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May 9, 2023

Maddow: Trump's anti-Semitic speakers welcomed to pro-Hitler Event May 12, 2023

Pro-Hitler forces in the US are continuing their "Reawaken America Tour" including a pro-Hitler event to be held this weekend at Trump's National Doral golf resort May 12 and 13, 2023. The event sports quite a line-up of Nazi supporters including Eric, and I suppose, Donald Trump. In fact, many of the maga crazies will participate.

So for pro-democracy voters who may not be certain who to avoid in the 2024 voting booth and who to stop sending money to, the list of the Doral event's speakers is a handy way of identifying the traitors to American Democracy, although the list may not contain every name.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reports:

So here's a question: if these anti-societal saboteurs who love Herrs Adolf and Trump "reawaken" America, then won't their followers be woke? Of course, their actual intention is to indoctrinate the masses with their bigoted brand of hatred and resentment against humanity!

And here's another question with cosmic implications:

Which planetary pair relates to concepts of awakeness, wokeness, awareness, or of the lack thereof? That would be The Enlightenment duo, Uranus-Neptune, which last met in Great Conjunction three times in 1993 in the 18-to-20-degree range of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, traditionally the sign of government, law, and business. Since their cycle lasts 171 years, 1993 began their current cycle.

Then on a political level, the Uranus-Neptune duo indicates potentials for "changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future" along with "revolutions, strikes," and "subversion" (Munkasey) but I am compelled to add that the domination dreams of the Austrian psychopath of the 1930s and 1940s and his death cult are not 'new' at all but are as old as evil itself. Therefore, We the People must awaken to the fact that these fascist criminals are current-day Nazi lovers who consider themselves in line to continue Herr Adolf's barbaric mission to ethnically "cleanse" the world.

So for readers who dare to look at such difficult conditions, and in the spirit of Forewarned is Forearmed, please note that transit Saturn in early Pisces will join, even activate, the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 which suggests that Saturn in Pisces symbolizes, on a deep level, America's enemies who have taken on the responsibility of carrying forward Herr Adolf's mission of primal violence in an updated attempt to take control of America and thus destroy democracy from the face of the Earth.

So in closing, here's Thom Hartmann on another anti-America event: Trump's May 10, 2023 "townhall" on CNN, tomorrow night: my guess is that Trump will be wearing his best fascism cap!

May 7, 2023

Robert F Kennedy Jr and The Great American Eclipse of 2024

by Jude Cowell

With the son of RFK, environmental lawyer turned anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., challenging President Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination, the natal horoscope of what is basically a spoiler-for-Trump must be made available because the paperwork has been filed, and astrologers like to have natal information to work from.

So sleuthing about the Internet I found that astrologer Matthew Swann had gathered the deets on RFK Jr from the family's astrologer in the mid-1970s, while summering on the Cape during his childhood. Of course, a 'noon' horoscope for RFK Jr may be set up if you prefer, but I'm going with the birth time provided via the Twitter account of Matthew Swann, @blackswann1111, and the helpful reply I received to my query about the source of RFK Jr's birth time: 5:32 pm est.

Robert and the Solar Eclipse of Election Year 2024

One cosmic synchronicity that stands out in relation to the candidate's 2024 nomination bid is the 8 North Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 - conjunct Chiron @19Ar24 - for it manifests upon Mr. Kennedy's Midheaven ('MC') when his chart is set for 5:32 pm est. Of course, the MC is The Goal Point of a natal chart and involves Career and Public Status - on the World Stage in the case of public figures.

So here's a messily notated bi-wheel with RFK Jr's January 17, 1954 Horoscope in center and the 8 North Eclipse Horoscope of April 8, 2024, outer, with 8 North themes penned upon the chart, upper right; themes are highlighted in orange. Plus, a dual image of both charts with no study notes at all is displayed, below:

For further details, you'll find political information in The New Republic's Who Are These Supposed Lefties Who Love Robert F. Kennedy Jr?

Well, I lean toward the Democratic Party myself, and although you didn't ask, my opinion concerning RFK Jr's bid for the White House is that with Trumpers like Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, and Alex Jones promoting and praising him, RFK Jr's candidacy should be criticized and ridiculed as often as possible for the sake of retaining democracy in America. Because the political leanings of these three ideological fellows ('far-reich' bobbleheads) suggests to me that apparently, Mr. Kennedy may be a fan of a certain Hungarian dictator.

Yet to be fair, as with most people there are positives concerning him as well (ex: public service, a family thing), however, RFK Jr is against aid for Ukraine which throws his sentiments toward Russia, and he stated that Tucker Carlson is, "breathtakingly courageous" after their interview on what turned out to be Carlson's final TV show on Fox.

But despite all my fussing, the primary aim of this post is merely to provide for the curious reader a natal horoscope for the "democratic" conspiracy theorist of a famous family who seems poised to muck up the 2024 Election on behalf of win-at-any-cost Donald Trump, the agent orange who must be lovin' Kennedy Jr's popularity with far-left "Democrats." Touted popularity, that is. Besides, it's a truism that far-leftists have more in common with far-rightists than with those of us in the political center.

So to close, I'll just add that a Democrat who's against democracy and prefers tyrants cannot pass any political test with this particular Daughter of the Revolution, which would make RFK Jr one of those DINOs. And a stealth operative for what was once the GOP.

May 5, 2023

Trump To Dictate Fascistic “Townhall” On CNN Next Week -- Thom Hartmann

Thom, a Fascist Townhall Horoscope, and Moon-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

To gain higher ratings and profits, CNN has been moving to the right politically, thanks to a billionaire investor, and a live broadcast of a Tr*mp "Townhall" in Goffstown, New Hampshire is scheduled in which grievances will once gain be listed ad nauseum along with the fascist views of agent orange, still bu*t-hurt over his election loss in 2020.

Trump's Townhall of Republican questioners is a far-reich signal along the road toward the nazi-style dystopia now assaulting America. Now I know that the strong-armed paternalism that fascists offer America may seem comforting to some folks, and for others it seems to provide a way to make money, but make no mistake that it includes the criminality and violence now accosting our society - including the targets they and the NRA have placed on the backs of our children. Yet A majority of rational Americans do not want fascist government.

Casting Blame on Pluto in Saturn-Ruled Capricorn

Yes, primal violence came along with America's first-ever Pluto Return, a three-fer of conjunctions (to its 1776 position 27Cap33) all through 2022: Pluto, planet of Plutocracy and exploitation, fulfilling his role as stealthy assassin, and making his play for a barbaric transformation of US society into a police state - and We the People have decades during which these destructive energies and actors must be vigorously fought in defense of democracy.

That's if we take the 248-year cycle of Pluto, divide by 3, and consider the first of the three Pluto Return horoscopes as a cosmic guide lasting approximately 83 years. This gives us a time frame of 2022 to year 2105 in which to deal with fascist lies, fraud, sinister actors and threats of violence - and curiously, 83 years is very close to the 84-year orbit of Uranus, planet of disruption but also of progressive reforms. See below for a link to a tri-wheel of America's three Pluto Return horoscopes.

But please don't fret for we know that despair is not an option, as Thom always reminds us! So for your consideration, here's commentary concerning Trump's upcoming "Townhall" of fascist promotion (with Mercury Rx = repetition!) from progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann who spotlights a definition of fascism in the words of FDR's VP Henry Wallace, speaking on April 9, 1944 - a not-to-be-missed citing by one of the men who faced the rising tide of fascism and Nazism in their era - and prevailed:

Now if all goes as planned, the live "Townhall" with Republicans asking Trump questions is scheduled for Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 8:00 pm edt. Of interest that evening is a Moon-Pluto Conjunction perfecting at 10:40 pm edt @00AQ20 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (corrupting elements--he'll insult President Biden any way he can), and transit Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation. Mentions will include immigration, crime and violent events (Trump's threat of "American carnage"?), his usual grievances and grudges, funding, and possibly his real or imagined popularity with the public which isn't what he pretends or wants it to be.

Please enlarge or print the image to read further details, as you wish:

As you can see in the upper right horoscope, above, the 4 South 'Electoral College Vote Eclipse' of December 14, 2020 rises as the Moon-Pluto Conjunction becomes exact at 10:40 pm edt which may perfect after the broadcast ends but even if so, the conjunction's extreme emotions and tendency toward quarrels and violence will be certain to express in one way or another.

Of course, the Electoral College Vote of 2020 activated sore-loser Trump's "Big Lie," and crazily, there's his natal stationary Jupiter (18Lib27) sitting atop the Moon-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope! Rounded up we find that "19Libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which is one way to describe Trump and his corrupt comrades desperate for more money and power. Can Stormy Daniels turn up in his rhetoric? I ask because her natal Pluto Rx @18Lib26 does conjunct his boundary-and-taboo-breaking Jupiter in Libra with its eternal whine, "it's not fair!"

Well, Boo and Hoo. Obviously, a Townhall full of belly-achin' is in store for viewers.

Meanwhile, lower left is the Townhall 8:00 pm edt chart with karmic Saturn @6Pis03 at its base (IC) and conjoining the Fascism Rising Eclipse of February 1933 in the 7 North Saros Series with themes of (blood) "-lust, and long-hidden passion that catches people off-guard" (B. Brady). Therefore, Trump's May 10th Townhall is occurring under the influences of the series in which we now toil because a 7 North Eclipse repeated on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, as what I've termed, "Hitler's birthday eclipse."

So how do we vanquish Fascism in America?

Why, Vote Blue in 2024! And in massive numbers.

If needed, here's a previous post displaying a tri-wheel of the three-fer US Pluto Return/s with the first 83-year horoscope in center. Plus, there's this: Remembering Henry Wallace, Our Mystic Vice President.

May 3, 2023

Jupiter-Pluto's YOD signals a US Default Crisis

Republicans: the 'Downgrade America' Party

by Jude Cowell

US Must Pay Deadbeat Trump's Bills He Already Racked Up.

When we think of financial systems, powerful handlers of money such as bankers, politicians, power-brokers, Wall Street gentry, financiers, Federal Reserve officials, corporatists and other powerful movers and shakers, we naturally think of the Jupiter-Pluto planetary combination. And now that the stage-managed "debt ceiling crisis" is being tried on again by hostage-taking Republicans, as in 1995 and 2011, we look for information within the current Jupiter-Pluto Cycle which began in 2020 with three conjunctions - the first on April 5th, the third on November 12, 2020.

Jupiter-Pluto's 13-Year Cycle Began in 2020

Below is the previously published horoscope of the third conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto @22Cap51, in the highly sensitized 'governmental' degrees which also relate to the objectification of other people, whether in Capricorn or Cancer - and note that the 2020 conjunction manifested upon the natal Vertex ('VX') of gold-lover Donald Tr*mp, as did the Saturn-Pluto Conjuncton of January 12, 2020, the 'hardship' duo such as Republicans threaten now:

As you see, rising over the Capitol Building at the moment the 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction #3 perfected is 17Tau10 where radical Uranus cavorts. And with YOD patterns indicating conditions of crises, turning points, crossroads, special tasks, and/or karmic opportunities, we see in the horoscope that a pseudo-YOD exists when the Ascendant sextile Neptune (18Pis14 Rx) is considered as the pattern's base - but an element of timing comes into play once radical reformer Uranus arrives by transit and replaces the Ascendant in the YOD pattern.

As a result, apex planets activated by the YOD's Uranus-Neptune sextile (untapped energy sources) are the Moon and Venus (working together = good judgment of values) in 6th house, with Venus one of the money planets, and the Moon conjunct the natal 2nd house Jupiter of Mr Tr*mp. Perhaps we can agree that agent orange is a primary villain behind Speaker McCarthy's threat to crash the global economy if he and his maga-ites don't get their wish to cause misery and suffering across the land - why, Rs even want to cut veterans' benefits!

Of course, collapsing the US government is the goal of the GOP so that a nazi-style regime can be installed - with all the sadism and brutality this implies. Plus, note that the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction perfected in the 9th house of Foreign Lands which suggests interference in our 'debt ceiling crisis' from abroad. Or perhaps instructions and orders from abroad would be closer to the truth.

And it's revealing that chaos-creator Uranus, the planet of zealotry and fanaticism, now completes the energy circuit of the 2020 YOD because the Uranian anarchists of the Republican Party, peeking out from behind Kevin McCarthy, are the ones forcing the issue as they attempt to shove President Biden into a corner over social safety net programs. As we know from past exerience, a debt default would make America a third-world country and this would please our country's enemies, domestic and foreign, with millions of American jobs lost, and bringing more of the "American carnage" promised by Herr Trump.

Apex Planets Moon and Venus

Then as we see with the activated YOD, it's time to step up via the apex planets, Moon and Venus, which are feminine, and the activated YOD indicates that the time has come to swing into action and address and solve a variety of societal problems, not just economic ones - problems such as testifying in court against predators, speaking up against crooked SCOTUS justices, and voting for common sense solutions in any situation that involves powerful people of wealth and public status who act against society, among other things. Yet it's true that the mundane Moon also symbolizes We the People and Venus = the ladies!

Meanwhile, it remains to be seen whether those in charge will come up with new and better ways of dealing with current issues before the clock runs out on our democratic Republic. Personally, my prayers are with and for leaders of good faith and concern for their fellow women and men. Therefore, my hope for avoiding 'US default' now rests with a secret plot via Rep. Mark Desaulnier (D-CA) and H.R. 626, a discharge petition to force a vote that by-passes the plans of Speaker McCarthy and his maga insurrectionists who'd rather 'burn it all down'!

Now according to congressional rules, on May 16, 2023, Democrats can begin collecting names on the discharge petition and we should note that five Republicans are needed to sign as well for a total of 218. Then with the debt default crisis out of the way, fiscal responsibility can rear its head as common sense negotiations on the budget move forward without any pearl-clutching at all.

Apr 30, 2023

April-May 2023: Jeffrey Epstein returns to the news cycle

On April 21, 2023, transit Mercury turned retrograde in Taurus and as the Cosmos would have it, a variety of previous news makers, topics, and issues are returning to the news cycle. One such is the client list of Jeffrey Epstein whose natal horoscope is not accurately timed yet a 'noon' version can still yield information for our purposes. Follow the link for a view, natal aspects and all.

Yet one chart factor that doesn't depend on accurate timing - only a date is needed - are Eclipses and the Saros Series in which they manifest. On the biwheel image, below, there are two Solar Eclipses highlighted in orange: Epstein's natal 8 South Eclipse @27Leo31 (loss; separation), and notably an 8 South Eclipse repeats on October 2, 2024 @10Libra when perhaps more details will emerge or be leaked concerning these sorry circumstances and degraded people. For more eclipse details see Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

The second notated Solar Eclipse is the 3 North @10Can37 (obsessions) during which Jeffrey Epstein's hanging ocurred, whether by suicide or with help. A Solar Eclipse in Moon-ruled Cancer suggests involvement with family ties and other karmic links including those with children. In Leo, a Solar Eclipse used poorly denotes pride, egocentricity, pomposity, and any other negative Leonine traits that a selfish individual decides to express, no matter the effects of his behavior upon others. And of course, Leo is a romantic, dramatic sign, and is associated with children.

So with Epstein's client list making the news once again, I've finally gotten around to publishing the following bi-wheel:

Jeffrey Epstein natal horoscope 'noon' January 20, 1953 NY, NY (inner); outer 'Epstein found dead' August 10, 2019 reported as 6:30 am edt NY, NY; Angular are his natal Jupiter @14Taurus ('neck') at Midheaven ('MC') at 6:30 am edt, and natal Pluto @22Leo33 Rx rising at 6:30 am edt - in his assassin role, or at least as the planet of death and the Underworld; meanwhile, transit Pluto @21Capricorn (with karmic Saturn stalking close behind, aligning for their Great Conjunction January 12, 2020) crushes Mercury, the planet of voice and communications:

Now as you know, with Forensic Astrology, Angular planets are a prominent consideration and with "found dead" charts I've always noted the position of Mercury, planet of sight and other senses. As you see, Mercury on August 10, 2019 at 6:30 am edt was @28Can32 conjunct Epstein's 'noon' IC, the Angle of Endings. This is not conclusive by any means since we have no accurate birth time for the criminal whose links to the wealthy and well-connected of the world must have made keeping Jeffrey's mouth shut a dire necessity. A vast array of characters had mulitple reasons to keep him from talking, and hanging tends to be a favored way of accomplishing such a deed. Of course, it's possible that one can be threatened into committing suicide but I refer you to Epstein's confession about cowardice, linked, below.

Notably, the 6:30 am edt Mars-Saturn midpoint, the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin, @5Scorpio, sign of spies, spy agencies, and Big Business, opposes transit Uranus, planet of sudden attacks and disruption, so we find a picture of potentials for 'application of brute force; a case of death' (R.E.).

And yes, there are many other planetary factors squooshed upon the charts (sorry!) for those who care to read them. And admittedly there are a few contacts to the natal planets of Herr Trump sprinkled around the bi-wheel for the curious including his natal Moon-SN conjunction (opposite his Sun-NN, of course, but August 10, 2019 was a Lunar Return day for him - and it's basically a Mars Return for Trump, too); then there's the 6:30 am edt Sun-Moon midpoint @18Lib57 which landed upon Agent Orange's natal Jupiter stationed @18Lib27 in his 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and Valuables. "Joint success" (R. Ebertin) is suggested by the midpoint picture this cosmic synchronicity formed.

Now here's Jeffrey Epstein in his own words from a couple of years ago when The Guardian reported that he had told a psychologist that he was "too much of a coward" to kill himself. Two weeks later he was found dead in his prison cell after being unexplicably left unguarded for 8 hours prior to being found at 6:30 am edt on August 10, 2019. And as we know, cowards are always bullies - and young people tend to be weak enough to bully easily. Check out the two midpoint pictures operative at 10:30 pm edt August 9, 2019 that are listed in the lower right corner.

Previously, on SO'W: Horoscopes: Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested; and The Death Eclipse of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine's father.

Apr 29, 2023

May 6, 2023: King Charles III Coronation w/ his Natal Chart

King Charles III: Crowned During His (Jupiterian) Nodal Return!

by Jude Cowell

Of course by now, most every Earthling knows of the double Coronation of King Charles III and Camilla set for May 6, 2023 at Westminster Abbey, London, UK. The controversy over second wife Camilla has apparently faded, for in February 2022, Queen Elizabeth II declared her "sincerest wish" that Camilla be titled and crowned queen. So if it's okay with Charles' mum, it must be okay with you and me, despite any pro-Diana misgivings one or both of us may retain.

Now havng decided to use a 'noon' timing results in the natal Pluto (planet of power) of king Charles III rising! And this is the 'noon' chart shown, below: the Coronation Horoscope May 6, 2023 London, UK with the noon Midheaven ('The Goal Point') representing the pinnacle of worldly success, high status, and recognition. However, Charles became King the very moment his mother passed away on September 8, 2022 so we should note that the public coronation of Charles III on May 6, 2023 is actually a symbolic religious ceremony with the holy relic, St. Edward's Crown (Edward "the Confessor"), used and worn for the first time since Elizabeth II wore it in 1953. Plus, the crown is very heavy so coronation ceremonies provide its only occasion to shine and impress.

With the coronation service beginning at 11:00 am local time (6:00 am ET) after a processional from Buckingham Palace (11:00 am horoscope, below), here's a Timeline of the Coronation which explains that the procession will be led by the Cross of Wales, aka, the "True Cross," fragments of which are a coronation gift to King Charles from Pope Francis. Notably, the natal Sun of Pope Francis @24Sag54 falls between King Charles III's natal Mars and Jupiter. The trio forms a midpoint picture of Mars-Jupiter = Sun: a sense of honor (R. Ebertin), with happiness and success suggested.

So here's a marked-up bi-wheel of Horoscopes showing the May 6, 2023 Coronation of King Charles III set for London, UK (inner), with King Charles III's natal chart surrounding so that, as noted, we see his Pluto @16Leo33 (Leo, a royal sign) rising at noon. It will be interesting to see what's actually taking place at noon (7:00 am here, assuming I'm awake!). Of course, the entire monarchical hierarchy is all about power and control, yes?

Then at some point, two Oaths will be taken, and as you see, Coronation Mercury Rx in Taurus opposes Charles III's natal Mercury in Scorpio (planet of oaths) indicating potentials for minds to change, differing opinions, and/or perhaps a change in the communications of the day such as a slight shift from coronation traditions. We'll see how proceedings go since traditions are said to be honored during the Coronation of Charles III - or perhaps someone will flub their well-rehearsed lines! And yet the second Oath is a religious one and Charles III wants an Oath that includes multiple religions so there's at least one Mercurial change. For full details see Useful Charts (video).

And now, in case a printable chart is appropriate for a reader such as yourself, here's only the Coronation Horoscope of King Charles III set for 11:00 am BST on May 6, 2023, the hour that the solemnities are scheduled to begin. As you see, a protective, creative Water Grand Trine is clearly visible in the chart between Moon, Mars, and Neptune so I suspect that the Coronation will happily proceed with few if any glitches:

Confessional Disclosures of a genealogical kind: geni dot com informs me that Edward I is my 29th great uncle, QEII is my 11th cousin 3x removed, so her son Charles III is my 12th cousin 2x removed; soon-to-be-Queen Camilla is my 16th cousin with 30 relatives between us. Plus, there are in-law links that are too numerous to mention. But don't judge me because these folks are quite likely to be related to You, too, and probably through no fault of your own!

Apr 28, 2023

DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2029

Sun-Pluto: Power, Control, Paternalism, Wealth

by Jude Cowell

In this, the 18th year of writing Stars Over Washington and dissenting against what corrupt politicians have "done with the place" in many instances (exs: preemptive wars; torture; lying the American people into war; CEOs supporting insurrection; finagled financial crashes and recessions; our two-tier legal system; class warfare; Citizens' United; domestic and foreign bribery of politicians; a corrupt, unreliable SCOTUS, etc), this particular Daughter of the American Revolution realizes that Inauguration 2025 might be America's final presidential Oath-taking - assuming that Election 2024 manages to go reasonably well despite the massive amount of sabotage being utilized against our nation.

Therefore, all these things may make the following publish of DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2029 pointless unless the Federal Government can get every one of its ducks in a row and bolster all three of its branches - each one created with an oversight duty to monitor the others.

So for the sake of comparison, below are two unmarked Horoscopes: Inauguration 2029 and Inauguration 2025. From the position of radical rebel Uranus, America's 'totem planet' of war, we find that the US will experience a Uranus Return between the years 2025 and 2029. Actually, due to retrogradation, it's a triple Return (to 8Gem55), exact from July 2027 to the third Return in May 2028. Of course, other planetary changes, shifts, and contacts occur as well during the time frame but are beyond the scope of this limited post.

Inauguration 2029: January 20th 12:00 pm est Capitol Building:

Inauguration 2025: January 20th 12:00 pm est Capitol Building:

For details see When Pluto Hits America's POTUS Sun.

Now obviously, as transit Pluto in recent years has crept through Capricorn, met US 1776 Pluto, and recently lumbered into Aquarius, the Inaugural 10th house Sun-Pluto situation of power and control shown in both charts takes precedence at a primal level since Sun = leader/leadership of the country, and transit Pluto, planet of Underworld elements, is now in process of overtaking or melding with US Inaugural Sun.

So perhaps an addition of Sun-Pluto potentials in Politics and/or Business can be instructive, so here is Michael Munkasey's Hegelian Dialectic form describing the power-drenched planetary duo affecting the Presidency of the United States more strongly than ever before with transit Pluto reaching Inaugural 10th house.

Please note that any, all, or none may apply - not to worry but to inform:

Thesis: Changes of policy or direction from leadership; new leadership and the changing of policy and direction; the governing authority used to control threatened dissent or subversion despite its cause or sources.

Antithesis: Accumulation of an excessive amount of armed strength; the use of secret police to exert authority and control over others; the influence of criminal organizations; extremes of corruption that wastes resources.

Now it may seem that a sense of inevitability is indicated by the Pluto-to-POTUS-Sun transit, and I suppose on a karmic level, it is. Yet there are ways of doing things that don't have to be fascist or dystopian, despite all the TV shows and movies with such themes that we've been plied with through decades. Yet instead, why can't our national Uranus Return period reactivate us as a unified people motivated by the intense desire for freedom and independence from paternalistic tyrants so that We the People demand a strengthening of our democratic Republic, as President Biden now envisions, and let fascist saboteurs relocate themselves to wherever their barbarism is appreciated.

If such a place exists upon the Earth.

Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey #ad.