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Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts

Jul 31, 2008

Obama and McCain enlist meltdown culprits

Obama and McCain Suck Up to the Bankers

By Robert Scheer

Both of our leading presidential candidates are scrambling to enlist not only the big-dollar contributions but, more frighteningly, the "expertise" of the very folks who advocated the financial industry deregulations at the heart of this meltdown.

Read Robert Scheer at Information Clearing House.

Jul 23, 2008

McCain's Neverending war: video link

In his own words, folks!

Is it possible that POW McCain has never left war?

Now Barack Obama will almost certainly disappoint the American people on redeploying from Iraq soon enough to suit (like 5 years ago), withdrawing, etc, but I'll have to take my chances on that because look at the alternative with McCain...American children as cannon fodder for many years to come- that's what Maverick McCain is promising in spite of his recent equivocations.

And we know that the USA has some hard days ahead and has reached the limits of her power in the world (Progressed Full Moon in Virgo, December 2008; Mars now Rx by Progression...Mars = the military; police force - which will be used at home.)

But as the I Ching so wisely advises those who are willing to learn: there's no shame in regrouping forces to plan anew!

Jul 21, 2008

Is Bush to stay on and on and on?

Bush at the helm: can a lifetime be enough? has been freshly published if you can stand a glop of George Bush's dictatorship possibilities, along with some FISA-related ranting on my part.

Perhaps it's cheeky monkey of me, but I relate the whole glop of political neocon high-handedness to a possible reason why John McCain has been "accepted" as the GOP's 2008 prez nominee - McCain the maverick who couldn't pass muster for them not so very long ago.

Anyway, it's all devil's food for thought!

Jul 19, 2008

White House email snafu favors Obama Iraq plan

Over at Jonathan Martin carries the tale of another email adventure from the White House.

Seems al Maliki favors Barack Obama's proposed 16-month withdrawal from Iraq and the 'endorsement' by the Iraqi politician, a neocon creation, was inadvertently sent out en masse rather than remaining for their eyes only.

And just when Bush has been making propagandistic noises about Iraq withdrawal in timely fashion for the November elections. Oops!

Now how inconvenient for John McCain is that?

Jul 11, 2008

Carol Shepp McCain's Wedding Day 1965

A Wedding Day Astrology article is now published if you've been wondering about the starry portents of the McCain - Shepp Wedding Day of July 3, 1965.

Using the Sun (male) and Moon (female) positions for the day, we may finagle a few details concerning this marriage which was so rudely interrupted by...McCain's next marriage to Cindy Hensley - his current wife, if you're counting!

Jun 28, 2008

The crystal ball of Underdog McCain

Just want to be certain you heard that John "Underdog" McCain seems to have a secret about the November presidential election:

McCain predicts he'll overtake Obama 48 hours before the election so he must know something we don't know.

Sounds to me like Underdog, as he's calling himself, has received an assurance from Karl Rove.

Well, November 4 is a Lunar Return for John McCain, his natal Moon conjuncts US natal Pluto (power; the secret hand), and thus Underdog's n Pluto opposes US n Pluto--sheesh! you say, that's a shotload of Moon-Pluto energy...what does it mean?

Moon-Pluto is a primal combination of emotions and rage with his natal opposition giving him an extremely touchy temperament, as colleagues in the Senate can attest when they offend McCain's vanity, however slightly.

By comparison, Bush's Cancerian sensitivity is nothing in comparison to this joker's emotional issues and need for control. Natal moon in Capricorn = reigning need for control and authority, which only bolsters his Moon-Pluto issues such as:

McCain's tolerance for emotional pain is very low and his bitterness is deep toward those who would attempt to control him--they're wasting their time if they try. He'll be doin' the controlling around here, and donchu forget it.

There's a natural defiance of authority with a Moon-Pluto opposition, so having this primal, maniacal rage within White House walls with this particular finger on The Button are frightening thoughts.

Public relations is a usual interest with this aspect yet there will be trouble in dealing with the public. His Crankiness may be on display from the Oval Office on a regular basis with a president named McCain, whose natal Moon-with-US-Pluto will be on display at Midheaven on Jan 20, 2009, noon, Capitol Building...The Goal.

If we think George Bush has turned a deaf ear to the American people during his interminable tenure, push Underdog through the backdoor and don't expect any hint of a president "representing" the common good--or of his upholding, protecting, or defending, the US Constitution.

With a McCain presidency, a show will be made initially, of course--they all do for the illusive honeymoon period, but really--shouldn't the Oath of Office be morphed to reflect a globalist shill's true elitist intent toward America?

So the natal aspect which may help catapult McCain into the White House may turn out to be the fly in the bad president ointment "at the end of the day" as Moon (the public; publicity)-Pluto (propaganda; manipulation; control; coping ability) give Underdog the necessary primal energy to continue the fascist subjugation of the American people and the destruction and transformation of our nation's most hallowed dreams, systems, and infrastructures.

With Moon-Pluto, Underdog possesses the massive Ego needed for the job of top propaganda-catapulter (as Bush so richly termed himself...sometimes a hint of honesty accidentially--aka unconsciously--peeks through their political masks. Kind of like the above announcement where McCain--oops!--spills a smidge of The November Plan!)

And with McCain as prez, the political fly paper has Dick Cheney's wings pinned to our destiny as before and the New World Order marches on totally oblivious and uncaring for the misery it causes the innocent.

About 48 hours before Nov 4, eh? Moon will conjunct McCain's natal Jupiter in mid-Sagittarius during that time bringing happy feelings and a fleeting sense of well-being!

False flag op, bin Laden tape release, an Obama secret revealed, a new trick up Rove's magician's sleeve? The possibilities are truly endless when you live by the ends-justify-the-means creed of Washington players and the blackmailers who enable them.

Jun 19, 2008

I'll take Flip-Flop for the win, Alex

If you love the game of Politics at all--and I know ya do--you gotta love John McCain's recent opportunistic shift of position on offshore drilling.

As he and his possible VP mates flip flop on what has been for years a no-no for candidates of both parties, it's in the news bwo Senator Obama's clear-eyed assessment that offshore drilling begun now won't decrease Americans' pain at the gas pump. This is, of course, so obviously true that it makes you wonder what the flip floppers hope to gain by this new stance.

Even if we disregard continued protection of vacationers' lovely oceanic paradises and proceed to drill away, it will be after the year 2030 before the oil tanker comes in.

That prices are being manipulated seems a given to this reluctant astrologer, but perhaps you disagree. But why would energy mavens and wheeler dealers want gas prices to go down anyway? They wouldn't. So that makes the practice of Politics during a presidential campaign the rat in the woodpile, doesn't it?

To seem to care, and to be 'doing something' is considered a safe way to win an election without actually having to do what would actually improve a situation...a political win-win.

So will this issue sway you in November, dear voter? Will you let Rs say that Ds have blocked new drilling making our gas pump pain all the Ds' fault? Puh. Ds are enablers, it's true, but 99% of them are obfuscating as usual.

(I always except 1% of Washington politicians in case there's an honest man or woman running about Capitol Hill. I do try to be fair but 1% is all I've got for this gaggle of pocket-liners.)

My intuition these last few weeks has been that prices are rising in part so that Republicans can push the offshore and Anwar drilling issues again, even though they've not used all the millions of acres adjacent to Anwar to date and have given no hint of drilling/speculating on what they already have access to.

That they want drilling rights and new lands is obvious.

But giving the American consumer relief at the gas pump may be the last thing on their greedy minds. And manipulating elections is always first.

~~NPR reported early today that two Bear Stearns execs were arrested this morning and will be arraigned this afternoon. We'll see if this political performance--seeming to be 'doing something'--will amount to a housecleaning within Wall Street's den of thieves.

Apr 29, 2008

Bush: another Let's Blame Congress press conference

Criticism must be getting through the White House bubble!

Bush is on TV now in his second Press Conference of 2008, and contentious Mars 24Can36 is rising, plus, there's a full 8th house of Shared Resources, 10:31 am edt, White House. Rain is on the way.

Just before Bush began, Tim Russert said Bush has to try to get out in front of the issues, and I guess he is - whining at Congress whose fault he says it is that his administration hasn't done more for the American people who are having trouble affording food and fuel prices.

Mars is now in bounds of the earthly plane and conjunct America's natal Mercury today at the "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" degree which has an abuse of power flavor when negatively used (Lynda Hill, 360 Degrees of Wisdom.)

Lynda also mentions this degree as relating to having the weight of the world on one's shoulders (white-haired Bush's performance this morning is an angry temper tantrum, imo) and there's a sense of "can do no wrong" (it's not me, it's Congress, see!) with "25Can."

Visit with Lynda at her excellent Sabian Symbols site.

Sun 9Tau38 is conj asteroid Hygeia and the Part of the Mother which makes me wonder about Bar's health or simply Bush drinking again (his n Sun in emotionally touchy, self-protective Cancer), and Mercury (whose Hour it is) is at 24Tau10 and conj nasty Capulus, keywords: turbulence, blindness, strong feelings; male sexual energy; penetrating and focused action. )Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

The last Solar Eclipse 17AQ45, the Unmasking Eclipse, is within 8th house as he began speaking along with Chiron, Moon 21AQ30, nebulous Neptune 24AQ03, and North Node (NN), a public contact point.

Moon is chart-ruler and will square Mercury, then conj Neptune which is lumbering inexorably toward the US natal Moon (the people) at 25 - 28 AQ, depending on which USA chart you prefer. To me this indicates (as related to the reception of this press conference) that Bush's announcement/words (Mercury) will block (square) the people (Moon), then culminate in fraud and falsehood (Neptune)toward the people...or a quicker way to put it: deception and illusions to the people.

But then, all US presidents have thought they had to lie to us...not for our protection as much as to keep themselves in office, out of court or jail, and to get themselves re-elected, if possible. It's the self-serving model rather than the people-serving template.

So Mars is now beyond opposition with moneybags Jupiter 22Cap13, and Venus 28Ari49 (values, money, relationship) in 10th house at 10:31 am, is conj the Part of Fortune (Pars Fortuna.) Bush is now exalting John McCain as his successor because he understands the "war of terror."

This full 8th house reminds me of Bush's first Inauguration chart of Jan 20, 2001, when he began his tenure of running America into the ground and over the cliff. (There were many such presidents before him. Manipulating the unwashed masses is quite a process, or as Dubya might term it, it's hard werk.)

11:00 am, Bush, "I believe they (Congress) are letting the American people down" in relation to FISA..."this economy, it's a sour time," free trade agreement with Columbia - it's all about complaining at Congress for not rubberstamping his plans to sell us out even faster - kicking the Columbian can down the road and deflecting criticism from his administration.

So Bush "has to try to get out in front" by glopping passage of fascist FISA with the dubiously helpful Columbian free trade pact and he's the poor little president in the middle who's trying So Hard to help out the "average" American.

Just say yes to Anwar, people! And your fuel problems will disappear a la George.

George Bush: catapultin' the propaganda nationally since 2000.

And our food prices? Guess it'll be very thin Bush Soup in every pot. It's smelling ripe now - he's been stirring it with both oven mitts since Jan 20, 2001, noon, Washington, DC.

Apr 21, 2008

fretting over McCain's Moon/Pluto opposition?

So am I.

Which is why I got my busy on, did some chart investigation, and published a few plutonic details on the potentials of a McCain presidency with an uh oh on my lips and a "not again" in my heart.

Your own insightful comments on the subject would be much appreciated either here or on Jude's Threshold, linked above.

John Abyss McCain is howling outside America's door...what will you do, if anything, to turn him and his raging Moon away?

Apr 18, 2008

Apr 9, 2008

McCain's Progressed chart: April 2008

The Secondary Progressions of Senator John McCain are viewable here if you have a moment. There's some interesting timing going on now with McCain so I've set his Secondary Progressed chart for April 2008. Have a sneaky peek!

You'll find that his Natal chart is there as well in the sidebar as a separate Page.

Now let's see: born Aug 29, 1936...2008 minus 1936...yep, McCain will be 72 this August, and sometimes the 72nd year brings a new chance to show one's talents...uh oh.

Mar 28, 2008

Obama on The View today

This morning I managed to catch Barack Obama on The View and I've written some reminiscences on the experience here for anyone who managed to miss the performance.

In what we once called junior high school (grades 7 & 8) there was a game I played only once for it seemed excruciating to me. It was called Lemon Twist and the gist is that one person sat in the middle of a circle of young ladies who then gave their worst assessments of the one-in-the-middle.

Well, Obama was in the middle of The View's sofa this morning but didn't come off too damaged--actually more like Lemon Meringue Pie than twisted.

He once again defended Pastor Wright as expected and ended with an offer of his wife as their next vict--er, guest, because Michelle would, he asserted, "dish the dirt."

Oh dear. Wouldn't that be handing ammunition to the Rove-Limbaugh 'Operation Chaos' intitative which is already working quite nicely for John McCain who needs all the help he can get?

Now I have gracious plenty natal planets in Capricorn so respect for Wise Ones advanced in years is no small part of my personality.

But I must ask if the video I saw early this week of McCain paying respects to grand dame Nancy Reagan (and thereby linking himself with Ronald, he hopes) was a helpful view of him as he escorted a doddering lady when he looked just as doddering himself? Was she holding him up or vice versa? It made me wonder...but even if incorrect, the impression was given.

Yes, America does prefer younger presidents when she can get them--or at least those who don't look as if they're about to keel over at any moment. Agism is alive and well in the US.

Yet the bickering and name-calling between Hill and Bar is starting to look as if they WANT to lose to a war-promoting dodderer.

Guess that's understandable though--look what they'll inherit from the get-go--America's wealth has got up and went and the (supposed) Dem plans of retreat from Iraq will be a lesson in humility--a lesson which the objects in need of it will ignore as they kick back on the porch...fattened and self-satisfied till the end.

Mar 21, 2008

Sen. Byrd's speech Mar 19, 2003

Surely now we ALL weep...except for a certain few too proud to admit their infallibility or reveal their true motives.

"Today, I Weep For My Country"

The speech given by Sen. Robert Byrd

Exactly five years ago, on the afternoon of March 19, 2003, mere hours before bombs began falling in Baghdad, Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., gave a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate condemning the use of military force in Iraq. As soon as Byrd was finished speaking, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) delivered a response defending the Bush administration's decision to go to war.

Check it out: Information Clearing House #

And if you missed it: Chiron-Uranus Types in Government

Mar 9, 2008

Spitoon Blues

Sad for you, dear reader...the muse of political rhymerie has landed heavily upon my furrowed brow after watching this morning's political programs on TV...resistance is futile...

Salivating GOP
pray the nom is Hillary
if it's not they'll be in trauma
have to face Barack Obama

latest polls McCain is down
touting war all over town
tasted violence on his tongue
sacrifice our poor and young

Hill and Bar are neck'n'neck
job loss gone way up by heck
better talk about inflation
homelessness across the nation

or you'll both be flash-in-pans
like elite Republicans
Democrats it's yours to lose
US got the Spitoon Blues.

jc 3.9.08

Mar 7, 2008

Is this the real John McCain?

Has this Navaho deal affected McCain's campaign coffers? Will the cold winds of cynicism blow into his lackluster, Bush-infused presidential bid? Planet Calamari sent SO'W a much-appreciated heads-up on the matter with a link to the orginal article.

This controversy is bigger than the Vicki Eisman flap, but not as sexy by half. What are the odds that mainstream media pay attention?

Years of McCain's bluster about integrity reminds me of the good advice my Mama gave many moons ago: never trust a man who says, Trust Me.

And that surely goes double for the infestors of Washington DC.

~btw: Lim's Limericks has a new political rhyme published as Dumbleheaded Democrats? if you're up for answering.

Mar 3, 2008

March 4 primaries

After tech difficulties shut me down four times, I finally got an abreviated article published on my other political blog, 'March 4 primaries: hoe-down in Houston' if you get a chance to have a peek.

Can you take a wild guess which Dem candidate is favored? Bet ya can!

Feb 28, 2008

Hot off the paw: Cat from McCain

Cat from McCain has just been published at Lim's Limericks where felines have political opinions of their own--and usually in limerick form.

Can there be truth in bad poetry? Can limericks unshield political claws and paws? Lim says, yes. Plus, we may as well make fun of them--they make fun of us all the time.

Bush press conference #41 2.28.08

Just got done watching Bush on TV, his 41st press conference which began at 10:05 am est, ended 10:52 am, White House Press Room.

Here are his demands (all the following words have "more" in front of them):

drilling, refinery-building, corn, spying, and war.

The US is NOT heading into recession and quelle surprise! he didn't know experts were predicting $4 per gallon gas to come (upshot: he avoids commenting on a difficult subject.)

When asked if he's concerned that a sagging economy will defeat John McCain as it defeated his father in 1992, Bush willingly confessed his concern for American workers.

What good news! I did not know this. An elitist is concerned about the average American worker! Who knew?

He went on to tout that our checks will be in the mail the 2nd week of May, but if you request yours electronically, you'll be rollin' in dough the 1st week of May. Then his advice is: spend and consume. (Your shopping spree will be all too brief.)

During the press conference an apt midpoint was on the Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration/WHY? Point of the chart:

Jupiter/Neptune = Mc: a visionary; fortune hunter; spend-thrift; speculator; harm or damage through thoughtlessness.

By conference's end (10:52 am) another midpoint had happily taken the place of spendtrift Jupiter-Neptune...

Jupiter/Uranus = Mc: optimism; fortunate powers of adaptibility; a good understanding of things; a fortunate turn; comfortably becoming known for who one is (uh-oh--is the "Unmasking Eclipse" about to out some secret motives?)

When Bush was asked to give "advice" to struggling Americans, Pluto 00Cap51 was conj 8th cusp of Other People's Money/Debt/Insurance/Credit 00Cap22.

His advice? Keep the tax cuts permanent. Yeah, I feel better already--as long as I can avoid filling my car's gas tank.

You may wish to see my article on the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981, if you haven't. It's conj Bush's natal Ascendant, the man himself..."A Bolshevik propagandist."

Now--did Bush have a wee nip before this morning's performance? He was on the slurry side. Evidence? Asteroid Bacchus conjunct the morning's Sun 9Pis24 (Pisces is the sign of negative escapism...alcohol and other drugs. I'm just noting.)

All through the press conference and into the day is a Mutable T-square between the Sun/Saturn opposition that points toward the Moon in Sagittarius which is out-of-bounds (as is Mars)...

Sun/Saturn = Moon: feeling inferior, hurt; personal needs under wraps; fear.

On one level, the Moon-r-us, but also represents Bush who is, I hear, one of the people. And he's the one on display and grabbing publicity (Moon) while he can.

Let's see what Bil Tierney in his Dynamics of Aspect Analysis says about an apex Moon in a Mutable T-square...

this Moon acts from a defensive pose, feels threatened, security is all-important; unstable due to misunderstood impressions from the past; emotionally touchy and high-strung.

Guess I can see why he may have wanted a wee nip.

Well, Bush began speaking during a Venus Hour, ended during a Mercury Hour with asteroid MIDA$ rising. And there was a second midpoint combo at Mc when he began which may tell much of the tale and the main reason for this performance this morning...

Sun/Pluto = Mc: striving for power and control; consciousness of purpose/objective; leadership; vocational crisis or upset and change to adopt new perspectives; violence with emotional consequences; power games with important consequences.

According to Bush, the important consequences refer to keeping the American people safe, but his past lies and deceits would indicate otherwise--that the Senate intell bill he so richly implores Congress to pass NOW is primarily meant to cover his own and his comrades' patooties--and to veil which activists AND politicians they've been spying on in Congress!

Our nation's political institutions in Washington DC are run on money, sex, and blackmail--and not necessarily in that order.

Yes, The Eye is watching its denizens from atop the pyramid and if the privacy rights of the rest of us get in the way, it's a small price to pay for permanent control and dominance. Seems the inmates have taken over the asylum and Bush is drinking again.

Oh! I almost forgot another thing Bush taught me during today's info-promoting Disseminationg phase of the Moon--dreamy-eyed Vladimir Putin is still a great leader.

Now you know Bush is in his own little world to say that!

Feb 24, 2008

Ralph Nader announces--yet again!

This morning I watched Meet the Press as Ralph Nader, that thorn in corporatism's side, announced yet another run for the US presidency.

Why is this common-do-gooder such a thorn?

Nader's natal Sun 8Pis08 is conjunct America's natal Chiron-Pluto midpoint (July 4, 1776) and Chiron-Pluto is one of the primary signatures for plutocracy with its oppressions, class warfare, racism, corporatism, violence, and disenfranchisements.

You'll find a few notes on the subject of Ralph Nader here along with an article link concerning Hillary Clinton's and John McCain's votes to go to war in Iraq.

What do you think: should their warmongering votes disqualfy them from the presidency?

Feb 21, 2008

Were John and Vicki sittin' in a tree ?

Breaking: McCain linked romantically to lobbyist during first presidential run: NYT 21 Feb 2008:

Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, waves of anxiety swept through his small circle of advisers. A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, in his offices and aboard a client’s corporate jet.

Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself-- instructing staff members to block the woman's access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.

When news organizations reported that Mr. McCain had written letters to government regulators on behalf of the lobbyist's clients, the former campaign associates said, some aides feared for a time that attention would fall on her involvement. Mr. McCain, 71, and lobbyist Vicki Iseman, 40, both say they never had a romantic relationship.

LegitGov Breaking News#

McCain says "it just isn't true." Well, I for one believe him. Maybe. And it's his showing legislative favoratism to her clients that's the greater story. Are her motives revealed?

Yet McCain's natal Mars (desire nature) is in Leo, sign of Romance and this placement is arrogant and conceited--which I assume accounts in large part for his being described as a narcissist. A passionate Leonine Mars has a great need to be appreciated a lover.

Now I don't know Vicki Iseman but one must imagine that she had romantic options other than John McCain--but perhaps his mojo mystique eludes me. The scent of power is THE aphrodesiac, they say...and the aroma of the money that comes with it. (If this wasn't the case for you, Vicki Iseman, all apologies!)

Now it's 2008, and Saturn is conjunct his natal Sun 6Vir02, a restrictive and inhibiting period when past (Saturn) mistakes may come to light...McCain's past is clamoring for attention.

And Saturn will be conjuncting natal Neptune 16Vir07--not such a good portent for leading the country for he will have difficulty comprehending the reality of situations, esp regarding money matters--shades of the current denizen.

(After that, it'll be Saturn conj US n Neptune, exact by the end of 2009, which is a time of disillusionment, no matter who inhabits the White House.)

Plus, last evening's Lunar Eclipse on the Vir/Pis-victim/savior axis occurred near enough to his Sun to cause an eclipse of ego recognition. Then there's the fact that the tr SN, a Saturnian and separative point which reeks of the past, has now moseyed just beyond McCain's natal Sun (ego; adult personality; life purpose), so it looks like troubles are upon him en masse.

In politics, that system of organized hatreds, it's the appearance of naughtiness which makes or breaks a politician and things are seldom how they seem. McCain was broken in SC in the 2000 campaign by the "black baby" illusion a la Bush-Rove, so is this romantic indiscretion of that same ilk or was it true dalliance?

In politics it doesn't really matter as long as the damage is done.

Anyway, the fix seems to be in for Barack Obama so all McCain's trials may be moot come January 2009.

Obama's Jupiter Return on or about Jan 9, 2009--conj the Inaugural Sun-Mercury conjunction 00AQ+ AND his natal Saturn in Cap conj Inaugural Mc (I KNOW!!!)--may be enough to gain him the scepter but he'll be under the sway of forces which will mercilessly use him as a tool for their purposes. He may not know this now and will discover it as he moves into the Oval Office.

And that's just the kind of president the powers-behind want!

Hillary is, however, playing for keeps and has waited years for the opportunity to take over the White House. It simply remains to be seen who the powers-behind want for their next shill.

Image: White Collar Affair, drawing by jude cowell from cosmic persona designs--hopefully my posting this illustration of a romantic triangle is the naughtiest thing I'll perpetrate all day! Use by express permission only.

Heads Up: John McCain's natal chart has been published with article in progress at Jude's Threshold if you're interested.