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Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Oct 12, 2008

Bushes' 'new world order' hits snag

Or does it?

Bushes' 'New World Order' Is Yielding to 'Post-American' Era by James G. Neuger makes a case for Chinese and Russian supremacy over the seriously undermined U.S. of A. and Neuger makes excellent points, yet I'm not so quick to buy all of it hook, line, and sinker.

In my 'new world order' reading there is a certain list telling which entities will be the eventual leaders in hierarchical order and if it's to be believed, America is not and never was, slated to be top of the heap in the one-world-government endeavor. (Click link, then click through to an article, Planet Earth As Weapon and Target.)

Well, as I've groused on this blog and elsewhere, it's easy to say things like: Bush is a failure, and Iraq is a quagmire, etc...unless you agree that things, as Cheney and Rummy always said, are going well, thanks. For neocon purposes, perhaps they are! And they weren't just saying it, they were admitting it.

The lousy occurrences under Bush43's presidential terms, in all their gross splendor, have certainly contributed to the looting of America's resources and have decimated an entire generation of our youngest and brightest. It's difficult to ignore that population control is on the agenda in many regions of the world. You are expendable as am I.

Successfully Invading Scene One

So for any of this to be the case, you must accept that Bush-Cheney have been telling the truth all along, and that most of their so-called ineptitude is actually well-scripted orders being successfully followed and executed.

'Taking the heat' is easy to bear as long as no one will be removing you from the White House or arresting you, no matter what you do or how callously you do it...or in such cases as Hurricane Katrina "rescue," how you don't do it knowing that you'll pay little if any price for your sorriness toward your fellow man.

That raiding archaeological relics of inestimable value was part of the invasion-of-the-Holy-Land scheme seems obvious to me for secret scrolls and manuscripts are craved by such "elite" powermongers who will be rewarded for their services to a larger cause.

What they were really looking for I don't pretend to know. Perhaps YOU have an idea? Control of Iraq's oil is a duh, but there was more, including breaking up a black market in oil.

Yet even if you buy none of this conspiracy crapola you must admit that the same results have acrued - the US has squandered her role of supremacy, our nation's wealth has been redistributed away from we-the-people, and the party is all but over.

The ship has listed badly under the Bush-Clinton dynasties and safe haven is no longer in sight...our options are limited, m'peops, and we will not be passing on to future generations anything like the America we once knew and loved.

Sad to say, if Barack Obama has any possibility of restoring our nation back to her former glory - or some semblance of it - the world syndicate of powermongers will see to it that he is not successful in any meaningful way. His chance of staying in office will be to cooperate with them, tentacles and all.

If McCain nabs the Oval Office, his indebtedness will be plain to see, plus, he'll topple easily if/when necessary...which will leave Palin "in charge" and she will be an indebted pawn and a half, won't she?

Yes, these people play for keeps. And America will fulfill her prescribed role when she takes her place down the list of leading nations in the new world order regime.

Now, if I haven't put you off completely, please read the above-linked article and notice Neuger's mention of the lighting of the 'eternal flame' at the Beijing Olympics as Russia invaded Georgia - and the date, August 8, 2008...halfway between the Solar Eclipse of August 1 and August 16's Lunar Eclipse.

You know, the 'eternal flame' is an Illuminati symbol of their victory over an enemy.

Seriously. It is.

Oct 11, 2008

notes on Sarah Palin's natal chart

Okay, here's the thing - my post on Sarah Palin's natal chart has been spruced up with her natal midpoint pictures and three asteroids that relate to power and its use...go to quick notes on Sarah Palin's natal chart to read updated astrology info on this mavericky lady.

And yes, I've mended my ways on the 'Sara' vs 'Sarah' issue concerning Palin with mega-thanks going to my astrology friend, Monica, at Astrology Mundo where articles are fierce thanks to Monica's financial expertise and clear-eyed writing style.

Even if you don't speak 'astrologese' you'll find many articles of interest on Monica's blog!

Oct 10, 2008

On the Money: quotes of 1929 - 2008

"This economy of ours is on a solid foundation." -Pres Bush, Jan 4 after meeting with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets.

"There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue." -Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, Sept, 1929

"I hope you're confident about our economy. I am." - Pres Bush, Jan 30, 2008 at the Robinson Helicopter Co. in Torrance, CA

"While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence, and character of the people of the United States - that is, prosperity." -President Hoover, May 1, 1930

"Losing a job is painful, and I know Americans are concerned about our economy; so am I. It's clear our economy has slowed, but the good news is, we anticipated this and took decisive action to bolster the economy, by passing a growth package that will put money into the hands of American workers and businesses." -Pres Bush, March 7, 2008 on news that the economy lost 63,000 payroll jobs in February.

"The singular feature of the great crash of '29 was that the worst continued to worsen." -J.K. Galbraith.

"Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom." -Thomas Jefferson

Quotes Round-up from Information Clearing House.

Oct 9, 2008

Sen Jim Webb objects to propaganda campaign in Iraq

Senator Jim Webb Urges a Halt to US Propaganda in Iraq by sending Secretary of Defense Robert Gates a letter concerning Bush administration attempts to sway the Iraqi people to the wonderfulness of the US occupation.

Senator Webb also sent a letter to Carl Levin requesting hearings for the 111th Congress' new session (reconvenes Jan 3, 2009) to discuss the DOD "strategic communications programs" which are costing US tax payers $300 million - if indeed that's where all these particular millions are going and if their numbers are reasonably correct.

This is $300 million wasted for certain because who does the DOD think they're foolin'?

And yet we know that most Washington politicians much prefer that fuzzy math we used to hear so much about.

Click the second link to read a few notes on and see an image of Jim Webb's natal chart using a sunrise (solar) map for Feb 9, 1946, St. Joseph, Missouri.

You'll see by his natal chart that Webb is one who really knows how to get all mavericky up in there.


Do you like political cat limericks, by any chance? If so Mr.A.Cat has had me publish A Kitten from Keating at Lim's Limericks, (with an enticing photo of Princess Grace complimentary) if you're game.

November elections and Sun Libra-Moon AQ

"The Democrats think Republicans are stealing elections. The Republicans think Democrats are stealing elections. And those of us independent of the two old parties know they are both right."

Kevin Zeese

"Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates."

Gore Vidal

"Elections are held to delude the populace into believing that they are participating in government."

Gerald F. Lieberman


Above apt quotes are provided compliments of the excellent Information Clearing House Newsletter, and details of calmer climate indications with Sun in Libra-Moon in Aquarius today are brought to you by your reluctant astrologer.

("Reluctant" would be me - I didn't want to be an astrologer, but we are said to be 'slaves' of our 10th house planets - and mine is Uranus in Gemini.)

Oct 6, 2008

Election Protection WIKI now live!

Wikipedia's Election Protection went Live today, Oct 6!

A project of the Center for Media and Democracy, check out what you can do to ensure election integrity and help track voter suppression, too.

Some jokers will try ANYthing to win so let's keep our eyes peeled and our game on...after all, the Sabian Symbol for 2009's Inaugural Moon (noon, Jan 20) is '30Scorpio' = "A Halloween Jester."

Adriano Carelli gives a symbol for '30Sco' too, it's "A very large-headed snake." I can think of several politicians this would describe although the Moon in a national chart represents the people!

But perhaps such a Moon on such a public day may, on some level, also signify a famous individual of note who represents the people....supposedly our 'stand-in' although things seldom work that way anymore.

Carelli's fills in the picture with "will exert the greatest influence on his neighbors through his mastery of words, which will enable him to hold a nearly irresistible and hypnotic sway over others with the greatest parsimony of sentences" (probably not Joe Biden! more like Obama)...has "wariness, wisdom, and skill in the highest measure, which can be sublimated into the cardinal virtue of prudence, and as easily swerve into ignoble cunning, sneaking toadyism, venemous treacherousness."


Carelli goes to mention debates and one who has "an uncanny knack of shifting any argument onto ground most favorable to himself" (herself = Palin?) and to "let opponents dig their own graves with statements jeopardizing their own case"...this is a "double-tongued trickster," he says.

So there's the trickster - jester element again, so of course we must remember Rovian tricks while hoping that the Democratic ticket will bring some small measure of improvement for what's really the only nag in the race:

America...once known as...

Will the real Bush Doctrine please stand up?

The Bush Doctrine & The 9/11 Commission Report: Both Authored by Philip Zelikow

By David Ray Griffin

The document in which the Bush Doctrine was first fully articulated - the 2002 version of The National Security Strategy of the United States of America (NSS 2002) [pdf] - was written by the same person who was primarily responsible for the 9/11 Commission's report: its executive director, Philip Zelikow. #

And here's a previous post on the subject: Bush hid behind Zelikow during the 9/11 "investigation" as mentioned on Feb 9, 2008.

You may wish to view the natal chart (Sun-to-Midheaven in honor of its 'unfurling' upon the world) of the Bush Doctrine set for Sept 17, 2002 at my other Political Astrology blog, Jude's Threshold.

Not a lot of details are given with the chart as yet but if you click to enlarge its image, you'll find a few of my chicken scratch notes such as the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series in which the monstrosity (which undermines all our Freedom Documents) was hatched.

Now it's October 2008 and America has been saddled with a financial czar by the name of Hank Paulson who, for take-over purposes, plied Congress with threats, promises, and bribes - if, indeed, prodding was truly necessary.

Pleeease don't throw me in that briar patch! begged Brer Rabbit of Brer Fox.

And pleeease, don't send me home to angry constituents! pleaded Washington politicians of their soon-to-be masters.

And the rehearsed script ended with the expected outcome much as planned on Friday, October voila! It's the same old Capitol Hill Theater, Dahlink, as produced by the Blackheart Fearmonger Company of Thespians and Thieves.


And speaking of Cheney and 9/11, here's what you get when you progress Cheney's natal chart to the morning of 9/11/01: the plutocracy pair of Pluto and Chiron at Cheney's progressed Midheaven which is amazing to see especially if you know anything about Pluto-Chiron's links to primal violence, corporatism, class warfare, racism, and oppression. Can fascism be far behind?

Oct 5, 2008

Obama-McCain townhall debate 10.7.08

Just now I'm looking at a chart of Tuesday night's presidential debate #2 between Barack Obama and John McCain in Nashville, TN, for 9:00 pm cdt, and you know what?

With 9Gem00 rising, asteroid Midas Rx is rising at 8Gem20 with one of the Royal Stars of Persia.

At Midheaven (MC), the Aspiration/Goal Point of the chart is 17AQ51 which 'debateably' brings in the Solar Eclipse of Feb, 2008...the 'Unmasking Eclipse' because '18AQ' is the "A Man Unmasked" degree in the Sabian Symbols.

This indicates that the purpose of this debate is to reveal true motives if you believe politics in a townhall format is able to do this. It would be refreshing, wouldn't it?

That each candidate will seek to unmask the other is a given while keeping their own masks snugly in place.

At MC is North Node (NN) 16AQ44 conj Chiron 16:12 Rx, with Neptune (the masses, plus NN is also 'contact with the public') so we have an important angular midpoint picture at the most public point in the chart...

Neptune/NN = MC: taking a position off the mainstream of life (in, no doubt, a mavericky way); needing the help of others to realize one's objectives; preferring seclusion; emotional suffering.

To address the emotional (and financial) suffering of the American people should be an aspiration of this performance, one expects.

Moon 22Cap55 ('23Cap': "Two Awards for Bravery in War') is in 8th house of debt, credit, and other people's money, along with Jupiter 13Cap56 - still opposing US'(and George Bush's) natal and resources dried up...or more correctly: money in bank vaults not being shared with the people who need it most and whose spending would improve the economy if they could get their mitts on it.

But gold-hoarding Midas is rising along with Fixed Star Aldebaran, the brightest star of Taurus, keywords: success through integrity. Aldebaran is one of the four Royal Stars of Persia and indicates success and glory but only if a particular nemesis can be overcome (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

Opposite is another Royal Star, Antares, in the debate's setting position - keywords: success that can be obsessive. There is a need to avoid obsession with Antares, the star at the Heart of the Scorpion. If Antares affects a chart there is worldly success but one may cause his own undoing; there is usually a cleansing by going through a life-or-death experience (Brady.)

Remiiiind you of anyone?

That two Royal Stars are angular in this contest's chart indicates to me that this is a fated match-up of world proportions for America's helm. You are welcomed to see it differently, if you like.

So Antares is often mentioned in the same breath with the Celtic fable of the scorpion on the frog's back who stung the frog as he was being carried across the stream - his reply as to why he stung the frog when he promised not to - "it's my nature" - a fated answer since character IS fate. The scorpion drowned.

Does this relate to the McCain campaign's tactic of attacking Obama on character? Palin is now saying that Barack Obama is a bad person, not that his poliicies would be bad for the nation. But the politics of demonization may backfire for John McCain, because the American people don't want to hear it, they want real solutions to the problems created primarily by politicians, bankers, and wheeler-dealers who sold our nation and our children's futures down the pike.

Cute winks and wrinkled noses won't solve anything.

Chart-ruler Mercury, planet of oration, is still retrograde at 12Lib35 and trines the ASC, yet makes no applying aspects to any planets from its place in the debate's 5th house of Risk-taking.

Sun 15Lib10 is within one degree of US natal Saturn, and also in 5th house; this Airy Sun is trining the NN/Chiron conjunction at MC.

Scrappy Mars 2Sco38 begins in 6th house of Health, Work, and Service
and is the chart's final dispositor and ruler of the Hour.

All falls back on this strong Scorpionic Mars which I count as the ruler of Scorpio. There's an applying sesquisquare to Uranus, the rebel, 19Pis43 Rx, with Saturn 16Vir05...Saturn begins in 4th house, Uranus in 11th house of Groups and Associations.

Inhibiting Saturn is conjunct McCain's natal Neptune 16Vir07 which is the grim-face-of-reality-and-disillusionment transit previously mentioned in other posts.

When Saturn conjoins n Neptune (as it will soon in America's natal chart in late August-early Sept, 2009) there is a misinterprestation of what one is responsible for (more bankers' debts hoisted onto taxpayers' backs? Or perhaps the just-signed bailout bill showing its true motives and repercussions?), and the reality of situations is difficult to fully comprehend. Past lies and frauds may come to light under this difficult transit.

Monetary matters are particularly affected by Saturn-conj-Neptune, although charity donations may be put to more honest and focused use so that's good.

In his book The Astrology of Relationships Michael R. Meyer says that a sesquisquare (135 degr), member of the octile family, is an aspect of activity which culminates in a dramatic and intense release of dynamic energies.

It is considered a weak square of difficulty - two interlaced squares...135 - 90 = 45...a square and a semisquare all in one.

Testy warrior Mars in waxing sesquisquare to maverick Uranus is a hot combo. In relationships this represents powerful connections that could manifest either in an exciting and constructive way or a conflicting and difficult way.

You don't want to miss this one, Ladies and Gents!

Now for the Sun Lib-Moon Cap blend, an Air-Earth combo of rationality, innovation, and diplomacy...

Images for Integration: "The Statue of Liberty...At the annual company Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out new gold-engraved stationery for everybody." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

So Father Christmas is handing out Midas' gold in Lady Liberty land? This I gotta see!

~:~correction: my Astrology friend Sasha has pointed out that the debate actually begins at 8:00 pm cdt so the rising of Midas and Aldebaran takes place an hour into the debate...thanks, Sasha! It will be interesting to see with my animated chart set up (SolarFire software) what's being said at the moment they arise and Antares sets. jc

Oct 3, 2008

What fraudulent leadership can do for you

Fraudulent political leadership can do many things for people most of which you wouldn't wish on a dog.

And if you're 90 years old and are victimized by a squirrelly mortgage scam issuing from the bowels of a deregulated industry, you, or someone you care about, can end up like Mrs. Polk:

Sep 30, 2008

The Cross of Gold: text link from DNC 1896

We may be tempted to think that today's current money crisis is somehow new or unprecedented in America or in the wider world.

Yet William Jennings Bryan, in his address to the Democratic National Convention of 1896, covered many issues which may resound to our current issues such as: "gold Republicans" vs "silver Democrats" and the coining and issuing of money by private individuals (such as the Fed.)

Siding with Thomas Jefferson on the coining and issuing of money being a function of government, Bryan stated that, "banks ought to go out of the governing business."

If the Bush-Cheney-Bernanke-Paulson scheme passes, banks will BE the governing business.

And you know what that adds up to: corporatism + state = fascism. Simple formula, a long time coming.

When he delivered his address, 'Cross of Gold' which denounced the gold standard, Bryan was a young Nebraska congressman who had been chosen as the Democratic party's presidential nominee. His speech mesmerized the convention and Bryan thereafter became a spokesman and devotee of silver. Not all Democrats agreed on the issue, but that's a post for another day.

Yet Bryan and his party members were defeated at least partially due to their silver promotion and the economic crisis of their day. Then, as now, it was the economy, stupid.

Between a major economic depression and the rise of Populism, William McKinley and the gold Republicans were able to carry the 1896 election; Republican control of the White House and both houses of Congress in 1897 serve in hindsight to mark the end of the *Gilded Age, even as the descendants of "the idle holders of idle wealth" whom Bryan railed against so eloquently in 1896 continue to play the trickle-down card upon the working masses to our present-day detriment.

Cross of Gold by William Jennings Bryan, 1896.

*Gilded Age is what is usually referred to on this blog as the Generation of Materialism, marked astrologically by the Great Conjunction Neptune and Pluto, 1892.

You may wish to read Senator Bernie Sanders' statement on the vicious class warfare being waged upon America's middle class (compliments of Pluto-Chiron plutocracy) which is included in a post of mine from January 13, 2008, Plutocrats: Middle Class Warfare going dandily, for the effects of their viciousness have become, with current market meltdowns, socializing of private debts, and naked power grabbing, impossible to hide or ignore.


W. J. Bryan details from: 'America Interpreted Vol II: since 1865' by R.Woods and W. Gatewood.

Sep 29, 2008

Palin poll on PBS' NOW

Why not show your true feelings about Sarah Palin's candidacy for Vice President of the United States - do you think she's qualified?

vote here!

Sep 28, 2008

A time for tyranny

George Washington has an important post for all Americans to be read without delay - your nation is at stake.

Sep 25, 2008

What Bush didn't say

The way he said it was very familiar.

What Bush didn't say in his '9/11 revisited' speech on the economic crisis Wednesday night would fill several Wall Street ledgers.

All this suspend talk - the debate Friday night, the VP debate - reminds me of what some of we-astrologers were saying months ago about how McCain might not have the steam to make it to November.

And that lazy left eye of his is being remarked on here and there. Have you noticed it? Apparently it's been in evidence since April.

One of his melanoma surgeries was under it, I believe, but correct me if I'm wrong.

What if McCain spent some hours on Wednesday at a doctor's appointment? I'm just wondering aloud.

And when McCain finally moseys to Washington to "help" with the financial crisis (hasn't he done enough already?) after playing about with Katie Couric which was after he blew off his appearance on Letterman's show Wed night - the agreement on the Hill may be completed so he'll be a like a fourth wheel on a tricycle.

Guess the wheels are fallen off his wagon. And here I am in Georgia - my wagon's stuck without enough gasoline to leave the state and I am about to miss my son's wedding apparently.

And all I get from government are threats and more threats.

As Craig Ferguson said tonight, AWH! rich people are losing money!

McCain is on the case though. So they'll be okay.

Sep 24, 2008

William Greider on Goldman Sachs Socialism

Goldman Sachs Socialism

By William Greider

Wall Street put a gun to the head of the politicians and said, Give us the money--right now--or take the blame for whatever follows. The audacity of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's bailout proposal is reflected in what it refuses to say: no explanations of how the bailout will work, no demands on the bankers in exchange for the public's money.

The Treasury's opaque,three-page summary of plan includes this chilling more...


By the by, at Jude's Threshold a while ago I posted on Bush's TV tout tonight on behalf of Paulson's bailout scheme and noted that when Bush finished speaking at 9:14 pm edt, the Speculator pair's midpoint was at Midheaven in Washington DC - for all the world to see.

And since 2009 is the Year of Jupiter-Neptune, I'd like to make the midpoint picture a smidge more visible in my gnat-like way...

Jupiter-Neptune = Mc: speculators, visionaries, spendthrifts, fortune-hunters, or squanderers; the potential for all kinds of indulgence; philanthropists; harm or damage through thoughtlessness. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Peep eye!

US Constitution disintegrating

You know the US Constitution has a birth chart - Sept 17, 1787; 11:29 am LMT (NS); Philadelphia, PA) and had its Secondary Progressed Full Moon on July 10, 2003 - Sun 1Tau01, Moon 1Sco 01 in 10th/4th houses.

You could say America is on the downside of the Constitution's Full Moon - the light is fading. Or you could say that the Constitution culminated in July 2003. But whatever you say, you know it's seriously under attack and has been quite shredded the last few years, with more conflicts to come.

James Madison built it heartily but our current legal varmints have studied it long enough to know its weak points, yet they must depend on the people's lack of knowledge and attention. Most of us have readily complied, sad to say.

There are many things I could say about the degrees' Sabian Symbols and such, but my time is short with a family wedding on the menu.

But here are a few midpoint pictures that stand out - some being triggered by transits, some formed by Progressions, some by Sept,2008 Solar Arc Directions (their order may get jumbled a bit because I'm in a hurry which means that typos shall ensue):

Sec Saturn/Neptune = tr Pluto: feeling downtrodden; potential for great loss; fear; developmental inhibitions.

Sec Jupiter/Saturn = Sec Sun: inconstancy; taking destiny into one's own hands; major change according to plan.

Sec Sun/Saturn = Sec Mercury: sober thinking; grave decisions; inhibition of speech; tackling serious problems.

S.A. Mars 14AQ25 to natal Pluto 14:12: extreme force; control; brutality; excessive effort.

S.A. Pluto 25Vir38 to natal Sun 24:39: powerful forces create major change; identity change; sudden prominence.

In 2003's Progr'd Full Moon chart, Mars and Uranus are conjunct '27Can' in Sec 12th house, so they are opposite US natal Pluto:

Mars/Uranus = Pluto: force; a higher power; intervention of the big shock.

2008's transit of Neptune in the 23AQ degree area is monkeying around with natal Saturn 23:23: new approach to handling authority; structures disintegrate.

And all this (and more) is why I'm proud of the Veterans for Peace who put a banner across the front of the National Archives building in Washington, DC yesterday.

You may wish to view the video.

Capitol Hill and The Bold Ones

“I believe if the credit markets are not functioning, that jobs will be lost, that our credit rate will rise, more houses will be foreclosed upon, GDP will contract, that the economy will just not be able to recover in a normal, healthy way.”

That was Ben Bernanke, the Fed's chairman on Tuesday, in an attempt to strong-arm Congress into handing over the keys to Fort Knox, in a manner of speaking.

What pops out at me in all their dire warnings, his and Paulson's and anyone else's ammunition they pull out of their holsters is that such predictions may be taken another threats and promises.

He speaks of "normal and healthy"? Like that's how it was before this emergency was recognized? So this means that a return to the creed of greed that Wall Street has always operated under will tell us when things are hunkey dorey normal again?

Years ago I used to watch The Bold and the Beautiful, in hopes that one day I'd figure out who was bold and who was beautiful. Never did, no matter how many episodes I watched, so I gave up in despair.

The question haunts me to this day.

Now, the day is late, and if I've got to figure out who's normal and who's healthy on Wall Street, well, like David Letterman says, it just gives me a headache.

Yet one thing I do know after the Paulson-Bernanke tag team got done scaring the pants off our Washington puppets like cats arguing with tiny little's really the banking crowd who are the bold ones.

How will McCain vote on Wall Street's bailout?

McCain "won't be a problem"...sounds like George and Jeb's assurance in 2000: "It's in the bag."

And it was.

Sep 23, 2008

Paulson and Capitol Hill Theater 9.23.08

Have you watched or heard the performances on Capitol Hill today?

The financial wizards are playing their woeful parts, with congressional actors as the slow-downers but the results will tell whether this is a crime of theatrics or whether Congress holds onto what's left of its oversight responsibilities.

Without oversight, American tax payers (apparently the lenders of last resort) will have no confidence that a fair price is being paid. We were vulnerable to Wall Street fraud before and now we're supposed to trust them to solve their own pickle by using our money!

Well, at 9:30 am edt this morning on Capitol Hill, the rising degree was 00Sco44 bringing the natal Sun of the New World Order into the House.

(The great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune marks the official NWO chart I use - all through 1993 they met...I use the third and final conj of Oct 24, 1993, 1:11 pm EDT, Wash DC, as the entity's natal chart.)

In the NWO's natal chart, Asc = 12Cap52, so right away we see that the current position of Jupiter 12Cap55, sits fortuitously upon NWO's natal Asc. In fact, the weekend of Sept 7, when moneybags Jupiter performed his Direct Station 12Cap32, he held round-the-clock meetings as the bailout charade began.

Today's Libra stellium of Mercury, Mars, and a 29 degr Venus (which had just arisen at 9:30 am) is nestled near NWO's natal Jupiter 26Lib25, which is, of course, near n Sun 1Sco19. In its natal chart, Midheaven is at 6Sco08.

With the NWO's Uran/Neptune conj rising in its natal chart at 18Cap33, we know that tr Jupiter will be triggering the conj mightily in mid-November...

Ura/Nep = Jupiter: relying on others; joy of hope or of expectations; a strange luck or good fortune; accepting gifts without thinking about it; gaining new courage to face life again; good luck coming out of nowhere; rejuvenation of the spirit.

How jolly for them.

At 9:30 am in Washington today, the Sun 00Lib53 conjs US natal Mc in the Sibly chart and transiting asteroid Hebe is there, too. Hebe = how one enables the egocentricity and emotional immaturity of others; co-dependency; serving. Hebe does have a 'Hebrew' connotation as well.

At 2:22 pm today, Mars leaves Venus' degree behind and reaches 23Lib+ (about to cross George Bush's natal Ic) and culminates at Mc over DC - so Mars' Sabian Symbol changes to: "A third wing on the left side of a butterfly." I believe the "third wing" relates to Paulson's overly expansive new powers. We're going to be sorry about this.

There's a lot more to say but my time grows short. However, I think it's important to re-type here the Symbol for the NWO's signature degree of the Ura/Nep conj, esp since Britain's finances are also intricately involved in this charade...using a mixture of Rudhyar's details with Marc Edmund Jones' negative/shadow side factor...

"18Cap"..."The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...

POLITICAL POWER...keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order.

"Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Where this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence - or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage." (Rudhyar.)

neg: smug or strong-armed paternalism. (Jones.)

So what do you think?

Will Congress provide protection against this naked power grab on behalf of the American people?


Update Oct 7: No surprise - it didn't.

Here's the natal solar (sunrise) chart of Hank Paulson if you'd care to nab a view.

Sep 22, 2008

more notes on the first debate of 9.26.08

Taurus is rising at 8:00 pm CDT on the campus of Ole Miss, Sept 26, Friday, when Barack Obama and John McCain hold the first of three presidential debates.

And there are three difficult aspects for the evening which I'd like to discuss with you here: a hidden square, and two obsessive-compulsive quindeciles (165 degr.)

Saturn (government; traditions) and Pluto (power; the secret hand; coping ability) are 104 degrees apart with Saturn 14Vir47 and Pluto direct at 28Sag35. In the 'opposite' direction, which may be taken as having an unconscious influence, this puts the angle between the two heavyweights at 256 degrees, sometimes called a hidden square, so it may behoove us to read the aspect as a square.

Saturn SQ Pluto: this is the 'sore loser' aspect who doesn't play if he can't win - he prefers his supremacy to be guaranteed; the generosity to admit that others may be more qualified is lacking, value judgments are unrealistic, and there's a deep emotional insecurity.

Social responsibilities are viewed as obstacles rather than as opportunities; acceptance comes through a willingness to serve; grasping power is not viewed well from superiors; impatience and resentment are present when efforts to reach the top are frustrated.

Advisors are needed to assess capabilities and to determine goals; desires are unrealistic in view of resources; status and security are life's priorities, and bitter resentment makes others feel threatened.(Pelletier, 'Planets in Aspect.')

Sun QD Uranus: driven by a need for constant excitement; living 'on the edge'; independence and individuality are prominent; may feel that 'the rules don't apply to me'; may have sense of mission in needing to be different; may take up a humanitarian cause on behalf of humankind.

Moon QD Neptune: escapism, addictions, fantasies are prominent; lost in one's own world; idealism leads to sacrifice of personal needs; emotional balance through spiritual insight; extremely creative. ('Quindecile' by Ricki Reeves.)

~note: because the Sept 26 debate's Moon is conjunct McCain's natal Sun, we see that Neptune is and has been in quindecile relationship to his Sun (vitality; sense of identity.)

Sun QD Neptune = strong intuition and insight; may live in a world of fantasy, illusion, and deception; sense of identity and self-confidence are weak; may see self as victim and/or martyr; feelings of powerlessness, addictions and indulgences may be prominent.

Now here are a few details on the debate's Sun Libra-Moon Virgo blend which is shared natally by comedian Lenny Bruce who said:

"The 'what should be' never did exist but people keep trying to live up to it. There is no 'what should be', there is only what is."

This Air-Earth blend is a productive, rational, efficient and innovative pairing; abstract thought mixes with practicality for a clear-headed, logical approach.

Sun Lib-Moon Vir is eminently civilized with a fine intellect and a pholosophical, judicial mind. An elegant composure adds to the refined simplicity, and results in a stylish peacemaker.

This is the blend of the social theoretician who is kind-hearted and helpful, articulate, modest, graceful, and socially concerned and purposeful. This combo is witty yet careful about where and in whom trust is placed; there is a matter-of-fact air concerning most things, and a tactful, diplomatic way of delivering criticisms.

Hypocrisy is not appreciated or engaged in; an independent mind analyzes until the practical principle underlying matters is found.
Reasoning abilities are profound, yet there are deep emotions which are kept carefully under control.

If there are negatives, it's a tendency to over-analyze things, and to intellectualize feelings; a 'holier-than-thou' attitude may be seen until maturity is achieved.

Image for Integration: "With minute precision, a sculptor chisels the finishing touches to his work of art for the 99th time, and then sweeps up before leaving for his art-therapy group." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

Well, don't know about you, lone reader, but this Sun-Moon picture sounds a lot like Barack Obama rather than the emotionally explosive John McCain.

So will Obama 'sweep up' in the debate? If so, he may sweep the floor with you-know-who!


You are cordially invited to read the rest of my notes on the Sept 26 presidential debate, and view its horoscope simply by clicking on the above link!

Sep 21, 2008

Low marks for Paulson's bail out plan

Everywhere I look today, Hank Paulson's power grab, er...I mean 'bail out plan' is getting low marks.

Even his performances this morning on Meet the Press, Face the Nation (how could he? oh but he did!), and This Week with George Stephanopoulos, haven't swayed the doubters or calmed the "bail out foreign investors?!!" crowd. Confidence is showing itself to be hard to come by as taxpayers are expected to rescue Wall Street gentry who made "bad choices."

Yep, that's what compassionate conservatives once loved to say to anyone down on their luck: all through life, you made choices. Now the biggest of bad choices are nestled on the secret ledgers locked in the hidden drawers of bank executives' desks.

Then there's columnist Paul Krugman who says no deal to the Fed's massive bail out of Wall Street culprits.

Little Did I Know

You know back on Aug 26, 2006, when I was looking at Paulson's natal chart and publishing it here, I wrote that given Mr. Paulson's genius, he could probably run the White House himself.

Seems now he's making a power play for the opportunity to run the country.

Experts in finance and government once told us ad nauseum that if government "got out of the way," life would be peachy and all boats would rise.

It should be quite a while before we listen to those crocks again.

~:~ a further note on Paulson's chart:

the current Solar Eclipse Series (10 South) which manifested on August 1 (9Leo32) conjuncts/triggers Hank Paulson's natal Pluto, planet of power, transformation, and coping ability. And 9Leo+ is also conj the natal Mercuries of George Bush and the Republican Party.

Keyphrases for 10 South:

breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen for more options; a worry will suddenly clear - the cosmos shows the solution which must be taken up without too much delay. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Annnnd...this is the Pre-natal Eclipse Series of candidate John McCain.