: Time, reality, authority, responsibility, accountability, maturity, wisdom, restriction, control, limits, borders, form, structure, consolidation, old age, conservatism, blockages or obstacles, loss, the status quo, The Establishment, the system, and laws, opposes the Virgo Sun on August 27, 2023, we can be certain that the word perigee will pop up all over the internet any minute now. Already has done, in fact!

For on that day, the Earth passes between Saturn and the Sun, a cosmic event that contains all manner of advantages for astronomers, but for Stars Over Washington's purposes, let's settle for a DC Horoscope set for August 27, 2023 4:28 am edt which is when my astrology program calculates an exact opposition between Sun and Saturn. Chart factors and astro-notes are thus generated, some of which are typed below the following Horoscope with astro-notes scribbled upon the image for your consideration.

The notes include the 'PE' in the 7 North Saros Series during which the Saturn perigee 2023 occurs, highlighted in orange, in 10th house @29Ari50 - conjunct the January 6, 2021 insurrection's Mars position and, as I've noted in previous posts, this lunation also times a "birthday eclipse" for Herr Adolf. Then will bunker boy sit up or merely roll over?

Meanwhile, the 7 North eclipse's throwback to J6 Mars increases potentials in August 2023 for zealotry, violence, and/or criminal actions - hopefully blocked by Saturnian forces! - such as those perpetrated on that day when the US Congress was assaulted and its work of certifying the 2020 Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden was disrupted for a few hours.

So to me it seems significant that the Vertex ('VX') in the August Horoscope @23Sag37 (5th house) points toward a fated encounter of some kind, perhaps legal, which concerns the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 as what I've termed the Electoral College Vote 2020 Eclipse which 'justified' in the delusional Geminian mind of the orange albatross the 'Big Lie' he has used to aggravate his followers and certain politicians into storming the Capitol Building and the US government - strong feelings which Herr Trump continues to use for what he considers to be his financial, legal, and political advantage (see lower right corner). For as everyone knows, he is a desperate man determined to 'get away with it'.

Yet we should take heart for there is a bright note (perigee Saturn will be bright and large so close to Earth!) because Astraea, asteroid of Justice, directly opposes the Vertex and the 4 South Eclipse, as you see. Come on Justice Department, put on your Saturn cap and do the right thing! And if a Trump indictment is to be, then let it be:

Note: Sabian Symbols for the Sun-Saturn opposition (4Virgo/4Pisces) are messily penned on the chart. And if you wish, feel free to enlarge and/or print the image for better viewing.

Also of interest, is that the Sun @3Vir50 conjuncts the Progressed New Moon ('SP') of Herr Trump, a symbolic life passage timed by his SP New Moon which perfected on September 16, 2019 @3Virgo with its "white power" implications (see above chart, upper right).

Then remembering that America was founded under Sun-Saturn square energies which in part describe the need to develope maturity as the US ages rather than relying on the superficiality and unreliability that our institutions have often been accused of - plus, our 'worship' of youth and disrespect for wisdom - general potentials within the Hegelian form of the Sun-Saturn duo include:

Thesis: Form and definition in an enterprise; the will of the people as defined in the principal founding documents; the checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations.

Antithesis: Pessimism and gloom as a center focus of policy; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; a leadership preoccupied with the various forms of law enforcement; older and more distanced leaders.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad); my italics.

Among other topics, perhaps the ongoing campaign by Republicans to tinker under the hood of the US Constitution will be part of the scrutiny as the Sun and Saturn oppose one another in August 2023.

Previously on SO'W: Shadow into Light: an Esoteric Department of Justice showing its Dedication Horoscope of 1934 (by FDR) where we find DOJ Uranus Rx @29Ari21 conjunct its Syzygy Moon (28:31), and DOJ Mars @4Virgo. Now as you know, these create cosmic time links to the above positions particularly to the karmic 7 North Eclipse for when Uranus is involved, the karma attached to eclipse themes is intensified, positively or negatively, while adding a touch of 'brotherhood' to the cosmic mix. Major karmic progress can be made!

A final thought: Therefore, it seems the time has come for the DOJ to spear the snake as depicted on the building's outside panel which is why my reference to an "esoteric" Department of Justice. And we both know exactly who the snake really is. jc

Feb 8, 2023

Biden SOTU 2023 and the first SOTU 1790

America's very First State of the Union Address was delivered by President George Washington on January 8, 1790 at Federal Hall, NYC. Follow the link to read the transcript in which he focused on topics such as defense, foeign policy, economics, education, and immigration.

For the sake of comparison, here's the transcript of President Biden's SOTU Address 2023 in which the multitude of accomplishments of the Biden administration were mentioned, even through the rude catcalls and shouts by maga far-righters such as the Greene woman. During his Address to Congress, Mr. Biden brilliantly finagled Republicans in the chamber to stand up and applaud for social programs that several of their party have threatened to decrease or delete, despite the misery and suffering such actions would cause within our society, and the resulting damage to the US economy. For as everyone with a brain knows, the majority of Social Security benefits are spent right back into the US economy!

Yet grabbing benefits away from the people who paid into the programs has been the plan of Republican royalists ever since a bee called FDR's New Deal got under their entitled bonnets. If GOP plans were transparent, they'd openly declare, "raid the funds and hand them over to Wall Street"! Which is curious since that's the location where George Washington delivered the first SOTU (1790 horoscope shown with astro-notes), plus, Wall Street is where Washington was Inaugurated in 1789 (horoscope shown) as he created the presidential archetype for future 'commanders-in-chief' to follow.

So! Above you see a bi-wheel of SOTU 1790 (center; no exact time located, set for 12:00 pm LMT) surrounded by the 2023 SOTU Horoscope set for 9:00 pm est, the official time of last night's SOTU, very ably delivered by President "Finish the Job!" Biden.

The most prominent planetary link from 1790 to 2023 (aka, a cosmic time link) is circled in orange and blue and that's the 'formidable' Sun-Pluto connection, which we saw demonstrated and utilized by President Joe Biden last evening as the power of the presidency, long ago modeled by President George Washington. And this, after a 4-year deviation from the archetypal model of decency and competence.

Now also noted on the image is a dynamic T-Square between last evening's Moon-Venus opposition (frustrated MAGA malcontents who just couldn't contain their strong 'sore-loser' emotions - especially with TV cameras trained on them) with testy Mars in duplicitous, mouthy Gemini at apex - transit Mars still strong, hot, and brash at perigee until March 16th, if memory serves.

A Cosmic Link Note: Washington's SOTU Address 1790 fell within the 8 North Saros Series (25Sco16) of 'prophetic dreams, visions, hunches' (Brady), and an 8 North eclipse will repeat on April 8, 2024 as another Great American Eclipse, the third of three. Here's a previous post concerning all three eclipses, with each falling within a different Saros Series, Great American Eclipses of 1878, 2017, 2024 (6 South, 1 North, 8 North).

Feb 5, 2023

Cleopatra's 2023 Progressions spotlight Number 8

An Ancient Queen of Talent and the 'Art' of Politics

by Jude Cowell

Several moons ago I published an image of the Tyl-rectified natal horoscope of Queen Cleopatra which continually ranks number one on my WordPress blog's Most Viewed list with Dracula's horoscope usually ranking in second place. Both rectified horoscopes are found in Noel Tyl's book Astrology of the Famed (#ad); there may be a copy available.

Then after watching a couple of videos yesterday about Cleopatra, I decided to play around with that very same historical horoscope, progressing it and such. Results are shown here.

So out of curiosity, mine if not yours, first is a bi-wheel of Cleopatra VII's rectified natal chart (inner) and her Solar Arcs progressed to Monday February 6, 2023 (outer), with contacts circled. Notably, her current Solar Arcs (external influences, meetings) show potentials for discovery or a revealing of some kind (perhaps only publicity), and yet they do support the concept of transformation shown elsewhere.

Current contacts to natal include:

SA Sun @8Libra conjunct natal Mars, SA North Node ('NN") @28Taurus conjunct natal Uranus, and SA Uranus-Pluto conjunct natal IC - are these contacts "wake up calls"? The exact degrees (8/8 = Sun-Mars and 28/28 = NN-Uranus, The Awakener) suggest that karma may soon come knocking at her door (IC). Just a thought though. After all, she's been successfully hidden for a very long time, and we only have a rectified birth chart to work with so naturally some discrepancy is possible which would throw off the timing.

Cleopatra VII's Natal Chart with Current Solar Arcs:

My study notes are messily penned on; if you wish, please enlarge and/or print images for easier viewing.

Second image, below: Cleopatra VII's Secondary Progressions February 6, 2023: note the scintillating Air Grand Trine, protective as all Grand Trines are (from tomb raiders?), but also suggesting her isolation, separation, detachment, and her inability to ground her vision on the material plane - and yet, known for her ability to charm, her personal charisma continues through the centuries. Then within the Trine we find "A butterfly in a cocoon" and the concept of Transformation (Sun-Pluto). So for me, 'asleep in her sarcophagus' comes to mind, or the hidden place from whence one day she will awaken, transform, and fly away:

A note about progressing a deceased person's natal horoscope: with progressions we find updated indications, circumstances, and/or conditions issuing from natal planets that were operative for them in the past, but also hints concerning the individual during their lifetime because we can see how their natal traits and potentials have developed to whatever point in time we choose. Plus, we may also discover that our views about them and their reputations are being described by progressions if we choose to study the charts on such a level. So! Disagree if you must, but there it is. And also note that yours truly is a Saturnian astrologer who sees DNA and genetics in horoscopes, not 'past lives'. Through geni dot com, and my Strickland grandmother, I'm informed that Cleopatra VII and I have in-law connections, but no direct ties at all!

So as noted, Cleopatra's natal planets have progressed, developed and evolved in February 2023 to form an Air Grand Trine between Sun-Moon-Pluto with separation obviously part of the trio's implications thanks to death planet Pluto of the Underworld, plus, Moon (physical body; a woman; lunar symbol of Isis) is in the detached, rather cold sign of Aquarius. Her SP chart drips with karmic potentials within the trine pattern particularly in relation to the repetition of the 8th degree; plus, goddess planet Venus is also progressed to the 8th degree of Virgo, sign of the goddess. For as you know, during her reign as pharoah, Queen Cleopatra took on the insignia and regalia of goddess Isis (Aphrodite) - in fact, she was known as the "New Isis".

Now additionally within the closed-circuit Trine, we find "A butterfly in a cocoon" and the concept of Transformation or metamorphosis (Sun-Pluto). So for me, 'asleep in her tomb' comes to mind, or lying within the hidden place from which one day Cleopatra will awaken, transform, and fly away! But for now, I say leave the Queen at her eternal rest! We should mention her SP Uranus-Neptune conjunction, a planetary pair which denotes mysticism, but also elimination of the waking consciousness. For as many folks know from Scripture, "death is like unto a sleep."

Additional Details Concerning the Number 8

Let's consult Isidore Kozminsky's The Symbols and Meanings of Numbers (#ad) concerning the number 8 where we find that 8 links to "great power" according to the ancient Greeks who held that "All things are eight." And curiously, I've heard that Cleopatra was actually Greek, and not Egyptian at all. Significantly, the number 8 is also known as "The Gate to Eternity" which resonates closely with Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife, with the fact that the Queen of Egypt is long-deceased, and that so far her current whereabouts are unknown (see video linked, below).

And while it's true that Adriano Carelli doesn't round up degrees for his symbols, if we brazenly round up her SP Pluto to "9 Gemini" (where SP Pluto may have been years ago when direct, or at least transit Pluto was) Carelli's Degrees gives us, "An enthroned queen holding in one hand the Earth's gold surmounted by the cross; in the other, her sceptor." How plausible that her tomb may still hold just such rich treasures as these! Yet "the cross" reference may vibe more accurately with the Ankh symbol, the Key of Life.

And if memory serves, the Ankh is associated with fixed star Sirius, prominent in Egyptian star lore, and which conjoins the Queen's natal Neptune @16Gemini where her SP Jupiter now visits! No, he didn't know about Neptune, one supposes, but the pairing of Jupiter-Neptune now created suggests glamour and dreaminess, but also a loss of touch with reality, a description of physical death when that's what applies.

Meanwhile, other prominent concepts associated with 8 are justice, power, and separation. And of course Western Astrology ties the 8th house to death, Transformation, the occult, mysticism, and to the 8th Zodiac sign of Scorpio, which closely links to ancient Egypt and the scarab beetle, a solar symbol, plus, to scorpions, a phoenix rising, deep research, and regeneration. See Ancient Symbols of Egypt for details.

Now in closing, here is a link to National Geographic's 44-minute presentation The Lost Tomb of Cleopatra in case you missed. I mean really now, dear reader: how intriguing is such a topic?

Feb 4, 2023

China Horoscope: Mars-Pluto in spotlight

Audacity and Daring Deflated!

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday we discussed the Chinese spy balloon being navigated in recent days over the US along with President Biden's SOTU 2023 Address to Congress scheduled for the evening of Tuesday February 7, 2023 (DC Horoscope shown). Personally, I'd prefer that SOTU 2023 be 'zoomed' in to the chamber due to the AR-15 pins now being sported in place of US flag pins on the lapels of far-right House members, a clear visual signal of "don't shoot me, I'm one of you" in case violence breaks out, one supposes.

And it's unimaginable that any US president would be placed in such a perilous situation now that Republicans have had metal detectors removed from the Capitol Building, another sinister signal. It's disturbing enough that congressional Democrats have to hang out with maga insurrectionists, even sitting next to the blighters and passing them in the halls of power. Yet certainly President Biden travels with his own security detail and one imagines that safety precautions for SOTU 2023 will be in place.

Anyhow, below is the October 1, 1949 Horoscope of China (Campion chart #061; also thanks to Jamie Partridge of Astrology King fame). In the chart we see that tomorrow's Full Moon @16Leo40 conjunct China's 7th house Mars-Pluto conjunction (14Leo53 and 17Leo 39) so that the Leo Moon will illuminate the conjunction (like a reflective spy balloon that favors Earth's moon!) with the planetary pair's forceful, even warlike, energies. Now as you know, the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius which is associated with Communism, and full moons may behave in a similar Uranian fashion as lunar eclipses do - uncovering inconvenient truths and secrets which may be leaked, thereby providing fuller awareness to earthly events. Is this a description of the balloon's data collecting mission? Well, its arrival definitely caught the public's attention and has taken over the news cycle as any purposeful distraction would.

Then as it turns out this Saturday afternoon, China's balloon was shot down over Surfside Beach, South Carolina so basically, debris fell safely into the Atlantic Ocean as Mars-Pluto action was taken by the US. Watch the video which shows the spunky balloon's fall of deflation!

Accordingly, a few midpoint pictures form from tomorrow's Sun-Moon opposition with the country's Mars-Pluto midpoint which contains multiple potentials such as provocation, conducting clandestine operations (but this one was high-in-the-sky), chaos, mayhem, brutality, and/or atomic power (which relates to questions about surveillance by the balloon of US military venues and involves realms of the Pentagon).

Astrologically today's military action by the US falls into the "violent measures; injury; shock through the intervention of a higher power" categories as decribed by Reinhold Ebertin (The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad) who adds, "audacity and daring" to the cosmic picture. What no one with common sense wants is an escalation into a US-China war which would necessarily be of global proportions.

Then there was another major transit which occurred for China on January 12 2020 when the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 landed directly upon China's 1949 Jupiter (22Cap35) in the behind-the-scenes/governmental 12th house. Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter potentials include "difficulties caused through illness" (Covid-19 in 2020 which has now spiked in China) but also "social and religious fanaticism" (R.E.)

So apparently due to the shoot down, today's Mars-Pluto action means that whatever data China's balloon may have collected is now lost under the sea, but if any of it can be retrieved via technology or otherwise, the American public will most likely never know of it, nor will the good people of China.

May the spinning for political purproses begin!

Feb 3, 2023

Feb 2023: SOTU 2023 and a Spy Balloon

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you remember President Biden's pseudo-SOTU Address to a pared-down Congress on April 28, 2021 with a transiting North Node-Mida$ conjunction in force. At the time, I had labeled Biden's 2021 address as pseudo because it was delivered prior to the end of his first year in office. However, the address was delivered at the invitation of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as per tradition.

An annual event, there was a need to hear from our Commander-in-Chief at that time due to all the trauma and drama in society, economic and medical concerns, plus, turmoil that we're still attempting to navigate in 2023 - with the albatross of anti-democracy Republicans tied to our collective neck - and the specter of violence being perpetrated across the land and creating the unsafe environment in Congress as Democrats attempt to serve next to neo-fascist far-right Republicans toting guns and wearing AR-15 pins on their lapels in place of the usual US flag pins. Symbolic much?

So below is an unmarked Horoscope of 2023 SOTU February 7, 2023 9:00 pm est Washington DC. Note that the 2023 SOTU address' Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Virgo blend of conscious and unconscious energies is shared natally by Gertrude Stein, SCOTUS, and our 9th President William H. Harrison (my 14th cousin 5x removed, says geni dot com) who served for only 32 days.

Topics which may be mentioned during SOTU 2023 include healthcare and mental health, democracy, Supreme Court decisions, economics and budgets, ethics and principles, immigration policy, plus, other societal issues - spotlighted in a speech by a humanitarian president with a utilitarian world view based on common sense and truth seeking.

Of note, President Biden's first natal planet to rise at 9:00 pm is his compassionate Neptune @1Lib30 along with America's July 4, 1776 Midheaven 00Lib47:

Then below is a bi-wheel of America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope with Moon @27Aquarius (inner) showing SOTU's 2023 Saturn conjunct Luna for a measure of depression, oppression, moodiness, and serious topics brought to the public discourse. Other planetary contacts may be seen as well (ex: Mercury-Pluto = surveillance and secrets). Astro-notes are penned upon the bi-wheel which may be enlarged and/or printed for easier viewing (see center of the bi-wheel for a prominent midpoint picture with karmic Saturn as apex planet):

As for current threats from aspiring deadbeat Republicans to crash the US and world economies by refusing to raise the debt ceiling in order to pay America's already-incurred bills, a rereading of the Two Santa Claus Theory of politics may be helpful at this point, just for context.

Major Planetary Cycles Operative Since 2020

So all the while, knocking at America's door are societal shifts and perils within - timed in part by the January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @23Capricorn and the December 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction @00AQ29 conjunct US Inaugural Sun.

Such societal shifts are also described astrologically by two heavyweight transits: the primal cause US Pluto Return and transit Neptune in shady Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo. The first transit: transformation via Pluto's destructuring function down to bare bones then rebuilding, while the second is a generational clash of ideologies (Virgo-Pisces) with persecutions and prejudices coming to the Neptunian surface to be dealt with, hopefully more honestly than ever before - with racism and misygyny topping the national menu of strong-armed paternalism vs a caring democracy. Here we find the vicious 'slave patrol' mindset embedded within various police departments (though thankfully not all).

So it must be obvious that America's foreign and domestic enemies have long studied which wedge issues will divide We the People most disruptively for their undermining purposes intended to topple the US government from global leadership, taking democracy down with it.

And so We the People remain within the throes of sustained assaults from enemies within and without, not the least of which is an insurrectionist-infested Republican House of Representatives now in control of the government they're desperate to overthrow in favor of fascist-style authoritarianism. And as Julia Ioffe stated in her informative Frontline interview 2 or 3 days ago, to Putin, Trump looks like a "wrecking ball." Yep, the orange marauder is the Kremlin's wrecking ball, a fact that many Americans have realized all along.

Speaking of threats, a Chinese spy balloon has been flying over Montana for the last few days - or is it only a weather balloon? Either way, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to visit China soon. Hmm. Well, we do have IBMs stored in Montana but so far no word on a direct threat, just surveillance it seems, and the Biden administration has told the Chinese government to cut it out if they're spying. Of interest astrologically is that, among other activities and concepts, both Neptune and Pluto are associated with spying and surveillance, infiltration, theft, and criminal activities such as organized crime.

Okay, I'll quit fussing now. Because it is Friday after all.

A Related Post: Horoscope of the 118th Congress.