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Nov 23, 2010

Uphill on Capitol Hill: Rs ruling the turkey roost?

Doyle McManus' analysis of what's going on on Capitol Hill since the Republicans triumphed in midterms 2010 (thanks a lot, everyone who voted for Karl Rove's party) sums things up quite well.

You know, the Republican Party experienced a Progressed Full Moon in 2005 which is a timing device indicating that one has reached one's limit of expansion in the world - a culmination of sorts. (The R Party entered its Disseminating phase by progression on March 19, 2009 with its 'put out the message' vibe.)

Well, I'm assuming that if it weren't for Tea Party madness, the Rs would be tamping themselves down instead of revving up for more of their "I'm not my brother's keeper" cold-heartedness at a time when the poor and middle classes have already sacrificed - or been sacrificed - into ruination or close to it.

Which begs the usual question around this blog: is the collapsing of American society the ultimate goal of Washington politicians?

In Ireland, the IMF is recommending (insisting) that the Irish minimum wage be lowered. How outrageous! And in America, President Barack Obama handed trillions of tax payer dollars to...the people who would spend them and infuse life into the US economy? Nope! To wealthy bankers who engineered the mess and who now cheer on the IMF and others who advise 'austerity cuts' against the people thereby demanding what money and dignity we have left!

So my question for you is: will November 25, 2010 become known as America's last Thanksgiving Day?

Maybe we should take a gobble down memory lane: the video of the President's Thanksgiving Day message to America during the embroilment of Financial Collapse 2008.

Wonder what he'll be able to say to us this year?

Nov 22, 2010

JFK outed the global conspiracy (audio)

Yes, there still exist multiple theories as to why President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Examples include: a crazy assassin with a desire for fame, Fidel Castro, the Mafia, the CIA in retaliation for the mishandled Bay of Pigs fiasco, or my preference: his presidential noises about his plans for reforming the world banking system.

This audio of JFK's words emphasizes the existence of a covert conspiracy, a global crime syndicate, that surely must be top of the list of culprits and yet it doesn't point to any of the above theories in particular...except, imho, for the one about the world banking system which is in process of taking over Ireland, the Kennedy family's ancestral home, as I type.


Blog note: SO'W will be on Thanksgiving break until Sunday, November 28. jc

Guilty verdict in Chandra Levy murder trial

Jurors have found Ingmar Guandique guilty of two counts of first-degree felony murder in the Chandra Levy murder trial, nine years after she disappeared while jogging in Rock Creek Park. Guandique faces life in prison.

For more information visit

Rockefeller Study on 2010 - 2020 = "Decade of Doom"?

First let me say that I'm very sad to hear this moment on Amy Goodman's program Democracy Now! that scholar and author Chalmers Johnson has passed away.

His book The Sorrows of Empire is in my library and is an excellent resource for topics concerning the end of our republic. The economic collapse under which we now struggle is what Mr. Johnson termed the Last Sorrow.

And on a similarly difficult topic:

Since my work/blogging week is shortened by holiday considerations, I'm in a hurry and picking up a quick thread in the form of an article by Steve Watson published to Prison Planet on July 16, 2010 (article link provided below.)

It concerns a study funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network which lays out what they and their elite buddies envision for what they term the "Doom Decade" of 2010 to 2020, with the distinction between "developed" and "developing" nations no longer "particularly descriptive or relevant" by 2030.

Now I know you realize that beast worshipers play for keeps yet there will be many many people who won't realize how serious the power elite are about instituting authoritarian social control until the trap is sprung - even though many astrologers have been writing and warning about the period 2010 - 2020 for years now.

After all, timing is what Astrology brings to any table which no other system can provide...As Above So Below, and the planets proceed in their courses within the Great Cosmic Clock of our solar system.

Rockefeller Study Outlines "Doom Decade": Life For All But the Super Wealthy Will Be Hell On Earth


On a lighter note (I think!) is my just-created blog Woolly Mammoth Chronicles with news, info, and ode-ish poems concerning the proposed cloning of the prehistoric woolly mammoth. Because we don't have enough big things stomping about the planet to run from, right? Plus, you'll find an aptly named music video from 1985 embedded there. Guess which one? ;p

Nov 21, 2010

No Politics today, but a new blog is born!

Yes, I am watching the Sunday morning talking heads and pundits on TV as they blab about Obama, Palin, Haiti, and START, but plan no posts for today concerning Politics or Astrology.

However, a new blog has been created just yesterday so I'm giving my own self a shout-out and sending you a cordial invitation to check out Woolly Mammoth Chronicles where Science's visionary DNA-cloning project and 'mammoth poetry' meet and greet!

And if you mosey by, please answer the brief poll in the top right corner.

Apparently the 'bright idea' pair of Jupiter/Uranus and Uranus = Aries Point ('scientific break-throughs') are working overtime in their genetics lab!


Fyi: soon a fresh article will be posted here concerning the Illuminati and written by my friend and ace researcher Alex D'Atria. I will be thrilled to publish SO'W's first Guest Blogger column! You may wish to keep your eye out for Alex's column especially if you're interested in the history of the Illuminati.

Nov 20, 2010

Full body scanners: Chertoff's conflict of interest (video)

As you've probably heard by now, former Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff has a major conflict of interest when it comes to selling the US government the full body scanners now being loudly protested in our airports.

If the conflict pans out to be the scandal it now seems to be, President Obama will be in for criticism as well. Didn't anyone tell Mr. Obama from the get-go that retaining certain of the Bush-Cheney administration's staffers and lackeys was a very poor idea which would eventually bring him lots of political flack?

Then again, if you're anything like me, you think the highly praised 'peaceful transition' and baton-passing of American presidents every four years is another way of saying that the power elite's long-desired global take over is proceeding undercover and quite unnoticed as planned with the majority of we-the-people none the wiser. Old boss and new boss are virtually the same boss, m'peops.

Ahh, I remember the heady days of March 2006 when I posted the sunrise version of Michael Chertoff's natal chart showing his natal North Node conjoining US natal Pluto, and his Chiron at the POLITICAL POWER degree (18Cap) where the illuminated duo of Uranus and Neptune had their Great Conjunction/s of 1993.

And what is 18Cap's shadow side expression? "Smug or strong-armed paternalism," states Marc Edmund Jones in The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.

The post of 2006 also mused over Chertoff's possible loss of his HoSec czarship, but of course that turned out to be only a mirage created from the fumes that waft from the swamp of Washington DC to keep the savages manageable.


Topic suggestion provided by Alex D'Atria.

Inauguration 2009: Pluto/Chiron = Midheaven

Today as I organized my papers, charts, magazines, and Astrology books, I ran across a copy of Dell Horoscope Magazine from December 2002 with an article on Chiron authored by Canadian astrologer Roderick Benns.

A tidbit within the article caught my Political Astrology eye, for it intimately concerns the Inauguration 2009 horoscope's Midheaven (Mc), the Goal-Aspiration Point of any horoscope.

Here I quote Mr. Benns' analysis of the midpoint picture Pluto/Chiron = Mc, which was in effect on January 20, 2009 noon at the Capitol Building in Washington DC, with noon being the official time that an old administration ends and a new one begins. In this case, we speak, of course, of the presidency of Barack Obama and of the status (10th house) of the United States of America...

"Pluto/Chiron = Mc: status in life challenged or wounded by necessary transformation of perspective."

For comparison, Bush Inauguration 2001 had Pluto/Chiron @ 19Sag02 from the Pluto-Moon-Chiron line-up in 8th house of Transformation, Death, Debt, and Big Business which gave us: Pluto/Chiron = Moon (we-the-people); his 2005 Inauguration had Pluto/Chiron @ 10Cap21 showing the oppression-plutocracy duo's midpoint as it progressed in transit closer to US Inaugural Mc in the 26/27 degree range of Capricorn...a process well-described by Astrology.

January 20, 2009

(Also at Mc in Inauguration 2009's chart - Mars/Jupiter = Mc: opportunity for success; growth by using all forces or energy available. Tyl; Munkasey. Of course, US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is at Mc as well with natal Mercury Rx at Ic; Mercury/Pluto = persuasion; propaganda; deep perception; intelligence activities; communications satellites; political talk which offers disruptive changes.)

Now the world-bank-engineered Financial Collapse 2008 has certainly brought a new perspective to most Americans concerning our nation's place in the world (which is what the 10th house is all about.) But why is America's collapse deemed to be necessary? As part of an agenda now 'marching' the planet toward a New World Order (sometimes referred to as a 'new economic world order'.)

That's why we hear many hints of currency collapse and devaluation in the news these days which have big implications for the US dollar losing its place as the global reserve currency. And 2011 seems to be a pivotal year, if my astrological studies (and those of others) are correct.

So here's a previous post with famous quotes concerning the NWO and a link to one-world-government promoter David Rockfeller's statement about how we're being "marched" toward it; this describes a very long-term process.

But no, a so-called NWO is not a given, folks, at least not in the form they wish: totalitarian control and global serfdom for the people after 'population control' (genocide) has been accomplished on a scale we cannot now imagine. This will leave more natural resources for the survivors, as you may know - the select few the power elite deem worthy.

All of this NWO madness is one of the main reasons I spend many hours blogging in complimentary fashion while hoping that a few readers will pass around the info so that all may have a chance to become aware of the false reality the power elite has created to keep our attention diverted from what they're up to - and their ploy very much includes the entertainment industry and its decades-long lowering of our moral standards.

After all, TV didn't put 'Survivor' (as in, survival of the fittest, an obvious shout-out to Darwin's theory) on the air years ago and call it a 'hit' for nothing.

For as former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt informed us - and a truism followed by this blog's populist slant...

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."


More instructive quotes for America 2010/2011 from FDR who obviously, unlike most of today's politicians, knew the difference between man made laws and the natural laws of the universe:

But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings.

Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.

Confidence...thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live.

Don't forget what I discovered that over ninety percent of all national deficits from 1921 to 1939 were caused by payments for past, present, and future wars.

Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.

Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.

I am neither bitter nor cynical but I do wish there was less immaturity in political thinking.

I believe that in every country the people themselves are more peaceably and liberally inclined than their governments.

It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.

It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

I do not look upon these United States as a finished product. We are still in the making.

Nov 18, 2010

Rep. Alan Grayson on tax cuts for the rich (video)

Thank goodness for Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) who shares his ideas for what the rich can do with the extra $83,000 they'll each pocket if the Republicans get their way extending tax cuts for the rich.

Sometimes I wonder if the Americans who put the GOP back in control (to the extent that they are) in the November midterms 2010 won't live to regret it. And other times I know they will.

And in spite of the shortcomings of the Democratic Party (and they are many), my reaction now is similar to my reaction when Bush was 'elected' then re-elected: what in the world could you possibly have been thinking?

George H. W. Bush to receive a Medal of FREEDOM?

While I'd be more likely to issue Bush Sr a warrant for his arrest, The White House is awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 15 honorees and one of them is New World Order promoter and implementer, George H. W. Bush.

What Orwellian madness is this? Well, obviously, the one-world-government types have infiltrated every public and private institution and are recognizing their own so that the world may admire them (except I don't.) Perhaps this qualifies as something of history rewrite for the re-education of future generations.

While he's still 'with us' (in a manner of speaking), let's consider the natal horoscope of George H. W. Bush who was born on June 12, 1924 at 11:45 am edt in Milton, MA. His birth data comes from many sources: see his Astro-Databank page for details and chart image.

Here is a list of Bush Sr's planetary placements with a few additional factors:

ASC 11Vir09 conjoins Fixed Star Zosma, one of the 'victim/savior' stars; MC 7Gem39 (transiting Midas has been conjunct his MC for a while now as is asteroid Pan; US natal Uranus conjoins his n MC); n MC = n Uranus/NN (Uran/NN = radical political activity): desire to bring plans to fruition with others; assurances of help from those who share your destiny; professional recognition; teamwork paying off.

Sun 21Gem22 in 10th house of Public Status; Sun conjoins US natal Mars so his ego has been intimately tied up with US military and might.

Moon 17Lib56 in 2nd house with tr Saturn approaching n Moon which is a sobering and possibly depressing time; this man has had his Uranus Return so at his advanced age of 86, vulnerability to health problems increases, and the wife may suffer a setback of some kind); note: tr Jupiter and Uranus will be entering his 8th house w/ 8th cusp 5Ari08; either planet may cause major health setbacks with Jupiter's expansion tendency and Uranus causing sudden disruptions and separations.

Mercury 29Tau24 in 9th house will have November 21, 2010's Full Moon 29Tau18 spotlighting it and timing a culmination of some kind; this is a 29th degree of crisis.

Venus 17Can27 Rx is in a wide conjunction with n Pluto 11Can21 with Venus/Pluto giving a strong will, passions, and possible sexual indulgences; his n Pluto was precisely conjoined by tr NN 11Can56 when JFK was shot in Dallas - when GHWB was CIA Director, and the revolutionary pair of tr Uranus 9Vir49 and tr Pluto 14Vir04 were snugged around his n ASC = Uranus/Pluto: an enhanced ability to focus on the kind of world which must grow out of today into tomorrow; reading how restless others are with the status quo; application of force.

Mars 25AQ28 in 6th house of Health is being undermined by tr Neptune which indicates increased difficulties with physical activities, deception and confusion reign, and fraud turns up on the menu; Mars conjoins n SN = a loner who acts upon decisions that disregard the opinions or circumstances of others, lashes out in anger which antagonizes others and causes opposition, and has desires which he acts upon and which tend to be out of harmony with societal standards.

Jupiter 14Sag11 Rx in 4th house, strong in his own sign, and Rx = 'a maverick' holed up in the comfy digs of the family compound.

Saturn 25Lib50 in 2nd house, in wide conjunction with n Moon which gives an ambitious streak and tends to identify emotionally with material wealth; this pair may describe his marriage to Barbara Bush who's only one year younger than her husband but has tended to look older than him through the years;

Uranus 21Pis26 in 7th house and square his n Sun = eccentricity, erratic behavior, original but often impractical ideas (like a world government?), a dislike of routine, and strong self-will which can become a fraternal group member and a leader of organizations.

Neptune 18Leo08 in 12th house of Politics along with NN 25Leo14; Neptune/NN in Politics and Business = leadership that neglects the growth and progress demands of the population or important groups; spies (CIA) or terrorists (9/11? JFK?); drug policies which avoid important concerns (the original Bush fortune, I've read, was founded upon the opium trade), and ill-adapted and inadequate hospital or medical systems; scandals caused by foreign concerns (Munkasey; other midpoints by Tyl and Ebertin.)

Bush's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series is the 16 South: 'issues of wasted energy or misdirected motivation especially when dealing with groups' which last manifested in 1996, next: 2014. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Interestingly, Bush Sr shares his Sun Gem-Moon Lib combo with another old cuss, Henry Kissinger, who so famously propagandized us with, "Henceforth the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

Really? Then this must be a reference to their version of a 'NWO peace'.

So there! If you didn't know anything at all about G.H.W. Bush's natal horoscope and psyche, you know a smidgeon now. If only someone could please explain to me how this relic of the NWO, with its agenda that intends totalitarian harm and chaos toward society, can possibly deserve a Presidential Medal of FREEDOM?



Update Nov 18, 2010: be sure to check out Erin Sullivan's excellent astro-comparison of the horoscopes of Bush Sr and Jr as suggested by Alex D'Atria.

Nov 17, 2010

Senators call for end of TSA full body scans/pat downs (video)

November 17, 2010

Senator Michael J. Doherty (R-Hunterdon, Warren) and Senator James Beach (D-Camden) today announced they will present resolutions to the Senate and Assembly calling on the U.S. Congress to end TSA screening procedures requiring full body scans and pat downs at U.S. airports Their action comes in response to widespread concerns over privacy and radiation, as well as reports of inappropriate conduct by TSA agents during the screening process.


“The pursuit of security should not force Americans to surrender their civil liberties or basic human dignity at a TSA checkpoint,” said Doherty. “Subjecting law-abiding American citizens to naked body scans and full body pat downs is intolerable, humiliating, vulnerable to abuse, and is fast becoming a disincentive to travel. Particularly concerning to us is the fact that physical searches result in children being touched in private areas of the body. Terrorists hate America because of the freedoms upon which this great nation was built. By implementing these screening measures, the TSA has already handed a victory to those who seek to destroy our freedoms.”

Full press release. #

As George Orwell prophetically wrote...

"They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening."

We must be careful what they're grasping. Here's a man who resisted.


On November 18, 2010, both Venus and Jupiter direct station and begin moving forward. In Astrology, both planets relate to financial issues and when they turn direct, money can begin to flow. Highly recommended reading is Julie Demboski's article Venus Speaks for more astro-details.