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Jul 28, 2012

London Olympics 2012 Opening full of Symbolism

Not All Pageantry Is What It Seems: Veiled Olympic Symbols 2012

by Jude Cowell

After reading several descriptions of last evening's opening ceremony of London Olympic Games 2012, I find Olympics 2012: London's Opening Act to detail rather brilliantly (and unintentionally) an abundant use of Illuminati symbols which spotlight Global Governance and the UK's political power within the long-standing NWO enterprise which attempts to regress the world into satanic chaos so that totalitarianism can grab complete control of our lives.

This is not to say that the young athletes participating are not awesome and hardworking, or that one can't enjoy watching Olympic competitions. Yet I must wonder if participants and medalists are aware of symbols such as the Olympic flame as a veiled reference to the 'eternal flame', a symbol of the global syndicate that some refer to as the Illuminati (the illuminated ones) who imagine they are elected to boss everyone else around! You've seen their burning symbol yourself over the gravesites of assassinated leaders and others who've become inconvenient, or perhaps those who balked at the offer that can't be refused, or neglected the task that was later required (or, the script that wasn't followed) in exchange for wealth, fame, recognition, and high societal position.

Yes, these are models of the earthly rewards Satan offered Jesus which He refused and of the choices which many of us face every day: materialism v idealism (Saturn v Neptune, the 'secret, shadow, or invisible government' duo. Britain has one of those while America's is more hidden.)

So was the placing of an 'eternal flame' at Ground Zero a big ol' honkin' clue?

Well, the following is my interpretation (or, translation) of the lighting (illuminating) of July 27, 2012's Olympic flame in London (which some say is the earthly location of Satan's headquarters, aka, the City of London, a law-unto-itself financial district--as in, Libor rate-rigging.) Naturally, you may take it all with a grain of salt if you wish, but if you're aware of certain astrological and mythological correspondances the following symbols will make more sense! And you'll probably think of other symbolic links which I neglect to mention here:

July 27, 2012: Flames and Fireworks Light Up London

Five-time rowing gold-medalist Sir Steven Redgrave carried the Olympic flame and handed it off to 7 young athletes (7 = the 7 stars of the Pleiades The Bull, the "Seven Weeping Sisters"--there are many references to this constellation in previous posts on this blog especially one of its major stars, Algol--type into the sidebar Search field for a list of mentions; 'the Bull' of course, links to the ancient, secretive, bull-slaying Roman cult of Mithras, to 'papal bulls', and to the idolatry of the golden calf.)

Raging Algol's connections are to decapitation (losing one's head--ex: greed for gold is contagious and more is never enough--consider the income inequality of Wall Street and global bankers v The 99%), fires (such as Olympic flames, and the historic Fire of London) violence, murder, and criminality. (Algol info: Horary Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis.) Body parts ruled by Taurus are, as you know, the throat, neck, and shoulders, and the sign's shadow traits are greed, possessiveness, covetousness, pride, prejudice, and intolerance.

In last evening's ceremony, the 7 athletes ("who represented the future of Britain," says the article linked above) "lit a COPPER ROSE petal--" each, a double Venus reference--her metal, her flower. Plus, Venus is a major icon of America's Founding Fathers, many of whom were British, and may be seen in NYC's copper Statue of Liberty, the statue of the goddess 'Freedom' atop our Capitol Dome, and many other symbolic Venus-Isis-Innana and Mary graven images; nurturing Ceres (Venus) and the stars of Virgo (the Virgin) play into America's national mystery play as well (US natal Neptune in Virgo.) Exactly where Venus appears as a graven image in London, I do not know, but I know she must be there. After all, the asteroid Ceres was discovered on January 1, 1801, the same date that Ireland was united with Great Britain, and the event which gives the UK its modern natal horoscope and links Britain to the iconography of Ceres and Venus, associated astrologically with money and valuables.)

Additional Astro-Note: the Bank of England was chartered on July 27, 1694 PDF with a Mutable Grand Cross between Mars, Neptune (opposite one another = shady and misguided), Venus in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius (out of the mainstream.) Sun and powerful figure of the Underworld, Pluto (aka, the Pope--bowing to goddess Mary!) are rather close in royal Leo with Jupiter in Leo as sidekick and Mercury conjunct a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus; a solar midpoint of the day is wealth-accumulating Jupiter-Pluto = Sun: keeping things in one's own grip--Tyl; the creation of magical effects--Ebertin. Another midpoint picture in 1694 with financial implications is Mars-Uranus = Jupiter: successful contests of strength; a lucky hand in unusual actions--Ebertin; looking to rewards; planning one's future, one's new position in life--Tyl. And they certainly did that, didn't they? These potentials are, I believe, symbolized in last night's ceremony! And notice that in 1694, athletic Mars squared Uranus but in July 2012, Mars and Uranus have only recently begun to move out of orb from their dynamic opposition.) As for July 27, 1694 v 2012, it seems that last evening's opening ceremony also celebrated the 318th birthday of the Bank of England. How curious is that?

So last evening's opening ceremony contained a triple-7: 7 athletes, and 7 nations becoming One symbolized by the 7 lighted copper rose petals, each petal a nation--lighted by the future of Britain--"being lifted up to form one giant flame" (as in, 'one-world-government', the Illuminati vision through the centuries.)

Now no one could miss the implications of a total global financial collapse which began to manifest more fully with the attacks of 9/11/01 on the World Trade Center, then on to Financial Collapse 2008, and, some say, to the next economic collapse which we hear about constantly through a colluding mainstream media, and which is 'inevitable', say they. Certain power elites believe this will cause the world's population to plead for a 'new world order', no matter its character or its harms.

Have you ever checked out Bavarian Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt, a contemporary of Thomas Jefferson and the boys? His utopian cult was founded on May 1, 1776 and 'loaned' its own mystery symbols for use on America's Great Seal (and dollar bill, thanks for FDR, a Mason.) Weishaupt's longterm objectives may sound quite familiar in 2012 as destructuring Pluto plods through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, business, and law. They are:

"(a) Abolition of monarchies and all ordered governments,

(b) Abolition of private property and inheritances,

(c) Abolition of patriotism and nationalism,

(d) Abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment of communal education of children,

(e) Abolition of all religion."

Well, I do hope SO'W readers won't be too fussy with me for 'raining' on last night's Parade of Nations by pointing out that what may seem like an entertaining and spectacular opening ceremony of Olympic Games 2012 may actually be much deeper than that as people of the world bow down to a ravenous system which intends them grievous harm.

And yes, DN, I do know that Sir Paul McCartney ended by singing, Hey Jude but I assure you he didn't intend it for me!


More Notes: the Union Jack was magically portrayed in the London audience "as the British flag was hoisted as well by children doing flips on trampolines disguised as hospital beds." This symbolism was to honor the National Health Service of the UK and a popular children's hospital. Yet perhaps there was a deeper disguise afoot--here's an enlightening excerpt from Nicholas Hagger's book, The Secret History of the West with my bold and italics added for emphasis:

"On January 4, 171 the Scottish Stuarts were formally sent into permanent exile in France. With them went Jacobite Templar Freemasonry.

To unify resistance to Jacobite Templarism, Sionist Rosicrucian Freemasonry became a 'United Grand Lodge' in June 1717. From now on the British monarchy and the Church of England both became subservient to Rosicrucian Freemasonry. Since 1737 every male monarch has been a Mason, while the head of the Anglican Church is a Rosicrucian Freemason. Sionist Rosicrucian Freemasonry has controlled both the Crown and the Church. The political aim of Sionist Masonry is to achieve a one-world Kingdom ruled by the King of Jerusalem, not a unversal republic."

And let's not forget the NWO natal chart for the New Millennium timed by the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Age of Enlightenment planets, Uranus and Neptune, which conjoined three times: Feb 2, Aug 20, and Oct 24, 1993 which thus sensitized and, no doubt, inspired the '18 Capricorn' degree...

'18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship" (Rudhyar):

"Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order." ..."Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving 'law and order'. Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Wherever this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantages."

"It brings to us a realization of the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers."

(An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)

For the positive and negative manifestations of this degree's symbolism, Marc Edmund Jones adds:

"Positive: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches:" (Lucifer's mark of the beast? 'Luci-' = "light"--jc)

"Negative expression" (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "smug or strong-armed paternalism." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

I shall close this weekend post (finally!) with an excerpt from Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets in which Michael Munkasey describes potentials for the Uranus-Neptune illuminated duo within the heady realms of Politics and Business:

"Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolution or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Antithesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems.

Any or all of which sound like life in the New Millennium, right? Now what might these self-exalted culprits be up to in secret while so much of global public attention is focused on the Big Spectacle being showcased in London?

Jul 27, 2012

US Constitution under direct attack as echo chamber grows louder

If you remain enamoured of the rights and tenets embedded in the US Constitution as do I, you may wish to consider this:

US Constitution September 17, 1787 11:29 am LMT Philadelphia, PA

Well, I made no note years ago about why I set up the horoscope with '11:29 am' so perhaps it came from another astrologer's website or book because I see no particular astrological reason for setting the chart for this time. Even so, here are the natal chart's basic factors:

ASC 2Sag25 (transiting NN almost upon it); 1st house Moon 4Sag55 (tr NN recently conjoined it) and NN 1Cap09; 3rd house Pluto 14AQ12 Rx and Saturn 23AQ23 Rx; IC 17Pis46 (at critical-crisis degree as is the MC); DESC 2Gem25 (conj President Obama's natal Moon), 7th H Chiron 13Gem40, Jupiter 25Gem22 (Jupiter Return on the way: June 5, 2013 with Jupiter unaspected), and Mars 2Can50 (OOBs and conj US n Venus); 8th H Uranus 20Can11 (opposite US SP Pluto Rx and at the "Daughter of the American Revolution" degree in Sabian Symbols); 9th H Mercury 11Vir36 and Venus 16Vir35.

MC 17Vir46 with 10th H Sun 24Vir39 (about one day past US n Neptune spotlighting the document's idealism, compassion, 'divine source' spiritual precepts--rights are god given at birth--and also its flexibility as a 'living, breathing' Constitution. Also, the 'divine source; planet, Neptune---unknown until 1846--is in 10th H @17Lib48 which had recently conjoined US n Saturn 14Lib48 and denotes a new maturity and way of dealing with authority.

Today, tr Neptune @2Pis28 Rx has passed n Pluto and Saturn in Aquarius some time ago--these undermining (Neptune) attacks have been going on for some time, and as tr Neptune approaches opposition to n Mercury (document; contracts; agreements), we may expect the Constitution of the American people to experience many misunderstandings, obscuring of facts, deceptions, errors, and the potential for loss.

In days like these, with agents and operatives doing all they can to undermine our nation's sovereignty, economy, and the US Constitution, the only hope of preservation for the American people is through educating ourselves on the facts!

(See SOW's sidebar for links to texts of our Freedom Documents--never depend on someone else's interpretation, or, as Ronald Reagan once advised, Trust but verify!)


You may find that progressive sites such as Thom Hartmann and Democracy Now! are of value on constitutional matters. Have another? Then please leave your suggestion/s in a comment! jc

Jul 26, 2012

Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (audio-video) w Astrology and the Death of the DC Madam

An Audio-Video on 9/11 Witnesses w a Few Astro-Notes on the DC Madam's Suicide?

by Jude Cowell

No, I never forget: the attacks of 9/11/01 occurred under the watch of oilmen Bush and Cheney...

Astrology and the Death of Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the 'DC Madam'

Included in the above presentation is an excerpt of an interview that Alex Jones conducted with 'DC Madam' Deborah Jeane Palfrey whose client list of johns is said to have contained top players related to 9/11. Palfrey was found by her mother on May 1, 2008 (May Day is a significant date for pagans) at or near 10:30 am edt in Tarpon Springs, Florida. To paraphrase Ms. Palfrey in the interview: she had no intention of committing suicide--but she did intend to spill the beans on certain individuals.

Looking at a horoscope for May 1, 2008, at 9:57 am edt in that location, the Moon (a woman) was angular at a critical-crisis degree--conjunct MC, 17Pis49, and approaching the planet of sudden events, shocking Uranus 21Pis26. Assassin Pluto was angular as well--conjunct Descendant 29Sag47 ('30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful") with Pluto strong at a Cardinal World Point 00Cap56 and Rx.

As you know, death charts tend to show planets in angular positions and often very close to an angle (ASC-DESC/MC-IC) and so may be used as timers when an exact time of death isn't known--or, at the least, they can be used to set up a symbolic horoscope for the death in question. For angularity, the usual suspects are Moon, Jupiter, and sometimes Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and/or Pluto though other planets may be involved and descriptive. (Ex: toxic Neptune was among a line-up of planets on Desc when President Warren G. Harding died--his decline began about a week earlier with food poisoning from eating crab in Alaska on the famous train trip from DC. He died--or was ineptly treated, or was murdered--in a hotel in San Francisco, CA, but that's a post for another day.)

So of course with hanging as a method of death, we look to the sign of Taurus (neck) and sure enough, for Deborah Jeane Palfrey on the moring of May 1, 2008, we find Venus 1Tau15, Sun 11Tau34 (unaspected), and a behind-the-scenes 12th house Mercury 27:48 with testifying, bean-spilling Mercury conjoining two of the nastiest and raging of Fixed Stars, Capulus and Algol (particularly associated with the Middle East as was 9/11/01, a Neptune Return for Islam.)

Plus, Venus (the glamorous lady), Pluto (the assassin-orderer), and loss-bringing, restrictive (of throats) Saturn @ 1Vir41 Rx in 3rd house of Communications, are in a closed-circuit of energies: a pragmatic Earth Grand Trine.

According to Barbara Watters in her book, The Astrologer Looks at Murder, Grand Trines often appear in the natal charts of murderers. This factor may not be significant since the horoscope I'm looking at is of (or near) the event itself, but there it is, fyi. A Grand Trine may denote gaining ultimate control over the environment and ruthlessly forcing others to submit (Tierney, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis) which you may agree sounds very much like a forced hanging.

Now there are five chart factors I'll mention and then I'll hush about the information-filled 'DC Madam' who said she had info relating to 9/11 participants:

1. ASC 29Gem47, a critical-crisis degree (which is one reason I timed the chart for 9:57 am along with an angular Moon and Pluto)--her mother found her at 10:30 am and the police arrived at 10:52 am so obviously the deed was done a few minutes prior since her mother had seen her earlier that morning;

2. MC 15Pis11 conjoins Fixed Star Achernar (risk of rapid endings; crisis at the end of the river) with MC being 'The Goal' or WHY? Point of the chart;

3. Jupiter 22Cap16, though not angular, is in a sensitive spot--conjunct 8th cusp 22:40 of Death, Transformation, and the Occult; I've seen this placement of Jupiter in other death charts as well;

4. Mysterious Neptune 24AQ05 (chloraform or other drug administered? was an autopsy performed?) conjoins North Node (NN) of encounters and meetings in 9th house of Philosophy and Foreigners, along with wounding Chiron @20AQ51. Perhaps Ms. Palfrey met with a Neptunian someone that morning as her mother took a nap but received a shocking and unexpected outcome (Moon-Uranus); Neptune relates to spies and to the media;

And last but never least...

5. Mars 25Can38 (positioned between US natal Mercury Rx and US SP Jupiter Rx... Mercury-Jupiter = tr Mars: execution of plans) with actor Mars in 2nd house of Money Earning which may indicate that the rope-wielding actor in the mystery drama may have done the deed primarily for payment. Along with sub-ruler Pluto, Mars rules 6th house of Health with a secretive, betraying Scorpio cusp (25:51), and Mars rules 11th house of Groups and Associations with its cusp @19Ari11 (the Exaltation of the Sun degree--publicity that concerns desire?) where glamorous Venus in Taurus and the unaspected (going nowhere?) Sun are posited. I don't have to tell you that any house with Aries on its cusp is where activity tends to begin.

And yet--Deborah Jeane Palfrey's Wiki bio tells a decidedly suicidal tale...

Now if you got to the end of this post, thanks a bunch for reading!

Deborah Jeane Palfrey born March 18, 1956 in North Charleroi, PA (hour unknown) with a crisis-ridden YOD (Neptune-Pluto = Sun: succumbing to strange influences--Ebertin.) Her Sun is in late Pisces, Moon in mid-Gemini (at noon EST), a misty, ethereal Water-Air blend; Sun Pis-Moon Gem = sociability v shyness with fickleness in relationships--her madam-ing was done by phone or email.

Sun Pis-Moon Gem's 'Images for Integration' (conscious + unconscious): "A schoolboy daydreams of heroic deeds during a class on the romantic poets...A child grips his magic balloon as it lifts him into the sky and over the sea onto an island of eternal beauty."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Jul 25, 2012

Was Aurora Massacre a false flag op?

Now this was predictable: speculations that the recent Aurora Theater massacre (pardon, but I can't call the tragedy simply a "shooting" as talking heads do on TV) was a staged false flag op. Some say there's another more dangerous one on the way, perpetrated for political purposes to sway the masses and gain even more anti-Constitutional control over the American people than has already been grabbed.

Here's such an article now along with the midpoint picture full of dynamically dangerous energies which forms the basis of such anti-social urges and actions thanks to the explosive, hostile, gun-toting Mars-Uranus opposition squaring (blocking/frustrating) powerful manipulator Pluto in Saturn-controlled Capricorn lurking at the apex of their midpoint and indicating a continuing influence which yes, may denote another attack or attacks of a forceful, harmful nature with Pluto ordering assassination and Mars usually the shooter who carries out the criminal deed:

Mars-Uranus = Pluto: force; intervention of the big shock; a Higher Power. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

So perhaps you'll allow me to repeat myself on a certain topic since I decided to neglect publishing the Aurora horoscope or the natal chart of James Holmes--that it isn't so much the violent 'entertainment' from Hollywood (or video games) our society is saturated with ('pandering to the lowest common denominator to seek one's fortune'), OR the availability of guns (being a typical American and fan of the US Constitution.) It's that these items are made freely available to the weaker among us, those whose psyches are fragile and unable to withstand the below-board standards of the characters involved in films (murderers, assassins, criminals), and who have no moral compass pointing to a better direction--and with little or no ability to assess truth from fiction.

Add in their past abuses, emotional and mental traumas, and grievous losses (which all may suffer in life) and we have a volatile mix of folk who have no good reason to buy guns and ammunition and who are deeply affected by watching violent anti-social "entertainment" over and over and over again as they mind-control themselves into acting out their psychoses.

Plus, manipulative Pluto, Mr. Underworld, (and he of the world's best psychiatric institutions and pharmaceutical experiments) understands these dynamics very well. And he knows how to use them.

Now that's only my personal opinion. Feel free as always to disagree!

Lewis Black on 'Campaign Fibs' (The Daily Show video)

On The Daily Show with Jon Stewart last evening, Lewis Black provided me with a new perspective on the distortions and lies of Campaign 2012 so a video embed seems to be in order in case you missed his commentary:


Here's the only way I can manage to eat Nutella (if I must):

Toast slices of pound cake (Sara Lee is nice), spread each slice with Nutella. Top with sliced strawberries, whipped cream, and a sprinkle of nutmeg if desired. Enjoy!

Recipe given to me by my fiberista daughter, Maya whose name appeared to me in a dream guessed it...the Mayan civilization.

Jul 24, 2012

Bill Moyers w Chris Hedges on US "sacrifice zones" (video)

Do you live or work in one of America's "sacrifice zones" or care about your 'fellow Americans' who do? Then you may wish to view Bill Moyers' interview with journalist Chris Hedges on yet another of Capitalism's failings resulting from Capitalism practiced (perpetrated) by Pluto-Chiron vultures who checked their consciences at morality's door a long time ago. Or were they born conscience-free and willing to step on anyone to get ahead?

Of course, I type these remarks through a populist, common-good lens. You know, my same old sovereign-America, We-the-People p.o.v....

Tax the Rich. Stop the Wars. Invest in the Middle Class.

Jul 23, 2012

"The Secrets of Scientology" (BBC's full film)

A BBC documentary on the cult of Scientology and its secrets:

You'll discover many interesting documentaries, films, and videos available on a variety of topics at Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Blog Note: created in October 2005, this entry is SO'W's 3,000th post!

Jul 21, 2012

On Romney's Progressed Lunar Phase (Balsamic)

(The following should be filed under Sometimes You Just Want to Be Wrong...)

A Few Astro-Reasons Why Mitt Romney Could Take the Cake on November 6th

by Jude Cowell

Now I know that Mr. Romney won't know what to call the cake, but he may just take it and rush into the White House on January 21, 2013, much to my chagrin...

In 2011, I mentioned on this blog that Mitt Romney enters a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase by progression on September 22, 2012, just in time for the November 6, election/s. As you know, Balsamic phases are the dark of the Moon, just prior to a New Moon whether by transit (real time) or progression (moving the natal chart ahead approximately one degree per year of life to gain hints about one's evolutionary progress and 'time of life'.)

The Balsamic phase of the Moon often relates to 'taking over where another has left off' and/or may bring endings, partings, and separations. Natally, this phase describes one who is born with a prophetic streak (ex: George Orwell) but here we're talking about progressions. Now if you follow the link above, you'll find some info on Romney's Secondary Progressions and his Natal Chart data with the correct birth time--9:51 am, though some of my earlier posts here about Mr. Romney do not have his birth time (which Astrodatabank provides, as I discovered later on, for SO'W is quite gray around the muzzle, you know!

Therefore, today's post is an update due to the fact that November 6th is upon us, and I had not fully considered in 2011, as Romney entered the presidential race (again!), that the November 6, 2012 election/s will be affected by the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio with its 'joy through commitment; taking on responsibilities' theme (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) My point is that I'd taken Romney's SP Balsamic phase as inauspicious for starting a new presidency when it could also describe a 'taking over' of duties when another (President Obama?) could not, for some reason, carry on. I don't want to believe it, but there it is.

Yet when endeavors are begun under the influence of a Balsamic Lunar phase, they often do not last the duration or end suddenly which may indicate a presidency of less than four years if Romney wins (or, 'wins' if the election is skewed and marred as in November 2000 with voting Mercury moving retrograde on Election Day 2012 as in 2000. And you know what miseries that wrought for America. Say, one of the Romney sons isn't named Chad by any chance, is he?)

Another consideration is what Secondary Progressed Lunar phase has President Obama reached in life? Well, he's on the downside of a SP Full Moon which was exact on November 6, 2011 (precisely a year before this year's election!) @1Ari10 which conjoins US natal IC (The End of the Matter; The Foundation) in America's natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Phildelphia, PA.) This degree was recently transited by radical Uranus and conjoins the Aries Point of fame, recognition, and prominence of course, but this may not be enough cosmic fuel to garner Mr. Obama a 2012 election victory though the 'light' of his SP Full Moon certainly hasn't faded completely (his Disseminating phase begins March 13, 2015.) And 2012's election outcome may depend almost entirely on how successful GOP dirty tricks against him turn out to be.

Will the American people succumb to a vulture capitalist as CEO-president? For a different outcome, a landslide for Mr. Obama will be necessary, sans dancing leave your sofa on November 6th and it will be there when you return.

Meanwhile, candidate Romney, who seems to be in possession of the greater campaign chest of gold and rubies, has a boost from the Sabian Symbol of the degree at which his SP Moon enters the Balsamic phase which may possibly be supported by the theme of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse occurring within the two-week time frame of influence upon the 2012 election/s. His SP Balsamic Moon degree (10Ari24), rounded up is:

'11 Aries' = "The President of the Country" which I confess chills my soul with its "1% president" implications that intend to gut our social safety net programs to the bone in order to gift even more Corporate Welfare to those who have no need of it--plus, the degree's word picture has a negative/shadow side connotation for something which Romney seems to me to possess in great Jupiterian abundance: vain pretense.

Now, a la Ann Romney, that's all You People need to know about my concerns that Mitt Romney and clan will take all the cake. And being greedy, they'll gobble up all the crumbs, too.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (Sun Leo.)

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am Detroit, MI (Sun Pisces.)

Jul 20, 2012

Alex Jones decodes The Dark Night Rises (video 6.22.12)

Pre-July 20, 2012, here's Alex Jones on June 22, 2012 decoding the propaganda and subliminal messages (Jupiter-Neptune) in the new Batman film, The Dark Night Rises which include getting us accustomed to state terrorism and its dark handmaidens:

You know I was hoping that the current Cardinal T-Square pattern between the explosive Mars-Uranus opposition which points to power-mad criminal Pluto ('the dark night') wouldn't act out blatantly as its energy obviously did in Aurora, Colorado.

But it has..."intervention of the big shock; force." The shooter craves notoriety which is one reason why news outlets should cease their constant coverage of the tragedy--which would also show respect for the families, friends, and witnesses most directly affected.

And yes, I studied the horoscope of the shootings and the natal chart of the perpetrator but couldn't manage an article quite so soon (and may never do.) However, if you're interested in understanding the astro-dynamics, expert astrologer Lynn Hayes has published The Astrology of the Aurora Shooting.

Jul 19, 2012

Jon Stewart on the Libor Rate-Rigging Scandal (video)

Interesting that this scandal has broken open just prior to Saturn entering the Corporate/Big-Business/Occult sign of Scorpio where squirmy things tend to hide along with criminals and other plutonians...

Astro-Notes on Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio and November 13, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you're looking forward to the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @22Scorpio for it occurs close enough to the November 6, 2012 elections to influence them (within two weeks.) Plus, the eclipse degree conjoins the 12th cusp in the US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT, Phildadelphia, PA, and as you know, the 12th house in Mundane or Political Astrology is the realm of Politics, Back Door Deals, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing.

Yet nothing can stay hidden forever and eclipses, Solar and Lunar, are well known for revealing scandalous goings-on of all kinds. Thanks to Big Banks and their lousy bankers, Libor rate-rigging has been around a few years but is just now coming to public attention, thanks in large part to Matt Taibbi's excellent Rolling Stone article of July 3, Why Is Nobody Freaking Out about the Libor Banking Scandal? Click for more articles and videos including a piece by the NYT's Gretchen Morgenson. Also see this blog's sidebar for a link to an important Libor article by Robert Scheer.

Scorpio Eclipse Notes

The emotional Water-Water Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio blend is intense, uncompromising, wary, and suspicious. Its energy is fearful, brooding, introspective, very private (like Mitt Romney), zealous for truth (not like Mitt Romney), and can be vengeful (and vulturous, I imagine--in fact, "vulture capitalist" sounds about as Scorpionic as you'd ever want to be, right? A predator with a corporatist mentality: 'I got mine'.)

Plus, the double Scorpio tendency toward passionate commitment supports the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse theme of "joy through commitment" (Brady), and Scorpio is attracted to science, business and banking, psychology, medicine, and making good use of what's been discarded. Here is a formidable foe who accepts no authority but his or her own!

This blend is shared natally by Howard Baker, Whoopi Goldberg, Georgia O'Keefe, and Dracula author Bram Stoker, who wrote, "Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."

But apparently, good sportsmanship is not part of the job description in the banking mecca they call the City of London--or, at any of its tentacles in the US and elsewhere.


For more Sun-Moon blend info I highly recommend Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Astro-Note: the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse will deeply affect Syria and President Assad. The nation's 'Coup by Assad' horoscope of November 13, 1970 will be 'hit' by the eclipse which will fall on its natal Sun (leader), and on its natal Ascendant since the coup took place "at dawn" (Campion's Book of World Horoscopes) on that date. So the Assad regime has a Solar Eclipse for its Solar Return 'anniversary' of the coup when he took power and control of Syria. And since he's said to have flown the coop from Damascus to a coastal town, one may expect Assad may go into exile if he isn't arrested or killed first.

Sadly, thousands of Syrians, in fear for their lives, are streaming across borders into exile. Meanwhile, Assad has just appeared on TV!

In addition, until the November 2012 eclipse energies 'take over', the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 conjunct Fixed Star Alcyone, portends themes of exile, suffering, and something to cry about. This eclipse has greatly affected the Assad regime's natal chart as well for 00Gem20 opposes the 1st house Mercury-Neptune conjunction ('following hunches'; 'delusions about how the world works') in the 1970 chart ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire".)

So for these and other reasons, my heart and prayers go out to the good people of Syria--may your tribulations soon be at an end.