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Showing posts with label Moon-Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon-Saturn. Show all posts

Jul 29, 2015

July - August 2015: transit Saturn activates a 2013 Lunar Eclipse

Here is a previously published image of the 2013 Lunar Eclipse horoscope (4 Sagittarius) which will be activated by transit Saturn again once the old man of the Zodiac and lesson bringer of accountability, restriction, authority, change, and sometimes loss seems to move ahead into the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius (The Seeker). The forceful Mars-Pluto vibes of Scorpio will be left behind for approximately the next 28-30 years along with (as you see) the Midheaven of this eclipse horoscope @24Sco, the Career-Public Status-Aspiration-Point of the chart which is set for Washington DC.

Of course, the transit Saturn to Lunar Eclipse energies echo Saturn's recent and current visit to the US Inauguration 2009 Moon @29Scorpio with its descriptive Sabian Symbol: "A Halloween Jester" as the American public continues to deal with (or ignore! now stop that!) repressive, oppressive, restrictive, austere, melancholic events and lessons in the Collective due to the Moon-Saturn pairing--doubled if we expect the difficult 2013 Lunar Eclipse to have any influence within current matters.

And yet there are positive possibilities within a Moon-Saturn pairing as well since organization and practicality may increase which boosts those who resonate with these energies and spur the on to more practical ambitions, realistic structure-building, and better directed and efficient strategies. And if plans, programs, or projects are delayed or ended via a Moon-Saturn contact, the delays or endings may only be temporary. After all, when the responsibilities and the lessons of Saturn are respected, our long-time efforts and work may be rewarded with permanent rewards even though initial delays or cautions may apply.

Please enlarge the image to read my always messy notes. Artists can be quite messy, you know. jc

Additionally, there's another consideration: Saturn simultaneously opposes the Sun @4Gemini, sign of communications, trade, commerce, transport, speeches, negotiations, treaties and deals such as the #IranDeal and trade deals, reporters, you name it--Gemini covers a slew of realms and people--even young people, students, teachers, and astrologers. And of course, all Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons which spotlight relationships, culminations, fulfillment, and total awareness. With transit Saturn opposite the Sun (leaders) we may expect personal goals and someone's pride to suffer in some way. This opposition is another indication of frustrating delays (transportation?), and challenges to authority, integrity (President Obama should be accustomed to that before now), honesty, seniority, and generosity.

Rule-Breakers Be Forewarned!

This Saturnine period which builds now and is exact in early November 2015 (not 2016!) points in other directions as well: toward the tea party faction in Congress and their ongoing challenges to the authority and honesty of Republican leaders as well as the usual GOP accusations against any and all Democrats especially 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton, or anyone else who threatens the Republicans' imaginary monarchic 'right to rule'. One has only to remember the nightmarish 8 years of the Bush-Cheney regime for a hint of the dread to come under any of those varmints of the Vulcan war hawk persuasion. Saturn is a planet of karma and when yours truly uses the word it's a reference to the natural law of reaping what's been sown. No one escapes this universal requirement, says Saturn, though the high-and-mighty power elite class imagine that they do.

So all together, it may be that Saturn activating the 2013 Lunar Eclipse @4Sag brings up hidden aspects of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis (such as over expansive plans: Jupiter-Mercury) along with relationship and alliance issues especially in relation to certain conditions we faced, ignored, or neglected in 2013 and that still hanker for resolution. Whether Washington and other politicians intend to correct their past mistakes and neglect as good Saturn requires is quite another question entirely.

Jun 10, 2015

Who are the Democrats Supporting TPP? - The Thom Hartmann Program

The US Congress is scheduled to vote this Friday June 12, 2015, and the secretive, anti-sovereign, anti-environment, anti-workers-rights, anti-democratic, anti-American #TPP "free trade" deal is on the verge of gathering 60 nations into a vicious glop of new world orderism. This "deal" may be the final sell-out of the American people and as a checkmate on China, it won't work because, thanks to Nixon, Reagan, and subsequent presidents and their enablers, that gigantic fire-breathing dragon has already left the cave.

So as Thom Hartmann says here as he calls out Capitol Hill Democrats who are induced to vote for the draconian "deal", Call Your Congressman Now!! Unless you value amoral corporations over people, that is:

#TPP #TPA #SecretTradeDeals #NewWorldOrder #Globalism #GlobalGovernment #Corporatism #Totalitarianism #ThomHartmann

One of the "Democrats" promoting the TPP (behind closed doors) is Nancy Pelosi whose Scorpio Moon is apparently telling a Scorpionic tale of betrayal with a side dish of manipulation and control of others.

Astrologically, on June 12, 2015 in the Eastern Time Zone, the Moon (We the People; the public mood) is bracketed in the morning (10:32 am) with a Moon-Saturn inconjunct (an aspect of adjustment--the Moon-Saturn duo is depressive but can also represent ambition, direction, and strategy, an echo-chamber word in the news these days) and a Moon-Venus square at 10:12 pm suggesting blockages, obstacles, and delay.

And of course we always remember the political equation (and calculation):

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism.

Jan 21, 2015

2015 Saturn active in President Obama's natal chart

Did you catch last evening's State of the Union Address? If so you can hardly check the news today and for weeks ahead without remarks, opinions, and replays to regale you. I attempted to cover some pertinent astrological factors of its horoscope here including chart and MC ruler Mercury (oration, communication, deals) stationing Rx opposing Jupiter Rx in Leo, an echo of Mr. Obama's natal Mercury-Jupiter opposition, also across the Leo-AQ axis.

Yet year 2015 also brings the president what is often a difficult transit for anyone--tr Saturn opposing natal Moon. His natal Moon @3Gem21 is posited in natal 4th house of Home, Family, and Domestic Scene across the 4/10 axis which includes the 10th house of Career, Goals, and Public Status. A natal Moon in traveling Gemini denotes changes of residence in childhood and of course, he now resides (for two more years) in the White House, the domestic scene which will be affected by the transit from restrictive Saturn.

Even career (political) issues may be affected particularly since transit Saturn has and will conjoin President Obama's natal Midheaven (MC 28Sco53)--precisely three times: December 13, 2014, July 5, 2015, and August 29, 2015--as transit Saturn moves back into Scorpio from Sagittarius, then forward again and precisely opposing his natal Moon in 4th house.

Tr Saturn to natal MC indicates a period when rewards, recognition, and increased status arrive if well-earned (ex: his popularity ratings are up) as long as others are not unfairly blamed for past errors and misjudgments. Also on tap with tr Saturn to n MC are taking charge (as he has since the November 2014 elections) and accepting additional responsibilities whenever required while maturity and experience place him on a higher level of accomplishment.

Yet we often find that when career matters go well, home and family matters may suffer in some way and this seems to be indicated here for President Obama for tr Saturn opposing natal Moon (already within orb of influence since tr Saturn entered Sag but exact on the three dates given below) denotes potentials for emotional deprivation which may be linked in some way to the past. Family members including children may feel abandoned, neglected, lost, or ill (though I won't imagine a separation between husband and wife since couples never do until after a White House tenure if it's in the cards). It could be that the president's health may suffer--digestively, chronic or new conditions flaring up, teeth or bones aching, and colds or flu may turn up in the White House.

As for career and status, tr Saturn opposing natal Moon is a time when desires tend to be thwarted. A high level of maturity is necessary and perhaps this will be provided by tr Saturn to natal MC. Regarding the president's SOTU 2015 list of proposals intended to improve "middle class economics" for working (Saturn) families (Moon) and thus aid the US economy, this transit hints that any gains he receives will come at a very high price that he--and We the People--may end up regretting .

With Saturn, planet of lawmakers and legislation, involved, we must remain vigilant concerning unfortunate amendments to bills and to trade and other political deals that at first seem more helpful to the American people and the US economy than they actually are.

Transit Saturn 3Sag21 exactly opposes Mr. Obama's natal Moon @3Gem21 three times in 2015: January 29, April 28, and October 25; natal data used: August 4, 1961 7:24 AHST Honolulu, Hawaii.

Jun 28, 2014

Aries Ingress 2014 and a GOP "stunt" to sue the President

Aries Ingress 2014, the Desperation of Sore Losers, and a "Stunt" Announced

by Jude Cowell

On February 4, 2014, the horoscope of Aries Ingress 2014 was published on this blog. As you know, it is an ancient Arabian practice to use an Aries Ingress that occurs prior to an important political event to signify the event itself but little did I suspect when I wrote about the horoscope that Speaker John Boehner would announce a plan to "sue" President Obama for his use/abuse of Executive Power. At least I think that's Boehner's point since he won't divulge what the threatened legal suit will allege. Meanwhile, President Obama has termed the GOP suit "a stunt."

Such a stunt attempts to ignore the fact that Mr. Obama has signed fewer Executive Orders than other presidents so obviously it's only another wasteful GOP attempt to de-legitimize a Democratic administration and many pundits are saying the ploy could backfire on Republicans in November as would another "stunt" revisited--a threatened GOP government shutdown which could occur only 5 weeks prior to the November Elections! Perhaps this will be when Democrats can say, "proceed, Mr. Boehner."

Here is the original post with horoscope shown if you wish a view that is set for Washington DC.

Related: brief notes on the Natal Chart of John Boehner, a piece published in September 2010.

Interestingly, the Aries Ingress horoscope may take precedence over the Autumn Ingress 2014 in September since it represents all of 2014 and thus describes Election 2014 in November though there is also a Solar Eclipse in October which will add its background influences on election results. However, the Aries Ingress 2014 chart shows Jupiter @10Can46 rising along with US natal Sun (the president) and the Saturn-Neptune midpoint, a significator for social welfare issues such as New Deal and Great Society programs that support our social fabric and provide aid to those not so well-off.

Mundane Moon = We the People, Saturn = Austerity Measures

For me the risings suggest that Jupiter's investment potential is uppermost here and perhaps the American people will turn out in droves to vote in November--for Democrats, in both state and national elections. Otherwise, Dick Cheney's scorn over spending money on the needs of the American people instead of funding more wars of conquest (and fattening the stock portfolios of wheeler-dealer warmongers like Cheney) will be victorious and our society will sink further into beggardom--right where the plutocrats and neocons want us. The Moon-Saturn conjunction in the March 2014 horoscope will then describe 'loss, oppression, and depression' more than the 'ambition, direction, and strategy' the duo in Scorpio could portend.

In case you missed it, here is author-broadcaster Thom Hartmann on "Why is John Boehner Suing President Obama?

Here we find one result of the ongoing Cardinal Grand Square as it forms a Grand Cross with US natal Saturn (14Lib48), that transiting Pluto, planet of hidden power, squares our national Saturn thus creating circumstances where 'abuse of authority' emerges and is blocked as the president's ambitions are severely criticized. Yet if Mr. Obama's goals are morally above reproach--which is what the American people ought to decide, not the president's political opponents who have made it clear that undermining or disrupting his presidency is their all-consuming desire--will his plans for domestic Jupiterian investment triumph over Republican opposition and their stunts of desperation. The simultaneous opposition by transit Uranus to US natal Saturn is similar in effect and adds to a 'threat to authority' vibe as opposing forces strive to impose "a new order"--in the US Congress and around the globe.

Dec 19, 2013

Dec 28, 2013: Astrology of Unemployment Benefits Cut Off

Our Derelict Congress and the GOP's 'Hurting Obama' Game

by Jude Cowell

Since unemployment benefits are set to expire on December 28, 2013 for 1.3 million Americans, it's only natural for astrologers to take a look at that date and the condition of its two money planets, Venus and Jupiter, both of which are retrograde. The condition of the astrological Moon as We the People is an important chart factor to consider as well.

Yesterday a list of planetary changes of direction were posted to this blog where we see that Jupiter is Rx until March 6, 2014, and Venus turns Rx on December 21st (this Saturday) while conjoining US natal Pluto in late Capricorn. The Venus-Pluto contact makes for a good time in the US to plan and determine strategy though as a planetary pair, Venus-Pluto can signify bankruptcy, a real hazard for those whose unemployment benefits suddenly are withheld for an extended period of time.

These folks' Christmas shopping will tend to be suppressed with December 28th looming, so retail sales are sure to be lost, thanks to a derelict Congress.

However, Congress will take up the extension of benefits when they return to Capitol Hill in early January (if we can believe them), though even only a week or two without unemployment checks will not only put some families at risk of homelessness and/or food insecurity, but the lack will interfere with filling up car gas tanks for even the most basic errands--plus, it will take the money they would be spending out of the economy--thus hurting the America people along with hurting President Obama's favorability rating.

As for the Moon, Luna conjoins depressive, austere Saturn at 7:58 pm est on the evening of December 28, 2013 @20Sco05..'21Sco' = "A Soldier Derelict in His Duty", a Sabian Symbol which may easily refer to our veterans but makes me think first of our derelict Congress especially since Scorpio is the sign of betrayal (of the public trust and of their oaths of office--governing by not governing doesn't count around here.) This conjunction echos the recent (Nov 28th) conjoining of America's Secondary Progressed Moon and Saturn @ '3Sco' ("A House-Raising"!)

Yet Christmas is an optimistic season, and my Jupiterian hope is that Congress will act to extend unemployment benefits well before the Direct Station of Venus on January 31, 2014 @13Cap34 (opposite US natal Sun, a time when leaders are openly opposed and there may be ostentatious displays of luxury!) so if you are reading this blog (as you seem to be), I suspect that this is your hope, too.


The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones.

Dec 4, 2013

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of April and October 2014

Astro-Notes on the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2014

by Jude Cowell

In order of occurrence, the following list of Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2014 contains brief details for each and includes the Sun-Moon blend Images for Integration which provide word pictures to describe the coordinated blending of Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious) energies for each period of time influenced by each eclipse. Naturally, Lunar periods overlap Solar periods which form the background of our astrological motifs for 2014:

1. April 15 Total Lunar Eclipse @25Lib15 (tax day!); Sun Ari-Moon Lib is a Fire-Air combo, a 'live wire' full of ideas enthusiastically expressed: "A conductor leads an orchestra with passionate conviction and a vibrant, pulsating organism of musical perfection is created to the ecstatic uplifting of the audience."

This Fire-Air blend is shared natally by Julian Lennon, Pearl Bailey, Wilbur Wright, and William Hazlitt who asserted that, "The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."

2. Apr 29 Annular Solar Eclipse @8Tau51:46 in the 16 South Saros Series: 16S contains themes of wasted energy and misdirected motivation especially when dealing with groups; there may be sudden inspiration that is potentially unfulfilling so taking no real action is the better course.

Sun Tau-Moon Tau is a double Earth blend of practicality and material concerns; "A successful baker is surrounded by delighted children eating fresh bread rolls...A loving teacher resolves an angry dispute."

This earthy blend is shared natally by Irving Berlin, Carol Burnett, Florence Nightingale, Tyrone Power, and Karl Marx who sloganized the world with, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

3. Oct 8 Total Lunar Eclipse @15Ari05 which 'flips' the first Lunar Eclipse Sun-Moon blend to: Sun Lib-Moon Ari, another 'live wire' combo of energies, as above; its Libra Sun conjoins US natal Saturn (14Lib48), planet of government, law, and business so we may expect the eclipse to reveal secrets from the depths of those realms (as all eclipses are prone to do); "A little girl and a little boy barter whilst playing on a see-saw. She wants his toy gun; he wants her cream cake. They decide to share." Additionally, quirky disruptive Uranus is conjoined by the Moon at 5:52 am EDT, one hour prior to the perfecting of the Lunar Eclipse at 6:51 am EDT which makes the effects of the eclipse unpredictable to ascertain ahead of time though excitement is a major potential along with technological influences and vibes of change and/or sudden events.

This blend is shared natally by Enrico Fermi, Luciano Pavarotti, Giuseppe Verdi, and e.e. cummings, whose famous opinion of politicians finds constant favor on this blog thanks to US politicians in breach of the public trust, "A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man."

4. Oct 23 Partial Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 in the 17 New North Saros Series denotes themes of hectic, excited socializing and impulsive energy; issues emerge and motivate especially in regard to financial enterprises.

Sun Sco-Moon Sco is a double Water combo that overflows with feelings, imagination, and intensity; "A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research."

This double Water blend is shared natally by Howard Baker, Georgia O'Keefe, and Bram Stoker whose character Dracula waxed a bit poetic with, "Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."

Well, there are the four eclipses of 2014. There's much more to cover so expect additional details to be posted here and at Jude's Threshold as 2014 rolls along but do note that, until the Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 occurs, we remain under the sway of the current Scorpio eclipse which manifested on November 3, 2013 @11Sco15 (horoscope shown set for DC).

If you haven't, why not check out the rectified natal horoscope of Dracula if you wish? Expert astrologer Noel Tyl did the chart rectification work (horoscope shown with my scribbled notes upon it) and you may find it curiously interesting.

Politically speaking, now that the Secondary Progressed conjunction of America's Moon and Saturn has perfected and is separating (exact on Nov 28, 2013), the ACA website seems to be running better (though I hear insurance companies continue to complain about receiving garbled info), will President Obama's low approval ratings begin to climb as mentioned in my post on the Moon-Saturn conjunction? We'll see!

Blog Note: Sun-Moon blend info mainly from Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey; eclipse themes from Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Nov 13, 2013

11.28.13: US Progressed Moon-Saturn conjoin for a "House Raising"

On Nov 28, 2013, US Progressed Moon Meets Progressed Saturn @3Sco10

by Jude Cowell

The Secondary Progressed horoscope that issues from America's natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) shows an important conjunction becoming exact on November 28, 2013. Here's America's SP horoscope with transits for that moment and date (3:10 pm EST), set for Washington DC:

Secondary Progressions: Hour of Mercury (20AQ27 Rx in 6th house of Daily Rounds, Work, Service, and Health); SP Pluto @29Cap16, a critical or crisis degree, remains out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and has moved into SP 5th h--SP South Node @26Cap15 is closer than ever to Pluto indicating the US War Machine as the military arm of Pluto's forceful agenda; chart-ruler Sun @9Pis06 is in SP 7th h denoting a 'giving away' of control to others (Sun = leader) and transit Chiron currently conjoins this Sun showing the wounds now being inflicted upon President Obama, many of which involve the failed debut of the ACA website (Neptune = webs, networks, falsehoods, failures, losses); SP Jupiter Rx @15Can24 continues its conjunction to the Pentagon's natal Ascendant showing the bottomless money pit that Washington politicians through the decades have allowed our military misadventures to become.

(America's SP Jupiter Return occurred in September 2013 when transiting Jupiter 'caught up with' SP Jupiter in mid-Cancer); our natal Jupiter Return occurred on July 22, 2013 and a 12-year report may be ordered in this blog's sidebar.)

As you see (click image to enlarge), transit North Node (NN,a Jupiterian point of encounters and alliances) is moving nearer the SP Moon-Saturn conjunction which will separate at the end of December 2013 so we may expect the usual rush of excited energy for New Year 2014, at least until vinegary Washington politicians sour things the way they apparently prefer them. Single digits! Did you hear that Congress' approval rating has now dropped to 9%? Wonder what's the matter with the 9%? As some say, that's counting their family members and friends!

(Blog Note: as I began to type this post a look at my Solar Fire software was warranted and I discovered that Mercury's current position a few minutes before 11:00 am EST is: 3Sco10. Hmm.) '3Sco' = "A House-Raising" in the Sabian Symbols and what this could mean for Congress and the American public who holds their sorry antics in low regard is your guess and mine. Of course, real estate and property values may also be denoted.

Now if you look to the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values, you see the transiting Ascendant (the WHAT? Point) on November 28, 2013 at 3:10 pm (another '3:10'!) is @18Lib25 and so brings up US SP Mars @18Lib22 and retrograde since Summer 2006. '19 Lib' is the "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" degree with its negative expression: 'abnormal mistrust of everything worthwhile" (Jones.) But robbers? The world has gracious plenty of those for every occasion.

In 4th house, the transiting Saturn-Pluto midpoint of loss, cruelty, and hard work, now conjoins US natal Ascendant which indicates cold feelings, melancholy, working with powerful or influential people, and/or, silent power (Ebertin; Munkasey.) This echoes the Saturn-Pluto opposition which conjoined the US natal ASC-DESC axis for the 9/11/01c coup. ASC-DESC = Self and Others, and Saturn-Pluto's activity in our natal chart also supports the depressive aspect of the SP Moon-Saturn conjunction.


Does our November 28th Moon-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, sign of Regeneration, Surgery, and such, give us an astro-picture of the public's (Moon) depression over and delays (Saturn) in the health insurance sign-up process? In a previous post I mentioned that transit Mercury (websites, technology, signing up, contracts, negotiations, news, etc) will leave his retrograde shadow, the degrees he retraced during Rx phase, at the end of November 2013 which tallies with what the White House hopes will be the date by which the Obamacare website will be operating on or near its best performance level. And all of it encounters our SP Moon-Saturn conjunction!

Yet could the SP Moon-Saturn conjunction may be timing improvements more accurately? If so, their separation by at least one degree at the end of December 2013 may denote a brightening of the American public's prospects in the realm of healthcare and health insurance.

So what is a Progressed Moon-Saturn conjunction telling us about ourselves and our society for Saturn, along with Jupiter, are the societal planets?

SP Moon to Saturn indicates a period of dealing with basic survival for many Americans as we seek safety for ourselves and our families--perhaps another reference to the benefits of Obamacare, if those who need it can get its coverage. During this "don't rock the boat" conjunction, productive work wards off anxiety and depression and each person must do what they have the power and opportunity to do--then, let go. Plus, Pottenger and Dobbyns have called a Moon-to-Saturn conjunction in Progressions a "cosmic report card" concerning "how we are handling the rules of the game."

Well! Since the collective must necessarily include members of our 9%-approved Congress, I suspect their report card shows a big fat F minus next to the president's F, don't you? Perhaps demonstrations and protests are on the public's menu--but let's not give up on America, just on those who undermine our nation!

Another factor I must include is tr Mars' visit to US natal Neptune and SP Neptune (unwise decisions and actions, disguised culpability, hidden motives), as you can tell by Mars' position @24Vir59 where Mr. Quarrels has just entered the SP 2nd house with its cusp @23Vir19. And there in 2nd house awaits our SP Mars @18Lib22 Rx so there are multiple references to Mars-Neptune issues and concerns that have America's natal and problematic Mars-Neptune square 'running in the background'. The square's 'misdirected energy/misguided actions' inclinations just keep on tripping us up via the self-undoing of the political establishment's overly enthusiastic plans for conquest, domination, and fraud.

Additionally, President Obama is not left out of the situation since his natal Mars in Virgo conjoins US natal Neptune, a synchronicity between 1776 and 1961 that helped create the 'rock star' vibes of 2008 which made him popular, and which veils or obscures the public's clear view of his actions and motivations (she's blogged a zillion times before!) Yet with the president's approval rating now below 40%, it seems that the Inauguration 2013 horoscope wasn't kidding about a drop in his popularity with its 1st house Moon (the public; popularity) near the 1st house South Node of the Moon, a Saturnian point of separation and disfavor.

So we can't discount the possibility that the November 28th SP Moon-Saturn conjunction is descriptive of the low point in President Obama's approval ratings so if his popularity climbs in December--which one assumes it may once the ACA website is workable and more people have discovered better insurance and the amounts of their subsidies--we may assume that the SP conjunction correctly timed the president's ratings bottom and marks the start of a gradual improvement in public opinion.

Well, as you see, there are many more factors worth noting from both the November 28, 2013 SP chart and the planetary transits on what is our annual Thanksgiving Day, but my blogging time isn't as expansive as it once was, so I'll hush for now and publish what I have so far. As always, your comments and/or analyses are warmly invited!


Correction to the SP horoscope: near the top of the chart, I have wrongly labeled Mercury's SP position as '23Ari41' though it's noted above that SP Mercury is @20AQ27 Rx in 6th house. '23Ari41' is actually the position of SP Venus! And on another note: astrologers such as Nicholas DeVore call '3 Scorpio' the 'Fall of the Moon' degree which, if so, may only make matters more difficult for the length of time the Moon-Saturn conj is in effect through 2013. Obviously, its opposite degree, '3Tau' is the 'Exaltation of the Moon' degree and is considered to be fortunate; also, it is the degree of Chiron in its Discovery chart of November 1977 (3Tau08 Rx). jc

Sep 6, 2012

2012 noms: Romney Moon-Neptune--Obama Moon/SN

2012 Nominations: Romney = Moon-Neptune, Obama = Moon/SN

by Jude Cowell

Since in America the astrological Moon signifies We the People, the public, and publicity and is an excellent timer of human activity, let's consider the Moon-Neptune combo of August 30, 2012 under which Mitt Romney accepted his party's nomination for president along with tonight's lunar portents as President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination of his party in Charlotte, NC. Both Neptune and the Nodes relate to public contacts/encounters and, the masses and media.

Mitt Romney's Moon-Neptune conjunction in early Pisces is supported by his progressions for SP Moon at SP MC is opposed by his SP Neptune and I blogged last week about this synchronicity--that the Mormon hierarchy is at the base of his aspiration to be president (SP Moon = MC @'11Aries" = "The President of the Country") though I may not have mentionedclearly enough that Neptune's relationship to falsehoods, fraud, lies, and deceit are found in many news reports, blogs, articles, and fact-checkers' conclusions concerning RNC 2012 which spouted little reality or truth as it attempted to frame issues and present a one-sided picture of the president's term in office.

Romney's SP Moon to SP MC perfects on October 3, 2012, date of the first presidential debate:

So what about tonight's DNC event? Is a Moon/South Node (of the Moon) combination a beneficial imprint under which the president will accept his party's nomination?

As you know, the SN of any planet has a Saturnian quality indicating such things as separation, isolation, and the past--so will the American people prefer to separate themselves from President Obama in November 2012--to"break up" with him, as Republicans now advise? If the approval shown during Bill Clinton's exalted nomination of Barack Obama last evening--and the excited reception of other excellent speakers such as Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren and activist for women's rights Sandra Fluke--are indications, then We the People already have our presidential dance partner for January 2013, thanks, and he does not fly a Cayman Islands flag on his luxury yacht nor does he dance with horses!

Now a Moon/SN conjunction does have a Moon-Saturn tone, yes, but it can also be a 'direction-strategy-ambition' marker (Tyl), plus, it shows one who must achieve without cooperation from others (such as that of obstructionist Tea Party members of the House and GOP leaders determined to undermine yet another Democratic president--Rs really are sore losers, aren't they?) Plus, when well-managed, Moon/SN denotes one who is capable of well-planned, concentrated, disciplined efforts. And just like Mr. Clinton last evening, this describes someone I have in mind: President Barack Obama. To paraphrase Mr. Clinton last night, no president including himself could clear up the 8-year economic mess left by Republicans in only four years.

Now Moon/SN also indicates bad timing and separative circumstances of a karmic nature so I'm seeing this duo--which conjoins and stimulates the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse 00Gem20 conjunct Alcyone ('something to cry about'; lots of rain; exile; evacuation)--as a picture of the president's acceptance speech tonight being held at the smaller venue of the TIME-Warner Cable arena due to expected thunderstorms around Charlotte which would possibly necessitate a huge and difficult evacuation unless moved indoors, for the venue change will bump thousands of audience members off the attendance list and make them a little grumpy, I imagine.

And thanks to America's ridiculously over-done, clownishly irrational security measures--even though it may be raining like the dickens umbrellas allowed.

Yet we'll ALL be super-grumpy if President Obama is re-elected and Republicans continue their self-serving no-compromise act of non-governing in what I think is an attempt to collapse America:

Yes, certain mysterious and secret forces do like to keep We the People riled up against one another, aka, divided and conquered.


Speaking of Election Day 2012, for more Political Astrology you may wish to view a few astro-notes on the karmic Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @22Scorpio which conjoins US natal 12th cusp of Politics in our Declaration of Independence natal horoscope:


Feb 9, 2012

Hitler's vision: 'Germania' (video), plus his Death Chart and the STOCK Act

World Empire was Hitler's goal--What do Republicans want?

by Jude Cowell

The excellent History Today has an interesting feature concerning Adolf Hitler's plan to establish the capital city of 'his' World Empire (aka, New World Order), a remaking of Berlin which he intended to call, Germania. Guess the usual NWO vision of a global kingdom being set up in Jerusalem (with a 'King of Jerusalem' ruling all, a devilish-on-purpose and misguided reading of Biblical prophecy and of Christ's mission on earth since His was a spiritual kingdom, not an earthly one)--well, a spiritual kingdom wasn't what the German dictator wanted, was it?

And I can't imagine what Hitler in his day thought of Jerusalem since it's full of you-know-whos. Yet Hitler's DNA is said to confirm his Jewish (and African) heritage! How inconvenient this must have been for WWII's psychopath-in-chief when issuing pogroms assuming that he was aware of his own ancestry. Once again, karma is a witch for he was actually condemning himself!

Below is one of the videos concerning 'Germania' which I'm embedding from the History Today article; click Visions of Germania if you wish to view other videos on the same topic.

Born April 20, 1889 at 6:30 pm in Braunau am Inn, Austria, here's a view of Hitler's natal horoscope.

He and his brand new wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide (or did they?) on April 30, 1945 @ 3:30 pm CEDT in a Berlin bunker with both an Angular Moon 14Sag29 conjunct IC (15:15) and an Angular Jupiter 17Vir50 Rx rising (ASC 18Vir52.) In death charts, these are the two celestial bodies so often Angular at death, both or singularly.

Plus, one of the planets closely associated with Astrology, Uranus (another being Saturn), is Angular as well--conjunct MC 15Gem15 (The Goal Point) which may be icing on the Angular cake in a Death Horoscope. Yet Uranus @ MC supports a potential for a 'death ruse' by which his alleged demise could have been timed by an astrologer or astrologers with an Angular Moon and Jupiter since Hitler & crew are said to have consulted astrologers for guidance and timing. That's if they realized then that future astrologers would check Hitler's Death Chart for confirmation of his demise--and naturally we would do just that.

So if we take Hitler's Death Horoscope as a true blueprint of his suicide, chart factors weight toward the 'yes he did' side rather than the 'death ruse' side. 1945's Pluto 7Leo56 (11th house of Hopes, Wishes, Associations), planet of death, suicide, subversion, destruction, and transformation, is out-of-bounds from the earthly plane (a 'special' death?) yet the planet of Invisibility is focal planet of a particular midpoint of the two NWO planets, Uranus and Neptune ('turning from confusion and finding a new path'--Munkasey; Enlightenment; mysticism--Ebertin), which forms a planetary picture:

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: abandonment of resistance; the necessity to give in; calamities, losses, catastrophes; ideas which can change the world. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Hitler definitely entertained such ideas (exs: 'Germania' and a World Empire ruled by his nibs.)

Plus, you know of the most descriptive Sabian Symbol for the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the NWO planets, all through 1993: '18 Capricorn'...

"The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer" = POLITICAL POWER, which Marc Edmund Jones gives as, "smug or strong-armed paternalism" in its negative expression. We could ask our peacefully assembled, pepper-sprayed Occupiers about that, circa 2011/2012.

Adding a thimble full of fuel to the 1945 Plutonian midpoint picture above and the Uranus/Neptune meet-up in 1993 is the fact that '19Cap' = Pluto's South Node degree which has a difficult Saturn/Pluto connotation of separation, loss, hardship, and brutality.

So yes, planets in Hitler's Death Horoscope do seem to indicate that his suicide actually occurred 'as advertised' yet there are midpoint pictures in the chart which may or may not give a different flavor to the proceedings of April 20, 1945 in Berlin--see what you think:

Sun/NN = (Angular) Uranus: friends who provide the right connections (to secret yourself off to Britain or to parts unknown?)

Venus/Neptune = NN 10Can49: associations with others who are able to effect deceptions and illusions (pouf!) Also: an unhappy union (the newly weds?) (The 3 to 14 degree range of Cancer always hints at USA involvement, doesn't it?)

Pluto/MC = NN: club memberships that help achieve one's purposes (to go underground?); people with powerful influence.

1945's South Node (SN) conjoined the UK's natal Sun in Capricorn, btw, which may or may not be significant or may denote the British royal family's Germanic kinship which they obfuscated by changing their name to 'Windsor', to Americans' family ties to Germany as well, plus, the Western power elite's financial backing of Hitler's rise to power and his expansive war efforts.

Well, these midpoint pictures are not conclusive for his survival so I'd have to say that based on his Death Chart, Hitler did commit suicide as reported through the decades. The April 30, 1945 transits certainly 'hit' many of AH's natal planets in negative ways (ex: tr Saturn opposed natal Moon 6Cap38 and n Jupiter 8Cap15 indicating a very dampening period in his life such as: unfortunate circumstances; emotional deprivation linked to the past; thwarted desires; health problems; personal growth frustrated by authority figures; problems through unresolved conflicts; giving back what was gained, etc) proving that even self-exalted 'leaders' are not out of reach of the bad karma they themselves created in life by their heinous and criminal actions because all must reap what is sown.

And that goes for those politicians who currently infest Washington DC by working to undermine US sovereignty on behalf of a misguided march toward totalitarian Global Governance.


Blog Note: glad to say that some of my tech difficulties have been resolved today, thus I blog as a brief respite from packing for an office relocation. However, I'm following Thom Hartmann today and agree with Thom's assessment of and disappointment with the STOCK Act which just hastily passed the House 417 to 2 (agreement on The Hill?!!!)

Is this merely a public relations ploy by the guilty who wish to pass a bill that obfuscates their already ill-gotten gains through insider trading?

Thing is, the GOP's Eric Cantor made certain that the 'political intelligence' provision was removed thus giving the bill the usual toothlessness which wealthy Wall Street toffs require from their bought-and-paid-for handmaidens who 'legislate' up on Capitol Hill.

Oh, and the deal with Wall Street and the corrupt mortgage industry that Presient Obama touts today is pathetic for it lets off the hook the crooks, thieves, and robo-signers who should be tried and sent to prison for their heists against US consumers and home owners. Allegedly, states' rights to sue the miscreants will still be possible, and hopefully so.

One more astro-note on Hitler: born during the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto (the Robber Baron duo), his natal Neptune 00Gem51 in natal 8th house of Death and the Occult will be 'hit' by the upcoming Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 which conjoins the difficult Fixed Star Alcyone.

Jul 7, 2011

Moon-Saturn meeting Washington DC July 7, 2011

On June 10th I wrote a brief description of what I see as prime astro-factors occurring on August 2, 2011, the debt ceiling deadline when all feathers hit the financial fan if America's credit line isn't raised and our nation defaults. The signature of Jupiter-Neptune is upon it thus indicating that the pair's 'speculation-inflation-grand-schemes' flavor is in the brew.

Then on July 21, 2011, America has a Mars Return indicating a new (2-year) cycle of activity. Perhaps we'll have our higher credit limit in place by or around then (not wishing to leave our homework till the last minute!)

If not, there's another signpost, the US Saturn Return (#3 of 3 which began in 2010) on August 28, 2011, when accountability and responsibility are on the front burner. Saturnian lessons abound but will our government learn them or continue to play politics as they conduct the first-ever default in US history? With Saturn having a 28 to 30 year orbit, it makes sense to say the economic melee actually began with the Reagan administration about 28 to 30 years ago - the 1980s with US Saturn Return occurring on October 22, 1981.

There was a YOD formed that day (crisis; special task; crossroads; turning point) with a sextile between Jupiter and Neptune, the planetary pair of speculation and waste, pointing to wounding, wounded Chiron Rx '22Tau', one degree from the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction degree of May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Magnificent Gems". The process has been long, but these Utopians (Uranus in Aries) see the end in sight. Where did all the world's money go? Ask Pluto in Capricorn as he corners the resource market and gathers up national economies the world over.

For the American people, it's very late in the day to play politics since all three parties (including the Tea Party) will be held at fault if the US de-faults since
they're the bunch in charge as the deals go down and the country teeters on the brink. (Neither you nor I were on the scene, so we know we didn't do it.) If it becomes necessary that Saturnian blame be cast, we have quite a gaggle of shills, operatives, and vermin who deserve to share that blame.

But what about today's meeting at the White House with what may be President Obama's Final Offer (which does included 'entitlement' cuts, as I suspected it would.) Without a lot of blogging time available to me this morning, a quick peek at today's planets is all I can muster. The first thing I'll be looking for is a fresh conjunction (meeting), so I'm going now in real time to conjure a chart for today, White House, noon....(sound of this post being saved as a draft...)

Okay, besides the Venus-Pluto opposition (with US natal Venus involved as things don't go well with finances, valuations, or relationships with Pluto opposing our Venus, and moneybags Jupiter is next), there's the Moon in Libra approaching Saturn(Dems) which remains on its Direct Station degree of June 12.

As a pair, Moon/Saturn possibilities are: direction, ambition, and strategy, and in Politics and Business shows: the people exercising authority; institutions formed to oversee and coordinate business, agriculture, and commerce. A lack of output or production from manufacturing or agricultural sectors of the economy, and an inability to grasp the intentions of the people and their needs are also indicated. (Munkasey.)

Actually, planet Saturn is experiencing lovely storms upon its surface just now, as shown by photos from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. (I'm having trouble with New Scientist's blog link not going Live so here's the article address w photos if you wish to copy/paste: .)

And in Saturnian solidarity, Saturn's doppelganger, Earth, is having not-so-lovely political storms upon it which seem to be centered for the most part in Washington DC and everywhere else the Republicans hold the reins.

Jan 28, 2008

State of the Union address 1.28.08

Here's the horoscope of George Bush's final SOTU address tonight 9:00 pm EST, with US natal Neptune (planet of idealism, illusions, surveillance, deception, and 'nets') rising--and *US n Mars at MC, the WHY? Point/Goal/Aspiration angle of the chart and of the speech itself.

WHAT? = the Ascendant 22Vir28 (US n Neptune 22Vir25--a close conjunction signifying an acting job infused with deception, and the US n Mars/Neptune square being angular suggests that our nation's tendency toward secret actions and confused motivations is about to be touted and exploited. Secret surveillance, bloggers?)

Plus, transiting asteroid Arachne, linked with the internet, webs, and entanglements--and thus spying, esp online--is conj US n Saturn, planet of control and authority. This conj is in first house and will rise as Bush speaks.

So? the extension of the surveillance act which is set to expire Friday, Feb 1, is a major part of Bush's propaganda catapultin' tonight--major in spite of whether or not he emphasizes it--and he certainly won't mention its real purposes.

But we know that terroism and fear will be on the menu, of course, for Saturn is a planet of restriction--and fear.

If you click to enlarge the SOTU chart, you'll notice a few scribbled midpoints--the usual heavy-hitting suspects like Pluto/Chiron, Saturn/Uranus, etc. Ignore these if you wish, but notice the high flying KITE pattern which has Rx Mars as the tail and keeping it afloat at the MC of Goals and Aspirations.

Pluto 00Cap06 is the front of the KITE--where's it's going; NN 27AQ53 (conj US n Moon, the people or the public --Sibly chart) and the SOTU's Moon 26Lib13 is in 2nd house of Money/Values indicating our fluctuating (Moon) financial condition (2nd house.) Moon and NN relate to PR and publicity, too, so he'll be promoting the financial band-aid he's proposing rather stingily.

Bush's natal Uranus/NN conjunction is just past MC at 9:00 pm (a few of his natal placements are marked in green, US' are marked in red.)

Uranus/NN = radical political groups; reformers. Yeah, we see where that's led America--to overextension financially and militarily, bankrupcty, fraud, and homelessness. Thanks, neocons and your globalist compadres.

The self-controlled or depressive Moon/Saturn midpoint is conj US n MC and rising--and will be at SOTU's MC by 9:45 pm tonight, the approximate time Bush's last SOTU mercifully ends.

Moon/Saturn = MC: structuring ambition; making things happen carefully; a sense of duty and prudence (Poppy's word); feeling deserted, abandoned, sad.

When Moon/Saturn rises in the SOTU chart, shortly after he begins talking, we have:

Moon/Saturn = ASC: a reserved self-presentation.

And with tr Moon conj tr asteroid Demeter (spiritual nurturance in avocational work) don't be surprised if Bush uses his theatrically reverent tone and gives some shout-outs (code words) to the evangelical community.

Chart-ruler Mercury is Rx, so a good an outcome may not be expected for Mercury's communicating abilities with this, Bush's "Last SOTU Standing." Shall he leave no SOTU behind?

Now for chart-ruler Mercury's applying aspects in order of closest orb (to see how tonight's Catapult from the White House will be received):

1. inconjunct ASC/US n Neptune (1A24): reasoning not in keeping with the facts.

Maybe we should listen for a whopper in the first two minutes!Plus, an inconj (150 degrees) between Mercury and Neptune also indicates misunderstandings and disappointments.

2. trine MC/US n Mars and SOTU Mars Rx: lots of mental energy and endurance but restless; dramatic, forceful speech (for sure, but with a content of flufferies and veils); good for reporters and commentators; seeking to mold public opinion (the State of the Union is...strong? Well, what else can he say? economically it may not help to be honest tonight yet foreign markets are already on to him, Paulson, and Bernanke.)

Mercury trine Mars is also good at promoting causes, but with both planets Rx (Mars until Jan 30) the outcome will be delayed even though Bush will be admonishing the Senate not to delay the (inadequate) financial rebate proposal or load up the legislation with additions that would actually help those who need them most.

Yet their Rx conditions indicate critical issues, and perhaps after Mars goes Direct--and Stationing Direct is a very strong position--we shall see some movement in the Senate or otherwise. (Mukasey is set to testify about the erased CIA torture tapes, the Hatch Act, etc, on the 30th as well.)

Back to Mercury's applying aspects:

3. conj Neptune: thinking about what to feel; feeling what to think; special awareness; mysticism; dreaming; deception; illusions; good for creative literary pursuits. How will the media spin this SOTU? Or for that matter, how will the Dems and the GOP spin it? Like Arachne, one imagines--it will need it.

This address is to be "forward-looking" you know--after all, how could he look back at his trainwreck of a presidency? With a straight face and in public, I mean.

And "forward-looking" goes along with idealistic Neptune rising--Bush's natal Neptune 5Lib56 is his first natal planet to rise once he begins pontificating--another indication of Neptunian things already mentioned. Bush's thespian abilities will be heavily relied upon tonight.

Also rising: n Chiron (the wound), Moon, and Jupiter 18Lib09--Jupiter conj US sec progressed Mars--will rise bringing the 9 pm 2nd cusp of Money/Values with them, but don't be listening for a mea culpa on overspending on the war causing hardships back home. Ahh, the war--Cheney's and Bush's cash cow--that US taxpayers pay for obscenely so that warhawks may profit.

4. The last aspect for Mercury is its conjunction with Chiron 15AQ16, which is just past "14AQ"..."A train entering a tunnel"...neg: uninspired conformity to limitation. This makes me think that the Senate, which has been warned by Bush not to "delay or derail" the legislation for paltry rebates--and which ignores the poorer among us--may add more helpful salves to the legislation after all. We'll see in a few days--Senate may do this as early as this Wednesday.

So--if you've enlarged this chart, you've seen mention of Sen Ted Kennedy and of JFK's daughter, Caroline, near Jupiter 9Cap17 and asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe.) Sen Kennedy endorsed Sen Obama this very day, and Caroline has seen how her father affected the American people in his speeches bwo Barack Obama's uplifting message.

The "10Cap" region of the zodiac is Ted Kennedy's natal Ascendant (his physical self, so he's having a Jupiter-to-ASC transit now... = harmony) and is also conj Caroline's n Sun/Moon midpoint--10Cap29.

Jupiter does love to inspire, but with Nemesis there, this could be an indication of the Kennedy endorsements beating the Rs for the White House--or of something more sinister in the other direction. I'll have to keep a squinty eye on the combination in future months while hoping that there will be no need to.

And I do want to add the Sabian Symbol for the IC--the HOW? Point of the chart/ will Bush's proposals become reality in his bubble-filled world?

"22Sag"..."A Chinese laundry."

Yeah, borrowing more laundered millions from China--that's just what I thought.

*our current US Mars Return occurred on Sept 11, 2007, day of the Solar Eclipse in the 9 New South Series--responsibilities with paperwork or communications come home to roost; long term worries are brought to the surface about these in "deleted or mysteriously missing White House emails" and taped over back-up tapes for key time periods relating to the Bush-Cheney war. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

>You may read the 2008 SOTU's Sun AQ-Moon Libra blend's Image for Integration at Jude's Threshold if you wish.