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Showing posts with label Bush administration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bush administration. Show all posts

Nov 17, 2007

Astrology of a gaseous odor in Newark

Perhaps you've read of the strange gaseous odor at the Newark Airport today.

Here's the chart of the time a natural gas odor was noticed by people in Terminal B, Newark, N.J. today, Saturday, at "around 11:00 am."

With all apologies to the goddess of pristine charts, the image you see here (which may be clicked to enlarge) has a bunch of my chickenscratch notes upon it. Quite a big bunch, perhaps readable, perhaps not.

A lack of time (my usual complaint of late since I relocated my real world business and became...busier) prevents much keyboarding on the issue, yet I confess to having a difficult time not viewing this calamity in Newark as connected in some way to Bush's recent announcement of air lane openings for the holidays.

Thanks, Army! But if this airy holiday boost should turn similar to 9/11's pretend drills and charades which were allowed to infere with the nation's defense systems when we needed them most, no thanks.

Back to Newark Airport, Nov 17, 2007, 11:00 am est:

All in all, it looks as if a message has been sent...the Moon (a lady? tribal-based individual/s? someone from a 'network' or Family of some kind?) "met" Neptune, planet of gases and mysterious odors, poisonings,and veiled subterfuge, at 6:47:34 am est--near sunrise, in Newark, at 19AQ20, where Neptune still hovers at 11:00 am.

Odorless natural gas has scent added so that it can be smelled, so I'm assuming this is what may have been snooted out, if it was gas at all. It could have been un-natural gas--something concocted in (gov?) lab or garage. Who knows?

With the Mars/Pluto duo (violence; zeal; fanaticism) currently locked in an obsessive-compulsive Quindecile aspect of 165 degrees, there's a 'ruthless forcing of one's will upon others' everywhere we look--in Pakistan, Russia, and, no less, in America. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Rebellious, disruptive, original, and innovative Uranus (science; progressive or radical movements; politicians) in Pisces the last few years, has sparked new research (incl genetics and cells--Pisces, etc), experiments and flu shenanigans are underhoof...under someone's hooves where the buck will eventually stop.

Mars/Pluto energy is the environmental background of late, so honk! if you can feel it.

Especially when you consider Mars' recent RX Station 12Can27 (on Nov 15--the day Musharraf was supposedly changing directions...but he's still bumbling along, clinging by hairy claw, using Pakistan's nuclear arms as his collateral for staying in power--as a threat against the dire thought of losing control.

Naked Power Grab covers it well, just as with Putin, Chavez, Bush, and their ilk. Funny how they imagine themselves as being very special, but they act like bums to me. Bums and worse.

Musharraf is mad like the rest of 'em, plus: Pervez has Very Bad Hair Days each and every day. Please! someone, remove all bottles of Nice'n'Easy from his grasp. His hair frightens little children. And reluctant astrologers. It is pretty hilarious looking though.)

Asteroid Atlantis and its abuse of power/sense of doom is conjunct Venus, both significators of America herself. Venus-Atlantis, a powerful partnership and one that is perhaps linked to archaeology and/or to ancient cultures and myths, 'the legend of Atlantis' being the more obvious connection. After illegally invading Iraq, Bush-Cheney looted their museum of all its treasures, you'll remember.

Chart-ruler Saturn is everyone's favorite planet of delays, control, restriction, oppression, and lessons that need learning, and is posited in Virgo, sign of health and health issues; Virgo is also the sign of book writers, scientists, researchers, authorities, conservatives (esp judges, lawyers, and business managers)--and Democrats-in-America (such as they are--who can really tell the diff anymore? Is there a diff to be told? Corporations rule...fascism.)

Some midpoints arose as gas permeated Terminal B which created 'midpoint pictures' with the ASC:

Pluto/Chiron (plutocrats); Jupiter/Neptune (speculators); and Sun/Uranus (revolutionary spirits; upsets.) Quite a pile-up, si?

With Jupiter's expansion of Neptunian substances, such as poisons, gases, liquids, we see:

Jup/Neptune = ASC: speculating; living in an unreal world which is lighted by an emotionally rationalized agenda; sharing great hopes with others.

Sun/Uranus = ASC: sudden events; high excitability; new associations.

And Pluto/Chiron = oppression, class warfare, racism, and corporatism...ascending--the WHAT? Point of this event chart.

At MC (The Goal; WHY? Point at 11:00 am est), there's a certain Saturnian midpoint presenting this picture:

Saturn/ASC = MC: suffering from other people's actions; oppression; inhibition; hindered in the fulfillment of one's objectives. Hmmmm. Could this refer to HoSec's on-the-spot foiling of the plans of vicious mystery culprits? Or to passengers being tampered with...or to one passenger in particular being diverted from a task? Perhaps someone didn't want his luggage to be checked too closely, to become "The x-ray"...Sabian Symbol of the Sun's degree, "25Sco."

(Note: at sunrise, Saturn 7Vir38 was conj MC 7Vir10, with South Node, a Saturnian point of separation, had just passed over Midheaven (the objective), so basically, the day began with: Saturn/SN = MC...a target?)

Security-minded Ceres is at the HOW? Point, the IC, of the chart and the matter. The "14Tau" degree area = the US Inaugural Ascendant (Jan 20, noon, Wash DC) so it equals the president or the president's office.

Seems Mars, the instigator, is still busy causing trouble in Cancer, Retrograde and making himself felt in all quarters--and conj USA's and Bush's natal Suns.

~And the last Solar Eclipse of Sept 11 (18Vir24) is being triggered by the Sun/Mars midpoint now--Sun/Mars is a very dynamic point of action and energy manifestation. Is today's HoSec story and event a diversion from email problems, or is it among false flag ops which we must expect yet not wish for?~

Mercury, planet of air travel, is in sometimes treacherous Scorpio in the 9th house of foreign enemies. Think what you will.

Well, I shall leave you to your own calculations and am sending well wishes for anyone victimized by this 'accident' (as it may be billed by the media, which is also Neptune-flavored.)

Yes, there's undoubtedly more current info online about it now, yet there's no time for me to check it this evening. But if called for, an attempt will be made to add to this post as things unfold.

Not that we'll ever necessarily know the truth about this mysterious matter.

Stay safe, Y'all.

NPR reporting 5 pm: World Leaders will meet in December to discuss climate change...ahh, December, when Jupiter conjuncts Pluto...Dec 11, one of the Great Conjunctions last seen in Scorpio, Dec 2, 1994.

Issues of that time recycle and bedevil society beginning Dec 11, 2007 and onward for this appr 13-year-cycle of Jupiter-Pluto's love of power and strong-armed plutocratic rule.

Nov 13, 2007

Sept 11 Eclipse: calling all chickens!

Breaking News

White House ordered to keep backup copies of e-mail 12 Nov 2007:

A federal judge on Monday issued a temporary restraining order blocking the White House from destroying back-up copies of deleted e-mails. The order by U.S. District Judge Henry Kennedy came in a lawsuit by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a private watchdog group, which claims the White House has failed to preserve millions of deleted e-mails it was supposed to keep. #

The Sep 11 Solar Eclipse is insisting that the paperwork/communications chickens come home to roost...but the fox is in the henhouse.

Nov 7, 2007

About-Face! US' 'Nuclear Posture Review'

In April 2002, expert astrologer Maya del Mar wrote Where Is the U.S. Headed? concerning the US' natal Mars/Neptune square = fantasies of aggression; media glamorizing violence (and Hollywood, too--jc); and the Jan 8, 2002 about-face in nuclear policy titled, the Nuclear Posture Review which was signed by Donald Rumsfeld and surreptitiously delivered to a rubber-stamping, anthrax-threatened Congress.

As Maya points out, this was the very day of the first of tr Mercury's conjunctions to Neptune in Aquarius (first of three.) Then on March 10, the LA Times broke the story, the day that tr Mercury conjoined Uranus in Aquarius--and Pallas Athena (strategy) took Mercury's old place conjunct Neptune.

These Mercury conjunctions in AQ occurred at the time the US' secondary progressed (sec) Sun conj'd US n Moon (27-28 AQ) which began a 360-year cycle of US Aquarian thinking. Mercury describes what's on our minds and with AQ it can be anything from humanitarian and brotherhood issues to weird science and the iciness of space.

Our n Mars/Neptune square has always indicated a tendency toward denial regarding national aggression and it's timely to re-read Maya's thoughts from 2002. The article includes a link to her brilliant Saturn/Pluto articles as well.

America's world domination desires are driving toward the US Pluto Return of 2022 with devouring, nuclear-minded Pluto's power-behind-the-throne reputation--the dragon roars--even from space, so they plan.

Dates of US Pluto Return (27Cap33--Rx natally) based on the US natal 'Sibly' chart of July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm lmt are:

1. Feb 20, 2022

2. July 11, 2022 (Rx)

3. Dec 28, 2022

The Sabian Symbol for "28Cap": "A large aviary"...COMMUNITY...

pos: exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: loss of all character in sheer officiousness.

Will we have character left to lose by 2022? It's only 15 years ahead!

"If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't really stand for them." --Paul Wellstone

Oct 30, 2007

a balking Bush

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government

Breaking News:

To Implement Policy, Bush to Turn to Administrative Orders 31 Oct 2007

The White House plans to try implementing as much new policy as it can by administrative order (dictatorship) while stepping up its confrontational rhetoric with Congress after concluding that President [sic] Bush cannot do much business with the Democratic leadership, administration officials said.

White House aides say the only way Bush seems to be able to influence (overturn) the process is by vetoing legislation or by issuing 'administrative orders,' as he has in recent weeks...They say they expect Bush to issue more of such orders in the next several months.#

As per his instructions.

He's famous for being "a uniter" y'know.

Laura Bush Nov 4, 1946

Laura Bush, in an attempt to defend her husband's SCHIP stance and his oily foreign policy says she's more involved in policy than previously known which is no comfort considering how things have gone since Bush coup'd the White House.

Since my move-along needs to get along, there's no time for much, but here's Mrs Bush's natal chart (rating: B) with its out-of-bounds and Rx Venus as chart-ruler. It's also a Venus Hour, with n Venus at the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree. Guess she's serious about being involved--although she's been instructed to steer clear of such topics as Iraq and Iran.

Her Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (2 New North) is same as her husband's. If you're familiar with the Tarot, you'll know all about Number 16, The Tower, with its collapse of plans and lifestyles, and the rebuilding and reshaping that begins after the dust settles--with far-reaching effects.

Sounds exactly like 9/11 doesn't it? Yet the 2NN Series manifested July 31, 2000...3 days after the Jupiter (Rs) conjunction with Saturn (Ds) at "9Leo", conjunct the natal Mercuries of George Bush, Al Gonzales, and the Republican Party...and very near Bush's n ASC (7Leo07.)

So the attacks of 9/11 occurred after the next Solar Eclipse (2South), the PE Series of Woodrow Wilson and of Ronald Reagan.

Keywords: individual involvement with unusual groups and the belief that much will be gained from such involvement. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)
And, of course, AFTER Bush was in office and needing a major boost to his nebulously-gained presidency. Neocons all agreed--America "needed a new Pearl Harbour" to take us to we got one.

Back later to add some comments on the First Lady's chart...please pardon any typos, will clear them up asap!

pirates in the news

Crew retakes pirated ship--woo hoo!

Now if the American people could retake Washington from the pirates infesting it, that'd be the much-touted rule of law demonstrated and the redressing of our grievances.

Oct 29, 2007

Archive to White House: fork 'em over

Hope the motion filing yields results as the National Archive seeks missing emails and backup tapes from White House.

The CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) organization has also been busy filing and seeking improperly deleted records from the EOP
(Executive Office of the President.) The article has links to the various filings and to the White House's objections. Good reading.

And perhaps you remember the keywords for the now-in-effect Solar Eclipse of Sept 11, 2007 which describes paperwork and communication responsibilities which "come home to roost"...seems the White House belfry is overflowing with secretive chickens roosting and laying eggs about now!

And you heard by now that Tom Tancredo will not be seeking re-election...doesn't that make a dozen or more Republicans bowing out (before the paddy wagons pull up to the door)?

One dozen or two--makes little difference around SO'W--Ds and Rs are playing the same games with us as if we-the-people will be the ones to decide who will continue manning the helm of this oil tanker that used to be America.

And I say that sadly and with a hearty Shout-Out to Michael Ruppert's From the Wilderness.

We could do worse than face the truth.

Oct 27, 2007

Bush signs corporatism pact with Mongolia

From the White House Newsletter of Monday, October 22, 2007 (just received):

"(President) Bush met with President Enkhbayar of Mongolia. The two leaders reviewed the continuing strong cooperation between the United States and Mongolia on global and regional affairs, including the war on terror, progress in Iraq, and trade and economic development. After, they signed the Millenium Challenge Corporation Compact, a program designed to increase aid to nations that govern justly, fight corruption, invest in the education and health of their people, and promote economic freedom."#

Pass the SCHIPs, delete damning emails, sharpen the redacting pen--you have to love the hypocrisy. Somehow the Bush years haven't worked out that way for America, so good luck to Mongolia when dealing with the Bush-Clinton juggernaut.

The corporatism of Pluto-Chiron just keeps on giving, and Enkhbayar may want to read the fine print, check for disappearing ink, and wait for the other signing statement to drop.

And did you notice the "progress" in Iraq and the "war on terror" promo?

"Increase aid"? Puh! What extra millions do American taxpayers have lying around that the druken sailors and corporate raiders haven't spent or extorted? Tell me if you know of any--there are millions of Americans homeless and ill without medical care about now.

Oct 15, 2007

Lovin' Abe Lincoln + the Unmasking Eclipse 2008

Since we have the Feb 7, 2008 Solar Eclipse coming up at the Unmasking degree "18AQ": "A man unmasked" when a man's private motives are revealed, I tend to perk up when I see the word, unmasking--especially in relation to Washington, DC:

Why Enemies of Liberty Love Lincoln

Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed To Know about Dishonest Abe
By Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Thomas J. DiLorenzo gave the following Speech at the Future of Freedom Foundation's conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties. The speech can viewed in six parts at Information Clearing House.#

And like most Americans, I was taught to look up to Abe Lincoln so this one's really messin' with my mind. Not that I hadn't heard rumors...

Then there's the fact that I like to draw mask-infused images over at Cosmic Persona Designs if you'd care to take a peek! Because everyone needs an occasional break from nasty old Politics, don't they?

So is your mask fitting or slipping today? We all wear them, y'know, and in your natal chart, the Ascendant (the rising sign and degree) represents your mask: how you see the world and how the world sees your...your persona.

Your Cosmic Persona.

Oct 7, 2007

Homelessness Rising: Bush vs FDR

Now I know that Bush and cronies are allergic to social net programs that aid those who aren't as fortunate as 'the elite' but after years of their class warfare, homelessness is on the rise in America. Who didn't see that train coming? It's a no-brainer under George Bush.

Please read a few words from FDR's Inaugural speech of Jan 20, 1937:

FDR: a test of our progress which mocks the ridiculous compassionate conservatism swill the GOP used against the American people--well, at least against the gullible who like holding onto their holdings even if it means the return of soup lines across America!

On today's menu: Cold-Heart Soup which will be served...cold.

Oct 3, 2007

Let them eat SCHIPS!

NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer is suing the Bush administration because somebody had to do it.

Poor children have access to health care in America, they can just go to the emergency room, Bush says.

Does he know you have to be ill first? Does he think our hospital system is ready for another attack or natural disaster? Is he capable of learning anything that doesn't relate to or benefit his elite friends?

Bush is out of touch with the American people as history repeats because if you lived through his icy father's administration it's deja-vu all over again.

Funny how you never hear the compassionate conservative slogan anymore.

Sep 28, 2007

pouting Peter Pace punted

General Peter Pace will "step down" as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff effective Monday, Oct 1. He was second in command during the Iraq invasion, as you know.

Seems his opinions irked someone--his natal chart (Nov 5, 1945; Brooklyn, NY; birth time unknown) shows him to be a principled fellow which only works with this administration as long as you're agreeing with all their views.

Following are a few of my notes on his natal chart:

A New Moon type is emotional (see below), impulsive, and subjective which is underlined by the fact that Scorpio is a Water sign and Pace is a double Water personality (or triple Water if his Ascending sign is Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.)

Life may be lived as if it's but a dream--or merely a screen upon which to project one's image. People and events tend to become symbols without much regard for what they actually are, and the self is projected upon others and upon the world (The Lunation Cycle, Rudhyar.)

His Mars/Saturn conj in Cancer (and neither planet is comfortable in watery Cancer) indicates some fatherly restrictions on his Mars principle ("I act") and can seriously affect his self-confidence.

Hmmm...a warrior/soldier with Mars conj Saturn? this combo is like driving with the brakes on. At best it gives a serious attitude toward life and toward one's actions.

And his Jupiter/Chiron conj gives him a yearning for the mystical plus strong convictions which must be communicated. This may have gotten him in hot water if he didn't always parrot the Bush-Cheney line.

Since the Moon was in Scorpio during the 24-hour period, we may use Sco/Sco as Pace's Watery Sun/Moon personality blend. The Water/Water personality can gush with feelings and dissolve into tears with sentimentality which probably accounts for his expressed desire to go all huggy on his soldiers.

Water/Water types don't have an easy time with objectivity or with well-reasoned arguments. How they personally feel about people and situations IS their reality. They tend to cling to relationships whether it's best for them or not.

The conjunction of Jup/Chiron can be emotionally overwhelmed too--yet it's also the 'maverick with a superiority complex' and who may suffer from boundary problems (Clow, Chiron.)

Sun Sco/Moon Sco: intense; stubborn; passionate; wary--this blend is uncompromising with its convictions. This can be the quiet rebel due to a mistrust of authority figures (Mars conj Saturn suports this); sheer drive and stamina with astute observational ability added to loyalty but may become vindictive when threatened (perhaps we have another Bush-bashing book on the way?)

Greatest Weaknesses: suspicions and cynicism limit capacity for life's enjoyments; takes oneself too seriously; reluctance to share fears; desire for revenge; may get stuck in negative emotions.

Images for Integration: A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research.

Interesting word pictures.

If you click the chart to enlarge you'll see these midpoint pictures listed which are in effect no matter the birth time:

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed--very little option to do otherwise (this pic was an influence for the 9/11 attacks, imho); inclination to remain at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances without taking a firm stand; abandoning resistance; calamities, catastrophes; an easily-impressed person.

Mercury/Pluto = Neptune: over-receptivity; pursuit of peculiar plans; cunning; falsehood; slander and defamation (as with every factor in Astrology and in life, these may operate in both directions); overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome (is this part of his "stepping down"?)

Venus/Neptune = Jupiter: extremely emotional; a painful renunciation.

Pace's Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE) is 1 North (1N) which is the same Series in which the Mother of All Eclipses occurred--Nostradamus' King of Alarm Eclipse which manifested on August 11, 1999 and basically began our 'New Millenium' along with the Pluto/Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999.

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the 1N Series as: unexpected events loom large--avoid hasty decisions since information may be distorted and possibly false.

Sounds like Washington's favorite way of doing things lately, doesn't it?

Here's the Wiki bio on him if you please.

Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas and Suzy Harvey; midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin)

Pace's New Moon personality is shared natally by: Lyndon B. Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Queen Victoria, Clara Barton, and Gamal Nasser.

Sep 22, 2007

Autumn Equinox 2007 over Washington

Here is the chart for the moment the Sun reaches 00Libra00 aka Autumn Equinox over the White House (click to enlarge chart to read my scribbly notes, some of which may not be mentioned in the text of this post) on Sunday, Sept 23, 5:51 am edt.

First, there's this from

Space Weather News for Sept. 22, 2007

MAXIMUM VENUS: In a celestial coincidence of eye-catching proportions, Venus (the "morning star") reaches maximum brightness on Sept. 23rd, the autumnal equinox. In short, northern fall is beginning with a bright light in the dawn sky. Venus is actually bright enough to see in broad daylight, but easier to find just before sunrise. Wake up early any morning in the week ahead and look east for the brilliant light of Venus.

Bonus: Like the Moon, Venus has phases, and at the moment the planet has assumed the form of a slender crescent. If you have a backyard telescope, take a look!

AURORA SEASON BEGINS: For reasons not fully understood, the weeks around the autumnal equinox produce, on average, more geomagnetic storms than any other time of year. Even the mildest solar wind stream brushing against Earth can ignite auroras. Earth is inside a high-speed solar wind stream this weekend and another is due on Sept. 27th or 28th. High latitude sky watchers should be alert for Northern Lights. (Tip: Local midnight is often the best time to watch.)

Visit for sky maps, photos and more.#

Now for Autumn Equinox 2007 where you'll see that Venus 20Leo24 is in the secretive, self-undoing, karmic 12th house and almost at George Bush's natal Venus degree--his Venus Return. Venus has also passed her 9/11/01 degree for another year.

With Mercury as chart-ruler (and ruler of MC) placed in 2nd house, one of the 'money houses' and nearing the tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint, economic woes may continue esp with the 8th house of credit, insurance, debt, shared resources, etc, being under the rule of contentious yet initiating Mars which is in 10th house of Public Status. Mars is at the Bankruptcy degree, "28Gem" (Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Mercury in Libra may trigger thoughts and plans concerning relationships but also the court system with Libra being the sign of the Scales of Justice; and tr Mercury was at the Sat/Pluto midpoint in early September and will be again on or about Sept 28 and Nov 11.

Saturn/Pluto = Mercury: desire to solve difficult problems; taciturnity; thoroughness; research work; deep study; stark realism; depression.

The Sun reaches 00Lib00 during a Jupiter Hour, suitable for Jupiterian things which include philosophy, religion, and the legal system. Plus, Jupiter, as you know, signifies the Republican Party in all its rich splendor. The EQ Jupiter 13Sag11 is at the Foundation Point of the chart (HOW?) at the same degree as the IC (13Sag57.)

Transit Jupiter continues to expand the US sense of identity by sitting upon our natal ASC (Sibly: July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia) and causing expansive actions. This supports the economic flavor of the Fall season.

The ongoing T-Square (T-SQ) between the Mars/Pluto opposition (with both planets squaring this EQ Sun) changes character slightly as it becomes a Dissociate T-SQ with this Equinox. Sun also conjuncts US natal MC which I will cover below.

In his his book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney gives some interesting info on apex Sun in a Dissociate T-SQ--and remembering that in a national chart, Sun = the leader or leadership:

The Dissociate T-SQ manifests similarly to a standard T-SQ on a functional level but there is a bit more leeway in inner responses to the challenge of the oppositional planets (and the Mars/Pluto combo = zeal, violence, brutality; intense energy application; control; extreme force.)

This ambitious Sun (leader) has difficulty relating to the intensity of the situation resulting in less motivation; adjustments are needed to integrate inner attitudes with the outer reality (well, GB has always been challenged with this kind of thing. His 'inner world' is plum magical with wishful thinking added to his emotional inability to admit the adverse. This may often be a necessary trait in US presidents, I realize.)

Actually, the Sun moving into Libra weakens the excessive power of Mars/Pluto (whether our zeal or theirs) yet apex Sun gives authority, strong willpower, and a whole-hearted urge to accomplish huge objectives. But it does this in a bossy, arrogant way with ego/pride issues causing problems in manifesting these goals.

This apex Sun demonstrates an intense self-reliance yet he must allow others to assist him--but in a way of their own choosing. Self-glorification may be evident and willfulness only reinforces the difficulties of the two SQs (Mars SQ Sun; Pluto SQ Sun.) This Sun commands the attention of others but seldom their love or respect.

Here is the midpoint picture from the T-SQ, then the picture substituting the US natal MC which is being affected by the Mars/Pluto opposition simultaneously:

Mars/Pluto = Sun: a hard worker; working until collapse or breakdown; injury or accident; taking violent measures; a higher power intervenes; upset of plans that is irredeemable.

Mars/Pluto = MC: ambition; self-confidence; dealing with might on both sides of an issue; major job maneuver; unusual ability to advance in life; or: the misfortune to face overwhelming force without power; danger through the intervention of a higher power.

If you click to enlarge the chart, you see that I've listed a transiting midpoint which is now conj US natal Moon (the people; the public; publicity) and it's Neptune/North Node which has a propaganda/glamour connection with the public (NN.)

Neptune/NN = Moon: high sensitivity; feeling ostracized; being misunderstood; lack of adaptability or of community spirit; disappointment; deceptive publicity.

And since this Moon is shining over the entire world (including the Middle East and indeed the Cresent Moon is the symbol of that region of the world) we may expect similar manifestations through al-Jazeera, etc.

The East uses a Moon-based calendar while th West uses a Sun-based calendar and an individualistic way of viewing the world--and ourselves. Moon-based societies are, of course, tribal. Neither is "right", both are valid. But try to get these violent types to admit it as each side attempts to push its way of thinking and worshipping upon the other helped along by heavy weight Pluto in questing Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner.

But Back to the Chart:

Perhaps you see that disruptive, rebellious, yet original Uranus 16Pis10 Rx, is conj the Equinoxial Descendant and thus is setting in the chart. Fixed Star, Achernar, is being triggered, keywords: success; being humane; crisis.

The Sun is quindecile (QD = 165 degrees) Uranus, planet of sudden events. The QD is an aspect of obsession-compulsion (Reeves, The Quindecile) so we have:

Sun QD Uranus: driven by excitement; need for independence with a sense of mission in needing to be different; "the rules don't apply to me"; living on the edge; may work for a cause in some significant way; disrupts the status quo through unique and innovative ideas.

This aspect with Uranus conj Achernar may also indicate natural disasters such as undersea earthquakes, volcanoes, and other water disasters (Pisces.)

The EQ's Sun/MC midpoint (the Goal) is conj US n North Node...

Sun/MC = NN: choosing one's associates carefully; the personal search for colleagues. (Perhaps this is because Bush's way of forcing things has pretty much cleared out the halls of government?!)

And what about the Sabian Symbol for the Equinoxial Sun ?

Using "1Lib" the word picture is: "A butterfly is made perfect by a dart through it"...Keyword: ARTICULATION...

pos: man's awakening to the need for some more whole-souled focus of character;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: the loss of all true selfhood by a needless surrender to the world and conformity to its ways.

As the Sabian Symbol for the degree just passed by the Sun says:

character is destiny.

Here's an Art dramatization by yours truly of the Autumn Equinox for your viewing pleasure.

Midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin.

Sunday 1:30 am edt: My Bad! Neglected to mention that the EQ chart has the Sun/Saturn midpoint on ASC...

Sun/Saturn = ASC: separation; being misunderstood; possible health threat; difficulties.

The Sun/Saturn combo is ughy, I know, but I had to add it since it's rising. Sun/Saturn = illumination of ambition; overwork; fear of loss; seclusion; retirement; aloneness; inhibitions; karma.

I had wondered recently in a previous post if the soon-to-be-exact tr Saturn conjunction to tr South Node (a separative point if there ever was one) would mean the loss in some way of a Democrat since Saturn = the Dem Party. Maybe this midpoint picture on the ASC relates to that circumstance and of course it could certainly be health related esp with Saturn bringing restriction to the vitality (Sun.)

Thought you'd want to know.

Sep 15, 2007

Greenspan's new book a Bush-basher

Greenspan Faults Bush Over Spending and I fault him over everything but the kitchen sink. And it's been a little on the gurgly side. Maybe Earth's polar axis really is in process of morphing.

So is Greenspin a flip-flopper? Or simply and very humanely responding to criticism of his handling of interest rate resets during his Fed tenure? The writing of this book one presumes has been in the cauldron for some time. Is its release Sep 2007 the usual cleverly-timed publisher's ploy?

Someone will need to change the lyrics for the old standard, Buttons and Bows if the polar axis thing comes to pass...where East is West and West is East will want better rhyming than the tune's original lyrics can provide.

At last inspection, this region's water was still draining in the accustomed direction...

As Greenspan says in his book concerning the GOP:

"They swapped principles for power. They ended up with neither. They deserved to lose."

Wish I could believe we have one party remaining with which to face our tribulations!

Sep 13, 2007

Bush on tv 9 pm

With a massive storm upon us, I've been hurrying to finish an entry on Bush's speech tonight--and have misguidedly posted it to one of my art blogs, Secret Moon Art. But with one click you'll be hooked up, promise!

Bush on tv 9 pm with Cupido rising. You may find Fixed Star Denebola of interest with the Sun's rays highlighting it...keywords: to go against society.

There's an awful lot of that going on lately, isn't there?

Sep 11, 2007

bin Laden video # 2

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government 11 Sep 2007 Breaking News

New bin Laden video identifies 9/11 hijacker BBC revealed 'alive and well' on 23 Sept. 2001 by Lori Price, CLG 11 Sep 2007 New bin Laden video surfaces (CNN) 11 Sep 2007:

A new video purportedly featuring an introduction from al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] leader Osama bin Laden appeared on the Internet Tuesday, the sixth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.

In the video's introduction, a voice identified as bin Laden's praises 9/11 hijacker Waleed al-Shehri, from Saudi Arabia. He sat in seat 2B on American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into World Trade Center's north tower. [LOL! See: Hijack 'suspects' alive and well (BBC) 23 Sep 2001 Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well.

The identities of four of the 19 suspects accused of having carried out the attacks are now in doubt. Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade Centre on 11 September. His photograph was released, and has since appeared in newspapers and on television around the world. He told journalists there that he had nothing to do with the attacks on New York and Washington, and had been in Morocco when they happened.]#

Well, I don't know which of several governments were involved, but clearly the masterminds behind the attacks of 9/11/01 planned for such identity mix-ups after the event. Hold on...I'm having a major Duh Moment here!

Sep 7, 2007

al Qaeda: 1988--2007, and Jupiter-Pluto

With today's announcement of the scoring by the US gov of what is supposedly another bin-Laden-Gone-Wild Video, this double-ringed chart image has al Qaeda's natal chart of Aug 11, 1988, surrounded by 'noon' today in Washington.

As you see, al Qaeda was cobbled together during the Great Saturn-Uranus Conjunction of 1988. Their last hook-up was a 'triple' with the middle conj being the Rx phase.

The dates for their triple 1988 Conjunction are:

1. Feb 13; 2.June 26; 3.Oct 18.

December 11's Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto 28Sag24 (nuclear expansion? bombs flown across six US states to LA? religious big-dogs or mullahs meet with behind-the-scenes power-mongerers? Economic transformations? increase of power for *plutocrats? All of the above and then some?):

Jupiter-Pluto in December will be triggering al Qaeda's natal Saturn-Uranus conj and eventually natal Pluto (but that's not for a while. With Saturn and Uranus now moving into opposition--the Full Moon phase of the cycle which began in 1988--and with tr South Node now conj al Qaeda's Pluto-Chiron midpoint, they're falling back on old tactics. Perhaps old footage made up this new video.

Click to enlarge chart to read more details, for as you know, the SN is the tail of the dragon, where people--or entities--use past talents for present predicaments. Whether it is appropriate and thus successful depends on many other factors which I have no time to fuss upon. And in recent days, blogging from my heart has been interrupted by pocketbook concerns in the real understand! Anyway:

Saturn/Uranus = Jupiter: adaptive ability; a sudden turn of destiny; losses; damage to buildings; motor damage.

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality and violence; harm through force majeur; rebellion against one's lot in life; extraordinary efforts overcome difficulties.

Switch the emphasis to the Jupiter-Pluto conj as it affects al Q's natal chart and we see:

Jupiter-Pluto = Saturn: iability to progress; separations.

Jupiter-Pluto = Uranus: fanatically striving for improvements; the quick exploitaiton of every situation; sudden reforms; quick developments; adjustments to new circumstances.

As with all triggering of midpoint pictures, manifestation may be either: all, any combination, or none-of-the-above.

And yet it is quirky, isn't it, that bin Laden 'chides' the American people for "re-electing" Bush--as if his previous video didn't promote just that. "Convert to Islam," says he. Personally I owe all allegiance to the Creator of the Universe who does not condone the worship of death as some people would slanderingly represent Him to prefer. Hogwash!

You see in the natal chart the Leo Moon--al Q's reigning need (Moon) is for approval and recognition, both of which are provinces of Leonine egoism/tism and pride. Leo thinks only he can rule, and that, monarchically.

But we know that Love is the Foundation of the Universe, bin Laden-types notwithstanding.

To be sure, it's Satan fighting Satan...with innocents in the middle. Hopefully you, Dear Reader, are not one of the hoodwinked! Is it real? Or is it Memorex? What do you think?

*The word, plutocrat is also applied to the blending of Jupiter-Pluto energies as is the Pluto-Chiron combo.

Here's a post on the Solar Eclipse of Sep 11 2007.

Here's my previous post on the current triggering of 1999's Pluto-Chiron conjunction. This oppressive, corporate pair were parallel one another in mid-August, 2004 (a parallel is similar to a strong conjunction and is useful for timing purposes.) Jupiter has been visiting the 1999 conj degree (11Sag+) of late and giving it expansion ideas it doesn't need.

Or how about a lighter note? See new Art at Cosmic Persona Designs, for a frothier moment than you'll be finding around SO'W...because when world leaders su*k, they su*k bigtime.

Sep 5, 2007

Pluto-Chiron conj of 1999 being triggered

Having updated my notes on the great Pluto-Chiron conjunction of Dec 30, 1999 as you see here--if you're visiting on-blog, please click-to-enlarge the chart with messy notes thereupon for more details.

2007-2008: Pluto is in process of triggering the 1999 Mercury 28Sag43--which will be also stimulated by the upcoming Great Conj of Jupiter-Pluto on Dec 11.

Tr Pluto to 1999 Mercury's appr dates in 2007 are:

1. Mar 2;
2. May 2 (Rx);
3. Dec 21.

The imperial madness continues in 2008:

4. Aug 10;
5. Oct 9 (will we have an "October Surprise" in time for the 2008 election?)

We see there are plenty of opportunities for transformative, secretive Pluto to change our nation forever for as you know, the Mercury/Pluto pair = wielding influence through writing or speaking; propaganda; crafty subtlety and cunning; the spirit of opposition...among other things.

Natally George Bush has a Mercury-Pluto conj in 1st house of Self, so he's perfect for the propaganda-catapulter job. He would, no doubt, agree.

If you're on-blog, you see that the Moon 18Lib18 is conj US Sec Progr'd Mars (the military; police; male population) in 10th house of World Status, and there is a corresponding tr Mars to US natal Moon near the 3rd cusp...war to the people; emotional upset; anger...all the things which Moon/Mars implies; and Moon in any national chart signifies The People or populace.

Will return asap to complete these comments, for the Pluto-Chiron pair with its plutocrat/oppression/corporatism/racism implications needs close watching...hope you can drop back by. And that crisis-infused 29th-degree Venus looks in need of consideration as well, doesn't it?

Sep 1, 2007

MLK told the truth like it was--and is

"The time has come for America to hear the truth about this tragic war. In international conflicts, the truth is hard to come by because most nations are deceived about themselves. Rationalizations and the incessant search for scapegoats are the psychological cataracts that blind us to our sins. But the day has passed for superficial patriotism. He who lives with untruth lives in spiritual slavery."

"The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."

"He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."

-Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), US civil rights leader

Perhaps you've been hearing recently of the FBI's secret files on Coretta Scott King and how their surveillance and spying on MLK's widow actually intensified after his assassination was accomplished.

The moral of the story I'm getting here is that after Hoover's long-awaited death in 1972, the Bureau got better. Yet considering today's flap over their surveillance and harrassment of peace organisations who don't appreciate the Bush-Cheny war, I find that "moral" more than a little suspect. The White House was in the loop on the spying then and it would be daft to think it's out of the loop now.

For when it comes to tamping down criticism of yet another illegal, ill-advised war waged by the American government, who has the most to gain?

It is my belief that when it comes to America, the populist view IS the mainstream.

The fringes where reside the secret anarchists and assassins of the People's choice--and of anyone who speaks on behalf of the People and speaks up for the truth--there skulk the outsiders, the coup d'etat crowd who are the true subversives and radical reformers undermining our nation's infrastructures, social fabric, and freedoms.

Here is 9.01.07's operative Minor midpoint picture generated from the natal chart of Martin Luther King, Jr--the Minor progressions represent the mental/causal plane:

Mercury/Pluto = Mars: sharp criticism; an ability to grasp a situation quickly and to take confident and persuasive action.

See MLK's quotes cited above for evidence!

J. Edgar Hoover said MLK was "too powerful" and that the Civil Rights movement was "un-American." The closet-gay-FBI-Director called him "immoral"!

They were so afraid that the Civil Rights movement and the peace/anti-Vietnam War movement would join forces that they upped their surveillance on Mrs. King AFTER her husband's tragic death.

Have America's secret agencies really improved? Especially since the gutting of our privacies and the Bill of Rights these last several years?

If you think so, then America the Duped is alive and being followed as I type.

Aug 31, 2007

Iraq War: Solar Arc Directions for 8.31.07

Bush is gets 'mounting reports of Iraq woes' and this reluctant astrologer progresses the woeful Iraq War chart (Mar 20, 2003, 6:35 am BAT, Baghdad) to today at noon using the Solar Arc method--everything moved forward: 1 degree = 1 year.

(NPR is reporting that the Joints Chief of Staff have never been enamoured of the "surge." Well, that's good to know now--esp if you have a loved one as part of this political move/spawn of the devil.) Bush's meeting at the Pentagon today marks the beginning of a two-week "marathon" of reports and meetings on Iraq. They yap while thousands of people die.

Yep, the chickenhawks have broken our military and something's going to have to be done soon--US Mars Rx by progression--for the next 80 years. This is serious, folks. And the GOPers are joining in the chorus to bring troops home--in time for the 2008 election, natch.

Of course, it's always theater with politicians, so who knows if they're serious? Talk is cheap, except in Washington where it may be the most expensive of all.

Reading the chart: Solar Arc = SA, tr = transit (current position), n = natal (birth), "to" = conjunction, as in "SA MC to n Mars" which is in process of happening now.

Click to enlarge: inner chart is the war chart, outer chart--and highlighted in yellow--are the Solar Arc Directions. In blue are a few current transits such as the 10th house plutocratic Pluto/Chiron (class warfare; oppression; exploitation; racism) mixing it up with Sacred Warrior, Mars/Chiron. Describes the conflict well, imho.

First let's see what we get for our bucks with SA MC to Mars: responsibility grows; change of status.

SA MC degree's Sabian Symbol: "10Cap"..."An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor." Ya think? Wonder who's the albatross? There are so many of them it'd be difficult to choose one--unless it's Maliki. And the contractors and weapons dealers who've disappeared millions of US taxpayers' money while arming our enemies. If that's not treason, guess I don't know what is.

The whole place seems to be a big pile of crooks and murderers with innocents caught in the middle--and I can't forget that the war began with Jupiter the General Retrograde--a bottomless pit in the money department, I typed to no one in particular. Has it proved to be otherwise? 2003's Jupiter is conjunct Bush's n ASC (his nibs himself), and is also conj his and the Republican Party's n Mercury (which is also Gonzales' n Mercury. Guess they all think alike.)

On the 2003 chart, I've taken the liberty of drawing a kite pattern with Saturn in Gemini as the tail ruddering the plot along. 2007's SA Saturn now at "28Gem", the degree of "Bankruptcy." Nice, Cheney, Thanks (she typed contemptuously.)

2007's North Node (NN), the path or destiny, is at "6Gem": "Drilling for oil" surprise there. NN was heading that way all along. Cheney thought it would be easier.

SA Moon 27Lib31 is now being affected by tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint...

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: renunciation; giving up giving.

And that may be all we can do, m'peops. Or all we should do.

The tactic of regrouping forces is no shame--the jihadists do it all the time with much success. But irrationally hitting your head (esp when it's someone else's, George) against a brick wall is more than an shame. It's a tragedy...brought to you by Washington politicians of all persuasions.

And I blame them all.