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Mar 9, 2017

Horoscope of World War I: a Turning Point in History

A Natal Horoscope for World War One

by Jude Cowell

For quick reference Wikipedia provides a Timeline of the war years which include Austria-Hungry declaring war on Serbia on July 28, 1914 (after the assassination of King Ferdinand, a pretext) and this is the horoscope you see here:

Here is an interesting treatment of World War One generals from a British point of view by the BBC: Has history misjudged the generals of World War One? Lions led by donkeys.

March 2017 Horoscopes: New and Full Moons

Image: Dual Horoscopes of the Full and New Moons of March 2017; charts set for Washington DC:

Upper right March 12, 2017 Full Moon @22Vir13 in 5th house of Speculation, Gambling, and Risk-Taking shines its light of awareness upon US natal Neptune (22:25), planet of secrets, cover-ups, fraud, and perhaps even compassion. Virgo relates to health issues and health insurance legislation, employment, military-police-civil service sectors, science and research, book authors and teachers, practicality and methodology.

The March 12th Full Moon is prominent as the 'bookend' of the February 26th Solar Eclipse in the 19 South Saros Series, the Pre-Natal Eclipse series of the White House and of the Democratic Party (February 17, 1801 1:00 pm DC; please note that alternate founding data exists).

Lower left March 27, 2017 New Moon @7Ari37 also in the 5th house (in DC) and times a new cycle of activity beginning in bold Aries, sign of the pioneer, adventurer, quarreler, and those with a lust for power. Hastiness and ruthlessness are the cautions.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes:

Sandwiched between the Full and New Moons of March 2017 is Spring Equinox 2017 on March 20th which emphasizes the March 12th Full Moon as the Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) of Spring EQ 2017.

Venus remains retrograde for the month of March and turns Direct in mid-April @26Pis54, passing her shadow degree ('leaving the shadows') in May 2017.

Refinery29: This Is Why The Statue Of Liberty Went Dark Last Night

This Is Why The Statue Of Liberty Went Dark Last Night

Mar 8, 2017

DC Horoscope: Saturn-Pluto Conjunction January 2020

Here is the horoscope set for Washington DC of the Great Conjunction of restrictive Saturn and powerful Pluto @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020; Moon in Leo and Venus in Aquarius are both unaspected and the Hour belongs to a Capricorn Jupiter strong in its natural 9th house of Philosophy and Foreign Travel:

Saturn conjuncts Pluto in the publicly visible 10th house of Public Status and Career with authoritative Saturn ruling 10th house (MC 18Cap06) and Pluto's Scorpio on the Descendant of Partnerships. The Aries-Libra axis is intercepted suggesting something hidden or karmic in the realms of the 6/12 polarity in relation to alliances, diplomacy, war, police/military forces, and/or health and civil service issues. Chart-ruler Venus makes no applying (or waning) aspects at all so her house and sign positions are emphasized and you see by her degree (28AQ) that US natal Moon in Aquarius has been conjoined recently by Venus which suggests a harmonious period when intuition leads and the cold, hard facts are ignored or bypassed. But with the January meeting of Saturn and Pluto, 2020 will be a year when cold hard facts cannot be ignored or denied and may be forced upon society.

'Facing hard facts' relates to the crisis-ridden 'YOD' (not exactly one since the MC is part of it) that points toward an unaspected Moon @17Leo13 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Creative Pursuits, Romance, and Children. Strain (inconjunct) is upon the people (Moon) and issues from the Neptune-MC sextile which indicates those in authority who influence people and public policy in subtle ways in order to gain their acquiescence and avoid opposition (like they've practiced against us for years with varying levels of success). The Saturn-Pluto conjunction may be the catalyst that further solidifies global corporatists' totalitarian power with Pluto in Capricorn as the dictator, according to Reinhold Ebertin, and of course, Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn is extremely strong but times financial difficulties--though not necessarily for the win-win types). And we have America's first-ever Pluto Return coming up in 2022 to cement the Saturn-Pluto deal of 2020.

As for the Moon as Bucket handle this denotes some level of inspiration and zeal coming from the realms of Leo and identifies those who adapt allegiances where they can count for the most (Jones). A Bucket pattern suggests a cause or a mission to fulfill but is the Moon-as-handle advocating the cause or playing a different or an opportunistic tune? Saturn-Pluto likes to use secret police and military agencies to dominate the public and creates turmoil in traditional institutions especially if they're resistant to change. The duo's affairs are not open to public scrutiny as governmental checks and balances are upset (they already are) and secret preparations are being made for more restriction in the future which is underscored by the chart's Aries-Libra interception with its hidden, secret, or karmic (reaping what was sown) quality.

Upper right is a list of Jupiter's conjunctions with Saturn and Pluto, all in 2020; this chart's Saturn-Pluto conjunction is the first of them and denotes bleakness, brutality, and hard hard work. Also in the 9th house is penned the Pre-Natal Eclipse of this conjunction which occurred on December 26, 2019 @4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series (see lower left). 3 South themes are: traumatic transformation via news received or a short journey taken; sudden endings of relationships, possibly with a young person; this series is deeply emotional with Pluto involved (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Perhaps you recognize this eclipse from the last time it manifested on December 14, 2001 when 'mastermind' Osama bin Laden was (allegedly) tracked to the Tora Bora Caves by the US military, then pouf! he mysteriously disappeared as if he'd never been.

3 South is the Pre-natal Eclipse series of the Discovery of Pluto (Feb 18, 1930) and of the Republic of China. This chart's Earth-Fire (scorched earth!) Sun Cap-Moon Leo blend is shared natally by China's Mao Tse-tung and America's Dolly Parton so let's close with Mao's famous quote:

"Wherever we go, we must we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them."

No thanks.


Bucket info from an old copy of The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation by Marc Edmund Jones.

Mar 7, 2017

Pre-Natal Eclipse of the Clean Air Act repeats Aug 21, 2017

Although I'd forgotten this post from 2010, tonight I ran across it and rediscovered that The Clean Air Act became law under the auspices of the 1 North Solar Eclipse Saros Series and if you were around back then you know how badly our air and the rest of the environment needed cleaning and protecting. And still does. But the Trump administration means to change all that.

Perhaps I'm over-fretting here but the next 1 North Solar Eclipse is being called The Great American Eclipse since it will be visible across the country from Oregon to South Carolina on August 21, 2017 @29Leo. It's such a rare and prominent cosmic event for our nation that no one knows what--or just what--to expect, plus, eclipses act as 'wild cards' of the Universe for they are unpredictably disruptive by nature in similar fashion to astrological Uranus.

Recently in a post I linked the August eclipse's 'Great'ness with Mr. Trump and his propagandistic slogan from the past, Make America Great Again, which some say is really Make America Sick Again...but whatever you do (think some), Make America White Again.

I know not but I do know that 1 North relates on one level to the establishment of the Clean Air Act and now in 2017 the Republicans and their financial enablers have the complete plundering of US resources visibly within their sights and are extremely anxious to pull the trigger.

Related: Are the Republicans Giving Away the Public Trust Land to Corporations? (video report). If so, this must be one of the several sinister activities the constant diversions performed by Donald Trump are intended to hide from public scrutiny. Peep eye!

The Modern Humanity Horoscope and Mr. Trump

Pictured below is the previously published Horoscope of Modern Humanity with scribbles intact if you care to enlarge the image. Modern Humanity's 'birth' time is based on two cosmic factors: the exact moment of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 and the third of three Great Conjunctions of generational planets Neptune and Pluto. Solar Eclipses are not rare, of course, but the cycle of Neptune and Pluto is approximately 492 years in length. And it is rare that an eclipse occurred so close to a Great Conjunction of outer planets!

So here are we 'moderns' in all our bullish, gold-loving Taurean splendor:

The 1892 Total Solar Eclipse @7Tau05 suggests the greed embedded within humanity (Taurus is possessive, greedy, and intolerant on its worst days but it is a sign of Growth). In the chart, you see that the Neptune-Pluto conjunction (which perfected as near as can be told on April 30, 1892) occurred @7Gemini+ which conjoined US natal Uranus (July 4, 1776 Uranus @8Gem55 = freedom, independence, war and revolution!) and that gives us a midpoint picture worth considering (below) yet that isn't why I re-post this horoscope today.

The reason for today's shout-out to Modern Humanity (for which the Great Cosmic Clock restarted during the oligarchic Robber Baron age of exploiters whose biological and ideological descendants continue to plunder the world as I type) is that the hugely Jupiterian-Uranian Mr. Trump has an interesting time link to the 1892 Neptune-Pluto conjunction--and he's something of a 'robber baron' himself with criminal associations of the mobster kind, elements that are also in the Underworld realms of Neptune-Pluto.

Mr. Trump's Prenatal Eclipse (PE), which manifested on May 30, 1946 @8Gem48 in the 2 Old North series, is also his Syzygy Moon since it was the last lunation prior to his birth on June 14, 1946. His PE effects are strong and reveal a prevailing lunar influence which adds to his problematic Moon-South Node conjunction opposing his Sun-North Node conjunction. Yes, his relationships are definitely affected and separations may occur with 2 Old North--and separations may occur with disruptive Uranus, the planet that leads the pack in Mr. Trump's natal chart. And as you know, eclipses are called 'wild cards of the Universe' since their effects (if any!) are completely unpredictable. However, they do tend to uncover inconvenient secrets with fair regularity and we may depend upon their 'themes' to give us a hint of general trends 'running in the background' of society.

Actually, the Uranian Tweeter IS a wild card in a very leaky White House!

Plus, he has other time links to this chart such as evaluating Venus (venal and retaliatory at times) which loves luxury (like gilded NY apartments), and @22Gemini in 1892, Venus falls into the midst of Mr. Trump's quirky Uranus-NN-Sun trio in his 10th house of Career and Public Status. There are other time links between Trump's natal planets and the 1892 chart and I'm certain you can find them if you wish.

Meanwhile, back in April of 1892, the Solar Eclipse @7Tau05 was also of the 2 Old North persuasion and my feeling is that 2 Old North themes of separation, ending of unions, rifts, schisms, and bad news concerning relationships describe the tendencies of Modern Humanity and are emphasized in 2017 with time links because someone thought putting Donald Trump in the White House (and all the other Trumps) was a great idea.

Well, according to the Great Cosmic Clock and the phenomenon of cosmic time links, the idea may have been timely in a sense but for the sake of America as a sovereign and welcoming nation with a decent though flawed reputation in the world, the flaws, rifts, and separations are piling up by the minute--and an non-mandated Trump White House is definitely not a great idea. However, it does disrupt the progressive course we were on...


Midpoint potentials for Neptune-Pluto = US natal Uranus (and Donald Trump's PE degree): impersonal attitudes toward destructive or antisocial activities; going to extremes with drugs (Munkasey) - and drug policies, Mr. Sessions? jc; possibly aberrant behavior; adventurous ego thrust; making waves to get to shore; disruption to gain recognition; courage (Tyl); peculiar discoveries (Ebertin).

Further Reading: Astro-Notes on the Capulus of Donald Trump; Donald Trump's Natal Chart w/ Mike Pence's Planets; The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017.

Mar 6, 2017

Liberal Media and Conservative Media: Controlled Opposition

The following article originally appeared March 4, 2017 on Left Wing Astrology and is written by Kevin Estes who generously shares his views and analysis with the readers of Stars Over Washington:

The Liberal Media and The Conservative Media - Controlled Opposition

by Kevin Estes

In the US today, people tend to get their political news from TV channels and websites that align with their political world views, which are astrological complexes as the research in this blog confirms. There are many different options on both sides, known as the liberal media and the conservative media.

Liberal Media: ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Alternet, Salon, New York Times, Politico, Think Progress;

Conservative Media: Fox News, Breitbart, Drudge Report, Daily Mail, Infowars, Right Wing News, Rush Limbaugh, Wall Street Journal, Godfather Politics, Free Republic.

This is to name a few as there are many more options on both sides. The thing about all these TV channels and websites is that they are all controlled opposition. While the news anchors and authors featured on them generally do have the views they express to us, as shown in their charts that have been analyzed in this blog, these media outlets all have one thing in common:

They never offer changing the system altogether as an option.

Yes, the liberal media outlets will all call for tax increases on the wealthy, and the conservative media outlets will all call for tax cuts and overturning Roe v Wade, but these things will not change the overall structure of the system (I doubt the wealthiest Americans, many of whom are part of the Bilderberg Group, pay any taxes at all). The current system calls for working an average of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 40 plus years (and since people sleep an average of 8 hours a day as well, you're basically consuming for the other 8 hours, whether it's food, water, gasoline, or electricity so that basically, you're living like a battery, and humanity has a much bigger purpose than that) in order to survive, with a sizable portion being taken back by the Government in the form of the income tax, despite hardly working in anyone's best interest except themselves and the corporations that own them.

This all ends around the age of 65-70, when most people physically can't work anymore, and thus they're eligible for retirement when they're no longer useful to the elites. The last election was a result of people waking up to the liberal media, though like I mentioned before, Trump is a smokescreen, and many of the conservative media outlets that endorsed him, most notably Breitbart and Infowars, are also controlled opposition. Real change will not happen unless the current ways of doing things change.

Imagine a society where the media tells the truth, where everyone's needs are met unconditionally without having to be a wage slave, where all political parties have a chance of winning rather than the two that are in on the Illuminati agenda...

The US Pluto return will take place in 2022, and a year later Pluto will enter Aquarius, the sign of truth, technology (expect robots and machines to do a lot of the jobs we do, and cars that drive themselves), equality (not communism, as Aquarius is also the sign of freedom, and the people being born during this era and the young adults in this era will demand it with Pluto and Neptune in Pisces), and even astrology.

All of that will likely happen, along with the unearthing of suppressed truths, such as political ideology being in your birth chart and the asteroid Pallas indicating people's ethical natures (which would be a way for people to determine if their elected officials will work in their best interests, or do things like accept bribes from corporations, be a war hawk, and force their innate world views on everyone as soon as they gain power). Plus, generations and cultural trends are defined by Pluto and Neptune signs (and even Uranus signs to an extent, as Uranus transits do slightly effect the "flavor" of the Neptune sign culture, most notably switching from progressive rock and disco to New Wave when Uranus entered Sagittarius in 1981, despite Neptune still being in Sagittarius), the Moon, ascendant, and inner and outer planet signs being known by everyone along with the Sun sign, and even what really happens when you die (the concept of Heaven and Hell is another way to keep you from being truly free, much like being a wage slave).

The more we know the truth about our own innate natures and have a society that works in the best interest of everyone, the better off everyone will be.

Previous articles by Kevin Estes:

Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return.

Divide and Conquer: The Illuminati Agenda.

Mar 5, 2017

Acrux of the Southern Cross and the Eclipse of Donald Trump

Starry Acrux! The Great American Eclipse Ruffles Mr. Trump and His Warring Mars

by Jude Cowell

Once upon a time the constellation of the Southern Cross was visible in Jerusalem. Was it followed by the Maji as the Star of Bethlehem? Doesn't seem probable to me but then there are several theories as to what that cosmic Star may have been. However, we do know that the three Maji of gold-frankencense-and-myrrh fame were Eastern astrologers and seers who knew what they were looking at and what they were compelled to do: follow its guidance to honor the new king.

The Southern Cross constellation's brightest star is Acrux (Alpha Crux), a triple star that can be used in astrology though my own use of fixed stars tends toward the symbolic side with star positions (sign and degree) aligning in horoscopes with various planets (if they do--conjunctions and the occasional opposition only). Parans between stars and planets (whether rising, culminating, setting, and/or lower-ing together) are often noted by yours truly but are not always mentioned in texts (for then posts would soon become books) and for Acrux this is moot anyway since the star is not visible in most northern hemisphere charts and may not be used at all unless symbolically.

And of course, in Astrology the archetypal symbol of The Cross in essence denotes The Cross of Matter upon which the human body manifests on the earthly plane and when prominent in a horoscope suggests the ability to bring things to fruition, to give them substance (as when Jesus Christ was physically born and died--on The Cross of Matter, the first death). Actualizing one's potential (ex: materialism that leads to financial wealth, success), moving and taking action, and getting things done are keynotes of Acrux.

And we know that, "Fixed stars work through eclipses." (The Book of the Eclipse, Ovason.)

So if we add to a study using fixed stars an intriguing and highly flawed individual like Donald Trump we have a sensational story fit for novelists whom no one would believe if they read them. His natal Uranus in Gemini (he behaves like a Gemini and in fact, is one with natal Sun there) leads all his natal planets from his 10th house of Career. Meanwhile, America's natal 'totem planet' of revolution, Uranus @8Gem55, was activated in 1946 by Mr. Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse when it occurred May 30, 1946 @9Gemini in the 2 Old North Saros Series.

2 Old North's difficult themes include: unfortunate news concerning friendships and/or other relationships, endings of unions, separation issues, and action regarding personal relationships (Predictive Astrology, Brady).

2 Old North last manifested on July 1, 2000 @10Can15 and will repeat on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer during the second year of the presidency of Donald Trump. We may expect 2 Old North themes of separation and endings to express for and through him around that time (whether he still acts as president or not).

Uranian Donald Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse = US Natal Uranus: Sudden Conflicts

It's always instructive to look at the initial eclipse of a series--for Mr. Trump (born June 14, 1946) his 2 Old North series began manifesting @5Can49 (conjunct the future degree of US natal Jupiter!) on June 24, 0792 (OS) giving all subsequent interpretations a lunar cast. 2 Old North ends with a last solar hurrah on July 23, 2036 @29Leo, the same degree as The Great American Eclipse which will be visible from Oregon to South Carolina on August 21, 2017 @29Leo (horoscope linked, below).

The August 21, 2017 eclipse is personally significant for Mr. Trump (and thus for America) for it conjoins (or activates or eclipses) his natal Ascendant and is squished between his rising Mars (26Leo) and Ascendant (29Leo), with royal star Regulus in the mix. Curiously, Trump's Secondary Progressed (and Solar Arc) Sun, originally in Gemini, has recently and symbolically left Leo and entered Virgo--and the precessed position of Regulus is now @00Virgo+ which hints that Regulus is his 'essence' and 'objective' at age 70--if we were to use fixed stars in Progressions! Personally, I think timing issues may be seen through them but use of stars in Progressions is your choice and is frowned upon by astrological tradition.

America Affected

Yet how tragic for America if our nation in need of a competent president and civilian Commander-in-Chief partakes too freely of the archetypal theater in Mr. Trump's life at age 70, that of Regulus reflecting upon him the fatal flaw inherent in this most royal of stars: success if revenge is avoided. For coupled with his aggressive warrior Mars (in proud Leo, the lion), Regulus, star of power and success, gives an ability to lead, yes, but if one takes revenge any greatness will suffer an "eclipse" and consequently bring a "fall from grace."

Such is the potential of Mr. Donald J. Trump. If he manages to avoid the negative caution that attaches to Regulus he may be the first yet considering his petty, perverse, retaliatory, tweeting and insinuating nature, it isn't likely that he can avoid the ultimate consequences of failure though it may seem so for a while. After all, while playing the presidential role, there are many people both hidden and otherwise who continually 'prop him up' in spite of what could, should, or by all rights will, bring him down from high office and plunk him into the shadows.

And America with him.


Related Posts: August 21, 2017 The Great American Eclipse, its shadow up to 70+ miles wide--talk about being followed by a moon shadow!

And with June on the way, here's the Summer Solstice 2017 Horoscope set for Washington DC and showing Mr. Trump's natal planets around the outside. See his first natal planet to rise...

And check this out from writer and astrologer Neil Spencer:

"The most high profile celestial event of 2017 is the total solar eclipse of August 21, whose path cuts across 14 states of the USA, from Oregon to South Carolina; surely a heaven-sent boon to the end-of-the-world brigades (who come in many guises), and the manufacturers of fake news. That almost all the states in the eclipse’s shadow voted for Donald Trump should add to speculation about its meaning; perhaps the Commander in Chief will tweet that he personally arranged it."

Yes, (Uranian-in-Chief) Mr. Trump just may tweet something along those lines if White House staffers fail to keep a phone out of his Geminian hands.

Mar 4, 2017

A Saturn Rx Station and the Rollicking "Trump Rally" Bubble

April 6, 2017 Saturn Stations Rx and Rises with 1988 Uranus in Tow

by Jude Cowell

As I type it's easy to find articles concerning the current stock market, the 'Trump Rally' some call it, which is a bubble of over-evaluation that the US stock market is floating around in, a bubble made to feel right at home thanks to the natal horoscope of the NYSE (1792) with its inflationary speculator pair of Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Libra. So the NYSE is in process of a Jupiter Return as well! Natal Jupiter @22Lib57 Rx; natal Neptune @27Lib42 Rx).

Here's a good article on the Trump Rally and the DOW's bubble if you're curious.

No financial astrologer am I but it is interesting that the Saturn-Uranus pair--the first planet, restrictive, sober, and cautious, the second, progressive, freedom-loving, and futuristic--when blending their energies together in the realms of Economics tends to create "sharp swings before settling on a new track," says expert astrologer Marjorie Orr. What goes up must come down and even Wall Street gentry can't change natural laws.

So all this has inspired me to look at the last (current) conjunction/s of Saturn and Uranus which occur approximately every 45 years, and compare it with transit Saturn's 2017 position here in the first year of Mr. Trump who has recently touted his so-called "Trump Rally" on Wall Street. Yes, Jupiterians tend to take credit where it isn't due. And since he's known for his attraction to gambling casinos, it seems appropriate to include him in this consideration since Wall Street is a gambling casino. So the three 1988 Saturn-Uranus conjunctions fell in the range of 27 to 30 degrees of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius and what seems significant is that transit Saturn is in process of returning to those three degree positions.

Further focus may be found in the horoscope (pictured, below) of Saturn's April 6, 2017 Retrograde Station @27Sag47:29 whic casts a spotlight on the third of the three Saturn-Uranus conjunctions which occurred on October 18, 1988 (with a 2-minute orb). For as you know, stationing planets increase in strength, here is transit Saturn retracing and highlighting its own path at the beginning of the current Saturn-Uranus cycle, and there's a shady "Trump Rally" going on in markets.

Now everyone knows that a Saturn Return is a time of accountability--of confronting past failures, correcting mistakes, and ending situations and alliances that prevent future growth. This is made more necessary by the fact that Saturn is now passing through the NYSE's 4th house, a time of Atonement. Of course, it may be that re-commitment is in order though I suspect that a finalizing period would be more likely considering the Exchange's lack of transparency. Remember when transit Saturn hit and crossed the IC (The Ending; The Drain) of the 4th house (IC @28Sco19) and resulted in the strange episode of July 8, 2015 when trading was suddenly and mysteriously halted due to an "internal technology issue" which "prompted the halt"? If memory serves, the poorly explained shutdown of the DOW lasted from 11:32 am edt to 2:45 pm or so. That was Saturn shutting down the proceedings allegedly due to technology issues of techie planet of and electricity, Uranus.

Plus, traditionally the Saturn-Uranus duo relate to the Middle East particularly to Israel and Palestine and you'll find quite a few such references on a list of Historical Events of 1988 in addition to finances, President Reagan, UK PM Thatcher, Bush 41, the Soviet Union's Gorbachev

, and the SEC fining Drexel, to name a few. Sports and entertainment events are listed as well and of course Donald Trump turns up as well: on July 11, 1988 Mike Tyson hired Mr. Trump as "an advisor." Then on October 26, 1988, Trump presents Tyson with a $2 million bill for 4 months' worth of advisory service. Somewhere between those dates Mr. Tyson smashed a TV camera but it isn't listed whether that little PR stunt was staged on the sage advice of Mr. Trump (aka, John Miller, the mysterious PR guy).

Please enlarge image if you wish to read my study notes:

Pictured above is the Saturn Rx Station horoscope of April 6, 2017 (Washington DC) placing a cosmic emphasis on their cyclic dance which began in 1988 and showing that Saturn and Uranus have reached a harmonious trine (120 degrees) phase of received benefits for groups and organizations if not for one's personal finances. However, lower interest rates are suggested by the trine and tax breaks for certain classes are 'in the air'. Money bags financier and politician Jupiter is Angular and on display upon the world stage but with the opposing Sun at IC (their opposition a time of all show, no substance) and something quirky or untoward is afoot with the Sun approaching radical Uranus (24Ari00) in the 4th house of Real Estate, Mining, etc (with this chart set for Washington DC I continue to 'think Trump' here).

Note: see lower left for the T-Square's midpoint picture between Sun-Jupiter and apex Pluto, a large scale enterprise trio.

Predictably, manipulation is possible for very few people during this time for only those favored with the widest vision may see far enough ahead and behind to take correct or corrective action. 'Those' such as the wealthy, stealthy first house Pluto in Capricorn which is, as you see, intercepted. This hints that something hidden and karmic is involved in the current bubbly affair that Mr. Trump has taken credit for (when he isn't disparaging it)--possibly in a breakdown mode to ready for plutonian transformation. But there's always karma's natural law of reaping what's been sown which can apply to stock markets in general, now that I think about it, although gamblers always tend to want large gains for little effort, no matter the scale of their endeavors.

Don't miss Politico's Trump's 'big fat bubble' trouble in the stock market.

Now because of Saturn's upcoming retrograde period (the very moment of his directional shift you see before you in this horoscope), the latest degree of the Saturn-Uranus conjunction/s is 29Sag55 on February 13, 1988, a critical-crisis 29th degree--but it won't be reached until around December 20, 2017--just prior to transit Saturn eagerly entering its own sign of Capricorn. And as you may know, heavy, cold Saturn when in barrier-loving Capricorn does not tend to favor markets. So let's see as 2017 comes to a close if Mr. Trump takes the credit--or the Saturnian blame--for that.

Related: a quirky Uranian-in-Chief have we in The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017.

Mar 3, 2017

Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2017 w/ Trump's Planets

Last year the Summer Solstice horoscope showed difficulties and many folk would agree that the 2016 campaign and election were trouble enough for their oddities, insults, hacking, falsehoods, exaggerations, intolerance, and overly Republican outcomes. Now it seems that our Republic is being tipped off its rails to a point of chaos, some say, so let's look ahead to the horoscope of Summer Solstice 2017 (set for Washington DC) to see if perspective can be gained concerning our nation's summer season until Autumn Equinox (aka, the Libra Ingress) rolls around in September.

Actually, a Spring Equinox (Aries Ingress) horoscope represents an entire year as a stand-alone chart or as a 'natal chart' for a given year with the year's equinox and solstice charts compared as transits to it. That's if one wants a fuller view and has a considerable amount of time, determination, and the software to effect it. But let's trudge on to June...

And note that Summer Solstice 2017 falls within the purview of the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse in the 19 South Saros Series while Autumn Equinox 2017 will occur after The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the problematic 1 North Saros Series (August 11, 1999's 'The Mother of All Eclipses' that influenced the current Age of Terror, and the New Millennium. As you know, eclipses provide background influences within the Collective and often bring a disruptive 'wild card' Uranian flavor of unpredictability, new elements or trends, revelations of secrets (via leaks and otherwise), disruptions, and/or sudden changes of direction to the proceedings.

A colorful chart, yes, but hopefully you'll enlarge the image and read my study notes for not all can be discussed in this text; Mr.Trump's natal planets are in blue around the outside of the chart; two US natals from July 4, 1776 are penned outside the horoscope, too, but are not colorfully highlighted--US natal Moon conjoined by transit South Node (tail of the dragon) in the 12th house of Karma and Politics, and US natal Saturn in mid-Libra once again hit by transit Jupiter, a period when restrictions or limitations may be partially lifted.

As you see, nebulous watery Neptune rises denoting on its worst day, large issues or catastrophes that bring tears to many eyes. Through its own sign of Pisces, Neptune is proving its importance within the Collective Unconscious that it encompasses with its 12th house association and rulership of shady Pisces. Chiron is in 1st house, too, and brings its mentor-ship when in Pisces along with its wounding/wounded-healer qualities that the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces can appreciate. Is this first-house picture a view of the Republicans' Obamacare 'repeal' that dis-insures millions of Americans?

Well, Neptune is one of the loss-bringer planets and was sitting atop US natal Moon when the ACA (Obamacare) was signed into law on March 23, 2010 giving the law a very iffy basis for its existence. For me, the GOP stance and arguments against Obamacare would have slightly more credibility now if they hadn't worked so hard to undermine it from the first. The ACA is a "failing law" they say, and they should know since they worked for years to make that happen.

Okay, many more chart factors are worth discussing and maybe we can do that later. For now, here's a view of the Summer Solstice chart with Donald J. Trump's planets scribbled around it and his quirky leading planet Uranus the first of his natal planets to rise in the chart. Looks like it's going to be a chaotic Uranian summer. Meanwhile, we can expect Mr. Trump to get in lots of golfing as the weeks go by. No worries on that score.


You may also wish to see: Summer Solstice 2017: Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus.

Edit March 4, 2017: heads-up on a new addition to the sidebar to your right - a link to an article concerning America's famous (or infamous) Manifest Destiny: Doing the Unsavory Work of God.

Feb 28, 2017

As Trump Pushes for Historic $54B Military Spending Hike, Which Programs Will He Cut to Pay for War?

Here's Democracy Now! reporting on Mr. Trump's address to Congress tonight (2/28/17) which begins at 9:00 pm ET with big fat Jupiter (the General; the Financier) retrograde and rising, opposed by combustible Mars and progressive Uranus in Aries, and squared by powerful gold-hoarding Pluto in Capricorn (as is Trump's natal Jupiter @17Lib27):



Will funds be forthcoming once moneybags Jupiter Stations Direct on June 9, 2017? Jupiter stations @13Lib12 conjunct America's natal Saturn (14Lib48) denoting a partial lifting of restrictions and/or responsibilities, and the potential for reward or recognition given for hard work and careful planning.

The current Cardinal T-Square's midpoint pictures with Pluto apex suggest potentials for: a sudden change in financial conditions, extreme efforts to produce change, people who tackle large projects or enterprises, and the really big picture (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl).

Feb 27, 2017

Feb 28, 2017 Trump Addresses Congress as Jupiter Rises

Here's What to Watch For When Trump Addresses Congress Tuesday night, February 28, 2017. Too soon for a State of the Union Address, Mr. Trump has a lot to say and will likely use his air time to bypass Washington and speak directly to the American people. Will American Rhetoric ever have it so good?

Meanwhile, Democrats in 30 states are rebutting Trump's efforts.

And CBS gives 9:00 to 10:30 pm ET as the time frame during which we may be treated to a second speech written by Stephen "the president will not be questioned" Miller, the first being his dystopian 'inaugural address' dumped upon us by Mr. Trump in January. Miller's second speech is said to be more...light, and perhaps so with jolly Jupiter Rx but rising at 9:00 pm and Mr. Trump's natal 2nd house trio of Neptune Rx, Chiron, and Jupiter stationary direct in Libra having just risen as of 8:00 pm.

If we hear the word "fair" as in, "it's not fair!," or hear calls for fairness from Mr. Trump we'll have heard his Jupiter in Libra. Thing is, Mars and Uranus, a combustible and activist pair, met in conjunction on Sunday evening (2/26) and still oppose transit Jupiter (Democrats?) while Venus and the Moon (the public) are conjoined at a critical degree (12 Aries) and will oppose Jupiter shortly. Safe to say that the concept of 'moderation' may not be in evidence during Mr. Trump's non-SOTU address although it will be received quite favorably by the public (Moon-Venus) who voted for him. (Received favorably at least until Jupiter is opposed by Venus but this won't occur until May, thanks to a Venus Rx period when begins March 4th @13Aries).

Manipulatively, there's wealthy stealthy Pluto @18 Capricorn, the POLITICAL POWER degree in the Sabian Symbols with its "smug or strong-armed paternalism' expression (Jones) sitting directly upon the Uranus-Neptune (global government) conjunction/s of 1993. Has Mr. Trump yet received Pluto's 'command' about the only course of action available to a US president, a command that 'must be followed' for the sake of 'the big picture' of world domination?

Well, transit Pluto conjoins a critical-degreed IC (20Cap) (The Foundation; the HOW? Point) and squares (blocks) the Moon, Venus, Mars, Uranus...and Jupiter, the broadcaster, General, corporatist, religious leader or guru, politician, and the promoter of hugeness that now inhabits the Oval Office. Which voices will we hear from Mr. Trump in his first address to a Joint Session of Congress? All of them? Possibly since astrological Jupiter can play many roles including The Actor. One thing is for certain: whatever words we hear, we can count on the Jupiterian Mr. Trump to again review (Rx) his overblown, over-promising, gilt-edged qualities and ring them forth across America's airwaves.

But with the Sun (leader) conjoining nebulous Neptune in shady Pisces (a sign ruled by Jupiter) his usual bluster will be necessary in order to blast his wonderfulness through the Neptunian veil and project self-confidence and a much needed sense of authenticity which the Sun-Neptune conjunction reveals is lacking.

Communicating Mercury (speakers and speeches, speech writers, reporters) is also in secretive Pisces and at an interesting degree so let's close with its symbol from Dane Rudhyar, rounded up:

Mercury '6Pisces': "A Parade of Army Officers In Full Dress." Is this a secret message from Stephen Miller, speech writer extraordinaire?


Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator (Ebertin).