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Jun 4, 2011

Police smash cell phones w our Rights in Miami FL 6.4.11

Now taking a brief break from creating something new today in honor of World Drawing Day 2011 and found a news item that leaves me speechless concerning this fast-forming police state we once called America.

Sounds like their HoSec/Blackwater/Special Forces type of training is paying off for the power elite whose army they be. Or at least a point is being made as with the Jefferson Memorial dance-offs and the resulting over-reactive draconian arrests while the statue of Thomas Jefferson looked on.

So you think you can dance in America? How dare you! Not on the military industrial complex's watch, you can't.

Because as you know, global thugs and plutocrats of the oppressive, primally violent Pluto-Chiron persuasion ain't playin'. Why should they when the midpoint picture energies within the ongoing Saturn/Uranus = Pluto T-Square are still very much in force?

The transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint has reached US natal South Node (SN) @ '6AQ" this year. And that is the position of Neptune (spirituality; mysticism; Divine Source; veils; potential for deception) when the Prophet Muhammad created the world religion of Islam (symbolized by Neptune, planet of oil), and where in the Zodiac nebulous Neptune languished over the world's head on the morning of September 11, 2001. The separative SN is a point showing past behaviors of a neurotic kind.

As a process describing part of a select few's long-term agenda (for they too know the power of Astrology for timing purposes), society now has manipulating, destructuring Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by restrictive Saturn and representing government, law, and business) grasping every controlling puppet string of we-the-trussed as Mr. Underworld lumbers along and eventually reaches his position of July 4, 1776 @ 27Cap33...'28Cap' = "A Large Aviary," a degree given in DeVore's Encyclopedia as: the Exaltation of Mars.

Zealous Mars/Pluto = the Pentagon, the military industrial complex, powerful weapons and those who use or sell them, an overbearing military force, and the strong-arm policing that is on the rise in America.

Was Japan's earthquake on 3/11 manmade? (video)

Doesn't hurt to consider alternate ideas, right? What do you think?

Jun 3, 2011

John Edwards indicted under rays of Gemini Solar Eclipse 6.3.11

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Former Presidential Candidate John Edwards Indicted On Charges Related To Money Given To Mistress

The Democratic politician's lawyers contend the payments were gifts from friends. Prosecutors allege they were political donations that should have been reported.

More at NPR.


Often a Solar Eclipse can bring things to light which were hidden especially if it connects with a person's particular natal and progressed horoscopes. With this Wednesday's June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 11Gem02, Mr. Edwards (born with an Airy Sun Gem-Moon Gem personality blend!) has had his private business put out for all to review, critique, and bring charges.

And since Solar Eclipses are freshly seeded New Moons, the legal case against the former Democratic presidential candidate is at its beginning.

Here's a SO'W post from late 2007 concerning my surmises about the 2008 campaign and the out-of-bounds Mercury of John Edwards with his natal horoscope shown. (The post is not updated or edited and hindsight is 20/20. We know who won the presidency and who now acts as VP. Of course I did not know then.)

Considering today's announcement of the Edwards indictment for misuse of campaign funds, perhaps I should have written on his crisis-ridden YOD ('Finger of God') and a difficult Fist of God pattern which you may view by clicking to enlarge his natal chart.

Contagion, Neptune in Pisces, and Alan Watt on video 6.3.11

From June 2, 2011, the following series of videos present to you the Alex Jones Show featuring Alan Watt with updated details concerning the one-world-government agenda. The interview begins by discussing contagion and super-bugs as planet Neptune, dissolver of boundaries (such as cell walls), keeps a toe just inside its own sign of Pisces, yet is poised to return for a brief spell into late degrees of scientific Aquarius.

As you know, murky Pisces, ruled by expansive Jupiter and co-ruled by higher octave planet Neptune, relates, along with its opposite of Virgo (health, discrimination, categorizing function, digestive tract where much of our immune system is centered) to such topics as contagion, epidemics, contamination, poisons, and disease in general. Treachery is also indicated and population control is on the menu.

Of course you've been hearing in the last several days of an E. coli outbreak in Europe particularly in Germany where I'm sad to say people have been sickened and some have died from what sounds like a Frankensteinian bug (two strains
combined - by human hands of a reptilian persuasion?) First the powers that be blamed cucumbers! Turns out they blamed too soon.

(Click E. coli article link above for updated news about the outbreak with video. It's being named 'the worst ever seen'.)

Meanwhile the Russian government has stopped importation of food products from the affected region, another economic blow for the EU and a new example of food supply issues previously detailed on this blog in recent Solar Eclipse posts. Disturbingly, the June 1, 2011 eclipse in Gemini (trade, commerce, transport, communications, news, duality) is one, but the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 in Cancer (food, sustenance, nurturing, domestic scene) is even more worrisome.

Plus, the Cancer eclipse's influence is strengthened because it marks the birth of a brand new Saros Cycle - and manifests @ 9Can12 which is very near America's July 4th Independence Day 2011 and snugged between US natal Jupiter and Sun by degree.

The world can't seem to catch much of a break anymore, can it? It is my belief that there are social engineers making sure it can't and for their own selfish purposes which they consider to be more important than you, me, or our children.

So check out the June 2nd interview with Alan Watt, if you dare though I can't say it's for wilting flowers who wish to get their mainstream news served daily on a plate of roses laced with candy canes and lemon drops. Want unicorns with that?

Even in constantly propagandized America it's become obvious that there are two tiers of Medicine, one for the power elite, the other for the rest of us (if you can get treatment at all.) Discussed here are the two tiers of Science where superbugs don't invade (Neptune) the cells of the elite class who get the 'real' inoculations. You may disagree, but it's worth a listen just to see if the information rings any bells with you.

And if you don't care for Alex Jones, a bombastic sort of speaker, I do understand but please look beyond style to the basic info being provided, would ya? Keep a grain of salt handy, yes, and don't draw any conclusions before you take in the entire presentation at your leisure.

Warning: an open mind may be required!

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

Related links:

Prison Planet
Info Wars


The Neptune in Pisces phenomena we're experiencing through health and contagion issues are also manifesting in the current upping of computer viruses and hackings but that's a topic beyond the scope of this article. And of course, invasion across sovereign boundaries also qualifies along with water and flooding catastrophes.

Jun 2, 2011

CFPB Petition to Obama: Appoint Elizabeth Warren!

Do US consumers need protection from greedy corporations or what? Are the scales of justice tipped in their favor and against our best interests? Have corporate CEOs and their attorneys all the power while we-the-people shiver in the cold?

Do we need a new way to address our grievances under the auspices of someone who "gets it"? Well, it's for certain that 'consumer protection' as practiced by the Fed has been and continues to be a very bad joke or worse.

So I've signed and you have a chance to sign the petition, too (if you haven't) and tell President Obama that we want Elizabeth Warren to serve as head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau!

On July 21, 2011 the bureau is required to be up and running, a deadline the GOP is play acting against. But let's not neuter its new and improved protections before the curtain rises. (To this American, agency would sound better than bureau.)

Well, the lady in question has a birthday coming up: Elizabeth Warren (nee Herring) born June 22, 1949 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (which supports her practical, direct-talking streak if I know my Oklahomans!)

So right away, you know that setting up a 'noon' horoscope for her is near the top of my next-up menu.

Massey Energy name change fools few as Romney enters race in N. H.

That was quite a performance yesterday to mark Massey Energy's name change to Alpha Resources though those who have experience with the safety-challenged company don't seem to be fooled by the obvious public relations ploy. But Massey shareholders decreed!

Meanwhile, in an apparently unrelated event, Mitt Romney (former management consultant advising corporations on how to 'reinvent themselves') will announce today (12:30 pm edt) that he is indeed a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Yet so far, rebranding himself on the health care reform issue (his program as governor being the model for Obama's reform bill) hasn't gained much traction with the public but we'll see how Romney manages the presto change-o as the 2012 campaign drags on. Especially since his past corporate work experience includes changing bad names into 'good' (aka, new) in order to hide true and already demonstrated characters.

Here's a SO'W post concerning Mr. Romney's activities during the 2008 presidential campaign when he attempted to reinvent the Democratic Party as the party of Big Brother! It seemed to me then that the shoe fit the other (Republican) foot a little more comfortably, though in 2011 it's admittedly become awfully hard to tell the difference. With our Rs v Ds, it's become a sad case of pot calling kettle black.

Perhaps that's partially because Washington's Big Brother oligarchs are all just power elite rulers of a feather when propagandistic push comes to real world water boarding.

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am est Detroit, Michigan

Still, one understands Mitt Romney's public relations talent which is natural: he was born with a very close Moon conjunct Jupiter aspect in Scorpio, sign of big business and corporations. Natal Sun 22 Pisces conjoins Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and squares Uranus which makes him an unpredictable, arrogant fellow with a big ego.

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not be in a good phase for being elected US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check it before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Actually, his emotions are actually quite expansive (Moon/Jupiter) and a temper may be shown behind closed doors (Scorpio.) Well, who doesn't, right?

Wealth indicator, the Sun/Jupiter trine, helps with public relations as well for optimism always 'sells' in America yet the aspect indicates a certain apathy with a desire for only moderate demands to be made upon his time and freedom. Can a White House schedule provide him this? Some say it worked well for the multi-vacationing George Bush!

A wide conjunction of Mercury Rx (oration; speeches; thought procresses) with activist Mars 6Pis14 gives some oomph in the political opinion department yet the conjunction occurs in obfuscating, deceptive, creative if self-deluded, Pisces. An interest in social service (Virgo/Pisces) is indicated.

Is Romney's Progressed Moon Phase a Presidential Factor?

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not have evolved into a good phase for election as US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check its veracity before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Progressing his natal horoscope, we find that Mr. Romney's Sun/Moon phase is now third quarter, the crisis in consciousness phase which began on November 29, 2008 at 21AQ44. Now I don't remember when he dropped out of the 2008 campaign but it isn't surprising that he realized the imperative of doing so prior to the November election as the third quarter mark closed in upon his expansive aims.

Now just as it really counts toward his presidential aspirations, Romney's Balsamic phase begins on September 22, 2012 at 10Ari24 though the Sabian Symbol for '11Ari' is of note:

"The President of the Country"! IDEALIZATION.

Positive expression: the self-sacrifice required of anybody who would become the creative representative of eternal value (the presidency); negative/unconscious/shadow side: an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness of vain pretense.

(Those are my italics with an addition of 'unconscious/shadow side'; from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Will his natal Sun/Jupiter trine allow this amount of self-sacrifice?

Plus, the thing about the Balsamic phase in a Secondary chart is that it indicates a time of endings, partings, and separations though it can also have a 'taking over responsibilities for someone who's just left' vibe, along with a certain prophetic flavor. Leaving home for Washingotn may be a possibility, too. Also, shady deals may be made during this Dark of the Moon phase (perfect for a White House-White Lodge tenure, I know.)

But generally, it is not a phase of new beginnings unless someone else flakes out first.

Hmmm...wonder if Mitt Romney could be more easily selected as US president next time around?

Because his Secondary New Moon occurs at 28Tau42 on February 23, 2016 which is better timing for starting such large enterprises as the helming of our American Corporation of greedy, power-mad Oligarchs.

Heads-Up: C-SPAN will carry Live Mitt Romney's nom bid announcement today at 12:30 pm edt from New Hampshire.

Oh, and Gretchen Morgenson (co-author of Reckless Endangerment) is guest today with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! which should be an informative interview concerning Goldman-Sachs and Wall Street crimes.

If you miss the broadcast, check the website to watch the video.


Dates for the candidate's Lunar Phases may differ slightly if another birth hour is used. jc

'Midnight Sun' Solar Eclipse 6.1.11 (photo link)

How cosmically cool is this, right?

Space Weather News for June 2, 2011

ECLIPSE OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN: A solar eclipse at midnight? It's not only possible, it actually happened last night. On June 1st, the new Moon passed in front of the midnight sun above the Arctic circle, producing a partial eclipse of exquisite beauty.

Images of the event are featured on today's edition of

METALLIC PHOTOS OF THE SUN: These unique photos of the sun make a stellar gift for Father's Day. Visit the Space Weather Store now and receive 25% off on any three metallic prints.

Jun 1, 2011

Is Strauss-Kahn arrest linked to missing US gold? Midas to US natal Uranus 6.1.11

All the Gold Not in Fort Knox: Midas Conjoins America's Uranus in Gemini

by Jude Cowell

As you know, a partial Solar Eclipse 11Gem02 occurs this afternoon at 5:02 pm edt which 'eclipses' America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 (if you haven't, check out the crisis-ridden YOD pattern pointing to eclipse MC and US natal North Node in Leo.)

Transiting MIDAS, the gold-hoarding archetype, now sits upon US n Uranus and is also 'eclipsed' or spotlighted today so with Gemini the sign of Communications, Trade, Agreements, News - and duplicity - the following information, if correct, demonstrates an eclipse's ability to uncover secrets which has caused my arm hairs to stand up in recognition of what is an even worse financial situation than previously suspected as our government agencies act in league with, or as head of, a global crime syndicate in process of cornering all of Earth's wealth and natural resources.

(See the 4:00 pm UPDATE at the end of this post.)

The report cited reveals that a tremendous amount of criminality is in progress (as everyone knows!) so a major Thank You goes to an astute *reader ('Anonymous') for providing a link to this astounding-if-true story concerning an empty Fort Knox and a US conspiracy against former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn who was arrested at JFK Airport on May 14, 2011 on sex charges. Unless you live under a rock, you couldn't have missed news of his arrest which had soon begun to seem propagandistic to me.

(Not that Strauss-Kahn didn't do what the lady said he did. But it could have presented his detractors with an opportunistic synchronicity for those disgruntled by the 'alarms' he is said to have raised with the Obama administration about non-payment of US gold.)

Now we must 'consider the source' since the report is being touted by Vladimir Putin, yet Russian involvement doesn't make the horrendous details untrue. My guess is that any and all actors and thugs within the global financial system should be considered under suspicion and dangerous until proven innocent of the ongoing heist.

Read Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed for Discovering All US Gold Is Gone which includes mention of Rep. Ron Paul's years of effort to open and audit Fort Knox. But if the report is correct, there's no gold bullion inside to audit.

According to the article, Strauss-Kahn became concerned when (it is said) the US 'began stalling' on its pledged delivery to the IMF of 191.3 tons of gold which was agreed upon in the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement signed by 'the Executive Board' in April 1978 (Jimmy Carter inaugurated on January 20, 1977.)

The payment in gold was to be sold to fund Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) which were set up as "an alternative to what are called reserve currencies."

IMF chief Strauss-Kahn, after becoming alarmed over the US stalling, is said to have been contacted by 'rogue elements' within the CIA (isn't it always the CIA? drug trafficking, assassinations abroad and perhaps at home, etc) who provided 'firm evidence' that all the gold reported to be held in the US 'was gone'.

Now SDRs were invented by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) in 1969 during Nixon's first term 'in support of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system. But two key reserve assets (gold and the US dollar which is now under attack) proved 'inadequate' for 'supporting the expansion of world trade and financial development then taking place'. To me this scenario incriminates the global expansion tactics of the New World Order regime as it claws its way toward a one world government.

Paraphrasing from the above information (click for a better explanation than I can give you): Therefore, the international community decided to create a new international reserve asset under the auspices of the IMF... a few years later, the Bretton Woods system collapsed (1973 during Nixon's second term: is this related to why he was taken down?) and major currencies shifted to a floating exchange rate. Plus, the "growth in international capital markets facilitated borrowing by creditworthy governments."

Pluto Through Capricorn Now Deconstructing World Systems and Governments

And thus, the collapse of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency will result in more propagandizing that a New Economic Order is all that can be done...after the dust settles. Tsk tsk. What a bunch of social engineering liars!

So the Political Theater performed yesterday on Capitol Hill over raising the US debt ceiling or else defaulting on our government's debts which will, it is predicted, crash the global economy, are part of the very same agenda to set up a totalitarianism with institution of a brand new currency (the amero? or an ATM card for better tracking?) now said to be an invention by the Federal Reserve Bank of America.

Related reading: Nazi gold.

Dubya's grandfather Prescott Bush helped fund Hitler in his bid to rule a One World Government.

The August Review which has knowledgeably covered subjects such as gold reserves, the Fed, the IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, CFR, trade agreements, and related topics for years.

May 31, 2011: 40 Signs the Chinese Economy Is Beating the Living Daylights Out of the US Economy.

Rep. Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk.


*Hopefully, Anonymous, your motives are pure and not partisan because Stars Over Washington is devoted to promoting America's general welfare and continuance as a sovereign nation along with my use of Astrology's lens in an attempt at identifying and vanquishing our inner and outer demons. But the fear-promoting imperialistic US government no longer provides a lot of encouragement in those particular areas, does it? jc

American Protest Alert: This Saturday June 4, 2011, Code Pink expects a crowd to show up at the Jefferson Memorial to dance in protest of the recent police state arrests there which proved a sad kick-off to America's much-touted Memorial Day Weekend 2011 (click to see the video of the arrest.)

On a lighter note, here's an Art Heads-Up for those who may be interested: Saturday June 4, 2011 is Drawing Day for 2011 so do join in, if you wish, for it's Special Drawing Rights for all!

UPDATE 6.1.11 4:00 pm edt NYSE: stocks have plummeted 280 points just before the closing bell on this Solar Eclipse afternoon with bank shares taking an especially large hit, NPR reports.

May 31, 2011

House Debt Ceiling Vote: Saturn/NN Rising 5.31.11

Astro-Notes: US House's Debt Ceiling Vote 6:30 pm edt May 31, 2011

by Jude Cowell

With C-SPAN reporting this morning that the House is expecting to vote to raise America's debt ceiling at 6:30 pm edt this evening, the horoscope set for the Capitol Building at that moment shows the Saturn/NN (North Node of the Moon) sitting upon the Ascendant, the WHAT? Point of any chart.

ASC 17Sco39; MC 27Leo22: 6:30 pm edt falls within a Mercury Hour, perfect for voting, negotiations, oration, commerce, trade, and transport issues. This is a 'clean' vote with no spending cuts and is not expected to pass the House which requires a 2/3 majority; all Republican and some number of Democrats are said to be part of this evening's Just Say No mummery. Political points will be made.

In Politics and Business, Saturn/NN = 'help from others in times of internal difficulties, including foreign enterprises; a country in inner turmoil which does not know how to use organizations for aid; trying to do things internally without outside aid; building authority; long-standing ties to old friends'. (Munkasey.)

Saturn/NN also indicates serious (Saturn) meetings (NN) with Saturn the significator of the Democratic Party, and of managers and legal workers, or simply workers. US Saturn (14Lib48) is ongoing with the third of three 'hits' occurring on August 28, 2011; here, Saturn 10Lib34 Rx continues its isolated stance from the 11th H of Groups and Associations. However, Saturn is on its Direct Station degree.

The Saturn/Uranus = Pluto T-Square remains to plague us with its brutal conditions;Venus 19Tau27 is the final dispositor and now separates from conjunction with activist, warring Mars 15Tau27 (the Oxen Point) with Mars dropping below the Descendant of Partnership and Open Enemies into the 6th H of the Military.

From Munkasey and Ebertin, here is the midpoint picture formed at 6:30 pm edt on Capitol Hill; any, all, or none may apply, yet all seem applicable:

Saturn/NN = ASC: important life-altering events; discussion (voting) on the wisdom of continuing or supporting an effort; events which cause suffering, loss, or pain; a scarcity of help in depressing times; shared suffering; inhibited development.

One hopes the 'wisdom of continuing or supporting an effort' isn't America herself.

The 8th cusp 17Gem25 is at the degree of the June 2004 Venus Transit ('18Gem' = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd") with a Venus Transit indicating new and unusual alliances being formed, alliances that are unexpected or unsuspected. The rare Transit occurred at sunrise (Sea Island, GA) during G-8 Summit 2004. You'll note that China is not on the (public) attendance list of nations.

With banker, religious leader, and general Jupiter at a critical-crisis degree (29Ari15 in the 6th house of Military and Police Service, Work, and Health, we might expect that war costs should be discussed yet this, as noted, is a 'clean' vote with spending cuts attached...the reason it is certain to fail as the GOP-Tea Party continues holding America's public standing hostage with the threat of the US becoming a debt deadbeat nation if the credit ceiling isn't raised a couple of trillion dollars.

Another crisis-ridden 29th degree is seen: the Moon (we-the-people, but also publicity and daily matters) @ 29Taur15 in 7th H with Venus, Mercury, and Sun. This vote is set to be taken during the Balsamic phase of the Moon, a dark period when sneakiness lurks about. Transiting Midas, the gold-hoarder, sits between Sun 10Gem08 and the crisis Moon.

Obviously the Sun is just before reaching 11Gem02 on June 1, 2011, when a Solar Eclipse will occur (in 8th H with the chart set for Washington DC; click to view horoscope with the vote's debt ceiling Moon 29Tau conjunct the eclipse's 8th cusp of Debt, Credit, Insurance, Other People's Money...and Transformation.)

IC (End of the Matter; The Drain) 27AQ22 has the US natal Moon (Sibly chart) upon it. Gotta motor into the city so my blogging time has ended so I'll end with the descriptive Sabian Symbol for '28AQ', then the Images for Integration for this evening's Sun Gemini-Moon Taurus...

"A Tree Felled and Sawed."

Yes, the US Congress, Wall Street, the global banking syndicate, monarchists and secret societies, the White House, and SCOTUS have managed to fell the American people en masse. We are now being sawed into pieces with this Moon conjunct Fixed Star Alcyone, keywords: something to cry about.

One of the Images seem to describe President Obama's wheeler-dealer-in-chief, VP Joe Biden (Trilateralist, CFRer, and professed Zionist), who says he goes home by train from Washington to Delaware each night:

"The can-can from Offenbach's Orpheus in the Underworld...A master chef gives a dinner party for her intellectual friends...A country boy lives it up among the city bustle but goes back to the farm at night." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Yes we can-can?

May 30, 2011

Gov Nathan Deal's Pluto/Chiron Mistake 5.30.11

On Friday May 13, 2011, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed into legislation Georgia House Bill 87 to limit and police the state's illegal immigrant population.

Now it's two weeks later, almost harvest time in sunny south Georgia, and our
farms have a severe worker shortage.

(Click the first link to read HB87's provisions including this gem: 'the State Department of Agriculture will be directed to study the possibility of creating Georgia's own guest-worker program'. Whew! That was close. For a minute there I feared something reasonable would actually be done in a timely fashion!)

HB87 goes into effect on July 1, 2011 - the exact date of the karmic Solar Eclipse in security-minded Cancer, sign of nurturing and food supplies - and the law is causing just what its opponents in the agricultural industry said it would: farmers are reporting that approximately 70% of Georgia's vegetable crops will go unharvested this season due to an extreme lack of workers. Many of these crops cannot be harvested by machine - only People Power can do the job.

When Deal (who resigned from the US Congress under a gathering ethics cloud in February 2010) signed the bill, he played the typical GOP card of taking legislative action "in the absence of federal action," a thinly veiled attempt to undermine a Democratic president while upholding states' rights, a tactic which has an added 'bonus' of purposefully weakening our union of States.

And while the federal vs state battle is embedded within America's DNA, it is doubtful that GOP-neocon water-carrier Deal can lay it to rest with HB87. But he can stir it up to help dissolve boundaries, weaken state economies, and demoralize our citizenry, thus furthering a Utopian dream of a New World Order agenda of global domination.

So Who's Gonna Do the Picking?

Whether Mr. Deal and his Republican colleagues are willing to help pick tons of the soon-wasting-on-the-vine food crops in a state and nation now experiencing the immorality of millions of American adults and children going to bed hungry each night - well, such an offer has not to my knowledge been forthcoming. And I doubt it will be since politicians don't actually work, they, while lining pockets so often their own.

Now as a native Georgian, I could give Mr. Deal a call to discuss this matter rather than grousing at you, dear reader, but somehow I don't expect he would answer though I do believe he has returned by now from his weekend jaunt to Europe (just after he signed HB87 - a lucrative trade deal his reward?) for the stated purpose of taking an "economic development trip" which, one expects, was funded at taxpayer expense.

At the bill's May 13th signing, Deal touted that the draconian legislation with its E-Verify provision "avoids many of the pitfalls" of the similar law enacted in Arizona which has since been struck down by a federal judge.

Opponents of HB87 are hopeful of gaining federal help with drafting a legal challenge to this impractical immigration bill. Meanwhile, tons of cucumbers and other crops are about to rot on the vine of Republican overreach, with our state tourism, landscaping, and restaurant industries joining the agricultural industry in opposing this shortsighted, quite daft, legislation.

Why, it's almost as if Georgia Republicans want our food supply to be undermined! But how crazy is that?

Yet the bill's signing garnered a supportive statement from the Sheriff of Cobb County (near Atlanta, our state capital which is a major hive of Republicanism in my home state) and he may have let the GOP cat out of the draconian bag: "HB87 is a good legislation and will provide law enforcement in Georgia with another tool to perform their jobs in an effective and efficient manner."

Well, now I feel better! Protect me from those unwelcome agricultural workers, please!

Except that food prices will go up even more than they already have, grocery store veggie bins will soon be emptier than they would have been this season, the concerned industries will miss opportunities and income and lay off employees, more poverty will be created in the state, children may go to bed hungrier than the night before, Georgia's economy will be negatively affected if not hobbled, and groups such as US Human Rights will cancel their convention in Atlanta this year (they did.)

But at least the police state can legally get up in people's faces on any whim and successfully prevent them from harvesting our salad greens, thus feeding their own families with their meager wages.

So in a manner of speaking, it's Nathan Deal to the rescue, Georgia! And since he campaigned for governor in 2010 on just such an Arizona-style immigration policy, we may also wish to thank those taxpayers who voted for him in order to protect their "bottom lines"...our food supply be dam*ed.

Yes, after Deal's May 13th bill signing, President Obama was quoted calling HB87 "a mistake." Unfortunately for the common good, the president may have been referring to the old political argument over federal vs state supremacy rather than more practical and immediate considerations such as rotting harvests, empty bellies, and economic sabotage waged by a morally bankrupt political party that will do anything - anything - to "see Obama fail" even though the American people go down with him. The implication is that a Republican White House Forever More will magically and ideologically make things all better. Puh!

Oppression the Law of the Land

As some of the signs held by protesters of HB87 and elsewhere have read, "Immigrant Rights are Human Rights". And that slogan perfectly describes much of what plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron duo are up to in Georgia, Arizona, Utah, and the rest of the country in 2011 and beyond: disenfranchisement, oppression, corporatism, statism, facism, racism - Republican style, but with Dem enabling.

After all, on July 4, 1776, America's Pluto/Chiron midpoint in Mutable, unstable Pisces conjoined our national Ceres, an archetypal asteroid of food, grain, and milk supplies (plus, seafood - Pisces); plus, food security and supply issues.

Now it's 235 years later, Independence Day 2011 approaches a mere 3 days after a Solar Eclipse that conjoins US natal Jupiter and Sun, and certain factions in this country are passing laws to force America's Pluto/Chiron-Ceres issues to the top of our collective menu.

So I must declare that we're stuck with a bum deal in Georgia, my fellow Americans. The guvna' didn't finagle this deal on my behalf, hear? And yes, you know what I mean: in Georgia, we got us a really bum deal.

May 29, 2011

Sarah Palin's natal chart and a Mystery Bus Tour 5.29.11

Some are calling it Sarah Palin's mystery tour for the loose ends still dangling as the perennial candidate prepares for what apparently is a bus tour to get the presidential ball, it's a speaking engagement for Rolling Thunder who are camped out in a Pentagon parking lot.

Yet particulars are sparse concerning Palin's tour schedule and what she'll be doing at the various stops she makes. So far, I'm calling this her 'bus tour to somewhere' and will wait for more details which are promised on her website though one must assume that fund raising may be part of the deal. Some think it's her nomination to lose yet with Palin's propensity toward gaffes and blank answers to serious questions, she may outdo Newt on foot-shooting well before the 2012 campaign ends in a Republican nomination for president.

Okay, so I've never visited Palin's website and don't follow her on Twitter either. But if she makes it through this mystery 'campaign' I'll have to re-familiarize myself with her unusual antics and her natal horoscope, too, because posts like this, written while she was still acting as governor of Alaska, will no longer suffice if she enters the 2012 race.

Astrodatabank shows a Palin natal chart with a possible birth hour of 9:43 pm but there's another birth time of 6:00 pm (probably rounded off; Virgo rising) which is said to come from a newspaper birth announcement at the time. (February 11, 1964 Sandpoint, Idaho.)

Presidential Links to the US Aquarian Moon

Yet no matter what time of day or night the demi-candidate entered Earth's time flux, her Sun, Mars, and Saturn are near the US natal Moon - no matter which birth hour for America you use for July 4, 1776. And that makes a Palin presidency a potential even though her closest planet to our Moon (we-the-people) is restrictive yet long-lasting Saturn. But there is one natal planetary aspect which deserves a closer look and it does not depend on knowing her precise birth time.

Religious Jupiter Inconjunct Spiritual Neptune

Sarah Palin's closely orbed, applying inconjunct between Jupiter in mid-Aries and Neptune 17Sco49 indicates relating issues and some distortion between intellect and emotions. Too many responsibilities tend to be taken on with tirades of bitter complaints being the result. Warmth, a positive attitude, and social conscience are evident yet the relating principle (Jupiter) is affected by Neptunian illusions and delusions. She dreams (Neptune) of power, control, and big money (Scorpio) and relates (Jupiter) as a pioneering, action-oriented, me-first leader (Aries) - or broadcaster (Jupiter.)

In his masterful book The Inconjunct, Alan Epstein describes those with Jupiter inconj Neptune as tending to misjudge their own importance, needing reassurance to the point where others begin to doubt their competence, and sending and receiving double messages - along with a tendency to misread other people's intentions. Opportunities are put in jeopardy due to vacillation or ambivalence, and daydreams and fantasies about success may be indulged in a little too often.

An Over-Concern with Image and Facade: Who Knew?

Confusion, escapism desires, problems fulfilling commitments, difficulties related to a lack of perspective, and subsequent bad judgment are indicated as well and all this (from one natal aspect!) reminds me of her stint (and scandals) as Alaska governor and her early bail-out from self-created problems while in office.

Jupiter/Neptune: Speculations and Grand Imaginings

The upside of having a Jupiter/Neptune quincunx is a talent for managing creative projects which is useful in advertising, promotion, and fund raising fields. That these areas are her strong suit has been noted by many pundits and by her many fans. That she is about to speak to the Rolling Thunder clan and (apparently) climb aboard a tour bus tallies well with someone with the talent and a personal motive for keeping the Sarah Palin Brand viable and in the public eye.

To sum up, I believe that Palin's lucrative 'king-maker' ability (Scorpio) and moneymaking public relations talent (Jupiter) are more important to her than following a grueling campaign trail and/or taking on the heavy responsibilities of presidential office where you can't just give up or change your mind like you change your suit...especially when you're rockin' a Jupiter/Neptune inconjunct in your natal chart.

May 28, 2011

Arrests at Jefferson Memorial May 27, 2011 (video)

Looks like Memorial Day Weekend 2011 got off to a rousing start at the Jefferson Memorial, doesn't it? Dance Party at the Tidal Basin?

Meanwhile, the old 'Jefferson rolling over in his grave' adage comes easily to mind especially with his statue towering over the action. And what was that American Uranian word we like to tout at the drop of a baton?

Oh yeah...freedom! Well, Uranus may also inspire radical political movements, protests, and demonstrations, and most anything of a sudden, surprising, or disruptive nature.

Yet to me it seems that someone in charge overreacted. Or was it purposefully overdone to show that the police state ain't playin'?

This one will be filed under For Further Consideration...