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Aug 18, 2012

Election Day 2012 drenched w a karmic Scorpio Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse in intense Scorpio marks November 2012 Elections

by Jude Cowell

As you know, Scorpio is a karmic (reap-what's-sown) sign and one must act on the up'n'up in order to make any real progress when a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio manifests. Intensity and force are provided by Scorpio's ruler and sub-ruler, Mars and Pluto, which are most formidable when their energies act in tandem and together, often supply a karmic "something you were always meant to do" feeling. And with Scorpio, an image of political "snake oil" is typically applied.

With all eclipses behaving in Uranian fashion as 'wild cards of the Universe' and thus having a reputation for uncovering even the darkest of secrets, we may expect November 2012 to be revelatory for its unmasking of Scorpionic secrets with a distinct potential for betrayals and suspicion that, when used in political propaganda, may have the effect of swaying voters in one direction or another. Some of us may even resort to 'opting out' and staying home on November 6 but this would be a a very bad mistake, folks, because that's what undermining factions want Americans to do. Plus, remember how neocon warmongers simply crowed over the beauty of Afghanistan and Iraq holding "democratic" elections under George Bush? Well then, even though US elections are rigged, let's not give them up so easily for they same so'n'sos ought to be crowing for our democratic process, don't you think?

The Solar Eclipse of November 2012

The month of November 2012 is notable not only for America's hugely important presidential and congressional elections (November 6, with voting planet Mercury Stationary that very day @4Sag18 and turning retrograde at 6:03 pm est--is this the electorate 'turning back' to President Obama?), but for its 15 North Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 on November 13. This eclipse occurs close enough to Nov 6 be the Solar Eclipse of Election Day 2012 (within two weeks), with its theme of 'joy through commitment.' (Brady.) Well, I don't like to type this out loud but with Mercury turning Rx on November 6, we may expect that results are disputed and that deciding outcomes may drag on, possibly until mid-December when a forward Mercury reaches and moves beyond its shadow degree of 4Sag18.

Please Pass the Turkey and the Lunar Eclipse

Though Thanksgiving Day is early this year (Nov 22), a busy November brings a second cosmic event--an almost-Thanksgiving Lunar Eclipse on November 28 @6Gem36 with the Sun falling into the happier Sagittarian zone of the Zodiac. The Moon is near transit Jupiter 11Gem54 Rx with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 stimulated. (Moon-Jupiter = US n Uranus: confidence; expectation of reward. --Tyl.) However, you'll note that the Lunar Eclipse ruler, Mercury, is Direct @18Sco24--approaching the Nov 13 Solar Eclipse degree, but the Sun's ruler, Jupiter, is Rx, another indicator of delays and hindrances relating to leadership (Sun-Jupiter), and potentially to money, support, bankers, and other corporatists (Jupiter.)

Also, this Lunar Eclipse is significant for being one of 2012's close-to-Earth Supermoons, as defined by master astrologer Richard Nolle.

Another Factor about November 6's Mercury Retrograde Station

Though Mercury trines technology inventor Uranus Rx @5Ari09--voting machine glitches made easy? or, easily solved?), its Rx Station strongly opposes President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini (Moon = 'reigning need'--Tyl), an indicator that his plans and schedules are in a something of a bind, and that Mr. Obama will be confronted with conflicting opinions regarding his re-election. Someone may have a change (Mercury) of heart (Moon)--whether for the incumbent president or against him remains to be seen but Mercurial young people may be of special note, and obviously reporters and journalists will be in the mix. Personally, I wouldn't rule out the Chamber of Commerce (Mercury) playing what is perhaps the largest role in opposing the president for they seem determined to do so.

At any rate, his re-election progress is blocked and will be obstructed again once Mercury retraces its path to 3-4-5 Sag and opposes natal Moon. After that, perhaps President Obama's goals will once again be implemented from the White House Oval Office after the dust and deceptions of Election Day 2012 settle.


Alert: Liber has kindly left a link to a 6-minute pro-Obama campaign video with political lyrics if you don't mind a little singing now and then. And really, who does?

Aug 16, 2012

Friday August 17 2012's New Moon @25Leo

Leo New Moon August 17, 2012 Culminates on August 31

by Jude Cowell

Are you ready for this Friday's New Moon? Today we are in the Balsamic phase between Sun and Moon, the 'Dark of the Moon' when secrets skulk in the shadows and things go bump in the you-know-what. Will more hidden information slink out of the shadows in campaign ads for President Obama and VP Biden and/or Mitt Romney and his VP pick, Paul Ryan? Yes, the whining is really underway and isn't it typical that bullies whine the loudest when the tables are turned on them?

Well, in Political Astrology, we may say that the August 17, 2012 New Moon @25Leo opposes US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) so there are potentials for relationship stand-offs and/or a sense of awareness for our week's end in America, plus a new cycle beginning--'seeds planted'--which New Moons always time and which culminate in a Full Moon two weeks later--this time on August 31, 2012 @8Pis34 (9:58 am edt.) This Full Moon and its degree concern me for it triggers America's natal Ceres (and our corn and other crops are already dried up from drought) which conjoins the US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence, and all the nasty -isms that intend to do harm to the masses while lifting up wealthy powermongers.

You'll note that the August 31 Full Moon manifests one day after RNC 2012 in Tampa, Florida closes (Aug 27--30), which this astrologer considers close enough to be a 'cosmic bookend' or culmination to the 2012 Republican Convention.

Or, since we're talking about the Moon which rules Water sign Cancer, perhaps at or around the New Moon it will begin to rain! Plus, in his The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli has a word picture for 25Leo:

"A man swimming in the waters of the sea." Let's both be alert to something mentioned in the news of that nature over the next day or so.

Now that's enough for today of that "organized system of hatreds" that is Politics (said Henry B. Adams.) My best recommendation for you concerning the August 17 New Moon in joyful Leo is to check out its portents graciously given by the insightful Dipali Desai, then proceed to enjoy your weekend seeded by the playful, dramatic energies of Leo the Lion!

Aug 14, 2012

'Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill' (video)

Anything to keep from typing the bromance-y names, "Paul Ryan" and "Mitt Romney" for a while...actually, the following documentary is particularly fascinating for those who are curious about Early America, Freemasonry's and Rosicrucianism's roles in the founding of the 'New Atlantis' (that shining city on a hill, D.C.), mystic and astrologer to *FDR, Nicolas Roerich (Oct 9, 1874 NS '12:00 pm' St. Petersburg, Russia), Sir Francis Bacon (born a Tudor, some say--and Queen Elizabeth's son), Blavatsky, Benjamin Creme, Manly P. Hall, Scottish Jacobites exiled to America and bringing along the 'Stone of Destiny' or 'Holy Grail' in pre-Revolutionary days, Gnostic Templarism, a long-range plan by secret societies for the ultimate establishment--and satanic idea--of a global new world order, and much more!

You may find one of Roerich's natal midpoint pictures quite interesting:

Mercury-Pluto = Uranus: 'an irresistible power of suggestion; fanatic pursuit of plans'. (Ebertin.) Either of these possibilities tallies rather closely with what I've read of this Occult practitioner--and something of a guru was he.

Now here is "Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill":

Check out other intriguing videos and full-length films and documentaries here.

*It was under FDR's watch that the capstone-pyramid-Eye of Horus was first printed upon the US dollar bill; in Jonathan Alter's The Defining Moment, the author mentions that Nicolas Roerich was an associate (astrologer) of Franklin Delano Roosevelt during FDR's presidency, thanks to Henry Wallace (mentioned in the video above) and as you know, FDR was a Freemason as have been many US presidents. Funny how mainstream authors tend to leave out such biographical info about their subjects such as, "initiated into the __ Lodge of Grand Orient Templars" and other such esoteric tidbits as that.

Sir Francis Bacon (Tudor) Feb 1, 1561 NS 7:42 am LMT London, England (source: Rodden Rating: C, astrodatabank/William Lilly.) Note: you may wish to type Roerich's and Bacon's names into this blog's sidebar Search field for previous mentions.

Additional Note: if you scroll down the sidebar far enough I suspect that the link to the topic of Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg, VA) is still there...this is where the 'Stone' and/or an Occult manuscript detailing the so-called Great Plan for America may have been secreted when it was first purloined to our shores. Or not. Prominent early Americans once attended the church including Thomas Jefferson, wrote Manly P. Hall.

Nikola Tesla: Sun Cancer-Moon Libra w a rare film on video!

Update September 5, 2015: the following text is being retained so that the post title makes sense however, the video referred to gives a message, "this video no longer exists." My original post begins here and includes a few astro-notes concerning the natal planets of inventor (and possible murder victim) Nikola Tesla:

A message has arrived from Alexandra Bruce which sets up the following rare film about the intriguing Uranian, Nikola Tesla:

"This is a rare English-Language film produced in the former Yugoslavia that tells the story of Nikola Tesla's arrival in America and his encounters with Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse and the mighty financier J.P. Morgan, played by Orson Welles.

It portrays one of the most pivotal periods of modern history, during Tesla's development of alternative current, as the global standard for electrification, and the tragedy of this great inventor who aspired to change the world for the better."

-Alexandra Bruce

This is where the Tesla video was embedded before it was mysteriously 'disappeared'.

A Sprinkling of Astrology upon Nikola Tesla

by Jude Cowell

Horoscope: Nikola Tesla July 10, 1856 (NS) 12:00 am -1:01 LMT Smiljan, Yugoslavia 14N35 015E19

Sun 18Can17 (conj Castor and Venus 15Can27--transit Moon 18Can41 conj his n Sun as I opened his chart in my file for the first time in years--such synchronicity is common when a name from the past resurfaces via a reference or a memory which inspires an astrologer to view the natal chart); n Mercury 28Gem26; n Mars 19Lib11 conj n Moon -- he's recently had a Mars Return (with Mars today @24Lib28) but with no activity of his own--he died on or about Jan 7, 1943, NYC; n Jupiter 8Ari37 with today's tr Uranus, The Inventor/The Genius/Electricity, conjunct at 8Ari06; n Saturn 5Can38; n Uranus 23Tau57--Taurus, the intelligent sign of The Architect, Builder, Grower, and Preserver, ruled by Venus; n Neptune Rx @20Pis22 (strong in its own mystical sign); dragon planet Pluto 5Tau33 (some say Tesla's family lineage included the Order of the Dragon as was Count Dracula--that he was a member of the Dragon family line as were John and son John Quincy Adams); Chiron 3AQ48; NN 20Ari06.

Tesla's Sun Cancer-Moon Libra is a Water-Air combo of energies (Sun = conscious mind, Moon = the unconscious), a very creative, misty, and ethereal blend (he was not a practical man especially with finances). With Sun ruled by the Moon and Moon ruled by Venus, Tesla's personality was socially aware, perceptive and super-sensitive yet challenged in the realm of relationships (plus, Venus square Mars). He was a shrewd Cancer who preferred to isolate himself within his protective emotional shell. And with wily old financier J. P. Morgan around (played in the film formerly embedded above by Orson Welles), Tesla was out-foxed in the financial realm which may gave been easy since Tesla was highly focused on his own thoughts and ideas and was largely uninterested in money.

Sun Cancer-Moon Libra: "Images for Integration: Mother Goose recites a poem, surrounded by adoring fairy-tale creatures...A family holds a lucrative sale of its artistic heirlooms to the neighborhood." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Oddly enough this ethereal personality blend is found in the natal charts of George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Bruce Springsteen, and Angela Lansbury.

And to the Sun Cancer-Moon Libra blend, master astrologer Noel Tyl adds that "the emphasis will be on the romantic" (not for Tesla!) and that planet "Venus will be especially important in the horoscope." In Tesla's case, Venus is spotlighted by first squaring Mars (3A44), then NN (4A39), and finally trines Neptune (4A55). Venus trine Neptune added inspiration to his pioneering (Aries) Jupiter (broadened horizons; science; discoveries; breakthroughs) and was greatly activated by the innovative spirit of speedy Mercury in its own sign of Gemini, The Messenger to the gods.

Birth data: Rodden Rating: B; source: bio/autobiography, The Life of Nikola Tesla by John J. O'Neill..."midnight between July 9/10, 1856"; O'Neill was a personal friend of Tesla who was said to have been born during a thunderstorm," astrodatabank; "at the stroke midnight," according to his biography.

And with transformer Pluto rising we see his magnetic charisma and--aided by visionary Neptune in its own creative sign of Pisces, Tesla's extraordinary visualization ability because Pluto rising gives a sort of x-ray vision into the workings of the Cosmos, into the deepest layers of the Universe. And of course, Saturn is the traditional planet of Science, along with Mercury, and add Uranus for lightening, electricity, flashes of brilliance, innovation, inventiveness, and pure genius.

This page updated May 3, 2016. jc

Aug 11, 2012

Aug 11-13, 2012: Perseids peak and Paul Ryan chosen!

After publishing my earlier post on Mitt Romney's pick of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as his VP running mate (with Ryan's natal chart shown), I got to thinking (a rare occurrence, not to worry) about how August 11, 12, and 13 is when the Perseid Meteor Shower peaks and there's a lovely Moon-Jupiter glow added to the proceedings, plus Venus. Plus, the Perseids are linked into the ancient mythology and star lore of Perseus the Prince so is Mr. Romney (who intro'd Paul Ryan as "the next president" just as Pres. Obama 'mistakenly' did with his VP pick, Joe Biden in 2008) and Rep. Ryan attempting to link the erstwhile 'royal prince' archetype of Perseus with 'young gun' turned 'top gun' Paul Ryan by slipping it surreptiously and sublimally into the Collective Unconscious?

Remember that in 2008, Barack Obama was linked to the archetype of Apollo, the Sun god! Yet as you know, this sort of propagandistic trick doesn't work nearly as well once and if people become consciously aware of them!

Oh well. It's the weekend so let's just settle in and watch this nice video of the Perseid Meteor Shower and leave varmint-y politicians to do, as usual, their darndest for their success always depends on who can sway the public mood the best...

Here's a previous post with a few details on 'young male warrior' Perseus the Prince (and Paul Ryan was born with Mars in Aries conjunct Chiron which together is the 'sacred warrior' archetype.)

Romney names Paul Ryan as his VP pick w US Neptune Rising

Romney Picks Ryan as VP Nominee with Denebola and US Neptune Rising

by Jude Cowell

Themes of Fixed Star, Denebola: out of the mainstream; to go against society.

Political Astrology Blog is where I first noticed the birth time of Rep. Paul Ryan who, as you undoubtedly know, was named VP nominee by presidential candidate Mitt Romney this morning at or about 9:00 am edt in Norfolk, VA with the USS Wisconsin as backdrop, as a shout-out to Paul Ryan's home state.

ASC 21Vir02 = Denebola and US natal Neptune with US natal Mars @22Gemini at MC (The Goal = perpetual war?) This puts America's tiresomely confused, misguided, and fog-of-war Mars-Neptune square from 1776 on the VP announcement chart's angles which gives them places to express themselves--tiresomely. Hidden (Neptune) motivations (Mars) may also be indicated by Romney's VP choice.

Of course, Neptune Rising is an indicator of acting and pretending, creativity and inspiration, lies and deceptions, and/or potentials for instability and fraudulent activities. This morning's horoscope with US natal Neptune Rising echoes Paul Ryan's natal Neptune Rising and signifies that a masking is on the rise--one example may be fishy Mitt--born with Sun, Mercury, Mars in Pisces--announced his VP pick today in an attempt to hide from the media glare and the toll from critical campaign ads of his opponent. See midpoint pictures below for a more clues...

At Midheaven (MC; the Goal) is 19Gem59 and Romney's natal Uranus 17Gem51 so I infer that shaking things up politically was naturally one of the aims of this morning's VP announcement and pick. And with Moon 8Gem17 (the public) conj US natal Uranus, people were excited and surprised, especially with happy Jupiter @11Gem58 nearby. Actually, the Moon-Jupiter combo in light-hearted Gemini will repeat on January 21, 2013, Inauguration Day so perhaps someone expects the trillions of dollars that corporations have been sitting on during President Obama's administration to be released in a flood of job creation which will bolster Romney's approval ratings with the public and turn the GOP back into ole' Santa Claus, for a while at least.

Below you see Paul Ryan's natal horoscope with a few notes added relating to today's big announcement (see upper right) such as the powerful pile-up at his natal Ascendant 00Sag38 ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" in Sabian Symbols--guess that's where the money is to go that his "Path to Prosperity" purloins from our nation's social safety net programs--Ryan's Throw Granny Under the Bus and Wage More War plan for America and a one world government that requires chaos before a 'new economic order' is completely and finally established.

Image above: Paul Ryan January 29, 1970 2:37 am CST Janesville, Wisconsin (from B.C.); Hour Venus 10AQ06 conjunct Sun 9AQ01 (charming yet self-satisfied); a very close conjunction of Mars 3Ari17 in 4th house with Chiron 3:19 identifies Rep. Ryan as a 'sacred warrior'; Jupiter (expansion, growth) opposes Saturn (restriction, contraction) showing that half his life was ruled by Saturn (the first half obviously) while the second half is now ruled by Jupiter in Scorpio, sign of Corporatism, Big Business, and Hidden Things such as Occult studies or shady practices. A Jupiter-Saturn opposition person needs approval from others and must be praised for their contributions. But he doesn't understand how his Scorpionic behavior can hurt others for there is a streak of indifference within his psyche (Jupiter-Saturn are separating from opposition and thus affecting him unconsciously.) Conservatism, narrow-mindedness, and religious hypocrisy are typical expressions of the opposition between our Solar System's two societal planets and issues of growth v austerity typical, as we see in his budget and financial committee work.

Meanwhile, chart-ruler Jupiter is involved in an applying quincunx (150 degr) with Mars 3Ari17 denoting one who willingly offers his services to others in an assumption that they cannot do for themselves. Perhaps the slippery Mitt fish will benefit from the more rigid Mr. Ryan's firm principles, however anti-societal they may be. For now that Rep. Ryan is about to breathe the even more rarified political air of Washington DC, he'll be anxious to maintain company with the global power elite since he has styled himself as one of them (Neptune conj ASC is a bit of a slippery fish, too--a thespian.) Yet he must be cautious of others taking credit for his ideas though perhaps this only describes Politics in general where connivers always seem to thrive at the expense of others.

The only other applying aspect of his natal Jupiter is a trine to North Node showing ease of opportunity (trine) connecting (NN) with wealthy and/or religious people (Jupiter), and rewards gained from contacts with the public.

Plus, there is no applying aspect to his natal Sun so we may have to be satisfied with his separating conjunction from charming Venus (photogenic!)--that, and the Sun's sign and house position: 2nd house of the National Treasury, and Aquarius for those far-seeing eyes of his. Note that restrictive Capricorn is on his 2nd cusp.

Now there are many factors in Paul Ryan 's natal chart which deserve discussion and many astrologers have analysed his chart brilliantly (ex: Political Astrology Blog linked above.) But let's focus on a few correspndances now in progress:

Ryan was named Romney's VP pick today during Ryan's midlife crisis (tr Uranus 8Ari12 Rx opposing natal Uranus 8Lib40 Rx in n 10th H of Career and Public Status!), a time of new directions and possibly uncharacteristic behavior (from Libran behavior to Arian--Uranus in Aries = radical Utopians, says R. Ebertin--and they want to remake civilization even if it kills us!) As you know, this is often a 'buy a red sports car' period of life but here, a fabulous new job and high class residence may be in his picture. In today's announcement chart, Uranus is posited in 7th H which keys the Partnership axis (1/7) with Mitt Romney's natal Sun 21Pis11 setting at Descendant (The Partner.)

Comparing both men's natal planets, however, shows reciprocal aspects between both Suns and Plutos indicating that ego dominance will become an issue in their relationship if it isn't already, and that use and misuse of power is on their shared menu.

Another interesting facet is how Ryan's natal Neptune/ASC conjunction is keyed today by the transiting midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, and by tr NN 1Sag54. Midpoint pictures are thus formed...

Tr Saturn-Pluto = n Neptune: falsehoods, frauds, lies; a desire to harm others secretly; immorality; instability; danger through water, poison, or gas; shattered nerves. (Ebertin.)

Tr Saturn-Pluto = n ASC: giving an impression of silent power (Munkasey); placed in cumbersome or difficult circumstances (Ebertin.)

Plus, let's consider a transiting midpoint picture in the announcement chart formed by the Venus-Pluto opposition (with Venus conj US natal Venus in Cancer so the T-Square, which points to Uranus in Aries, also involves the current oppositions tr Pluto is in process of making to US natal planets in Cancer which denote financial stalemates such as debt ceiling 'debates', threatened government defaults, bankruptcy, missing trillions, and powerful plutonian forces abroad engaged in a terrific power struggle with American bankers and politicians.)

Venus-Pluto = Uranus: fanaticism in relationships (Ebertin): indifference to the destructive powers available for personal and politicial uses; compromises involving extreme uses of power; friends who enjoy unusual types of punishment. (Munkasey.) And I doubt we're talking scratchy underwear here!

What personalizes the above noted T-Square to Paul Ryan's natal horoscope is that his natal Uranus which opposes today's Uranus, thus forms the fourth point of a Grand Cross (Venus-Pluto-Uranus-Uranus)--kind of a double T-Square which becomes more even more dynamic with Paul Ryan's involvement.

The combo of Venus-Pluto denotes such things as bankruptcy, wealth hidden in secret places, attracting elements of organized crime, destruction of financial institutions, and the breakdown of the social fabric.

Last is the transit of serious Saturn to Ryan's natal Moon @24Lib11 in n 11th H of Groups, Associations, Wishes and Hopes. Therefore, it looks as if Rep. Ryan has been dreaming of taking on more responsibility, and, though his family life may suffer from it, his long-term efforts and career ambitions are now being rewarded by an older associate, Mitt Romney...whether their union is good for the prospects of the American Middle Class or not.


You note that Paul Ryan's natal Descendant 00Gem38 was 'hit' by the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @00Gem20 showing the distinct possibility that "an obsessive idea may finally be accepted" which is what keeps me awake at night: the outrageousness of another round of deceptive trickle-down economics--such as other Republicans adminstrations have scammed us with before--will befall our nation and our Treasury, and will continue the decimation of our childrens' futures as political operatives work against US sovereignty on behalf of global domination. Okay, I'll hush for now and get back to writing Issue 2 of Stars Over Washington Monthly! jc

Aug 10, 2012

While Governor, Mitt Romney taxed the blind!

Oh here's an distressing bit of news about Gov. Mitt Romney from Esquire's excellent Charlie Pierce on how Mitt Romney, while governor of Massachusetts, taxed the blind because they were blind!

You know the more outrageous the news about Mitt Romney gets, the more I think he's a fake candidate meant to hide the identity of the true GOP presidential candidate who will be nominated at a brokered convention--one who is advantaged by not being challenged, criticized, or slammed in Democratic campaign ads. Now that would be a crazy political strategy for Republicans to use, right?

Of course!

Saturn-Neptune, The Drought of 1953 and Wilhelm Reich's 'cloudbuster' (video)

Of Saturn-Neptune, Droughts, and Controversial Rainmakers

by Jude Cowell

The current drought in the US got me thinking about the drought of 1953 and the triple Great Conjunction/s of Saturn (restriction, stoppages, loss, and drought a long time coming) and Neptune of water, rain, gas ('orgone energy', in this case), and oceanic tendencies, with Neptune also a planet of loss and both planets karmic in nature (reaping what was sown, or in the case of drought, perhaps not reaping it.)

Below is a list of Saturn-Neptune conjunction dates and degrees of 1952/53 though they did meet again in 1989 in the 10--12 Capricorn degree range, where transiting Pluto soon will trod (Saturn-Neptune = tr Pluto: feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of a potential for loss; fear--Tyl; rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt from responsible people; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories--Munkasey.)

Saturn conj Neptune:

1. November 21, 1952 @22Lib47; 2. May 1, 1953 @22Lib39; 3. July 22, 1953 @21Lib12, as Saturn 'stopped' the Neptunian 'rain' from falling.

You'll note that the Libra degrees from 1952-53 are recently being re-visited by dry, drying Saturn, today @24Lib28. Also today, Neptune is @2Pis07 Rx ('3Pis' = "A Petrified Forest," a very dry scene) yet you'd think there would be no droughts at all in any location with Neptune in its own watery sign, wouldn't you?

Drought 1953

Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich's invention, the cloudbuster, was demonstrated on July 6, 1953--just before conjunction #3, above, near Maine's Bangor hydro-electric dam (hydro = Neptune, electric = Uranus) in what's called The Blueberry Experiment, beginning at 10 am (yes, it rained and crops were saved!)

Well, if you set up a horoscope for July 6, 1953 you'll see a vital, interesting planetary conjunction with a major star: Sun, Mars, and SIRIUS in Cancer, a water sign (the Crab.) In an appropriate synchronicity, SIRIUS is linked with the annual flooding of the Nile in ancient Egypt. Plus, in 1953 Sun-Mars-SIRIUS were quite near electrical Uranus @18Can29.

Read more details if you wish...and here is a 44-minute video on quite a dry and curious topic:

The next Great Conjunction of Saturn (government; boundaries) and Neptune (invisible, secret; merging) is on February 20, 2026 at Aries Point (@00Ari45), a World Point of Manifestation and/or Recognition, which will greatly enhance the significance of the Saturn-Neptune combination of antithetical energies while emphasizing the year 2026. Perhaps a drought will occur then and if so, its threat of famine could well be of global proportions (AP.) Or, maybe the masks of the global syndicate's secret government officials, agents, and operatives will be finally washed away for all the world to see their dirty, vicious faces.

Yes, it's true! There is a variety of curiously intriguing videos available at Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Aug 6, 2012

The Carlyle Connection (video)

Back to a previous topic today: perhaps you remember that Bush Sr and the Carlyle Group met on Tuesday morning September 11, 2001? I wondered at the time if their meeting was meant to be a target of the assassins...

Aug 4, 2012

Fed Gold being audited by the US Treasury and their 1951 "Accord" planets

Got Gold? America's Saturnian Past and Uranian Future

by Jude Cowell

Here's an intriguing excerpt from a fascinating ZeroHedge article concerning gold, the Federal Reserve Bank, financial matters 1951 v 2008/12, and the Fed-Treasury Accord of March 3, 1951 (think, President Harry Truman):

"Why is March 3, 1951 such an important date? Because, more than anything, the confluence of events that led to the "Accord" signed on this day have extensive parallels to our current situation, as the attached paper by the Federal Reserve of Richmond shows in exquisite detail, yet 100% in reverse."

Read Who Is Lying? the Federal Reserve...or the Federal Reserve? and Why Stalin Lost, submitted by Tyler Durden.

Now you know I'm going to take a quick peek at the planets of March 3, 1951, right? Hour of the Accord signing is unknown so 'noon' in Washington DC will be used.

ASC 29Gem10 (a critical-crisis degree, opposite '30Sag' setting: "The Pope Blessing the Faithful"); Hour of Mercury (@5Pis37 conjunct MC 6Pis54--where transiting Chiron is now); a 10th house line-up of Sun 12Pis19 (leader), Jupiter 18Pis23 (bankers), NN 19Pis02 (future direction; meetings; the public), Mars 1Pis23 (where tr Neptune is now, off and on--perhaps the mask of 1951 has slipped a bit?), and Venus 8Ari18 (where tr Uranus, the disruptor and The Witness, is directions; freedom in partnership is needed = US Treasury audits the Fed's gold!)

This horoscope is an interesting read and if you've never seen it, I recommend a peek since the 1951 Accord marked a major change of power, authority, and direction for the US government and within our financial system. Plus, if you're curious about the Fed, its secretive ways and its gold, the US Treasury, and the establishment of centralized power in the US, a reading of the above-linked article may prove of great value.

Double YOD, Double Trouble?

Also in the horoscope is a pile-up of YOD energies, a pattern indicating crisis, crossroads, turning point, major adjustments, and/or a special task (aka, a Finger of God configuration) and it is my belief that our beloved America took a wrong turn on March 3, 1951. One YOD involves Neptune 19Lib05 Rx in 5th H of Gambling and Risk-Taking, and the 2nd H Pluto at its base (the Robber Baron planets sextile one another) which points to Jupiter and to NN; plus, an intertwined YOD with Jupiter and NN sextile Moon 18Cap41 (conj 8th cusp 19Cap41--both degrees are implicated in the 3 Great Conjunctions of 1993 of the Illuminati planets, Uranus and Neptune.) These sextiles (Moon w Jupiter, Moon w NN) point to manipulator Pluto in 2nd house thus furthering complexities of the events of 1951 as reflected in the horoscope fo the Fed-Treasury Accord signing...As Above, So Below.

Now there is one midpoint picture from March 1951 which needs mentioning for it involves powerful, super-wealthy and stealthy Pluto (18Leo07 Rx, in 2nd H of Money and the US Treasury in Mundane Astrology.) Slow-moving Pluto, aka, Mr. Underworld/the Syndicate boss or cartel is at apex of this midpoint and would have been in effect for days no matter the hour on March 3, 1951 that the Accord was signed. It denotes Truman's war as well as a generally difficult social and financial atmosphere around the globe...old Saturn = status quo energies and new Uranus = progressive or futuristic concepts...always a brittle combination of planetary energies:

Saturn-Uranus = Pluto: tremendous fear of loss; upheavals to protect assets; rebellion (Tyl): brutality; harm through force majeure; extraordinary efforts (Ebertin.) Any, all, or none may apply. The article above states that Truman was indeed fearful: that Stalin would 'win', and, monetarily. And we know from personal experience what tangled webs are tiresomely woven by the Fed and by the US government which arrogantly and selfishly careened out of control many years ago, and scurries about every day in an attempt to maintain exalted positions of power.

For comparison's sake: Harry Truman born May 8, 1884 4:00 pm CST Larmar, MO; ASC 10Lib31, MC 11Can50; Sun 18Tau39 ("19Tau" = "A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean", a signifier of America and of the one-world-government, or 'NWO' these sorts of 'know-better' Utopian radicals hope to force upon mankind--waging war is one of their favorite expressions of power--and a cash-cow for them to boot--"give 'em hell, Harry" indeed); n Mars @17Leo12 (Mars, the god of war, where NASA's mercurial Curiosity probe lands today); Sun conj Neptune (wearing a mask, this Mason, and similar to having n Sun in Pisces as does secretive Mitt Romney); Pluto @00Gem24 conjs Alcyone (both recently hit by the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20.) Harry's natal Venus in Cancer is America's natal Venus in Cancer, and there's more besides--check out his natal horoscope with rebellious Uranus @24Vir14 Rx (conj US natal Neptune) in the 12th H of Politics and Karma!

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