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Feb 2, 2011

John Wheeler murder case: $25,000 reward offered for info

Family of slain ex-Pentagon official wants info is quite a mild headline considering that search warrants and other information have been sealed by Attorney General Beau Biden's office and Newark police in the investigation into the mysterious death of John P. Wheeler, whose body was found in a Wilmington Delaware landfill on December 31, 2010.

The excessive sealing of information reflects the sensitive nature of the case, yes, but also may signify governmental wrongdoing and cover-up.

Mr. Wheeler, a bio-weapons expert, MITRE Corporation consultant, the driving force behind the Vietnam War Memorial, and former aide to Reagan and both Bush presidencies, is alleged to have traveled from NYC where he met family for the holidays (Dec 24) to Washington DC (Dec 28) in order to complain about the (alleged) transport and potential use by US forces of Phosgene which was found in Saddam's Iraq and stored in Arkansas.

Some believe Phosgene escaped during transport from an Arkansas military base thereby causing Arkansas's massive amount of dead birds falling from the sky at the end of December 2010.

In his work for the Pentagon, Mr. Wheeler had recommended that the US not use such deadly agents (good man!), a caution with which this blogging gnat must agree. Agent Phosgene is as deadly as they come.

Some have speculated that what was going on with Phosgene in Arkansas had alerted Mr. Wheeler to bio-weapon shenanigans by the Pentagon and that Phosgene indirectly may be said to have led to Mr. Wheeler's untimely death. Or, more specifically, his "raising hell" about it in Washington DC made him a target for assassination.

In America, it's been done before.

Mr. Wheeler's family has been refused clear answers on the case and were first told by authorities that their family member died from a "heart attack" caused by an assault. It has now surfaced that it was blunt force trauma as previously mentioned on this blog.

The Wheeler family announced on Sunday that a $25,000 reward is offered for information leading to arrest in this case.

Was the culprit only a street thug or gang? Or a hired assassin? Sadly, the intimate involvement of the US government in this case may indicate that no one will never know what really happened to John P. Wheeler III...and why.

My thought is that (if Delaware authorities truly want to solve this heinous crime) a seasoned practitioner of Forensic Astrology would provide investigators with very useful clues.


Astrology of John P. Wheeler's Murder.

Mega-thanks go to astute reader Kieron for her comment which includes a link to the above AJC article. JC

Today is Ground Hog Day and a New Moon to boot. You may be interested in my post concerning today's New Moon in Aquarius (chart shown) and the subsequent Leo Full Moon of February 18, 2011.

Jan 31, 2011

Will globalists install ElBaradei to rule Egypt? (video)

The following video presentation from The Alex Jones Show of January 30, 2011 may contain controversial remarks and, as usual, this lone blogger cannot endorse each word spoken in the presentation.

But I do agree that ex-pat Mohamed ElBaradei is not the leader the majority of the Egyptian people want or need and I'm not certain how much of an improvement over Mubarak's regime he would be if his 'installation' by Soros, Brzezinski, and other globalists is successful.

ElBaradei, if installed, may prove to bring no more than temporary calm to a nation now in justified upheaval. And if he, too, doesn't represent the needs of the Egyptian people, the calm won't last even that long and will only make things worse.

A Million-Man March is scheduled for tomorrow, February 1, 2011, and my thoughts and prayers are with the good people of Egypt. May they prevail over all despotic forces!

(Now if only the American people could prevail over same. Again.)

Part 1 of 3:

Part 2 of 3:

Part 3 of 3:

For further reading, don't miss Paul Watson's Mohamed ElBaradei: Global Pied Piper of the Egyptian Revolt. Egypt is a "vassal state for the new world order" and "pays out $1.1 million annually to the Podesta Group, an organization closely tied with the Obama administration to act as 'foreign agents' for Mubarak's regime."

If you want something done in Washington, call the Podesta Group! says their website. Perhaps we-the-people should text them pronto because we're in big trouble, too.

Plus, here's a post on the natal horoscope of Zbigniew Brzenzinski (chart shown) with a video of ZB being interviewed by Charlie Rose during the Bush-Cheney regime.

Please note that your on-topic comments and opinions are cordially invited.


Have you read your Woolly Mammoth Chronicles today?

Jan 30, 2011

Astro-Details of John Wheeler's 'last seen alive' moment

Bio-weapons expert John Wheeler was last seen alive on surveillance camera walking in downtown Wilmington, Delaware on the evening of December 30, 2010. You'll note that a subtle hint of motive is inserted at the end of the article - that Mr. Wheeler was last seen walking toward "the East Side, a low-income neighborhood known as a hot spot for crime."

Yet knowing the town so well, why in the world would he walk toward a crime hot spot?

Now assault-by-hoodlums could be the cause of his death, of course, yet if political operatives (assassins) murdered him, this is just the sort of insidious suggestion that would be made in a news article especially given how much attention the Wheeler murder has received in the blogosphere - though not in the mainstream media.

Unfortunately for those who wish to cover up government secrets and misdeeds, John Wheeler's train trip to DC to "raise hell" over Phosgene being sent to the battlefields of Afghanistan suggests something entirely different than a zoned out, low income assailant who had no idea who Wheeler was or what complaints he'd just delivered in Washington DC. US policy supposedly doesn't include the use of bio-weaponry, as you know.

And would a local hoodlum bother to laboriously lift a dead body and hide it in a dumpster so it stood a good chance of remaining forever undiscovered? Perhaps. But it's doubtful. Why bother unless the victim's identity was important?

Ideally, the public would wish to hear from those at the Pentagon, Congress, and/or White House with whom Wheeler met (in secret, I suspect) concerning the Phosgene in Arkansas.

Yet so far, such revelations have not been forthcoming from the US government and it's difficult to believe they will be divulged since embarrassing questions would follow. Why then, even the MSM might have to report on the story instead of pushing this heinous crime onto back pages if they mention it at all. One question would be why they didn't say so before, if they're so innocent!

Now where was instigator Mars, god of war, lurking in the closing days of December 2010? At 17Cap+, whose Sabian Symbol ('18Cap') is the degree of 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the New World Order/Illuminati pair of energies.

Uran/Nep = Mars: exiting quickly when disagreements are upsetting; unusual ideas or activities; instability; impatience; lack of stamina; inspirations; a state of lameness or paralysis; misdirected energy; a nervous feeling of foreboding. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

'18Cap' = "The Union Jack" = POLITICAL POWER, and its negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Because our senses such as sight ('last seen') are ruled by Mercury, we should consider that Mr. Wheeler's murder/assassination occurred during Mercury's Direct Station @ '20Sag': "Men Cutting Through Ice for Summer Use" (will Phosgene turn up in Afghanistan this summer?), a symbol with a military-related Keyword: PROCUREMENT. (Jones.)

Another sad but interesting factor (and Brit reference) in Mr. Wheeler's 'last seen alive' horoscope (8:42 pm est Wilmington DE) is the Dec 30, 2010 Sun Capricorn-Moon Scorpio blend. This muddy Earth-Water combo is shared natally by former British prime minister Clement Atlee who informed us of something which may relate closely to the topic of the murder of John Wheeler and his alleged hell raising in Washington DC over possible military use of Phosgene:

"Democracy means government by discussion, but it is only effective if you can stop people talking."

As we know, Mr. Wheeler's dissenting voice has been effectively silenced by unnamed forces...silenced at least for now.

Bio-weapons expert John Wheeler died of "blunt force trauma"

Turns out all those diverting 'he was disoriented' - 'maybe ill' offerings from talking heads about the mysterious death of bio-weapons expert John P. Wheeler, a former presidential aide and Pentagon man, were not factors directly involved in his murder.

But blunt force trauma was. Makes sense really because no matter how much 'toxicology' one may indulge in or how 'disoriented' one may be, it's difficult to stuff oneself while dead into a dumpster without a lot of help from the living.

Dumpsters are used to conceal one's deadly handiwork when the body in question - and the reason for the murder - are intended never to be discovered.

Previous posts include:

Astrology of John P. Wheeler's Murder, and More on the John Wheeler murder, dead birds, and Phosgene.

As you know, Phosgene is the bio-chem that Wheeler is said to have traveled to Washington DC to express his concerns over because Phosgene, which the US found in Iraq, was loaded in Arkansas onto a military plane to be sent to the battlefields of Afghanistan. Some of the deadly agent may have escaped causing Arkansas's dead birds to fall from the sky.

(It must be just as difficult to fly when dead as it is to stuff oneself into a dumpster under the same lack-of-life condition.)

There is a 3rd post on this blog concerning the mysterious death of Mr. Wheeler but the video it contained (showing his disoriented behavior hours before his death) has been removed from YouTube.

Jan 29, 2011

AQ New Moon 2.2.11 and Leo Full Moon 2.18.11

Our February 2011 Lunations

by Jude Cowell

Image: New Moon 13AQ54 Feb 2, 2011 9:30:36 pm est Washington DC; Moon Hour (changes, fluctuations, publicity, daily concerns); ASC 2Lib52 = chart-ruler Venus 28Sag42; Venus applies: square Jupiter (3A28) and conjunct Pluto (7A45 - see below); New Moon conjunct Mars 14AQ16 in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits.

Neptune 27AQ51 continues bedeviling the American people (US natal Moon 27AQ10) with fraud, deception, disillusionment, massive propaganda campaigns, refugeeism, homelessness, and a sense of rootlessness - here, in 5th house of Risk-Taking.

Setting Jupiter 2Ari10 conjoins DESC 2Ari52 and has moved into a quindecile aspect (165 degr) with authoritative Saturn Rx in 1st house (delays, restrictions, limitations.)

Having our two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in a compulsive-obsessive QD dynamic brings benefits through use of ethics and morals, yet it has a running hot'n'cold effect, tendencies toward indecision, overdoing things and taking on too much responsibility, pushing to make one's point with an authoritative manner about one's beliefs and opinions, successful planning, and a tendency to retreat within one's success. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

(During my natal chart consultation with the great Noel Tyl, he pronounced quindecile as 'kween day chee' lay. I'm not kiddin'.)

At Mc, the Goal Point of any chart, we see US natal Venus, Jupiter, and in tandem, Sun (the leader) along with the transiting South Node, a separative, Saturnian point relating to past behaviors and thus, to the karma of bad decisions. SN to US n Venus (valuations, relationships, smaller amounts of money, beauty, the attraction principle) with tr Pluto opposing Venus and here opposing Jupiter, too, which makes this New Moon horoscope a picture of plutonian manipulation.

Tr Pluto opposing US n Venus: joint ventures and legal affairs are not favored; jealousy and manipulation target relationships; motivations of others are questionable; values, principles, priorities, and relationship values are in conflict with current conditions in society; overspending has disastrous consequences (which bodes ill for US deficit and debt level concerns.)

Tr Pluto opposing US n Jupiter: unknown people or forces stand in the way of financial and professional success and expansion; measures taken to increase prospects are defeated; an unfavorable time for advertising, sales, and long-distance travel; political aspirations are best put on hold for now; power struggles are prominent.

Mc '4Can' = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse", a Sabian Symbol that always reminds me of
Louis McFadden's lawsuit against the Fed for fraud in 1933 (he was on to them), and of NY Mayor John Hylan whose famous quote is reproduced below, beginning with a statement from Teddy Roosevelt for context's sake:

President Theodore Roosevelt, who died in 1919, was posthumously quoted in the March 27, 1922 edition of the New York Times with the following statement:

"These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these newspapers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government."

The New York Times ran the article because New York Mayor John Hylan had been quoted in the same paper the previous day, March 26:

"The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over city, state, and nation...It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection...To depart from mere generalizations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interest and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers.

This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States Government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make cat’s paws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business...these International Bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country."

In the Feb 2, 2011 New Moon chart (shown above), US natal Neptune 22Vir25 and Saturn 14Lib48 (the invisible government duo) form a midpoint picture with the New Moon's ASC (in DC): Sat/Nep = ASC: feeling confined; sense of being out of the group; the loner; noticing the pretenses or false intentions of others; easing the focus on past errors or lax practices; oppressive family circumstances; a depressing environment; limitation of freedom. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

You see sneaky Pluto and NN (Plu/NN = powerful associations; destiny of a large mass of people) at the foundation of the chart (Ic) and tr Mercury 28Cap43 conjoining US natal Pluto 27Cap10 Rx in our natal 2nd house of Earning Ability and Valuations/Worth.

It seems that the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011 relates closely to financial and currency issues (devaluation of the US dollar, ceasing its use as the world's reserve currency, etc) and with both transiting and US Saturn rising and testy Mars ruling 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformation, and Death, we may readily expect news media to continue reflecting these issues.

Tr Mercury to US natal Pluto is a time when ideas, info, and activities involve gaining personal power; strategies are developed relating to finances, investments, and surveillance; research, detection, psychoanalysis, renovation, and property assessment are on the menu. (Foreclosure crisis? Spying? Revealing secrets? A message from the Fed?)

As mentioned, chart-ruler Venus makes two major applying aspects in the chart which gives us an idea of how things will proceed over the next two weeks:

1. square Jupiter (3A27) = temptation to overstate (earnings? evaluations? income?); carelessness, thoughtlessness, or extravagance with money and expenses; a reconciliation is needed between the law and true justice.

2. conjunct Pluto (7A45) = an urge to take charge of events; strategy is necessary to control outcomes especially in groups or in diplomatic matters; bankruptcy issues surface (of states? corporations? countries?)

And since we speak here of financial concerns, the applying square (obstacles; blockages) between rich Jupiter and wealthy Pluto (4A17) is important in the New Moon chart and relates to rebellion against existing codes of ethics, large scale endeavors and the wheeler dealers who run them, questionable or shady projects which lead to legal difficulties, those who tend to exploit others, a lack of assistance when one does get into trouble (and probably, the NYSE.)

This aspect appears in the natal horoscopes of shot-gunner Dick Cheney (b. Jan 20, 1941) and Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzenski (b. Mar 28, 1928); as you know, Jupiter is the significator of the Republican Party in Mundane Astrology; Saturn = the Democrats.

The Jupiter/Pluto square will be closer to exactitude during the Full Moon two weeks from now when the seeds planted at the Feb 2 New Moon will sprout.

The Full Moon of Feb 18, 2011 @ 29Leo20, conjoins one of the Royal Stars of Persia: Regulus (success if revenge is avoided; with Fixed Stars, there's always an 'if' caution.) By way of precession, Regulus has recently reached 00Vir00 after being at 29 Leo for several years. The 29/30 Leo--00Virgo degree area of the Zodiac relates to the Sphinx in Egypt.

Full Moon Feb 18, 2011 has an interesting Sabian Symbol...'30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter" which is traditionally linked to the Bible. In current times, it may relate as well to revelations (banking? more embassy cables?) released by WikiLeaks.

Pluto will trine the Full Moon but Mars will oppose it.

One last word about the chart you see here, the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011: asteroid Atlantis Rx (abuse of power; feelings of doom) rises with US natal Mc 00Lib53 and with asteroid Terpsichore (the orchestrator) so we might expect America (Atlantis, New Atlantis, etc) to orchestrate much of the planning and seed-planting. Yet with all planets in the northern (bottom) half of the chart (the private sector - jobs creation?), the orchestrations will probably remain mostly behind the scenes until the light of the February 18th Full Moon reveals at least some of what's now being put into place.

Now if you'd like a great analysis of this weekend's concentrated line-up of planets (from Sag to AQ), try Julie Demboski's excellent article Keeping Our Balance which will take you through into next week!

Jan 28, 2011

Egypt's progressed chart Jan 2011: YOD pattern of Crisis

Week-Long Riots Worsen in Egypt; YOD of Crisis shown in Progressions

by Jude Cowell

Well, VP Joe Biden wouldn't call Egypt's President Mubarak "a dictator" but many people would. Especially those who've been forced to live under the Mubarak regime for 30 years.

Free Speech TV's Thom Hartmann is reporting that today has brought more violence to the country than before as the "US hedges." But Hillary Clinton has called the Mubaraks "friends of the family"! (Perhaps she means, crime family?)

Yes, it's quite a dilemma for the US with Mubarak 'a partner with the US for decades' even as the needs and rights of the Egyptian people are ignored by the regime when they're not being stamped out altogether - as usual, it's America the so-called freedom-lover backing and propping up the wrong horse of oppression rather than supporting a people yearning to be free and decently treated.

As we see here in the US as well, corporate interests prevail, and transiting Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, re-stimulates the Aries Point (00Ari00), one of the World Points of Manifestation.

Well, it's been a busy week here in my real world with little time to blog though I've been following the riots and protests in Tunisia and in Egypt. I have no natal chart for Tunisia but for Egypt there's the Proclamation of Independence for Egypt which the Sultan issued one day after the British Parliament declared Egypt to be a sovereign nation, aka The Kingdom of Egypt. This chart I've labelled simply 'Egypt' (shown below, lower left.)

Also shown below is a second chart representing the independence declaration by President Nassar for the Republic of Egypt, labelled here 'Republic of Egypt' (upper right) with a telling midpoint picture for those looking astrologically for indications of strong-armed control and hardship for the Egyptian people: Saturn/Pluto = Moon (the people): strong control; renunciation; giving up giving.

Saturn/Pluto in Politics indicates: use of secret police or military agencies, keeping affairs private, turmoil in rigid or older structures, secret preparations for future restrictions, and hoarding of resources. (Munkasey.)

(All midpoint pictures on this blog are from Ebertin, Munkasey, and/or Tyl; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.)

Now I won't expand much here about the two natal charts for hopefully you can read a few notes scribbled upon them if you click to enlarge the dual-chart image. Outside both charts, I've penned some of the US natal planets such as US natal Uranus (freedom; independence; disruption) rising to the degree in the 1922 chart. And I shall mention that the 1922 chart's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) Series 14 North repeats on November 25, 2011 @2Sag37 with its influences of:

'A most peculiar family of eclipses; an acute time of confusion in relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness; a peculiar turn of events; no important decisions should be made concerning incoming events since there's too much confusion and delusion in the environment to make clear judgments.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Sounds as if the end of 2011 will be a crazy time all around. (A post on the Nov 2011 eclipse for America is in the planning stages and I hope to have it published fairly soon.) Plus, 2011 brings Egypt further triggering by Solar Eclipse in the 1922 natal chart: the June 1, 2011 eclipse touches natal ASC and Mars, and the Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 affects Egypt's natal Pluto 7Can57 Rx in 2nd house (Earning Ability, Values) - and US planets in Cancer.

Admittedly, the natal Mars/Uranus opposition between Egypt and the US is worrisome to this reluctant astrologer, plus, Egypt's Mars 11Sag37 conjoins US natal ASC and is the degree of the last (and current) Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocracy duo of disenfranchisement, primal violence, fascism, and corporatism. '12Sag' = "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows." (MEJ.)

With its PE (14N) as a background influence, the state of emergency in Egypt may crescendo just prior to the November eclipse or soon after though good decisions are unlikely to be made then. Yet the Egyptian people are fed up now and want a new government! Apparently it's only folk like Joe Biden who pretend to fault them for having such a natural urge for basic human rights. Methinks that even Joe B would feel the same if Mubarak ruled his life and future.

From historical record, here are the two natal charts for modern Egypt since ancient Egypt's beginnings are shrouded in the mists of Time:

Lower left: March 15, 1922 10:00 am EET Cairo, Egypt; ASC 8Gem27 with Atlantis (the New World = America) rising; Hour Jupiter; asteroid Hermes, the Magician, at Mc; unaspected Sun (the leader) can 'run away with the chart' (and the country's riches); manipulative Pluto 7Can57 Rx in 2nd house lies amongst US natal planets in Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun); Mars 11Sag37 rises with Antares (obsessed with success), a violent star; US natal Pluto in Capricorn is in 9th house of Foreign Lands and Philosophy.

There are no Earth placements in the 1922 chart suggesting a lack of practicality to the whole endeavor as manipulated by Britain and America. You may wish to read about Ahmed Fuad morphing from Sultan to King in 1922. This chart may also be called the 'Kingdom of Egypt' natal horoscope.

Upper right: June 18, 1953 11:30 pm EET Cairo, Egypt; Hour Venus; Mercury 20Can51 is out-of-bounds and conjoins Fixed Star Castor (murder; loss) at a critical degree (20 Can); Mars is also OOBs 3Can10 conjunct US natal Venus; Egypt's Jupiter/Pluto midpoint conjoins the Pentagon's natal ASC = desire for power; with 16Pis21 rising, Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator pair, rule the chart, and Jupiter 9Gem23 conjoins US natal Uranus and Fixed Star Aldebaran (success through integrity); the PE of this chart (25AQ03 in 12th house) is the 9 New North, a violent, injurious Series. 9NN last occurred in March 2007 so it won't repeat until 2025.

Sleuthily, my astro-search for the crisis/revolutionary situation going on this week in Egypt resulted in the following Secondary Progressed chart based on the 1922 natal hroscope which shows a crisis-ridden YOD pattern (Finger of God) pointing toward the at-rope's-end Egyptian people:

Sun/ASC = Moon 21Cap18: fruitful activity with others; receptivity; open to cosmic forces. (Though all internet services have been shut off by the regime.)

Yes, the midpoint picture sounds rather mild but the YOD pattern (crossroads; turning point; a special task) with apex Moon is descriptive of the critical and dire conditions for the people of Egypt, January 2011 and beyond.

Possibilities for a YOD with an apex Moon: emotional maladjustment, instinctual responses to factors in the environment are out-of-tune (with the Mubarak regime certainly); past emotional traumas; triggers to act in self-defeating ways.

(Now I totally agree with Barack Obama on this: violence is not the answer. Which is why the Mubarak government should have listened to the people's grievances long before this.)

Once activated (this week!), this apex Moon (in Cap, the sign of government, law, and business) embarks on a destined change of life patterning in order to free the populace from negative images of the past. After years of inner preparation, a *new path may open up which permits basic needs to be attended to, defense of the weak to be championed, and fundamental security needs to be addressed. (Tierney.)

An interesting synchronicity is that an apex Moon in a YOD configuration is found in the natal chart of none other than Thomas Jefferson, author of our own Declaration of Independence.

And since the young people have begun this youth-led uprising bwo of Facebook and Twitter, we note the crisis-degreed planet of youth, Mercury 29Gem31 Rx in 11th house of Hopes, Wishes (new government now!), Groups and Associations (including social networking.) This Sec Mercury was triggered and eclipsed on December 21, 2010 by a heavy-weighted Lunar Eclipse @29Gem21. Click and enlarge the chart and you'll note that dissolving, disilluioned Neptune 13Leo36 Rx in the 1922 chart (and planet of the masses and of media) is precisely at Midheaven 13Leo36 in the Lunar Eclipse chart set for Washington DC.

Now you may be tempted to think that this little Leo synchronicity doesn't mean anything unless, like me, you remember the esoteric triumverant of power between Washington DC, London - and Cairo...since America's founding.

And you may wish to review President Obama's much-touted speech delivered in Cairo in 2009. In light of current events, its apt title is: *A New Beginning (video, plus a link to the transcript.)

Image: Egypt's 1922 chart progressed to Jan 26, 2011 noon in Cairo; Hour of the Sun 20Gem26 conjunct US natal Mars; Moon 21Cap18 inconjunct Sun (adjustments necessary between leadership and populace); Sun '21Gem' = "A Labor Demonstration"; Moon '22Cap' = "A General Accepting Defeat Gracefully."

With this post, published on behalf of the good people of Egypt, this populist blogger's gut feelings can't help but say, May the Mubarak regime accept defeat gracefully - and sooner rather than later!


For further reading (with video) on the violence in Egypt, try Snippits and Slappits.

Jan 26, 2011

Robert Scheer's 'Hogwash, Mr. President' (SOTU 2011)

Glad I found Robert Scheer's article Hogwash, Mr. President because it sums up (in a way I would if I could) the primary debate on President Obama's State of the Union address of last evening, sans distractions and trivialities.

Some writers I've read today talk about 'the things he didn't say' and other such topics and naturally they identify several weaknesses or admissions in the presidential presentation of how the nation is managing at this juncture.

But Mr. Scheer's effort today somehow speaks to my innermost common gooder, that populist streak of Democratic Socialistic moderation of feeling and ideology where everyone is allowed to live and let live, truth is honored, faced, and dealt with, and America's destructive/self-destructive bomb-dropping and strong-arming cease.

Oh, and Wall Street banksters, their partners, and the crooks on their corrupt payrolls are rounded up and prosecuted with vim and vigor. Because that is the only thing that can restore America's Jupiterian confidence at this late date. Yet as Mr. Scheer points out, Mr. Obama is surrounded by 'em!

You know the globalists have infiltrated the US court system, too, right? Like with the wacky, out-of-all-reason Citizens United decision, Bush v Gore, etc. So that now, if Justice Clarence Thomas is even investigated honestly - much less debenched as he seems to deserve - I'll jump for joy on behalf of a separate branch of government acting in the independent manner it was designed to maintain.

Though he rhetorics otherwise, Mr. Obama sounds disconnected from the people's daily lives when he touts that he has "broken the back of the recession." Guess it's only possible to say such a thing if you can ignore the bent backs you're raising taxes on for 2011 while passing expensive party favors to uppercrust-ers who bankrolled you into the White House.

It's a real deal, if you can get it.

Note: please answer SO'W's How Do You Rate SOTU 2011? poll, upper right. Thanks! jc

Poll Update 1.27.11: Funny thing. Today 10 or 11 votes have disappeared from the poll results of last evening. Most were for 'Talk to the Hand'. Odd. Maybe they'll reappear as if by a magic hand? jc

Paul Ryan's Sun-Moon blend and his response to SOTU 2011

Transcript and audio of SOTU 2011 @ NPR.

Are you trying to remember who Paul Ryan (R-WI) is and where he came from? So was I until my friend Alex D'Atria sent me this excerpt from Katrina vanden Heuvel's article in The Washington Post explaining Ryan's past connections and where he got that little ole insulated viewpoint of his.


Ryan is an Ayn Rand-quoting zealot, one of the Republican Party's self-styled "Young Guns." He's spent his adult life inside the Beltway, on the political right, with no experience in the world of business, labor, the executive branch or the private sector. Incubated in a right-wing think tank, writing speeches for Jack Kemp and William Bennett, he was elected to Congress at age 28. Ryan became the most loyal of loyal foot soldiers in the Congress presided over by Tom Delay and Denny Hastert, a fact Ryan now glosses over as he describes those Congresses as "corrupt."

Click above to read the WaPo article.

And you may be interested in the Wikipedia bio on Rep. Ryan with a list of the bills he has proposed, and been used by his zealot bosses to propose. Like other politicians of our day, Ryan's Saturn in money-loving Taurus is all about austerity as long as its piled on the backs of the classes beneath his pay grade.

An Astro-Peek at Rep. Paul Ryan

Born on January 29, 1970 in Janesville, Wisconsin, Mr. Ryan's Sun is in the range of 8AQ55 to 9AQ56. His natal Moon ranges from 22Lib49 to 5Sco36, making him either a Sun AQ-Moon Lib, or a Sun AQ-Moon Sco. Both personality combos are detailed below.

Using a noon chart for reference, there's a compulsive-obsessive quindecile (QD, 165 degrees) between a powerful pair: Pluto and North Node (contacts, the public, destiny). Pluto QD NN indicates his being thrust into renown through his powerful perspectives, that he may be manipulative and controlling with others, and he can always connect with powerful people. The maternal influence may be dominant, and he may play a role in sharing perspectives that either empower or distemper others. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

I italicize 'play a role' because Ryan did so last evening when he delivered the Republican response to the president's SOTU Address 2011. Acting and pretending comes easily to those with Sun conjunct Venus, a self-satisfied placement that can be whatever current company wants or needs it to be. (I've seen actors' charts with Sun/Venus conjunctions though dramatic talent is shown by other planetary factors as well.)

Pluto QD NN is shared natally by two famous figures: Fred Astaire and Heinrich Himmler.

Since the SOTU began last evening at *9:11 pm est with Moon 29Lib57 and ended at 10:09 pm est with Moon 00Sco31, Rep. Ryan may have had a Lunar Return as the president spoke. Let's consider Ryan's two possible Sun-Moon blends for good measure:

The Air-Air combo of Sun AQ-Moon Lib indicates one who is highly idealistic, charming, and romantic; broad-minded and tolerant, this blend gives avant-garde tastes and a good intellect, but can suddenly turn rebellious if its "rights" or its sympathetic nature are taken advantage of. It is long on theory and ideals with an overly abstract approach to life; therefore, it is not very practical.

An emotional naivety invites disillusion and disappointment when others turn out to be merely mortal. (Delay? Hastert?)

Sun AQ-Moon Lib's Images for Integration (Sun = conscious mind; Moon = the unconscious): Anarchists form a committee to overthrow the tyranny of committees...Good friends fall in love and get married.

This blend was mentioned in a recent post as being that of Boris Pasternak, who wrote, "As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth."

The Air-Water blend of Sun AQ-Moon Sco is a different story. It gives a powerful intellect, keen observation power, charisma, strong-willed, egotistical, and holds fierce principles. This charisma can have a hypnotic effect on others (those Aquarian blue eyes?) Here is an avid student of human nature.

A commanding haughtiness and the inner conviction that he is "it" draws people under his spell (I missed that part during his rebuttal if this blend describes Ryan); there's a self-important streak (which would support the above-mentioned Sun/Venus conjunction.)

One with Sun AQ-Moon Sco is capable of detached withdrawal and expressions of contempt especially if the ego has been wounded; there's a tendency to carry hidden resentments for years. Here are instincts of the reformer dedicated to principles, and a persevering investigator who can brood with the best of them - an all-or-nothing personality...a 'zealot'.

Images for Integration: "A scientist dissects a scorpion with great tenderness and absolute precision...A researcher presents his findings to colleagues at a 'Science for Humanity' Conference....Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Sun AQ-Moon Sco is the natal blend of Adams family member Henry B. Adams who helpfully explained to us that, "Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organisation of hatreds."

No less so now even when you mix up congressional seating arrangements at SOTUs for a milder effect.

Well, I don't know enough personal info about Rep. Paul Ryan to hazard a guess as to which Sun-Moon blend is his own (though I lean toward a Scorpio Moon) but I do know which Solar Eclipse Series he was born into (7 South) and it's one infused with Mars/Pluto energies because its initial eclipse had a Mars/Pluto square involved; 7S's initial occurrence was on June 22, 1248 OS @ 8Can03 ( = US natal Sun/Jupiter.)

7S = the immense power, force, and anger of the Mars/Pluto square is channeled into this Series by way of a trine to Sun/Moon; huge obstacles will suddenly clear, or a pending potential crisis will manifest suddenly and move through the life very rapidly; things will seem to move at great speed (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

This hidden clue 'tags' Paul Ryan as a Mars/Pluto personality, perfect for the goose-stepping obedience required by string-pullers of the GOP (complete obedience, until the Tea Party crashed the party which still makes me smile a little.)

(Note: if you wish to understand your own Pre-Natal Eclipse Series and how it influences your life, study the initial eclipse in 'your' series for more clues, if you haven't!)

The last manifestation of 7S occurred Oct 3, 2005 @ '10Lib'; next occurrence will be Oct 14, 2023 @ '21Lib'. 7S has also occurred in the years 1915, 1933, 1951, 1969, and 1987. It is the PE Series of Leon Trotsky, the Dec 2005 elections in Iraq, and of 'Black Monday' Oct 19, 1987 when the DOW plummeted alarmingly.


*A potential which I had ruminated upon in my previous SOTU 2011 posts came to pass as President Obama began speaking at 9:11 pm est with US natal Neptune 22Vir25 precisely rising with Mr. Obama's natal Mars in tow.

Mars/Neptune = ASC: sharing grief and sorrow with others (Tucson); a strong mental focus on the subtle ways you use to compel or coerce others into adopting your ideas. (Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Our composite Mars/Neptune conjunction brought mixed responses, some a little confused, and which were bound to result, since our Neptune veils the president's actions and motives (and Mars/Neptune gives him that diverting 'rockstar' quality.)

The rising Virgo issues of Work (employment-unemployment, jobs creation), Health (health insurance reforms and repealing them), and Service (military concerns and withdrawal from Iraq beginning July 2011...really?) provide the misunderstandings, deceptions, and disillusions which he addressed - or didn't, as you may prefer. Predictably, some people are critiquing SOTU 2011's lack of details even though that's always the case with any SOTU.

If you have a mo, please answer the SOTU 2011 poll, upper right. Thanks, jc

And in case you missed it, here's a video of Rep. Paul Ryan's response to SOTU 2011:

Jan 25, 2011

Poll: How Do You Rate SOTU 2011?

February 1, 2011 seemed a good time to close the voting for SO'W's brand new poll spurred by President Obama's State of the Union Address this evening. That's six days which the talking heads, reporters, and bloggers can use up in a jiffy as they parse, dissect, and critique.

Why not weigh in with your early 'gut' reaction to SOTU 2011 while you're here?

The poll is located in the sidebar just below my personal Welcome to you for visiting Stars Over Washington.


Jude Cowell, your pollster @ the moment


Woolly Mammoth Chronicles

Jan 24, 2011

CA Treasurer denounces State Bankruptcy as "baloney"

An open statement has arrived in my Inbox from Sacramento, CA:


January 21, 2011
Contact: Tom Dresslar/916.653.2995

Treasurer Lockyer Criticizes Effort to Let States File for Bankruptcy PDF

State Treasurer Bill Lockyer today issued the following statement regarding reports about a possible move in Congress to let states declare bankruptcy:

"To the folks in Congress cooking this baloney: Don’t bother. States didn’t ask for it. We don’t want it. We don’t need it. Bankruptcy would devastate states’ ability to recover from the recession and make the infrastructure investments that create good jobs. It would inflict severe injury on taxpayers. Advocates of this preposterous idea want one thing above all – to see government go up in flames and, with it, the lives of a certain class of working people they don’t like.

"The people making this dangerous suggestion – and those who lend it credibility it doesn’t deserve – confuse states’ near-term budget deficits with long-term funding obligations. The latter, including pension obligations, are serious problems. We are dealing with them by reducing benefits and increasing employees’ contributions, among other moves.

With respect to our budget shortfalls, we have the tools to fix them without taking a wrecking ball to our economies and taxpayers. Thanks, but we’ll pass on the Gingrich Kool-Aid."


Ha! "Gingrich Kool-Aid"!