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Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts

Jan 22, 2009

Jan 26 Solar Eclipse leads to Lunar Eclipse Feb 9

If you're wanting some Lunar Eclipse info for the February 9 Eclipse 21Leo00, then Julie Demboski is on the case for you.

She's got details on this Leo Moon with asteroids, too, and if you check out her Recent Posts column, you'll discover her thoughts on January 26, 2009's Solar Eclipse for which we await...

Visit Julie's article Eclipse, February 2009 for the particulars!

Seldom does this reluctant astrologer find time for blogging on Lunar Eclipses - time is barely found for Solar ones! - so I'll simply add a few notes on February 9's Sun AQ-Moon Leo combo remembering that a Leo Moon, eclipsed or not, has a reigning need for applause, approval, and recognition! Yet by being 'eclipsed', this Leo Moon may indicate the lowering of their approval meters.

AQ = Air; Leo = Fire:

Air-Fire blends are the 'live wires' in the bunch and this energy is much needed within the collective with all that's 'on the table' in Washington and elsewhere. Gettin' busy! And getting serious.

Sun AQ-Moon Leo is a social reformer combo that radiates a powerful commitment to uplift and improve the quality of life for others. A caution here is that humanitarianism and egoism can get mixed up.

Even so, rebellion is done with flair and style, for there's nothing mediocre or ordinary about this blend. This is a tender-hearted idealist who thrives on love and affection, a romantic poet who tends to see the best in people and therefore is often able to bring it out!

(If President Obama can bring out the positive energies from the R and the D parties, I'll be happy as a worries, mate.)

Image for Integration: A modern actress takes a bow, then leads the audience to a political demonstration. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, there's a bunch of 'political demonstrating' we need now because the US government needs to demonstrate to we-the-people that it isn't fallen into facism, and our representatives in Washington and in every burgh across the land need to remember that public service isn't meant for nest-feathering and pocket-lining.

As per Barack Obama.

So 'get with it', doltish politicians of all stripes - America got into its many messes thanks in large part to your shadowy doins' and black-hearted perfidies...fix it and show enough ethical behavior so that foreign investors (for one) will stop running and screaming from Wall Street and from the untrustworthy three-sets-of-books banking system of America.

Well? Are we keeping this republic or what?

Jan 7, 2009

Full Moon 21Can02 Jan 10, 2009

At 10:26:42 pm est on Jan 10, 2009, a Full Moon *21Can02 shines over the Capitol Building in Washington, DC - and elsewhere as well.

Highlighted in blue is a pattern poetically called a Mystic Rectangle between the ongoing Saturn-Uranus opposition and the Full Moon which is, of course, a Sun-Moon opposition.

The Full Moon chart of Nov 13, 2008 had this pattern as well.

"Practical mysticism" is the most descriptive term for a Mystic Rectangle and since I've covered the pattern here and at Jude's Threshold previously, I'll not wax poetic about it except to say that it facilitates solutions through the aid of the sextiles and trines that are formed.

And with the world in deep poo poo for want of a few good ones, let's hope senators get seated and Team Obama can successfully implement the good ideas they're promising the American people.

Let's also hope that Republican politics don't muddy or block the solutions out of exalted ego games. That would be cheeky monkey of them - and unacceptable - to follow their old pattern of putting politics before the nation's best interests particularly at this important time.

That said, here are a few of my notes on this lovely Full Moon on a Saturday night.

Falling in 10th house of the DC chart, with Sun in 4th house of housing, mines, and domestic concerns, we may expect this culmination stage of the Sun-Moon dance to result in a visible improvement on issues around at the last early Capricorn New Moon 2 two prior. This morphs issues from 2008 into 2009.

Also highlighted in pink is a YOD formation, the Finger of God pattern indicating a special task, a crisis, adjustment, fork in the road, and/or turning point.

Now Moon-Saturn contacts can indicate depression and most of the globe is feeling that. But this is a sextile, an aspect of opportunity, and considering that a new presidency is about to begin, I prefer to emphasize the 'ambition; strategy; direction' flavor of this Moon-Saturn contact.

The YOD's apex or focal planet is nebulous Neptune 22AQ45, in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creativity, and Offspring. This is a 'true' YOD because the apex planet is the slowest moving body of the three.

Apex Neptune in a YOD configuration is out of touch with the environment and longs to be elsewhere where things are more peaceful and calm. He prefers to ignore needed social adjustments by hunkering down in his ivory tower, safe from the real world.

Ivory tower existences don't promote clear understanding of practical situations, however, so his interpretations are subject to error and distortions. This is a fearful Neptune who would prefer not to be bothered!

His emotions need constant adjustments so that escapism doesn't take precedence over more positive corrective measures. The quincunxes (150 degr) to Neptune represent facets of character that are out-of-focus with the realities of current circumstances.

Very imaginative, yes, but it is seldom applied in a constructive way. Yet with the Mystic Rectangle superimposed over the YOD, we may hope for the best from this turning point.

Properly directed, the energy in an apex Neptune (YOD pattern) can begin a new path with much inspiration and selflessness while drawing on deep spiritual resources. (Neptune = the divine source.)

The new path sometimes means working behind-the-scenes, underground, and/or in seclusion, and a sacrifice of a temporal desire may be necessary toward an intangible ideal. Uncertainty, insecurity, illusions, and deceptions may walk the path with him as he plays the role of compassionate healer or defender of the disenfranchised.

This apex Neptune may also be the inspired artist and on another level, the illumined one (and of course, I tend to think grumpily of the Illuminati here) able to delve into life's deeper mysteries.

If the energy is misdirected (and Capitol Hill is good at that), this apex planet denotes the social martyr or victim of society whose malcontent draws destabilizing experiences and circumstances which further undermine his situation.

The antidote is to deal with the painful emotional components shown by the quincunxes (inconjuncts) to Neptune:

Moon inconj Neptune tends toward over extension and self-persecution and works best in social welfare programs. There's difficulty in seeing others are they really are and a vulnerability to those who misrepresent themselves.

Saturn inconj Neptune indicates a need to somehow justify one's resources and talents; ways are sought to use the resources to relieve suffering and social injustices yet these talented people are part of the very social structure that permits these injustices to exist. (This, to me, perfectly describes Washington politicians in all their nest-feathering, embezzling glory.)

Care should be taken not to align oneself with programs that have unclear goals, but methinks the horse already left the barn on that one.

Still, this is a martyr aspect, and stepping outside my usual Washington orientation for a minute - and considering that Neptune is at the "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving Its Paws" degree in the Sabian Symbols - I think of Putin, Russia, and the Ukraine/European gas stand-off. Perhaps Putin will find his inner 'savior to the rescue' and end the cruelty soon. This would tie in with the New Moon-Full Moon timetable.

Besides, letting your customers freeze to death isn't good for business, wily political ploy though it may be.

The YOD forms a difficult midpoint picture:

Moon-Saturn = Neptune: anxiety; depression; feeling inferior; sickness of the soul.

Since Astrology works on many levels at once, I'd say Neptune in this picture is a stand-in for the masses...we're more depressed (and some of us are freezing) than the social tinkerers who've caused so many of the messes we're in. They have their bunkers and offshore accounts so they're dandy fine compared to the rest of us!

If you click to enlarge the chart, you'll see that I've notated the Mercury Rx Station 7AQ44 so Mercury is unusually strong at this time. Interestingly, Mercury is stationing directly upon George Bush's natal Descendant, the angle of Partnership and Legal Affairs.

Mercury to 7th house is a time of legal affairs, debates, contracts, negotiations, and agreements, so someone may back out on a previous arrangement with Dubya - perhaps fairly since he's done it many times before.

The prefix we associate with Rx phases is re- so re-doing, reviewing, re-signing...all sorts of do-overs are in effect for the next few weeks. This may relate as well to the MN and IL senator situations for Al Franken and Roland Burris.

Bush's chart involvement indicates his finger still in every pie, although he may wish it weren't if legal issues against his administration eventually come to a head. International prosecution for torture comes to mind, with more facts to come out as Mercury Rxs back to US natal South Node (past errors surface.)

Mercury, god of retrogression, is chart-ruler and ruler of the professional 10th house where we find Public Status or Standing, and I'm hearing that Burris may be seated after all.

(What a charade! Burris knew his papers were not in order before he got to Capitol Hill. If everyone else has had the proper signatures, why shouldn't he? But the Illinois Supreme Court is in the melee now, so we'll see how quickly they rule on Burris' seating. It will turn out better if they rule before Mercury goes Rx!)

Anyway, Mercury as chart-ruler applies to North Node (1A34), then Jupiter (6A27), as he heads back toward the Sun. Sun and Mercury conjunct on Jan 18 at Inaugural Jupiter's degree (3AQ+) so there may be delay (Rx) with solutions (Obama's stimulus package won't be on his desk Jan 20, they say) but things will begin to move forward when Mercury goes Direct and moves beyond his 'shadow degree' - in this case, 7AQ44 (or 7:42, if memory serves.)

With the Full Moon's strong 4th house - sabotaging Pluto 1Cap37, instigating warrior Mars 11Cap11, and Sun 21Cap02 therein - we may expect more mining and/or sludge concerns, plus much publicity on all issues due to the polarity of Moon in 10th house, and the 4th is the natural house of the Moon. 'Homeland Security' may surface in the news, too.

And yes, there is a midpoint picture formed:

Sun-Pluto - Mars: enormous drive; strenuous self-application; carving new perspectives.

With restrictive Saturn so near the Ascendant in the Full Moon chart, we feel the lack of resources which Neptune is apparently hoarding. That secret government types are involved, I have no doubt.

Venus 8Pis07 is conjunct US natal Pluto-Chiron midpoint which is conj US natal Ceres (security concerns; food and grain.)

Now for the Images for Integration (Chas & Suzi Harvey) for Sun Cap-Moon Can...

'A politician kisses a baby without pretence...A priest blesses his family before setting off on a pilgrimage...A water clock...Carol Reed's films, Oliver and The Third Man.'

Sun Cap-Moon Can is an Earth-Water blend that is conservative yet open to new ideas, a capable manager and organizer, and which describes our president-elect quite well. Plus, this is the firm-father-gentle-mother pairing, so perhaps I should include Michelle Obama in my remarks!

Well, there it is, my take on the Full Moon in Cancer as related to Washington. Now let's relax and enjoy what promises to be a beautiful display of dancing moonbeams which hopefully will encourage our public servants to 'get it right' for a change!

*Please pardon the typo in this chart's title: it should say, 21Can02, not 01.

Midpoint pictures: Tyl; YOD info: Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

A note to Alex D': please email me at judecowell at gmail dot com - since I upgraded my at&t mail account to blend with Yahoo, my old Yahoo mailbox won't open.

Dec 26, 2008

US as democracy a delusion

With transiting Saturn approaching America's natal Neptune in Virgo, planet of delusion, deception - including self-deception - confusion, veils, the masses, oceans, the collective unconscious (Uranus and Pluto - all three outer planets - are linked to the great unconscious of mankind as symbolized in the constellations by Cetus the Whale) we must wonder what the old man will bring to our ideals - a tampering squelch or wishes coming true?

Neptune's province includes the basic urge to merge, as well as ideals and dreams, so considering Saturn's function of splashing cold water upon what won't be manifesting (no matter how one wishes upon a star), the US may have a very basic and fated realization coming by way of Saturn's realistic rays to nebulous natal Neptune 22Vir25 in natal 9th house of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Religion.

Down to Earth with a Bump?

Today is 12.26.08, and my radio is broadcasting, PRI's 'Changing World' with a program called, Desperate Dreams...descriptive of my blab here on Saturn (desperation; loss) and Neptune (dreams.)

There is a place where I attempt to blend these Saturn (form)+ Neptune (mists) energies into an image at Dreamyfish Art if you're interested in botanical fish portraits placed in fantastical undersea scenes - ensnared within their favorite dream surroundings, as the script goes.

Yet this crisis in consciousness has been a long time least 28 years with Saturn's orbit. Something of a mosey, 28 years, which could actually vary from 26.5 and 30 years, depending on retrogradation, etc. Old men often hobble along as slow as turtles, but some have a hitch in their get-along when they choose to.

And then there's Saturn's timekeeping function - Time, the one thing Astrology brings to any picture because, like it or not, we are all subject to the Great Equalizer, Time, another of Saturn's realms peeking from behind his Chronos face which we view in the symbol for January, the face of Janus.

Saturn's last tango with US natal Neptune was a three-fer transit: Oct 23, 1979; March 29, 1980; and July 13, 1980. Events from this time period, or situations where things were happening then may come back to haunt, or need further attention in some way.

And if the pertinent Solar Eclipses of the time (1979 - 1980) extend their influences to the present year 2009, we have:

18 North '29Leo' = high stress level; taxing of strength possibly including accident or injury; physical concerns and obsessive thinking or worrying.

18 South '27AQ' conj US n Moon = endings, partings, separations through travel or endings of relationships, but new situations have positive outcomes. (Brady's 'Predictive Astrology.')

Now if Saturn's lessons have been heeded in the past (Saturn's realm, the past, along with tradition; Saturn is the old man, the senex) if lessons have been heeded and responsibilities have been honored and taken seriously, Saturn may bring long-term rewards to long-term efforts.

That would be one above-average positive result of Saturn to US natal Neptune. The other is Saturnian form being brought to - offered to - Neptunian dreams!

My negative interpretation would be something related to secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) being put into a more concrete form through the 'dreams' of the social tinkerers who are determined to implement their plans for a one-world-government.

Their schedule is moving right along, and Barack Obama's presidency is, sad to say, no exception.

Now this, from Information Clearing House:

"The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first, the widespread delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and second, the chronic terror among the rich, lest we get it." - Edward Dowling



This post prepared using America's symbolic 'Sibly' natal chart, July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA. The actual date or hour of Saturn to Neptune may be affected a little by which natal chart is used, but the transit's influence remains the same.

Dec 13, 2008

Planets overhead: Week of Dec 15, 2008

She's done it again.

Astrologer Julie Demboski has written a clear-eyed assessment of our coming week - Dec 15 - 22 - for us to navigate by and benefit from.

You know that Julie's columns are always Recommended Reading around here, so catch up with her asap!

Dec 6, 2008

Astrology looks at the Week of Dec 8 - 15, 2008

For an excellent planetary synopsis of the upcoming week of Dec 8th - 15th read Julie Demboski's revealing article.

For years I've been a fan of Julie's astrology writings in Dell Horoscope Magazine, among others, and am happy to provide a link here to her comprehensive insights which you'll find include asteroids such as Pallas (the daughter), Ceres (the mother), Juno (the wife), and Vesta (the virgin, or, the dedicated worker), along with planetary transits and aspects which underpin the world's astrological and cultural weather.

Meanwhile, here at Stars Over Washington I tend to blog about dire subjects such as political thespians, the White House, Capitol Hill denizens, and the mayhem and miseries they create.

There's seldom an uplifting varmint in the class warfare bunch, so my posts can be heavier than we-the-people desire or deserve.

Therefore, I hereby recommend to you Julie's articles for an uplifting look at what's going on above in the cosmos while our noses are pointed toward the perplexing problems of our nation and in our personal lives.

Let Ms. Demboski advise you on the week concerning astrological symbols and energies, for:

As Above, So Below!


Image of paper collage, His American Majesty, by jude cowell 2008...for entertainment purposes only.

Dec 4, 2008

Sun and Mars cazimi Dec 4 2008

Having just discovered an excellent Horary Astrology blog, Ask Christine, here's a post concerning this week's Mars cazimi the Sun an overly cozy condition which is in effect from Thursday (Dec 4) until Saturday.

Horary Astrology ('horary' meaning, 'hour') is where you ask a question you're bursting to know the answer to and the time of your question gives the answer by way of a chart set up for that exact hour and minute, and is then read by traditional astrological principles.

As you might expect, emailed questions work excellently for this purpose with their time stamps in plain sight.

Your query does need to be properly framed, however, so that the astrologer fully understands your meaning, and that's the actual time of your question...hence your answer lies within.

Nov 30, 2008

Obama announces appts under Venus-Moon-Jupiter

Barack Obama's cabinet appointments are to be announced tomorrow, Monday, Dec 1, 10:40 am ET, by his nibs himself (I've long called George that, but now the title switches over to Obama.)

With Bill Clinton in a 'your wish in my command' mode toward the Obama White House in order to assure that his wife, Hillary, will be appointed Secretary of State, the president-elect's announcements should begin the week of Dec 1, 2008 with something of a bang...with the previously mentioned triple conjunction of Venus, Moon, and Jupiter - precise at 10:43 am ET Monday - occurring during the president-elect's announcement of additions to his cabinet.

With the ambitious Capricorn Moon joining Venus and Jupiter, Luna may be the significator of Hillary Clinton especially since Capricorn is also the sign of government (and business - we're fixin' to get the business from the Dem side now. Scripts are in process of being written...)

Still, the beauty of Venus-Moon-Jupiter together should bring happy feelings to the day, if not the entire week ahead, at least for those who are not dealing with over-riding, distressing issues.

Is there a possible downside to this celestial menage-a-trois? Of course! Mary Poppins is only a children's story, you know, and Pollyanna moved away years ago.

The Capricorn Moon is at sliver stage which is a symbol of the Middle East. Perhaps an announcement of import will come from that quarter, or a meeting will take place (triple conjunction.) One thinks hopefully of Indian and Pakistani cooperation.

So with Obama's scheduled announcement tomorrow, it makes ya wonder if there's an astrologer on staff or if fortune smiles upon his new administration without even a tweak of celestial advice!


Monday Dec 1: ABC News interrupted my regularly scheduled program for BHO's new cabinet announcements at 10:41 am ET by my watch. Barack Obama began speaking at 10:43 am!

Nov 24, 2008

Moody Monday with Moon in Scorpio 11.24.08

If you're wondering how things are going with the planets and asteroids today, check out Julie Demboski and her excellent Monday Poll Round-Up!

Monday may be used as a symbolic representation for the week especially for things that begin on Mondays such as business, Wall Street, etc, so see what the astrological atmosphere is for today with Julie's wide and informed perspective.

Well, the Moon has entered intense Scorpio, sign of Big Business (and Sex), but there's a lot of Sagittarian energy in the air so it seems the Seeker rules the day, but the mood (Moon) is more hubba hubba and ooh la la!

And if that's your mood, why not visit my Chiffonery Art images at Cosmic Persona Designs and take an Art Break away from all this economic madness and the heistiness of George W. Bush'n'friends?

(Please note that Cosmic Persona Designs is meant for ages 17+. Thanks, jc)

Nov 18, 2008

mysteriously mum on Rahm Emanuel

Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama is a disturbing look at Emanuel's control of Obama, his entry back into the White House, his father's Zionist terroist links, and other such subjects about an Israeli national which the mainstream media - and most of the 'alternate media' - remain mysteriously mum about.

My feeling is that the American people should better know the man who will be calling the shots as the 'gatekeeper' for Barack Obama and filtering the information Obama receives as president, figurehead title as it may be.


And note to Donna - with Asc the WHAT Point, Mc the WHY Point...the Desc is the WHERE or WHERE TO Point, and Ic is the HOW Point of a chart. Thanks for asking!

On that question-answering level, Astrology charts remind me of journalism, or what once passed for newspaper article writing many moons ago when I was in school. Funny to think of it now, but I was the cartoonist for the paper. Har. True Confession.

Oct 26, 2008

Full Moon in Gemini Dec 12, 2008

A few details on Dec 12, 2008's Full Moon in Gemini have been added to Jude's Threshold if you'd care to have a peek.

The post directs you to a very interesting Astrology Forum thread concerning Dec 12's Full Moon which occurs the same month as the US Secondary Full Moon - by Progression - on the 4Vir/Pis10 axis which will be America's Christmas gift for 2008 and beyond.

One thing I doubt I've mentioned yet concerning America's Secondary Progressed Mars now gone retrograde at 18Lib+...that on another level it represents Wall Street players, gamblers, and other bankers - it's obvious as can be, no?

Mars itself as an actor in a chart signifies 'young males' so stock traders come under the purview of Mars; Rx can be 'weakened' or 'energy turned inward' (or 'strengthened' at Stationary degree.)

But the interesting tidbits about our Mars Rx are the Sabian Symbols for both '18' and '19 Libra' relation to Wall Street and America's rotten banking and insurance industries whose frilly underpants have been hung out to dry for the whole world to see:

'18'..."Two Men Placed Under Arrest";

'19'..."A Gang of Robbers in Hiding."

Oct 15, 2008

Moon buckets and Saturn bowls

John Townley over at AstroCocktail has some interesting insights on that rollercoaster feeling of two-week shifts we're all experiencing between the economy, the campaign, and more.

Naturally, if you say the words two-week cycle it reminds any astrologer of the Moon's orbit.

Well, expert astrologer John Townley knows much about celestial bowl patterns and how they affect the environment, so check it out because the world's current 'groundswell' feeling is part of the celestial 'As Above, So Below' action now as the Moon moves within the bowl - the edges of which are created by the Saturn-Uranus opposition - and then spills out of the bowl...slosh!

As you know, the Saturn-Uranus opposition perfects on November 4.

All this sloshing reminds me of the ocean's tides which are controlled by the Moon, and one of the words associated with the Moon in an Astrology chart is: fluctuation, a term we hear a lot in financial markets. Mmm-hmm...cycles.

So we may be feeling a bit seasick with half the sky full of planets sloshing about during the weekend of Oct 25-26, and John says it will remain that way until after the Nov 4 elections.

On into 2009 things will be sloshing off and on so hold onto your lifejacket, if you have one. And if you don't, at least Astrology can give you the timing to be aware of for best results!

Oct 5, 2008

Messenger probe to buzz Mercury Monday 10.6.08

Mercury the Messenger Gets Fly-by from Messenger! was posted in January 2008 when NASA's Messenger craft was approaching the mysterious planet Mercury.

As you know, Mercury is so close the our Sun we hardly know him and tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning, NASA's Messenger probe will fly 125 miles above the surface and take photos of an area about the size of South America.

That Mercury astrologically speaking is now retrograde 14Libra+ isn't considered good for things Mercury is said to 'rule' in Astrology (or affect) so I hope NASA gets all the photos they desire with perfect transmission which is not always seen with Mercury Rx which can also affect travel - on earth, at least.

Both readers of this blog know that I sometimes frisk into degree symbolism including Adriano Carelli's version from his 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.

Let's see what Mercury's degree tomorrow morning '14Lib' says...

"A fox and an ancient theater mask (from one of Aesop's Fables.)"

Oh my good-den-ness! it can't be that this is only a stage presentation to bolster NASA's and the USA's reputation, could it?

You know, I've had the horoscope of America's first landing on the Moon for years now and never published it. Other blogs or sites have, I'm sure, so my own grousings on the squirreliness of the Moon landing chart could make little if any difference to anyone.

Or perhaps it's more that I've simply never gotten 'round to it.

Anyway, let's see if there's anything of interest in Carelli's explanation of this dramatic word picture and see if things get any better for the Messenger:

It is a degree of theatricality, implying cunning but an otherwise dull mind. (Mercury is the planet of 'the mind' in Astrology.)

Here's more in highlight form...self-conceit coupled with the most abject toadying; a mixture of priggishness and pandering, bluff and treacherousness; a flamboyant style, propensity for dazzling pageants, void and bombastic rhetoric.

Sheesh. Nothing better here.

Carelli goes on to say that '14Lib' is the degree of Saturn in the Fascist regime's natal chart. Hmph. And '14Lib' is America's natal Saturn degree, too.

Well, if that's the sort of message we'll be receiving from eye-in-the-sky NASA and the *ISS, let's hope the fascist corporate-state powers oh-so-recently melded into one strand and now held in Hank Paulson's hand meets its end sooner rather than later.

All apologies, dear reader, for making this Messenger to Mercury post more than first intended...I opened Carelli's book and it just typed out that way! Crummy politics invades everything.


*ISS is the International Space Station that's watching you...

Sep 22, 2008

New Sunspot for Fall Equinox 2008

Space Weather News for Sept 22, 2008

NEW SUNSPOT: For the first time in months, a significant sunspot is emerging on the sun. It is a fast-growing active region with two dark cores, each larger than Earth. The magnetic polarity of the sunspot identifies it as a member of new Sunspot Cycle 24.

Because the year 2008 has brought so many blank suns, some observers have wondered if we are ever going to climb out of the ongoing deep solar minimum. Today's new sunspot is an encouraging sign that the 11-year solar cycle is indeed progressing, albeit slowly.

Visit for sunspot photos and updates.

SEPTEMBER EQUINOX: Seasons on Earth change much faster than they do on the sun. Today, autumn begins in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere when the sun crosses the celestial equator. The crossing, called the "equinox," takes place at 1544 UT (11:44 EDT) on Monday, Sept 22nd. Happy equinox!


Now that's Astronomically. Astrologically you may wish to view Autumn Equinox 2008 over Washington DC with chart image plus details to begin your 2008 Fall season!

Aug 8, 2008

Cat limericks Beijing Olympics!

Heads-up, cat limerick lovers - Cat from Beijing has been typed up and published by yours truly on behalf of Mr. A. Cat, an agent formerly in service to our nation, who phoned in a verse today concerning the Olympics in Beijing, China.

You'll find a photo of a Turkish Van, too - ever seen one of these marvelous water-loving kitties? Good thing there's no Turkish Van in the swim competition or Michael Phelps might be in for some real trouble!


And on a serious note, you'll find a fresh post at Jude's Threshold concerning Bruce Ivins' natal (solar) chart and the FBI's attempt to close the anthrax letters case.

Post is titled, Bruce Ivins and the Quindecile Effect.

Aug 7, 2008

Winter Solstice of Dec 21, 2012

New for you! Winter Solstice Dec 21, 2012 has now been published as a Page at my *Jude's Threshold blog if you should be interested in seeing the chart of this Mayan Calendar-ending period.

Notes have been added, although I reserve the right to update if so inspired, or if new info should come to light.

You'll find Fixed Stars, an apex Jupiter Rx in a YOD pattern, and more, so check out this well-publicized Winter Solstice if you get a mo.

And here's a previous post with a more mystical flavor concerning the Mayan Calendar and the significance of 2012 in my Secret Moon Art collection of drawings.


*My use of the word threshold refers to the Saturnian nature of my natal chart and life experience for Saturn is called the Guardian of the Threshold astrologically...kind of like a password to get into a natal chart contains four planets in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn), along with a 12th house Saturn which is quite happy researching and working behind-the-scenes, thanks! Oh! and Saturn is the ancient ruler of Astrology.

jc 8.7.08 8:55 pm edt

Jul 14, 2008

Week of July 14 in Financial Astrology

Financial Astrology: Week of July 14 has been published with links to Ray Merriman's excellent articles if you're interested in tracking or learning more about financial cycles and the upcoming mash up.

Mr. Merriman relates the now forming Saturn/Uranus opposition to financial cycles which are highly unstable now, to the Fed, and to the possible presidencies of a D or an R president so check out the work of an excellent financial astrologer who has his finger in the pulse of our falling dollar.

There's still a pulse? you say...barely!

Jul 11, 2008

Carol Shepp McCain's Wedding Day 1965

A Wedding Day Astrology article is now published if you've been wondering about the starry portents of the McCain - Shepp Wedding Day of July 3, 1965.

Using the Sun (male) and Moon (female) positions for the day, we may finagle a few details concerning this marriage which was so rudely interrupted by...McCain's next marriage to Cindy Hensley - his current wife, if you're counting!

Jul 9, 2008

Astrology of the 2008 Democratic National Convention

An article on the Democratic National Convention is now published at Jude's Threshold with images of the horoscopes for August 25 (sunrise) and August 28 (midnight) to represent the beginning and completion of the 2008 Dem Convention.

You may wish to check it out esp since I will be updating the Page with astrologically-based observations as August comes upon us and the Democrats switch into high gear.

~And this in from NPR: the Senate passed the bill for telecom immunity and other Orwellian progress for Washington passed 60 to 28 to increase political spying on innocent Americans.

Jun 30, 2008

David Albright's ISIS

From Information Clearing House:

The Nuclear Expert Who Never Was

By Scott Ritter

David Albright has a history of being used by those who seek to gain media attention for their respective claims. In addition to the Hamza and Obeidi fiascos, Albright and his organization, ISIS, have served as the conduit for other agencies gaining publicity about the alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program, the alleged Syrian nuclear reactor, and most recently the alleged Swiss computer containing sensitive nuclear design information.

~~Ritter's article~~

ISIS? Unless someone in Washington is worshipping Egyptian goddesses (which wouldn't surprise me) let's see what Astrology has to say about the asteroid of the same name...

Isis: *42nd asteroid discovered, orbital period 3.8.years; named after the Egyptian goddess; initially a fertility divinity but in later mystery religions Isis became a goddess of wisdom (maybe she had learned a thing or two by then); her primary myth concerns the dismemberment of her husband Osiris, whom she reconstructed.

According to Lang-Wescott, Isis represents sibling relationships, and efforts to put people or things back together again from fragmented or scattered locations (perhaps Humpty Dumpty should've hired her.)

Keyword: collate. Which helps when you're acting as a conduit--and your privatized government is supposedly engaged in reconstruction of the country it broke tore up.

Lehman gives Isis and Osiris as relating to the balance of masc-fem and left brain-right brain hemispheres. Thus, androgyny is one of Isis' issues.

The heliocentric North Node of Isis is appr 25 Gemini, conjunct the Discovery Degree of radical rebel Uranus, btw.

But basically, we know Isis as the Egyptian goddess of the Moon. And Washington, London, and Cairo are linked bwo Egyptian mystery schools and teachings--there's DC's Masonic temple and other architectural evidence of Sacred Geometry--and at least 9 Founding Fathers are known to have been Masons, and/or Rosicrucians, and perhaps...the dreaded Illuminati.

So maybe Isis does have an honored seat at the table in Washington. Maybe I wasn't kidding.

Yet sadly Isis can't or won't wave her magic wand and put Bush-Cheney's Iraq back together again. Besides, according to them, success is busting out all over Iraq (a la Cheney), and as I've complained here before--for their purposes, all is swell.

(If you've never Googled Goat of Mendes, you're in for a DC treat. Perhaps an appreciation of Bush's reading material during the attacks of 9/11 will then infuse your being.)

So when your script follows the New World Order agenda, you have to bust everything up into chaos before you collate the fragmentation...which sounds brittle like the soon-to-perfect Saturn/Uranus opposition, doesn't it?

*Isis info: Astrology Encyclopedia, James R. Lewis

Jun 24, 2008

Thoughts of Bill Clinton 6.24.08

It's been quite a while since I posted on anyone's Minor Progressions which indicate the Mental/Causal plane of thoughts which are striving to be integrated into consciousness.

And since I've blurbed about Minors here before, I'll skip the long explanation (see astrologer Robert Blaschke's excellent work on Progressions) and give the midpoint pictures for Bill Clinton's Minor Progressed chart, set for this afternoon.

All, none, or some combination of these pictures may be in play for Mr. Clinton who now embraces the candidacy of his wife's victorious opponent, Barack Obama, so see if any seem to apply.

Remember the Minors are the '27' in the ratio: 27:13:1, with '13' being the Tertiary Progressions (Intuitive-Emotional-Spiritual plane), and '1' as Secondary Progressions (Physical plane.)

Now let's 'peek under the hood' of Bill Clinton, shall we?

Sun/Saturn = Uranus: unusual circumstances; relationships crises; a clash between new ways of doing things and long-established ways; the fight for individuality.

Sun/MC ('the goal') = NN: picking one's associates carefully; forming relationships.

Moon/Mars = Sun: solidarity between husband and wife especially felt by the latter; the power to establish oneself in the world; prosperity through harmonious cooperation.

Mercury/Jupiter = Sun: success with the intellect; creative ideas are born; solutions are illuminated.

Moon/Venus = Mars: living passionately; potential overindulgence.

Moon/NN = Jupiter: confidence; good fortune through interactions with others.

Mars/MC = Jupiter: promotion in professional status; great success; energy and opportunity; a good organizer; prudence; far-sightedness; clear consciousness of objectives; a happy attachment.

And the only really difficult in the bunch which is actually between generational planets and thus in effect for people born around the same time as Bill...

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: the desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary efforts; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure; brutality; upheaval to protect assets; tremendous fear of loss.

Well, there they are, the current Mental/Causal plane's midpoint pictures of former President Bill Clinton. Whether one chooses to act upon thoughts that swim up from the unconscious or not is, of course, up to the driver--obsessions and compulsions notwithstanding!