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Apr 28, 2023

DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2029

Sun-Pluto: Power, Control, Paternalism, Wealth

by Jude Cowell

In this, the 18th year of writing Stars Over Washington and dissenting against what corrupt politicians have "done with the place" in many instances (exs: preemptive wars; torture; lying the American people into war; CEOs supporting insurrection; finagled financial crashes and recessions; our two-tier legal system; class warfare; Citizens' United; domestic and foreign bribery of politicians; a corrupt, unreliable SCOTUS, etc), this particular Daughter of the American Revolution realizes that Inauguration 2025 might be America's final presidential Oath-taking - assuming that Election 2024 manages to go reasonably well despite the massive amount of sabotage being utilized against our nation.

Therefore, all these things may make the following publish of DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2029 pointless unless the Federal Government can get every one of its ducks in a row and bolster all three of its branches - each one created with an oversight duty to monitor the others.

So for the sake of comparison, below are two unmarked Horoscopes: Inauguration 2029 and Inauguration 2025. From the position of radical rebel Uranus, America's 'totem planet' of war, we find that the US will experience a Uranus Return between the years 2025 and 2029. Actually, due to retrogradation, it's a triple Return (to 8Gem55), exact from July 2027 to the third Return in May 2028. Of course, other planetary changes, shifts, and contacts occur as well during the time frame but are beyond the scope of this limited post.

Inauguration 2029: January 20th 12:00 pm est Capitol Building:

Inauguration 2025: January 20th 12:00 pm est Capitol Building:

For details see When Pluto Hits America's POTUS Sun.

Now obviously, as transit Pluto in recent years has crept through Capricorn, met US 1776 Pluto, and recently lumbered into Aquarius, the Inaugural 10th house Sun-Pluto situation of power and control shown in both charts takes precedence at a primal level since Sun = leader/leadership of the country, and transit Pluto, planet of Underworld elements, is now in process of overtaking or melding with US Inaugural Sun.

So perhaps an addition of Sun-Pluto potentials in Politics and/or Business can be instructive, so here is Michael Munkasey's Hegelian Dialectic form describing the power-drenched planetary duo affecting the Presidency of the United States more strongly than ever before with transit Pluto reaching Inaugural 10th house.

Please note that any, all, or none may apply - not to worry but to inform:

Thesis: Changes of policy or direction from leadership; new leadership and the changing of policy and direction; the governing authority used to control threatened dissent or subversion despite its cause or sources.

Antithesis: Accumulation of an excessive amount of armed strength; the use of secret police to exert authority and control over others; the influence of criminal organizations; extremes of corruption that wastes resources.

Now it may seem that a sense of inevitability is indicated by the Pluto-to-POTUS-Sun transit, and I suppose on a karmic level, it is. Yet there are ways of doing things that don't have to be fascist or dystopian, despite all the TV shows and movies with such themes that we've been plied with through decades. Yet instead, why can't our national Uranus Return period reactivate us as a unified people motivated by the intense desire for freedom and independence from paternalistic tyrants so that We the People demand a strengthening of our democratic Republic, as President Biden now envisions, and let fascist saboteurs relocate themselves to wherever their barbarism is appreciated.

If such a place exists upon the Earth.

Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey #ad.

Apr 27, 2023

Humanity at the Crossroads of Destiny

by Jude Cowell

In a September 2020 post concerning Mars stationing @29Aries on September 9th, we discussed the station degree's Sabian Symbol, The Music of the Spheres. Also mentioned in the post was a certain aspect that reminds me somewhat of those 'wild cards of the Universe', those 'cosmic blinks' we Earthlings know as eclipses.

So as regular readers of SO'W may know, eclipses often turn up in my posts primarily because eclipse cycles are informative when it comes to the study of historical cycles, and because eclipse themes are descriptive of energies, influences, and conditions running in the background of society during the period an eclipse is operative.

Such a lovely cosmic Symbol for activist planet of motivation and desire, Mars, isn't it? Thing is, it's one degree after the position of J6 Mars @30Aries once the planet of violence and protests turned Direct in mid-Aries at the November 14, 2020 "maga Million-Man March" on Washington on behalf of bu*t-hurt election-loser, Donald Tr*mp. Trumpist resentments were made clear that day! But they were made even clearer when transit Mars - males, some in, some out of militia outfits - went on to viciously attack the US Congress on January 6, 2021 in a coup attempt meant to stop or disrupt Congress' Vote Certification of Joe Biden's victory.

Then as you know, hours later President Biden's victory was certified despite Trump's desperate desire to hold on to power. J6 Mars: "30Aries": "A Duck Pond and Its Brood" - instigated by a brooding Herr Tr*mp, monarch-wanna-be.

Uranus-Neptune: Such Irrational Times We Live In

Now yes, it's as tiresome to type once again about the world's ongoing misfortune as it is for you to read of it, but there's a particular reason to mention these topics today: because over our heads, two transpersonal planets, Uranus and Neptune, are in septile aspect with one another. Septiles represent The Grand Irrationality, writes expert astrologer Robert Wilkinson (see his article link in the post noted, above), and I'll add that during these septilian times (see what I did there?!), and with the Uranus-Neptune pair known as both the 'new world order' and The Enlightenment duo, travel in a septile aspect (51:26 degrees, to be exact), indicating that the karmic pair "underscores our Collective feeling that humanity is at the crossroads of destiny".

Therefore, it's understandable that those receptive to otherworldly influences of a higher plane are feeling such difficult energies subtly acting upon and within the Collective. Not that knowledge of Astrology is necessary, for astrological principles only attempt to describe reflections, in an As Above, So Below kind of way.

And we know that, even with our country's global leadership role seriously undermined by enemies at home and abroad, it remains true that where America goes, so goes the world. At least that's the sinister plan of America's enemies in this Freedom vs Slavery (Uranus vs Neptune) conflict of good vs evil. Destructive forces are seeking to re-establish antiquated notions and negative conditions! How daft that humanity should regress!

Yes, regressive anti-societal forces must be resisted even while the septile suggests the concept of an "existential crisis" so often mentioned these days in the form of America's obvious democracy vs fascism standoff, and which also echoes the imperatives of a YOD planetary pattern of 'turning points-crossroads-special tasks' and/or 'karmic opportunities' - at least for those "woke" enough to realize that the time to take action on behalf of democracy is NOW, but may also benefit the privileged few who have the where-with-all to consider crises as opportunities.

Moonrise at the Crossroads, a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell - with astrological Moon a symbol for We the People.

Apr 26, 2023

Astro-Notes on J6 Coup Plotter Ted Cruz

Can Astrology Describe Ted Cruz?

by Jude Cowell: pro-democracy forever!

Hear Ted Cruz Caught on Tape Plotting "Step Two" of Trump's Jan 6th Coup Attempt, thanks to MSNBC's Ari Melber reporting on it.

The accuracy rating for the natal horoscope of Republican politician Ted Cruz is only a C since the hour of his birth is in question. Most often, 1:00 am MST (December 22, 1970 Calgary, Alberta: Sun @00Capricorn) is commonly used, as you can see if you follow the link. Yet another possibility is 7:34 pm, but admittedly I have no allegiance to either timing, particularly since Herr Cruz shows no allegiance to America, only fascist leanings. That he has argued cases before the US Supreme Court in the past does not an American patriot make. A Canadian by birth, Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship on May 14, 2014 and has clung to American citizenship ever since which places Cruz, the J6 coup plotter, firmly under US law.

And it may be that We the People don't actually know where Ted's true loyalties lie. Or if he has any at all.

Then way back in 2013, a post appeared on my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold, concerning Cruz's Sun-Moon personality blend so if you're curious about a maga Republican who's revealed to be a Crusader Dueling with Shadows, you're invited to check out my astro-notes.

Meanwhile, one of lawyer Cruz's more informative natal placements to me is his legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @16Tau19 conjunct the very position of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse conjunct the radical anarchist planet, Uranus.

For Herr Cruz, this planetary contact qualifies as a Uranus-to-Saturn transit, a period when laws and rules are challenged and reevaluation and alteration are potentials which may affect the way responsibilities are handled due to the unorthodox ideas presented. Thing is, such alterations can be accomplished within The System without tearing it down.

Yet as we know, motivation is everything, and unfortunately, a motivated Ted Cruz has joined the tear-it-all-down brigade of comrades, many of whom are still feeling bu*t-hurt from losing the Civil War, a conflagration that Ted has no personal connection with, to my knowledge. And this resentful sore-loser condition has been easily manipulated by enemies of American democracy, enemies such as the vengeful Herr Putin who's known to have felt deeply resentful since the fall of the Soviet Union (Russia's 1991 horoscope is shown, below). So I must suppose that Herr Vlad feels "bu*t-hurt", too.

Then revealingly, the fascist-nazi clincher on seditionists like Cruz is the Sabian Symbol of his natal Saturn rounded-up to "17Taurus": "A Symbolical Battle Between Swords vs Torches."

So if this cosmic synchronicity of symbol plus Saturn-Uranus' old vs new order impetus reminds you of the vile tiki torch march in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017, then we're on the same page when it comes to white "supremacy" - so here's my question: since when are hatred, primal violence, crime, and murder signs of any kind of "supremacy"?

Foreign Manipulation of US Affairs = Sabotage

Now personally, I never celebrate the fall of any country because of the populations it harms, yet even so, here's a view of Russia's 1991 Flag Raised Horoscope for your consideration:

Note that the Soviet Union post linked above contains chart details and an enlargeable horoscope, if you'd like them.

Now to close, here's a related post: 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse and Planets hit US Congress' 1789 Horoscope.

And here's some interesting news that broke a few days ago: Three of the 2017 tiki torch marchers have been indicted so apparently, "swords" trump "torches", at least in the case of these three bu*t-hurt neo-nazis.

Apr 25, 2023

May 2023's Fixed Grand Square: Mars-Pluto-Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

For those who may wish to chance a reading of the following marked-up bi-wheel of DC Horoscopes, kudos! Be brave, because an influential Fixed Grand T-Square of rigid, forceful energies form via a Mars-Pluto opposition across the Leo-AQ self-will axis with transit Jupiter @00Taurus (May 17) becoming the apex planet of the dynamic T-Square of May.

A midpoint picture may be considered as well between the planetary trio with mixed potentials such as 'unusual success, enjoyment of freedom, organizing ability, using extreme measures, publicity, energy and resources to make things happen, and/or the big plan comes into focus' (N. Tyl, R. Ebertin, M. Munkasey). Results from this planetary pattern for the American people will depend on whose 'big plan' is implemented, yes? A kinder Democratic plan or the GOP's sadistic plan of loss of freedoms, barbarism, cruelty, and death.

Now it's true that the Mars-Pluto duo can relate to military and police actions (ex: police state), extreme efforts, and even brutality and primal violence in some cases, all of which now target, or have targeted, American society in a purposeful and violent campaign to destroy or diminish democracy in the US in order to implement the authoritarian agenda favored by seditious 'maga' Republicans - as they follow the instructions of their wealthy domestic and foreign backers, saboteurs all.

Better Call Jupiter, the Great Benefic!

Meanwhile, my personal hope is that apex Jupiter squaring the May 2023 opposition will expand protective functions and moderate the difficult situations, blocking them when necessary, which may be created by the transiting Mars-Pluto opposition, for my objectives via Political Astrology have always been on behalf of the common good and on the promotion of progressive improvements for America and for my fellow Americans - m'peops! And it's worth remembering that the Fixed T-Square's energies, both positive and negative, will pass.

So below is a bi-wheel showing the current Mars-Pluto Cycle (inner chart) which began March 23, 2020 (Covid time of "traumatic transformation" under Trump: his natal Neptune of deception, fraud, contagion at Midheaven, the Goal Point), and the upcoming Mars-Pluto opposition (outer chart) of May 20, 2023 at 11:11:15 pm edt Washington DC (00Leo/AQ16) with 8Cap20 conjunct transit Bacchus Rx rising along with starry Facies (ruthlessness or the victim):

One stand-out factor is that restrictive Saturn @00AQ04 in 2nd hou$e on March 23, 2020 is now affected by the Mars-Pluto opposition of May 20, 2023. Finances seem to be involved in May 2023 (2/8 axis) relating back to Trump 2020 events, and potentials are for 'frustrated goals, those with forceful personalities but limited influence, and/or hard work that usually pays off'. Obviously, mundane Saturn also represents the legal profession (lawyers, judges) along with lawsuits and other legal entanglements, plus, middle management workers.

In Aquarius in 2020, Saturn leaned toward extravagant expectations that led to disappointment, and/or ambitious plans with no real foundation. Positively, Saturn in Aquarius indicates reliable partners, and serious people such as policy wonks and intellectuals with a progressive Aquarian bent. Although we should note that Aquarian energy can be awfully quirky, erratic, and radical when it prefers to be. Plus, with 2023 Pluto conjunct 2020 Saturn, someone's refusal to accept limitations in the past may now be regretted. Is this a reference to Trump's current legal troubles and his recent arraignment in New York and with more charges to come? Lifestyles can be completely transformed under such a Pluto-to-Saturn transit.

But now in Pisces, Saturn conjunct 2020 Mercury in 3rd house, denotes 'struggles with opponents' (R. Ebertin), and conjunct Mercury suggests restrictions on relationships with young people such as students: loss of life in schools due to firearms follows Trump's 2017 inaugural-address threat of "American carnage." Plus, Saturn to Mercury also relates to the current book banning craze of the Republican Party along with their attempts to limit free speech and ideas in America despite the US Constitution.

Note: And if we're feeling quirky enough, we could consider the May 2023 Mars-Pluto opposition in similar fashion to "unbirthdays" which occur 6 months after a birth (or event) date, the halfway mark, when goals should be reassessed and courses changed in order to improve the odds that objectives can be reached going forward. Just a thought!

Significant to the May 2023 T-Square pattern is that 00AQ+ is the January 20th position of US Inaugural Sun (POTUS' Oath of Office, the presidency) and also the position of the current Jupiter-Saturn Cycle which began @00AQ29 on December 21, 2020 (also under Trump), a cosmic signal of a new order starting (a 20-year cycle), and the planetary pair signifying government officials. Then with transit Pluto hitting this degree (00AQ), there are potentials for 'immense efforts, restrictions, separation, and/or violent changes (R.E.). Noel Tyl adds, "major changes; fearlessness; tremendous perseverance; and/or control of the situation".

As for the Fixed Grand T-Square, its energies work out more easily than Fixed Grand Crosses which have a fourth planet involved which complicates matters.

May 2023 Fixed Grand T-Square Implications in Society

Determination to succeed at any cost relates directly to current conditions and actions of saboteurs and malcontents in US society, as you know, with democracy vs fascism, a constant stalemate between liberals and Democrats, and Republicans-turned-fascists, a turn-about no longer hidden beneath the GOP's "compassionate conservatism" slogan of their former political days.

Values are tested with Fixed Grand Squares, and a powerful urge exists to keep hold of possessions (the way the power elite and wealthy classes do - they don't like to share). Obsessions lead to stalemate situations as rigid demands tend to block the demands and needs of other people (debt ceiling stand-off?). Yes, the pattern's fixed energies provide enormous staying power (stubborness) and the emotional stamina to withstand setbacks without giving up. This refers, of course, to both sides of a stalemate. A singe-minded approach expresses within the Collective as goal-oriented folks use these energies for their particular purposes.

Meanwhile, as apex planet and catalyst of the Fixed Grand T-Square, Jupiter must use moderate pressure and common sense upon the Mars-Pluto opposition to effect best results in a variety of situations while taking baby steps of diplomacy toward resolution.

Now all or any of these indications may be cosmic descriptions of Russia's war in Ukraine, and/or other violent conflicts, but for the sake of this post's brevity, that would be another post for a different day.

Recommended for additional T-Square info, and more, is Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis #ad.

Apr 20, 2023

German Media Baron Aided Rise of Hitler

Vorwärts, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Forward!, They Said

by Jude Cowell

Today, April 20 2023, "Little Adolf," the Austrian psychopath turns 134 years old in his grave, wherever it may be. But to be more specific, his Solar Return 2023 actually perfects tomorrow, April 21, 2023 at 6:02:11 am CEDT in Berlin with his natal Sun (00Tau48) conjunct Phaethon rising (unprepared for leadership and Sun at a degree of violence).

Radical planet of anarchy, sedition, and zealotry, Uranus, rises in his 2023 Solar Return 1st house @17Tau52, one degree beyond Herr Adolf's natal Venus-Mars conjunction @16Taurus+, a planetary duo active during our Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse when 'maga' Republicans managed to take over the House of Representatives.

In fact, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan has been in New York City showcasing his maga efforts for Trump, and a Trump-appointed judge has handed Jordan a legal gift which only adds fuel to the orange monster's gas tank for more 'Big Lie' gas lighting ahead.

Yet none of the above are reasons for this Friday post.

What I want to share with you is that while reading about the rise of Herr Adolf, I came across the name of the media baron, industrialist, and politician who, among others, aided the Austrian's rise to power. Soon sidelined, his name is Alfred Hugenberg. Holding multiple official positions in the German government, Hugenberg helped Hitler become Chancellor on January 30, 1933, Germany's first goose-step toward Nazism. Yet Herr Hugenberg, who had studied law and economics, had lost his political clout with Hitler by the end of 1933 but continued serving as a "guest" member of the Reichstag (parliament).

And like other of Hitler's early enablers, Hugenberg miscalculated bigly that Herr Adolf would be easily controlled once in power. Might this be echoed by certain assumptions made by the Republican Party in 2015 and 2016 concerning you-know-who?

Related: Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump.

Now if the initial support of publisher Hugenberg for Hitler (until Alfred was tossed aside!) reminds you of Murdoch for Trump (until Trump turned on Fox News toward the more conducive outlets, NewsMax and OANN - while actually it was more a case of Murdoch turning against Trump for not conceding his 2020 loss) - then basically we're on the same history-rhyming page. Parallels and cosmic time links exist between the two men for a curious seeker to discover, not the least of which is the repetition of Rupert's natal 4 South Eclipse on Electoral Vote Count Day 2020.

So subsequently, an idea ocurred to me to look for Alfred Hugenberg in the back of The Sabian Symbols in Astrology (M.E. Jones #ad) and there he was: birth time and all. So in case you're one of the curious, here's Hitler-enabler Alfred's birth data according to Dr. Jones, plus, a few astro-notes and contact details:

Alfred Christian Alexander Hugenberg

June 19, 1865 11:45 pm LMT

Hanover, Germany

Prenatal Solar Eclipse Total @5Tau21 in the 11 South Saros Series: 'systems and methods fail; unions suddenly end; any blocks are tragically or violently removed' (B. Brady).

Natal Ascendant 16Pis23; Midheaven 24Sag53 conjunct Jupiter Rx @23Sag32 (publishing) opposing at IC his Sun @28Gem34 conjunct Uranus @29Gem34 = an unpredictable non-conformist (A. Oken); Hugenberg's natal North Node of destiny conjuncts Herr Adolf's natal Ascendant in late Libra (a personal relationship; estrangement or separation); Alfred's natal Venus @16Tau43 conjuncts Adolf's natal Venus-Mars conjunction so he may have seemed charming to Alfred early on; however, they share a Mars-Saturn contact which suggests potentials for 'destructive energy, separation, and cases of death' (R. Ebertin).

Publishers Hugenberg and Murdoch

Meanwhile, the natal planetary contacts between the two demagogue-supporting publishers, media baron Alfred Hugenberg ('AH'), born 1865, and media titan Rupert Murdoch ('RM'), born 1931, are worth mentioning. They include:

RM Moon @24Sag08 conjunct AH natal Midheaven-Jupiter Rx (publicity, plus, money via publishing); instinctively, Rupert knew what had to be done for his natal Moon was 'eclipsed' by the 4 South Eclipse of December 14, 2020 when sore-loser Trump's belly-achin' shifted into overdrive. Driven by desperate motivations from near and far, sensitive old Donald refused to concede, and he was, and remains, bu*t-hurt.

RM 4 South Total Prenatal Solar Eclipse @27Lib46 (October 21, 1930) conjunct AH natal North Node - and conjunct Hitler's natal Ascendant. Now as you may remember, 4 South ('strong emotions over money and/or relationships; frustration; ending alliances' - B. Brady) is the series in which the Total Electoral Vote Count Eclipse manifested on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08, and which functioned as a cosmic signal for promoting the resentful, vengeful Herr Trump's 'Big Lie' that allegedly 'justified' his violent coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress - not to "stop the steal" but to perpetrate it.

Also related the Horoscope of the Third Reich of January 30, 1933.

Apr 17, 2023

Election 2024: our Make-or-Break Moment

by Jude Cowell

In Thom Hartmann's April 17, 2023 Daily Take What's Behind the GOP's War Against Democracy?, Thom states that, "Election 2024 may well be the equivalent of the November 1932 German elections: a make-or-break moment for American democracy." Because as you know, Hitler did end up in control of the German government.

Confirming the date of the historic event, we find that the German federal election was held on November 6, 1932 with the Nazi Party's share of votes falling by 4%. Follow the link for more election details.

Then, since eclipse cycles echo historical cycles and bring along similar events and societal conditions, we find that the two Solar Eclipses of 1932, first on March 7 @16Pis32 in the 6 North Saros Series, the second on August 31, 1932 @8Vir09 in the 6 South Series (in which the November 1932 elections occurred), have already repeated in our era with the 6 South operative as I type but in process of morphing into the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 - this Thursday in the Eastern Time Zone (12:13 am - see bi-wheel, below).

April/October 2022 Solar Eclipses: 6 North/6 South

6 North April 30, 2022 @10Taurus; Themes: 'relationship to authority figures; accepting commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability'.

6 South October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio; Themes: 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy with great force in relationships; sudden events; huge efforts in a group activity'. In the Midterm Elections of November 2022, this manic energy managed to finagle through gerrymandering and other means, the 'maga' House of Representatives. So our 2022 Midterm Elections are equivalent to Germany's November 1932 federal elections according to the solar eclipse cycle - with only partial success for Nazis, then and now.

Horoscopes: 'Maga Mob Attack (inner) and 7 North Eclipse 2023 (outer) showing 7 North 2023 Conjunct Mars 2021; plus, other notes

So now we face the energies and themes of a 7 North Solar Eclipse about to manifest on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, conjunct the position of the January 6, 2021 Mars, the warrior planet of anarchy and sedition. Besides being what I've previously termed, Hitl*r's birthday eclipse, this manifestation of a 7 North Eclipse brings us an Eclipse-Mars contact which functions as a Sun-to-Mars transit, an action-oriented indication of plans that can be set in motion (a timing device), that physical efforts are on someone's to-do list, and a suggestion that others are attracted and/or encouraged to join in.

Yet negatively, there are unpleasant circumstances due to hot-headed or impatient activities, and predictably, injuries can or will result. One thinks of militia-minded malcontents such as those we watched go "wild" on our TVs in 2021, inspired by the seditionist-in-chief, the Mango Mussolini who continues to hang around the neck of the United States of America.

For more info concerning such difficult topics see a previous post: Horoscope of the Third Reich (1933 into 2017).

Eclipse notes: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

America’s Slow Civil War w/ Jeff Sharlet - Thom Hartmann

Well, it's Monday, Mitch McConnell is back at work in the Senate, and here's a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann Show with author Jeff Sharlet discussing his new book on the "slow Civil War" now in progress thanks to the Republican Party death cult of seditionists who want all the power and control.

And if they should manage to grab it, don't think that We the People will continue to worship as we please either, for their brand of morality will be legislatively enforced across the land while corruption will only grow. It'll be an exported version of sharia law roosting - in America!

Now as everyone knows, our country has already experienced a Civil War of ritual sacrifice (as all wars are), so personally, this pro-democracy citizen (despite CSA ancestry) prefers America's Perpetual Union - sans any and all fascists and nazis, violent criminals as they are.

Because you see, originally, as the 1781 Horoscope linked above shows, our nation was founded on enlightened principles of rationality through which we could analyze the past and actually learn from it! So no matter how many cheating tactics Republicans have in place for Election 2024, a free America's only hope is to Vote Blue in 2024 as if our democratic Republic depends on it.

Because, dear reader, it does.

Now here's a question: do you know that the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Aries is in the same Saros Series that brought America the Civil War of 1861? And the eclipse conjuncts warrior planet Mars' 29Aries position during the insurrection of January 6, 2021, which was an opening salvo of the 'maga' plan for another 'civil war'.